THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. July 20, 1899 f ECONOMIC DISCSSION Were I to treat this subject exhaust ively I should be compolkd t oupy too much space. Yet I sometimes Jeel that iUoh esbaustlve consideration of the subject from my standpoint 1 new, ary la order to a clearing of the way (or the greater reforms eo urgently needed by the iople throughout the clrlllwd world; not that my suggestions could have such wide Hsct, but the neod le urgent for a wide discussion of every phaMof the reform question from every standpoint. My discussion will, there fore, be rather suggestive than complete: and I shall boil down my point as much as possible. I. The chief causa of Industrial distress and the killing struggle for existence among the millions today le the partial monopoly of Ji be means of production and th complete monopoly of all the means of distribution, by the already wealthy. ; 2. The over-mastering power of mon opoly is due, not alone to denial of sil ver free coin age. but to the existence of all of the wonderful and hitherto un known Improvements In machinery and transportation facilities, including the transmission of intelligence; and the con trol of all these by the wealthy, for the first time in the history of the world, manual labor and muscle hare taken a back seat and the machine bus taken their place. This would be highly benellcent exoept for tbe fact that: 8. Tbe already wealthy own the ma chine and thereby secure the chief and much largest advantage from modern Improvements and Invention. This is a new factor in the industrial world. It was never so before. Improved machin ery would be a great blessing to human ity if this were not so; and and under a system of equal distribution, or just distribution, cue won a win yet euioj great blessings from tbe use of all im proveinenU in macbinirry and transpor tation. 4. Ownership of the machine results In wealth owning tbe labor of the artisan. 6. Whoever owns ths labor of the pro ducer owns him, for all practicable pur , poses. 0. Ths other factor in tbe problem Is foaud in ths control of legislative and administrative affairs by organized wealth whereby special privileges are abtained. Illustration of both propositions: Oo Jon 17, IBM, L. M. Rockwood, an oil producer ol Zeliuople, I'a., was on the witness stand befors tbe industrial coin misnion engagnd in the investigation of tbe (Standard Oil company and among other things be said, substantially: in its war against independent oil refiners ths Standard Oil Co. bad an arrange ment with tbe railroad companies where by ths general public paid 91.00 pur barrel freight on tbe oil, while the com pany paid only thirty five cents. This saving to the company enabled It to make a profit of 400 per cent and so destroy competitor. la l years five trunk line of railroad paid ba:k to tbe company the sura ol 9(1,000,000 la re bates on freight charges. He said, further, that all railroads in tbe country were practically in one trust and that they. were in control of politics contributing millions to sleet legislators and Judges, lis made tbe charge that a New York judge bad been elevatod to the court of appeals by tbe corporations through the uss of a corruption fund, because of bis action in a certain case between ths railroad combination and the oil refiners. Huuh combination were not possible Mir fears ago. Mucn opportunities lor controlling courts aid not exlttt in this country Uity years ago. Wealth has seized upon invention and Improve ments and Is using them with a mighty 1 power to enslave labor and to pocket an unjust snare of tue production o! lu bor. 7. Tbe closing of the mints to silver was ouly one of the many monopolistic measures seised upon by n to c tablisb its dominion tbe mors firmly. Tbe evil of "deinonetizutiun," so called lies in its monopolistic feature. Hy