The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 20, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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The Street Car Company, However,
Says the Strike Is Over,
Coeflletlng, Itatament from the Ilol
- Oflselala ' awl Employe rreeldaat
KoMltar Wllllof te Taka Back Old
Kiw Yobk, Juljr 19. The Brooklyn
treat car strikers evidently wod over
a number of non-union men to their
ranke during the night. The Putnam
avenue line, over which the care had
been running on echedute time for
the last few daye, wai crippled to
day, certainly one-third of the etreet
care being tied up. On the Fulton
treet line, whloh ran on nearly ached
ule time yesterday, the number of
care was reduced about one-third No
cart were running upon the Nostrand
avenue and the Thompklns avenue
President Clinton L. Rossiter of the
Brooklyn Rapid Transit company said
to-day that they would begin running
cars on all the lines to-night for the
first time. .
"The strike, I think," he said, "is
ended, but I am not exulting over the
situation, I gave the men until 0
o'clock last night to return to work,
but if any of the superintendents
should disobey my orders as regards
to time and should take back some of
our bid, loyal employes to-day, I should
not feel sorry. Many of the men who
went out on strike were at heart loyal
to the company, but they wished to
be at poaoe with their fellows, so
went out." 1
Asked If it was true that he had im
ported 300 men from Philadelphia to
take the place of strikers, Mr. Bos
alter replied! "No. not BOO, but about
forty were sent to us and we employed
General Master Workman Parsons
said to-days "I consider the position
of the strikers is becoming stronger
every hour. President Bosslter's
statement that there is' no strike in
Brooklyn is hardly sustained by the
evidence risible to everybody,"
The Cerrespeariente Commended Alsr
the Preeldeotf "Ineubu"
Lomdok, July J 9. The papers of
(hie city generally in commenting
upon the protect of the American cor
respondents in Manila against the cen
sorship, denounce the conduct of the
American Philippine campaign as it
ha been managed by Secretary Alger
and Major General Elwoll a Otis. Kt.
James' Gasette saysi "The great
American people have been hood
winked by its general and ita admin
istration, who have kept up a series
of suppressions of the truth and sug
gestions of the false, of Bussiao in
genuity and thoroughness."
The London Times, in its leading
editorial article says: "Alger has
run the war ofllce as a political ma
chine. Military posts have been be
stowed upon politloal friends without
regard to fitness or the interests of
the country, Dslhonesty and corrup
tion has been rampant wherever there
was public money to be handled
American soldiers wore killed by
thousands on American soli by such
agencies as embalmed beef and scan
dalous neglect of elementary sanita
tion. As the head is so we expect the
subordinates to be. They were chosen
without regard to fitness, but with
every regard to political service.
Naturally they act an, the poli
ticians they are rather than as
soldiers and administrators, which
they are not. The new imperial pol
toy of the United .State is thus dis
credited by association with a system
of more than common corruptness,
McKinley, for some reason or other,
is incapable of riding himself of the
Incubus ot his secretary, who, evi
dently regarding himself aa having
the President in his pocket, serenely
defies the public Indignation that his
been aroused by his mismanagement
"General Otis cauuut conceal nor
explain away the great fact that he
fails to brief the war to an end lie
might Just as well cease playing the
Mtrtett and allow the correspondents
to tell the public what they m"
SUUIwn WaM baaHwialla CmiwIIm
WasHiderox, July It. Senator Or.
inan aud ether leading Datuoerata of
Maryland will make a fight to secure
for tUltlwttret&e baUonet Ifemacratle
eoaveatioa el Colonel Victor
Usage, aua will rr.ut Maryland at
the meeting of the lVtuvreUi ns-
tlaae) ia tfcWa,r tats wee
aa e-eaat tkriewa prosy.
Vae stlM4ia'e M t tat
VTatMtsttTO, JaJy l Freak A.
Vaadeiltp, assistant eaaraterf ml the
treasure, eiti aa rlere4 f.-vat
atVelrla tar the Weat, 4
that what er-prt t W a evaere'
titeetluale wf tbe aatat f guld
Via wtil ee t vf tee kUaaa
tk sn is ti.
a tns ataa-veae ta Ht4ae M4
astir a, a,, f't Tbe
JWie AUa Tts4tga4 Traaa.
pi t.tta eMsspeaf e staawar Ueeke
aft4 ar Ute Ul a's-at tra l
titafcaeia. A'eVae, wit t.ta 11
a4 iuHt a I Ua,
MK?t wftlt wt 4 Ut
aiaiaiiiiapniT " m mi inriia -hit WW
CMa a aa taM is eaa ttawa
flisvwa, M i t U aefe el
P, A. a , tat aere, wee
ieaea Im aal atU4 u wkue
ta waa at U;ae.e jtrOay. Tke
txhaaf la l We eeatfttt
Adjatant Oanaral Dealaree tha Pa bile
I Kapi Wall la far mad.
