THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. June 29, 1899 POLITICAL PARAGRAPHS The New York Imporialista who make out the order that the Hanna admiuia tratioa ob are preparing tor another lielebaEier feast wbeo Dewey comes back to t's country, but only the rich need apply aa the price is to be one bundrsd dollars a plate. The poor creatures who produce the weal'.U of theee imperialistic soobs can feast In the aoup houses. It iti a mighty queer patriotism that has Its eipression In hundred dollar a plate '. dinnere. The different associations of traveling salesmen In the United Btatee are , wow loudly reHolutlng against "trusts." The members, or rather a largo majority of "the member of these associations wre very glib lu 1 800 in support of McKinkr, the gold staudard and prosperity." The gold etandard I the fuller and mother ol all tbeltruats, airfl the traveling sal Bjen have wn the rrror of their way. Let us trust that all other will be as ready to the right aa the traveling salesmen have been. The gold standard - will be eure of defeat next year. Go Into ouy elty, town or village In all the land aud note the sight to be soon in the way of unimproved streets, di lapidated sidewalks, broken down fwiwe and un painted home and then tell u If this lit a sign of general prosperity. 1 1 Utrue there is prosperity in tbia coun try for the robber trusts and only for .i.m n.t for th tlMSSfMl of it tolliug fMve - , people, Aud theee evidunoe prove what wa aay. - , The Imperial! prss of tbla country goe ofl evury other day in a spasm ovr the "death of ailver," wblob according to tbes paper occur nine tlmea each week,. - .,; ' , Should the party of the plutocrat Iw successful In auotber national cnuipuin, the poor people who are largely iu the majority lu this country may a well makeup their tniod to abandon all hope of battering tholr condition, may aa wel! content thermal ve to be the serf of plutocaey or get off the earth. The chain are tightening already, patriot ar forbid the mail, aud army oflisr are suggesting law to mike labor or ganlatlooa criminal offense, Tlwwa are a touch of the poor man' burden. See bre you working moo, whether you are a member of a labor organiza tion or whether, you are not, you nt eathavea right to join an organiza tion oraocfatlou for your own better ment and the betterment of your family. You will enrely admit tbi, wont you? But wow count Ueneral Mrrlam, army officer, and states, In Mpeoktng of the recent trouble at Northern, Idubo, that he "would suggest a law making th formation of iabor union a kindred ocletie, a crime." What do you think of thl. We worklngmen? An army officer would make it a crime for you to join a labor organize iou. , (a but one way to WI with aucb corporation a telephone, telegraph, eiprecompanie,treetand ateam rail way, gas, eletrUi light and water plant a to taiing them, and that I to have them pins from private to public owner ahip. The greedy, grinding, grasping robber who own them will not pay taie and there la no manner of making them pay. It I true they sometime pay money to the public treaaurera that is called taxe, but they collect it from their victim bv extortionate rate. The government make a success of the post office business so It cau of all utilities. Murk Manna baa gone to France to take bath for bia ' "rheumatics." He may get relief, it is to be hoped be will, but there are no water In France or elsewhere that can wah away bis greed for gain, and oppression of the laboring mau of the United States. Our reader may not be In the least surprised to hear of the Cuban making another rngn for liberty before many moon. They have not been fighting almost constantly during the past eight year for sell government just to have a lew o! papa's boys from tbia country pluck all the flower. It is a bad state