The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 08, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    fune 8, 1899
;t-rt's first STEP
1 r c. 1. .,..h fmm harhansm i maricea nvnis
demand for a shirt. Man's highest civilization reauires
perfection or nt in snins. nn our uins ie mauc
ooorlvlbut ours are made
for "The Nebraska? and that's proof itself that they re made
right. You can order your summer shirts from us with
out the least fear of dissatisfaction, Send size of neck,
length of sleeve, and we'll do the rest. We re selling
men's soft bosom shirts for 50 cents that you 11 pay ;sc
and$i for elsewhere. We ve mens soft bosom shirts
for 75c that are equal to any $1.25 shirt you can find any
. where. We've men's finer quality soft bosom shirts for
$1 and $1.25 that you'll have to pay from a third to a
half more for elsewhere. We've men's stiff bosom
shirts, with and without collars and cuffs, from 45c up
but we've one line of them at $1 that's the talk of the
town. They come in a fine assortment of colors, favor
ites are pink and blue stripe, Large body, comfortable
and durable, and if you get the same quality elsewhere
you'll pay from 50 to 75 cents advance of our price.
Watch our daily ads in the Omaha Bee. Write our mail
order department. Order soon. Give neck size and
length of sleeve. We've an expert in pleasing people
u Um lrrinn nf thirti. Yours for shirts. , I v; t
republican timber it ware, to man of
tbe r Defi mm oaviuK w "
flonral Government. Tbere it no use
for the big republican to say a word,
for whatever Thompson bos promised
most come or the ttars will be yanked
out of tuelr plaoM.
At McKlnley baa overrode Cleveland'
oivll service law so it will b In order for
Brynn to override tbe civil aervlce law
111 farther, and we bope Jim tbe whole
... ' . m m Sir. a. ...
thing into trie gronna, 11 wan. bo
offloebolding class. Oiilce for life bor
der too closely on to hereditary monar
chy, dukes and dadea.
There baa boon three waya of acqolr
lug territory. First, by free annexation,
a that rf Tuvaa inH' aMUifirf. bv
mM, IHIf w. vwjw J M
purchase, aa that of Florida, Louisiana,
oath part ol New Metlco and Arizona
and Alaska; third, aa war indemnity, ae
tbe north part ol New Mexico and Ari
zona and California. Tbe territory an
nexed bad few or no inhabitants and
never have tbey . objected to thi deal.
It waa called purchase or annexation.
Bat now, when nine millions of people
re to be forced into oar service, it is
called expansion. It is very different
annexing people from what it is to an
nex territory, and where it has to be
done by four or Ave years' war ft Is no
mall job. Dot tbe war must go on and
we must stand by tbe government right
or wrong. Nonsense. Tbe man wbo
otters such doctrine is more of a traitor
to tbe principles of oargovernment tban
ever Jeff Davis was. Tbe people of tbe
I United States are tbe government and
not tbe people of Washington, Tbe war
can be i topped. , England stopped tbs
revolutionary war. Tbe war to liberate
Cuba waa almost ananlmousiy support
ed, bat tbe war to subjugate tbe Fili
pinos is not so generally favored. When
a regiment is reduced in three or four
months from thirteen hundred to three
hundred men fit for duty, tbs Filipine
war becomes a serious matter. It is
quite certain that we do not get a full
and true report.
Tbe brewers and distillers are warm
defenders of McKlnley's war. Tbey only
see the increase of millions of liquor
drinkers. It may well be called tbe war
of tbe brewer and millionaire.
Hews of the Week
The baccalaureate address by Chancel
lor Mat Lean of tbe State University
this week was upon tbe war situation.
Perhaps it could scarcely be otherwise
when tbe record of 170 university
etudent soldiers in the war and ten dead
is considered. Ia tbe chancellor's opin
ion both tbs republican and democratic
managers were opposed to tbe war with
Rpain, it was tbe demand of tbe great
common people tbat Spain's Iniquity
cease which finally forced tbe adminis
tration Into tbe conflict. Ia bis opinion
tbs results of tbe war foreshadowed tbe
era of fraternity upon earth, that Amer
ica must abandon her old jxislHon of
i a At in as a i
separation iroin me worm auu nai ins
wny toward fraternity aud Iremloin.
