THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. June 8, 1899. E Ihbxazka Jn&epenbtut CmH4mtmj ' df WtAtTM MAKMKS mad UfCOUt PtDtPMNDBttT, nrSUtaiP IVIRY THURSDAY fc!i;:;ixijt Publijhliij do. UCLW, - NEBRASKA mCPHONSItS. Ol.CO re Ybas w Advance. m cbicmit rvi. on. sft Foreibl annexation U criminal ag graasion, bat I am going to do It all tb MM-Wn. McKlnley, Tbto imperialist, Spanish ; war baa at ready eoat us nearly one-fourth m much M tb ofvil war. McKlnley to a great bond maker. "Msrder aad money" to tb battle or of tb imperialist, Murder th Filipino ad make money out of tb oommero of their Islands. Bloody banded preacher art willing to aay prayr over th scheme. ' - '; ; i; )'''"' Every plutocratto paper tbat oaf pick contains some reference to Bryan's Month. No wonder, That moutb baa played wrlsstlug araaab with a good van of tblr project, Tbey stand In Mortaltarror of It. lC'jl i V ':, Mark Hanna baa tuned op bla Siren and aet tbem on vtry rock in tba chan nel. Bat wa hav beard tbelr wet T oloea before. Nona will ba enticed away by tb song tbat it ia "Tba Laat Hope of tba Republic" Tb nilllloDulree of New York bare adopted a new fad. It la not now con idered good form to get married uoleaa tbers ia a obanca to marry aoroa other Man's wife, Tb Vanderbilta atarted tba fad and all tba 400 now rigidly ad here to the example. " ' " " Poor old Stioator Hoar thought ba could reatrain Mark Banna and McKIn toy by telling them that Imperialism waa "Immoral and wicked." Tbat only mad Mark amlle. Hoar did lot aeem to un derstand tbat immorality and wicked mmi waa the delight of Mark Uanna'e Tba editor of the Sarpy county Herald wants the etufflngebotout of the Cuban tceasss they would not accept tb bribe of f 75.C9 a piece and deliver tbelr gone to Oen. Brooke, Tbat to tb true apirit of tba Mark Hanna follower. K a man won't accept a bribe and then atay bribed, then aboot blm. -. , ' There or aome follow who have at tached themselves to the pop party and wbo have perhapa contributed a quarter aome time to itarty expeneea. Now tbey dec'are that tbey are entitled to run tba whole ahootlng match and they will have gooae liver pla or buat the whole thing "Yea," aaya the cheerful Idiot of tbe gold bug order,4'! wonld be for fro allver If I owned a allver mine." Then , he amltea a aimporing amlla which he think will lead peopl to believe tbat he ia a gold bug because he baa a great big gold Mia. Just aa aooa aa McKlnley waa con vloced that tba report of General Oils boat having carried hia campaign to a gtoriou flaleh wa all tale and that a new campaign requiring large reinforce meats waa about to begin, be ordered a peace JqUUm to be celebrated la Wash tagtoa over which he and the Atv.orlan prwided with a great deal of dignity. Oar exports exceeded our Import laat Ir I8t8.t33.253. Bat only re wind 104,985,393 ia gold. What be an olth other I5U1,44?,OOOT Toil way yon malWt bd. W know aow tat bow Much w must aend tit the Money Wader of tb old world every j ear- Keep at it. lUle the eurn, wheat aad pork. rWII it and t the otoe Tbua Mostly tuaam must hav it. Tbaadiio of tb ladWrwadeat aet a MpwblicM lawyer oa the etreet aad wee eesMted with tbereejotk; "IWtye UiM y o art a nttva fu iM as tfettoe ea ion cmII a a4 oar re b MuhaatatetUae? New all .4 a ptmf eery day. "Waal da yon ey fe H-vit U-ra tot thy blC''Ma 4 kiVa aad lbM mm aad f.vMt (kiU right ba4 l the tpieinfevV'N TUra are a a eaiorul hutklWe) hi Catcxxtry wha are veriUrgeaed rzi ta IJtotf awn aatiM tlat tw y CJ ttt thef nt t the. r' ti trr bdW IV they )l alt CsM;l tAeaaaaUen Lzm 1asM tbey, new retat aevvt rwea M the tzi VJ mttst kMrl bAwv It