The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 20, 1899, Image 1

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    4 V
. S1
The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Ctomolidated.
NO, 10
VOL. XI, .
x A'- if 07
ow tba Psapts of Utah Hay Fared ta-
dtr M&rilal I,aw-WhaH In Stars
for Allot Vs.
The military regime la Idaho ba
borne Inevitable fruit In the persecution
and deliberate murder of Innocent and
dofensless cltl,n. Tbe danger of tho
general evil Involvsd in tbe suspension
of civil authority, the ludlserlminliittte
arrest of persons, with or without the
team of pn Judlco or suspicion, and tb
denial of fro press, fro speech and th
rlitbt of combination bar been ecllpsd
for the time by the neuter Incident of
personal brutality and degradation In
flicted by tbe military upon tha iwrsou
of those now at tbelr mercy,
Tho supreme court of Idaho ban denied
the application for a writ of habeaa
corpus. The nam tribunal bo ruled
that if audi a writ won leaned the mill,
tary authorities would be Justified In die-
regarding It; that the government of the
tate had power to declare martial law,
and that such a condition now exist
The loot vestige of atate authority thus
eurrendored to the federal soldiery, the
latter bave proceeded to exercise tbelr
power with an abandon characteristic
of Irresponsible might, Neither tbe In
atincte of common bumanity nor the
prompting of spiritual necessity bar
been respected. Every prlnclpleof Justice,
propriety and dency ba been beaten
down by tbe rotbles arm of a satrapy
Intoxicated witb a license which, not
withstanding numerous tauten of the
Name draught In the poet, I still a novel
and exciiing indulgence.
The recent industrial history of tb
United State abound Witb Instance
of military interference, alwayunwar
ranted; and therefore, alway abuelve of
tbe principle of military eubordination
and civil eupremacy. Indeed, eueb In
terference baa lately come to be a coin
cident in all otherwise private Industrial
dispute of any dimensions. The au
thority thus vssted in tb military,
although greater than tbe clrcumstan.
cea would juatify, baa bitberto beenllm
ited; which limit, although naturally
and inevitably evereacbed, baa atill been
recognized and observed at a point abort
of tbe total extinction of civil rights,
lint in tbe present Instance the military
And themselves, for the first time
in tbe bietory of the United States,
abeolutely supreme by the abdica
tion, or rather betrayal, of tbe
atate' aoveerigulty. In degree, at bast,
the position of tbe military in Idaho I
a new experience. A aucb it boa al
ready demonstrated the prscnant adage
that power without responsibility begeU
Now that tbe trdop have been given
a free band to gratify tbelr lout for pure
deviltry the bare abandoned every
oemblance of dignity and discipline, and
bave developed the characteristic of
mere marauder. Tbe Mullan Mirror, a
paper friendly to the persecuted miners,
ba been surprised and its editor
thrown into the "bull pen" for exposing
the horror of that place. Mrs. Htewart,
tbe wife of tbi man tried to get the pa
per run off in order to support herself
and family of three young cbildreu, A
company of cavalry invaded her prem
ium and congscated 18 coses of type and
all the advertisement. The woman Is
tijiis loft destitute. Union ball have
teen forced open and furniture destroyed.
The sale of the Kurke miners' union
was opened and 1 ,200, intended for
the rtiliel of tbe Imprisoned meu'a fain
iliee, taken by tbe troot.
Tbe engineer and pump men of the
Burke mines, who desired to quit work
la sympathy witb tbe miners, were in
vited to a ball for a eoiiu.reuo." A lieu
tenant of the army mounted the pint
fsrni, and, pulling out hi watch, gave
tbe men 10 uilnuie in which to return
to work "or uffir the ooiisequenW,
Meanwhile a body ol soldier stood at
the door, awaiting tbelr oHloer'a com
mand. A man nomad M. L. Ivlne, a patient
In a hospital, came to Wallace on the
day of tbe explosion to nave a tooth
drawn, lie wo arrested and sent to
tb "bull pen." 0iug to the treatment
be received there he died. Wlieo h !
