THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. June 29, 1899 FOURTHS LONG' AGO. Bow tli tlrat Aatlttmrr W OBm ' Upon the first ".nnivernary Philadel- 5 hia made contddera bio-effort toward n oyoue celebration. The Pennsylvania Journal of July 9, 1777, tells abont It: : "Yesterday, being the first an-river-Kir of the Independence of the United Btateaof America, waa celebrated in Philadelphia with detnonetrations of ' , joy and festivity. Abont noon all the armed ahipa and galleys in the river vera drawn np before the city, dressed in tbe gayest manner, with the color of the United Btatee and streamers die played. At 1 o'clock, tie yarda being Jroperly manned, they began tbe cele ration Of the day by a diacbarge of 18 cannon from each of tbe ships and one from eacb of the 18 galleya in honor of the 18 United State. ; . "In the afternoon an elegant dinner wai provided for, congress, to which were invited the preuident and tbe preme executive coon til and speakers, of tbe amerubly of the state, toe gen eril officers and colonela of tbe army and strangers, of eminence and the members . of tbe several Continental board in town. The Hessian band of . music, taken in Trenton tbe 2Mb of December last, attended and height eaeJ tbe festivity with some fine, per formancca anited to tbe occasion, while coriw of British deserters, taken' in tbe service by tbe state of Georgia, be ing drawn np before the door, filled np the interval wltbfem de Jole." (What a aardonlc Joke!) "After dinner a num ber of toasts were drnnk, all breathing ' independence and a generon love of liberty and commemorating tbe mem orle of tbonfl brave and worthy patriota who gallatitiy exposed their Uvea and fell gloriously in defense of freedom and , the rigbteooa cause cf their country,, "Each toast wa followed by a die cbargeof artillery and email arma and a aoitable piece of nmale by the Hessian , band. , "The gloriooa Fourth of Jnly waa r iterated three times, accompanied with triple diacbarge of cannon and email arm and lond boms that resounded from etraet to atreet throughout tbe city. Toward evening several troop of Jbc, a corpa of artillery and a brigade id North Carolina force, which waa in town on it way to join tbe grand army, were drawn np In Second atreet and reviewed by congress and tbe gen eral o'lcera. The evening wa closed witJi the rizging of bell, and at nlgbt t&erewyja grand exhibition of fire-worl- (which bean and concluded with 13 rocket) 00 the common, and tbe city waa beautifully illuminated Everything waa conducted with tbe greatest order and decorum, and the " face cf joy and gladness wa universal. Tbna may the Fourth of July, that glorious and ever memorable day, be celebrated throtighont America 1 by tbe socicf freedom, from age to ago, till time aba II be no more. Amen and menl" Chicago Inter Ocean. The Ratal Dar. If the natal' day of American inde-rrs-Icace ia to be derived from tbe cere ry of the final e!jsstnre, then it 1 : !1 be Aug. 1 If itr)Ted from tbe r-l;tntitl legal act of aeparatlon from tie Eritic!. crown, it abonld be the 24 cf July, tat common conaeat baa de termined to date tbe anniversary from the comparatively anbordinate event of the paaaage of tbe Declaration. Meaaorakle Oralloaa. The Fourth of July, 1843, will be re membered aa tbe occasion of Charlo ftainner'a farnou epeccb on tbe "True Grandeur of Nations," which he de clared to be peace, and those respective ly of 18511 and I860 aa the occaaion of the forensic masterpieces of Bufua Choate and Edward Everett. , Wartime Vaartaa. It waa on July 4, 1863, Vickaburg surrendered to General Grant, and Gen eral Lee, after three daya of atubborn fighting, began hia retreat from Gettys burg. : , '. . Vraadaaa'a Baaaar. - Oh, teniWIy I he haueht jr day nils hut Mim urn with Aral One morn it In the mighty heaven, And oh la our daalra. Tha ennnon bourn a from town to town, .. Oaf palam ere nut Ivaa. T juy built chime their tiding down, Viulou cittUtiaa Vutoaa btaaa. ft t thai Anna in broad, ttlw fold O'arnuatUna Uod sad a On Ihlril t t.