r The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. s NO, 6 VOL. XI. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1899. if 7 A BLOW ATJDUCATION , The . Full Story of the Monopoly " Assault on the KaDsas Ag-, ' 1 ricultural College. , TO GAG SOCIAL PROGRESS Successful Professors Discharged Because They Taught Eco Qomio Truth. 1 l'tttr I'olHliwl I'lNttilr I'olltio,, (Th full tory of the removal of five profoassor from Kansas Agricultural College at Manhattan, Kami., throws ' o much light 00 tb present iffortlo this country to shut the teaching of professional political economy from the people, and especially from the scholar of higher education, that we print be low the letter addressed to Governor Stanly by Carl Vrooman, tbe only re maining populist regent on tb board. In Kaneu th regent are appointed by the governor instead of being elected by tba peopl. When Governor Stanly (republican) came Into power tbl year he removed two of the populist mem ber of the board and appointed repub 'beau In their ateftd. This gave the re publican a maiorlty on the board, ani they discharged President Will and four other professor. The letter of Regent Vrooman telle the reet of the etory. When It ie coneidered that professor who teoah tbe free Investigation of eoclal and political questions have been dis charged from loading - college all over tbe land where rich wen bod given en dowment, tbl latest effort to shut off ad vanced economic truth from a hearing in wee tern etato t schools ought to rouee the people. Simultaneously with the organisation of tbe greatest combina tion of capital tbe world ba ever een the spirit of monopoly strike a deadly blow at freedom of thought in one of 1 western free acboola. Will the people ever rise to drive from tbe Jand tbi brutal rule of money, hypocrisy, and darknea. Below we give the etory a ' told by Begent Vrooman. ' "During thLewelllugadmlnltiation tbe populist bad the power to reorgan ice tbe agricultural college, tbe normal school, and the elate uni versify, to "fire" every republican, official and profeaaor and fill their place witb populist. Did tbey do thU? No. Tney did not die charge a eingle republican, and they em ployed ouly one populist to till a va cancy. This moderation I the more remarkable when you remember that in every college In tbe etate populists and populism were booted at and subjected to open ridiculs. "Again, in 1B00, during the ledy ad nilniHtratiou, the populiet bad full power to turn every college in tbe state into a iKtpuliMt "kindergurteu," and to five lat job to hundred of "hungry re. formers. Did they do tbl? la not one single Instauoe. Id I true tbey re organised the agricultural college, It for a moment you will clear your mind of tbe willful and inallcioue nilerepreatm tatious of your party press I will tell you exactly bow tbie reorganisation was carried oa. Fully one hull of the new professors engaged were republioaus,and a large majority of ibe old profeesors retained were republican. It U true that come populate, democrats, lude pandeuts, and mugwump also were en fragid. Tnu todav, for the ft re I tune u It bMory, th college I oa a truly nun partisou basis, ail parties being Miirnutuiiiil. In lortnt-r tl.uea. nmotitin.il v all I tie prolwHM.re Were retublMaue. That U th "nou part Nan" regiuie which tbe republican want revived. That I what tby mean when ibey demand that tee MMMIMtfcin ba lake "oak ol mU th.1! "A little laeldenl which llluatrat" thi point I thi reeeat aetioa ol tbe republt. ea tvneat, who rtnndd aa tavltatioa toruially make li llou. W, J, llryaa and lormaliy aneepted ry kim to deliver the etiHtajwiMwineal addreaa, aa Ibegmaad tbatk mi proiniueitldauua-rat, I th IHipuUt rsotgaauailo, oa