THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. July i, 1899 J' Clippinjs. MAKING DEBTS. Moaoy it, or should bo, bo Instrument for diaubanrlnff dobt. but if we lot ths bankers Kt complete control of the ImhIdit of our money it nil! ba an Instru- muni for eroatlns debt. When the bankers Issu our currency there will be but one way to set it into circulation. and tfaat it to borrow it, for bankere do not entrance in buelnee enterprises, boy proiwty, or employ labor to anj groat extent, benoeevory dollar of bank cur rsncy that le In circulation will Indicate that soros one owe for it it will repre. eent debt Tbla la a pemreion of tbe rightful use of money. Trenton Leader. AN INDIAN WOMAN. A a the Mirror stated last wook, Mra. Tnotnaa McCuoluy. an Omaha Indian woman, waa oboson moderator on the school board In district No. ID. Tburst on coooty. Tbla ia probably tbe drat Indian woman ever elected to that office In the Uuiled Btatoa. Mra. McC'auley is a daughter of Albert Fonteoelle, Wuo was a brother of the famous Logan Fontimolle, wbo was killed by tbeHlouz Indians la I860. Lyons Mirror. : baa lasted orer and above the regular nat at maintaining a fleet in Aeiatic wnfori ' . Tha World declares that the United I nt iinn trola considerably leas trrl- trv in the PhillDDinea than Hualn did vhnii the Amerldaus took posseaaioo and hut the axnenae of eubtiuiuir the Mauds Including tbe f tfU,uuu,i"Hj indemnity to 1 wan irom ureeiey county. upon tbe Held of Petersburg in maintain ing the dignity of the atara and atrip. We believe tbre Is no stronger man in the district than Is General Harry, and that tbe hosts of reform could place In tbe leap no man who would , do more honor to tbe cause, the district and tbe hulls of congress than tbe farmer vet Soaln. will be at least 100,000,000 It is believed that 1,000 rwrulta per week will be required during tbe rainy uuumn to keen General IMa supplied with the number of fefllRient troops time he aava are noceaaary to "asslmiiata tbe ielande. SUE' HERE. Of course "prosperity" baa fallen over Mubraaka like a mia aummer loir, auo in proof of It we here show f,bkbral terms on which Gottleib Barry of Hhel ion bor rowed 135 froffl a goldbng banker. He travB a cbattle mortgage on Ultm-n bead of hoi, one calf, croo oo twelve acres of wheat, and elabty-flve acres of corn, As compared with theBhelton money lonner Hbylock was an open nanaea, uoerai hearted cltlsen, whose bosom stuck out like a buffer nbreon with the milk of hu man kindness. Kearney New Era Btandard. WHY HE LAUD 0 ED. Tbs opinion the Filipinos have of res ident McKlnley must be very similar to that which Little Haven, an Arapahoe cult, u ua oi wuite men in general. During an Interview between the chief and the then Indian commissioner, the latter endeavored to explain to tne ewef something of heaven and of bell, and be toio mm an good men, wuite and red, went to heaven and all bad ones went to hell. Little Haven laughed immod rately and the commissioner Inquired the cause of his merrirnont, When be teooverod bis breath be said: "I am much pleased with what yon toll me of .heaven and hell, and tbe characters that go to each place, Good notion! Heap good! Vot if all whit men ore Ilka those I know, when tbs Indian goes to hsaven very few whits men will trouble blm there," Simpson's Uayouet, ' WEARY OF IT. It makes the k.o. t. rooters snort with distrust at tbs way the sliver people of Nebraska ars preparing to turn down another republican supreme fraud (called judge) at the election next tan. uut in spite oi an tneir snorting, tne people are weary of tbe wicked way tbs supreme Judges of this state have been looting the treasury for several years to pay fat salaries to their