WlSHiMOTov, July 19. Regarding
statements that eible dispatches re
ceived in Washington and other news
regarding the war had been censored
contrary to the usual custom, Adju
tant General Corbln said: . ; t
"Yes, these complaints have been
brought to my notice; a word of ex
planation is perhaps due the country,
no less than the department. The
enormous amount of work the ofllce
ha been called upon to perform has
taxed to the limit the endurance of
the clerks, who, by the way, are as
competent as any that can be found
anywhere. Complaints were made by
several of the assistants and cletfcs
that our clerks were being annoyed
aud their timo taken from legitimate
work by direct application for infor
mation from people in no way con
nected with tho ofllce or the public
service. :, . . ,
"As a matter of protection to the
public interests and good administra
tion, the circular, of June t) was is
sued The censure of the so-called
censored press is without just causej
and evidently under misapprehension
of facts.
"There has been no information re
ceived from General Otis that has not
been given to the press promptly on
the bulletin board in the hall of this
office; every fair minded representa
tive of the press will tear witness to
this statement What would the man
ager of any one of the complaining
newspnpers say if information con
cerning the business of the paper was
Inquired for of the printers rather
than at the business ofllce of the pa
per? . This is a case exactly in point.
"The standing instructions of the
President and secretary of war are
that the publio shall be given all in
formation we receive. This has been
done and will continue to be done.
Of course,, plans of campaigns that
would be of help to Agulnaldo and
other Filipinos have nqf. and will not
be promulgated, but all facts
events transpired have been given
Kiaaped llsak trlnfllef
Arrested la
Hew York. ,
Nkw Yobk, July li. Timothy
Ilogan, alias Timothy Murphy,
torous criminal, was arrested last
night Hogan is wanted in several
states, and has an unexpired term
waiting for him on Black well's
Ills last escape was from the Colum
bus, Ohio, penitentiary, on the morn
ing of May 3, ls'JO, He was serving a
five-year sentence at the Ohio peniten
tiary, and succeeded in getting him
self smuggled through the gates while '
concealed in a packing case. Hogan
will be at once returned to the Colum
bus authorities.
' lie has caused no end of trouble to
the banks through both the East and
West because of his cleverness in
altering checks and rewards were of
fered by the American Bankers' asso
ciation for his arrest 1
, , -
Harrison Hnnbs Allcald and Hew York
llryanltet Will right Tammaaf.
Chicago, July JO. Three political
developments stirred the Democrats
In Chicago. One was the refusal of
Mayor Harrison, on account, of its
'obscure" origin, to attend and de
liver an address of welcome at the
Auditorium free silver meeting on
Thursday night.
The secoud was a verbal notice that
tha Democratic national committee
would be asked to repudiate the Crok-er-IIlll
-Murphy machine la New York
and recognize the ailvcr crowd
The third was the statement that
an effort wouia be made to nave a
rule adopted that no man who bolted
the ChleaiTO platform and ticket in
1800 shall be eligible to sit in the na-
tlonal convention of 19 JO a a dele
gate. Oil Ladaa Slilp tiaras
Hilar. N. a. July 19. The
Standard Oil company's tank steamer
Maverick, which arrived Saturday
from New York with a cargo of oil,
Is snnk In the harbor. Mhe was tabn
to her pier in Bedford bin and tha
pumping of the oil from the ship's
hoi J to tue oil tank on the ahore waa
commenced, a als-inoh pipe connect
ing the tankt During the pumping
the pipe burst and the oil flowe-i down
Into the engine room and became
ignited The steamer's erew made
efforts to subdue the flames which
followed Vut were obliged to leave
the ship ta sate their Uvea
Iaiattet Ugaat ataaipata.
lUuivMt. Ala, Jay 19. The
CWrgt aagrwa ItrparteJ to UKkoode
valeee t tase the plaeas of strikers,
have sUatuelet as the relt ! the
aaaasalnattaa vt one of their axutbar
aa4 the wueedlaf et fit tht t
at laf eight A anther Met Georgia
agrees aUt t 0 U aawW, arrived
lat alg ht au4 re tsaaa ta liioi4.