th other iaei, prtihwMtre wf eeaagl etrMlf oa lUr duMilal lill,iiou, with atm4eivl aa rlMa tu Iboir iHitkia, I have Im dtwaaieat In ft 1 INI of dk ol tntilar Wtiera artt tby I'reakleat Hill, and pneluemt a vtUkar Ufr lb eo-aUiM 1 will jte naa oe I'oiluw ! I a Witer la IUa llul-Maa, di4 Umt II, lwl. "M biia tlaaa Iowa kx a waal ) Iefd4 altrauoa I aaa .t, v A tiU at.tittijr hikI. rtwiUMa, . kMa4 ae with .. MtieM Ifcat a erMltJati, aluM aaaiaa Ii.ar, I lkna w Iwita Wot r t-t, atar U MpMM! I dMH4 apoa tM IhmiM at it euwiej aMwie, arM wiia m 'iea4oM iaa-i fti4,' tut ta tmm v4 vti,rtad a verioia t hair la la aaity, IN af . leal ttNl lawk tuaal aii' m$k la Hal la i ...Ual aa totair. a re aaiwaal li) k lefty Wae Ikat be im4 a tiabl that tb aa ( tmht w taaa ia, loo, lal aa twlwl 'leal a Ike V bwtHia Ik ! ' euh oi tb kia4 ol laiaa tb 14 raj fca t iaw I aw, l nums aaabm la eay, at aa I Ww thai many, if any, of tbe member are nre pured to yield to euch preeeure, How ever, it In well enough to be prepared for the woret that may come. My own conviction, and I believe iu tbl you fully Bgre witb me, I that no greatrr dangur can powdbly threaten the new ad niliiie! ration than exactly thiort of thing. The cotuwrvntlve pren, from New York tt t'ulifornlu, leengernnd waiting for the chance to confirm tlmir charge, and to prove that the overturn hore ha been denignud simply and eoluly to make room for Mpoiieiien; and if they can prove it clearly and X'ciflcully io prrli up a lnglo cuee, wo will be weak ened Irreparably. "You, I know, will land like a rock aguiimt everything of tbi kind. I men tion It, however, ulnce tbi epleodeof jeti?rduy rriont clearly reveal the plrit of CJ-rlnlu people who are pleawid to poee a 'reformer. " Auothor httorlrom President Will to John Wiley. Seattle, Waeh.. of the eame dale, iu reoly to the offur of a profiweor- elilp, begin by nuking him to keep the o(fropeu a little longer nd eiiua a luiiuna. "In one week onr board meet to fill the vucancie In thi iiiNtitution, Dark hint are dropped occnMionally to the effect that political 'preMNUre will be brouebt to bear noou the board to com pel tbem to make political appoint ment and make thl Jnatl tu tion a prey to ei)oilemn. I have great faith In the wlMdom and courage of our board and believe tbey will RncceMfully reeiMt ucb preMure, Nevcrtbeleee, ebould they yield I Mhould feel compelled to resign, for l could not conclentlouiy be a par tv to auch a Drocoedinir. Aaide Iroin tliii above feature, which I truat exiMt only in idle talk, tbe outlook here for broad, progreive work I excellent." 'yy' ae a republlean replied to thee etotement tbe other day, "it didn't matter to you about the politic of a teacher of matbernatica, but you took good care that alt tbe prof-or of economic believed in tbe free eilver heresy and your oclulitlc vagarle. Tbi likewiee wa proven in tbe evidence to be a direct fabrication. rrofeaor Demi ten tided that be bad written I'ro feeeor Will before accentiug the proffered poMltion, that be did not believe in tbe populieiic poaitiou on tbe ellver quee tfon, that hi view coincided witb thoee of tbe republican party, and that f re- fduut Will wired back, "guarantee you four year and no muzzle." 