THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. June 29 A BELT 0 GOLD 10 HI Reports of New Discoveries In the Alaskan Mineral Melds. CAPE NOME. NEW ELDORADO. A BeaHl Prospeolor Think th Ynkoa Bflaaral Bed Kstaadl to Ala Btorlee of Mltfortaa la Alaska, With Ererr Aeonl f Buoee ' ' ' Sbattlk, Waib., June 28. Th lat est advice from the newly discovered gold field, Capo Noma, Alaska, are contained la a letter from Major E & Ingraham of Seattle, who writes nuder date of February 2, 1800. Major In graham la the leader of fourtcun men who wore fitted out by Prince Lulgl of Italy and local bualneu men, lie went first to Kotzebue Sound, but finding nothing there, orossed over land to Cape Nome, with a portion 0 the party, enduring considerable hard ships. Tart of the time the men had for food only two' pancake a day, Major Ingraham writes) "On September 25 six men wont to work to test their claims, some on Bnow creek and the rest on Anvil creek, The best pan was obtained on Know week and amounted tots'. 29. The aggregate of four days' work was It less than 11,100. The gold was of good quality and sold at 1. Michael without assay for 110. 85 per ounce. On account of the lateness of the sea aoo and lack of supplies no attempt to reaoh bedrock was made. "The news soon spread, and there bo been a coustant arrival - of pros pectors from fJualaska, tit, Michael and as far south as Kuskoqulm. Fully 500 locations have been made to date. "Two other districts have been or ganlxed, one at Linok point, beyond Cape Rodney5, and the other with Wo nana creek as a center. ! "The rich finds at Capo Nome and 00 the Ne-Uck-Lnck, a tributary of Fish river, prove beyond doubt that the rich mineral belt of the Yukon crosses to Siberia, Pay dirt is report ed to have been atruek on a river flowing into the chain of lakes liaving outlet at Port Clarence, "Before starting from Kotzebue sound December 15, 1 1B8, prospectors had come In from Noatak, reporting the discovery of a rich and extensive mineral bolt north of the river. In November, 18l)i, there was a stam pede from among the prospectors wintering upon the Kowak to report ed rloh diggings upon the Atashuck, a tributary of the Kynkuk. '"There is no doubt but that next summer will witness remarkable de velopments In the vicinity of Qolivln Bay." But every story of fortune found In the gold fields come one of suffering and disappointment W, I). Doollttle of Irvington, N. J., arrived here yesterday after undergoing fear ful experiences In Alaska. Ho t at tempted to enter the Alaskan gold fields over the Edmonton route, but failed, and returned to , Telegraph ereek out of food and just able to make his wants known. lie said: "I have witnessed people coming in with hands and feet froieh and starv ing and Buffering with scurvy. Of fourteen men on their way to Tele graph creek, nine perished in a snow storm. Three men were found dead In a cabin at Moose lake. They were two Allison brothers of Kent, England and Carter of New Zealand. 'The latter part of May, Porter, the government agent at Telegraph creok, sent a relief party into tne Llard dis trict, consisting of two Indian guides and four white men. They had a scow load of provisions which they distri buted among the needy people, sum bering about SOO." , , . Sam Fkani June 29. Eight miners hava just reached here from Alaska with tfiiVi.OOJ, the result of two years' dlgglog within twenty miles of Dawson. One of them, named T. II. Armstrong, has a nugget worth 1309, "The country Is full of idle mu. said Armitrong, "and every steamer bring a lot more to swell the list. There will be fairly good elean p around Dawson, but it will belong to ten timet as mauy men as lent year's output. " luu hmiB ttu X, t mil, M June fa, William Anderson, oUlet eon of tl W. Ander Sn, the well-to-do. eattle