ofaffiirs that still exista on that ill fated island. The moat rabid republican will be come an advocate of bimetallism when ever he give the matter any study and lay bis party history aside. All that Is necessary to oonvlne any man that bl nietallism la beuetluial to hi mm If a well a to the in asm of the people, la to have bint study the matter. Abolish all the so-called swivel wrvk rultw and let iimu of ability and rhar acter BH all public immUIud. All in civil servlee amount t is to create mi. Billons lor poluuml baruaeU and tre sites of lbs parly that 1 10 aulhurli in tba white kouea. Horn of tho administration r that remigs.tluIHy over the dally arntal of IK-rl oushi to eipUi lo lh su4 why II U that II the lsWy bill m tuieg nidi aa or priHluoiuiM tl gold la the tra ar? and lints ar aaful smiJ, ky tbssUqip tsl I tut abolished? Tk UImI Ik Ik liM of rubUr mm kiss U m prmtikg isk rt, What will Iks trust dvtwUsg gij-twkliiag luiwiult l.elkril-H ris V " V ' -" " 111111 . " I' tV "l 4 , aa kr Maaol rrfc lis tBM4 xftlu wl Ike Tk la w'f m war u tar iMms a4 that la y uittliaal rsi!, la4Mt la mw4 Vy aa IsIsmmI vhi dkiMa td ta assnMM bklap 4 las t.. tkia lv w ik UK 01 ta tstasHl few kava riM i 4w a4rtMr , as 4 It la tatis If us aVtM la Ik rii s a Imm im tsltHia a In uk t at las lavai rl.i4 t il kMHi ft,. 4iMu, lflj will aataVairMjMl lrf i4jS ! sf M lit ain If ana, kt awiku; kt aa l la4 t4ahMi 4 it aixw MewtUflv mm ka4er4 MlnM ay tass aWa I ki Um tlkt aaaaol M eamt by llavi a i'iif tura, rv4 fcf twa'ar. fr hi Ut A(u,tu)Aa I4 ky 4t4ii I, paper have to aay about the printing ink trosiT Well tbey willbardly cqueal for they are too servile, :. Now that the aseessora bbvo flnishe) their labors in most of the atates their work fails to show wherein old General Frosperlty ha been blooming out very much. In the city of South Omaha, Nebraska, where it is claimed that more than a million dollurs baa beeu put in building in the past year and a halt, the assessment is lex than it wai eight year ago, and taxes are simply a con flsuation of property, tb7 ure so high. Hut high tHxes are what republicans ad vocate a "evidence of prosperity." ' , ( It la no disgrace, in this country at least, for a man to be poor, to be iu debt, or even to be unable to pay bis debts but lb is a disgrace to a man or to the parly to which such a mau affili ates with, for a tnuu holding the behest fftldal position in the world, to be by a designing kuuve, to forsake all for mer principles, to turn completely Inside out and beoome the puppet of a trust promoter and wage slave-driver, and the open and avowed opponent of pure Americanism as is the cuss with Jriark hanna's president. It miuht perhaps be better, no doubt it would be better for the country, the people, and even for Mr. McKinh y, Ucpnrss would appro priate fl 18,000 of 1 Me tiulilio funris aud pay those notesof McKinley and Walker and tbu free the president from the con taminating clutches of Markuunualem. Thl cannot possibly be a government ol the people, by the people, so long as the veto power Is vested in the vacillat ing possession of men who ur easily swayed by ti ittery or boodle. The veto i something used where It is right, but too often it power is wielded for wrong such being the case the peoplti should put llwlr veto on the veto power. One of the best ways in the world to do this is by demuudiug the initiative and refer endum. ; There I not a rich tax-shirker In the laud but faior the petty system of blackmail and robbery called a "poll tax," which is still levied . In the back sumber districts but every galoot who favors ft is opposed to mi Income tax a tax that would beat some semblance of j list lc. The poll tx i a dirty steal, a robbery and au unjust imposition, It Is nothing less tbun petty larceny aud force the poor man td pay a tax to