The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 20, 1899, Image 4

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    Q tttbxatka Jnbcptnbcnt
fc!:;x$dqt FublUhiQff do.
C1.C0 nx Year in advancb.
m ea JisClsai . Ml lib al
HtM MaaM t
Tb redublican bavs a good dual to
say about "honest money" but not oot
of tbem seoru to bavs any Interest In
booMt men.
Money can neither be honest nor dis
honest. Such a statement however, la
beyond tb comprehension of a mallet
hood. Therefor they continue to go
about tht strwot bowling (or "honest
money." 1 J
No otio can truthfully accuse McKlnley
o! Impartiality. He. sands niggers to
Idabo to kill white men aud bs send
white men to the Philippines to kill
niggers. That l tba waybs satisfied
bit conscience.
Th oio denounced by tb plutocratic
press aa "little Americans" ara tba men
who believe Id tba declaration of Ind.
pandence with all tbelr Wrts, and tba
man who so denounce thorn think that
document should b thrown in tba waste
basket. '
"It la trua" remarked McKluloy, "that
Llocoln aald that no man waa good
anoogh to govern another man without
bia consent, but then you must remem
bar that Mr. Llocoln waa not vary well
acquainted with ma or ba never would
have aald It."
Tba democrats of Kentucky ara today
advocating tba populist platform of
1805 without an exception. They have
found oat that the uieople of those
United Htatea demand populism aud
won't bare anything elaa even If It fa
branded "just as good."
General King aald that the Filiplnoa
ware far mora capable of self govern
meat than tba Cubana. Alger aoya that
that statement is a perfect defense for
tba anneiation of Cuba, and not an ar
go men t for the independence of the Tail;
Ippinee, All of which glveeoa another
ample of plutocratic logic.
Full roan aald "there la nothing to ar
bitrate." Pullman la dead nndjhls vast
fortune la foat being dissipated. Now
Grant of the ameltlng trust aaya to the
board of arbitration of Colorado:
"There la nothing to arbitrate." One of
the daya More long Grant will be
dead and when he appeare before fit.
Peter be will be told, "thora la nothing
to arbitrate."
If money waa something to eat or to
wear, thea what it was made of would be
a matter of some consequence. Hut aa
we can't eat it or wear it, what differ
euoe doea It make whether It l made of
gold, sliver or paper? Hut whether it
takes a big lot of corn, wheat or cotton
to get a small amount of money when
we have a debt to pay, la a matter of
very great Importance.
If McKlnUiy can find any vacant land
like that that Jefferson annexed or like
that annexed after the Max lean war
land that Is good and fertile andnpou
which tb young ntea of America can
locate houitateads then we are all tor
aanrxatlon. Hut when be wants to an
t lot 4 Iropteal juugl more thirkly
iahamtw already than the state ol
thUnaton, that is aaother question .
together and we don't want auy ol it,
lteltaae to the ht quoted by
Uorgw III, to tat be without rrrnM-.
I alios woe tb prliu'i"l ru of the
war ol the revolution. Now1 lb trusts
euaM ia and tirvu that power without
let of hUdr and the plutoeratteed
ttar, Uksieg tbir atUo uu the pub-
IWk opiaiiiu ol MAfti4y'a atloraey.