dealer, lias been arretted for the inerder of hi father. The older Anderson had Ml kia wife a.d children and wm living with a woman, Li tile tUsebavb, on hi farm. 1Mb As lrrws and VIa ba were foeud murdered with an a January Aa.lervm rat U W be worth :ui It Is reihffWd al wife wtU ture steles evideece. A tS4lttt'e torn hM4 (kT)at tliv, m. June la Area BaN.taa' ewHntted atrUU lt Ke BottH wf fclal illy ttdy t-lt by IHlltf blmeatl. He wat the f ! tt IHe Ute Judge We X. atM.Uiaf, Kt w tstitt la iitisl ei. U MiMiart a utter tee el a .t y eg N n oaej te BMlfeed fct tHe itd. M ! ta TswrtA, Te. e fa - llu lUUf, a bilvHe W. I year aid tw4 at ttltMMt bar t cm Muuig OsaMted ft W it tlralM lataasrUt at aU a I drlt It to tl It .a'4 ai aart VI latieg wU We Wret lrr. Mr. M.atato ! Nw f(MiMi, J jv-Im rel teat a4 Mr. MoklnWy, with. te a, vf te p,t4eUl r'l, f44 We at I'Mw 'lli I" idf ! a4 die l :Uiy U the Uatle JOHN BULL EMITS A GROWL Qreat Brltala Will Tolerate Me rut From Krufar Birmingham, Eng., June 81 Joseph Chamberlain, secretary of state for the colonies, addressing the Unionists of this city, reviewed care fully the Transvaal question. In toe course of his speech he saia that, owing to the enormous military preparations of the government of the (South African republic, Ureat Britain had been compelled to Increase the British garrison in Capo Colony and Natal, entailing an additional ex pendlture of 8-',500,('J0 annually, After denouncing in the strongest terms the attitude and actions of the Boers, Mr. Chamberlain, with great deliberation and emphasis, added: The Trans veals eudrinous secret service fund Iium procured it friends and advocates In every country. The way the BritlMh subject there Is treat ed Is not only a menace to thorn all, but iatorferes with our prestige among the natives, who now regard the Boers and not the British the paramount power, , Besides the broaches of tne umaon convention, the Transvaal is flagrant ly violating the equality that conven tion was intended to secure. Its misgovornmont is ft festering soro, poisoning the whole atmosphere of Month Africa, The Dutch in Cape Colony and Natal would bo in the hap piest condition,; but bo long as tne disease of hatred and suspicion pre vails la the Transvaal, it is impossible to stop the contagion. "Four time since independence was granted we have been on the vorge of war with the Transvaal. It is erron eous to say the British government wants war; but it is equally errone ous to say that the government will draw back, now that it boo put Us hand to the plow. "We hope the efforts that are now being made will lead to an amicable arrangement, for Great Britain only desires justice, but there comes a time when patience' can hardly be distin guished from weakness, and when moral pressure becomes a farce that cannot be continued without loss of self-repeot. I trust that time may never come In this instance, but if it does, Britons will insist upon the means to find a result essential to the peace of Hon th Africa." The speech was warmly applauded, In reply to a vote of thanks, Mr. Chamberlain said he fejt strengthened and encouraged by their confidence and support lie hud spoken from the heart, because ho believnd they had reached a critical turning point n the history of the empire, and that the whole world was watching to see how they would luo from the dlfii- culty. "It is my belief," said he, In closing, "that the country will show itself not unworthy of its glorlou history and traditions." A GREAT REVIEW, flower of Ilrltlth Army ea l'srsd lie. f.nnnn Juris 2M Tha flUMD. thai Tlnlt.