The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 29, 1899, Image 5

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    June 29, 1899
Coming to the Exposition? Little early, perhaps, to ak you, but we'd like to
know-if It la convenient. Without Exaggeration we Ml? it will be the
finest Exihibtion Omaha hae ever seen, and we believe 'twill pay yoo to corns
and ks It. And while you're here we want yon to Exumiue our line of Men
and Boy Clothing, and our way of wiling It. We Excel In t h la line, have tx
eelled, al way miirExeel. It'e our business toell more clothing, totter cloth
tog, and make a lower price than any other etore In America. We mm In
quantity, quality, and in price. We Exchange or refund money on any article
you buy of " the Nebraska." We Exclude all job loto, .damaged, or bankrupt
stock from this etore; they And no welcome here. We understand there
going to be an Exotireton from your oity to Omaha eoon, and we want you to
ave your frlende meet yon at "The Nebraska," bave your mall sent iu our
care, check your parcel here, come take a drluk with us-(ios water first floor).
In the meantime, If you want something in our line and can't wait, seud for
our Catalogue. It's full (of information.)
The State Journal says that there is
no law on the statute book giving one
man an advantage over another. How
comes It then that a certain mao by the
name of Thompson can soil gas in the
city of Lincoln and charge 13.00 a 1,
000 feet for It and no one else can sell it
at al? Or bow does it come that a few
men have the exclusive privilege of Issu
ing their promises to pay and forcing all
the rest of the people to pay tbem In tor
est on what they owe? The gentlemen
of the two national banks bave the ad
vantage over all the other who dobuai.
noss. If a merchant issues his promise
to pay, tbe said morcbant has to pay
interest and not receive interest. To a
pop, that looks like a pretty big ad van
tage, and there is a law on the statute
book that gives thee gentlemen that
Industrial despotism is tbe most ter
rible of alt despotism. ' A corporation
master bas more power and can use it
more swiftly than any monarch or
tyrant of old. Ilegbvestbe word. Tbe
engines In a great ant instantly stop.
Thousands of men, women and little
ohlldrea are deprived of their means of
life and are left to starve. What tyrant
of old ever bad such power as that?
Weyler's reooncendos were not more at
the mercy of tbe man whom we all exe
crate, than tbe wage worker of a great
modem factory. There has probably
been more persons turned out to starve
since the great trusts have been formed
than Wyeler ever sent to reoonoendo
camps. Hundreds, of manufactures
have been closed and tbe workmen
turned adrift. The act Is just as in
humanly cruel and will produce just as
much suffering. The power of tbe trust
magnate is greater than that of Weyler
in Cuba.
Monster Trice-Cutting Dissolution Sale
Foot Form Store, 1213 0 Street
Hardy's Column.
Strikes and (Prosperity Doctors Ne
braska's Schools Republican Taper
Hedging Popular Governors Mis
takes Misfortunes of our Friends.
Strikes are raging from one end of the
country to the other, which, of course. Is
aaureaign of republican prosperity.
When doctors disgrtw who shall de
cide? Our medical fraternity are very
sensitive and seniiolea. They will nk
the legislature next to pas a law that
BO man be allowed to wmth his lent with
out calling a doctor. Tbe neighbor who
rubs tbe tame back of a neighbor is now
liable to arrest and tierhap fined. It
has been found that bbwdiug U bad and
water in fever is good but tbe doctors
didn't discover it. v
The wbiKilsol l.iseoln and of tbestste
of N'braaka must stand high in lb
opiulon ot 01 bur el tie ud states, They
ail seem to wsst tbe superintendent
aad teachers of Lincoln and lbs chancel
lor and prohwaor of the stain, II they
have ben through a Nbrka mill aad
tbe people still want to retain them that
Is saaugb. Anything that oe Iront
frw Nebraska laU at the head of tbe
bh eve presidential timber,
Ws have 04 Tote to spar this loll or
twit. It will UttMfU awa to win
A' we are beats. .New timber wUI be
bast, o la the prl. bet sw as
regards urtlauMtttg, There have be
lateral tbieg do during- the Ut tire
yr that iv ! str.jvhuJ nut
Krty, A Urns portly ao tut Mcti
at, Th tbasg will b g tbi
tbisg. We aot 1.1 Wt Us
Mflbbldr Of lbs lfW-eaeekf r tr I,
Tb best liwbef de ftut ttt trtt mi
tbe wood aad Iu b C
H bf la U ta maojr rvf tb big pl ul
ta east, edited bv Ms? Ann , are
tsralsg tbeettid hld ta ItcKlsWy,
Tb bet be sea U w baeh MWf
Mi thsjr tetaptt w ttbe U h
a be bsvtlf ( I tIMMlk l.y
alt beg t this lbs i"hlllpi wot U
hfZ Mtbtu tbsa tby r M t
llf to I
i. a ibftf stoat.
swallow, without damage and ; thoy are
beginning to hedge for another candi
date. ' ,
Tbe republican have two governor
who seem to be working in the interest
of the common people on many lines,
Kooseveltof New York and I'ingree of
Michigan. They both bave had a hard
fight with tbe money and whisky poer.