maintain the premises of the rich tax dodger. . r ; SCHOOL LANDS, A soon after the first of July a prac ticable 1 will hold public auctions for leasing about 0U5,0JO acres of school land under the provisions of the new lnw In the following counties; Antelope, Man ner, Hlalrie, Hox Itutf, Urown, flhase, Cherry, Cbe.teune, Custer, Dawes, Deuel, Dundy, Garfield, (imut, Ilaves, Hitchcock, Holt, Hooker, Keilh, Kya I'aha, Kimball, Knox, Lincoln, Ltfun, Loup, Mcl'herson, Pierce, Perkins, Rock, Hcotle' Mutt, Sncrldon, Hloux," Thomas and Wheeler. Under th new law, if these lunds will not l,-ae at the public auction at 0 per cent npon their appraised val U, they may le leased to the fierson offering 6 per cent upon the highest val untiau. . Tbese land are in the beet stock grow ing portion of the state, where cattle, sheep and borsea can be produced at lees expense, aud therefore at at greater profit, than anywhere I know of; aud yet surrounded with a good and Intelligent a class of cit iiens as are anywhere to be found. The harvest truly I great and lasts almost the year round, and no more inviting field for the intelligent stockman aud farmer can be found; and now, that there is en opportunity to se cure 25 year lease contracts thereon at what Ihe lands ere worth, th lessee bim stll being tlx- judge, it is confidently ex pected that all, or nearly all of hes lauds will be leased during thn present year at the public auctions above men tioned. Any one desiring to attend any Of these leasing nuc-tioua will b no tified of the time und place of holding the same as soon as it has been arruugt-d if they will write m at once, giving the name of the counties in which they ars interested, aud will also lie furnished a list of the land to be leaned, so that they may visit the counties in advamw of lbs leasiug auction and examine the lasds wbieb will beffred. Notice of the auction will be duly giv en in the local pasr. Head stamp for a copy of the new i-chool land law ouder which the lauds will I offered. Any fur ther InforuiHiion will be cheerful' fur. nlshed. J. V.WOl.Kf; Com. of Pub. Land. 1 lildg. Llueoln, N. b., May H, IbW. A PRIVILEGED CLASS 1 km NspsblUsa frlf tis ( rssltd a tlrtal Masf attkoM Wh ! If frsy 1B Iks Tba Kili-y now be!J to ao b naclouMy by t. rsptibliean parly and M jKilwy bskbs until wry tnily rwoived Ik aaltsd supnrt ol tba democrats) party, of tt k-gtlsg la Iwak Ik privit- eg ol uisuiag papsr sioiiey, U wrtwg ia pl.iA Mag WMftg, 1 b Imiuu-I to da MUckh-t Wpbcul tskinif pr o qMot tkotlti, I alii ipy asrt tkal lbs f iMiiim J Wsaiag aof la ovra asratal hielka. Will aavua soalrovstt Iks .ritina, 1 lkis aot. Tbia HMtilNtf rigkl Wtosga isiaalrsly In ik akob o.W, la Itniir sapasily a aa hil gavaatit. luitrs, It U ea t-l Ik ktgk! aa4 )! viU'ty Is (Msriaat ol tMvfaMtt riiisg imp hittMM, 1 1 U tot a uf surlu ( I j of - t, l l Ik akxls ktMa-U-IUa. Tklt aaal a4 km ul aay tiraaatlaa4t Only km a IU "NisV ?itik4 jhi aHiH i aH It In (a kaf'ivfaMlitii t la Immm ssv? I will U'tm d ibi v ! sils ,i,m, U ts ollk-Wl IkaMbw I fc l Vkv aiiktatMtttksil-iryiMibMa) ! tm4 k aaikssal iw4 t will Hit IksttwHhtta of lk I ! nl'i a- 4 !- las a,tt. wkllsiWatfc UsviUW IMU 4 Headauarters .for Good Lumber at low prices. . F.w. BROWN Jtj4jt 7th&OSt.,LIOCOLN,NER conferring governmental power add privilege upon individual aud corpora tions? . , , ' Gen. Jackson answered the question once by destroying the national bank monopoly that had laidlta greedy bands upon the purse-string of the nation. Vet we have now a mora daugerous banking system, posessing and exercis ing greater powers than tbu banka of Jackson'a time possessed and exer cised. The national banka possess special privileges conferred upon them by the people. These privilege belong to gov ernment to the people, Why should bankers be a favored class? Why