-Af Cainhrldm. tha 1'rlneaof VVaU.. tha Duka of York. Grand Duka Mlahial of u..kIr. tha Duka of Con-. taught. Ocneral Lord Wolseley, com- J mander-in-chief of the armyi Colonel Uatnuel 8. Sumner, United Bute army military attache of the United States embassy at London and many princes and princesses were preent on tne famou plains 01 Aiuvrshot to witness a review of over lB,6oOof the best troop in the kingdom. This review is Interpreted in Lon don as a means of satisfying Queen Victoria that her troop are ready for any emergency they may be called upon to meet, in the Xrausvaaloi elsewhere. ROW OF THE CHURCHES. kUtbodltU Itollov Thf !! UM4 John !. Kockrf oiler Chicaoo. June 28. Dr. William 11 Harper, president of the University of Chicago, haa ended hla loni con neotlon with Chautauqua. Hack of the announcement of the faiuou edu cator' relireiiiuut a the head of the Chautauuua collegiate depnrtuient and from the board of trutes of the Chautauqua BMociatian I a buttle of denomination. Methodist, who have, regarded tho Chautauqua rnterprlao a a monument to MelhodUin. believe they have baftloj John D. liookefeller ( and tdhrr, wUo, they clatiud, were attempting tu uiak the Cliaut wiu 11,1. movrment an aiutllary to the vvrftlty of . t'hleagu. An I the Moth, odiftl have ptelon of l haaiauqua Hif WnI at ruuaaro. PlTfAiiUHti. Pa., Juno Is. IUne0t wank of "ail organised laW of Wt era Pe.u.ylvauie." at the Urand op." h,u.. ha. rroiHirtkuift'.ot tUuiu-M ot bv tho pruiiHiter, and the affair proml. l. reault iu elar mmUpH of tho Ubwrlog eie In thl Mvtu-a lliit er Ufor. Tho week wm lft(fHrUi Mrade U whtvh all uf with ft largo the lbar wv 1 gtMli at of the otty rtiellHl Tli pvogr foe the UUo f the work ta.lM.W sbf prwwiaat Ht at )UI ailrlio. The priMoil dHwtrtitrt Will b .! ti ll df, Wb Mj-f Uerl MUe wilt U the f wt if tho eity, AU tf the tulltUrf aad evtavy eitio wrflttW will twr) t i fvneo ti wiewta a4 tUrlli kt St.t aff t Haa VH Dft,tUt Jua It kU IMVj frofttrMg otbtb iW at the Ta te etr b-o tt ftlgbt. a4 it w aiaaw4 fM h Ugo tbt lilt s.atra b4 g4 Iw at ItUUis t w.UMbr v Mr ft4we4ft It l4 Wtllli, J0 t - ICUft iutbw.itk, tbo wo'.l kaow) nuvaU, utiUolUat M MMeo I Wt tkigi. II. ll tloo wtly U lb Ulratitio t utS lk Wl4 U kr f Ik )otr. NAVY'S "PERSUADER" CLASS. fMsets nt the TUa Type De Dety Off Ooatb Areafieaa KefNiblle, Wabhixotoit, June 28. The navy department is considering the advis ability of fitting up and keeping in readiness light draught cruisers for special service like that recently per formed by the Vixen at Bluefields, Nicaragua. The suggestion Is made by advocates of the plan that such a course would save both time and expense and thut such vessels could respond to the call of a consul or perform other similar service quite at well as oould ft bat tleship. They would havo the great advantage, also, of coveringthe dis tance to far away ports much more speedily than would heavier ship. The present purpose is to use the aux iliary cruisers for this work, and the Hawk and Dorothea are among the vessels which wMl thus be utilized. They probably will not be put in com mission, but will be provisioned and otherwise kept in condition for con stant sea service. The intention is to have four suob vessels, . . 16-YEAR-OLD FIEND, Confesses to Aosullluf and Murdering Ills I'outln. IlAnnn, Kan., June 28. John Korn etadt, a 16-year-old boy living in the southeast part of Harper county, has confessed to having murdered his cousin, Nora, the 10-yearold daughter of Tony Kornstadt, lie first assaultod her and then threw her into' an aban doned woll, where she was found last Wednesday, rJhe was alive when found, but died an hour later, without recov ering consciousness, Her cousin whs suspected and tlto feeling became so strong that lynching was talked ot Sheriff Olllesple took charge of the boy and brought hi in to Harper for safe keeping A searching examina tion by County Attorney McColloch brought out the confession. lie was taken to Wichita for fear of mob vio lence, k SIGHTED SFAX OFF FRANCE, A