1'rofuHMor i'arona bold view on finance that are not In accord with the platform of any political party, l'reei dent Will, then, remain aa only one out ol the tbree profeKor of economic wbo believe in the "free ailver hereey." Complaint ba been made vocileroualy and witb endleea iteration that the teaching of agriculture ba been neglect ed to make way tor economic and poll tic. Firat ofall let m state that the coarse io economics ba been enlarged. Tbe board of resent believed that every American sovereign should be taught tbe fundamental principle ol the ul ecce of government It believed that with proper educational facilities even farmere and workingmen can ender- taud tbe great b)ue of the day, and that tbey can and Hbould vote their own bout.t couviutioue, but the atatement that agriculture wa neglected, even in tliu iutereat of an iutelligont citizxneblp, i a baeelee and mulicion fuleincatioii. Two year ago tbe agricultural college of only two etate in tbe union tHUKht fewer hour of agriculture than did that of Kanaa. Under tbe populiet regime we have lucreiwed thn number of hour of sgriculjar from 185 to 42-1, making aa mcreane of over 'JUO perceuaod reaching at a bouud third place In the lint ol collegia, The fact that socialiaui i mentioned la our college catalogue ha thrown aome piou tout iuto convulaion. Hucb byaUric are tbere-ultol h pou derou and profound ignorance of edu cational tuatlera. I have not been able to tied a alugle firet-claa univraityin tbe world that doe not luclude in it eourae of tudy tbe theorieaof aocittlUm. Following are a few quotationa from leadiug uuiver.ity catalogue Indicating tiie oourae hIvnu: Columbia Uulveralty Pag T4. "Koo nomioa II. 1'oiiiiuuuiaiie andatwialitMi tnetiriaa, Icturt and private read laa." Ilarvartl Uaiveraity-I'agadS'J. "Vah. nouiic 14. "Kottialiaia and coiuuiuulain. Iliatory and literatura." i'rluwlou "touoiiik' 0. Aa biatorl eal and critical analy l the prmclpnl ttivoriMt ot social recoaatruutioa from the early Utopia to lh variou loriu ol modera auan hy and aoeiliau." Oinu Mial t'aivvraily sad Agtkul taral t'oiWge, Jauiea II. Caattald, preaW deal, la greateal adacator kaaaaaever bad, who wa bounded oat oMbui by tea rtpublnaa ra lor hi aoeallwl "lMllllal beraaeai '-"lUHtaoaiMM 0. A erilKwl atady ol atMHaUai Iroiulhabta tttrwti aal reoaoaiM ataadailat. Miai leivaraity aad Agrtvullaral Coltega ol Vmot'ag ,,tw hiiMMMi I. ruwial taaorwa, ,iamtaa ion ol tarioaa aiil at beta. I'Utt.' Ht ul.iie, i Mr.' Im H-aaMwa, A tlaa'atlvilaa Ul, Mora a I'topia, kll- eta Hhmitm; toaita, riair, KilJ, tlampioaMt r ottiltva, U.tMaaa luj Weiivuttt-t 0MtmaateM-Jt'taiiaHi. H Miliar aaotattoaa aal4 If taki Irwai Ik ralalt ol alu'iwt n srMi aaivataity M ta w.i4 Ta iMwlKMi 4 adalif Mrd mmnlmm Im ika m Mat o a. a M ia Ik pfiwiyl t4 auaialkaaa, aal ao adi mhm aiaa taa lnwr h, f k I jt hialatara aad tk aaula ajiaal at riita Im aVaf ikta, tu r ii lad aa tieaoaaa, rateaia ktkf avhjafki ilwitlaaihaj, lat raUr a.rvaMa .! U aaaait aad yaotwM. Ik i4aatM si Ua aiaaiiil ! bat bvr ai IlkHf oraeia, maiMa w rwaik k4 atahaliaut, la oa ol Ika ka ltlofr aataa ta artaua.aa, ll lia a4 IkaMHa M Ww veai4 tw lk eta- K'Maliaaad aa Mulb faga.) BRYAN IN MARBLE, Mr. Bryan ba received a mnrblo but of her husband, preeented to hor by the democrats of tbe Dietrlot of Columbia. It lathe work of one of the moetcele brated Italian artlut. It is not only t perfect likeiH-K but every line of it I o exquieitely done that it will rank along with the very biHt art work Iu this country. 'Along with . it came the fol lowing letter of prwentalion: Wahiiinotok, D. C, June 5, 18S)i. Mr. Wiillam Jeiiijing Dryau, lAu coin. Nebraska In behulf of the demo crat of t he Diatrict of Columbia It be come tbo pleuNaut duty of the under- signed committee to preaenf. to you on your birthday, June 17, 189, ft marble buat ol your emliieut and guiad nu band, Hon. William Jenuing liryuii the work of the fumou sculptor, CheV' aller Treutanove. The high regard and eeteem in which Mr. lirvuu i held by tbe democrat ot the Diatrictofkluinblil prompted tliein to eeek thi mean of conveying in uu enduring form a ellgbtexpraaMion of tbe eame. It I presented to you to uuorn the home wherein, through