lens ening the supply ol primary money It is easier for wealth to control the world's money; and tins was the purpose of It. 8. To cut off free silver coIuhk wus no greater svil than for . governments as . widely to confer mouey creating posers noon banks. A quarter ol the world s Uiouey Is pap r, a third of it would under IreecoinaK of silver and gold, be silver. To the intent ol this one-quarter: it is Juat s tuUcbievoU to deli ante to the banks the power to creeje money ns lor ths ustion to shut out silver from lb tniuts to that extent. It Is simply question ol ths bask control ol the world s money. 0. The iiionoKly el the world's nuv rbinery ami trauortatton jrtms by wealth is a tar grvuti-r evil thna lb si elusion of silver Irom free coinage, Im- cauaei 1. puio uioiiojxiijr oestrojs com petition sad create truai and font bines. V. rittfh inoitoml,v opiirrews U Ur ssd rUM elnkes and turns mil lions out of swtployiiM'ut, 8. Utah, num wpuly rrnulslM pfodaetioa ad a ixru, vm more thus the supply til money InllaeHiiMi tire, to. To rwtWire silr to Ires coIum would rstMi prm aa uur tsaa abuttl 1 1, r silfM reetore.1 to Irwa eola Og the (taw iu rK tHili laerwas Ik valla of the a uoossiree; as4 Ike trust aad stiuibise would skara la this ia rra a4 lhrby ttar por Mould be tataa4, 14. M.I Ui as alalia w as I son IfAtte Ike isi litis asl lHtirovuteu la iMhOMrf a 4 lrurUHHi 11 stll nu)at rilis fruta Ue toil, and tiibr ibe tree rtiiuaaacl eur ik tsxrMot ta mioji sepiiy by wilier nte ul lejtns am a fees 4ali. traeis asl suatttieaa or the par 01 kbiiii , tor rlw la aev s(trmsbk Wr Is aJsvvff of ths totwf, II. tls m iMtrisl W war alovvrsutxsl lodonsosa tsmg u4 a, bM all iee oy sjui eslktilwa s)lsi ot bask for the tuNiple, o Iw wea4 as4 ojwwied by lb govmert s It Is ki ip lb ssiata Iw )r Miver. all thni r s sessary aa4 ll will 4 laesx ail t eVstrHf Iks ao tlJy. 1 4, first ia liHifUw stands lis V mikI a prlt tawrat goeta west wkema Ik peufb skalt ia vaet ruia, tte4itWeoMietf lilt 0akt ta bs awide fc 4irwt hfta. ttais tti rt in baltl aaarwiwJ, Tbta waHi, duwt apbtiiot wwtj b a ktbsssa, s Ks Jtortsasra fits, a Catling gun and a Maxim repeater all in one. with It we could batter down all opposition and set np the standard o( true reform with certainty of vie- tor, . . 15. But, lastly, when tbe enemy shall be defeated we must build our walls ol defense noon a revolutionized Industrial system, wherein tbe man, not tbe dollar, shall stand first In Importance; wherein the weak cannot be crushed to death un der tbe beel ol tbe strong in ths fierce struggle for existence; wherein the whole nation shall stand for a Inst distribution to all toilers of tbe wealth created by them; wherein tbe man, shall be lifted above tbe machine, not made its slave, wherein every line of business naturally monopolistic shall be operated by tbe whole people for the good of all. . ,W. L. Hand. Kearney, Neb. The Independent does not endorse all that Its correspondents sny, by any means. Its pngs are an opon forum for the discussion of economics and politics, It lota every man have bis say, Dy means of honest argument we will at last arrive at the truth. Tbe editor of the Independent denies the truth of No. 11, and the latbtr part of No. 13 in tbe above article. Iu what does the wealth of (he of the vastly rich consist? Is it not almost wholly made of written con tract to deliver "money" at some future time? From what source do tbey draw their enormous Income? Is It not wholly from Interest upon these promises to pay bonds, mortgage, etc. that that income Is derived. Who pays this interest? Tbe producer In every case. It the crops fail for two year and no Interest will be paid by any one and no income will be gathered In by tbe wealthy. How do tbe producer pay this interest? By selling the pro duct and buying money with tbem. Now if it requires