bant aware of hi imiaiuding death be
I'leadi-d to be allowed to couler witb
liM Iriend about the UImhiI ol bis
rfficts; tht was tlfbtnl. Finally, he
asked for tbe consolation ol a priest,
which request wo also denied. Another
pruMMtsr la the "bull pen" uituied Jobn
sou, ! f lolsutly Insan and suf
fered undr lb luireeioa that h would
be baagol UkkiM be hlrMtltlml jhiiiis 1
tb w eupioat la hv Uwa )mplie
t la tb eitAwio of April VU lie
wss aitudgHt i 'tii ud urdt-red etna
tuittetl ia a jIh, tV bit being ea
tsjfMl tbr by torotter 'rit h at
tupi4 to mvi asd Hi Into th
ter 4 Ak: rivr, t'irtier I'rane
g tb iifdrf "Br blgb." four axiiru
li Irvd apoa tUm maa a I kilted
kirn a b tigah4 ia tb Ur.
l arf aamtwr id adtailisttly Uax
st bv Imvm arrisd, tarwAlw
Hh thsi ilii a) sttbaot
ta to tvvty iitll iHtiigniiy bd
tortar ta mmim lbM la lb
btwBtity l miI uibr pr ! r.
iVy ar aVi4 lb pmo ideM
am tartk4 to Uto aist tbr a ill,
dvaieg dUtw Ht4ug ot lb !
abf tbrsal tutry ! w tia
Itm4 a4 watoe,
l,rwf t'rb ks ba Mid(HtiMi a
awervi idiMt aks, alababiava
are ktarbm kwluni bis at tb put! w(
tb bfwt 14 ttatitlW4 Ittkstify
aaiaal lblr e, aa4 wttboat tbi
viu eJ (, tb ditii i4tb
bai fwa4 ia ViU4 aa Nvwihag ta
lb last oNra, lb tbrea baadrejaf
bmiff kbMjr a INN) p attboal
the mean of observing tho ordinary
law of natur in decency. Tbe food
offered them is of tbe vilest quality,
many of tbe prisoner bav been Mturved
and suffocated Into sickness, aud a num
ber bava died.
From this outline a vague Idea of the
condition existing In tho Our d Alcne
under tho military rolgme may be de
rived. It is a state of affair that ought
to arouiN) alarm and anger throughout
tb couutry. It should bring down the
Iron hand of public wrath upon the
cowardly bead of thoso responsible for
it, no matter bow blgb tboy may be. In
th last instance the man responsible tor
these crime the president of tbe
United H totes, and unless ba immediate
ly call off hi "dog of war" he should
bo denounced a a traitorous, not only
to American Institutions, but to the
most rudimentary dlcUt of common
dwency and common humanity. Coast
Heaman Journal,
A genuine populist don't car any
more for a party nam than ba doe for
a dead cat. What be I after I prlncl.
pie and principle enacted into law.
These men who go around declaring
that th world must (hi saved by the
word populist or never aved at all, ar
only fuk populist. Tbe object of the
genuine populist is to save this republic
and cot a political party,
Wbntb yirst Vbrk Ilepelled tbe
Assault adbv4 lb WhoUAruif,
Nin hundred and eighty-nine men of
Nebraska landed her last July, and
proved to th world that a volunteer
can foot a tad and fir aa heroically a
tbe most seasoned veteran. No eulogy
can be to flattering; no encoa'umscan
be too enthusiastic; no on will even
know tb entire atory of the work of tbe
First Nebraska. Well do th people of
Manila remember tb terrible night of
the 4th of February, when thousand of
expectant aud confident Filipinoa aurged
against tb slender line of our outposts.
Could our men bold out against such a
terrific onslaught? And Bant a Mesa?
It wo the etrateulc point. It wastb
key to tbe city.
And only tb Father above know the
history ol that night. The men of Ne
braska were on guard at Santa Mesa,
and tbey stood a firm a the founda
tion of time, and held back that board
of maddpued Tegal, hour after hour.
