The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 08, 1899, Image 7

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une 8, 1899
torn Drawback o Proeraea Haw
tha Paoal ol tha VmUA St Are
Bala Reaace4 to Vaeala-What
1 tba Eil Will Ba.
The following Appeared the lead
ing article in a recent Isan of The
United Statee Investor and Promoter of
American Enterprise. It beara l
dencea of carefnl preparation and the
desire of the writer to rather understate
than exaggerate the situation. The
aource of the opinions expressed makea
them pecnliarlj interesting.
It require almoat more temerity
than we possesa to aaaert that what ia
termed progreaa la more aeeming tbaa
reaL The world abandon one method
and adopt another whereby it accom-
tliabea certain reanlte more eipedition
j, more economically and in vastly in
creased meaanre, and w call this prog
res. Bat progress, on a final analysis,
is comparable to the Irishman's sheet,
which waa lengthened at on end by a)
piece cnt from the other end. This Is
seen to be trne even in the caae of a
people that bar been unmistakably ad
vanced is civilisation. Mo on will
deny that when the Hawaiian were
led to give np their primitive barba
rism there was an instance of progress.
Bat the cbsnge has made the Ha waiiana
an effete race, wbcae fate J soon , to
'perish from off the face of the earth.
The American Indians are another in
stance of 1 people who lose more than
they gain by progress.
Where progress has gained the great
est victories it bas bsdto pay heavily
for tbem pyrrhic victories tbey might
almost be called. The labor aaving in
vention and discoveries of the last cen
tury are a great improvement, bat they
have brought with tbem the factory
ystem, whereby tbe souls and bodies
of a large portion of tbe race are being
atnnted, and tbey have defaced tbe fair
face of nature, and tbey have done
their beit tboogb not as yet with en
tire soccen to drive tbe nine mases
Into retirement, Tbe boildiog of great
oitiea bas added greatly to tbe comfort
and convenience of life, bat it has
given birth to nervons prostration, a
disease of which oar fathers knew noth
ing. Tbe rapid multiplication of book
and tbe lessening coat of tbe aame en-
. . . ' ,M f A
aoiee every one o po e a uvrnry, um
as a consequence tbe reading babit is
practically dead. Great progress bas
, been made in tbe culinary art, bat
people cannot eat aa much a formerly,
and do not get nearly aa much aatiafao
tion from what tbey eat
These are a few random illustration
of tbe fact that there ia never a gain
without a loss. This appeara to be a
law of nature, and it would of course
be foolish to turn tbe back to progress
because it baa it drawbacks. Never
theless it is always wise before taking
a atep in tbe direction of tbe so called
progress to weigh tbe consequences.
Civilization doea not tend in a straight
mi L. JA - (1 A I A
line. , moogH it wuuiu nui ua cur.oi-,
to say that ita course ia that of a circle,
It la nearer that than a continuous on-
a mi a. I . - a
wara marcn. in present is one 01
those times when it is obvious that it
ia turning back on itself. During the
lait half (and especially the last quar
ter) of the eighteenth century, great
forcea were at work for the unloosen
ing of the ahacklea in which a large
portion of tbe human race were groan
ing. Tbe philosophy and literature of
that period tended to open tbe eyes of
man to hia inalienable right to life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness,
and the outcome was such outbursts as
tbe Declaration of Independence in this
country and tbe Revolution of 1789 in
Franca Those events marked tbe down-
J-II J t .1-11 tt. L..IU
a long ieriod of broadening liberty. It
ia singular tbat just about a century
later should be witnessed tbe indica
tions of a gradual return to a state of
affaire comparable to tbe old grinding
condition of tbe eighteenth century.
Thia may be a startling assertion, but
tbe fact is obvioua to on who is not
willfully blind.