The address was a strong ons. The
speaker wisely refrained front attempt
ing to draw aa argument tor fraternity
aud freedom from preaer 4 conditions In
tbs Philippines,
rWnator Harris, of Kansas, Is reported
sayltg lbs national populist eommlttee
lilired itesll a year ago at Oumha to
call tbe national eoaventiua at kaat
tbirty day befare either old party bold
Its national convention on tbe theory
thai the Middle ul tro4re would be
MtUfM therewith; thai tts they bavs
rittard to do so bs have plavd lUrker
and Oftholly la tbe nld the arwuat
la no Ion? blading and that tbs
national eotMiulttwe sboyld igwore it,
Tkls Is vevy or ahie trout n Hpii
lie! I'slUd tHnlee senator, The r
went to call an tally populist nntlonal
eon tenth M ens eatered Into by tbe
aUreewMtKttee. Unas made in gutid
laltnnad sbanld be kept in good latlli.
A, J. Warner, of Okie ons it tbe Mo
nemin tnsnabtittf tr ewinsgsbi t
netted by Wiltiaw ICrarlts mtbnnin
tsiflsw wording tbs spign ol
IWtV IndMNiting that fn eaikagnwl
nuvee m nut be tbe main lesne,
TVe deiNraUe party," be ays,MwUl
toad Vf Ue 4keag 4ntMia, Tbe
money plank will be as full and as strong
as If there were no other issue, Tbe
money question bos lost none of its im
portanoe, but la tbe meantime other
questions of greater ' Importance bare
arisen, I would be in favor of making a
declaration against trusts as If that
were the only issue, and tbe
against Imperialism and the Philippine
war, , Within a short time tbs country
will awaken to the exlstance of three
stupendous combinations working to
gether and controlling minor contribut
ing trusts.
"First, there will be a combination of
tbe great lines of transportation; next
in Importance, and ultimately tbe rest,
is the banking combination, and third
tbe great iron and steel combination.
It will not be long, in my judgment, be
fore these combinations represent a cap
italisation of 11,000,000,000, and, tbey
now present the problem of the utmost
importance, demanding the Immediate
attention of the American people and
taking precedence over all others, for
tbey will ndace the amount of labor
employed, determine tbe price of pro
ducts and destroy competition, ,
"Fartherroore,an effort will be made at
tbe next congress to redeem tbe green
backs and give tbe national banks entire
control of tbe currency. This pbnss of
tbe money question Is likely to attract
more attention for tbe time being than
free tilrer.colnage. None tbe less tbey
are deceived wbo tblnk the silver ques
tion is Anally settled. There was much
wisdom in tbe reply of the , Scotch
preacher when bis congregation wanted
blm to pray for rain. 'Tes,' be replied,
'when the wind get in tbe right quar
ter. ' . ..... ; , ji " '
The negros of Chicago hired and sent
a detective to Georgia to get the facts
regarding tbe recent burning alive of a
Georgia negro for assaulting a white
woman, Tbe detective spent several
weeks in Georgia and bis report was road
lost Suaday to a crowded mass meeting
of colored people in Chicago. Ills finding
was tbat the negro was lynched as tbs
result of a fight with bis employer whom
be killed aud tbat be did not oseault
tbs woman. Ons of tbs prominent
Chicago colored ministers, Itev. J. F.
Thomas, pastor of Olivette Baptist
church, made an address In which be
"If there ever was an admiuistrat
which deeorved tbe condemnation of tbe
nenro raoe it Is tbat of William McKiu
ley. If President McKinley bad respect,
ed bis country and oar people be would
have packed bis valise and left tbe state
of Georgia when that borribls outrage
upon humanity, tbs burning of Sam
Hose, was perpetrated within a tew
miles of where be was sojourning forW
reatlon and pleasure."
Hpaln bus sold thslast of her colon l
poseesaioaa, tbe Caroline aud Ladrone
Mands (expert Guam) to Germany.
Tbs price is stated to be 13,000,000,
The Caroline blonds stretch 1,'iOO miles
Iroin east to west and haven population
id about and an are about
equal to tbat ol l.sAoaater aad Gage
eouatb, Nebraoka, Tbey have I
clvlllsml aud edurated by AmrrUaa ml.
sUtaerWe, ore capabts of aad bare m
trvitcd tbe tu union nf svlf goveramest.
tfpoia never bad a valid slaim to these
Ulasds. n by Us lee ot dMwovtry,
aad br etir id them la 1MT was an
natrons followed by tbe epraaU,a ol
Aamfc-ae nUsuaary eohooie and i
pnUon ol leocber. II Ibere nae ney
fpaeWk dadry obf be t sited
Matte bad atureJ tlgbt ol "protarii.
ae"l nae la tbe i'arulin, developed
a tbey bavs been by tbs money side
HI- ol AaMtfeons "d nub fHipnlo
lUin nor rriend'y la lbs I'nlled Ntotte
ibaa 0y Otbeff d (pain's pneeisnNss.