should any class, already possessing a compet ence, nay an abundance, have the gov ernment stand behind it to enable it to iuoreaxe ita wealth? If there i any pro fit or advantage in issuing paper money why should not the people enjoy it? Are tne people so wealthy that tuey can well ufford to In prodigal with their favors and special privileges? In Jackson' time the national banka used their opportunity to grasp the reins of government; but Gen. Jackson bad the wisdom, backed by the necessary courage, to wrest the ruin from their greedy grasp. Who will repeat the oper ation; iMot William Rich. 1 1! ley, lor be is very much pleased with the schema re cently formulated by the banker to ex tend tba power and privilege of nation al bauk and tlx the gold standard upon the country. Under the new scheme, or newly formulated old scheme, the banks will issue all the paper aud control all the gold; ailver being already disgraced, gold will be king, and tba bankers will manipulate the king Ilka a jumping juck. Here I woald emphasize the danger point: It lie not chiefly in the gold standard but in the bank monopoly of money. .t - . . Of course by mean ot tbo gold stand ard tba monopoly is made more com plete, Were the mints open to silver, coo. tbo monopoly would be partially brokou but the bank issue of all paper money is almost aa serioo (under ex isting conditions) a threat to our na tion as the gold standard. Tbo dan gar 1 In the , monopoly, backed by tne government. ' 80 it 1 with the protective privilege couierred upon manufacturer. The-e, too, are; governmental privilege. The theory of protection ia to enable the manufacturer to tax tba people to en rich bun. Take away the right of the manufacturer to tax tbe consumer and there is nothing In it for him, Jlot the right to levy a tax ia a government right or function. It is a right that belong to tbe people. Yet, under the tariff tem thi function of government baa been conferred upon, and i enjoyed by tbe wealthy manufacturer.. The use by them ol this special privilege ha en abled tbem 10 pile op their millions, drown directly frum tbe pocket of the consumer. Ho with patent or Invention. All that tbe owner of a patent receives for bis product or commodity, over and above a reasonable profit ia a tax which be ia enabled to levy upon consumers by reason of tbe special privilege conferred upon him by tbe government. Ho with transportation companies. High judiciul authority baa decided that the tariffs levied by railway companies upon shipper and passenger i a tax; that the ngkt to levy the tax come solely from tbe government; and that in exercising tbe right to levy this tax the railway companies are exercising the functions of government. Uence tbe great wealth of the railway companies is obtained by the exorcUe of govern ment functious. I buve mentioned these to enforce my point: That the evil feature of the pres ent and threatened monetary system, uuder which the gold standard will be come fixed npon tbe country Is not so mucb In 1 be gold standard as lu Ui cre ation and (lernetuation of a complete monopoly of all the money in the hands of meu who have and will bold the gov ernment uuder tribute aud use it for their owu selfish purposes. To break tbis monopoly we must navs a purely national financial system, whereby the government will coin all the money, gold and silver on an quality, lsue ail paper money, do ita own bank ing and provide, a safe banking ystetn for the people, owned and operated by the govern aunt. Ktop short of tbeuM requirement and tba monopoly!!! nut u utsiroysu. W, I. !ln, Kearney, Neb. ATTEND THE PRIMARIES I desire to make a spMfla apidloatlon of soma of lb detmn-ratki principle kHVUAduu!Usslui, First of a'l . tba iusnsg"iiteiit of party aff tlrs, as parlies ar now constltqtrd, ought la Is actual ly, sol ia asms only, ia lb bands o( Iks raak and nl of Iks parly, l.v.