In the first place. Is it not apparent
that political liberty ia in danger of be
ing lost! Autocratic power la growing
fast in tbe United State, however It
may be elsewhere. Two centurlee and
a half ago Char) I lost bl bead be
cause of bla attempt to rule England
without a parliauit-ni Dot Cbarlea'
tyranny waa not mora audacious tbas
that of Piatt and Quay. Tbe American
boa pommies a power which no auto
crat since tbe day of Tatar the Ureal
ever wielded, lie doee what few tyrants
have actually eocoaa-'-d t doing h
make tbe twopl whwta be rale bow
down and kls tbe hand that tbe
rod. .The tiU of the Ualt4 Blake
go delitrwl to the poll and elect
arllaiuate (o to speak) Wbwee only
doty It shall beta regble? the will if
the bus. AudtheWttftl tt the luatUr
le, that the Ue I ttaarelly, U hi t
euaal cbarartarUita, a lUc-i-ail It
I aa IncuutMTff title fact tbat Uaaliut
I aa iftctMuind lariat ia Ute foaatrj,
lad lata caa JaiU tl i Isiaf
Miaelt, that the ate tai4ty
Mgatlisg huw fat Mftguerd Ihsit iiUf
AaoUrr iadlcatWa that alitor U
tfuta4i ( a Ntuhlag site lala
arvwla. lfcaiaduti4iUa The Iweei
wf AaieiUa tltltUatk la Ike t
baa ta that It tJ4 ta en. Its
uiUI ua4llka That waa tree 4i
lag a ! a.4iU fait f tat hl
twy tt It ta h M (a a
I ait f the fl4 i tUa Sutlacll.M
ii chmily iw'll lata t are
Celtlaf 14 im a. li utatuat faanl
t Iwitaee at tepidly diHatsaltaUa- a
Uattlwa vl the tN i'le ftua the $t
Vala at the 1 fwUliv The JutlaUl-a
hetweea the ties aad the It
hawMMisg 11 f thai a. IttealatM dta
atay J waallh he Wi a f the
mat 4ttraal ftei 4 Awatkaa
llTllUatt-a liawaaa that ittMWa U
a misnomer), and baa done much to
earn for us the contempt of the entire
world. ,
This brings us to a third factor and
the one which really constitutes the
point of thia article. We refer to tbe
growth of a , new feudalism. We use
tbia expression advisedly. Under the
old regime feudalism was that system
whereby tbe holding of eatatea waa dn-
fiendent upon rendering military aerv
ce to a superior. Tbe form of tbe old
feudalism may be in no danger of being
revived. But tbe spirit of tbe new
feudalism is identical with tbat of tbe
old. Tbe barona of a former day poa
sesssed themselves of all tbe available
land and allowed their inferiors a liv
ing upon it in return for service. The
feudal lord waa the dominating factor ia
tbe life of every man, woman and
child in former time, He bad an in
alienable rigbt to life and bappinessi
tbey existed on sufferance. ;
Tbe feudal lord of today is not intent
opon war. It ia not by ownership of
the soil tbat be exact the service of
his fellow. He Is tbe same rapacious
personage that he formerly was, bat be
baa changed hia complexion somewhat
He is now a lord of trade. He ia gradu
ally working tbe : Industrie of tb
world out of tbe bands of the many in
to bia own, and tb many bid fair,
otber things being equal, to fall into a
relationship with bim similar to tbat
In which tb vassal, of old stood to bis
feudal chief. ' ,... t
It ia interesting to not the clos
analogy between tb process that is
now going on and tbat by means of
which the old feudal barons obtained
tbeir position. In tb former times a
baron enlarged bis possessions of tb
land in three ways. He seised tb es
tates of otherst be bad estates conferred
upon bim by tb king, and be allowed
small holders to vest tb ownership of
their eetste in bim in return for prom
ised protection. The new feudal lords
seek not, primarily, to monopolize tb
land, but tb Industrie that flourlb 00
it. Tbe policy of seizure is fsmiliar to
tbem. Tbey are without scruple when
the opportunity presenta itself to crash
out a competitor. As illustrative of bis
spirit w bave the traditional policy of
tbe Standard Oil trust in ruining any
refiner of oil, no matter bow email,
wbo remains in business after tb trust
tells him to gfct outi also tb policy of
tb sugar trust in coercing tb grocer
(by threats) from purchasing from other
We bave no king in this country who
can placate bis baron by conferring
eatatea upon tbem (generally aeized
from some of bis otber subjects). But
we bave a congress which can and doea
pass laws conferring special privileges.