Any waverlmr. any faltering, and tbe
result letilt not even be dreamed of.
There I authority for tb statement
tbat tb Nebraska regiment will embark
In lesa than fifteen days; in fact, order
from Washington bav been received
ordering tbe release of all Nebraska men
who are confined, tbat tbey may be
ready to join tbelr regiment.
A an additional proof tbat th cam"
palgning of th volunteer I about at
an end, it I atated tbat Krag-Jorgenaen
rifles bav not been Issued to them as
tbey will be her but a very abort time.
Yes, the volunteera are going borne,
tbey can all loin in tbe chorus. "Were
going borne tomorrow,"
Tb foregolbg ia taken from a paper
printed In Manila called Freedom. It
eoems tbat half of tbe suffering and fight
ing of tbe First Nebraska ha not yet
been told. Tbey bave won imperishable
glory and written their name on tbe
page of history in letter tbat can
never be defaced. There It will remain
an Inspiration for brave deeds as long
a time shall last.
That Is Wbat this War la ths Philippines
will Col Motors CougrcM oss stop It.
If the war i to go on witb an active
army strength of 35,000 men, the daily
bill, saying nothing of naval coots, will
b .IIH),000. lb lore oonirres can meet
in regular session aud decide abetber or
not w are to kep th I'bltippiues, Hit
day must elapse. Assuming that it will
take thirty days to reach a decision in
so Important a mailer. w bave lilt
daj to coutiMer, whk b at 1:100,000
aplre would mean a lutal military
Mndituruf fjM.yoO.UUO. Of course, II
a larger army is employed so much morn
money will bav to b laid out on It. N
not thi paving a rthr blgb premium
on a JO,()4Jil,li(K) iuvMttuiuui abiuh img
gress may ss fit to discontinue? I'uw
Uua tb ronrvtlv lots' together,
the f it:i,tMHi,(MMi and tb ,"H yoO.iswi,
aud tbe product I ao Whni a sum tbaa lor a I'lw ol property we
av uurMlv raitai at on-lMulb that
amount, Tlwa Ibsr ar tbsusiou hi
euui. n bat tbrtsj may b bouitir
knoss, but aa army oltWrhs maU lb
touudieg sU'riiwat tbat Md mt esat
nf lb sohlurs lu tb 1'billppliKM atll g-l
JHiuaioa for tl) utv ! oibr
inakl iaiinitaiiii. II tfo,(MHi aa ri
It ir atunth vb oa tbi av4ii a
bail bav to pay nut aaaualty lor ko
u lao bue maef yvar. a a tbat
at tb Ualsale.wtil araraata ll.ujo,.
ihhi, or aarlv IU p et t, in ataikst
Vsia ki IM bUippI.
H uaid tl ao m aMl Nilby, bfor w
gi aat laribr la bi buiM,lo Ka4
yt waat tmr omnm la da aitb our
ly aMmr4 or aaly ttafqwirl
hisi nUi a f Wual4 It aa 4Hi4
iHiutMioa mhh ti bold aa ttra st-a
aoa? MapNMlt sboaM bipB att
iweiilwf ur Jaaaary tbat forsa
toald 444 agatast kMspteg tbt t'blbi
aaa, ut It aat Ira tbat tb Aawtfraa
iHiptaui4katl,ir)bi,iHM) rMH
aa4 mmm ta rgrt tbat tb aUal
laawakw M aut aet vankt a4 a
lb t 4 t a avaauaib i4 brwit
be vaif It tttt Im a a svar bast'
a prtqaiailUia tbat wegr abMil4
ow .tbr at iaa 4 4hi a Wi
taat,-ta I taattamt iarabfe, ,
Hews of the Week
Tb McKlnley censorship at Manila
proving a boomerang and playing bavoc
generally with tbe Imjwrlalletw torce in
the United State. All th correpon
dent bave left Manila and gone to
Hong Kong, Including those of th A-
aoclated pro, i ner wej umwv tm
round robin and all signed a statement
declaring that tb peoP1 of th United
State bad been deceived by tb censor
authorities and the situation waa not
what It woe represented to be at all.
