July 20, 1899 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. WHAT WE What we say is reliable. We cannot forget the ad vantages that come to a store through the channels of confidence. We steer widely from catch-penny non sense that you find in so many offers you find in your daily reading of ads. , , , , When you place your money in a bank you do so be cause you have faith in its stock-holders and their man agement. You expect your investment to pay a certain per cent and you expect that pef cent when tis due. You expect it because you have faith in their banking knowledge. Did you ever think . how much better we do by you than the banks? . When you invest your money in this store you have faith in its business methods. When you invest your money here you expect to get your moneys worth, or your money back. You expect a certain per cent from your investment and you never fail to get it in this house. We pay interest by saving you from $2.00 to $5.00 on every suit of clothes you buy of us and in that way you get your principle and interest both back the same day you make your deposit. That's better than most stores do isn't it? One cent will bring you our catalogue with full instructions how to yryrcAWK MICNTTOPf UNITE OR PERISH lhrCnbnoHopror th Producing CImim Whil they Continue to Dl yld Tnair rotf , The following ia a part of a very pow rful article (bat appeared ia the July Arena. Tbe necessity ot an united oppo aitfoa to tbe money power in tbe next Drealduntial election was nevor more forcibly expressed. There will be, on tbe republican side, in tbe campaign of 1000, tbe organizers of very trust, tbe president and directors of every bank, tbe officers and larger atockbolder of every railroad, the em ployers in every protected industry, tbe managers and beneficiaries of every cor ii poration operated under, or in bopes of I apecial privilege; aud above all these, tbe J creators of and gainers by tbe great r monopoly of money. There will be ex ' eptions, but so few as only to illuminate tbe fact, and this will occur no matter what the platform, or who the nominees of the party. The platform will be framed to deceive, tbe nominees will be ; chosen to mislead. Tbe controllers of , tbe trusts can be counted on to control republican legislation, no matter what tbe platform, or who the cboson tools. Principles count for little in a party that that represents 85 per cent of tbe wealth . of tbe land, owned by 12 per cent of the l people. uuctDiSMDy no means an. Upon tbe republican side will be not only those of great wealth, but those wborn they directly or indirectly control, who are many. This will include, for exam ple nine-tenths of the wealthier clergy, who preach to rich men's wives and receive rich mon's checks. It will include moat ot tbe poorer clergy and religious workers among tbe poor, who, as a rule, are more dependent upon wealth even than thoee with larger salaries. It will include tbe lawyer who expects large tees, or who seeks a bank, railroad or corporation practice. Standing for silver In 1800 coet many a lawyer a remunerative practice. It will include most editors; at least most editorials will favor tbe republican party, though not a few journalists will write one way and vote tbe other. The exception to the republican attitude of the press will be a fw brilliant and well-known papers and tbe noble army of martyrs of the unestablishud reform press. Among those directly or Indirectly influenced by wealth will be most college presidents and professors, those who desire to be come such and teachers very generally, In schools both public and private. Few are so dependent today as teachers; those in public schools upon machine policies, those in private schools directly upon wealth. The only professional men, who, as a class, are largely inde pendent, are physicians. The present system so wears on the nerves of the wealthy, of the poor, aud particularly of thcMMt who are neither, that a physi cian with a practice can be reasonably tmieiienuent. ibMities l tis prolsssious. there will be at the command ol the ijoneyed a large number of the unmou- yed lu iwed ol money. This includes the multitudinous small merchant who may need loans from banks. It Includes many who have mortgaged property, and, areording to the last census, only thirty-live per cent ol our own mh,iI owa unmortgaged homo. It iiicluds vast numbers ot the snleanmt and clerks tn stores and offices. Indeed, the whole comiiwirlal class, as a whole, eaa b counted upon faithfully to kamt Ufor Its feudal lords. t Tel this t aot all. It U startling to realise that a ths repubhoaa sl.l wil bitnany wartltigima, eapeeialty among ta poorest. Almost all railroad sut tloMM. a Um l vent of tha Minima in iiruuxiKi uiaamat lori, ttit)iiliHl (n luniri., slrt csr iHtmiistim. te., .lh a ! pruHrtin nl tb ignorant (turslga vutr ot the ntws ,t. t,j im i .