Thus, fur Instance, we see tb augar
trust perpetuating its existence by ob
taining legislation from congress that
enablea it to fasten a monopoly upon
tbe people. It is a fact which 00 on
will dispute that tb present trust
movement would never bave been
thought of were it not tbat tbe lawa of
tb land are, as a body, .favorable to
tb creation and maintenance of mo
nopolies. '
In old days, small proprietors vested
their estatea in tbe great barons on the
promise of protection. This tbey did aa
tbe least of many evils. The small man
ufacturer or tradesman today ia im
pelled to pursue a similar course. He
prefer independence, but independence
seems no longer possible. He is the
prey of many, and all more powerful
than himself lie therefore seeks a pro
tector, He turns bis business over to a
trust or a department store and accepta
a salaried position in the same.
What will the end bet Tbe answer
ia easy. Tbe new feudalism will in time
break down, just as tbe old did. Tbe
old feudal barons became very power
ful 1 tbey menaced kings and kept tb
life of tbeir day in a condition of tur
moil; tbey became a pest and were
eventually wiped out of existence, in
aome cast's by a gradual process of
events and in one case, that of the
French revolution, by most awful
bloodshed. Thp are softer days tb
growth of civilization and tb increase
of loiury bav taken aome of tb iron
out of onr blood and It might seem raab
to predict a resort to such stem tneaa
area as nsd to b applied. Still It la
well to remember that tbe people never
forget tbat tbey posses tb power of
Oar object la saying all thia ia pure
ly to put our readers on their guard.
Condition aa they eilst today poseeea
none of tb elements of riuaneucy.
Ignoring uow tb political and social
aldca vt tba eltoatlon. it ia clear tbat
any one wbo build bl hop upon the
lrMnt Industrial feudalism Is likely to
route to griff. Tbe Nodal barona of to
day are not a permanent Nature of tbe
situation, and their UHnopult will eu
dure but fur a tiut. Ikvnoiute law will
tflfart their tula, and it I possible that
tbe people tf lb United HtaUe may
ewatually tecovat enough of thalr
rulilkal powe r ta aid la the demolition
y tutan of rrlv IttjlalaOu. Hut
If we shottM t mUlakta, and Mllbat
nf the aact be effatUv la pro
fuel DH Ibis ralt lh-w Raad l
tMlUle to make tbe prilctUa lb
pol will eimlaa that r'Waf wbU h
Uf b.ld aa a ! tvtt We uteaa lb
pwwtt tt tsVttlatWta
tt Ml!t.
Uv, J C Kiily of hit AdUUk
AMttU, will a M.owi
V at kvl ttt4 j gttat wpoe
tib n Ike war fw towis) Id b lHt
latlaitt at IUI ay tU stale, sad
alt eMtUvt ate tU oftwuk The
built at lit! ty ig iUtiub4 ad so
ate Ik v. is, wkteh ate aa-Ut the
lM 4 the tauaIM tulaltlry,
wkkh U WhJj Kt iuia !
Ike eotial Haraiia if a auaWilf
la the k trtttf miUit asaf
lbift t kH ftfitt UrsUkt, tad Ik
ra 14 a-1 i th eitie aawtot
f hi tkf tli la Ik huiea, a4 Ike
tUJt; takut a,u Miat t.f.
tt. IJNif lith a4 tUbwa
N atai sitt .Mta aad iu
A Maaaaa to Llbavtr, Hladraaaa
rrocvaaa aa4 Cava ta tka. World.