ban li txw, ltrwtiiwia crso ti t'J tJ r;i-J It, 1 Banna or THB FIMT. The people of thle atate would be glad to bare the Firat regiment return to the state capital and be mustered out at the place where it waa musWed u. "o war thousands of the people' could assemble and ahow the brave soldier ho proud we are of their deeds. Hot If thatst ranrcment cannot be made xept at a eoetotllOO.OO for each of th privates !. itni'tfutlt. TbofatM of the nrivate soldier wll be that of ll others of previous ware. He will be feted and tmMtA for a, dav or two and tbenhs 111 ha turned out to huut for a jh. He will And tbat a hundred dollar In hie pocket will, under auch circumstance, ha nt mnnh more benefit to him, than a Um Ao.m nt 'MMtJiitf and adulation, II sw rt wm wp --r? luatlo were dona to tbem, tney wouia be brouft-bt to Lincoln a a regiment, mnatered out here and given tba nun drad dollara beaidea. , tbi oht orATBinr. Tba republican convention In Ohio at' tempt to revive tb catch pbraeee la nee in itb campaign of 1890. Congr man Kerr talked of "confldence" and "wa Intend to pay onr debta In tba beat money In naa f j tha world." Th peopl cot orettv well acaualnted with tbat "confidence" gam in tb laat prociden tia! oampaign and are not likely to be taken in with It again. A to paying our debt in tba beat money In the world, tbat to tha cry of a thief. If be bad aald w will par our debt In money of th aame value In wblob tbey are contracted, that would be a atatement of boneaty. Tbat cry baa lout ita force, Italwaya waaaory of tb thief and every Intelli gent man now knowa that It ia. Tb repnbllcao an fond of referring all tb III of tba panto of '98 to "tb democratic time." The Buffering under Cleveland war only made ' poaaibl by tba united aid of tha republican party leader. It waa In fact, tha leaderebip of tb republican senators tbat made tha repeal of tba Sherman act poealble, In atead of being "democratic times,'? It waa "republican tlmoe." If the Clove and time were bard, the men who. fongbt Clevelaod and all bla policies, abould now have t(ie aupport of these re publican who denouno tbem, and moat prominent among tbem all, ia W, J. Ilryan. Th men who made the Cleve land time were Sherman, Hoar, Hale, Uawley, Aldrlob and the real of tbe gang that are now denouncing them. The men wbo tried to avert them, wore Bryan and bla preaent enthusiastic fol- owers, Tba cry of Kerr at the Ohio re publican convent'on waa pur hypocrisy, tut it i Impoaalbl for a man to ben republican loader and not be a hypocrite. The Stat Journal undertook to give the" mullet bead torn rellglou counael tb other day and it talked about "tbe twelve table of Moaea." , All tbat any obrlatlan vet heard of waa two tablea of atone. Sinoe it baa adopted Mobaro- medium and baa taken up th Koraa, It get it Mrlpture badly mixed, It oan ehout with considerable clearueea: "Con version by th eword, deatiny and great ia Allah," but la losing ita old power of playing tbe obrlatlan saint. ' 4 .')'. Tbe republlcaae have become ao'lgno rant and degraded that even tbulr edi tors apeak a kind ol "patoia" like the lower olaseea at Europe. Tbe ' beet In formal peopl are sometimes put to great Inconvenience by not being able to understand It. Many of tbe words of republican patoia, while the aame aa In English, have In the dialoct of the mul let heads an entirely different meaning. As an example: The word "traitor" in the republican patois, moans one wbo is oppoeed to changing this republio Into an empire. Tbe word "copperhead" means on who la oppoeed to foreign ware of oonqueet. In tha aame patoia tba word "republican" means one wbo to oppoeed to all