The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 08, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Those who oppfe national control
the telegraph bark back to the day
private mail carrying lor their are;
. run u OR natita tn deliver a
tor tile argument against a national po
.l mim na the name aa that BOW
argtd against a national telegraph serir
, i' h ullnired that national postal
write would not Increase the fending o
i mn manic In a ben
eXt to a lew. The result baa proved the
fairness of the argument
, fortunate! lor those who advocate a
national telegraph aerrico, there are pre-
cedents which can be quoted. M
i In dlHCUHelng the matter the Hew
York Journal quote these precedents a
"Jo the first U a (act that the
popular, me aociai v -i
is hi Europe ?astly greatorjthan with ur;
ia Great Urltain there are 184 telegrams
sent annually toeyery 100 persons; with
or, with twice the population, there are
but 05 messages to efery 100 persons.
What can the cause be but the national
telegraph orer thera and tha private on
here 7 ' in
"And now another though similar
comparison. Tn president of our
Western Union admit that 46 per cent
of all telegrams sent by his company ars
speculative in character, 84 per cent be
lug to legitimate trade, 13 per cent are
press dlepatobes, and only 8 per cent art
of a saclal character. How different It
is in Europe) In Belgium social popular
messages constitute (5 to OS per cent tt
all; in Bwltwrland they are 61. per
Cent." - ' l I - aawe
As a matter of fact, la England the so.
eial business of th telegraph I"
four tiroes as iargs as it Is in tb United
Mtates and th population only on.
eighth as large. This theory must give
way to fact, and thus the practical
workings of national Uilfgraphlo service
are thoroughly demonstrated. Chicago
Chronlole, ,
awerleea foreee Have ekea ea
lual a4 Oeespr ktoroog-Oa the
War Tfcef Mel Hear fUlpiaos Bear
lag tug al Tree
HkMitk, an 7. Th American
forces bars occupied tha peninsula
and General liall' column Is en
camped at Moroog, Major Truman,
marohlog across tha HI nangonan,
found It Impracticable to form a ccr
don, and th Insurgents, with the ex
ception of a hundred or two, escaped
through tha mountains after General
Plo del Pilar, dragging their batter
las by buffalo, at night A few, how
ever, may be trapped Tha Washing
toa troop have returned to Paslg, but
tb program of th other troops Is
aaartala -
Tha present expedition shows the
tlSmlty which la encountered by an
army which mast depend upon wsgon
trains ia eateblag barefooted bandits
la their moan Ulna, and also gives
proof that tha rbl do not Intend to
fight tattles.
Geaerei Hall Uft laaU Teres yes
terday auraiag and marched twelve
all to ttoroag, p and down rocky
kill and through woods and swamp.
Csora of hie ma fall ' oak owing to
tha extreme heat and war left to fol
low as bast they soaH Tha head of
tha army arrived af If oroag at noon,
having eichanged only a few shots
with insurgent skirmishers on the
way. Group of stragglers followed
all day, but tha American force was
800 smaller than when It started. The
men were almost thirty-six hours
without rations and It was consider
able of an achievement for them to
cover the ground they did.
. . On the wsy to Morong . the Ameri
cans met flocks of i'lllplnos and flags
of truce, many of of thera young meo
with the bearing of soldier. Many
discarded uniforms were found in the
booses, apparently those of soldiers
who had eecapod by changing their
costumes , tram "maurrecto to
"amtgo" and walking boldly pint the
army, whleh had expected to eorrall
them, few were found about Morong.
on member of the Washington regl-
.inent was killed ana two were
wounded In the encounter with the
out poet
Gvseral Lawton, on board a gun
boat searchiag the coaal for Major
Truman, stopped at IMnanjoeasn, op
posits Morong. Tha ttatlvea liunte-
dlately rsu up a fUg of truce, and a
delsgstlon tn canoe put ott and
greeted the American with tha Usual
protestation of frinthln.