John T, McCuteheon, a part of who
dispatch was printed In tho Independent
lust week, head thllt.
Tbe testimony of all tb correspon
dents, wbo either wont to Hong Kong
or were expelled by tbe military author! t
lea from th Island of I,uon, la th worst
blow that ImperloHsm baa yet received
and th McKlnley manager don't know
which way to turn, Tb State Journal
tries to ridicule, tha statement of tb
correspondent but it effort ia a decided
failure. Cruel ra an w bo wa th corres
pondent of an Imperllst paper, I in
London and ba back tb ret of tba
newspaper men in their statement tbat
tbe cablegram allowed to be sent out
wer all misleading while tba Important
new of tha seriousness of tb situation
wa completely aurpreased.
It will be aooa tbat tho only people In
tbi state who bav bad any Inteligent
idea of affair In tb Philippine wer the
reader of tb Independent, Tb poor
mullet head In this Instance bav not
been allowed to know tb fact at all.
Tbey ara at fault only In tbat tbey will
not read anything but a republican pa
per. '
Tb report of I'rof. Rchurman, whil
not Intended to be to, la in fact a very
great compliment to tbe Filipinoa.' lie
aaya he baa met a great many of them
and neither threat, bribe or promise
of office and safety will indue tberoto
give any information that will be of any
re to tb American military author! tie,
Tbat ia to say, tbat the men ar tru
patriot and cannot ba bribed, bought
orbnlldosedinto doing anything tbat
will b owed against their bop of liberty
and Independence, Tbey don't aoom to
be tb sort of men that tbey bav bean
represented to b at all,
Tba State Journal aeem to bo deter
mined to reach depth of depravity tbat
were never before eouuded by tbe very
lowest of humanity. A few week ago
It published a lot of lie about Senator
Allen. It did it with malllne and fore
thought, knowing well at the time that
It printed them that they were lies. It
accused him of gobbling a lot of land
under the resevoir act when It knew tbat
Honator Allen bad not entered an acre
nnder that or any other act. When
Senator Allei sent a denial It refused to
publish the denial. Some eastern papers
copied the lie from the Journal and then
that printed sewer copied its own He
from the eastern paper In proof of tbe
fact that Senator Allen had been gobbl
ing government land.
Tbe moral foulnes of a sheet like tbe
State Journal is beyond tb power of
man to describe. There boa never been
anything equal to It la the history ol
this or any other country, Wa defy any
ono to point out a despicable an act by
any public Journal as tbi slauderoa
Senator Allen who la ou of tb honored
aud rts)Htd cltiwus of thl atate and
now holding the position ol Judge. Tbe
writer on that paper who eootluu wiU
fully and maliciously to lis day alter
day should b sbunued a moral hqier
by men of all pari lea and all erd.
Not only doe It slander uin at bom
but It li- about tb brav soldier ul
tb I'tnt, A wouBdd otthvr I turning
bom, II ba tssa la alt tb battW la
whkb tb noble First bav Uwaengwd,
bat tMM-au k Mongml tu a diR-rsat
poll i leal parly this sllwy tat of
ouraaliMi tskwa tweamtoa, who b b
atuwat following tb lag, ta puUbb, tb
(uWt iab4r a ho blat, Tb fiaa W
ao I, terau It (Hipbj Iruat a aa
kaoaa eoBBlry awkly, Tbat la! aly
aemataau it ataligbliy aa4 twavdis.