Del tby neve lhruwso4 as a trodisg
nt! tuf Kpoia by lb wIm nen nba
nuUate4 tbe I arts treaty nbila lbs
Mood nad lrareol AMtea mnstbe)
tw-Vyd In eunqiMrtsf I'liiptnas, Tbe
Nsdojptebwl tbildm is) Ibe railed
States, wbo have with penny contribu
tions bsUt the missionary ship "Morn
Ing Star" that anils among these islands,
ought to hold special servloes next Sun
day, Children's Pay, In gratitude too
government that keeps oat the Carolines
wbo want to oome under our flag and
forces In tbe Filipinos wbo want a flag
of their own.
Tbe speakership of tbe next bouse of
representatives la nettled. Congressman
1). B. Henderson, of Iowa, gets tbe room
tbe first time tbe offlos baa noma west of
tbe Mississippi. There would be pli
for congratulations upon this foot If
Henderson wrs a western man In senti
ment at well as resldenos. lie ia at
present a member of tbe republican con
gressional currency oommlttee which Is
passing a bill designed to give tbe
banking corporations mora complete
control of tbe people's money.
mmmmmmmwm f ,.
Tbs following extract in from a letter
ofg soldier in tbs First Nebraska. It
gives mors insight Into tbs trus situa
tion In tbs Philippines tban all tbe col
umns of cablegrams tbat or printed in
tne great a allies, ins letter appeared
in tbe Silver Creek Times. ;
"The news yon get is doctored so much
as to be wholly unreliable. Tbe list of
killed and 'wounded are not reported
properly and tbe situation is not as tbe
administration would navs von oeueve.
This is simply oppression of an intelli
gent people an capable of self govern
ment as tbs Americans, It In useless to
tblnk of pacifying them excepting by
aeatn. s iuvs."
Editor Indfwn4ftt
, I fanvt noticed from time to time your
subscriber from different parts of tbls
congressional district expressing them
selves in fnvor of tbelr choice of a candi
date to All the vacancy now existing nnd
which mast be filled this coming election,
and I tblnk tbe custom . Is a good one,
as it brings the leading candidates be
fore tbe people, where tbey can loek up
tbelr record, previous to tbe convention,
and be thereby better qualified to make
tbe selection ; Intelligently, among ,the
many names already presented.' jso
doubt they all bavs rendered efficient
service in tbe party, tbat entitles tbera
to some consideration, from , tbe voter
of the district. But there nre others to
select from besides those already
prominently mentioned In your column.
I agree exactly with the Ord Journal in
that this Sixth district shonld be more.
sen ted by a farmer, , To me, being i
farmer myself, It looks like a reflection
upon tbe qualification and ability of
farmers to send our entire delegation of
eight men to tbe United States congress,
elected from tbe legal professions. Seven
of tbom already being lawyers, and law
yers aspiring for tbs eighth place on tbe
delegation. I wish to enter a protest
gainst this thing being carried to a
success, and appeal to farmers and labor
ers of tbls district to make a selection
from among our ranks, tbat we will feel
satisfied tbat our own Interests will re
ceive tbe attention tbnt tbe farming in
duetryof tbls district Is entitled to.
After we have eomt) together upon a
candidate, tbat baa tbe necessary quali
fications, ability, Integrity and bos at
heart ths principles of tbe peoples party,
and tbs welfare of our country embtded
In bis nature, let as see to it tbat he Is
nominated, and not stop here, but see
tbat be is elected, I have in my mind
now a porno n whom I think can fill tbe
above qualifications. A person wbo has
been quite prominently mentioned In
connection with tbls same poeition In tbe
past, and is quite gonoraliy known
throughout tbe state, having served as
state senator, one or more terms, and
made a record that bis friends of tbs
populist faith are proud of. I refer to
the honorable II, G. Stewart, now of
Scotts Bluffs county, late of Dawes
county. I take pleasure . in presenting
bis name before your readers I or their
consideration, and bope soms ons will
riee up and second tbe motion to nomi
nate bim. Wbo will It It be?