relations. It is safe to predict that after tbe next election tbs iflaiorlty of the supreme court Judges ia WUUVJ s a ivuiiwi BARRY FOR CONGRESS PREPARE TO PAY. tbs new lorn world of Juns tj gave some startling figures as to the cost of tbe present war In tbs Philippines. The articls states that f 03,000,000 and the lives of 604 men is the price paid tb as far for tbs advantage gained in Luaon, besides 0,500 soldiers wounded and many timet that number mads in valids. It is claimed that the army In tbs Philippines Is costing 1280,000 a day now and that ths sum will exceed .'!00,. 000 when tha whole of tbs 85,000 troops arrive. These figures do not Include tbe naval expenaes which are estimated at 110,000 a day or $1,870,000 for the 187 days that tbe war with Aguinaldo Of tbe available men mentioned In connection with tbs congressional nom ination this fall In the Big Blxtb district tbs Independent bas bad little to say ex oept as a matter of news, but ws believe that tbe time has arrived when a true representative of tha people should take a Arm stand for the man wbo, in Its best Judgment after a careful review and due deliberation, stands eminently superior to all otbsr available candidates spoksn of In connection with this most import ant position re oeiievs tnat man is Genoral Patrick IL Harry, of Ureely county. General Harry is a man wboss honor and Integrity bas never been questioned vy iriena or ioe, ne is a naont ana con vincing speaker and an able opponent of populist principles; ne is a veteran wbo won bis title by gallant servloe. and an empty sleeve tells of tbe sacrifice made A STATE CAMPAIGN FUND aaaaaaiiaiaaaiaiaaaa Tbs Skate Central Committee, at its recent meeting, authorisod the Chairman and Secretary of the Committee to open, through the columns of ths Ninnm Ihdki-kjidbnt, a popular subscription for raising funds for ths coming campaign, la accordance with this action of the committee, blanks lor such subscription, will appear In ths paper each week, and additional pledget will be sent to any wbo apply for thorn. The educational work not only of the coming campaign, bnt also that of 1900, must be vigorously pushed, and your committee should be en abled to moke an aggressive flght, which can only be done by having the aecessary funds to push tbe work. The Publishers of ths Nkimahka I.ndknodkht have kindly undertaken to receive all subscriptions that may be made and hold all pledges for future payments, publishing from time to time tbs list of contributors to to the fund. They will also publish receipts from the chairman of the Htafcs Committee, showing that all funds received have been turned over to the Committee for purposes Intended. Where It Is convenient to do so, clubs can be formed and the remittance bo made In the name of suoh club, or a number of individuals can send their subscriptions In ons remittance. We hope for a generous response to this appoal- This is a campaign in tbs internet of ths people, and they should hold np tbe bands of their servants and leaders as they move along in tbe front rank. By order of tbs Stats Central Committee, Peoples Independent Party of Nebraska. J. N. GAFFIN, Cbalruian. J, M. THOMPSON, 8wy. Tbe agricultural and stock raising lu- terests In tbe Sixth district Is tbs most Important factor, a large majority , of tbe voters being interested in one of these pursuits, and we believe It Is but a matter of Justice that one of tbeir num ber should be chosen for this position Inasmuch as all ol tbs other five districts In ths stats ars being represented by at torneys. General Harry is a practical farmer and tilled tbe soil on his splendid farm in Greeley county, where be now resides, until bis appointment to the