Tb mortgage ia a aelf supporting in
titntion. ,
It always bold It own.
It call for just a many dollar when
grain ia cheap aa when grain i dear.
It i not affected by the drought
It ia not drowned out by tb heavy
wins. ,-; w,.
It never winter kills.
Late springs and early froat never
trouble It
Potato bugs do not disturb It
Moth and rust do not destroy It
It grows nights, Sundays, rainy day
and vn holidays. , .
It brings a sure crop wery year, and
sometimes twice a year.
it producea cash every time.
It does not bav to wait for tb mar
ket to advance.
It is not subject to speculations of
tb bulls and bear on tb board of
It Is a load that gall and frets and
It is a burden tbat tb farmer cannot
abak off.
It is with bim morning, noon and
Bight 1 ".: h
It eats with bim at tb table.
It gets under his pillow when b
sleeps. , ".,.-.
It rides upon bl shoulder daring tb
day. '
It consumes bis grain crop. - ?
It devoura bl cattle.
, It select tb flnet bora and tba
fattest steers.
It lives upon tb first frail of tb
It stalks Into tb dairy wber tb
busy bonsewif toil day after day and
month after month and take tb nicest
chees and tb choicest butter.
It shares tb children's brsad and
robs tbem of half tbeir clothes.
It stoops tb toiler' back with it
remoraeless burden of car. It harden
bia bands, benumbs bis intellect, pre
maturely whitens bl lock, and often
time sends bim and bis aged wif ovr
tb bill to tb poorbouae.
It is tb inexorable and xacting
Its whip Is as merciless and cruel as
tb lasb of tb slave driver.
It is a menace to liberty, a bindranc
to pTogre, a cars to tb world. S,
F. Norton.
The Bala That Covens lb Over
tion of fc Trass Baliaev.
It is said of tb president of tb
Standard Oil trust, and b ba many
imitators, tbat be never issues a post
tive order, says Ainsle' Magazine. H
merely "aggest." Tb burden of
making a suggestion operative ia left to
tb official to whom it Is made, and al
though suggestions sre usually acted
upon aa promptly as tb command of
tb sultan when fa uses a regiment of
Janissarie to carry bis message, tbey
are approved of only when tbey are
successful If by any chance a sugges
tion should prove a failure when ap
plied, tbe unfortunate wbo acted upon
it must bear tbe blame for not having
bad better juudgment, and tbereault
ia invariable. Tbe trust builder, like
Tallyrand, "doea not like to bave un
successful men about bim.'' On tbe
otber band, if a auggestion ia rejected
and the result shows tbat tb judg
ment of tb official was good, tb great
man conveniently forgets tbat be was
ever guilty of making aucb a aug
gestion. Success exenses everything,
and In constantly tbriving for it tb
darkest tragedies of trust building are
brought about Every year men go mad
trying to keep pace with tbe terriflo ad
vances of tbe trust builders, just aa
tbe generals of Napoleon succumbed in
attempting to work out tbe world
grasping dealgna of tbe Insatiable and
tlrelesa commander. Tb great trust
buildera deserve to be credited with
private asylum just a the western des
peradoes are credited with private
Tbe beauty of tbe trust system of or
ganization la that, while exacting
obedience, It leavee room for individual
judgment, and in thia way aecures in
telligent co-operation. And when tbe
trust builders find a man who is capa
ble of sorting tbem intelligently tbey
are not niggardly in tbeir rewards. Iro
motion coin quickly when deserved,
and a man get a chance to do all the
work be baa tbe capacity for aa long a
he can ahow uccveafo! reaulta It la
thia system tbat ba enabled tb Stand
ard Oil company to conquer commer
cially a territory vaMer than that
which wa around andar the beel ol
Napoleon or of Ciraar. Truly, tb
Hlaudard Oil 1 lb father of tb trust,
and though ttber bav achieved much,
tbey twttr the aaui relatione to It that
tb children vf a great man do to lhir
father 1 tby may ba auccaaafal, but
tbey ar overtbadowed.