your woman ly devotion to the lofty ideal ol our re public, your gifted buaband find strength and encouragement to fight the battle oi the plain people. Iu giving voice to the sentiment of the democrat of the District of L'oluin biu, we are oonaciou of the fact that we r. Ikct the seutiineuts of the democrat of the nation, who appreciate theuobil Ity of character with which you are for' tuuately endowed, that enable you to seek your own greatest good In your country' greateat triumph, that of maintaining in all their integrity the In stitution fouuded by the father, the eoruuretooe of which is tbe right of man. The home wherein rellgiou and tm trlotlm barmonioualy blend - are tbe numeric of God's meeeengers. It ia only from such borne that men go forth with unclouded vialons and unfaltering resolves to a work of uplifting mankind. Mr, Dryan's lifework tent I flea to the character of hi borne and endear her who preide thereto to all lover of lib erty. Tbe constant benediction of wife and home are evidenced in the work of your distinguiahed buaband, from whoae lipa flow word of burning eloquence that thrill with beaven-boru teal and fervor tbe bearta of bi countrymen, and kindle in tbem tbe fire of nope and res olution. Ws ak you to accept tbl elitrbt to ken of our regard witb the sincere nope that It will not ouly be a source ef joy to you, but to your children and your children children for endless genera tions. . ' AGAINST FREEDOM Gold is tbe dust that blinds the eyes, Truat not the man who aeks you to be- Ihvetbat the republican party is all pure and that there are no specks on it, The republican party ha aface for every day of the week and two of a Sunday. Hypocrisy, self-exteem, and diaimulation have been uned to fool the people too long. Money by the million, and all for what, to keep the old falee party in power, backed by the bishop and mln iatry. All for wbai? Ilcaue the boud bolder and tbe monled men are flocking into that party. That I their only refuge and ouly party where they can get wbat tbey want. Behold the truat aud corporation and a boat of combi nation too many to mention. Tbev all ride rough shod over the laws. Wbat do they care for laws? Their money will earry tbem through. The merchant and amall manufacturer will one day bav their eye opened. it I about time or they will aoon l swallowed up by tbe truu and com blue. You who voted for Me Klu'ey in look after the aeopki'a riii Ma, did ha meaa your ritrota or thoa of th monled man. That ia what make bint a great atateaman and en popular with the rich aud eh-rgy, Ibey all lika Ih almighty dollar and a fat labia to be kept up by the farmere by their bard toil. Tbl war ia m groat cal- amity to Ibia country. What with tbe tftrref Htd tb Wilt tM great for u faraiar to Uar and what will wa gain Iu the and. Hal till lb bondholder crie sad the miaoruy aav "if all rigkt." Wall tbey ought tr be Ik one to ahouhtar Ika maaketa aad do tha Bakiiii aa'l thea Ikrr woul I ba a dift raut erv, What siual tm lb son actcol MeKbilrv slaca ba woa hl rebel badgw In lleorgt but a inter, IM be do It to kl Ik pwopla or to iuak bimaali M"tUr, lookiag for aaoinar taf im III olttea. A a Hia a4 a lantwr I Ua.k aiaia tka tipaaa4.nl a cwirary Iu nar r paMtaaa taat kifcg l wa kad lml i U iititw d'wuiaa aa aould al kav o lato thla NtublU; aja I a 'I l.f what? I u III Ika anflvra ol Ika rwk. II Wa koM Ik 'kdpiaa It wtU h a kaiiW til Ika taipai'ri4,lkiouairr, aad a U. wMiiliMi dwir iatu (,ur hm k( aad sulkiag ia rlara. ia fct a r...kl, aur aaa I a Joahtta, aof aa gra tantdar, Mr Kdllar, kt I ka if Ha s- sm aku S nt ret.aa'h aa ad ia IkM teat l aar Um4 Of tky aoald at f tS Mt kiawy . )tm'9 lkra ta k4oak kt Ikal Ika Wi'ikkM ai aa kav a'l