ouly half a much products to buy the money to pay this interest, will not the remainder stay in tbe bands of tbe producer? That will not "In crease the wealth of tbe millionaires' but roduoo It one-half. That will In crease tbe wealth of tbe producers and reduce tbe wealth of the millionaires, If prices are doubled It will only require one-half as much of ths products ol labor to pay tbe Interest as It does now. riie way to double prices Is to double tbe rolume of money In circulation by the free coinage ol sliver or Issue paper money. If ths free coinage of silver would "in crease ths wealth of tbe millionaires," why do tbey all object to it? An tbe millionaire so stupid that tbey do not know what Is for their own Interests? Or are tbey philanthropists wbo fight tbe free coinage of ilver (or ths benefl of tbe poor and at their own loss?" It will be well for Mr. Hand to read tlx "Appeal to tbe Clergy," by the econo mist Del Mar, COLLEGE BOYS' CHANCE With a view to encouraging graduate of colleges receiving aid from tbe United Btates to pursue post-graduate studie. Mating to agriculture, tbe secretary o agriculture has addressed tbe following letter to the presidents of all agricul tural colleges: United Bta'es Department of Atrricul ture, Ollloe ol the secretary, Washington, I). C June 27, 19,-I) Hir:-Ln my annual report to the president for 18'JM I snnouuoed my Intention of affordiri opportunities for graduates ofngrkml tural coHeices to pursue post gradual' studies in connection with work in tlx M'leutifla divisions of this department a !ar as practicable. In pursuance of thlf policy I have made an arrangement with the civil service communion lor tin rcuirttrutioa of the Kraduates of college receiving the benettts of grant of land or money Irom tbe United Ntntea, who may do-. ire to enter the service, of the il. partiuent ns "scieutitlo aids" on tin terms stated in the notice of tbe com mission herewith Inclosed. Iteeemsto me eutirely approprlah that the national government should aid ths Institutions lo which it bos al ready so btriHy given financial sukjn in Hi preparation ol their graduates foi IMtSt of UNelulltKM in this dettttrtllietil or la the state Irom a bleb they eoaie, ixNH'lally as iuveatigstors nud tesher along eeicntitU' lines. hoie, therefore. that the inort sli'ch 1 am uow not kins iu this direction kill be but a betiinuiii ol ths ois-uing up of opportunities lot Kradusttstud at the nstlonsl ctpui lo tiioM 01 your graduates who are r uvlelly fit I o da high grdnntin work. II will of eouMebe uuderatiHMi that under rwel etnditions ths W pitrtmeut ran admit onli a Very Mmtlmt number of scieiiiille aids. Our dunhm UlOhMM Irom the eligible rvgistrt IhiHNi irrous b.aturttWIi Ibebralrti- diM ol having ir'ullrly goi quslill saIiohs I r siding Is lb aorl d lb d iMsiliuettl now In prttgrtws. Isilrud ing this noiH mil you kdly riplsis lu your flrwdust the seowniy of lug rleif MI full eUleittelil ol Iheif StUlMloest esd iUHli tiou la Sw'Mi liswe til . 1 rrvHin.h s rssrl 11 apdmit Ulsslis snd tiihw sii lers eouswtAl aittt regilrtMi alomid be led ifiHupll alia Iks ritil setvb vooiHiiMttia, DISCUSSING POLITICS TV Miosis fepKt 4 a fjMditbml dis rwskt MW a Hia a4 t rptiblleB Ufa ks m at lor biwiitt TW kia-lol eosrsUoM are ury itrevaisat aoasJajrs; fop. Hfctda skik aWat k mil Htv. I thlal It was all ariU o la Ik first pies W wer lutm! lata Ik at alii Yui aks m dl4 k waat aay war a all. I. I'ds'l Ik re uWisksv alak ! 