fef at, ds kt cu't do ay
lkii.M Thai is but the way that
I'aUkt, llrv, WuAklngUia a4
Wurrea ta!fcd,
The vlf-t had ia view by live .iul
m 4hlka fttiMilfa ia kr
t the ltt Nb aka tm eute ta 1 Ja-
vwla to be mi4 ffl, waa Int a give the
totlruatl aad trw mt tipek a
rake l a4 tW ta aake tlit e4
till few iaiat, A Ktat bo rwaed
ptaMtela vM tat tknwale ol
eWtloie lata the nw (4 the rtv
emieiM wl aa that althetret
er eufp-watMa. Attvf that taeriW
Itvaa etate taatltt eoalj rail oa taa
h a aM4 Uige Imw a4 1 hey eild vt
It, lltoiHil al U irvtbl that the
e aaake uilh Irat U ewMt
tuba ami in thai wy,
The Kearney New Era-Standard, whom
editor waa on the ground, given im ac
count of the Lichty-Malalieu resolu
tlona that were sent out usiberesolu
tlona of a Farmers Alliance, when no
aucb reaolutlona were evr pitd by any
farmers alliance, or by any body except
T.uht- Bobbin and Mallalieu. Tbe
account is practically the sam- a was
printed in the Independent. The editor
then remarks as follow: '
"The politics lu thia kind of sneak
campaigning ia of the same brand Mark
JIanna believes in, and which elected bim
United Rtates Senator from Ohio; The
republican party ia the motive power
behind Stebblns and Llobty in trying to
palm off on tba people tba falsehood
that nonulista of any number held a
meeting In Kearney and Issued an ad
drees. The populists of Buffalo county
will not be fooled by It, nor will any In
telllgent populist In Nebraska ba led to
vote against an honorably nominated
oo-operativ or fusion ticket in opposi
tion to tba desires of such mercenary
tool! of tba republican party as the
autbora of the addreaa above referred
to. The latent of the addrese ia to pre
vent fusion. If the republicans can pre-
fusion and there is a three-cornered
cornered fight In every polling precinct,
they will win. If they can hire so-called
popullata to create discontent, that is
busloess, and tbla la the reason Stebblne
and Llcbty were In Kearney two daya
lust week. Ilouoat populists are thor
oughly on the alert agalnet the middle-
of-theroad republican contingent of
which Btebblne and Llobty ara only two
of a number actively at work.
Mr. W. F. Fctterman, of Filley, Mo.(
wrltee a letter to the Independent and
aska; "Do yon know anything about
that fool" N. C. Henderson, of Wilson
villa, Nebraska? No, we do not, except
that from an enclosed letter we see that
Mr. Fetterman bas sized blm up about
right. In Henderson's letter be says:
"The reason that I spoke of the pops
claiming supply and demand aa the law
of better times ia that tbey ignored audi
a theory duriog the campaign of 'DO
tbey contended that the Volume of
Money waa tba only remedy, that sup
ply and demand cut no figure." Wears
quoting verbatim; capitalization, punct
nation and all just as it Is in the origin
al letter. Kd.l "but diroctly after elec
tion when times began to get better
they then began to4 cry supply and de
Now there ia history, economics, aud
literature for you. Wheat began to rise
long before election. There was not a
pop papr in this state that did not con
tinually point out that the riea In wbeat
waa caused by the famine in India and
the failure of crope in Argentina. Mr.
Towne, in a speech at the Oliver theatre
la this city, long before the conventions
met, and went into the whole subject
Portions of that speech were printed in
every free silver paper in the atate. The
day the silver conventions met In Lin
ooln there wore speeches made on the
eapitol grounds by Weaver, Hryan, Hoi
comb, aud otbors, all pointing out that
the rise was on account of short supply.
Populists have at all times held that
supply and demand regulates the price
of all commodities, as well ts the
price of money. It there were but ten
dollars In the world, the demand for dol
lars with which to pay off debts inquir
ing as many dollars a it now does, all
the land In the great state of Ne
braska would not be suflk-lont to buy a
tenth part of one of those dollar.
This distinguished economist further
says: "n bat was the cause ol so quick
chatge alter election? it couldu't have
been on account of war becuuse there
was no war. It was simply benauxe
People had Confidence tn the adminis
tration, factorie t mills were opened
and gave employment to sale men aud
that caused a demand for our supplies."
Thsreyou have It, Open the fete lot U
aud employ 'Vale meu" aud that will
cause a demand for supplies! It don't
matter a pnrtk-U whether the people
have any mouy to buy the good or
not, "Hal iun" appearing In a city
will Immediately cause a demand for
goodsl That I republlcaa logic. No
woadt-r Mr, FetU-rmaa wanted to know
whr that foot lived. Hume mullet
head do live la Nebraska, but w have
Stint doubt about thl one.
uiuM-r at vriMMiin.