-ry rs ea or primary wasting ol voter ougkt la b largvly aUsaibnl aad tka lairs I potwlbla opportunity for amy roisr Ihsra laaipfva klatbohs for Ukk-gatea aa4 tredl-Lt. Tk Ua al as! rvprssraUli asa ol Ike parly ous in U k'4 aa dslvgais we a wktt all) Uitkllty rwrat lk ! ol ib nl l bis prvrlssl. CtaduUt 044k! bl W 4tarlar4 al Tks t ta twt In tt-t la II vutr okl ii Miirvl kf lbN ia Ib pfmn swsliaas, f st M a wf 4wMjiyt Vn lr.,u 11 1 la aaa4Mkt ol party A4tr at ia is in "" I p4Hfci d,bsg as. Uh4 isg al tk vosiy ni a4 ii 4 Its, ! rw4 I qi ta riU v ia ptlt ass W affiira u baad ol tb-ssi a4 tugs, a4 lkra il lbi IhM tt4f, II 1 a 4sk a 4 a a ol tka ptiplst pr- I Ixil 1,1 tmtm iMtt Ul Huih mJ ali LUMBER CO .l UokMiv t pMf stira, Ma4-) " Mt ii nl aly tk fttrt4 4 tk riii wtil k a Mks4 paiy. 1 Me la rwil 4e la UM 4irttwa llsikl . I omi tkal aiti ka aik 4iril M !! u i Uif t a tarn- f lasJiJsU Um )swr, ia visa wl Ik last 1 bat the other districts in tbis A&te are represented by lawyer. This position is unassailable aud I hope the farmers of the district will rally to the support of the farmer cand dab ; or at least a man who beiougs to tbe in dustrial, producing classes. All classes ought to be represented In oougress. Tbis is a fundamental principle that ought not to lost sight of. 1 . W.L, Hand WHOSE COtJNTRY.IS THIS Ovsr Thrs Blllltins Psld to oar Tank ' Hsatcri lu 81 Years of Rspnbllvsn . In nearly all of tba thirty-seven year of republican rule from June 80, 18U to June 110, r&()8, according to republican official figure ol the treasury dnpurN niont, the people of the United States ex ported merchandise to the value of 2,.' 108,020,101, mora than tbey imported. What has ever come back in return for thi excess? Let our republican friend answer. '.- . According to like flgnrea the people ( f United states a the same time above stated,' exported specie (gold and silver) to amount ol f 1,1 wvi,70,wi more tnan they Imported. What bus aver come back lu return for tbi excess? lt re publicans answer, v. According to figures equally reliable a those above named, In a less time than that above mentioned, all iu time of peace, between our great domestic war aud tbe fpaulsn war, tne poop ot tbe Uuiled Htates. In their various capa cities of atates, counties, cltli s, corpora tion and Individuals, exported cola bond to foreigners, mostly to Drltisu oligarchs, to amount of at least six bil lion dollars mora than tbey Imported. What bus e vi r come back ia return for thi excess? Let republican answer. And in the same time above slated, people of the United Blab s exported real estate title deed and traiiMler to for ; eigner of railroad, mining, manufactur ing and other stocks of vast amount, some billions of dollars more than they they I moor ted. the extent of which can not be definitely stated here, What bus ever come back lu retura fur this excess? Let republicans answer, There are a great abundance ol rich gold aud silver mines In tbe United Hutee, but thi country does not own 11 dollar of gold or silver coin, W hava some borrowed on which we pay iuterrst to forHigusr, to tbe Uritisu ongarcny, ! malnh . as also on five and a half blllii n of cola that we have not, never bad ai d under republican method we never Cuu get or pay. In tuiNcountrv wo nave no coin out what can be so drawn upon by the Urit isu oligarchy under their bonds at any time a to reduce our circulation to any bankrupt or panic purposes, and anab tba oligarch in tbe future a they ha a in tba past, to pruc-d aa fast as tb J may deem pru l-nt to take la American property at their own price. Very aommouly railroad employee In this couu try are by intimation instruct ed and Intimidated or influenced about tbeir voting. These things ntver eman ate from any subordinate