po sition of ad u tan t general wnicn nos oc eupied most of bis Urns since, Tbe farm ina- Interests and tbs interests of tbe sol dier in the Sixth district could have no abler representative than be. Thefoi lowing brief blosrrapby of General Harry we find In ths Legislative Year Hook of General Patrick II. Harry, of Greeley Center, Is an old soldier wbo has earned tbe unauestloned right to bis title, lis enlisted In 1 801 In Company E, Sixty third New York Volunteer Infantry, of General Thomas F. Meaubnr's Irish Hrigade. He took part In tbs battle of iorkstown, r air oaits, uaines miii, Savage Station. White Oak Swamp, Cold Harbor, Malvern Hill, Second Hull Hun, South Mountain and Antitam wuere be was so seriously wounaed in Junr of the same year ia Company A, Twelfth Massachusetts, and took part In nine notable engagements, among which were the Wilderness and Spottsyl vanla court house, In tbs battle at Petersburg, General Harry was wounded arm and amputation tie came necessary, lie was accordingly discharged October 28, 1804, After tbe close of tbs war be esooused tbs green back cause, and was a member of tbe executive committee of that party in Massachusetts. In 1880 he moved to Greeley connty, Nebraska, where be bas sinoe resided, and. with fivs sons, emu vote a section ot land, in ibvu be assisted fn organizing tbs independent party, and was elected to tne twenty third session of tbe legislature, serving with credit as a member of the board ol Impeachment, of which he was chairman. He was again elected to ths legislature in and at the olose of the session the members of both bouses Joined in a petition to Governor Holeouib, which was concurred in by tbs nidges ol the supreme court, for bis appointment to tbs honorable ooeltioa of adlutant gen eral. His administration of tbs Nebras! ka national guard bas greatly advanoea Its efficency in military science, and bis worn witn our state troops nas oma bigbly complimented by the military board. At the expiration of bis com mission tbe governor promptly reap pointed General Harry for the ensuing state aa ministration. the campaign in tbs congressional district will be watched with interest.and Its result will be a matter of national comment it being the only contest wherein national issues will be involved In Hryan's boms state, and tbe reform forces cannot afford to make auy mis takes or try any experiments In the se lection of Its standard bearer, and with a full realization of tbe importance In selecting a candidate. The independent confidently feels mat it makes no mis take when It firmly champions tbe cand idacy of Goneral Patrick 11. Harry, tbe farmer-veteran of Greeley, Holt County independent. i? i & Q B & - 9 $ 9 J? WR iin nifnnnnr 6- 7 GREAT DISCOUNT SALE COMMENCING MONDAY, JULY 10 ' WE WILL SELL ALL OF OUR MEN'S BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S ODD PANTS, STRAW AND CRASH HATS AND CAPS AT it NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT FUND, FOR THE PEOPLES PARTY STATE CER COMMITTEE CASH SUBSCRIPTION. Tbe uulriguJ Ivnhj euLn nlx and puis Into the NVbranka Independ ent te Fond for tha oaeof the Peoples Party Mute Uomnuttea the sum of .. DOLLARS, DKFKIiUKD Isl BMIUPTION. I aUo agree to send yos kr t mmI eomnmtae tbs sum of., DOLLAR to b remitted iot later than tMobar 10, lll. igntart Date, : a e4 PoKtoWt.., Ktrwt No, at sHtMMWs dm sly teMlMM4M4 (live tha astua, ooa da pittttta, or UMU1 that the Nthraat sJf.U nay u in erwdiuog yu la ita smIuou with yuar aubi itmw. Naafar tWit Mais all rttllUM ttti lf ta Ike Mattfukit !iLiHiM.i,iil. I UmJii NeWMlft, a4 Kd auk Um kU4. UrsaaiM UU kf MwkJ 4 laUU astrraj aWrtiliMM M m rtiMimtaost, CALL FOR CONVENTION TaefaoiilM lodapcndaot Party