TheHlat Journal eontluu to lueult
tba (iltitwr au4 a ol the 'trt Nebras
ka at evvry oppurtaulty, U Im I ri
day' Uu II rprit tb slaadoroa a
ulttn4 ut-ua lha mtlnwat bf tb
Htaskia PaUi la whkh it aid;
li U sot (HMf lom haw, Jr th
mmS l,vrtl vf i4tikt aad tt )
maustfvatMi, a to t vl4 raoa
U4y tMa tpMitMl,"
Tb m!M Uui twltt ptisud that la
th mm v iht ,ati4 a d
lH rtoi IU ) MtHW't altk-li gav
the brwst b Ik trupot
4aW4al klaatta, It llth. Tbt rv
pott ai(k
Tk ltw ar arllff tkMUUtwl
HUqwNHv 4 tktf kr tM'i;i.
teg tkfttwa thr iMtttk tfute
WMtiiur, tMaw ti ai4ii 4 kly aa
VhI iviaat ha fc4 a k IM id
ba Ikaa t hiV xt. i4 IhwMi al
ik t dat h4 at ill, 4
a t rmMivta ha Im ia tit4
wl iMt aWt ua duly. 1k Ntta
raiMt ba eaiNnM la It
ta Itm sua l'waa4t a Um dv
44 uh m Ibaa l ka4r4 ava U
the ranks. Some of it companies have
only two seta of fours.
Twenty-four of the Nebraska officers
are on the sick list, and the Montana,
Kaneae, Washington and South Dakota
regiments show twenty or more officers
In the hospitals or sick in their quarters.
These regiments have borne the brant
of the fighting. Their losse in killed
and wounded range from 160 in the
Montana regiment to 280 Nebraska
men." .
When tba First Nebraska geta borne,
that ia, what are left of them, if some of
these ImoerlallsU don't shut their
mouths, they probably won't have any
mouths that they can abut. .
The Waboo Democrat aaya: "The Ne
braska Independent published at Lin
coln, and by the way one of the strong
est and most ably edited reform papera
in tba state, baa coined a new name or
term for administration republicans. It
is such a happy bit and so fully expresses
the intellectually befogged condition of
the dupes of Mark Ilanna that the Dem
ocrat believes It ought to be generally
adopted aa a party designation for the
deluded followers of that prophet of evil.
The term referred to ia "Mullet Head"
and is defined as follows:" .
Tba Democrat then prints tba article
entitled "Mullet Heads" wblcb recently
appeared In this paper and adds: ''The
definition Is ao to tba point, any one,
even a "Mullet Head", conversant with
the flopping propensities of the genua
homo designated by the term will be
compelled at onoo to admit tba appel
lation Is a fitting one. Henceforward
'Mullet Head, goes." '
The Stanton Register, a red bot re
publican paper, does not take any stock
In the sufferings of tba Ffrst Nebraska.
It figures oat that tbey bavs not lost
many by death or diseass or in any
other way, It says that 00 per cent of
them ara alive and well and that "it Is
not easy to bow, under tba moat
favorable of conditions and best of man
agement, a less loss could reasonably
have been expected."
There are more than 200,000 men out
on a strike at this time, There ara ludi
cations that ninny mora will strike with
in the next few daya. Several atrikea
have been successful but in no case bas
wages been raised higher than in '03
when the cutting down began. In many
caeca where an advance of wuges bus
been announced in the plutocratic papers
the rise wo less than the cat made three
years ago.
: Sines Peffer went bock to tba repnbli
lane, tba pagoa of the great plutocratic
quarterlies and magazines are all open
to bim. In the days when be called him
self a populist, things were not that
way. In the eyes of these literary gen
tlemen the political party to wblcb a
man belongs fixes bis literary standing.
If he supports the republican party be
can have bis articles printed in the quar
terliea and magazines. If be doesn't,
then be can't and that's all there Is to it.
A panic Is sure to arrive on timer Not
one bas ever failed to arrive on tlmo
since modern financiering came Into
vogue and it will not fail now. The In
terest on debts Is groater by fur than
the producing capacity of the
nation above the cost of existence.
There will soon have to be another
"liquidation," a the. bankers say, aud
the books balanced by the bankruptcies.
They are just cleaning np the lust job
and some of the mortgages have not
been foreclosed yeti
Old Tlddlo-du-winka gave a good dem
onstration of Its constitutional men
dacity and stupidity the other day when
It published ia one column a screed on
Hryan, suylug he was la Colorado but
was afraid to go to Colorado Hprings
and make a speech In that stronghold of
McKlulejUin, while lu another column
It bad aa account of a tremendously en
thutiastie meeting at that place at
which Uryuu had addrewMd over fiOOO
ntbuslastin followers, do it, you old
mullet head. You are a sourc of a
gtat deal of fun for the pops.
I V.. l row u, t h etHUaluT editor ol
tb,ladwndeut Iferald.giv th Llchty.