MaJif :g r uttiaiaa44 a balalilua la
tb balls ahf Mtutwat-ng aa ktlW4
au4ialbbaliltbbit 4y wmhv
trsly awabowl, Hm tbla asarai
rasa tat tb Iwabwt )a4ra agaiabt
bita, U iMKoltb First 0 bat
oNMtbtBg ta a t tb4sw arttw ba
tby gt buss,
fa It laet nbtaiaaU at tb (
at ttata it Iwgia ta luok aa tbwagb
MIiaby ti4 tot ajt bia tea rt
BMataal lWwta Igkt tBIMiHaaa,
Tb rr altiag batsa bt at a dtscvaat,
Even some of tb officer bo boa ap
pointed bav refused to accept oommf.
...., (.. '
ion. -
All the correspondent In Manila unit
In stating tbat th cablegram averting
tbat tbe volunteers were willing to re
inllst In McUulcy'a war of conquest were
pure fabrications. Thoso men coming
from tho best fatuities of th western
state are all against tho McKlnley
policy, Tho Mark Hanuaite will boar
something that will make them turn
potted wben tbe boy get bomo.
It is a fact well to keep In mind tbat
al mi tb popocrat took charge of
affair at th state bouse tb atate ba
not lost a cent by embczxlemcnt nor baa
counties lost anything on account of
making the treasurer pony up every
thirty day, Tho state official however
bavo no way to suvo tho cities from be
ing looted by republican treasurers.
Ashland I a recent sufferer from J bo re
publican habit pf grabbing publlo fund.
No one pi tie thorn for after alt tbe
warnings tboy have had they predated
in electing a republican treasurer.
First McKlnley put on a confederate
bodge and now h prefer tbe confeder
at general Wheeler over th Union gen
oral Mile. Wheeler I sent to Manila
to take charge of tblnga tbero
whil Mile bo been refused any com
mand at all. It I about tlmo'.for th
mullet head to begin to talk about
their loyalty again.
Tb Imperialist around Lincoln bave
not flocked to McKlnley'a recruiting
office in any great numbers. Tbey
aeem 1 1 be willing to do tb talking but
gun powder make thorn alck,
Decauao the plutocratic dailioa are
trying to deceive the people in regard to
the eoormoua deficiency in tho national
revenue la no reason wby the reform
editor hould keep so quiet on tbo sub
ject. Th .Associated Pros statement
tbat tb revenue of tbe government will
fall behind 1100,000,000 doenotglv
tb wbolo truth by any mean. Tba
government bad a revenue of 1200,000,-
tOOO from tha sale of bond. Tbat la,
going in debt ia called la tbat report
revenue." Tho deficit tb lost year
waa 'juu,uuu,uuu, not jiw.uou.uuu.
The fact of aucb an enormous deficit
when taken in connection witb tb heavy
war taxes should act every man to think
ing. It la an omnloua thing to contem
plate. Tbe president of tbe county Alliance
out at Kearuey, ao aaya tbo Buffalo
County Pilot, went to Malalleu and de
manded that bo correct tbe atatemont
besfntto the flee and State Journal
about the Alliance passing resolutions
denouncing fusion when it wa only
Mala.'Ieu, Stebbinn and Liobty who did
the passing. Malallea corrected it Just
like tbe State Journal did its malicious
lies about Senator Allen,
Tbe Lincoln barber bar Just found
out that the trust have bit them bard.
Tbat Is especially the cose witb th bar
ber at the hotels. A large part of thtir
business cam from the drummer and
now the trust bave turned th drum
mer out to count ties, so tbey don't get
shaved any more Tb hotel are feeling
th effect of th trust also. Tb tetiv
drummer don't com to stay all night
any more. No ous pi tie th hotel men
or most of them whoo;! it up for Mo-
KluWy and th gold standard.
Tb mullet beads ol Nebraska willingly
support a daily paper which lie pur
paaely, maliciously and rontiuulally.