- . - . am, b ent. mil if ir-,H..l,,aa ra.'t. eatijr lis wkut bought tutu, the wbol Ignorant rule, tb wbol l.m!,,.t vols, Is today rliiran. Ibis, tvibf with lb Krval, Ignorant, reiwvtaW Vtifcs I list II eaa lu iirwilv bf, ( no-u- y'S ! rWlsna, we ri ho the republican party . ta now at wntk? Vbvr are boir nation al bun-aa at Mv-aet ia IU st aa, A mttgSm on il km Anf s tttbndrd am lily ttaks, asl k.tr ana fctty M fc ea n4 ast .ay Ktt.r ta tiar. ttti-a tbr n,) hag a a-! mm wberw tb- Witt go, nt what ar It fir "! , Maa tb k'tiera i to tnsvily w t. th rauiry i-f y Ty soalsia atatwr f'.i 1 be Ml m Ibat ba. aa .Mii'foviktf. and how htui k ut.a !" Ikraa tfcstlrals hsw. Is sa is) shuw tftta. Last )tar u n SAY save your money in clotning. THIS IiyPlCMCNPTDTfT average nearly two trusts were formed a week, This year business is better, and now a new trust appears , almost very morning. II the trusts could only perform a new robbery every hour still more money would be transferred and go through the clearing bouses. The let ters too report in glowing terms what cases there are of wages being raised five or ten per cent, but forget to ex plain bow, in tbe previous two years, wagos have been cut again and again 5 or 10 per cent, 20 or 80 per cent In all. They also forget to state bow the pro duct is increasing and what is due to a beavy export trade. This will probably Increase still more. When our people are completely robbed so that they can buy nothing, and work for nearly noth ing, our mapufacturers will be both able and compelled to export still more. These letters also usually contain ttm statement that silver is dead. Borne of them also quote certain professors in certain colleges. Later, after correspon dence with Washington, these professors are appointed "experts on statistics" to certain United Rtute bureaus and com missions. Still later, workingmen are surprised to bear that "expert statis tics" show that wages in the United States "have increased 80 per cent fa tbe lust CO years." Others of these In teresting letters are sent to the religious press, and argue that silver means finan cial dishonor and national disgrace. Moreover, silver is dead! Obituary edi torials are requested and papers are requested to "please copy." These let ters contain no checks. Religious peo pie cannot be bought in that way. The letters to tbe regular press only occa sionally contain checks. Most editors can be trusted of themselves to be on the side of moay. 8tlll other letters go to the papers of the United States 'pub lished in foreign languages. These con tain editorials prepared in tbe various languages, with a not to tbe editor promising payment on receipt of a copy of the paper containing the editorial. These letters are also sent ia mourning over silver. Other letters go to certain great republican organs, with directions to send their weekly editions for six months to such and such doubt ful voters with notes that tbe paper Is paid for by "a friend" and that they need not be afraid to take them from the office. Tbe paper is told to send the bill to the bu reau. Other letters do not go to the press, but are sent to the banks, railroad cor porations, etc., aud contain suggestions lor me treatment oi employes, financial dependents, etc One suggestion is that banks make no loans to parties adver tisiug in reiorm journals, mis sugges tion is now being acted on In the united States. Is not this a free country? Can not the banks do as they please? All such Arms are also reminded that silver is dead, and to spread the news. Per baps tbe most important letters, bow ever, go to republican organizers through out tue lend, aud Usuulty contain lanro checks. This money iroes ultimately to representatives more or less under pay, In every contested district, in