( ilia aky unrujlad tut I 1m WattlM ut U !(. fe m Hwa 4 Mtkl a tM tea laa imm IM AM of Aalf ka. i'i lawMui Hum Aat) n m iMMaata laa ta a utatt 1 lanai a Ktaalf. aw i t ! mt k ( C ar( t a4 0W s t r MakM.t. I It 1 1 art al like ttt si mm -fit ' 1 a 1 r 4TIIS rillOIt TO 177G, EVENTS WHICH MARK THE DIRTHDA.Y OF THE NATION. The Spirit of ladepoadeae Waa Abroad Ia JTO Bacon and the Gov raor of Vlralala Waaklaatoa at fort Heeoaallr, .. Independence day draws near once more, and a it approaches we are led to recall some of the noble "deed and momenton event connected with tbe Fourth of July in history. It ia an in teresting date to remember. first, of coarse, is tbe Fourth of July, 1770. t It was on Thursday and very bot, ' "sultry and oppressive," wrote one of the immortal signer in bis journal. In tbe ball of tbe state house at Philadelphia 00 men were as sembled, end discussion was heated. A' momentous question waa np "Resolv ed, That these 18 colonies are and of right ongbt to be free and independent state," , Quite a number were opposed to it aa 0 matter of policy. John Hancock, who sat at the bead of tbe table, handsome and debonair, presided with affable grace, There were tbe five framera long. Tom Jefferson, tbe venerable Franklin, sturdy John Adams, honest Boger Sherman and R. B, Livingston of New York. Everybody looked to these, for they were the recog ailed leaders cf that congress. . Hotter and hotter it grew ont of doors, and hotter it was in Independ ence ball. It was o'clock before they voted. Tbe resolution bad passed. America wax free! Hurrah, hurrah I Ring tbe bell and fir tbe gun I Lett go back a hundred years to 1070 and go down to Jamestown, in Virginia. Old Sir William Berkeley, the governor, lived there, and he was a notable tyrant. Be waa engaged in selling gunpowder and shot to tbe In diana and , receiving fur in return, which waa against tbe law. So, wben an Indian war broke ont, be let them massacre tbe settlers rather than com mission any one to go to fight them. It made a great atir all over tbe colony, and finally a brave young man declared' that if there was any mure trouble from tbe eavagee be would lead the col onists against them without any com mission. ' 8 Within a few daya tbe Indian made a bloody inroad upon l?ia own planta- tion, and, true to hi promise, Na-' tbaniel Bacon (that waa tbe yonng planter's name) led 000 well armed aet tiers and inflicted a terrible defeat upon the red men. For this Governor Berke ley declared bim and bla followers rebels. Bnt Nathaniel Bacon bad justice and right on bla 'side, and be did not mean j tn ha atimriaticMl aa a 'rh1 " Hn ha i and hia COO suldiura marched to James-1 town, determined to make the tyran nical Berkeley give bim a commission. They arrived before the governor's bouse, and the old man came out and acted and talked like a madman. Bot Bacon waa cool and firm, and at laat the fiery old royaliat aigned a document making Bacon general of all the Vir ginia forces to fight tbe Indiana. It waa late in tbe afternoon, Jnly 4, 1070, juat a hundred years before the aigning of tbe Declaration., v A rode fort built of earth and logs stood in tbe heart of tbe wilderness of western Pennsylvania. Inside the fort were abont 160 provincial soldiera com manded by a young Virginia major. Outside were 1,000 French and Indians led by a French marquis. For ten hours, through a sultry, rainy Jnly night, the Americana bad been besieged there by the enemy. Only one of their number bad been killed, but they bad no water and but little food. Tbe French com mander waa impatient, but the valor of hia foea had taught him discretion. Aa the aun rose through tbe mist and shone upon the wild landscape the marquia aent forward a flag of truce and proposed an honorable capitulation. Tbe young major from Virginia accept ed tbe proposal, and on Jnly 4, 1784, George Washington and hia little army marched out of Fort Necessity with the honors of war and departed through tbe wooda for Virginia. Tbe first blood sbed in tbe old French and Indian war