freneh Cralier, Probilf With Drey ra, ea (be Wr te Ilrost, Fltmoutm, Eng., Juno 28. The Bel gian steamer Bruxellesvlllo, which arrived here to-day from African f UAl lAlri UnalHIO, Prto, reported having sighted at noon to-day ft Frenoh cruiser, believed to be the Bfax, having Dreyf us on board, going in the direction of Brest IRELAND STIRS THE CATHOLICS A rrsaeh C'UrlosI Writer Borates the Amarlcao Archbishop. Bkunskls, June 28. The Kevue Jenerale, a well known Belgian mag azlne, patronized by most of the lead- I era of tho Catholic party, has consent- ed to publish a violent onslaught on Archbishop Ireland by the French clerical writer, Kloault d'Hericault The writer finds Monslgnor Ireland is much too advanced. He says: "Tho American archbishop recently en me to France as a commerclel trav eler of revolutionary ideas. Tho 1 French Catholics were struck at hear ing a foreigner pretending to teach them how to behave themselves and at tho real scandal caused by this suc cessor of the apottle. We offer our ' congratulation to France upon hav ing become a Free Masonle republic which exile some of its priests and sends others Into the army and closes oouventa. , "Many French prelal look upon Ireland a a savage. Ho Las boon truly described as a bombuholL" A PLAGUE SHIP AT 'FRISCO, I taw tar Aro IUalalaf lb lMar at lb MIm Mr I Uall. HX FbAHciMtt, Juo Is. Tho steamer Nipptin Mru, which wa held at Honolulu on aceouat of the detk of a pMrr from bUck pUiue, r h,r T "4 M I't1 e quarantine slat.aa. Hhe baa a lr pMNirr lUt, a4 her baltk ooudltioa will But bo aunouaeed ua til after tb ndlial wlaiUa boo bee, euiupleteti bnvo4 tftoro . ' a ! -ft board. ihikm w ia v ra AM, Iwmio. Jua T. Too ttrlk tag priwar at tbe uio prtaya, who rluMd u wwrk tut Mral day, fnwwv4 Wiwll lrdr Thett do N la l t were ad4 t by tho iM u4WiU a4 berealiee pi will bo served at Ut twie wk, Xo tUbuMl Bit) U flit tt lMt ft tbottrliiw baaitot Hoe t Mw f . Nbw lea. Joao 14 -waatiagw dy, 'y a. pruMf N bo generally ob rt4 lo, tbf laartalat ft4 taerfMOlU duint tb etly. lb twtw aa4 kao( ba agv4 u 4 bwtlaet h tht dy a4 alatb laf tosj I tMt4 t U tt tbo Btwk 0bar, tb owaiaa4, tb wet! ft4 iMtau!Mtvaaft I alH A! at lb rbU laft lft4kieH, J wa II TrwB f, Hilk oftvairr, t'aftai U r Wmmb, baa arrived at tb tri4Mt try at ivrt ! wwttb, haa. 'mm AFTER BROTHtR'S SLAYER. jr. W. Oatae Wilt Assist la rrosatlBft Wichita, . Kaa, Juno 2a J. W. Gates, president of the American Steel and Wire company, paesed through hero last night for Tecumseh, Okla., making a race against time. $ Mr. Gates 1 tho brother of tho young man who was killed twenty eight years ago by Alexander Jester near Warrensburg, Mo. Jester is now under arrest at Shaw nee, where he Las boon living under tho name of W. A, III1L He wa ar rested for Gates' murder on informa tion given by a jealous sister to pre vent hi marriage last Sunday. , Mr. Gates ha all tho documentary evidence with him that was collected by hi father twenty-eight year ago, when Jester was first accused of mur dering yonng Gates. Mr, Gate stated that a spcclul train would bo taken from Oklahoma City to Tecumseh, the county seat of Pottowatomio county, the place where habeas corpus proceed ings had been instituted ia behalf of Jester by bis attorneys. Prominent attorneys in Oklahoma and Missouri have been telegraphed to by Mr, Gates to meet him in Tecumseh and Mexico, Mo., where Jester will bo finally taken for trial Mr, Gate made tho statement that he woud not spare money or timo to prosecute the man who ho believe murdered hi brother and did away with bis re mains, Sheriff Simmon telegraph that ho 1 awaiting tho arrival of Sheriff Net son of Missouri, with the requisition paper. A SENATOR ACCUSED. Clisra-eil With VorglSf an Iadornnt . of III Attlted. ' Houx Fiixs, H. D June 28, Alf lurk holder, ft