Vat, waea taoy tafvxnad t what
ha 4 atrpeaed. !ay, to, eMctiMe4
t iee
kta kaa4 Waaas f t Mag
Wtseiseto., Jala It tra! At
ltle ay tvt4 a tale reus frva
tttji fraavitwa r eater ! aaitaf Uet
the tVvgva lrr at the Prvetd ware
wlkkJwt wteuU aat ware at9rie
trk tke waatkee a4 la daeg-ae el
aaess-Mila the 4f eta a staled t at,
kailaj last veter4 ' a. trtt
el.aaaU, tkof cmuM awl witka4 tke
eW4 aa4 tkat tkere t pleat t
taraM4a t tke (' "' "
pftaaV PvaaMaat Maaiaief til
aek4 Ikat aaaa et-tkia a wat
aeaeaaar fvf tke eMfiMrt el the trta
be lasaai U thaNS.
Correspondents Protest to
Against the Censorship.
llaporU of A mar lean
Heal Prostration
representations of
Ravsries and ot
appraised Mis-
OMears' refcllof
, About tbe Intnrraotlon's traogth.
Manila, July 11, via Hong Kong.
The, conatantly increasing strictness
of the censorship of press dispatches
from Manila, which has prevented the
cabling to the United (states of any
thing that did not reflect official views
of Important events and conditions,
has resulted in a united effort upon
the part of correspondents here to se
cure an abatemont of the rigor of the
Tbe initiative in this direction was
taken a month ago, and resulted in
the framing of a statement which was
presented on feunday, July 9, to Major
General Otis, commanding the mili
tary forces of the United Btates in the
Philippine Islands, with a request for
permission to telegraph it to the
United Mates, The correspondents
also asked that they be allowed to ca
ble to their papers the facts and tbe
different phases of events as they took
place there, .
4 Tho correspondents had two long in
terviews with General Otis, in the
course of which they complained that
the evident purpose of the censorship
was not to keep information from the
enemy, but to Keep from trie puuno a
knowledge of the real condition of af
fairs here,
It was also assorted by tha corre
spondents that newspapers printed in
Manila, which reached the enemy
quickly, are permitted to publish
statements similar to those which cor
respondents are forbidden to cable.
It was made clear to General Otis that
the objection was to the system and
not to tbe censor.
General Otis finally promised greater
liberality, agreeing to pa all matter
that he might consider not detrimen
tal to the interests of the United
States. Captain Green of his staff waa
appointed censor, Tho statement of
Ltbo correspondents is as follows;
"The undersigned, being all staff
correspondents of American news
papers stationed in Manila, unite in
the following statements
We believe that, owing to official
dispatches from Manila made publio
in Washington, the people of the
United states have not received a cor
rect impression of the situation? in
tbe Philippines, but that these dis
patches have presented an ultra-optimistic
view that is not shared by the
general officers in tha field.
We believe that the dispatches
represent the existing conditions
among the Philippines in respect to
dissension und demoralization result
ing from the American campaign and
to the brigand character of their
army. 1
"We believe tho dlspa tones err in
the declaration that the situation is
tvell in hand' and tho assumption that
tbe insurrection can be speedily ended
without a greatly increased force.
"We think the tenacity of the Fili
pino purpose has been underestimated
tnd that the statements are unfound
ed that voluntcors are willing to en
rage In further service.
'The censorship has compelled us
to participate In thla misrepresenta
tion by excising or altering uncontro
lled statements of fuela upon tho
pica, as General Otis stated, that 'they
would alarm the people at home' or
'have the poople of the United Statea
by the cars.'
'Specifications: "Probation of re
ports', snppresslon of full reports ot
Sold operations In the event of fall-
ore; numbers of heat prostrations in
the field; systematic minimization of
taval operations and suppression of
xiinplete reports of the situation."
The dispatch la signed by John T.
MoCutoheon of the Chicago Record,
Oscar K. Davis of the New York Sun,
John F. Bass of the New York Her
lid, Kobert M. Collins and John P.
Dunning of the Associated Press and
tig other correspondent.
rraaly af SaU SHw Uarmeay Waal
ha l.laatl far Mtlllarf rarnataa,
Wasiuioto. July It The test ol
.he Oerman-lM'auUh treaty, r which
the Caroline ialauda were aula, has
Uee reeelve I hare. It is unite anir-
at that the Berlin government's chief
tbiet la acquiring the Carolines
as to ktake them a military Ute in
.he event of any tronb!e la the 'a,tH,
t here ia further evUeae ut tM la
he reputt eotulag here through lull
liy vhsaesls to tke elf vet that ft
auie plans are la preparation f .r
witprfvlar the tUtiiete tpanl la
K vf the t arullaae.