We bad five boy friends; yes there
were six of us a! way together. Wt
bunted, fished aud swam In tbe milfpond
together. We celebrated tbe Fourth of
July together and attended school In the
same old bituk scboolbouse, reciting In
the same classes. After graduating we
separated in two and attended different
academies and colleges. After final
graduation' we separated and located
hundreds of miles apart. Our callings
were all different, One became manu
facturer with several band rod operatives
ondr him; tbs second became a lawyer.
Judge and member of congress, the third
a college professor and author, tbe
fourth a farmer wit b a thousand broad
acres, tine borses and cattle; the fifth
was an editor and publisher, ntver be
came congressman or governor bat
made congressmen and governor of
other with hi pen.'
Twenty years bad rolled away wbn
we started out to visit 011 r five friends.
First we fobnd tbe manufacturer. lis
bad a happy borne with several children.
We soon noticed one of tbs boy mo
tioned Instead of talking, be was deaf
and dumb. He lost bis hearing at three
and soon became dumb. Tbe next on
lound wo the lawyer. III borne was a
palace on a fashionable avenue but Loi
wo not tbere. Hh alept In ber grave
and another wife filled ber place. Our
visit was but ball a visit. We next called
at the borne of tbe college professor, be
was well fixed in worldly goods, but oh,
bow changed was Julia. Tb bright
mind and cheerful smile were gone. She
was hopelessly insane, A stroog woman
was constantly by her side to restrain
ana care lor ber, Tb farmer was next
on our list. He met ns at the depot
wun a epan 01 nign steppers and whirled
ns to bis borne on tbe double quick. On
going nut to dinner we passed the door
of bis oldest boy's room and sad was
tbe siKbt, a dreuling Idiot. The editor
was the filth and lout to find. It seemed
everybody in the state knew bira. Tbe
day paseeu pleasantly talking politics
ana Doynooa experiences. Late ia ths
evening one of bis boys came borne stng
gering drunk, lie was a complete chip
01 tne grandfather block on the mother'
side. We thought give u Idiocy or in
sanity rather than druukenese aud give
ns aeain rainer man either.
One of the most extraordinary things
that ever occurred in the history of Lin
colo was mad public on last Tueedsy
morning, llixby actually made a seusl
bis remark. hasten to give blm
credit for It. The Independent indorses
every word of It. It was as follows:
(lulls freouentlv V rtuous and
dispoeed reaident taxpayers ar mal
Igned, traduoed and vlliQud. without rs.
course, by lawyers who bavs no siaud
lug anywhere un earth Vioept la a court
room. This should not and would ant
l.e U.!ufUJ 0y tbs JlMguS Welsitbul
that Ibey wrr lawvsrs theinseives bs-
bire they beeauis j'ltljjM, Fir the eeosi
tits nin who knows that bsU being
more severely sttiow ami tbaa the
eirranwtaama of tbs tm Jutify tbereU
but one Bottorabie way to drlead hlm
eell and that U to ak tb latervvbtki
of tb euurt I bnldlsg the lawyer do
taafair dwuMio vftbs Uw audi he
vleaiw, aud la lbs ernirt Mun,
mi ittiMi iHtul Ullev d,.ll.rm- Burlh
t vuatempi b siapplpg lb allot kef
full I tbs Uee," '
fbitatbt'bilieelsUe4 t u
Tbs upiab ol lbs boys of tb Ilrsl
regiawat la rgM ta tbs umim
tela of lbs tebtinl reawUtki Is qslle
different trot that vl lbs reHtblk' pa
per. W are la reexlpt oi ta bssspa
per t'ubUHod ,'Uslts, the Aatefts
a Ireeduio, eoalalalag 12m tdbiit
'IaI slab ier ili4 We
grssMi l the sgtwt that lb gowrwwf id
S.beMk hn4 lt rMdiklli wl
tbaakt l. lbs I'irsi ,Ntdtrk real!,
A lraitg teHe rwettd
late K4irlay bal tM Ul b Usadsj
pleft lri mm M wb sld big
I tbe fleet fcU4a, asd bl Is pr
lae4 b bs bt itk la sti tbe
May 13 In yonr leading editorial you do
the governor of Nebraska a great injus
tice. The article contain but half tb
trntb, and as it is frequently tbe cose
in that form it ia the baaeet kind of a
lie. Tbe facte are tbeae: In tbe state
of Nebraska at the present time tb
legislature i republican and the gov
ernor ia a populist Governor Toynter
bad on several oooosioua in publio ad
dresses condemned tbe imperialistic
policy of tbe republican party and tbe
national administration for making
war against tbe Thilippin people. He
bad taken tb position that the war