Mallalhm coaveatloa out at Kearney
and th fk rolutioa a groat bg
booi That I what th ladepesdeut
h been telling It rdr it might look
out fur Iroia lb n Ulit wha rtu4
that Ihey ar populist. TU,lu4a
dut Uh1 theut up all rbjbt. Tal I a
popitlwt pr aad wdt uip(trt lh ip
uttl party, a remarked t Mr.
Hrttwa tu tint . II wlad ua, hi
pad of thai Uk affair al Kvry with
la Mowing; "Th tiaiakir aay saw
eJul Mom MtovvBival hi pot,"
rVaator Tharatut ; klaay r-
pubtmta la lh t hat tutHtovat
tlvf tis aad wilt hav lb party U
tk i-t guld t4t4 I dwlaml htr,
Wi. Ik hop (4 attitaat biotIIWai
I not a lata it" ll I k tat la lh
dj lavah Itlk a that lo kv aay
km, Tk JioM fof It al Ik lt,
lxikt tMtMitio wkea T!W, TwtiM,
Ivum w, aad a wkw tkouakl
ottir id 4lKthi thaaf parly waiktd
aut id it. Nw all akl4 a Marl
tlai.a vs4iya aad Ma hltag Ik
fwrwaidlk g44 ataa4rj kHMt Ik
tuaalry It at WuIaU, Otkf ta ka
kav alwaja ! !rt la pfiae will
awik Ik Ml lot dvr aad ftat Jk
The imperialists of . Lincoln and
Omaha put a wet blanket on the en
thusiasm with which th people of this
state were prepared to greet the First
Nebraska, by turning tbe meeting called
to arrange for their reception into a
regular republican campaign for McKin
ley and all that MoKinley and Mark
Ilanna represents. Tbe people of this
state and ol tbeclty of Lincoln felt like as
sembling en moss and pouring oat tbelr
gratitude la cheers for the brave living
and tears for tbe dead, woanded,sick and
dying of tbe braveat regiment that ever
marched under the stars and stripes.
All without regard to religious beliefs,
party affiliations, foreign and native
born, wanted to assemble and take tbe
returning soldier to their hearts and in
their arras and tell tbem bow proud
tbey wars that Nebraska bad furnished
to the world and to history such men.
All, we say, because there were none who
wanted any other sort of a reception,
except tbe few republican campaign
managers who gave to the stats a Hart
ley, a Moore and hundreds of other de
faulters. When tb First arrives In San Fran
cisco they will doubtless refuse to par
ticipate In any such a reception. Soma
of tbe committee have already sent In
thoir resignations and there are prob
ably mors to follow. . The only officer
who served In this war who was on tbe
program, General Vifquain, distinctly
repudiated tbe assertions made by tbe
campalgo managers. If tbe ;First Ne
braska Is to have a fitting reception,
new committees must bs appointed who
will see to It that politics Is kept oat of
It altogetbor. This meeting at the
Funk opera bouse was an Insult to every
officer and man In tbe regiment.
There Is not a tenet of tb populist
party except that of the government
Issue of paper money, that is not now
being advocated by the republican party
indifferent sections of tbe country.
Even tbe government lsus of paper
money was at one time advocated by
the whole party with the exception of a
few bankers In New York, Tbs I'lngree
republicans have succeeded by advocat
ing populist principles and making them
tbe paramount Issue in tbelr campaigns.
Members of 'the cabinet of republican
presidents bavs taken aoma of the popu
list principles and boldly advocated
tbem while holding office. Home have
advocated tbe publio ownership of tbe
telegraphs and somo '(postal savings
banks, and others other demand of the
populist platform. Tbe truth about It
is whenever tbey get bard pressed tbey
will take np some plank of tbe populist
platform aud win on It. That Is tbe
way Pingree did and be Is not tbe only
one. Tbey bavs been able to do this be
cause of tbe action of soma mallet
beaded populists. These sort of popu
lists will leave their own party and vote
for the republicans excepting when these
republicans are elected to office tbey will
enact these things Into law. They are
bigger fools than the mullet bead repub
The Christian Commonwealth, a so
cialist colony located lu Oeorgla, Is find
ing tbe same difficulties to contend with
that have confronted those at Raskin.