authority, but always from tba highest, tli rail road owners or mortgage controller, to a very large extent no doubt tbe Dritisb oligarch. Do American rightly estimate tbe high criminality of tbi foreign tam pering wit b American voters in respect to tbeir votes? Under proper rules, this and other kindred criminal tie would be made cauae for confiscation of railroad whether of foreign or domestic owner ship, by our government. This Philippine business is to keep tbe bond businesa growing. Itepublican methods have no care for way aud mean to reduce our great foreigo coin debt, but only to keep it growing. By so doing, tbe republican leader provide for themselves a they think aa alliance with one great power, baving complete control over the quantity of our money circulation, and tonsfquontly over tbe ultimate distribution of all property in tbis country. It Is an immense advantage to be tbns allied with such a power so a to know when to buy and when to sell, and 'thus be iu secret participation with tba oue if rent power that Is to rob tbo great mass of pople to build tbe colossal ac cumulations of wealth for the few, some here and some over yonder. Take notice everybody that one requi site for the great success of this etupend ou scheme is that the bonds must ba osrued in another country and not ia ours, otherwise pay meu ts upon tbem would not affect tba amount of our money circulation here. I slated abov Ibat It Is an Immense advantage to b allied with sncb a pow tr, and so li is now for republican 'wad ers, and tbs advantage will grow very areailr if ultliiiat succtm attend th seht-me. Hut, 1 think, It will not. IU publican lender have nib-judged tbara-p'K-tliis i-f Amrrlcau psople lorelf-gov eminent, lit long tbers will be a col lss of thus vi-iouury project of fs publioan ba ler and lhv will b rslega led to pliie wber tby belong. Weii'i- ll I'hillipi w a grsai prophet. Hi tort-rust of bumu vnts was clearly asd boldif irsd. I'udet dais of Aisjust l'J, 173, he wrots concerning oar aatioual Uaaaeitil aiuagsiat aa ItiHoWni MVll torn) til ssuis Vallef id tk shadow of death wbra la IH0& kbi'ul bK k Iteaa roalraeiioa. Wo ti Iks pit bti4l Mirty wlovb tk aalloa shall 11 ly rouiiaio rposbU fur , Ibia lii HiataUt t Wmbrs sill U brht4 la surwa a akom utikv kialory kor Iksir oa ina soul l rank wtav" lt v?y at ol boas! patissw kHk s asd sis-lr tbt labsatuia kk k klr, I'kiiuptsaH Ik "Uial Ukr;" Ikal U, Ike grl iHalreikia ol osr iuij, 0oatMMvl by lissk U I Mtiovh. frvrvlsry o lb ir-a-nry la t.V lsl if low wkn bi4 tf ir trits'ss tuli tk rsiatioa abkk Ik-it Sl foaitasikia aiaia lo ail Ik atl a4 Mulit4 war tkal oi ti. k sltvr ff sitMss, Isi U 14 Ik ftissbisg t4ftt'. aa I Iks grw lufis dbl a4 Ika bititM ul ifrsi alrvsrlr pi4 hmi It. km k fMM.Sfakall km.kMillt fa 4 an Ikk snlM I km k rliikil a krsioi4 k klr, rkU wilt 4lj la adJilioa to tk u kiilbia ol wUa ama eVk ktsskk' avklwi l, lb oi inussai kM4 aiioal Vbl iui ti 4 na4r k b-situs: rat ol rptkiAfii U a g sm4i lt.Ki ltaUu M 11, Inuw, i-i fl 0!,U.,t M sw4im l rosk.kta flUial lrsary W ulassat IsorM, U, it kat. Fslitary, N VJIIAT YOU OST FOn YOUR IVOOl KOi aHapawat Imrmts sua whm hamMmm Mm If you send It to somebody who out in small dribs you 017 expect a lowprlos. If yoi enii It to us, ft will be stored In our lofu with millions or pounds of other wool of the same nude and texture. When the msnufocturw couss to buy, ha buys the lot, so J your wool goe with the rest t a good prto. Vfo tlcr.Xo 1D,000,CCO '3. cf IV Anr.uzHy. y, f ,v' . :,i , Wa ajwk Kbsrsl sdvaitces on ceasttnaisats at the low rate of Bwer oent. per annum for the money thus ussd. ,w supply nil our sblppsr wltb free wool sack snd sswiag twine. Wa send our Circular Letter to all I ; who iu irn SI V 1 GET A SILK DRESS FREE! Tbs old rslliiliis fiuMIliHr nt ilm wt-ll known