Reaeaeaa'a tiaaaf laatlir,
la a paavh at lit banquet of the Pe
tri CVopar Vult club, la Omaha,
Uuvvraut IVyaiar mI4i i Ik j iluil
l of UioHeUrv rfuriii ba vital bhiW
ibaa la tavlt Im w diMgt apua tb
amsatty fur tb .viiirl of votpofa
lloaa, tftul a ad iMaoxtUat What vi
vt Ik greet I'llbcli'le w hat twa
adtuvatiBf liate ! ar w axiw
isady to aUkJoa t Nt vael Mr
fttvada. If w allow aaiiuw luladed
Wkketlas a4 elttfe to divide lb
tiiead f tMu aki lb Ua Mf the
gveat tlaltle f.f whUh Neloask
h .m. tita alar lie, a hl el
awiWhl to dUlalKtt Ik gtakd
atiwy wkua I auw galhailaf M lh
gtaat tuadlilt lUO, w will, to
Ik Ul 4 It maaleaaai that whla
waaU I lull Ka Ibaa a aull Ileal
utwe. If ant a rtlwta, It would at ht
b a Iswaaiueklat 4llla fully."
MMtttlag lo Ik tHaaka rUlfuaa, b
Mid It eatalaa4 Ike grit allataki ul
a IUI roavtkltoa 4Mta4ig aat
HUtad t!m Maag at lb tstUiwf
llto t
Wktt I Raadad.
While In the main agreeing with all
Tbe Beacon Light aaya under the arti
cle, "No New Parti." w wish to aay
tbat w bav tb utmoat confidence in
tbe alncerity of , tb Populist who
brought about tb Cincinnati call and
proposed tb name of Barker and Don
nelly for presidential candidate. W
know moat of them personally and be
lieve tbeir motlvea tob good and pure.
W bav not ao far been abl to concor
In tbeir judgment W a no need of
a new party for Populists. If tbey can
not find wbst tbey want In tb People'
Party, then tbe organisation of a new
party ia useless. What the People's
Party needa is reorganization, activity
and a move forward all along the line
and all aide ahows abolished. Winter
tut (la.) Review.
Do yea aatlr to saw aaaaras af taaiala
eopiat el aarlaaltaral losraaia, as aatast, .
aaasr. books, oataioa s aa ua lars t tbe
laleet laipref (arai kaaiaaieats aa aiaeala
err, aa be kept poete as ! prove as aa
siom lor i run or siorer u to, rar
tbesaaMlalk AaMrleea yaraten' DHaslary,
wbiab aM wbJillaf all ever ta Osttea Ba
ta pabUaaan, aurabsat aa laaainairer.
Tee will fat sjsf oo taadbj SMav tbaa fa
aai parakaat lor aiaer Umm ta ssiaU eaet ai
tea a, Waaat vrr teraur aaate la ta
Daito atatM la eat Dtrastorr ta, A4afat
Bev'l Us, aimlaaiaai, aia,
aaw wa ai ami ia auvar aaa vui 11
Wall Paper.
We send men
to do all kinds of
f ie
Em Dallvarad l aay vert
tba Clt.
tjdlkpiionic t rm
Z'.tA 920 It
fflA: i Strut
Tb Oldest
bim uom,
Llocolo, Heb.
Half Fare to Hot Springs and
For S15.50. Jon 0 and 20 any on
can buy ticket to Hot Springa, 8. 1),
and return at tbe Lincoln office of tbe
Klkborn line, 1 IS 8. 10th St, or depot
corner Sand 9 th 8te. . '
II you have a atubborn caw cf rheu
matism, tomach or nervous tretble,
take it to Hot Springa and Ua to one
you will leave it there after a abort atav.
otber 111a 01 ute quickly vaaien uaoer ta
infiuenee ol a higher altitude, b&altkful
rllmau, picturesque aceaery and finest
bathing In mellcinal water.