1 oar )ialbwai sWIanag Ikat tub lk li b Irws, aal oa tkk issas ws tWvtvd to uAm, Wsa thai kf 10 rforwlUi(oaarikke fUtpiaoat R. Yes, we were forced into the wer with the Filipinos. Dewey went down to Manila Bay and suuk tbe Spanish fleet without anv orders and as Dewey is a democrat you see wbo is responsible lor this war. P. Didn't McKinley order Dewey to go and hunt tbe Hpanisb fleet and sink it, and now you say he did it without or ders. Didn't tbe president tell Dewey to stick to bis post until he sent blm rein forcements? It. Oh, you are inconsistent on thl point and would like to throw all tin blame of this war on tbe administration when you know we wore forced Into war with the negroes. We didn't want to fight but we had to or be branded es cowards. ' P. Ho yoa were forced into war with the Filipinos. 1 don't see who forced the administration into war with them. There Is no act of congress that we know of that declared war against the negroue In tbe Philippines. II. Oh, you don't talk with consisten cy. You would like to pat all tbe blanm of this war upon the republican part.v now when tbe war was forced on us. and we as a party can't help it and we wouldn't il we could. IV That Is just what we expeted you would do, try to throw tbe blame of tin war on the democrats. They didn't tell Dewey to hold his position. You administration fellows have an elephant on your" bands and you don't know bow 10 gel rid ol u oiid lioni jour u. ft. You pop are always finding fau with what the republicans- do, Y blow about the big trusts like if we cou' help it, when you know we are opposei ro the trusts and expect to have a plank in our platform against them, P. You say you are opposed to trust If that is so why don't yoa stop then ion have president, congress and coun ind then you suy yon are opposed 1 'run, wby don t you do somethh instead of talking so mneh ,h. i? - WHAT FOOL POPS SAID, Enclosed find P.O. order for 9100 to pay for subscription from MnylO, ij. My eyes are sore looking (or prosperity which I am now able to barely sight through the clonds of war, lusnin bond and starving; m wtu. which gave our farmers an advance o breadstuff and other circumstance, e ol which increased tbe circulation!; of money just as tbe darned fool pops always claimed, butthe reoction"will come when we bars to pay the war bonds, principle and interest, and has already set iu since starring nation are raising their own bread that ho brought wheat down to the old Cleave- land price, under tbe' Mark ilanua ad ministration. Uod save tbe country or it will go down like unto old Home and from, tbs same cause tbe enslaving ol toe people tbrongn the corruption of tb money changers yon are able to k v hOtsbot. B. N. ClKAVELAND, ' ' Fremont, Neb. WHAT TO DO WITH 1 WOOL This is a question that confront tbe wool grower tip I he Mrm-r who s ..beep, with groat regularity year afti r year. It Is pi..ri,, ..1 ,i,ra thau -dlnary importance too, being one t applies more directly to this crop than any product "of the farm. Tbe grain goes to tbe elevator; tbe llvs stock to tbe local buyer, etc., but wbot to do with the wool Is indued a puzzling Ques tion. Most persons who have wool to sell know that there are in all large cities persons or firms who will take ami are anxious to secure wool under anv conditions; firms wbo agree voluntarily to pay all sorts of prices and who agree to sort, grode, store and sell wool for almost no commission. Many peisons, however, know from sad experience, that most of these so called wool commission firms earn ineir places 01 business around undei their bats; they have no established place of business, no facilities for band, ling, and practically do business stand ing or rating. We are justified In thee, statements by complain ts which we ban rceid la the past. Ws may say lor ths benefit of our readers wbo have wool to market, how ver, tUt there are firms in this countrt sbo are respoueibl that are engaged li ths wool commlitelon bUNlnens. Men whohave devoted lb whole of their bui nese lives to this ons line. Men wbo an entirely above reproach In A limine, ense and who by their honesty of pur Mie and lMir dealing with patrons bar. built np an enormous trade, Men wbo by their long eipvrienc