the principle ever ad vocated by Abraham Lincoln. By k sop- It. Uijm dwBultlone In mind, one may be able to understand them fairlj well. The land grabber ar never idle. At the Trana-Mieslselniil convention la Wichita lost week the effort to secure the pas of a .! ll Uvorlug the eeion of th etMM "nrU laod' to the several alato M to a hot debate hkh wa tha great hniture ol the meet ing. The out eome wit the adoption ul modi (tod iwaolutlua whWh will the rveomoMHidiag SMMioa hedge about with eo many rtrWtka as to utnke It, la the taaf nag of Uovv Uaridiy. a Mg-UII." lie effort to scwr stun f the reataiaUg mUto land to the ti to th aam old at heo ig la Nebraska or eight year ago wkoa aa elvnt a male to gt tUu U dm t push 'h a bill thriMMI eaa ire, iUa4f ataftmllalhatdifve. itaa, wl in rwii iui tm bm th wWa e4irt f4 th etata, frai s . , . . rHitvlwt a tt aa putmiuta, wt aa lgVM-M teat he gUI eetkh. IWI 4 all th aiMtt) th ay4-w f Uad abarlaaha waat toat httM wl th vaet reali af al tm Ua4 , thttbat It to awin h their 4wfiaMiiatttt tmaavsiitsair iMUiaav Tb wrhi th tlla ba a eagvft4 lata tba ht M an4 Mla4 ul th mfto of this eMiiry thai 1 twa trwto every waa a4 vy ao4Ha, it all hctaof ttan. PatsO al ll theewto a ttie4 tMt whtolM ahaahl avtva, Tb way to show honor and gratitude to to take up a collection and preaent dol lars to tba one honored. It to tbe low eet and vlleat thing that tha world aver saw. What would Washington bav said if upon bla retirement from public service it bad been proposed to take up a collection and preaent him wltbdol Iare7 Tha degeneracy of tbeee United State exhibited ia tbl worship ol tbe dollar i appalling. Tbera ia no honor In anything any mor exoept tb al mighty dollar. ' aurtMTITIOX. Th srowtb of eoperetltlon In tbe United State In tb laat fewyeare, oecially In tb eitie to awful to oontem plaU, Ou will mt very day pmraone, some of them college graduate, wbo ar Imply alav to superstition. Orehall we call It losonlty? One will b talking to a person to all appearanoee, well du- cated.nnd will be astonished Co bear them apeak of gboat, mahatma, aplr it, mind reading, oommunicatlona from tba dead or eoase other auperstltlon with an air and a manner of perfect belief, k lady who wa ill waa visited by several ladle all of whom go In tb best clrol of society In Lincoln. Co, (and aacb and all of tbem wore perfeotly aerlous,) advised bar to go to a divine healer wbo bad lust appeared in town, another wanted bar to go to a medium, another adriaed bar to destroy tb medlolne that the physician bad prescribed although the doctor waa a graduate of on of tb belt medical aoboola in tbe United State atill another wanted a mind bealer sent for and other bad similar superstitious notion. : ;'''; .'":'':': . Now if tbl bad occurred among Igno rant and unedooated foreigners, it would not bav been to astonishing. But every one of these persons waa Ameri can born, soma of tbem bald degreoe rora uolversltlea and all wore fairly well educated. . '. , c r t"" Th rush that la constantly mad to mlrolsta, fortune teller, divine healers, medium, show that superstition ia a dooply seated la the United Stat a It I In China. And tbe anperatitlona be lieved In, in our own country are just n degrading and harmful a those of the Celestial Empire. If this growth of superstition goes on unchecked It will be tbe destruction of olvllliatlon, Something should be done to stop It. Mon and women wbo still bav sane mind should lay aside their politeness and plainly make manifest to all such pontons, no matter what grade of aocloty tbey move In, their utter dla- riia and onntjifunt for thnee sunnratl. tiona, which . wlgbt . b overlooked In avago and bnrbarlnna but are utterly Inexouaabl in man and women wbo bav bad th advantages even of a common, school education. V ' f'l i ) ? V While the auperstltious number hun dred In Lincoln, that tort of degrada tion to still mors prevalent in tbe great cities olths aaatern atatea. Recent In- veatlgationa In . New York, , and Boston, has revealed the fact that thousands of persons tber constantly consult oracles, rely upon charms and a black art is in vogue among them as degrading aa tba lot Inch worship of tbe darkest part of Africa. Tbe lives ol many of these people ar entirely cos trolled by signs and omens. There are societies without number all dorotlng tbolr energies in various ways to what they think will be for the im provement of eoclety, but it seems tbat there le room and a want for more. A society whoa energies shall be devoted to the suppression of superstition. Such a society oould take for ite motto the words uttered by Paul on Mars Hill nearly two thousand yoars ago: "I perceive that ia all things y ar too superstitious." - WRKKKWAIUlf Tb West l'olnt Free Freea aaya tbat the republican party atarted in lite pledged to protective tariff, against the extsnaion ol slavery, (or treehouteeteade, soaad monry, every dollar aagmtd ns every other dollar, free aoil and free speech aad free pre, loyalty to the ualon and the flag." Where waa that fellow when tha republican party waa orgaoited? Now here to a maa wbo waa ud U ataVs Lim luh to rvJ that euumary of tbe flrel repabllean ;4atlorn. The eoaad my buiae sever waa advocated by the rpublkaa party satll Mark Hanna got euatrJ t it machlawry, then about ry InUllW gat and honest republleaa got up aad marched uvt if the eoaveatloa. tun nsrur ul, ThU papr ha a grt ataey lhl eit haag, bat ha ol ih all to tbe Nshraaha la4padt. It to eUa, abb eatraoat aad tMi'i. It has aaswrva Hi ethiblt, aad It to fcrwal, btwrvl aa4 Itttil ia the dwasaiua of evwry litieg Ua. Kvery a4ikil to sart4 with th go4 aa aad i4aai 4 at ewraoat hiMMat a4 hr4 swaa. The la4y'Wt ttMaftea the anptMort 4 evety Mum U the ateJe f KWeh, Th Mot ws of the laavpMdwat th Wttov bk It, m4 taa (rwg texth ta frhe TisWiua' st rty 4 pwfiHkM aa4 Wvebto ahtwi a a w.aa.Httot tVaaty rr ta4 b4 4 llm Chatot In bwt h'a la Wyaliat th art4e wa Mart Weay tVs Caf4tal Malooi llg leesie. M wwtiaj nw4 eathw4 th mi M valm t ail tca that 4u4 when it sh44 hurt a4 tww Uu4, TBI LAWTKRS. This country has raised up a breed of lawyers tbat bare been an unmitigated curse to the whole land. In their prac tice they hav abandoned all th princi pie of th common law and in tbelr live been guided by no principle of morality known to Chrietlan nation. Big fee, regardless of bow or In whose service tbey obtained, bav been tb only ob jects sought after. Tb lawyer ofth land could bav prevented tb formation of any or all troat If they bad been disposed ao to do, whether tber badvr been an aatl truat act passed or not, Tb common law wa sufficient to prevent tbalr for mation and to overthrow them If formed. What ought tb lawyer to bav don? Inasmuch a court from tb day of Lord Cok to tb preaent tlm. bav never given monopoly a tanding, either in equity or law, tb lawyer oould bar long ago killed vry monopoliatlc con cern In tb United State if they bad wished to do no. But wbll tbey kavn't killed on of thm , tbey bav tb irnpu dene to com bfor tb peopl claiming all patriotism and oak for all tb offlo. Tbey bad better do aomethlng to abow their patrlotiem. Th lawyer, If tbey bad wanted to do It, could bav taken tb following principle laid down by Lord Cok and gon Into th court and cleaned out th