Niturdsy atht th rtbots attstked
tha friendly ta of llaababa, and,
Utter driving th Inhabitants out.
burned tha town, Th Insurgents
alghtly aaaoy th troops at ttsa fer
asadu, tatters! Americana hsve beea
lightly wouadtfd reeently. the ene
my has several Krapp gass, which
they briag forward sad tor Irlag
Urge shell tat le town, tksa re
treatta Uh their guaa Owe af tha
tuurgttt shUa Ml wltkla thirty
yard af tleaeral MaehrUart head
quarter Saturday svenleg, Tha A aw
Wau trui do at fpl ta the atghlly
Very Cheap EnUrc44BUit
llu as tats pWaeare ta rawaaa4.
lag t a ataj
roue i trip ruina4 rada, tuttkalif It,
the fteakt NfUaetaa ttMM
Ktroaiee Ihia ke IN wkf a
mm esrMe ait tri? W4
the ahuva Udw4 rueta seaav
tfMt puiaK Jem , IV, Jsaa I, I, ksit Jes- 1 1.
Hot Mixta V U. dsa aa4H
rata llis Sa da.
iK !- Y-. Jaaa U 4)t,ri
f it ihl S, .
lm 4iraM, t. K A. Jia ia, ta Jety
H, rat pi h bawl tt. .
lwtvwUslja.4, a4 KU.kVUV,
at-it 3'"w Aatf. Ik .
1 1, r-1 3, rata P K Am II.
la ta Iklaa4 lora
t-MU t-J-tl AJ
I N. VI ama.
f.T.A UTIU. lokt,
Hon. C. M. Lamar ol Saunders county
made this offloe a pleasant call while in
tu. it. iui iuinrdnv.' lie savs Baun-
drs county baa three candidates for
district Judge namely, uooa, BoruDer-
ger and xarpeniog. out wn i"
Kill nMiuint bntane of thorn to the
convention for nomination. In speak
Intr of expansion ana imperialism oe
say the timee ar ripe for demonstra
tions against the war policy of the
administration and tbe people should
aasemble on tbs coming Fourth ot July
mr,A rami ulnnd the declaration of Amer
ican independence and reiterate tb sen
timent of freedom and tbe right of elf
government proclaimed to tbe world by
tbe patriot who signed that immortal
document, ' , ,
A iteee foe Uor Aadetsesv
TorxxA, Kan., June 7. Major T. J.
Anderson probably will be offered
th position of statistical agsa( of
the department of agrlsulturs by
Hanator Baker.
If Oil
Msw VomcJune Monojr on eatt ItfeHU
per eentt prim BMrcauule paper, H
Btrlim exetasnts easier, with actual Ht
Bess tn banker' UUe st H.KUnM tot
demand, and HMithtMH tot sutr 4svsi
posted rstes, HM'iHi.N; oommerelsl bills,
Qorernmcnt bonds etronti Is. re tale red.
WJ; K reaiaterad, IUm i euuDons. UWM I asw
4s, rseiatersd, WXt new ta, eoupoa, iXoVt;
as. rsdstereo, a eoupoa, u4 1 ta, saxia
tared, litsji I, coupon, lm. , 1 1 . -
4fka " Bsr sllvsr tn London, ti(L
roUewtng are slot In- yrloes on th stock
ssohsnce. . ., ...,,,
American Sugar Bsfinimr.'... - lit
u, si. mb jr., eom. , ,,,,.,,.. iM
o, ,...n,UV
0., B. I P. 110!
f edoral ftteel. rom. tV
Federal Btoel, p(d , H
Olueoae.,... ........ ,,.,,,. ts
flliaoU CentmL, 1114
Mlnannri PaclOa 41
ew York Uaatral , iw
Northern Paciflo, com...... 47
oribrn Paolflo, nfd. , 1b
Jnlos PaolAo, uoift ., 4
Inloa PiitiUo. old 74 2
Wabaah,pfd.. It
Western union s7K
Rissas Crrr, Mo.. Jans Wheat n
elpta were ratnor lame to-day and there was
a luir damwa. Prioea wers II to 11 He over
teat, about waore thejr eioaad ysaterday.
Nearly all of tbe wheat bounlit weut lulo
store, to be sold In Uj futures market There
was no sbi pplng demand. Bed wlleat was firm
ly bald.
Hard Wheat-No a TOXoi No. I. Wot Na 1
t?ei rejected, b9o. Soft WbeatNa S,77oi
No. i Tee; No. 4. KOta. Bprlnx Wneafr-No. I.