and lliuo! erqiia lat am sud hasiuees relation with woolen manufacturer ran do Im you Ihings which you eould aot potsibh hois to do loryourlve. rfutb a arm r the Miltwrmaa Bruit, eroMHM wbo by ertsat effoil boai-stj of iurMM au. buiDlta rtty hv built ap id rKw wool WUsios hnOM in IU we, TV hst ampU laeilitiea Itir etorege andampt capital lo bol.l asdrarry four woo nalil a lnvorstifs opp,.riuly (.ff..s hi iSg It. Tkrir rottiniUMKiss br ! rv w ere as low as art sMtat will itM bM'il.tUs they afford asd good bt " rltelb .Mr wh4 eeva tar whirh will lr.i oa fmi, iHfcawU a ''I 'rk "dilU id lha htsrkela, 1 aieaikia Ibis pa la writisg, RENEWED HIS LEASE .wltiM4 pbuMs s4 ssosey orWf to reaea aty latMaa tk Ims sm mi. MtMka or aay tilo ststa. ksv- ireesba. Iter h-via Us start a Ikat atufaat aal as slid M gov rnoal tuas i4 at ssoaty aal d m 1 bibb Ikst lavaa 4i lrwtuasi skoaw Um aHl at la lb fMg aMaiB flM lrwt a4 iiasekia savaU w 4-aia4 ai4 as4 toag, a atf aMt ry ta Ik eoatua rasspaisja wa bsv ol ItxMa aay oas al b..t aol4 ial Iba tJd rvta g hii r ata4Mia, I iklal lbs Utr aWnt I twite a4 I IhtSl Ik IsdefsadMtit k tbieturwal Itwat all la br tr Woa. IM gtva Ik4 wli y kaa w a. ts ttsrl. ?.b, MERRITT MAY BE SENT BACK A Possibility of the Superseding of General Otis. PRESIDENT CONSIDERING IT, As PfMldeat's Beeeat Ooaferenee WUh the VoraM Commander at Msnlto IUeaU4 Mo VloUtlon of Military Frseaaeat I lovolved. VVAJHIHOT05, July 10. The Presi dent is said to be considering the ad visability of sending Major General Merrltt to the Philippines to succeed General Otis in command there. The strong light thrown upon the conduct of tbe campaign by the statement of the correspondents, it is thought, es tablishes that General Otis has not comprehended the real situation in the Philippines and that the Pres ident should send another ofllcer to conduct tbe campaign when the rainy season terminates. When Gen eral Otis was sent to the Philippines It was subordinate to General Mer rltt, one of the three major general of tbe regular army, and a most ac complished soldier and skillful gen eral. Public exigencies required Mer rltt to leave Manila to attend the ses sions of the Paris peace conference, and thus General Otis was put in command. ' In addition to Merrltt are Major General Miles and Major General Brooke. These three officers outrank Otis and there would be no violation of military precedent or usage if one of the ssnlor officers should be sent to relieve General Otis. It will be recalled that General Mer rltt was invited here a few days ago and that he had a conference with the President There are intimations that one of the objects of this confer ence wa to consider the proposition to send Merrltt back to tbe Philip pines to command the reinforced army. ' NEEDED TO CONVICT DREYFUS feterhasy Bays tba Forsery Took the yiao of MlMlof Kvldeaee. Pabis, July 19. Tbe Matin pub lishes a statement from Count Ferdi nand Walsin Esterbazy, in which he says that be wrote tbe bordereau by order of Colonel Sandberr, and that it was sent to tbe house of Colonel Schwartzkoppen, then military at tache at the German embassy In Paris, whence it was returned to the war of fice, v Colonel Schwartzkoppen, bolng at the time in Berlin, never saw the bordereau, which was forged In order to supply material proof of the guilt of Dreyfus. The statement contains tbe asssrtlon that secret agents in Berlin, whose testimony It was impossible to use, bad demonstrated that leakages bad occurred in tbe war office, and the fact that trsason existed was nndenla able and everything indicated Dreyfus as the traitor. All the war ministers, the statement further says, know tbe facts and thought tbe forgery of tbe bordereau necessary, ine enaence implicating Dreyfus were the words ol Colonel Schwartzkoppen' mouth. General Mercler, General DeUolsdeffre and General God