newspaper man, has created a sensation in political and army circles in South Dakota by charging that a United State Senator forged a letter In support of the Son ator's hostility to expansion and tho ward politicians, Tha letter purported to have been written by an officer of tho First regiment, South Dakota vol unteers, whose nemo was withheld through fear that tho writer would bo court-martialed. The letter reflected on practically every feature of tho conduct of the war in the Philippines, hinted at an investigation and at dreadful expos ures, declared that sick volunteers were compelled to leave the hospital and take their places on the firing lino; and, in fact, described tho condi tions in the American ranks a being little better than in the convict camp of Siberia. MILLION-DOLLAR STATUE, Colorado to Baud an Up-to-Dat Girl la PareOnld to farl Kipoalllon. Dkmvkii, Col., June 28. The Color ado Pari exposition commission ba made a contract with F. D. Illgbee, representative of one of the largest statu casting firms in tho country, for solid gold statue for exhibition at tho Paris exposition. ' Tho design represents an "up-to-date" girl, the figure, of life size, be ing cast in solid gold, 18 karats fine, the cast with its base being six feet four lncbe la height It l estimated that 81,000,000 worth of gold will be used. , Tbo pedetal I to bo of copper and puro silver, standing five feet eight Inches high, three feet squaro at the top and1 six feet four inches at the base. Upon four panels, in baa relief, it is intended to show representative Colo rado scenes, . ' Beastor Joum Approver. St. Louis, Mo., Jan Z Ex-Uov. eruor William J. Stone ba received a letter from Senator Jone of Arkan sas, chairman of tho Democratic national committee, dated at London, in which tho senator give hi moat hearty approval to tho proposition for a July meeting of the national com mittee. Suuator Jones say that his health haa Improved wonderfully, and that ha expect to return bom about tho first of September. Mr. larr.w View at li Paixksvii.i.k, Ohio, Juno 9s. Sena tor llurrowof Michigan Is visiting hero. In an . interview ho declared that hi eulUagu. Penator McMillan, would be a candidate to suooeed him self and wou'd be re-elected next year. Concern lug Secretary Alger's alliance with (i..v'jraar Pingres, Sen ator llurrowe I4 k thought the see rotary had destroyed what vheuu ho luitfht have had to go to tho Senate by malting ueh an alUamva Her Killed l ft Mill I'sioiviilB. li, Juno tl, A I-rear-old boy ame4 Will .lowland, wka w pUvlnf with luu bolt at tho truipt Ue tuUI Mr thl oily, beeawo entangled a4 wa kittod, III body w wrappad un and half around tb shaft a4 horribly erutuod. Reetalt la Meat t'MM too. J I -I'lflr oUre4 r ruu,ali!4 t tbo houUiera stale, p4 tkruMgb t hi,fu wa tbo way t N. ru.'lMi, wllit wrdor M aail fr tbo PkUile Jaif ft. Mr. Hhwei "l!r.lrf-, Ut ortred I be ga It Iko lftl't ft I Id4 Ift?H IttUft-ol) MY MUM. iaa'l yet BftMU UT Jk 1whi, ttelMatv, Wt waat rf M c wMtd MM l" twW rxnwft IHIIM ftt 11.1 iM Im4 4 tlH Mwwwkkt 1Mb .,ee,,b PHlfflvllhf II A CITIZEN'S LAMENT. HIS BOYISH DREAMS HAVE RECEIVED AN AWFUL SHOCK. Tho Great Cbaaaro That Have Tak en Plae la Thl Coantrr Darin tb Past Thlnr YertraI Thar Hope of One Jaat Oovaramantf There is a difference that need ex plaining. Will yon clear tip the mys tery t ' From my earlimt youthful day tbe country Herns tbe ocean (where I wai born) wa rny delight. Its history, tbe strnftgiefor independence, tbe great liberty tbe people enjoyed, its earnest invittitlons to the oppressed and down trodden of other countries, were my chief study and delight. There was fascination In it for one who whs being tangbt that he roust never "talk back" or qnetion bis btmn, in the fact that in America tbe bong was tbe man at home and the