J. W. HxArr,
Litchfield, Neb.
are sound, aad should be as sacredly re-
garaea toaay aa wnen nrsc adopted by
man Dam oi pioneer patriots constitut
ing the colonial congress, and that the
perpetuity of our republican form of
government depend upon tho recogni
tion and until In at Inn nf thaaa ntntlrlia
1. 1L M.1K-.X .... I " K
uj luuwiuwnoni ore enirueteo. me aa
ministration oi our puDiio anairs; ana,
Whereas. Ws tI with o-nmt Ann.
Cern the srrowlnir tanrfnnn nn tha nark
of said aristocracy to sacrifice tbe spirit
oi American inuepenoeuoe as nn onering
UDOn ths altar of an AmrlrwAmarlaaa a I.
Ilonee, nnd fear tbe time is not far dis
tant wnen uiey will tuoceed in bringing
about a dlsoontinuanos of the eelebra-
fcftAfft tit lha annlvaMav a! Aha aAntlnn
of tbe declaration of our independence,
ae an act ol discourtesy to their Knglisb
iihw, ana,
Whereas, Ws deem it tbe duty of pa
triotic oitliens of this republic to foster
and encourage a spirit of loyalty to and
lavs lor thnaa fiflnolnlaa ahlnh An m tMUA,
lutlonary sires, wbo framed ths Deolara-
. , . j . . .
hob ui ingepsnaeaos, oonniaerca tne
very foundation stones upon which tbs
SUDSrstrnctuM nl nn, ranuhlin annuM ha
bulldsd, and bsllsve the proper celebra
tion of the Fourth of J sly tan be made
a most successful tnenns for tbe attain
ment of tbnt much to be desired end:
Bo it JUtaoUed. Thai ws taka atinfc
a (anS as ah all raanlt In .ha tnn.nn.l.u
celebration of onr nation's natal day, In
as wast in re piaoet witnin tnit eounty
on tbe coming Fourth of July, and tbat
wMMiug a uoraiai invitation to ail
wbo do not oonslder tbs Declaration of
IndSDandiinna nhanlata tsi nnlla mkt
la maklnir It atmh a naUhvaflta aa rniM
' a .w - -w ww-ww. vw.wm mtm nvmu
most with tbt approval of a Washington,
u.ruu, a savason or a mucoid. 4
Commencing Wednesday, June 8,
and continuing until further notice,
we will give.on all boyi' and child
ren'i suits from 3 to 17 years of age
t i 4 1, !
Iteeolutlone ndopted at a meeting of
the oltlttnsof Lincoln county, Nebraska,
wbobellevs in tbs principles expresssd
in tbs l)claration of Iudependeui!, nnd
ars not yet ready to abandon tbs clv.
brntlon of tbs birthday cl onr great nn
Whereas, It Is plainly apparent tbat
tbs monled nrletoerayy ol tbls country,
flushed with their suoceee In tbe forms
lion of trusts and eotublnes. In their ef
lorte to commit tbls government Irrevo
cably to tbe policy ol lmrlali, mlli.
tarleut, nad tbelr atteadsatev lis; nad as
an Ktt lor tbe nequUitlon of ooloalal
deModeurlo by a war of conquest, and
tbe establishment therein by furce uf
arm, ol 0 government deriving non id
Its powers Iroin tbs eoeaanl ! hm
eraed, has been driven ' In emit hum
tbat It has, l.f lis duly aulhort.d
(Mtiraiiwa, psblkHy reoons.'l I leu twin's
la tbe priuvipWo easroid In lbs ki,
ratios ! sirodeA'a, dwM ttivtv a
pltralnbty to our pmset iliir to.
iiiioks,barid tkuee lu rl Ms pto
tWKiu m a 'fu KMiJe br obab to
kali oar oaitwaol poly, as wsaitsg
ttriittasi at 0 treOansktita, t
tort bas bf aS'leJ Ibst blatotM lalr
niaat a '4b' h number " aad suasigiMl It
tolbsoaate bosket, as boviag served
itspsrpOM and oatbvml I to alslaeaa,
Hbereas, Ws Mwvo tbe pbliibtd
pciapieon sii la tbat Worotutn
Tbe Lincoln Mutual Hail Insurance
Co. will Insure crops ngalnst ball.
Last year It only cost their member
2 per cent, and even that give tbe
members a dividend next Soptembor.
All lossot were promptly paid to the
entire satisfaction of members. No high
salaries. No state or district ornate.
Each county elects a member, delegate
to attend tbe annual mooting. There
fore the meeting will not be controlled
by ths officers and agents.