Mixed Corn-No. g, SUUoi No. 1 BMoi Na 4
tfloi no grade, Wblte Corn-Na i,
KlMoi No., sooi No. 4, e
Missa Oate MiBui Ki tiai No
4, Uj, White Oata-Ng. 1 tlo; No, 4
IS'iOl 10. 4,
Bra-No. t, Na; Na I Hsi Wa 4, ITiia .
t'laiaaed-VIe per bualiaL
Bran 4Ho In U-lb aaoka,
Uay-Pralrle bar. cboloa, r.Bar.Mi Na L
MLB0(a7.i No. t.60aS Na 1 K504(W
na 4, SS.Nmt.WI paaklnx, S3.00ILXM. 11m.
ethf bay. ebotce, eB.WO0.a) Na I, ttooaiw,
wa f, r7.rf(7.TBj na a 7.ii7.s t'lores
BiUed, Na L sr.7haa.Ci Na t 7.a7.foi Na
1 sr.umi67.ia Pure elorer, SJ.tVi47.aa. Altatta,
S7.uoiAiM Rye Straw, SctoWi wbea
etraw, HOoaiWi oat atraw, U.W(4tW
- Cblmge Bor4 ( Trade. ,
June a
S 10
I a
4 M
4 Vi
4 D
4 TiM
a wj4
s 00
ft Ui
8. Kins
4 60
tjojii ...
KAKSAa Crrr, Mo, June CitUe Ita
celpbs 140 cattle i calroa 1T ablppad, all
cattlat St eollraa Tbe uarkai waa sumlnally
following are repreaentatlre aeai
Na Wk 1'rloo. Na Wi Prim
l....,.IH0..M..St0 I iatM......l)
l mm im ( i(,., aj iw
1 (... two SOU I ,
stook cows abo Bsiraaa
1...... ttl......l U I
t e.. nt j ts I i eatt .. a IM
teAa. Ut AOJ I s As Wi lrt
ibuilllKJ 4 41
llase-Kaealpt. M; ilpptl VWV Tha
Siarkat openad eieady to atroa. eloalog weak,
fullawla are NiinmuUUi ewiati
Na, Wi PrlM Na Wi frUM Na Wfc
ar in
), fate ea4 rmatr.
Rasaas mi, Mo, Jum .Kv.rr
IttoMWM ttM tHMt Mum, .,
MiuriM Ita
htiivr-vtMwar, eiwa ra Hrnut
Hh t' It. iSMr. a,
tai. MMM.ur futt, iwitM w.u4
leabia taw, Mk
rwuwi-U" ilt. TVi attars, at fm
await, Iwaw. a aaM I Swa a e I at
iwy ia Set tafkia, bw U
tuaaa, yaaa. , 4 ea, mwttt lt S-M
Ha H M
a. it ti aawej,
or?a a m. jm out
tWaai M4 to M kat
! twa 4 Wwwaa
a aA ia. at tw4if tt t, mm
r m4 taKhiva, siatAae mum 4 r
ka Hfe tua v t,a mt
m staai sr. l
iaiHalS'4 aa-aaa-n 4 sm
t'-. , , . ,
ts tawaass
-svbVa ajau
WSJ ASk l"te r4
vaACJwi. '
n m in n si in Tu I to
ai la. t M iiu ii t mi
II u Ift4 fcf l7i s tea
au IS ia.U e me Ik, fb tua
H w I Sj . t it leu 4 ai liV
ti M I if, si mi if Tt aa im
SI ll (M i III M 14 IMI SMtS
ts ma ittu i ia im at im iw1
hi If4 a in ru is is tru
I 14 Itttl Ml lf S I at
t tat v ii an ImJ ii iti is
I W l I see lai l im lv
r-V y
w jit a m m m a . m i .r , m w- m r a aa .
Never fail to Interest Economical Seekers of summer Comfort Because That Comfort is Obtainable Here at a marked saving:
1 ' . always. For tnstance " ' .