fkai aal wa ! daamtti IkM wmmi sad it Ika M lnf loo. U. l,to, ,k kt w ar oaa kf nad anai'41 tk rak Waa part aa4k eai. ul lodaji. Uriy aatHrtdl tta l.ia.d wa aa la Ha saipJa an. l aaa bna la kaad ltk ka o.r tat l tukl t-i kak a.iHia. tkai aaktdf wat Ika naif Uaii t ika ii'ia.x a tat ka kiw M Ikat tk'l am dwtag mi have done, fighting for their liborty. Well, the republican party ha gone In for a fight and an unequal one for you will roon swallow the Philippine up. Several of the larger firm in Mauiia have replaced theia native labor with ('liliiuim naaltiafouiid that the latter are cheaper, so you eethat th"? are cut ting down wages already. What wil tliey do' when tliuy have conquered the country. To the poor bent hen cheap lauor I worse than wlavery.u Fakmkb John, A FARMER'S THOUGHTS If the govern men t would put a fixed price ou all product of the farm, tnlnia and factoriea, the bull and bear would hive to quit gambling in grain and no one would be Injured who works for living. Ye, I say set a price on labor too. I have been reading of 20,000,000 starving KuaNlan and 2,000,000 llil neee. Surely the demand (or wheat should have sent II up to two dollar prrbUHhc! but tho Mtarvlng people nave no money. Now if w should loan onr crop thi yiar it would bo our time to starve next lor we have no money I raiae wheat enough on my farm every year to feed four or five famllieM, but at end of the year it I all goue and 1 go in debt to tbe miller lor a few sack of flour until I can thresh. I raiae hog enough to supply a many families in pork bat bave to sell them so cheap that it don't pay for the corn they eat and I can't nave as much pork a 1 want and pay expense. An agent took dinner with me one day. We bad just killed a small bog and let a neighbor bave half and divided with auother Doighbor. The agent remarked that wa the first farmer be bad met with who bad meat on their tables and meat wa so cheap too. said that whs tbe trouble, whet bogs were cheap It took all to pay our debt and we had none for ourselves but when it wa dear we could pay debt and bave a living beside. Tbe same. with beef. 1 believe I have raised nearly 500 bead of cattle since I bave lived in this stats but iti a seldom that I can afford to bay as much beef aa 1 would like. It I a luxury that few farmer can afford and I know tljat w are in no wise able to withstand a famine. Kngland, with her money, could live if ail the rest of the world starved for she keep a good supply and gets it cheap. Our railroad only charge accent to New York for wheat for ex port. Wheat at, Chicago is 77V here the miller take off 20c freight and we get fifbtiot ball the dltance to New York. I give A man f 15 pr month.'" That I nearly 110 buabela of wheat per month which would bread bis family for one year, Dut the miner take ia bushel for grinding. Obi we moat get back to good old Pharaoh's time wbeo tbe king provided for bi people. The cxar of Russia. God bleas him, has tbe riirbt kind of judgment and is doing all be can to open op a wheat country and provide tor ni people u ne could disarm and set bi men to work. When I look at those cadets and know that my boy rnuat work 14 hour a day to support them. I say tbe devil take the president it is a bard matter to get old fogy re publicans to listen to a speech Irom a populist. It has long been their policy if a speak er came here to speak for women to crowd fu, then begin to leave, getting np one or two at a time so a to create tbe moat possible disturbance and thereby crowd ont voter wbo might be in- fiuenoed. . Now if I were a speaker I would play them a game. Why would it not be a good plan to bave some good pop speakers go and sjieak a a republican so tbey would turn ont, then