waa spilled on this occasion. A band of explorer were proceeding along a narrow trail through tbe prime val forest. They were dreated in track buee and padded doublet and bad on steel corselets, long Ppaalah boots and queer ktokiug steel rap. One of tbrui bure a banner tbe (War de He of trance. All at once there was a Joyous shout, and tbe party of Fteachmea defll4 oot of the wtk! wot a! and paoead apst tba Han of a great lake The sun waa shining baaalifaUy frtia the sutniwef bava, and the watore of the lake glUtn4 like a tulrnw. It waa Hautael de iliamplala and hi follower, and tbe lake was that large lata ad water that kv Wars at feMedirvtr! Jnly 4, Hue, Tele I lh taiUats4 lee lattvf our MiawuseUe Fverthe, Forward. rtaa aa Ud Tlaie ealoa IWM4 tn lfu brw4 Mta, iBt4 with oaaatlresttgi'f t lac4 ia a fl'!v that hatwea f'tfve ma 14 Uli a4 ta rvediena M Ultk sUta MJly fv4wr4 aM H oae slrvke of tbe wm taa a viUatU thai UU taa t,i M fl wit a the aalrttwe te Iwim tat 4litt chevev Tha UMs, I tttteataalfcex, t the va.ltrua a4 tn: fitMttaawit htiM that teal the viltia. t tl kM vf taaaa aa4 In HkiiMMl rtulagw (thtttrh k!, kUH awat4 l 11 tahavMiy UUree44 .iU IM fcrVaf tf U M)lt laC IM iaWt,-a4e 4 hut-t 4 law Mtthtal lyiaaaci haikealUrliilli irviwpri Mte 14 wiU hiKf.n3i iktt a4 rutf lll every latHti a kw hrt4 h!4 f t(l t4it U, am Cnaeits. Begino hero Saturday, July lot, , Here i a Sample list of the values , shopping: before 0 p. m. 1 Domeotic Dep't-Olearinc; 50 plflcea double fold percale worth 10 nlaaritiff aalo. nar vard m"p r-"""" w Lonsdale cambric mill ends of from 6 to 10 yards, 80 In wide, rtgular price! A Ityc, this sale, per yd Uv Kearosy onbleanbed sheeting full 9-4 width, Aa this sale, per yd... ., JU All the ready made sheets and piriow cases go during thla aale at ONE-FIFTH TUB FORMER LOW I'ltlCES All wool coeeimere suiungs tor mcycie i -i, 4.-L.I. . . i iroJJ, an ob line laoio, a a rnuuuuua Mens Furnishings Clearing ' Hens negligee shirta made of im ported Maris, detached cutis, no collar, sold for $1, during this A (I a sale, eaob.... M...U VV Mens lOe madras string ties, tblsft 0ftl9f 0&OUaeeee.feeeeeef $ttt$n W V Hoys white blonae waists, worth Aa aoo, tniaaaie, eacn.... ....itfv Grocery Department-Clearing 400 cans Boston Baked Beans, 300 cans rotted Ham, Wo. 1, -v ma , this sale per can ....,.,..........,............ t v 300 cans Anderson's Jams, any fruit, . q this sale, per can. . .tJl'fiO 400 cans Columbia River Salmon, steak, r t fit this sale, per can.. ................ ,. ....;.,. . uO 300 gallons Heintz's sweet pickles, 1, t - this sale per qt. .'H9v Newport Flakes, strictly fresh, to - this sale per pkcr. ....... .... IOC 200 bottles assorted pickles, . this sale, 3 bottles for, . . . , . . ... ..... . . ., .... fiDC Oat Meal and Graham Flakes, ; . . this sale, per lb.. . . t .................. , . . . ...... 1 1C Choice Olives,' ;;V : v: v i this sale, per bottle . , . , . . . . . ... UO Choice clover honey in combs '' " ; this sale, 2lbs... Genuine German mustard in this gale, per jar , . . . . . , 300 tins imported sardines, lUIIICS, ' - this sale per tin......; 200 bottles of catsup, first quality, uo uuiucs 01 catsup, ursi quinuy, -Osi this sale, each,.'. ; ... .. . . . . . . uO Hires Root Beer, ' ; 1 per bottle.... ....... TROOPS FOR PHILIPPINES, fea Thomaal Vnluntaanto Ba Eaeraltad at Onea aat Mora Latan WaaiiiNQTox, June 29. As a result of a conference between the President and Secretary Alger it haa been de cided to begin the enlistment of rot unteers for two years' aerfice in the Philippines. It ia proposed to arm snd equip at once three brigades, or about 10,000 men, and to continue the work until the whole 35,000 men au thorised by the law are scoured. There will be no call upon the states. The regiments will be organ ised as United States volunteers. Oftloera will l appointed hi the President and assigned to reglmenta without regard to stale line. The mailmuitt of the regular army of S. ooo men has teen seeursd and uow ulUtment will be for the pruvWIonal army