Hoclttlletio theories are very beautilul to
contemplate, but they don't work when
a practical application In attempted to
be made. A socialist colouy to be a suc
cess must be very strict in the admis
sion of members. The .socialistic theo
ries will not apply to mankind la grfuer-
al but to only a a select few. Of tbe
recent difficulties in tbe Georgia colony,
the Social Gospel, the organ of tbe col
ony, says:
"It must be understood that while our
door I open to all, yet people who
com bur and do not try to live pure,
honest, unselfish live, will b required
to leave.
"Wvbav admitted to lull member
ship, with all it implie of trutthlp,
many alter very lirM acquaintance, in
this w mad a mUtak which w ar not
likely to repeat. It cost a so much
that w hav been, and will b lor om
time, compelled 1 bv a corn meal,
shorts, and such vegetable a our gar.
da lurnlshe. Th colony tnuot spend
money lor lawyer and lor beans, rio,
sugar aad syrup. wr com (wiled lo
cboo lh lawyer, and tftlkk theoat-
itlet dvllaa la favor of lh legality ol
our lastitutioa worth th ol ol
brad and water dW
uavsttir tHH WMT
Tk A!ruaa UaUra ys: "Th way
tatuundth kyaot ol lh tutur w4
r of lh wt m to arou It pmipt ta
upl! Ik 4aa kr MvraJ tora
M v wir. I'alto Ik wvsl o tk! pmpo-
tttoa aad Mvral iUim rwMivoir
iUbwHiuM a NaItU, l"v Ik !
tks rwwrvutr tokiIJ k atr Uk
so aaaaolly run ta wast, and tkr
ill m dwvtlopOMHit tl tkl wllua
kwd will ftkgrw aVwaa apwa
tk aiaauWIurvm id tk! Ika tky
or abi la ialy,
II tk taasabMl of lkl had a
Ultkpopewawlksy euuld ms witkwat
Wag Mo, that lh way ki"dvlo
r.l"Ula ma! a gri Mdottk
Oft4t aadlU Uwita lakakiUaK
talk lka l aNar uhtaak
trviag to apttr tk trv4J usW of
tb Pkitippi, MiltkHM id thrifty
lafwwra would UW la lb rfiwM tow
lying waste and they wonld want gooda
and be able to boy and. pay for tbem.
It is very little goods that the inhabi
tants of tbe tropics want and what they
do want, they will soon be able to man
ufacture themselves. Tbey will prefer to
do It too, rather than pay freight on
tbem for 7,000 miles. 1
The welcome news bas just come from
Washington that Alger bas gone at last
Tb two years that be bas been in tbe
war department has been two years of
notorious incompetency and corruption.
The history of it is written in soldiers
graves in Cuba and tbe Philippine and
at tbe bottom of the sea where many a
dead soldier lie poisoned by Alger
canned beef. A deadly Incubns has been
lifted from tbe army. It remains to be
seen' whether tba lnoompetentwbo holds
tbe presidential office will fill the place
with anything better.
The editorial that appeared in tbe
State Journal some time ago advising
that tbe First Nebraska be not paidoff
until they reached Lincoln because tbe
boys were not to be trusted with money
and would fool it all away in San Fran
cisco is attracting attention of the fam
ilies and friends of tbe boys all over tba
state. These young men are the sons of
tbe best families of the state and are
not tbe bums that such talk intimates
that tbey are. A more insulting tblngl
was never said about a lot of men and
when what are loft of tba boys get back,
the Journal wili likely bear from tbem.
Tbe Waboo democrat has the following
remarks on tbe subject:
"The State Journal in a recent edi
torial, advocated withholding the Day
of the First Nebraska until it arrives in
Lincoln so as to prevent the boys from
squandering their money at San Fran
cisco and along tbe ronte borne. It was
a dirty, uncalled-for fling at tbe morals
of tbe regiment. Tbs boys of this regi
ment are tbe pick and flower of Ne
braska's best families, and tbe sheet in
question bas no grounds for such moan
Insinuations, n might as wen be said
here and now that the First Nebraska is
coming borne In a befitting manner and
its members wlli retire to Honored citi
zenship, respected and loved by all tbe
people, and tbe attempts of tbe State
Journal to Insult tbe regiment and Its
friend will be resented by both; and
further, tbe attempts of certain small
bore politicians to use the regiment as a
political cat's paw will also fail. It wilt
neither be made a side attraction to an
Omaha show by Cadet Taylor and bis
sang nor a football for Lincoln political
nincompoops of tue wtieedon-rnayer
gang and their ilk. Tbe boys of the J
reirlment will be received and welcomed
by the decent rewritable citizens of tbe
state, and the shysters and political
ringmasters will be given to understand
so at tbe proper time."