That go tu sbii that tl vbwls party
ia rottea to tb very cor. Asa sample
of tbia priudltatd lying, tak aa edi
torial ia tb Slate Journal ft Tuwday
morning. It says; "Tb fart that tb
garal allow4 tb boya to s4 tbelr
protest out of Maaila, Including tb4r
ab opinio tbat k ba Ua 'ultra op
timWtto' la bU vwol lb aar woul4
indicate tbat Oli do aot p "'"" "
IbaqualileaUoasbla gsaaia tyrat.H
fJTbW Joareal editor wrote oMitwraMy,
aitb tb rfi-airb dl4 Hag Kosg aa4
but at MaaUa, ly big Ulr h'et, 1 bsa
ar tb HPtvmmnw aa bamaaiiy tbat
rfiWNMra lav ta flght ia tbia tal,
Tb (a bag Wiir4 (4 tb him) date
ay t4 II prut! ol tb Maaila Hrr
po4at tlal "M l a lsiBaat I I
tbal tbia prtt abwh wa anil aa4
pfwsat4 to Ilea. 1Mb aa Jly 9, witb a
rm tbat It b abi4 t tba lait4
Mtalea, BMBota fva MabMa bat
tvwat llaag Kaaaj, sigbt day a law, la
otbe vrl tba bm-b abuas fbb latrt
it la ta gt tb ti bet tb ABmasta
aabih awl alUnas-4 to lb at llaaUa
wat a wvll, wbaa aul4 aat avssaUf
bav few aaffre 4 tvf aarWy aiutar
The Record also aaya: "Tho Inference
ia unavoidable tbat either (Ion. Otis or
bl uuerlori at Washington aro afraid
of tho truth and afraid not for military
reasons, but for political considerations.
It la due to the censorship tbat hardly
aoul In the United Statea today knowa
Just what is going on in tho Philippines,
whero American interests, American
honor and American lives aro at stake."
Attorney General Smy tho baa secured
a Judgment aguinat Hartley 'a bondsmen
for 1040,000, All tho bondsmen aro
bold liable except Mrs, Fitzgerald, whom
It Is proved wa non compos mentis at
th time her signature was secured. It
appears tbut tbo scoundrels went to tbo
bouse and got ber to sign the bond tb
day that her husband wa burled and
while she wa crowd with grief. The
victory gained by Mr, Smy tho against
aucb odds-many of tb ablcat lawyer
In tbe state being arrayed against elm-
is on of which bo may well b proud.
If tbe supremo court doe not let tb
verdict aside, and thi money ia paid In,
the nop will loon pay on tba last ol tu
old republican debt and Nebraska will
stop forth tho only state Id tho Union
a. . 1 JK-i. t.
001 Ol QUO!.'
Tbo manager of tbo money power got
badly fooled onoo. They never Intended
to elect McKlnley president. Tbelr plan
wa to elect Whitney. Tbey bad no no
for aucb a makeshift of a man aa Mc
kinley and wanted a bulldoter after tbe
Ilaveland sort. Tbey thought tbat
Whitney would till tbo bill exactly,
Markllanna in bia recent interview
didn't tell anything new wbon bo said;
"You see we bad to awing around, for
wben Major McKlnley waa nominated It
waa thought tbat Whitney and his
friends would beat tbo free silver men In
tbo detnocotlc convention and mak
the fight on tb tariff."
Wbon It developed tbat tbo fwe allver
men oould not ba be bought and tbat
Instead of two gold standard candidates,
there wa only one, tbo wbofb situation
waa changed. Th money power man
agers bad no choice left. Tbey wer
forced to flgbt for McKlnley. It waa a
bad do to take for they bad Intended
to elect Whitney aaitwaa tba demo
cratic tnrn to bavo tbo presidency.
To tbelr credit It must bo said tbat
tbey made tb beat thy could of
tbe beast, Mark Ilaona, and the
tb man of dougb, McKlnley. Tbey bav
had trouble on their band ever since.
There la not a particle of doubt tbat
tbey intended to shelve Mo Kinley,
He hasn't the fighting qualities
that aro necessary to carry on
their desperate Intrigues, and aa for
Mark Hanna they want something more
American imperialists have chosen for
themselves a remarkably appropriate
name, Tbey wank to be called "loyal
isa." Py nil means let them be gratified.
The same designation wna assumed dur
ing the American war by tbo torios.