was an unjust ons and contrary to tbe
time-honored tradition and principle
of tbe . government of the United
State. Politician in the legislaturs
thought they saw an opportunity to
compel tbe governor to endorse tbe
war by draitlng double-headed reso
lutions praising ths First Nebraska regi
ment and also endorsing in strong
term tbe policy of the national ad
ministration la brluglnir on and con
ducting the war. They reasoned that
tb governor would not dare to veto
such a resolution no matter bow many
other declaration It contalund. The
governor could do but one of two thing
either sign It or veto it. He could not
divide it and sign the part endorsing tb
f irst and veto tb pert endorsing tne
administration, and defending the prin
ciples of tbe war. il vetoed it and In hi
veto message set forth bis reasons and
took occasion to praise the First Ne
braska for its magnificent work and de
claring bis highest admiration and ap
preciation of the regiment in 110 unmis
takable langiinge. lie was willing to
sign a resolution praising tbe regiment,
but be refused to becaujrbt la a politi
cal trap, sell by bis political opponents,
Governor Poynter bas taken a great In
tereet in the regiment in every way. He
bas cabled for a list of the killed and
wounded and bas prepaid the reply, H
has been most persistent in hi efforts to
have the regiment ent boms and mus
tered out at tbe-earliest nosslbl date.
It ia .nonsense to suppose tnat Governor
Poynter Is not a friend and admirer of
tb First Nebraska. 11 Is on of those
who believe that it bas paid far dearly
for what tb government bas gained In
Tbe people of the state gad ths mem
bers of the regiment conversant wltb
these fact do not critlois the governor.
They' understand fully the political
game the legislature attempted to play.
As to your statement that Mr. liryan
Influenced tbe governor in bis course, I
merely call your attention ta th fact
that your statement bos nothing behind
It more tangible than imagination. It
Is well known that Mr. liryan express
hi opinions openly and freely, lie doe
not operate behind closed doors as a
rule and it Is not likely that he made an
exception In tbl cose'
Tbs Manila "Freedom." which also
assumed tbe criticism of th governor a
correct In th following manner: It says:
"We are In receipt of a communication
from L. H, Ilnrnbam. (Ileatrice) of th
old reliable First Nebraska. In which be
takes exception to an editorial not
which appeared In tb 'Freedom" May
10, If says: "W notice you take the
liberty npon yourself of expressing to
the publio the opinion of tbe First Ne
braska in reo-ard to oor worthy gov
ernor. You also state that his veto of
th resolution i an insult to the regi
ment. Let ns say to you, Mr. fcditor,
that you ar sadly mistaken In yonr
opinion of tb First Nebraska. Not only
th majority of our regiment her, bnt
of other regiment heartily endorse the
action of our goveroor. How does It
com that you do not comment on the
action of the legislature in regard to
voting down tbe bill to appropriate U.
000 for tbe regiment, and a a substi
tute voted ns thsir thanks. Ths legisla
ture of Nebraska, tb editor of "Free
dom," or tbe president of tb United
State cannot mar tbe soldiers bsr be
lieve that they are fighting ia defense of
tbe principles of the country or for the
glory of tbe flag."
Ar you interested in low price? Th
Foot form store, 1218 0 street, Lincoln
ar having a dissolution sale of their
stock of boot and shoes. Tbe entire
stock will be sold at a great sucrlfloo,
This means much to you if you take
advantage 01 It.
ft Is Now On Tb Speaker reTuhlng the
Field-W. J. Hryaa aad Cola .
Iltrvejr I NebrMk.
W. H. Thompson, national democratic
committeeman for Nebraska, and J. II.
Kdinlsten, national committeeman tor
Nebraska for the populist party, hava
arranged with Cola Harvey to speak at
th following cltie of Nehraeka. All of
thus meeting will be belj lu thesveultig
einept Ihs on to be held at South Om
ha which will be held la ths afternoon
Tb list of ptacm and dates Is as fol
lows. Aehland, Saturday, Juns 3i.
r renioat, Monday, Juneyti
Hobuyler, Tuiy, Jaa 'J 7.
tWotrsJ Ciiv. Weduwsday, Jaa Sit.
Kwmey, Thursday, Juoe Ha,
llaetias-s, Friday, Jans 210.
York, Saturday, Jo'y 1.
Aurora. Mon.U. July a.