everv doubtful ward, In every close precinct lu the United States, especially In the for eign precincts. In many doubtful oities uia party nas, in ma close wards; reprw ppuutiiTm, nHirs or less under pay, in very block. Finally, still other haters contain no the Its, but receipt. Then are addressed to ths great oombliHs and monoKilles. ibis Uxpartmeut make all the rest possible, Mr. llanua maus to win la 1UOU. IV bat ts there oa the opposite side? only two r(hm things, Humanity and ria, em auitinunstsiy, tner are also on tb reform sids four evil thiugs, weakness, discouiagviueat, poverty, di vision. Truth and huv.anlty will win, but only oa two eruditions, Th first of IIimmis lbs few Important ol ths two; J t It Is iifiorahl. Without It we ran not win. It Is that ths rWiarm Ion unit, This, we say, la the Wss Itniair tant ot Ihe'lwa conditions, but the tnef oritliU use, Thrs era in th t'nlt, States In parties ti.MMd to tt rvpaNiran party ; IMniorrains tu.u.sut, o.lV, IMI-MU ol the KHtil ,...', l,,.r r..ub lu as, r..hil.lion, nalloaal oIho4mh, wtMalwlMt labor. atH'lal il. hi.h ti... nha Ntors. aa.rUan. labor. Urata'. put.lto wiMrbis Mrt, Tb.es a tuners, A as parly Is started tt Month. (la tlim t iMuWtatloa all ran si.it I thus afford lu am tair rsrUaU klM aol nsd, tMraua aiiii ttrrt W-ittai, don salami, alwoet ant wlUr i.lurui taa U Uhi m.tfv i i tslsviL list ths Is oss ol. soMd.lHia ii r .M arval that ths 4 ssily. Tbs o h will r.sa,l tralK ! ill aM gstht M,nd atai blss. 'nsi.W iwat bad to i art. aot i tv to iriiN iiW, l W.t ik. Mp'-s ktMt l'nito.1 utvai dUe.f l kr inta.4 wtt.t ,m,,U l r iL. ltaeiiU ait bs traa, lUforswr a .! ttkits M l. iMilhle Utwt thaa that. Second, they must be adequate to the situation. No bauble or string of baubles will answer. Division is bet ter than useless union. Third, the measures adopted must be within th range of political possibility, which in eludes tbe foot that they must be accept able to millions of voters. Dreamers may unite for the Impossible, Practical men cannot. . What measures! then, fulfil thei4e three conditions? Direct legislation Is one of them. This will not accomplish everything, but It Is today a sine qua non. Without it we cau get nothing. It only can give us control over our legislators. legisla tors have sold us out before. Without direct legislation, they can do so again. Hut with direct legislation they cannot, at least not to any Importunt extent. Direct legislation is ths way today to spell democracy, the people's rule. Moreover, direct legislation leads to and includes all otbor reforms. It is almost the one measure upon which all tbe schools of reform agree. Its growth Into favor has been uneqnaled In rapid Ity. It occupies the bead of tbe march lug columns of reform. Hut alon it is not enough. Horn think it is, Tb union reform party of Ohio thinks It Is. It says that any party unwilling to leave all else to the people shows thereby that It doesnot bollove indirect legislation, This is specious reasoning. Certlanly any party that believes In direct legislation should refer all legislation to the people; but this should not sxoept direct legisla tion Itself, Dut a party does not legis late, it only proposes legislation: and any reform party that would win today must propose much morn than direct legislation, but why? Because they think It the means to something else, principally public ownership. This is another moosuro which fulfills ths conditions Indicated. It Is only be' cause of tb end that most of them car for th means. It Is the end which wll create enthusiasm, call out votes, carry the platform to success. Reformers may realize ths necessity aud all sufficiency of direct legislation, but th people can not be roused over any mere machinery of legislation. Public ownership will carry direct legislation to success at th polls, and then direct legislation will make public ownership possible. Do we realise bow popular public ownership is? Th most popular, paper of New York, Chicago, and San Francisco have come out avowedly for it. It was to some ex tent in the platform of every municipal party in Greater Now York, two years ago. It was favored by every party, in one way or another, In Cblongo's reoent election. Iiecuuseof bis active hostility to private franchises. Carter Harrison was elected. It Is embodied In the