tell tbem juat tbe kind of a financial policy we Nip are in favor of and givo the pops a cbatica to aak question; have that un derstood, Ia that way their secret schem ing imlicy could be brought to light and an boneat man would deeert the g. o, p. and a lot of good eould be don In that way. II it don't took fair it I fair. I thiuk if tb poor bard working poo l get our i-beup wheat It would not inrt our bwling so but to maks million- aire out of cheap wheat to ue their III- gotten gains to oppreaa u or like Car neiiM or Aator, go to hugland witb It or lurid palace in ciliea to ba roMeuiod by Hrea witb it iaalead of Improving the country, don'l suit nat all. I at that th railroid carry wheat lr export at a Im fgttre ttinn r hotnacwiaumptbrn, and tb tariff help tbem i tell all kind of farm maoiiiuary at a mueb le agar Ibea wa pay lor lb aama o ibey can compel with aa Kagiaad rontrola our rHrod through IVrpolal Morgaa an liviwki kav Iu I low oa araia In t!uo" laud whil laborer ! pay doubla and wa pay doubla Irrigbt on all our gra. Uri Amrtaa atataainaaakla. How hive hr 1 44 I kava Iknuakl about thl vr aia v aa oi l banker eaiaa Iu iak at war srfcoolknaaa, II wa a rttiblaa aad ae il tlvr aaaenalia wed ii ba etilae. Ikat it wouM beanwa orikbaatts la mad bat lav for Im nourln b-d k eai I w had In katp Ika satioa arrrd t an.! 1 1 aaaUa a to Immiw ttauuny mJ tiiM to davatop war grwal wtf fvaaiaie. II aava aavoa f.Ualna In mi iiaealuMia aad a an oa mni4m. I k kia il ka d"l wl Iklak II ol, k a giud isiug t i a t oar a.iHt,iMsi .i n In a.k la Ika Maa aa. gat wal aa oli golj or ivr, ea n, aad leaf M'k wkat aa bad atnalt W r rua4 ad Wl larar Ma ki aid aa. It aal U paid la gJ4 abiaa, aa w mi4 4 arf weal br Ik ivb at- ol px)ia(f it lasttta ak aulctii aua tti , I kal oal4 ba rp- iaiMit ka sel. Wkv wv4 II U wva I i a If wa af aa riag In MllMk, a Ik bral ra-t? li! Ikt.tit ki wi auk kie bw oa Ika Uwp aa I Ika rfk-a, ua ia.t4 11 rata ism , Aaklaad, UNCENSORED imm What the Boys in the Philippines Write Homo About Shooting Filipinos in Rico Swamps. : IT IS A BURNING SHAME The Servicd Required of Thorn Al most Break sTheir HoartsOld ; Men and W;raon Wounded. KnIUtail for fleftar l'unme, The Dakota Hurallst publishes ex tracts from a mi rubor of unccne.ored let ters from soldiers of that sUte wbo are serving In the -Philippines, from which the following extracts are printed: Dick Illrkhoven, of tba. Bouth Dakota regiment from Matoloa write a friend In Walworth county In a letter published in tb Hanger News June 1 In which be aays: , ' . - ' ; "George I think it is shame tbe way we are killing off the poor nigger wbo are fighting for a juat cause, Tbqy are fighting for liberty and t don't blame tbem a bit for fighting. "This trouble with tbe Filipino could very easily have been avoided. Tbey have been fighting for liberty for the past ten year and on th 13th day of lost August when, tbey helped Dewy whip tbe Spaniard tbey bad no idea tb American wruld grab their little Uland and that tbey would not, be allowed to float tbelr own flag. Tbey are Just a proud of their flag aa wa are of our. Tbelr flag look very pretty a It ia red, white, and blue with tbree atar and tb rising un on it, Tbey are fighting for a just cause and are not going Jo give op right away," . "Tiling THKV ABE ttlOIIT," Ormon Asbon, with tbe Month Dakota boy, writes hi father at Howard. "1 feel sorry for these poor davil. Tney tMak that tbey art right. , , "ALMOST BIIOKB OUR HEARTS." Trlvata Ksndcmon writ the Fland rean Herald, in a letter published June: "Tbe South Dakota regiment wa on firing Una all th time from Ibe first flgbt we bad until we reached Malolos, about ten battle, and we bad our old spring field' while there