The euMOMM' stU ef the ectjaUU
,Lio, hotavr, is but n.'Uotl, aa ar
rangements hate Wv eutapisiad tot a
ilue pf stauar t eoaaeet With all vf
irataay'a poaaaaiaa la the
Ut l rtaaaite Kaa t aso tt l
t. Vsf. t'ape Vla !te.t,
Uly la I he Ita-iaa elair, t autre
tmL, frn MtnttetwliHjt J
ktf tlMua, with lia iuaaMgara, has
kaa v I hare f a 4.ta vf s.Ai
tt.twa, tukag Waa 4at4 hy the
uaa vl hsf
A Itaae fe Ma AaAataa
Twroat, Jaly It rWaatMt .ala
Uatae has eetet4 t J- A4t
waeftMaeity fv slstUtiaal sgwat
W that agi level 4tkrta)aat aa4
all fwsf4 the rawuaelatsa
Vt ashing tw U ala.
Boraa aad Mnlat for Otis.
Chattanooga, Tenn., July 19. On
t rush order from the war department
200 horses and mules and fifty escort
wagons were shipped from the Chick
a man j? a quartermaster's department
to Ban Francisco to-day by special
train to be forwarded at once to Ma
nila. '
, SHEWANTS $500,000, V
A Denver Beateorant Owaef luas Bar
Vormar Haibiol
SpoKANa, Wash., July 19. Mrs.
Helen M. Peyton, who haa for years
conducted a restaurant in Denver,
haa entered salt here ' for 95UO,000,
claimed to be one-half the estate of
Colonel Isaao N. Peyton, president of
the Exchange National bank, who
sold an interest in the LeBol mine
at Bossland, British Columbia, last
year, for 1800, 000. Peyton was for
raerly the publisher of a weekly paper
at Saguache, Colo., and a member of
tho Colorado legislature. He left this
state in 18V. It is claimed that he
deserted his wife in St. Louis. It is
farther stated that he lived at Spo
kane aa Colonel O. II. Morgan, where
be amassed much property, and mar
ried a 'Widow under that name He
had previcusly aecured a divorce from
his first wife, but this, Mrs. Peyton
declares, was secared by fraud and is
therefore void
There I more Catarrh in this section
of tbe country than ail other diseases
not together, and until tho last few
years was supposed to bo Incu Jable. For
a great many years doctors pronounced
(t a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and bv constantly fallinir to
core with local treatmont, pronounced
It incurable, Bcience bag proven catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, and. there-
lore, reqnlreg constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by Y.
J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is tho
only constitutional cure on tho market.
It is taken internally In donee from 10
drops to a teospoonfnl. It acta directly
on tbo blood and mucous surfaces of tho
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it falls to euro. Head for
circular! and testimonials. Address,
Toledo. O.
erSold by all Druggists, 7Go.
Rooms 42-43-44,
A full aet of teeth........ 15 to $10
Bridge teeth, per tootb and
crown ........aa 10 f a
Wo administer goo,
3Dr. 3D. 3?. Sims
Tha old rallabla DnblUbari of tha wall knows
Vartlatlt, era offering UAMDMOMH MILK UKKHHKalnll 10 to It yard, Tbli offor la opn
to any rallabla paraon wbo will srad for It at onea anS promla to sbow It with tbo papw. II os
wlnh to taka adrantaas of sIiotk allk draas offor, jros moat flmt and w-nt ilr or tm
stampa to par for bundling and pontage oa tbe papar wa sand tbraa monlbs on trial, and yus
Will raxalva It by ralora mall.
Mrs. l'bot) Nnb, Ullllamitown, Pa,, wrltasi Jnat ranalvad In blank silk dra-H ardi-jfOO
Stat me. Tba quality la maKnlflranf, and I thank yoo s tbqnd tlinm ovar,
Mra. KlUa Brown, Naw Uavn, Conn., wrltaa: H acarotly IwlUvxd It, bat this morning my silk
drana ariivad. I bava shown It to a dows nslabbon. Tuty all InUnd aaadlng forona, It Is aar-
talDtv baastlfnl, aad I will do all I eao for your papar. ... M .