so knew that the borde reau was forged and that Dreyfus was Illegally but justly convicted. DEAD IN AN OHIO COLLISION. rbrae Mas Klllad oo the Nor fold 4 Waatarn Tha Caoaa Mol Known. Portsmouth, Ohio, July 19. A head n collision between passenger train ) ,1IA a III1! vui WU( U W WV III s V. on the Norfolk & Western railway to day at Haverhill The dead are George Sloan, Coal Grove, freight en engineer) George Egbert, Portsmouth, pnanrnger flreman; , rernnger, Kenova, flagman. The wrack occurred in a heavy fog ou a short curve west of UavsrhllL lloth trains were running at high speed, The two engines, twenty freight cars and the baggage and sv press cars wr wrecked, Tbe cam of the accident ha not been deter mined. Car (Tows, July 19. Ceetl Khodea, formerly premier of tap Colony, ar rived bar to-day. 11 ws welenated t a raeatillon eucn lull tea of inflsvo tlsl eUlsea, a t ham4 as be pawed thruugU the street. Mssy r ins bultdUf of Capetown ware duaU4 with baatlaa. aa4 ia frval of tfc taw a kali a big erob b4 tmaa rt4 beariaf the wordsi "WaUHima, Ursat lloaaar, tapatowa-Calro, Sllaa4 MUaaa t feat tkwrr, Kaa, Jaly li, -Tb faUil aoart W- Uy rsf 4 to dt salve tbe Miae Wet hr' aaia At the ttt f tb aal evatr-aal " lsa4 aa Isjasstioa asiatt tbs sUa steeattv board U ttatrsia It trass tsUff arenas with tbs stiihsr. bt ituM the Hiaf the tijht af sad argaauat ta I4m m ta juia tbaaa tsniy taa iMlaM. Wa ttiUs4 PtLviaoaa, Jalr -a a.is4 tla tsi tbe t'ai ti bay b. aaab f the tUl Watata A IMiU ralitead m laiia.t tvday at MtabMta t hear thU etly. lffta lUaew was bliM a4 r Hhada atightly lahtr4 Maa f tbe aaf wra U jarat Htm Taa. Jaly t i awlasa aaiaVtaaUa wtia a Hl t I1-' aa.ft la tatlaf la thi Hf. The Ufa at tha are ssawtlf aWetaatt lealsra KRUEGER FOR CONCESSION. The African War Cloud, It 1 Thought, I Blowing Orar. London, July 19. The general trend if news from South Africa points to a peaceful settlement of existing diffi culties there. Pbetobu, July 10. The volksraad resumed a discussion of the franchise bill at its session to-day. The trend of tbe debate favored seven .gears' retrospective and prospective fran chise. Replying to a question, President Krueyer reviewed the Bloemfonteln conference and said that the proposals of Sir Alfred Miller of Cape Colony and the British high commission of South Africa were too wide, but that alterations from nine to seven years was only a slight dif ference and for reason of honesty he recommended the alteration, which would meet the English objections. The country, be added, would not be endangered thereby, but would gaiw the applauso of the world. , a Oroirta of a a.uoo la tbe Maeoabaai Pobt Huron, Mich., July 19. The eighth biennial review of the supreme tent, Knights of the Maccabees, opened this mornlntr with 65 delegates in attendance. Tbe report of the su-' preme commander shows a net in crease in membership during the bi ennial period of 43,435. !IU Wife Stupaoted. Ekib, Pa., July 12. Clarence A. Shattuck, one of the proprietors of a billiard room at Four Mile Creek, near here, was shot and killed early yes terday morning and his body placed on the tracks of the Erie motor line. Ills wife, Ella Shuttuck, is locked up in the Erie police station, charged with murdering him. V Troopt for South Afrle. London, July 19. The Londor Dally Graphic this morning publisher a rumor that a battalion of the Scoti guards and a battalion of grenadier have been ordered to the Cape. Heir DIM Harrow, Grain Drill .andbroaffcaalSwdM-. ThrowlM th earth all ona war, HaTolutUmleai ths aMtboS of eadlp,aUitwlailnriii thabarraM, US. If. M..IL. Vtnx i.fl 1. In H. H. Plow.. IK. In 0loj.Kitmll.Wj, T. Iar Harrw. mjn aiowan a'oi.w, nioiiui ,""t 'K'" H.r Bal f," - VJ'!nXl "5 Harnaiw. Hw!n Machlna,l!anaanaorlrMlll,llar Toola and UNJOothnrtlilniM atonabairdlar-ricMi. Catalogna fa. t , ' "." BEE KEEPER'S