Tbsrs is one otbor 11 all company In
Lincoln and a branch of tho third com
pany, therefore be on re to write your
NEB. Not a Hail Co. with on ofllos In
Lincoln. If you bave no agent near you
write tbe Secretary. J T. M. SWIUAftT.
10S South Eleventh Street, Lincoln,
If you are really looking for clothes
tbat will give yoa service, call!at Pnlne't
Clothing Store, Dr. B. L. Paine owner.
We are now giving great bargains in
milllnerv. LadleS. call at Mrs. Onannr'i
and be convinced. 1201 0 atreet.
4 -
5 I
This will U Almost equivalent to
buying new and desirable clothing
at cost. All our fine Peck & Hock
house suits are included in this sale,;
excepting only cruh goods. We
will do exactly what we advertise,
and cordially invite you to call and
get brgilns. Our stock of men's
clothing, for quality and cheapness,
Beats all other stores in Lincoln.
1116-1117 0 St.. Lincoln,
000 O
H.S P. p,
.. i V ;
0 & 13th :
111 t. im.,! ihioImi
l r1.ei a tat
I n'i VlllVV!UttMn FREE
Our business last month was the larg
est we have ever had in the month of
May and we want to make this the larg
est June on record. In all departments
we have large stocks of warm weather
merchandise purchased almost entirely
before the recent sharp advance in prices.
Cotton' Dress re,
ffsflriric ' sales " on wash
UUUUd dress goods. This ,
season we are selling corded lawns, plain
awns, dimities, ducks, piques, madras,
organdies, percalesand ginghams. We
have lawns in good, patterns at 5 to 10c;
corded piques io to 15c; dimities, 10, 12$
and 25c; percales 8 and 1 2 c; ginghams
10 to 25c etc. A large business has left ,
us a great many remnants which are
marked at ridiculously low prices to close
out quickly. Wc urge you to call at our
wash dress goods department the first
time you are in Lincoln.
As, we have said
before this is the
flflflfR greatest white
UvilVlO dress goods sea
son we have known for many years. We
arc selling white goods for waists, for
skirts and for full suits. The demand is
for plain wis mulls, dotted Swisses, or
gandie, corded vpiques, India linons and
plain lawns. Wc have good values In all
these linrg but exceptional valuesin India
linons at8Hi to, 11H, 15 and aoc a yard.
We invite you to our white dress good
VsUllUU dretu't and many of
aLdvWu tlrrri we are rlling
are Wing trimmnl with valencirnnr lace,
I he most pular widths are from to
i inches wide and the prim from ic a
yard ti.
TANCY l-'ANS We are wiling a yreat
many decorated jaianme fans at ic, 5, 10.
IS, to and 15c each. We are belling tho
Um quality of satin palm leaf fan in any
si 10, j for $c.
White Dress
. In ladies shirt waists
we have all the cor
rect styles made of the
verv latest materials.
Popular materials are zephyr ginghams,
percales, madras and white lawn.
ftfACC VVe are selling quanti-
EJIVOO ties of ladies summer
dress skirts of grass
cloth, linen crash.
plain linen, cotton covert and white pique.
Prices are very low and our assortment
I flfliPQ ur m'mncrv depart-
nLllUlW J is making a great dis-
H1"C P'ay summer hats
UOld for ladies and, chil-
dren. We tan please you whether you
want plain hats or hats elaborately trim
med. This i. the season to buy trimmed
hats at very low prices.
I flfllPQ Ltdies jersey ribbed
LaUICO vests at 5c, 8'c. 10c,
I InHpfWAflf "ic and 15c each but
UUUVl (V0I wc ask your particular
attention to the vests we are selling at
iaKc Compare them with vests sold
elsewhere at 20c each. We have ladies
union suits as low as 25c each,
ftlPflQ Wc ak you to sec the
JTlWlId mens shirts and draw
UU-JClWCda a5c each. They are
jutt as gtKHl as were sold a few summers
ago at 50c each We have excellent val
ues in mens shirts and draweri at 35 and
5i cents.
Never before have we
1 f r n hKIm I r oiva a
- w.Tw
goo! values in cotton
hotierv atthit season.
til n W . a aa.
e ak you to examine the ladies hose
we sell at M. 10 ami 11) and i,c a pair
and the children! heavy ribbed hoc at
to and ujc a pair, If you want bargain
in hosiery (or men, women and children
we have them,
mum 1 pah