Grand Naad, Tuesday, July 4,
r alrbary, Wednesday, July ft,
Ibmtrk. Tburlsy. July a,
Tevaaiwb, FilJsy, Ja'v 7.
Falls litr, Saturday. Jet S.
Aabura, Modav, July lu.
N.4k t iiy. Tuesday, July 1 1.
I'lalistuoaib, U'edMmdy, July It.
rUialb Omshs, Tbaraday alteraim.
Oiusba, Tharedav vtg July 13,
.WloJI, r'nday, July 14.
Ilaihry, ruurday, July U.
! Tt u Mm.
Mr, Vnmm aU tt three or tuar
Iowa i lbs sial Mil woatb aad
WteeUaa id lb lu4 bMveatd thue
tlMMI ui b bld fetllt;
lleMtphee, Jlf 10, Hfuu. I
AlbiM. J sit LV seig. j
11. ,L. I.. I- If ll..i. '
Otd, J sty IT, iog.
TbH aHak a vl-
Ve4 bl 1KI fmt e tley b
rwt M b'rwJ, 4 ! wtills bar
liL Tb ttl wl tbtaeaas
Us, I', kt alMt ria4 by tb atu
haveWsedall of the factories In the
place.-' "
The effects upon tb worklngmen, bow
ever, will b mor manifest when busi
ness pros perl ly begins to slacken and
demand for good to fall off. Then the
trust will be compelled to close mills by
wholesale to sustain prioes. Of this
tbere can be no doubt.
Th prioes of nearly all manufactured
article bave advanced from 10 to 60
per cent during the last tight month,
Chemical experts toll u that adultora-.
ttonsareon the Increase, Tbe recent
Hirht advances In wage ar perhaps In
sufficient to offset th great advance in
prioes so that a yet wag earner, ex
cept that mor ar employed, may not
be as well off as they were a year ago.
From "Truts"-Tbe Hush to Industrial
Monopoly," In the American Monthly
Itsvlew of lleview for Jane.
The Independent baa often, In it dis
cussion of socialism stated tb origin of
pioperty. It has stood by tbe expres
sion in the Omaha platform "that
wealth belongs to blm who crease It,"
if i
eifr - -
and not to the community at large. The
following statement is taken from the
Kansas Commoner:
"Any ma who thinks about it will
at once that the only rightlul origin of
property Is In labor. It is the power to
create which tberluht of prop
erty, Fur instance, if a man take a
piece of rough lumber of no value and
out of it curga 0 chair every one can see
that he h ilgbt to the reeultofbis
Inbor the clmir and that be has a
right to do what he plsases wltb it. If
a man haa a right to own hlmse.'f, he
owns bis energies aud if he own bis ener
gies he has a right to own whatever
they produce."
Tm Hsve Mpeelal Tvalk
Omaha, Neb,, Jun 20, At a meet
ing of the general committee tb plan
wore compluted lor the reception of
the First Nebraska volunteers upon
their rsturn from tb Philippine. A
coiiiiiiIUos of five was appointed to
moot th regimont at San Francisco,
and escort tham in b special train to
Omaha, where tb reception will oo
cur, The entire state will join in th
grsstlng, and th rslatlvss of th sol
dlors will b brought to tbl city to
meet tb returning heroes. A fund of
!S,ooo will be raised to defray tbe ex
penses of th reception,
iiSiliif iiiiSSS
When summer goods are most needed,
is the month of our great Gearing
Sales. All Warm Weather Goods
must be cleared out, and some great
bargains will be offered. The first time
you are In Lincoln come and see for
yourscli. jjjjJjj
Oat foe Governor of Kealaaky oa
Twenty Mith Ballot
Louis villus, Ky,, June SO. Willlaio
uloebel, who, with an Iron grasp, has
ruled tbe Democratic state convention,
sine it assembled nearly a week ago,
was last night nominated for governor
on th twenty-sixth ballot, after a ,
contest un parallelled in this state for
bitterns, determination on th part'
of th winner, and for skillful manip
ulation. The end of th long, ex
hausting fight brought a reasonable
degree of harmony to to th factions
which throughout th figbt battled
for every inch of ground. Nearly
everybody joined heartily ia a dem
onstration when the candidate ap
peared for tb first time before tb
convention to accept th nomination
and return bis thanks,
Olnso Tract Changs Its Wast.
Thrkton, N. J., Jun i9. Th
American Glucose Sugar Refining
company, recently organized nnder
th law of this stat, has filed papsr
changing it corporate, nam to the
federal Contract company,
avi rtu.fc,uM4.e r riib
fwe H WVHeei I yur Imu trf
ul tbe u aad utti tie tr!, vbWb
! eMkm 4 sw-s rnrr