A abort sojeura tber will renew your
Ills. For booklet describing Hot Spring
call oa or addreaa,
A. H, r Itt.niNa,
C T. A.; 117 Bo. 10th St
To Uoaotala View, Oklahoma and
Return, One Fare, Flos $2,00
TlckeU will be eold Jus 0th. 1 899.
good to retura uatll Jane 37tb, Moan-
uia M-, aituata on tbe Daaotuui
Waahlta river, ia tb new towa la Waab.
Ita eoanty, lust snatle aeibl by tbe
aaw eiteuatoa ol the C. It, 1. 4 P. ity,
Sow I tba oitKrtur,lty ol aettlaa Uade
rbap la Oklahoma. Waabita euuaty le
aotad lor ita waay atraama, ralalall and
beat iirtxiuctloo.
Jan, Haatarua, K. W, Taoatfsoa
U. V, T. A. t blcago,
A, U. P, A 1, A., Topeka.
la the Matrkt Court nl laarMier
t'waaty, NeUaaka, Third Judutat
The Mala t .Nebraaka, LaacaeWr
foaair. aa.
Uaurga Juaeph Keta, llalallit,
Harak Aaa lU'a, iMaadaat
tttb ta ua reaideal hladaat ta
mi 4HMitiia,
Tbo abuse aaatad deleadaat, Sarah
iaaiUiaatll tkeaatle Ikato Wad-
a4af Ike Ilia day t Jaa lla Ike
eald ltrao Jta )t4a, alauv aaul
(lalatiS mU tak Ik VMaMIHM ul
Ataa Ita aad rlrnk liala, raadry
allawa a, ta u M a e.ea oa tbe
lraJ wt lb ahuve Uthl raeaa. at the
olRa nl Sallttae A to, n. 1 i&tJ Vuleat
hm A , la tkHy tl lWialua,xaly
ol aaSolk aad elal ml kl u im
Maeaa tb knar at S e'i4k a at. aad
S aViitck I, at, i4 aaid day aad l tak
tag ai ii eV(mitkia atU ba adjtierfteal
triat day day, blaa Ike aaaa
boar, aaltt tay are wiiat4,
liaoea Jra Has, 4aiatil,
iy J,l aii.Naaaat.hiaatturMy,
for you
or for Mfhody who baa wool to
Tb Izttzzt Uc:l
raouiuaa lor nanauna wow. ine met, lareem man V. "ST "Tl
for propnrly dlply(n aad sbowlne wool Aha laraeet stocks for attraoM" the
blcfett burer aod Ute beet reputation tut buiUM ability and hooaetjr. wear
il.aoooo tb. wool aanaallv. W always have eaough woot
ni ui miu ta aunat
and eharn at the low rat of 1 1 pw eanfc
WC epaiy ire aacaa aaa u
trmj mm aad WonlOuotaUona
. th mIm of word and tba market conditions, ddreas.
1 S V At
Paris Green, lb. .,,,.,,,,.,, 025c
London Purple, lb ...... . . . . ...... ... ..... r 20c
Strychnine, ac a bottle Blue Vitrei, lb. . . 10c
Garden and Flower seeds.
White Lead, S. P., $6.00 per cwt.
Pure boiled Linseed Oil, 50c a gallon. Varnish
ci; all kinds of lubricating oils,
Golden Machine, per gallon ............. M . sc
Red Harvester, 40c gal Castor Machine. ..35c
Cylinder Oil per gal. 50c
Oomor lOtli
Gainincr in popularity every day the record proves it.
The increase in sales of the Kacycle is simply phenomenal.