UUctor Wilt Momlnata Candidate Aug, ss. Tbe PeopW Indeimndent Party elec tors of the state of Nebrsaka are hereby reqaeeted to send deli-gates from thei reMiectlve counties, to meet In conven tion la the city of Omaba on Tuesday, Croightou ball, corner of ISth and Har ney atreeta, for the purpose of placing la nomination candidates for tbe follow ing ollloes: One judge of tbe supreme court; two regents ol ths state university, and to transact sucb other business as may proiierly come before tbe convention. j lie re premutation la baaed upon one delegate at large for each county, and and ous delegate for each one fauudred votes or major fraction thereof, caat for Hon. W, A. l'oynttr for governor at tbe election ot lUo. r.acn county la entitled to rcpresento tion as follows: Use Kansas Lump Rock Salt For Stock, txsyxa Rsci iait lex ncci. Um KmI loll N., fistlsa, tea. Ws Crtsjs, W ttklc), Ktosa to Wsrtv ttti il te:;il v;;.HTiff?.v mr.v sait vat sr. uo i't M a BH (VH a4 Msl a IV, Aduma., 10 Antelope.,.,......l'J llauuer Blaine,... Boone........... It Box Butte 5 Boyd Brown Buflalo 21 Burt .U Butler 1U t'aM ('Hiar 11 riirry I t hoyauaa ... ..t..t w V MH.,MM.. 1 T full!.. 1'J t'ttaiisg ........ ....Id t'uatwf Itt taoU laa 14 vkHMuta t 4 v.....t-W., W (Khl41lM.w..m...t Ik,ju.w, no 3y.. Fmaliia ..........11 w. 'tit li SI4 ...... ,. $ lKlt...i-. !umm sy ua... ....-i 11 Hla i. ii 1 1 WW .v..HMt, ll.kf ..KU II J ....... It U 19 J vfl4HOnaMMSssssaMl 7 11 Kearney ...,.w,.li Keith 3 Kayal'sha 4 Kimball 1 Kuox IT l.nncinUir l.imttlu .....10 Uiuan.. ............ 'J l.tUp,M..4 MorUtrun........ 1 UlUou ..,.,10 UtUk ...lit NttUtH,, aati Nmaha.. J,.1T Ni'kolla.M.M.,....15 ta 31 Pswbw..., U Pk laa.mM...,,.., A 1 kifiia I I art . a I tatts. ,...,... ,.1 T l"!k IU Willa.,w UMi4a.,.ai HtH ! 21 Salitt,.M..M,,H ori-y ...1 1 rttiul.m ......2I tl's Bl8.... a ra4, IT Nkt-laa A atlultl T rtwi.....,,. ,,,4, 4 nuua ! .,.w......w.1.1 1 fewsiaa Tkarioa. ValWf ......,., a Wltlutu ..1 AflMi n4aattf t VI SWf 10$ liHlfH.M'' I H $25,00 men's suits . . . . $18.75 $22.00 men's suits, . . ,$16.50 $20.00 men's suits.... $15.00 $18,00 men's suits.... $13,50 $15.00 men's suits. . , ,$11.25 $12.00 men's suits. .., $ 9.00 $10.00 men's suits.... $ 7,50 $ 8.00 men's suits..., $ 6.00 $ 6.00 men's suits,... $4.50 $ 5,00 men's suits,... $ 3.75 $12.00 boys' and children's suits $ 9.00 $10.00 boys' and children's suits $ 7.50 $ 8.00 boys' and children's suits $ 6.00 f $ 7.00 boys' and children's suits $ 5.25 $ 6.00 boys' and children's suits $ 4.50 $ 5.00 boys' and children's suits $ 3.75 $ 4.00 boys' and children's suits $ 3.00 $ 3.00 boys' and children's suits $ 2.25 $ 2.50 boys' and children's suits $ 1.87 $ 2.00 boys' and children's suits $ 1.50 n Don't miss this sale, as 25 per cent off of our One-Priced system of doing; business means goods at COST and LESS. This is a Spot Cash Sale, and will last until further notice. off! FWFWfi fl OTHFWfi CCi 1116-17 O Street, Xjiiioolri. 1-4 OFF OO hp 1 Li rr s 3 ft IT iLJLJlJLiJJL J Inatlon for county officers, be mode at the convention, selecting delegates to the state and Judlclul conventions, vnre two conventions are neld we woa'd recomaiond that yon reorganise tne county central committee at your first convention, and send as tbe name and poHtotflce aldress of tbe chairman and secretary and comuiittemen st once. lbs headquarters of tbe committee at the time of tbe state convention will be at tbe Fax ton Hotel, corner of Four teenth and Far nam streets, Omaha, Ne- braaka, where delegate tickets may be bad. J. M. Thompson, J. N. Gaftis, Becretary. ' Chairman. call for;county convention lot.) Ill rtua4nl Uat aa shumm be 'tutt, 4 tbat the 4ki tt va tsa Nil vute 4 tMir