There is a widow in the city who Is tbe
nnfortnnate owner of a building and
corner lot valued at fiu,uuu. ine
taxes, water rates and repairs cost ber
47.60 a month or f 570.00 a year
Tbe income from rents last year was
9409.00 leaving her f 72.00 behind. To
earn her own living aud that 872.00,
she bas worked like a slave. She said
the other day, that if it were not for
that 972.00 she could get along and
not overwork herself. That Is what tbe
mullet heads call prosperity.
If free silver farmers would be a little
more careful about tbe terms they use
when talking with tbelr neighbors they
would make a lot of converts. Wbon
you start to town with a load of wheat
and are HMked what you are going to do,
sav: "I'm going to buy some money
ith this wheat. I hav a note coming
due and I have to buy some money to
pay it, but It takes a lot of wheat or
corn to bay a few dollar these days."
That will start mor thinking In a gold
bug's bead than an heur of argument.
While the populist i glad to see other
parties advocating hi principle lie
knows that tber is a mighty difference
In advocating principle for th ak of
curryiug an election aud la advocating
them because It is intended to enact
thsmlnto law. Ho "he keep bl ey
peeled" and work to maintain bit
party organiitlon In fighting trim that
he may hurl ht whol fore against
any paeudo alll who don't stand up to
th rock whn lh tim come for snarl
ing them lata law. Orgonli and staad
fast. -..,.... vr 1 .,
Thatifn . National Hank ol Michi
gan and th Having bank id HL. Paul,
both laitd last week. A few mor d-
tHMitor bar lost their alb That I
oat mor of lb pruspuritjr that Mark
llauaa aad Mi Kinky ar doahag out.
It kia a bank lalWd it wr Ik banker
who wor lh ekW! uBr It woulda't
waller wittt'k. II hi not Ik baaker,
kul Ik "widow aad orpkaa" whom
tki4 baakvr ar alay o aUu
ta prolyl wha or tar4 out ta bg or
or larwd la lb boas.
TklmpriliU r4 Ik aVIaratiot
ol udida MtklM afWf Ikl
lkioa a lkiv ritk wl July ti vi
ta, "All wa tk I'dlpiau)
created qJ (that applw ly la
IhVk'SrUHoal aad ar m4o4 with
!! taolwoabl hkta (Ikal was aol
luleadn! h9 tk oU omuI a a wag
w kk I ar UK Uht t aad Ik prit al
kaptJoMO, (ikat W aay bvdy
but -) AH wvraaat (ipt
Agulaotdo') stair tkrlr just pawtr
truat k fot 4 Ik ts-ovr4 1"
tky Wt tat lit V tall 4 k4)
to. !.
July 20, 1899-
Who is Asa Taylor who is trying to
get another party on the ticket called
tbennion reform party, said to reside at
2570 Leavenworth street, Omaha, Neb.
If be can't get reform enough in tbe
three reform parties of this state, what
kind of reform doesba want?
The catch phrases that tbe republicans
will use to tickle the mullet beads hav
already been coined. They will be "Tbe
old flag and an appropriation," Philan
thropy and five per cent," "Benevo-
Weut assimilation and criminal aggres
sion," The bible and Krag-Jorgensens."
Tbey are all specimens ol wisdom uttered
by their advance agent, bis secretary of
the treasury and bis ministerial sup.
Lporters. ; ' :! :;,,!
A Chatauqna assembly will be held at ,
Auburn, Neb., from August ip to Aug
oat 20, Rev. A B. iWhitmer, auperln
tendent and J. II. Dundan, manager.
The manager presents a long list of
attractions and tbey ar being added to
every day. There will not only ba a
good time but "a feaat of reason and
flow of soul" as well. :
Hardy's Column.
Republican Farty Patriotism TraveU
ing Men Industrious Children Rev
enue Sbort-Tarlfl Constitutional
AmendmenUpQod and the War.