SUPPLIES. We want every bee keepei to seud for our 1809 Cata ioirue. TRE8TEU BDP- '.'1,1 aj , ioa A, 11th St., Uneoia, Nsb. ncv Pe-e-s, SI for 13 ESTABLISHED 1878 thos. Mcculloch, DEALER IN Hides, Wool, Pelts Etc. 917 Q Street, Lincoln, Neb. DR. O.C. REYNOLDS, SURGEON. lincoln.INeb Headauarters for Good Lumber at low prices. F. w. BROWN 7th&OSt..UOCOLN.NEa H ru If pisikoiis. A chante to tuve Home inonry x)ul cartl, auking lor Ciulubjim anl PrUfi Ciooil itandittl new Organ $4! tml U, 0!atni2ii$j. www licc!3 (tatrstts C-3 pn UUlVltll CATARRH Catarrh of the b0Wthx be- most Prevalent t the summer months, istalltd summer catarrh. I tsurprlncs many that bowel trouble is catar rhal. Dr. Hurtrnan'a books make this plain. Write to the Pe-ru-na Mo.iutnn rvi rnlnmbus. 0.. for them. for them, and bow ' catcd. J UVSVUW waf . They tell all about catarrh and bow. Pe-ru-na cures it wherever iocateo. "I had chronic-diarrhoea for fifteen years," writes , Mr. T. K. Milh-r, Grand Prairie, Tex. "I tried many medicines and doctors in vain. At last Pe-ru-na was recom mended, and it relieved and cured mo at once," Mr. John ltartlng, 633 Main St., Cincinnati, O., writes: "My wife and myself took your J'e-ru-na for chronic Aiar rlura and it cured us. No doctor or medicine we tried before helped us." i Mr. Edward Wormock, Ledbetter, Tex., writes: i Hn-.Mi.rxi fur dowel troubles is unequalled ' JA by anytning in my ex-iM-rlcnce. 1 owe my llf to Pe-ru-na. and W. shall always recom mend it to thrwe suffer inir aa I was." Mr. John Edgarton. 1030 Third Ave., Altoona, Pa says: "I suffered from dysentery for three years I took Pe-ru-na and am now well." Certificate of Publication. OYTKt OF Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. v Unroln, r.broarr 1, 18N. IT IS hGBRBT CKHTiriED, Tbst ths Manhattan Fire Insurance Cy of New York, in the State of New York, has eomplla4 with tha Ioaorasr Law of thk Btata asd Is satborliad to traoaaot tha bnloaa of firs sod Tornado Iosaranc Is this State for tb enrraet year. : Wltna mr band and tha anal of tha Auditor of I'ubllo aoeonot tha dsr sod jraar abora Wflt t. J. t, COH VELL, (sl) Auditor p, a. Certificate of Publication. orncB or Auditor of Public Account. State of Nebraska, Llseols, Fabrosrr 1. 1M. IT I8.BEHEBT CERTIFIED. Tbst the Hartford Life Insurance Co., of Hartford, in the State of Connecticut,, fcaa Mnnll vl.1, ,1. - T , . , u . A. III.I..I.U.M l Ikl. J- - . 1. - v. naiiv awvwi. ... uaj hu Br BUOTa WT1V- tn, J. F, CORNELL, St.) Aodltor V. A. Certificate of Publication. ' M DmI.H. , . k. . A I . orric or Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. I.innulD, Nabraaka, Jana , lnv. IT IS 1IKHKBY CEIITiriKI) THAT4TUK Eastern Insurance Company, of New York, in the State of New York. IMaonpllad wltk Iba lu.uraai-a Law nt this Itala sad la aaiborlaml tu Ii.ii iha kuiu. of rlra sad Toraado laairaaia la lata Stale for ia tarraat ;ar. Haaa mr baad sad tha aatl ol tka .IHoJ m raiiiia Awaata Iba dajf aad aar ainra arh i, f. run m.i 1. Certificate of Publication. o run or Auditor of Puttie Accounts. Sum of Nctrmi. I lawla, Rabraaa. aa ft, IM. IT l iiisi trstirun tiur Tiia Northern Iniurancc Co., of k V' -f. 2 .k C.-. . . icw uuh, 111 iiic oiaic u of iNcw ork, Siai ISM'ki'll4liwMl IhabawaMa , Tmu4 laaaraaaa is Itna Siaia t Ik iaral ir, Uaa af kaad a4 (M aW at Ike " 44 aad a at a tt, 4, Mt'HUU lH a f, a. OfMBrtMlITik Is lkalaai ia a4 I aa-ata ifeaalj H. ata I taa aallat Ua taW al liM faataaa t 'a i nJ'U.i W u aatw tate I &i. . a.tia4. I kin . lk I'aaait m ia.ia. la aaA aaa a ia M l Haa. a M. t.4ttittMit,iM4 waua auk a a tmt aaM a 4 aaa. - - v , n iw.iv. aa Maia. aaa. aa4 .a la a aatta . ia. u " a a, ant 4 a a f .a at m Ika i Sat al .,aata., 4 U iw V. -S.a a ik a ai at aa4 laaauVl tv.:T2 :r.r :r ' sit m " -""w f-4 ia . Wltaaas ait kaa 4 M Mat m4 Ca.,. fa la U S a al I. . la S 1. IWa, v