The reason is because the Racycle is so far ahead of all
other wheels in exclusive and patented features that it
stands in a class by itself. In the Racycle the chain and
sprocket pull between the bearings,' making it run 1 ezzlzr.
and with 27 per cent less pressure on sprocket bearing, and
doing away with side draft, Come in and let us showycu
the greatest improvement ever made on a wheel, Fully
guaranteed. Wheels sold on easy payments. Ladies' wheels
sold by us repaired free of charge during the season. Larg
est exclusive cycle house in Lincoln. First class repair shop
a m m a M a at At aa a a a a) a aa ' m
and full line of sundries. .Second-hand Wheels, $ J up to $20.
1410 O Sired, Lincoln, U&tii
pwnu? nrr7e tnKr
laraarsiiMS euM Mates eaaas, iii ai. . b,,m(m
hwImiIm. Vim mm u mA mmmt naveM treUru eml
a If fiu Sad It tmrnmUt ae rnraii, Meal t tntm imU
rvteilrter. teM.4( farMt7iUiiiiWMffw4
fee twMer laaa eraaae aaverwee be etaan el bore awner , a-,
fg.J. lnii.MMfi ewraeie, rra te liieelw"' nw,
eairrefe alreel f reeiauaeteaiea jea eea ri m awe
eak. eaMuee aatoh.aiiaiif .
wwr anrea , a
lMak & f
aine 1 mKtm, 11 twee, ae folks wei m
lyiyiCeewaltai, I Seat
If, 4 I - alrei
I ef It W Mt F-'ml
M muk aMea it a hi i m H,
taa..iw. rftaeien 11
lef 14 r-Bf
Hob aunmimiiii lh,ilil,tir,lnilii iflliili afci ! ,rmr
eml In tne hlabt araile leelreieeiei Svue w
mmti CMfkee i4 fee aeaeee. alee hen iMiwe feiai, -lMtbr,
., Ullow. at If W Mum eioMl, If'f f0
ImIIvwi tutrk end Saeel balaer la ealeee, 11 I
AC k fi ai'KKIf le famklMd itb a KiMkeeeU
ph .rwnen rror, pmwh yw.Q pvaa, .rwaea .
ad utmry mo laprereaieal. W. tmnkk km tea.
15!; V&nm
iMiie etllu.n bliuiine ti wr gueruitee, br Mie
u tuertiiiee, n, tne
b II uj nu4 ttim eu(
In It uhe wnith anil
e Tiuut II Aw frharae, TT mould
win n
II refund four vunmi it jtm Arm nut tmrimvtf
.-t fx nl Him oriinaelli tie eU1 at Ml. le.
Mtl AT USt K
INt'T Ukl.IV.
fc.l i.aelt hiii, ua nk funr i u.i Mx. r alwut u, writ
a-' -lan awrlhln In niaaicnl Inatrnmanle a4 luaeat BnlaMU prim. Write rnr trm Aim! nrgmm. W-e
ar.,,,.irJlh.tnintU(oyiM.. A.l.lra-a, Haw, aaeeeeS S we ISajurtl, eeWiH.i Siia.,1
SEA aneaiir"!' tt, fUaui. n
324 South 12th, Lincoln.
Loo Ancolca and Roturn, 000,
Tickets on sale June 15th to July 8th, 18.). He
turn limit September 4, iH. Full Information as to
side trip, drives, routes, stop-overs, etc., alto booklets
descriptive of California upon application.
Csrsri:ttssl OJ.
ooodn, k the on whlob bai Mhe b
I!:x3 ta tbVcct.
tna manuianurar.
mA eawlaetalaatoall Dartieawh') ihlotoua. Wamaji
par .aaaum for "JJifSTl
to all who art for ft. TU all about
cuad. PStrcota
LmtA 1
i(ftfl' s
A chance
to save
some money
by dropping me a
postal card.
asking tor
Catalogue and Prices,
Good standard new Organ
$4S and up.
tflUH tIIUI2S:. I It. St
linaa.3. (aawfSStnee
tsrtisttss ttiti,
Tittittss tl,
rios &
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