was a lot of regulara behind us with modern rifles. It looked kind of rediculou and mora so, becaus there are 15,000 Krag boxed up In Wall city, but of course we tnuat either keep our months shot or else say that our government and army officials are the wisest and most Just mon that ever lived. But I must) say a word abont tbe country here before I close. Most of us boys carried tne idea mat the coun try around Manila was aa good a any in tbe island and that tbe people In and around tbe city were the moat Intelli gent and civilized of tbe Filipinos, Our trip, however, convinced h that every, thing was the opposite. The further we got away from Manila the nicer the country . was and better cultivated, everything looking more emitted, Wei seldom went throuitn a noue wunout findinif more cr lens reading matter there which tends to prove that a good share of tbem can read. A great many of tbe farm house are surrounded with nice irarden lull of vegstattle and banana and other fruit ther. There ws plenty ol rice, wherever we went. I do not believe that ther I a ople any where living In a tropical climate, who are more intauigeot and inuuitnou than th Filipino and It almoat break . i.i : a . i our bearta that w bar to Dgbt tbem. "KNLWTKU Von A IIKTTEN I'VHIHME." "I waa oer aud bad a chat wit aom Nebraska lad last night. Lit of tbain ay;tby will not go another tep II tbv era ordered to advauiw. They en listed for a better purpnew than io be oed aa murtbrieg tools, rbey also agread oa tba out a 4 U.aJlfelaiy owim aiiaaioaad ottloer's pav bad bar only a httla abov tba private thara would aavarkava baaa a shot fired oa thaaa Ulaada. They aln thought that tb war would not last very long U amy Aaiaf tca volar eould ouly ba bera and what aa, Tlr wuat kav bars about tMi tkJU liiuat ataa, wonwa aadcblldraa fltMg lika lot of scaratj rabMuia Inmtol a. Wbea I eataa up I l araf kairad ioa aa l woia- eN woaadad, 1 apHiaa Ibey waraaa- aUakukrawaii ul t r-l. Ikaraior ot aiikm raag ot oar bmUi. Tb I'liliiluil koM ar luolatlaa l hnaol IkalM buraad. Tb Old lud galaal II oaiw, bsl 1 ar saw II a ttMWd," taa wi tosiMatamstn, Prtval IkarUai K. Mate arltth tarakall (Miaal atr a lolUiwa; I kw la iekii la lk wotll an add igkt kaa a dwfatt eaaiak la4 k Im Sight M Iwtoca waveyaa. ika altar o v?ttwt Ika lmal Ik wiU akaltarad ail a)llri aad f 9 arlW wl !; a(Mo(al Iroai lb aar4 aditxw. A aafa.a la a aUf waa btta4ii Juka im ioiii witba baa4 mi, akdiaaoikar ir-a iu aeor Id lb ba4 ol a efcevaw frxta groap i4 tka kuiy IWHlilf . Wdai kxa skak kra WgarHi t4 Ik aikl tbr aotkumiatka kfk, Uvea ika,. kasatoaal k4 ba lriita) ol tkwir rat i lag a. "Ik vr g bad baaa lurw hfuaji tba CMif btb aa4 aatvhl M bi4da lravars," AN ANTI RIFANIIONWT, Dick Mill write from Manila In a let ter published last week in the Howard Democrat: "I hope they will let us go home when -they (tbe regulars) get here, as tbey suid tbey Intended to do, but I hardly think we'll leave here for some time, as the United Htates seems bunt on holding the Islands Io suite of all the kicking the native do. 1 "IsuppoHH you know, by thi time that 1 am an anti expansionist." mAmvskv. Major Howard writea, in n letter pub lished last week In the Aberdeen .News, that only 400 men fit for duty are left for the regiment, , Captain Engleeby a rile the Watertown Ktiuiteekiaa of ( lust wwk that only ten men are left in aomyaiiII lit for duty. The correa pondent of Flandreait Herald writing from the trenches iif ('alum pit in letter pnbliebeiynar week says only! 8 men are left for duty in company I. Nimposkb UI'ON. ' Private John I). May writes hi broth in law in a letter published laat week in the Chamberlain Democrat: "Hefora the war started onr regiment bad eight