Tb Public -
Soma craiy partisan ar already
making fool of thmiwlvea owr the
udiclal election tbb fall and ar doing
all in tbelr power to raU a row, I am
not goina: to mention aoy name fur
tbey ar all good ma and will be thor
oughly aahamed ol tbwmsslvea la Wa
tbaa t j Jaj a. W f but U tie a
senator tbb year, aor a governor, a4-
tber tbe sitwutiv aor Irgislativ depart
menu ar ia tb deal. It la tb Judicial
department of tb state tbat ar
going to sav tbb tlin a4 bt a talk
about tbat aad tbal oaly. Two year
ago lb pop tb eaadtdal aad
JadgsSaibvaa waa Irluaiphaally Wl
4. Tb Bteaibtr of tba threw rtlurm
parlba ar tudsy soaally pruad o tbal
4adi4 iteMHWfat. .Now wuanj It to
rigbttbata should ask to aaoibvr
4raurfat to U 4a4 aUtagsal 4 ia.
It a as, wbsa ar aot svea waUlf4 w
lb ra'orw. turvwi? N,, a tboaa4
litasaaa. It aual4 b bttib tlj aa4
dM-a'-M'wi bt'f aa a bat par
tv sbatt IbeMaJidaia ewt Irwat tba?
vt by trwat tb popaibt party ul Bwarwr,
It tb ! BaaMMvw aaa ftuw
fat 4 lb aliusd turwa, w 4w-tate
oaabt aot to 4titoal aa saua4 ta
tbia pfwiH-sttiwa. Tu yar tvMWi B'w
aril saw mm$ $ h-4 rKwai tvpaWi-
raa asa siMt biat, ibaa awl war bta
tat eaait rtrat svf t pbasw4 raKmat
atatiaBt a4 tb t-i ! aut aaaia ra'
xwst tto )a4alri, bai tba ab w tba
rtf albt w Ba I sbiMaw kr a a4kUtet
I wa trarvt t tba slats f a alii bi
waaM BjMitkwMMt atwrw 4ba tbaa
aH tba Mat .MaWa4. Tbat b ti.v
llwbtHab, Tb mm wl lb fmh wi
reasons, aa it publication oould
bad no Interest far tbo enemy,"
blra. fie boa beea tried and found faith
ful. Iloth us diatriot Judge and gover
nor he boa served ua well. Ho baa not
lost any of his wonderful popularity. H
will run Ilk a bouse afire. Even the re
publicans have confidence lo hi ability
and honesty and tbe republican supreme
court on on one celebrated occasion, sab
at bis foet and learned the law as Paul
did at the feet of (larnellel. Yes llol-
comb la the man. He ba no peer am
ong popocrats In Nebraska lor that pos
ition, Let us give him tbo enthusiastic
sunnnrii nf nvurv rtamnnrnts and next
year the pop will pay that dbt to aa
witn several nunarea percent interest or
ring a sniia vote tor our poei less leao '
er, w, J, liryan. uoiaomb la the man
tbla year Drvnu next year and who of u
in the reform party of Nebraska car
for anythinir else tbi aide of eternity.
Central City Democrat. .
Economic law are tbe laws of natur.