Lawns and dimities in new colors and patterns, Good heavy denim, ' n
light anddark piques, this week, per yard OC b,ue and brown, 28 inches wide, per yd;., 1UC
Linen for skirts, assorted colors, Cheviot for shirts, upward per yard from 6 to iac.
regular ioc trraae, per vara
Beautiful patterns and colorings
i. in new Dimities, on sale now, per yard 150
Our entire line of Egyptian tissues, beautiful
. fabrics for summer gowns, on sale now, per yd.. 2 00
Crash and linen suitings upward from ioc to 50c a yd. ,
V- regular 40c value, on sale now, per yard 250
- - . .
Ladies' low neck sleeveless vests,
without tapes, each...............;........., ilO
Ladies' low neck sleeveless vests, cotton taped neck
and arms, each 9c or 3 for ........ aSDC
Ladie' fine ribbed cotton vests, white and ecru,
each 19c or 3 for.,..."....................,....' 0UC
Ladies' fine lisle vests, silk taped neck and .arms, - ARr
each,....,,,,... 'y; 200
Ladies' low neck sleeveless union suit, ; " in
persuit.. ,'...,.... ., 190
Ladies' lisle union suits, sleeveless, knee length,
white and ecru, 75c quality,.... ,500
' '
' ,
summer goods
Plain crash skirts,
upwards from................................
Covert, linen crash,
and white pique at SflC
Beautiful white pique skirts,,
trimmed with three rows of insertion at. . , MM
Pique skirts in white, flare style, all, seam tailor . -
stitched, 6 inch hem, $1.75 and $2.25.
Fine linen crash skirts, white or dark blue embroid-
cry, from $1.25 to $2.85. s
Exquisite novelties in skirts, upwards from $3 to
$7.50. ;- ..:;.:
Plain chambray waists in pink
or light blue, four rows of insertion, each. . .... 970
f e . . I
Linen nnisn percale waists, stripes running arouna
or up and down, four rows of insertion, each... U70
White India linen or black lawn waists,
with four rows of insertion each 70
All the late novelties in white waist, prices ranging $1.25,
$1.47, $1.75. $2.25, $2.50. $2.75, and $3.75.
We can match separate skirts and waists in silk as well as in
cotton goods.
"Jt . '- :
Frank E. Parks
Warehouse 8th and N
Olficeand salesroom;
ic) North Qth St.
Lincoln. Neb.
lluckryo Hindrftand Muwr rt, and
Himlinrf Twine. Hradlcy Hugie
I ifth Charter Oak Firm V,jun
N v.
II i , . . ,
. . ; " . . .
y ,..
-s. sa -v -v,
'L.- M m
vuwji pci , ymu.
New dress 8tyle ginghams, summer weight, ;
per yard. ............... :U 00
T . .
i urKey rea damask,
"P ................... 80
J otton,crj9h' j A
i6inches wide, peryard. ............ Q
uJimB 4 sPooUoo, B
eyes per card ... . 10 aspools for...... 00
Cotton Canvas Stif. . A Fine percaline, 36
fenjngt per yd,.,. IOO in. wide, per yd... lOO
qttmm'PP nnaTPPxr
Boys' heavy bicycle hose, 2x1 rib, double
nee and toe, a pair,.,..!..... .... .. '100
Misses fine imported real Maco .cotton Hose,
1x1 rib, double knee, spliced heel and toe, ...... 250
Ladies' cotton Hose, seamless, double heel
, and toe, a pair, 120
Ladies! fine imported real "Maco cotton Hose, velvet '
finish, extra high spliced heel and toe, double sole, Z00
Men's black and tan cotton socks, seamless, ' . '
"ble heel and toe, TWO PAIR FOR. . 250
c rirrrjfiri (P
Strictly pure, high class food tor
asked tor inferior goods.