servant was tbo man in ofllce. This was reflionnble to me, when it was clear from tbe constitution that tbe people were the government, and tbey wore the one that aelucted their offi cers. When the war of tbe rebellion be gan in your country (America), I was more eager for news from tb buttle fields than any one I knew and begun the study of the English lungnuge, witn wbat help I could (lud, that I might be enabled to come to this connfry pre pared to tnke part in voting intelligent ly and help on tbe great principles of liberty and brotherhood that I believed would grow to perfection when chattel slavery shoo id be abolixbrd. Tbe eman cipation proclamation of President Lin coln and the words of that grand man when he declared, "This 'is a govern ment of, for and by the people," were to me, the most important event In history after tbe declaration, "All men are created cfjual." ; As I look back now, I think I most have been an American, full Hedged, while yet a boy and ft subject of another country I bad bent all my boylb ener gy to save enough to bring me to Amer ica and arrived here In 1O0A, almost re gretting the war bad terminated, to anxions was 1 to prove my devotion to the fimnn nl liberty and American jus tice ' 1 wu not a voter for some years, bnt was a strong partisan, believing the fnen in power were doing all that conld be done for tho best interest of tbe people, ' ., It was very easy to accumulate prop erty at that time, and 1 believed the press of tbe conntry when it told us wo wonld go on to 11 glorious future tbat no nation hud aspired to or dreamed of. How conld it be otherwise t Hpread be fore ns was the richest and best conn try npon the face of tbe whole earth. Plenty whs at every door. All had em ployment i all were trying to forget tbe terrible years whn brother bad been array td aguimtt brother and father against eon , Lint a change came. A I ace It now our official were not asking what tho people willed, but were quietly going on in what appears to be a fixed par pose, in adding burdens of debt and taxation while pretending onr debts were being paid off. - Onr lands wer given to corporations with a reckless disregard to tbe desire and welfare of tbe people. Foreign money was invitrd under the plea of onr Inability to de velop our resource without it. We have been for many years send ing abroud onr products and our gold and sliver as well, while foreigners have been absorbing our lands and other property, thus making it harder year by year for us to redeem our obli gations to them. Meantime we have built np corporations, combinations, pools and trout, that are drawing tbe life blood from every pore of our poor old body Hallroads are bonded for three time their cost aud the people compelled to pay three times a fair price in conscqneiice. Every Industry in tho conntiy is governed by trust We can neither eat, drink nor tit down by a light that wo do not pay tribute to a trimt We are still told that we, tho people, are tbe rulers; that our officials are tbe servants of tho people, and that wo aro tbe freest and mot intelligent people of earth. If the delunh.n bad never full en from my eyes before, It must have fallen during the hud year. My bojUb dreams of American greatm' bus re ceived n shock that will hardly pas while life shMI lust The people were willing aud anxion to puuUh Spain for their Inhuman trmtitu'tit (f their subject, but they who but willing onr army should I fed on rotten meat lornrii h a few men. They were not willing extravagant priiT should b paid for vtl for our use 1 Int. ahuv all tby were Ui I will ing onr wftli 11 should buy tbo privi lege of luakinii war upon people striv ing ftr lul ndrrit Mint my Uf K oul ill tad iiiapHiiituiBt of tbe Mgk hop uf tino jftai government among men t Wm Patrick IUry faftsll wb bo detUred. "tUl