twiti 4nsalH., lllalafttar Mvwa )a 1 lhat hast Peoples' Iodependeut Party County Con vention for Lancaster County. Tbs Peoples' Independent Party of Lancaster county, Nebraska, will meet indelegate convention at Bobaoan s ball In Liuooln, Nebraska, on Thursday, Auguat 10, 1890, at 10 oclock a.m., for the nurpoae of pliving is nomination candidates lor tne loiiowing omrea: Three Judges of tbe diatrict court, one clerk ot tbe diatrict court, one county treasurer, one county clerk, oa county judge, one sheriff, one coroner, one coun ty t'oninileatoner,aod for the tranasction ol sueh other business as may coma be furw aaid convention. Korb ward and precinct will be umM to uua debitata at large, and oua deb- gate for twit 15 votaa or luainr Iraetion tbr4l id tbe vote caat lor , A, I oyo- ter la IHUii. Tbe various warda and preelnets will baautitW! to rprMtalion aa Mloass lal ward. IT, Vlnd ward, Iri; Brd n, 3U; 4th ward. 5l!; 6tb ard, 3T; Oih ward, ITi Tib ward li Buda. H; lutr. 'Ia 7, IWutoa, fl; F.Ik, 7; (Irant, 0; tlarnWL4; HwhUsd, 0. .anaate, IH, I.lltlhll. T, JUidJle t'n-k, tt. Mill. H; Nuib. 1(, North Bluff, fl, (tak, H, Olive Branch, V; Faaiurt, T; Itiak t'twk, 1, rnltila. p; Mtvaaa tWk, t. Kl, tto, Hi h,.utk I'aaa, t, W rrlj, tt. WwlOak, 7, West Uaevla, 4, Yaukaa II.U. U It la rMMHiaU Ikat the varittua iHuna ba bit Toaadav awaing, Aug. , at N e'it k r M , wa4 tkat e-ti aaa awa avt a HiouttMif l tka avnual klit bit tkaeuttlugar, sad iwaka all lm ie'l hinniiauaa, hM tkis Atk div of Jaly, UttH. (', l. B m.m h, BmSsmv Waaai is, , rW'ratary, t beua. TbaHlvt lUpMaa"aatkn wttt awt at Ika mum toua aad p4. t'.h t4 aad prtt,et aid Im alilk4 t ih tM tu al lara aa l was M k II wiiHt seat luftA, Oilfewt It T. A. CAROTHERG hum4 la aa aitt al as Vr TttIlH110Nt34W 05 A MONTH. DR. McCREW, SPECIALIST, TrattodlFonmcl DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 YMri f xprlnc. 12 Vmnl n Omihi. Mndirlua iinil irmi menr nl everywhere by Mall or Ktpra.a, &t tha feniutl I'hiirnii ... ONLY $5 A MONTH. home yhk ATM r.NT that curs and saves you tunn mnBfV. KLFX'TKltlTV A1 MCDICAL treat- turot ramilitniKl In all cane wlirr Itlmdvl. atil.. VarlcocHin, Stricture. Nypbllla, In all tla Lftdn of VlKr ami Vitality, r.iiMid fnitii abiiHHi tir Kxcftfc., Wmkoen. and JjI-ordi-r. of Ktdny and lilndder CURES GUARANTEED In all Cnrahla 4 low. HiMik I Trp, OiiiKultatton anS l'.i.uilunlou Pre Offlev hour. u m. to a 7tiHim. hundny w to IK. DR. NIC I' O II..X TA. UIIK N. K. lurnrr bl .t I mrmm Si... OMAHA, NEB. :Gcw bfilta i ti sell c::.ect TO t v ima4 U. w SV MH.HStB DIALtNi' hn,lt. ESTABLISHED 1878 thos. Mcculloch, DEALER IN Hides, Wool, Pelts Etc. 917 Q Street. Lincoln. Neb. DR. O.C. REYNOLDS, SURGEON. Blkrhoaee 4 6 54 654. LiflCOlfl.IKtS X DIN llwrm, Omla MU MMh ul . Ii-.UU.1m taa ihm lIB at-iw Mniai in. tUu. kt Xj,,i,T.'"iiv,:!i iu.,ii nt 4ia f ?,SJ',m 1.u M4 Mb" il..fc. a' "' Knttfm, a.w3 a.. Hesfsnitrs for Go:. Ur.t:r Qt low prices. F.w. BROWN jJj4j4 UUIIMI.I4 UVt 7thcOSt.,UOCOLN.NEa LUODED koTUSTOISKtlVOhS i. tk. wti r..t at I muni i'wii a- ak. t. la. i ivd' aM n wK IMI I 4 tH SI i a. imm utt t. la MaMt t wt., . tk 14 4 bmm. a4 a.o t l W.ia, tj 4 al McMt mu-4 ' a w. um .4, ) a4 -,.., la. Mm S.it4 u ta. imuuim al ai utttw4MWI Vt a Ut 4t vl k U , tav a 4 ta. ta h to. IM tt wnil -4 MM a ttK tk. t.t a. 4 . t- 4 It.. tM tj tt-a't m4I aattaia I .. uax la taa aba I. a Mat, MMtfK aMa4 ta, taa Wwa a kaa4 a4 aal a4 a4 tttaai tWH ! Ifk a l . t 'waif 4at mum: A chance to lave ome money by dropping tne pottil cani, atkln (or Citaloguo an4 Price. Gootl itandanl icw Urttan $45 anil up, tl:::i3. f::tftiti mn kepjpeu'S SUPPUE5. 4 1 I Wm Haul . La k. Ma 4 f,T .r.t,a Ilit.alkU Ml H. bf ast iwaa, iim. 1 V.i 1