to make up t lie total strength of li,tM tnan, txneral (Hie has , mea on the grouu l or under onUrs, and volunteer will U ruthed to bins until he haa aasffeetive foreeof tu,oMI men. la the enlist mania for the Tatted flute ulanteer. vtlaratu of the late war, laeluding tluna who did not get beyuad the home eatuM, but were sea sttaed, will be gtvta the rafrae, and tUe same wUl be tree ut the wf aoara A brigadier general for every three regimeau au4 a wajtr gaaeral fvte eeek atvUloa at tar brlgada will a arpuialoi They wilt V irt rgnUre a4 f't voluatrt aud Oaa rl Joe healer will h amwae the bus War. MIM raa ta tMa WB4tMsaoae Dhla, June n I. 4, l tWlar4 of the t hnmWe aa4 Mr, situate el tM Veaur, theedttoea el tfcetw daily ftas( MUIe4 ht, tern Ni M the street. t he trvwhie grew eat ut the If M tke Ul llaa aU-h aa4 tie. t) l4a ige4 artuia turisf ale ewaMBaauraf y m a aeeee lbter ieit ee isvaa waa fcadij hurl U the aalatt Wt Itllar4 waa afeU4, IMV are Itoejuatat aa4 lv tUar4 eaata tta dtetttet la the twr 4 tM leoiature. In compUance with the Ten-Hour Law Enacted by the Last Legislaturq this Store will open promptly at 0 a. m. and close promptly at 9 p. m. every Satur day henceforth. : We therefore urgently reauest that vtm n vaii STORE WILL REMAIN CLOSED ALL DA V ........ ao6V12Jo Ra aJkj aaine. an in wioe, styiee to seiecc nitt if r 1? nu vi unci-ui.i wi r , Toy Department Clearing Hcreen wire, per aquare ft seise ll-2c I'outtry wire in rolla of 160 ftfJQ OR 6 ft wide, per roll.....,....,..,....lyiJtatl Screen doors, tbi sale.... 40c lOobaae balls...... , .....5C 7C ajw uiii uinis. ....... ........ ............ lilue flame atoves, one burner 55.90 $4.47, two burner.., ., this sale per can. ., , . . . 4C , I; Mason jars, ' . . "C V ft Ou it. A BOY'S SAD FOURTH. Lost XO Oat Flaea ka Caaiaa of Maen Gloom. In the daya of my boyhood the cele bration of Independence day was al ways an interesting occaaion to me the booming of cannon, the parade of citizen soldiers and tbe most attractive feature by far to my boyish mind, the booths where sweet things were sold. My I How I nsed to bang aronnd those venders and wish and wish that I hadn't lost that dime, for that waa my earliest recollection of an nnhappy Fourth. In those daya boys ware not given an Aator parse to barn in powder, and I thought I waa faring well indeed cn tbia Fourth when my father gave me a 10 cent piece. I was so happy at tbe thought of this weslth thst I stopped to plsy lespfrog with some couipaatona wbo were leas fortuBste man l, ana l did this to my andoing. 1 rsrosiober distinctly that 1 bad quite a crowd of little boys following in ray wake, urn they knew foil Weil thst whatever I bought I would willingly ahare with thettl. At last aa old Rip Van Winkle look lag Italian veuder tiled outi "llare'e your Baa cable. I sella two rot ana eete, with a I'luma fight In the mid' 41a." Thla was toy tipf tanllr to ahlae, I wala4 ap tn alia proudly evuevloas that 1 had that dint, and while tha vender wee rountlng the rasas oat I waa fawldlng la my tket fuf that tola, t nvr will forget tuy coafaetoa. The VU4 tahe4 ta lay fat, aa4 t eUmmered out, "II I gut." We did at get the cake, and the Veadet aal4 auue(hlng la ttaltaa at wa hartM away ua a fraltltaa san-a that bolt ay -l. IWaalHmltli la Haa Ftaa Item tall. Hag see Cataotv, Hub,, Jaaala-Taaalaaa ( Ctwverao tnagfeaaad bla aawv-eatea fwe annate! aa! aaiaeret.1 aa4 aaara Item 4 iWtratt atreet raUeja wee Urt 1a tha air by tha sun4 last fcljht Tha te aeadlaf ae4.aiastt aa) etaa asalUra a-Htaialaf 'h ctaaloitl awaerahkf) aaeena war laU est tha taWla b aaaataaaeta aa4 It ta prwbieeaatieal when tbaaa ttaaattaaa wUl b agaiw fabUel 4 iate4 Store opono on that day at 9 A, II, judge of the Waiot and J SuitDep't-rOlearinff Percale wrapper coating upward from $1.75, tbi aale ONE FOURTH OFF. this salJ"0NE TaLYoK n(fkMM' al1 e0,0M " ' botn Wja. and misMe, Flneroaleablrt waists, regular $1.00 valnea, to close, f bla sale, ROft atONKlSW black lawn shirt walsta with white polka dots, $1.2(5 valne-; tblai (b. fl.lU VTHU HUH W VIVH, IUU sale at ,... Carpets and Drapery ueanng China matting onrlSand 80 cent A A values, this sale, per yard. UU All wool Ingrain carpetJOc grade, C 17 A thla sale per, yd..... ,.911; Linoleum, regular 00c goods, tblai Q A aaleer square yard... ...... tO V 27 Inch corduroy for npbolaterfng.Q AA cheap at 60c, this aale, per yd...OvG Houoehold Dopt-01oarinj No. 8 wash boilers, full size, drop handles, this sale, each. ,,,40 Perfection pie tins with removable bottom, quick 4 A ' this sale each . , . , , .... , . , . . . . . 