would ! up frivhd ta rub.1 our U11I- ft ' ( ran our taut wm Jul)t Wr Wk lua-ioii a4 tho mmm btf satil4 Mm bb4 Man lit 4 tho tua I support 4 aim Ml ftttUau4 Mi4 f4T It Itbtity. that t tuay have dt4 k ft III, ft fUo and IWttM bMul I detuutrat-y Nt atHtta bam t I If f ar T I lb w4l4 11 U"t f ! II t44 tiIIUllm Mat Vlbl Ktbeislivft. Rfvilad annarJ the lata 4 Mini, vtlfdo thtf U bo ! fv-rrnt of uvitu'at b4 t u Iw4iirl aK j t Ibiiwiit o lkit g4 aa4 it Uk U brU l4 tb 11.14 B04 MasUt-A KttUe4 AwwfWB) Ift Wt U bwltf Wpaa lb bJlai to tOM kow, The I a. tam lawiBIWal r-tl- liMtt. wllk l lHtei'ftipli bkl4 It. ttbUke4 f tk M.lkikll4 tt.alw f Uf lblriv t eur4 It wilt row IM at ftflb. 04 Hvb4bly HMt, ttl IU WK 14 ol ifvip -t1vw 14 UllSeft 17E GIVE AN YLAD Y or man, who will take orders for our Leghorn Hon Food, in their own town. A SOLID GOLD WATCH, FREE We make this offer for' a short time, iiv order to get our Food into more general uxe, It iiicreaiw-t yield of egg, and keeps (owi in good health. Send ut 50c. for a regular 91,00 size box, and begin to take order tt once, Pmhle1, wlfb mnrt Infnrnutlon about bent, mm a rrlit ul Mlf-eddruMd, tumped envelope. Addret Ughorn Food Co,( 183 BJBosUm, Mas. MIDBS: qhip .... TO Tbe Oldest Establlshei Hide House. aKNorps If QUOTA- If TIONS... it 920 R Street DOBSON & 93L UNDGREN, -Lincoln, Met. Prompt Returns. O 0 Very Cheap Railroad Bides Ilt'low we take pleasure in recommend log to yon eoni special money raving round trip railroad ride. IniaJfllly via; the great Northwestern line. Why not, fiidroDijw t hla line this year, whet lir one these excursions or other trip? ik'sides) 1 the above we havereriueed rules to many tourist points, Columbus, O,, June 1, 2, ond 4, rule 924.1 5, limit June 14. Hot Kiiriiig, H. II , June 0 and 20, rate 110.60, limit UOdnye. 1 1 11 flu lo, N. Y,, June 11 and J 2, rato 27.80, limit July 2. Los Angeles, N, '. A. June 26, to July H. rata r,'2 (HI. limit I. iviroif ,Julv ,'1,4, and 6(U.g.C.K.). rate $r.i 06, limit Ang. 10. Ulclimnnd. Va.. (It. Y. 1'. U.I Julv 10. 1 1, And 12, rnte 4.10, limit Aug. 16. muinnnpoii duiy to, iv unu v, ruvw , 120.00, limit Ang. 20. ITZ i A. H, FlKMMNO. C,T. A., 117Hn lOibH. err: nDMTlCT ' Opp.KeystonCftb ULi 1 a itj x .... tirocery, Lincoln. . 7- My palnles method of filling teeth con sists simply of ft little application to tb cavity of decoy before cleaning it out preparatory to filling, I use no oleetrie ebofk. . 1 mm extracted witooui pain. GOLD FILLING and bri1aa work, All work warranted. 21 year' experience. 141 Booth 12th Ht., SSm-Kc-T Llucoln, Neb. ... DE1J nST ABB YOU GOING TO Chicago or the East? The Through Express From C0L0BAD0 KANSAS NEBRASKA ' VIh Omnhft am Tiitc ( Chicago Express from Kans. City In addition to Pullman Rhteper, Free Chair Cars, and tbo llest Dining Car Her vice in tho World, are equipMd with ' HUFFET LIBRARY HM0KIXG CARS furnished in club style aid supplied with latent periodicals, Illustrated perand a select library of recent fiction. ARE YOU GOING TO Colorado or the West? TRY T11BC0LORADO FLYER. Fast, carrif dining cur and Pullman lwttr. Inve Omaha 0:4l p. m.: Ikuneiie I'll fl:fll 11. Ill ! Ht. Joi-nh 4:60 p. nu and arrive at Ienvr and Colorado riprinir next worulug. JxafrnisTUW, K. W, TnMiog U. V r. A.,tbioMg. A O P. A T.A., Tkn, Kane. Fr tKR H. ItxftMM. C, P. A T. A., Lincoln, Ntbraekit ... mi ... i mmmfj. ... - - 9mmm, Nebraska Conservatory ol Music. Tb boat and ebaapaot ott04tl ol rnuelo ta tbe tlale, narmg lb lararat numb td pupil during tho paat )rar, K-ad lor UluaUalod ouuMr eataJoajuo. A. ALTON IMIU.EY, 1Wdat t -UMK.N4 UOVIt'it, lureetof. 13th and 1. Streets, UNXUIaN, NKH. .1. 1,1111111 .HI. I . I. . ...HI! CSTADUS1IED IS7S tiios. Mcculloch, OtAUR Hides, Wool, Pelts Etc. 917 0 Strttt. li-:c!3. K:., .. ; -W. Mm 1 ' ' ' ' 1 .,1-1, L i 1