Wa can ahow proof ol thonnanda ol draaaps glraa away to tboaa who bars aniwsrsd our ad
vartlnamanta. All draaaaa sant promptly, Addreai:
G. tc C Merriam Co
international J
V t r
Paris Green, lb
London Purple, lb
Strychnine, 2c a bottle Blue Vitrol, lb. . . . 10c
Garden and Mower seeds.
White Lead, S. P., $6.00 per cwt.
Pure boiled Linseed Oil, 50c a gallon. Varnish
es; all kinds of lubricating oils.
Golden Machine, per gallon 25c
Red Harvester, 40c gal. Castor Machine... 33c
Cylinder Oil per gal . 30c
Corner lOtH
ti 7
li I ttat
I' Mfint 25pi:
it nUU Vt5Ttr,.1 GUSS PAINT CO..
324 Sc-tt latti, Utic
War Department Will Disregard
the "Round Robin."
After a Lengthy Cabinet Maetlag the
Members Were More Betleeal Than
Utaal Arraoglog for tbe Establish
ment af Fall Civil Oovarnmeat
Washington, J uly 1 9. It was stated
at the war department to-day that no
attention whatever would be paid to
tho "round robin" of tho Manila cor
respondents. Tho protest waa not
sent to General Otis and it is said ho
will not be called upon for an expla
nation. In addition to this it was in
timated that very encouraging nows
had been received from the Philip
pines and tho situation was much bet
ter than had been generally believed
Tho advices which tho Pr oslden t ro
ceived from Manila yesterday, which
have given so much comfort and en
couragement to tbe members of tho
cabinet to whom they were communi
cated, had a bearing rather upon tho
political than tho military situation,
though there is natural y a very di
rect connection between tho two at
this time. The commission, or at
least so much of it as remains
at Manila since tho departure of
President Bcherman and Admiral
Dewey, bas . bosn unrelaxlng in tho
effort to restore the confidence of tho
natives and aid military operations
by inducing military defections among
Aguinaldo's followers, Home prog
ress has been made; more, it is said,
than tho publio Is acquainted with,
for not only have tho United States
authorities been able to secure un
qualified adhesion of the natives of the
more important islands outside of
Luzon in tho Philippine group, but
oven iu that island they have steadily
encroached on what was rogarded as
purely insurgent territory and are ar
ranging for tho establishment of full
civil governments in some of tho prov
inces of tbo island wherein Agulnaldo
has heretofore been strongest,
.The cabinet meeting to-day was
long, and tho members, after it ad
journed, were more reticent than
usual It was ascertained the decision
was reached to allow the ''"round
robin" matter to drop. At an Informal
conference held at the White house
the subject was thoroughly discussed
and such a policy agreed upon. This,
it is stated, was confirmed at to-day's
cabinet meeting. Officially the mat
ter will be ignored and General Otis
will bo allowed to treat it as bo may
deem beat.
and hlrbiy Intarcstlna Fsmllr M availne, to ad
CO.. Lock Box 478. Philadelphia, Pi.
Hon.D.T.Brewerf Justice of U.S. Supreme Court,
says i H I cominend It to all as tbe one groat stand
ard authority." '
It excels in tbe eoao with whloh the eye finds the
word souuht In accuracy of definition In cirwt
lvo methods of Inaicatlnar pronunciution ; In lurke
and comprt hoimlve stutemonts of facta and In
practical une as a working dictionary.
usmf n rxwt. etc sent en annltcatton.
PublUhr, Springfald, Mm., U. 8. A.
and. IP Streets
Lincoln Steel Range
and pk-aaeyoar dear wlte as 4 Ismily Warvaate4 taa
eutat (rfxt eMklaf skive made, H e aee tbe v t beet
a.. 14 rulW4 Wat Wval4 etaat, aa4 Itae evaty Kaaga
aa4 eta4, watea waiaa It iwtHiaaiUle ta
aat Ire to yonr toor, 1byara aaaiieoese, attractive,
ap-ttMlaW ta attra aa4 tlralge, leU araai tnasateO,
wui oara eay aien m vw. mm Mas a inr
tima, U4 oat ata, eol4 aa leant. Tit
le thy e salt tha tbe "ssat oa atara.