new charter of San Francisco. In, Toledo, Mayor Jones mads it bis main plank, and received twice as many votes as both bis opponents combined. It is favored by the gold democrats of tb east, and by IlenJy Watterson in th heart of Bourbon, Kentucky. And these Instances show not only what editors and politicians think, but their judgment of whdt is popular with tbe people. If direct legislation has grown rapidly, public ownership has , grown widely in favor. If direct legislation Is ths bead, oubllo ownership is the Heart ol reform and a reform platform today without public ownership would mean a cam paign that bad lost heart in ths begin nlng. Hence tb folly of declaring for direct legislation alone. We cannot get everything at once; It Is well to be deli nils and concrete; ws must use language that the dullest can comprehend, and the acutest cannot twist Into ths decla ration that we want to sooiuilxe every thing at onoe; bene ws favor language neither too vulgar nor too Inclusive, but a definite declaration for "the national ownership of railroads, telegraphs and telephones, and the municipal ownership or water, lignt, and local transit," Two other plauks must be added. The first of these is an untl-lmpcriallst plank. This Is necessary because the conscience of . the land lsaroued upon this point, and reform cannot neglect conscience. The attitude of ths admin istratlon is a direct violation of the fun damental principles of all popular gov eminent, as deriving Its Just powers from tbe oonsent of the governed. Tbe additional facts that it has broken the nation's solemn pledge, given before the war, Is holding cheap our soldier s lives, and taking tbe lives of thousands of half-tutored islanders, while at the can non's mouth It talks of spreading the principles of Christianity and of enlight ened government, has called down a tempest on it bead, even from Its own party. Unless such a policy he Imme diately changed, It will be ueefmsary to oondemu it In any reform platform, and to do so loudly that all tbe world may hear. It Is not a question of the l'hillp pine islands, but of tbe United States. It Is not a question of policy, but of uouesty and moral rignt. i pn such a question, reform can neither bs silent, nor utter uncertain sound. There will, too, as always In standing for ths rurht, bs political gain In such a plunk. Few planks will rally mora to our causa the best coiiselencn of lbs nation, and fw plauks will better serve to divide ths sueuty. If w make th plank an isnue, ths republican party will ba cotupsIM elibff to support or condemn ths ad ministration, yet either vourse will not ths party hundreds of thousands of vntea, for it is strong proof of ths is ntelousniNMof Its policy, that thousands, and, porhape millions, ol republicans blush at their rhampioa's eora. Ths lourth plank that we must adopt is tssadorHMnt of ths luudauMwtai iirini-tpW of the Chicago pUHorui ol I mid. This at Bit will lot ap)ar wMwiary to soma, but it is so. I n lae it out would noNin ahaolut iMat, lt any ona who doubt at ihsutwlv two quntilons. First, eaa reform wit without ths aooratioa ol lhal r n doMotrutr parly akbh, ia laud, polUl t..tsi,isH vol? Kvoa.il y, ran Ik.l .1 .....I... a .... I i. t.t. t ...... ..... a haliK K bark tot IM Ueus that guv It birlh? It Mil go lorward, but It aat g i hkart. Th i.rvpoaliioa to hat ii toil if ik usloa platform wmmiks la ak ths dtttrrtM parlv, M I, r tro4 su ami lai k bv millions id votrs at M(lv t!vs ia tit silfof iiir.U, alimf a H.4Mi(t nt aataiitn, tawhah tsey almost w, s t alter aalHi Mis rasa ie, s 1 1 nl v to ilruoli, to eat their naa word, to shut Ibmr ground wnhy the eetuW- Hrs, lhs4(IV Wll Sot 4 tit. Or, It IOUSM ti hat lh dwiMiatatir) tiartf out id ths as'oa astt t.i lornt a aew party, and tbaort t win, this would b ssa4 tMit It wuM t Heat's sun Ids, Hoaliss tb tti'ttw o4ioa That nartf m wiltiag tt tsis up all tbat sb, Inmt bst's'slfc' is a'rwadf la t taast aVtaaft at' slats pUiUwwa, and la 1800 came within one vote in the plat form committee ol being put. even into tiie national platform, lu 1900 It can not be defeated. The utterances of all tne great popular democratia papers ana oi aimost an tne leaders snow that the party Is equally ready for public ownership, u one doubts this, let blra read again the details we give above. rublto