1 UO Champion sieve, heavy, tin, A this sale, each... )C White enamel steel dish nans, extra stroncr and deer. 14 qt, this sale , , .tjyC Bixby's Best blacking in patent box, e ioc size, this sale 0C Laundry.wax, this sale.........,,..,..,,..,,.,.,,,.,.,,,.;,..., 20 Hard wood lemon squeezers, c this saje. OC reeness ireiana treezers, tnis sale qt, $1.67; 4 qt, $1.97 - nv $247; s at, $3-47; 10 qt, $4.47 Plunge bath tubs, 5 ft, $4.97; 6 ft, $5.89 Infant bath tubs , . , . 470 Handled shoe brushes, i n eVi ic feat tmty ..... - 1 tl T" - I . trover egg oeaiers, this sale, each ........................... . , , ,', ,'. 'r, Q Cobbler outfits, - ' ic ' this sale. each.....,.........,...,,..;... V'.OOC Fruit Jar Filler, retinned, , . f c this sale 0C Lincoln, Neb.?uiciW Algar. la a Btaar, Wasuiwotos, June 39. Secretary Alger called on the lVesident and had an extended discussion of the situa tion in the Philippines, it la under stood the situation in Michigan aa to the aenatorahlp and Qovernor Pin gree's alleged utterances also were talked over. When the secretary left the White House, and hi attention waa called to reports In certain quar ters that ho Intended to resign from the cabinet, he promptly and emphat loally denied their truth, lie added that bla resignation had not been asked for, that he cevtalnly did not Intend to offer It and that he Intended to remain In the cabinet until tbeei plratlon of thla administration. OalwIUae bf I ha Ja4a Cubtom, Mo., June 39, Again have the bt. Clair county judges outwitted the federal authorities who would pre vent their transacting eouaty business aud drag lltaut bafore Judge PUUton to be punished for ooalempt of eourt. Ust week United hia Us Depatlea Morrison and lutta guards 1 the eourt house eonstaittly from midnight gundsy ta mlduight Wedneadey ta prevent the eourt from Meeting and aeleettng a depository foe county money, Their vigilance waa la vala aa4 they left uiaappolated, lat alght batweea and 19 u'eloeli the iudgee Hpne4 quietly lata towa an4 held a meattng awarding eouaty funds to first National bank of Appletom City at tWtwr eeat and IreuaaoUuf other buataa. ZTso Kansas Lump Rock Salt For Stock. wm. aa- -ay V" $ ge A?crt fcf Cec Crf TUESDAY JULY 4TH. 4 -i ...... v v 01.47 ..,....;.,.....,.,..,.,., Vash Goods Clearins Immense lot of short lengths In pequea dimitkis, organdie and other floe Bw,ia, juau riKue wr auorc waisis or ehlldrena dreseea, values range fron 10c to 40c, In ons lot during this aale, per yard. Sc. , 05 A MONTR. DR. -McGREW, SPECIALIST, TraM til Fora of , DISEASES AND ' DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Year fiswIsMs. 12 VtanlaOmshs. Medlvlna and traav men i sant every whara by Mall ar Cipraaa, at tha small ctturua of OY $5 A DOTH, now THKATM.iT tbsieuns and saves ynn time and nmnay. I KH ITV AND MEDICAL treat, meat cotiubluad In all eaaaa wbara It U ad via abia. VriiMM'la, htrloiura. Hjrtihllla, In all lis skiMtos. !-a4 ut Vlaur snd V Dakar, rsu4 Imiu abiiMia or ri'. Wakn sad !! lirir n Kdir and Hlartrtr CURM CUARAMTIIO In all rurabl. ( il.r. . I liiMiti I . ( iulialha and ;mtna'li'n Im (flia knur a a m to l rt..u. undr i Da. MCOaey i 41 it. .a IkA. Uili. M. K. Iw..f TlIA . aaa ra-a Bla., OMAHA, NIS. Tbe Xloat Popular nrt la the City la JULIUS OTTKN'S SALOON. 11 i 1. IlihSt.. ala, Htlratki, flaa t-Mam aa4 l''ii Hat I tM aiafaiae aMa l ta It A saiaedaj t atae txsm r:: iali Hn ticca. jfta Katl tail Ku'X fc CU3a vaay W afta. ftwv; tv vvrva a M -Mata-Tslf (a) Wf.4 Cv4 Cl C