II 4aJr !( aot baadke tkaat be
sasa grl atwiata, Write la ae as 4
e atil nvi4e a eay H yo ta y tm4 at
A raete r-a,
BuckstAli Drot. Mff . CoH
IatMiea Siae Ia4aetrywsa4e la lave.
ia. Herasaf yea to OnWa, tab
aa4 tCtras) tVe at UweuJa, aa4
tbtNtaaatle aea( war Uagea liaJ ab
WattuHt give Hate! aa4 Itaataaraat Oetlsa
July 20
or any other lad log who wish to work
working for ns in spare time at home -on
our cloths. We offer 700 a good
chanoe to make plenty o! spending
money easily, in leisure hoars. Send
12o for cloth and foil directions for
work, and commence at once. Clots
sent anywhere. Address
Wlaeosket Ce (US B.) Beetoa,
Mfg. Dspat.
DENTIST.... Grocery, Lincoln.
My painless method of filling teeth con
sists simply of little application to the
cavity of decay before cleaning it out
preparatory to filling. I dm no eleotrle
TEETH extracted without
GOLD FILLING and bridge
work. All work warranted. 21 yean'
HI Rontb 12th 8fc., SSriSric'r
Lincoln, Neb. ...DENTIST
tit 1 ';
TaOS iND it 920 R
?SSSt : Street
The Oldest
Hide Bouse,
D08S0N &
Lincoln, Neb.
DRUGS at cut
for 30 Days.
tasHyrnpof Vi .....Wis
Melslenm l'ow(lr,,.. .................... la
1 Win of Carilul 7ft
B ailL.ft.ut- 1.ulel.U fi.tniu.finil . BUM
f t rilf KHISW w waiByiw 'ivmwih eve
(6o Cartar't l.tttla Llvar i'llli IN
. ... M - ...
71 Jtyrw, iiair Tiur. m
50 IIchu'W 0nuao f4yrop Me
M IivWItt's Ona-inluut Cougb r)up....SM
1 MalUd Milk o
l Kamp's Ilalaam Tta
Mo Halloa's CuutuniptloaCura....... oo
It I'.rona .....t'o
ft a. Ht a. ........... .,..... f'e
SI Kmuiitloa Cod Mrr Oil Ike
t Ilwl lros and WlnaTonlo 7Aa
'M UrtKu' Olyoarlu Hair.,.,.-.,, Mo
SDs Gray's 1',... M's
SI Mll.a' Narvlna 7fa
SI Halna'a Clary Compound 7Ae
$1' Swaiap Boot 7fia
H0 (ttiorl.... ,...'ilto
II I'laroa's Kavorlta Praserlptlos 76o
2M UMtTotil MM
All OlbarSl PatantMadloluM,... inn
All other Mo I'at.nt M.illclnM,,,.. ........4(Xs
All otlior m I'atant Mdlliia MM
Kin. Mtwliln. Cat OH, par gallos Ma
Klu llacblD l,ubrlcatlDg Oil, par itn.,..-)e
farl. OraHi, par pound..,, 18
London Turpi, pit pound.,.. ......16
Special attention paid to
Mall orders,
LowMt Hnca I)rn Htor In Msooln, N.b. M
yaar iprlann In ta Dreg llndaas. That
Diaan inmatblng,
FDNKK Ol'KUt HOUpK, lilib and O ITS.
Chicago or the East?
The Through Express From '
Via Omaha -
Chicago Express from Kans. City
In addition to Pullman Sleepers. Free
Chair Care, and the Beet Dining Car Ser
vice in the World, areeqoippoa witn
furnished in club style and supplied with
latest periodical, Illustrated papers and
a select library of recent notion.
Colorado or the West?
Fast, earrix dlnlug rare and Pullman
elMHwre, Laavea Oinaba 40 p. m.!
Kauaas (It v O at) p. u.: 8t. Joaofc 4:RO
n, m,, and arrive at Denver and Colorado
feprioK ntoraiog.
Jxo,8rBtaTUX. E, w. TaotireoM
O.r.j) l'.A.,U,lcago, A 'I I . A T.A
Ti'iwka, Kaaa.
ritKl H. lUaKKa, C. I', A T. A.,
LiacHila. Nvbraaka.
Conservatory ol Music.
The teat aad ehaapaet echwd ol atuakt
ltelatHftvitft niet nUf
til .aiU tlartiisi tba peat rr, re4 lor
UiueUat! eoevaaur ratajijua.
A. ALTON IUta.i:r. rrsejMeal.
15th and I. Streets.
ne Mal I'tpalar )Wr la the lily la
MM. I hi it ..
lltitli. hflrstks.
riaaVtM. ( a taa Mat tea
VM . tStatlA eaMa waa