ownership cannot be defeated in tbe next democratic convention. The east will work for It with the west. Ths democratic leaders, too, are with us on the anti-Imperialist plank. It will thus declare for all other planks In our plat form, and If it does not, we do not favor union who it. van we not then, to get that union, declare for free silver, which the democrats and most populists want? Why should we not? Same say that other Issues ar mora Important Per haps, but this Is argument, not for leav ing silver out, but for adding other propositions to it, which Is exactly what ws propose. Some say they want, not silver, but "scientific money," Perhaps they do: we do ourselves; but can w get it? Others sny that the whole question is unimportant and befogs the issue. If it bs unimportant, can they not accept that little thing to win th great demo oratia party? A few, very few, reformers bnve conscientious scruples against ths sliver dollar. They really believe ft would be a dishonest or fifty cent dollar. Ws ask no men to compromise honest belief. Hut reformers who so think are few. Of the fl.4 54,000 votes counted for sliver In 181)0, to nay nothing of the votes cast, probably loss than 1,000 now think silver wrong. Tbeoomlng up of new Issues, tb fresh crimes committed by the republican party bare, porhais temporarily, In piirt obscured the silver question; but, for every silver man who has come to think silver wrong, and whose vote we may therefore lose, ws shall win hundreds of votes of those weary and sick of gold and ths rule of gold. It must be remembered, too, that at any moment ths money question may blase no into a conflagration. Tb long time debts of the nation are estimated by some at "0,000,000,00 of dollnrs, ths short-tinis dobta at perhaps as much more. There is In th whole land, no cording to public authority, consider ably less than 12,000,000,000 of legal money. Iet there be a financial or an iddustrlul punlo, (and with trusts, cap italised at $7,000,000,000, largely water, a crash seems only a question of time), let confidence once go, and the tumult rnnv bars tn nav 140.000.(100.. 000 of debt with 12,000,000,000 of money what tbat will mean, no one can even faintly guess. W gran t th an large numbers of pop ulists, and others outside of ths demo cratic party, would prefer something better than silver; but that Is not tbe oueetlon. The Question is, eaa ws get anything better? If not, our silence would mean gold, Togo over to ths gold standard Is an impossibility for most democrat and populists: yet this Is what silence would mean, Hence tbe insertion of a silver plank is necessary, if ws are to bays the democrat and most populists with us. Ws ask no re formers to vote for It wbo have con scientious scruple against sliver; but every bodyels should vote for It, whether be personally desires it or not. t ne suc cess ot union may depend on this point. Direct legislation Is ths head, public ownership ths heart, antl-lmperlallsin the conscience; but free silver furnishes tbe feet of reform, and It alone can give us a standing that can unit with ns the largest party opposed to republican domination. Without the democratic party we cannot win. If the democratic- party will accept all four propositions, as we believe it wilt, undoubtedly the best chanoe for success will be through tbat party, but, if tb democratic party should fail to do so, we do not recommeud anion with it. Some dislike, and more fear, tbe demo cratic party. We remind such tbat the present democratic party Is practically a new. party, undr a new, honest and fearless leader, a leader committed to tbe people' cause and whom the people trust. There are, of course, bad jmople in the democratic party, us in every pBrt.v. and there are good people in the republican party, but this Is of small po litical moment, because the bad do not control the democeatio party and tbe good do not control the republican party. If we doubt that, look at their doings. A new Jmrty is not built up In a day. It would in all probability mean but one mors division aud one more de feat. The democratic Is ths only party that can carry the one hundred and thirty-three electoral vote of the south and ngainst that solid argument, all ar guments for a new party fade away. Ths only other present reform party that cau at all compare