hundred and fifty men, Now -we kav two hundred and seventy ou the firing line and one company "A," iu . Manila doing guard duty. They faav about fifty men there, so yoTe that , we have only abont three hundred men ; left on duty now, There ia no doubt the volunteers are Imposed upon for . there are regular here wbo bave ea little or no fighting at all. I do not think (Jen. Otis can keep tba volunteer bera much longer," fOROET THKV ABE HUMAN. Private Cha. II. Wyland, company 0, First Washington, writes his sister in a letter published in tbe Portland Ore gonlan: ' ' "Tbi war is aome thing torribl. Ypi ses sight you can hardly believe, and a III i hardly worth a tbovbt, 1 bavt eeo a shell from our anA-err atrliaw bunch of Fillpiuoa, and then tbnt?y would go seatterlug through th air, legs, arm and bead, all dUcooaetoi. And such sights actually moke onr boy laugh and yell: 'Tbatabot wa pMkebl A white man seems to forget that be i human." , TO GET OUT THE VOTE. Ayr, Neb., Jun J 5.-1 believt thai tba time ba arrlvrd forth peoptotodiaeuaa a plan whereby w can gt oifc tba votei ou general election day. Wa And that aa ami paopl wl'.l torn out this year to tbepoll to vota, oayba next yaar a great roanj will "ftf t home. A long as tbl xlU bo on will be abl tojudg whetheramajority rales, Whil I do not believe Io a oompalacry sleotlon law, I do beller there eboald ba such a law snaeted by tk wnt isjUsta- tura which I would ealh Totlog tax, aay 93 ou avery peraon over 31 year pa tbe eame principle aa a poll tax that la, wben tbe assessor com aroana was i be his dutv to assess every person over 21 years or liable to become 21 yeara. before tb next general election $3 vot ing tax, and when be goes to tbe poll and has cast his vote that the election board I to glv him a receipt for t.1. By presenting thl receipt to the tax col lector or county treasurer whenever tba time come to collect thereby liquidating tbat debt. Those who failed to vot will bav to pay tb f 3 voting tax. ma money I to go into th geueral fund of ench township or ward, a it may ba. Than ma.ka nrovialOB for tllO tbat ai sick or have moved away, were unabl to cast their vote, that tbey can go be fore any Justice of tb peace, eountv or township clerk, giv oath to tbat effect under those circumstance, not liable for aases meat, but there shall ba no lea ohargad lor same. If auch a law ia enacted ther will ba no more hauling people to tb elaction (Kill. Farmers will not stay away from lb poll busking corn or doing way other kind of work. No amnloy? eaa eoax any employ to stay at noma when be know tbat he eaa make nor by easting bl vota and gat receipt lor P. You will ant bear isopk eat. Ml bav not the tlat to go." Yoa will find that a m ka hatter law aad ever per son will bavs hi duly to pw form. I ITS U UBHUPe. STAND BY YOUR FRIENDS Tb Nabraaka Udepeadaat U 10 U eommaod-4 fo It outapokta, ftarieaa, aad hottest advocacy of lb ea of tba MHpia. Il U a power for good la tba weal aad sboald la read by evvry tiiaad ol btaiaa frsadoa aad boasat goveraataat. Tb plakorrwtla kjndiaa4 MrKlaWy pra ia workiag uvarliaia la Utlag to d baai'h, torrapt aud mtaWad Ika wlada ol Ika MHitd baaaa l teniae) lb daly of vrry iiihi wkur-g4ia kktaoaatry abov party tu do ail ia bi poaar la r 4 kaaUttt Ika aaMMa vl oar suatrf aa4 ft was-it a4 tb par bii a ta Ka daa k ab aad a aad hwt iy saptairt 4 ad aan'tl papaya M tka alra4 ld ""t'al. A tun Fikwsa, Vtm riiRVIi'TUKY, Tba foartat wvai lit In w it sow ll taUua 4 rtai tore at lb a proelita4 fall kUa, tall k aoa. laatMa al Ik sawa ttata aad law aa 4MaH oilsr tba aaa-r 4 ika aoavaalMM, IUawiby Ikat ual tkroMtb ,i4aia katanoaf aad Maa asi to va ariel-a M wlw f tw attataadiag laa saia4 lato ! tiestk owta,