W WVVl WlW tji . a
wny oia not toe patriotic repuDiicans
invite Bryan to tbe platform when they
were planning to greet tbe First Nebtas
ka regiment on their' return? Because 1
they knew be would call out greater ap
plause than all tbe goldbug patriots In
in state ana mat was ine reason iney
did not dare let bim be seen. We pre
dict if tbe republicans undertake to ride
this opportunity with McKinley, Thar
ston and, Meiklejobn, there will be two
greeting organizations.
For tbe life of us we can see no barm
in lotting a few of our traveling sales
men turn their attention to productive
Industry. It is a waste of euersy and
expense for three or four to call on the
same merchant the same day to sell tbe
same kind of goods. We have thought
(or quite a while that traveling men were
too ttiick.
There are those who think jrlrls should
not be taught self-support, that they
better starve dependent on a shiftless
husband than to earn their own living
by honest toil. It is a fact that as a
rule It is the idle girls that go to ruin as
much as it is tbe idle boys who go to
tbe reform schools and prisons. Boys
and girls are brought up to work by the
farmers but in the cities there Is little
that children can do, and that accounts
for the fact that cities turn out so large
a proportion of tbe bad characters. We
are glad that onr colleges and universi
ties have been open to girls. Intellectual
training strengthens soli-control and
self-denial. The immoral class are not
tbe educated class, I would not go
bock to tbe old law that a woman could
not heir property, sue In court and col
lect wages only in the nam of ber bro
ther, father or busbaod. We remember
when it was lawful lor a nusb&nd to
whip bis wife. Tnrn ont all tbe factory
girls and lady clerks and Immoral wo
men would crowd our streets day and
It appears that tbe revenue intended
to pay the running expenses of govern
ment fell snort during tbe last fiscal
year ending June 80 about $80,000,000.
Then how much the war revenue falls
short of paying the war expenses the
present year will be more tban last.
That is what ths money sharks want is
more bonds.
It appears Cbauncey Dnpew begins to
think the protective tariff only protects
tlioxe who need no protection and make
tbe farmers pay tbe bill, lbe only ob
ject of tariff on many kinds of goods is
to make Americans pay more for Amer
ican goods tban the Europeans do.
Tlior ar several amendment that
should be made to our national consti
tution. One is tbe old oougres should
not be allowed to meet after tbe new on
I elected. Let their ofHoe- expire with
the new congress when elected. Tb new
congresacau meet in December after
election just as well as th old on. Now
alter Bryan' election In 1000 the old
oongree aad old preeident can burn th
greeubacks, treasury note, melt op the
silver dollars, Issue a lot more bond,
and mak new and old one payable In
Kold. Tbey wout dare to do that until
after th presidential electien. Ia Kng
land wheu aa administration is beaten,
parliament i prorogued aad th puopl
uVcid what kiad 01 law they want
mad by th lection of new parlia
ment. Th blea that th God of battle
eeaisd to mll on oar navy la tk bau
tie at Manila aad JUnU therefor k
I piM4 with th war wltk
tk Yilipiuo I all wrong. Th lo
war hav very diflfrwat oijrt aad nio
tiva. tin lor bberatioa th otbr
Ufof sutjuratuia. Tk iwoyrvat bat
tk wer kiutfkt lolilrt th t'ubaa
Irom hpuub opprvmki and lu
Iheia a guveraitwat id tkir own rhon,
hat tk ar wttk tk l ilipiaus U to r
vl anything (4 that ki4. Tk pr4
dt-at la ti lay U..u your arm
4 bit lb dust aad of wr that wu
talk with you,
Tk Gad al kali) U a g4 uf I.Urty
wt i4 sut-jutiatHia, Tkta 4y virir,
Imi mtvt Ik ritok aay wr !
ta up to id Ik l'kilip4a
in, w av r ta t.w buwi our
b) did liit Oitww lka lrl vlii
a4 k IVwcy kuU v8 H Maof
k k4 aa 4hi 4 Ik dws k kad
do, Al ali:a Ik kMi at ! tt
tk (ttt wa aay ua a 4ur tuvHs
aad h iiaia kl la kt
i kt oa kHk. lkam rmt m
Ikt Im4 Ik fk i k4 ant
awaj. Tb Hok r Uik W
llWlf bat fc k.l ! suek Mt
tk aia. ttr aMMi kv aut
4r4 i vl trow Wr lk uti.
immioI tk ol llwflwt. TkrMi
Iktols4 a i s4 ! om aoMat
)tit a ua Uiker (ufft4 k wlwai
dartag Ik ruluiH aary war.