with ths demo cratic party In strength Is the people's party: but that party cannot aive us the south, and without that w ranoat win. -W. D. P, Miss, Alhambra, Cat. Clippings. VKIIY UNKOIHTNATB, Aa hottest German fnrninr ha f.inmt a Wat to trot tha voter nut on uluiii.m day, and has eoiuinuiilratml his diaeoy. -v i a k l a k . . .. wjr to ins genres iaiewuiinnt. ill Slllililf In amwa such fallow ni!ll year of age f t isi voting tai, which he ......... a . " . . . mutti a it as uoa not Vols, but Whett b ha vutsd bs ig gives a roe lot ,,r II IMJ ableh shows tbat tt b di. rbargd hi duty. Fafortueately thsr Mao poootiruti b-cillura la bmmIou MOW to ttt't hi liW Into Utt .-I'uMtr! Ctly KituMtat, Who lit did Dewvv aiiaittilatiN-th H-ani)h or th Filipino? It th ritww Wa. wbv d l hot ImImi Hoaia aa.l n vo.es it v aMiutiUu" H.il tb Fli isoaa, why iii. par Kpaiu f J i.iksi,. to what w ha t aWlr waf Wi M K talef or to td bw un'r aast ? wpittaburg Kaaa. Tun vt.ur wtmirTiihti, Th Worst I hit. thai lb verdi twa tn a loi.t tbs rvut,it.aa wlb-d ol al.f it aa.tl.iai4 lot tUlinitMKMKt l ba tbi ar do l-fHot to o hwb t. Ant pftpb ta.l I .. Il Ik ..... ... ... . . ... r.tf y i-a it asjaii Irom tb im.U, " ! taisoaota asv ....... 4... . nwi ,Biiri mat i v tt ratrt t a f4 f ! wo.i bv Hl It, a asM'f l )) ! .1 "-FREE kttritt,ut,iii A STATE CAMPAIGN FUND Th State Central Committee, at Its recent meeting, authorised tha Chairman and Secretary of the Committee to open, through the column of th Nebraska Independent, a popular subscription for raising funds for ths coming campaign, In accordance with this action of ths committee, blanks tor such subscription, will appear In the paper each week, and additional pledges will bs sent to any who apply for them. The educational work not only of ths coming campaign, but also tbat ol 1000, must bs vigorously pushed, and your committee should bs en abled to rank an aggressive fight, which oan only be dons by baring tb necessary funds to push ths work. Ths Publishers of the Nedkahka Indepkidrnt have kindly undertake! to twelve all subscriptions that may bs made and bold all pledges for future payments, publishing from time to time the list of contributors to to ths fund. Tbey will also publish receipts from ths chairman of ths Btate Committee, showing that all funds received have been turned over to ths Committee for purposes intended. Where it Is convenient to do so, clubs can bs formed and ths remittance . bemad In the name of such club, or a number of Individual ean send their subscriptions In ons remittance. We hope for a gonerou response to tbis appeal- This Is a campaign In ths interest of ths people, and they should hold up th bands of their servants and leaders as tbey mora along :: In tb front rank. By order of tb Stats Central Committee, Peoples Independent Party Of Nebraska. J. N- Q AFFIX, Chairman, J. M. THOMPSON, Secy, NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT FUND, FOR THE PEOPLES PARTY STATE CEN. COMMITTER. " ' CASH SUBSCitlPTIO.V. ' Ths undersigned hereby subrorlbes and pays Into ths Nebraska Independ ent Stat Fund for ths uss of ths Peoples Party Stats Committee ths sum of .DOLLARS, MSef-MnfftiiMsist! DEFERIlED SUBSCRIPTION. I also agree to send yon for ns of said commltU tbs sum of., DOLLARS to b remit ted not later than October 10, 1800, late., Postofnes.,...,.M,..,..,......,.,.H.....,..,., County ............................................... Street No..,. , 01 vs tbs name, non d plums, or Initials that tbs Nobraska Independent may use in crediting you in Its eolums with your subscription. ....... ........... I.....H'.H,.M..........MM......f Mak all remittances promptly to ths Nebraska Independent, Lincoln. Nebraska, and mail with this pledge. Organic clubs where possibl and include several subscriptions in one remit tanoe. delegate to tbs stats convsntion. In this county ons delegate is usually elect ed from each township, therefore tbat amount Is ei pec ted from each township, The money should bs subscribed at the primaries and forwarded totbssecre tary of the stats central committee. For this reason every 'populist should bring tils quarter or hall-dollar on this occas ion that the money may be easily raised. Tbs committee want to be In a position to be Independent of any outsds Influ ence in tbe matter of campaign fund. It Is