Extra fancy Mocha & Java
coffee, per lb......... ..20c
Package coffee, per lb...'. ioc
Glasj Jam i5c size, any
fruit, each .......ioc
Large pails Jelly, any
fruit,each 3tt
Standard brands of to-
matoes, 2 cans for. 15c
First quality blackberries,
4cansfor.. ....25c
Feaches, gallon cans, each,3oc
TlaelA llntwa AIVv na
uJ,"t" ta,,3
r12. ....25c
LIe."lz 9 p,ckles' ffa1' 25c
extra quality, '
. U'.V"
Jap Rice, 6 lbs for.... ....25c
American Apricots, 2-lb
pkgs, each 5c
Dr. SlutssrJ and associates, of the famous Separl Medial lnstltote, New
York Life Bulldlnr, Omaha, sceclallsts in alt chronic diseases. To tiioe who
rut this out auJ iiiail to l)r. rthepiirtl ami amouittiHt, thejr mul send their bom
treatment two wwke lre ol charge. OVer to esplrejulj .
Diseases of Head and Throat! Diseases of Bronchial Tubes.
"(Va 70a epll up liwef'
te to aB aU e,r
MOu y eaor el alabir
Hla f ear auea etiw4 S f
tH jt eM St-hrtf
Diva four ium htm4 eiii t
"It IkU aiirMl..wJ ihl?"'
mIHmm Ik imw ih eM hKraf
-It m M ta kunlal Iwar
ltHw a avruwlh '"
I. tar (. tli la ) tk,uir
y kiua l aM at aie
t , MM ! mail ! f'
M1.1 ,11a la m .). ikrualw
la Ua ibrwti S.y ia vka a.iau.r'
miH InalM m l iMiar4
"IH. ma i auk aa. Mal Hr'
Muaa ywat awea ee ai luaa.4 aiallf.
fMeatet) at Niata aa4 T streets are ao rvlr In aealawaa. We fits la eeeaa
M good CO 1U, 91 Hia4s A laai laar-uaatAaWJ, a4 li tUs u( Uta.
Try a wck ol "Ilonctt AU" Hour,
WarrAnteJ to equal tht but.
AU lint-iUii groccrt
keep tt.
O. SBB3Lmr ft SORTa,
tUtiotial CJucttiocsi AcotUUou
Chlcto, P.(Xi ItlAtut & VaciUo
li tit WrJj atf 4 4a4agla, Uli
ktrakk, tla aaae. ailsattot
Ul hole) It 1 4th asaai laeetlM.
pt y
saaaWa. 1 SV ' l.V W A M I '
........... wv ,
less money than is usualy
Yeast foam, per pkir, . .. . , ic
Navy beans, fancy, 9 lbs,. 25c
2,400 parlor matches. , .,
M h tobac c
pleach.','... . 4c
n ,J 'a a ' V' 1
Navy tobacco, per lb.... 3 ;c
Our silk baking powder, -
5C cans, each........ M5c
Axle Grease, per box..... 4c
Lard, 3 lb pails, each....; 21c ,
Argo Gloss Starch, pkg. . . 4c
G 1 j D t 20 u for nc
v t, 20c pkg for. .. 3c
. yc , uM tur.,.. I5,
TrS! K"8 ' r
Soap, 1LN BARS. ... .25c
We arc still offering Hour at
a remarkable reduction.
Maraf u lueine"
iua taaab al aibt"
"Mate fua aia la eiitrf
l"u ra lake mill awiiiiT"
"U of ai'iUt. t HfUl.
lla.a r alUvaM la aiUaf"
auhak aaiil jtua atV
"l ua I aiM Ut lalf
In. wa euaah ua autae ku imiI
tae euaak la laa atuaiaa t'
M ia la ifli4 al tiaiM
l ia ! a taie a.iwi"
U f aa. evaah ekwH aa4 kaklar
Mlh. laa aa hii.iVw. iaaii.r'
'Hat iua a !., !.! ruuJ.I'
ikm a tikUk W4 ika r
ti ...a laat afa a,aiaa iilaf
Me ibMa a ka.aia aa M lha lantaif
dilate a a bkia4 taa kMt aaae?
"tm 1 ua a. klaki aaS miMaiaat
aw toss lira
i)SllA,,, I VU
Tha Ureal Rih Islaa.t t.ia has
Ua4 haa4)oia hMlattallag
tieas aa4 neissaiy ttKiisalo as tai
trtklaa, rate asl rami, 4 ikkt ai U
-JSC.V 444 ' ""-''
K. W, Taoairoui. A. tl. p, ,
M 8st4sm, a, r, aTu