end hlirtily luiprxlliis Ksnniy Hnioiilno, to sd Ti-rtlMlt, are ufliirlhK U4MMIHM SILK lMKsskS-ull 10 lo l ,arl, Till oSerls op.n to nuy rwlliibl pcrmm wlio will lend tor It at one aud promise 10 show it sub tli paper. II joq sixb to tah sdveuiauenf aiiuvllk dfme o(Tr, yoo mast flrat trad IS iwiits-illver or p'wtae tniniis to pay lor hendlliiRaiid poets os III paper ws send thrae uiontbs os trial, slid yon ' will "CI II by niiura mall, t . Mre, i'boehs Kentt, Wimmtow, Is srltrs: J out rewired lli bluk ellk drees II ysrds-yo sent me, 1 be nnsllty ( nisKiilll'-siiii snd 1 tbsus o thounssd iIiiim or, Mrs, Elli l)riwnnNnw llrn, Conn., wrll; "I fcnrerly lnll rul It, Imc 4hls morslns my silk dreMinrrlved. I hare nhown It to diiin neiniihor. Thy all Intend eeudlnff for one, U la ter tulnlr bHautllul, and 1 will do all I oes lor yusr paper. We ea eliow proof of tboueande of dreew wire away to tbune who bavs snewsred or kd rertleeinente, 411 drfsees sent promptly, Addreem , . HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO., Lock BOX 478, PblUlelcbli. P. lfLa Paris Green, Ibu. , .,25c W nOrfi London Purple, lb. , . . ... ... .... . ....... f . .20c Strychnine, aw a bottle. Blue Vitrol,lb..ioc Garden and Flower ueeas. . White Lead, S. P., $6.00 per cwt. Pure boiled Linseed Oil, 50c a gallon. Varnish t? ov's rue es; all kinds of Golden Machine, per gallon . , , .... . 25c Red Harvester, 40c gal. Castor Machine, ..35c Cylinder Oil per gal. ,50c Store. Corner lOtlh. 0 G. Ac C MeerUm Co., ( WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL niTfi-vMsov ' ik f'l iff ar, XnkZ. ifMll.CII'liilM. B Hew 1 la if uu at retail WESTERN GLASS & PAINT CO.. 324 South 12tli. Lincoln. THE HEW Lllllll FLOURING DILLS KiiuwltHl at Ninth and T streets are now read tor basin. W give In tiehaag fur good 60 lb. wheat 32 pouii'l of faae l ur jOiirautoel, and 10 lbs uf bran. Try a sack of "Honest Abt" Flour. Warranted to equal the best, All first-class grocers r kefp It. . - O. SBE3LEY 2 SORT. lllllllllI'MII 1 HMMMIIHIIIItf Slum- at I IET- Jl2.Mo jS.n Loo Ancolca and 'Roturn. 050. TUUtton ale June 15th lo July 8th. ify Kc turn limit SrtrmWr 4, 18). V ull Inlormation a to iklc if ipt, tlrivti rut rt, Mop om. etc., aUo UmVlrt iltKriftivo ti C.ih fvimi 1 u0ii applicMion. City fkfttt Office CrMtl3tlM Otttv ItWlbateaSI. afttftefftttffttttttttmttttttnntnctnJ for It. It keens you lutonqM on tbe wool situation sad wool Writ for It to-day. Address,, lubricating; oils. and. IP Stroota 0806 1 Hon.D.T. Brewer, Jostles of U.S. Sufftmc Court, suy t " I couiniend it to all as tho one irraat stsud- nrd authority," Il excel In ifoo csso with wbiub tho ry finds tbe word sousht 1 In ocounuir of Uolliiitioii : l.i c-ffm-t- ' tve iiwftbods of lodictttlnir proimnctutlon 1 In torse and comprolMHUiiva sfntonmnts f foots snd in imu-tli-ftl Mm as a working dictionary. 8icfAmrnpaot,U.,mt0napili(4ttiiin, PublUheri, Springfield, Mm,, V. 8. A. E GOOD TO Y0UH HOME. CUY A Lincoln Steel Ran? and plsaasyonr daarwif and family Warrantad H . moat parfset eooklog tov made. Wa oaa tlM vary bast old rolled patrat Isrslad atasl,'aod lie arsry Ear- wilh asbastos and stewt, wbieb makes it fmpoas&ia I at Bra to yosr floor. Thj ara bandsossa, attraetirs, ap-to-data in pattara and daaiffii, mil alekal trimmai, win Dora an kioa of loeL wiu last a it: ew wu auiivri wn vh writ. A ie wbj w call than tbs "butt oa uamtu." It jonr dealer doas not baadk than ka taakasa great mlstaka. Writs ton aad we will provide a way for 70a to ba oas at a reasonable price. ' BuckstaH Bros. P.lf?. Co - LINCOLN, NEB. MAKERS Patronise bona Indoatry made in Nebras ka. We refer on to State Officers. Banks and Express Companies of Lincoln, aad tbousanda owing our Ranges. Bpeeial at tsotioo Kivsn Hnbsl aad Rest an rant Oatftra Jo'b'bers. tfiiflf ittttf t?t 1 : f .., ..a