eass to raise money If you go to tbe people wbo bavs special iuterests bnt bard if you bavs to depend upon th people themselves. Let us make it as easy as possible by having our little cash ready on tbs day of tbs primary. If all take a band it Is no burden on anybody. The Enterprise hopes tbat every township in tb country will do this. Lzetor Enterprise, IN VERY DAD TASTE. Tbe attacks of ths Paplllion Timos on Silos Uolcomb do not meet the appro bation of tbe fusion element ofH hie state, Coming from a democratic sheet it is in eiceeding bad taste to say the least. That Is not the way to promote good fueling and a union of sentiment so nec essary to success in the election of this fall. Even now Editor Howard Is being quoted aud complimented for bis rancor ous utterances against ons of ths best governors tbis state ever bad. The re publican pre made all the capital pos sible out ot bis record, but bis popular ity eontinued to increase the people know that he saved tbe state from an stive of dishonored debt and placed Nebraska on the firm basis of financial integrity, Ulair Usbublicau. . 'HI IHMETAL1HM IN IRELAND. Atareoeot congress of Irish Trads Unions there was adopted a unanimous resolution in favor ol ths re-establish meat of biaietalism. Tbis lusaa a freat deal for the himetalio cause, for reland has nearly ISO members laths House of Common. Himntaiists oa this side of the water are glad to not that th people ol Ireland ar foremost In th cau of equal rlghu and th abolition id special privilege. At this tint, when th mousy lords ar trying to put a gold rurrxnry Into India in order to further iuereaae th purchasing powr ol money and thereby enhance rwut and iMiU aud diaorgaul alt protective n tsrprtsea. It I lortunata that th Hh aopl ar barring tha way Thy bavs tb opwrlunlty of forming such a coali tion iu th llitu ol 1 ominous as to rve lb rousumaiatloa of tb latent villainy ul the creditor sin National llufaJ, IKIUIAIH, Woadr if I'ulgar llusarl bt th tWntiv vrat that lb I'apiliioa Tia tblabs ould It the Hairia bah?-tfd Jouruat, f Un.ua l.l U It I uUtl klul.l.l.aa U still s-urtttg ta tb tvvsi.iaaa " as lis was uulaoa lbs parti la tb slat blr aa I this pv I afraid that tn g o, t, i grapiu at m straw it tt tlu t whs d t mpio)s lo Sipera.U lia populwU, tsbl ta j ut up mum Lit .tbU oa U titail out aaJ It s.r ,m a ia Its Ut tia,fa-i:tstr I.awfWn, FARM FOR SALE Ml) arfw. W'l InttHroVml. aa tk hiMtt. S aera lit twaMa mvbarJ I ittiL l,ua raitettad ia rWwatd toasly, fctiui. ..Signature Nams for Crsdit Price $'i0 per acre. $1,000 cash, balane on time to suit purchaser, Address 688 Nubraska Independent, Lincoln, Ne braska. Changing Their Business Location On August 1st th Walls show store store will move from their present room 208 North 10th street into tbeir hand some new quarters at 041 O street, nearly opposite th poetoftioe. This is tbe location occupied for many years by tbe Hohanan Brothers meat market. Tb business of the Arm has entirely outgrown its quarters aud to take cars of their rapidly Increasing burins tbey found it necessary to cure a much larger and batter room. Mr. Wells says they will be able to carry a much larger and beetter stock of footwear ot aii kinds and will bs ia much better shape to handle tbeir trade. Tbis firm be lieve In doing business "on tbe square" aud it is an iron clad rule of theirs to not permit any misrepresentation of good. Every pair of shoe must be sold on its own merits. Ws bespeak for them a large increase of patronage in teelr new location. HYPNOTISM Why not learn how to hypno tise and con trol when you wish; gain tb undying lov and friendship of any on you choose? It make fun for hour at time; it pleases the old and the young. ' Large Ulustratr so lessons ana inn tiaptipninp in inn AddrvsM all orders to PIU)F. a E. WIL SON, Lock Box 013, Lincoln, Nebraska. 44 The Fertile Lands of Colorado" U the title of art illustrated book issued by the Denver and Rlo'Grandc Rill ro.il IVcriitive of the vast area ot nisrtcultural, Hor tictiltural. ami (.raring I tinU in Color.uK) - New Mexico, and which also contain full information as to live Mock inirrcM, the.uigar Ikti industry, farming by irrtw! ttion.aitvi lht ojiemnji of the Ute Indian resrrvaiiott, which will Ik? mailed free by ad drrintf s. k, uoorD, tt r.lf.A,, txivtr. Cot. fetVWart W J