Tbey ar Immutable and sweep along tb
great generation of men witb Irresistible
force. A violation of economic laws la
I the unwritten epitaph upon tba tomb
atone of every nation burled in tb past,
and will bo the epitaph of every nation
tab burled In tbo future. Man In bia
ignorance ba failed to recognise tbat
these law have underlain all tbat waa
good of, every civilisation of every po-
iticai or religion eroea. no coe not
recognise it today. He will not tomor
row, lor bo must by painful ty
tbrouicblona year yet to com burn
tb midnight lamp of experts no befor
a full comprehension of tb simplicity
and Immutability of thee lawa wlil
possess him. Today In th United State
there ar three" schools of tbooabt la
deadly conflict for possession of tb cit
adel of cower tbat will' enable tbem to
establish In tbi country tbelr school of
economic. Realty tbr ar two acboola
with one subdivided. Tba flrat la tbo
economic school wblcb teocbe tbat ia-
djvlifuallsm la tb form of economic oon
dition which offer to bumanltttb ut
most happiness and progress, fts mti-
na cbarta ia tb declaration of Independ
ence, It school masters, tb teacher
of democracy. Tha other tohoollatb
advocate of eollectivelsm; it teocbe
tbat tb individual la lost In tb com
munity interest; tbat tb community la
tbe unit, tbo individual unknown. Tbia
school Is aub-divided Into two claaaea,
tba one teaching collectivism by permit
ting the tew to role whil tbi many
work; tb lew to accumulate ana control
production whil tb many alav. It
cbool master ar tb teachers of Im
perialism. Tb other dose teaches col
iectlvism by permitting tb wbol to rata
tb whole; all to labor for tba good of
all, and to abar with all. It school
masters are the teacher ol octalim.
Never before in th history of th world
did these three classes of economic teach
ers bav such a battleground as ia ber
offered, and tbey ar marsbaltiog for a
struggle of tremendous proportion, In
dividualism aa advocated by Bryan baa
been tb accepted school ol this country!,
til now. Witb the advent of McKlnley.
tho first timo In tbo history of this coun
try, collectivism as exemplified In tba
Uritisb constitution has assumed to rule.
It hope is force. It is marshalling a
largo standing army and seeking to
gather under the flag more millions of
tba lower races. Hordes ol Darharlana
the easy vlctl.n of a regime of plunder.
Socialism I aiding imperialism for It be
lieves tbat imperialism will bring on a
cataclysm that will offer opportunity
tor a trial of socialistic t heories. Against
these two. socialism and Imperialism, la
arrayed democracy with Its faith pinned
to the time-bonored principles and cus
toms of this country. Ita watchword.
"Equal rlgbta to all, special privilegea
to none," Is tn only bulwark tbat now
stands between liberty and oppression,
between a arovernment by tba people
and military Ism between peace and an
archy; between the right ol every man
to the product of his own toil, and tba
right pi a privileged class tonplolt bin.
Wbll at Omaha Monday w aaw a
aeene wblcb w wbh every liberty-lovmg
American coula oar looked upon and
tbeagiv ntteranoe to bia aentlmeaU
reuardiug the war of eouqueat bow ear-
ried on by tb republican administra
tion. It was only a parting betweea a
aoldier ia tb regular army aad bia wita
aud child. Tba latbr wa about to
tart rn a Jounsry of 10,0W tntfra Into
aeountry wboa eiiniate ia threw yeara
will kill tiff T J per aent of ail torvbciiera.
Tber wa bo proud spirit la tbat sol
dier's beart or fwliagot a duty writ dona
oa tb part ot tb bust-aad aad wita. It
waa a iiariiag six-b aa wa bava ao
looked B(Ha lor auaay year, aad tk
am tblttf bt goleg aaalt evvtbia laad.
How bwg taa HsoatlaasT roll louMy
Tb atata taraa dpartawat r
vatly a4 a rfal aa4 tkoroagb
aatlaattua wl tb l tba Nsbraa
t a btoeaauki If sisal taswraatw tu, aa
kaalMaatmiltaapHHat4 by tba
a, bar tf tba a-aay( a4 twj.
Ibtag U foa4 ta to la waat pbt wa
Tb eiawiat-ra, la tiHtttg to tba
late aaditw saji
lt bt a tbrw tar yaw asmatataata
tit tHirt Ibat tb NvWaaka btetwaata
Mataal lasaraaas tu. s la a nMririb
aa4 graatatf uaJitbia, tbat It wsw4
aw kpt ta a tbttfuaab, aa4 awtfcto
iv wa aa4 tkat tba rots t tl
tb .aay bi baswsas4tb aa4 sca
Tb Baibi al tbb tal ! ta4 It
tbat tatatvat to lasar la tbia waf