whole gang ' of truat arid combinations, Tbey ar ao axlo matlotbat thereto not a judge in tb laud wbo would dare to disregard tbem. Lord Cok In speaking of monopolies ay: ... "First tb price of tb commodity will be ralsod, for be wbo ha tbe ole willing will always tnak th prie a b pleases; second, after tbe monopoly ' I estab lished a commodity to not so good and merchantable a It wa before, for tb monopolist, having tb sol trade or control, always regarda private benefit before he eonaidera a benefit to tbe com monwealth, third, it always ba impov erfshod many artlii&n and working men, wbo, before, by tb labor of their band fq tbelr art or trade,' bad maintained themselves, their families and tbolr com munities, and, wbo, after such trusts are formed, are constrained to live in idle ness and beggary." ' The Independent propose that tb populist party lay It down a a rule tbat until these lawyer get a move on tbem and go into tb court and do aome thing to relieve tbe people of tb oppres sion of the trusts and corublnoelons of capital, not one of them shall have an office of any kind, even If w have to elect farmer to tbe position of judge w-wm. If tbey will do tbelr duty a officer of th court to pro tect tb right of tb people against the aggression of th concentration of cap tal in tbe band of th few, tbey can bav all tb office a far as this writer Is concerned. But until tbey go to work and really do something, w ar in favor of shutting tbem out. TAMDIMQ ABMIBS. Recent statistics abow tbat tba .coat of maintaining tbe standing armies of the eighteen nations of Europe, Includ ing Turkey, is I,1I8,000,000 a year. Tbe systom there baa gradually grown until it ia Impoverishing the producers and bringa indescribable suffering upon millions of men, women and children who have done no harm to any one. It ia tbe most cruel thing of all tbe ages. Just at the time whon tbia system of standing armlea ia becoming unbearable in the monarchies where it originated, Mark Hanna proposes to inaugurate It ia this country. How completely plu tocracy controls the press can be seen when it Is observed that not a single great dally or magailn In, tbe whole land haa had tb courage to make a vigorous protest against It. Ws have bad perfect peoo and good order for quarter of a century In tbe the United State with a standing army ol lees than 35,000 mea. Now Otis wants, be aaya, 80,000 lor tbe rblllppinee alone. To bold the Thillpplnea after they ar conquered, will require at least that many. The will hav to b renewed every ttv year. It will be eeo that the first thing tbat result from Imper laltaia to tbe more than doubling ol our eUudlug army, A corresponding to rrv will ato hav to b made in the navy. European eoaditloaa will aooa be opoa a In full lore. American aotbr aiat Warn to bear and rear sua who bud will be food tor ow dor. M say a baby boy sow nestling la his iothr'e arm, will dto oa th battle Bvttl or la eoat Military kpill bess of th et'hswva last McKintoji at eoneut't lug. tia oa, mullet h ( tf.r your sua la b hattf4 with shut! WriUwmk tos m th Im'o ul bir iuiuis, (tpriskl hif hair aiih nray a4 Utag thm Juwa la their early grav la rnw Make ths happy Ua4 a Ua4 sf marn tog, keu I4 I. try at halt Mt Mwt of the time la ear row k4x4 m4 dytag. Ua us! Yes ar u Is r4 la M s4 ion tilt to4 f wrfU a4 1 aasatry ihs U ehuet 4, tiawa. Yvn don't eaea t hav aay hraiaa, aa it to no n ha try tw rMui nith ion, Uivs n iasdtsi svmiasv big aati, h4o4j h(UK Ureal U AUh a4 aVatiay eaa not be thaa4. rt u a niau a ttt nt. Tb ar sat to than afcf al re aWssaaa hi tnto ettf fa aja Ma4l Metnaslvea rwh, M masy wl thaw am samf-toMf hash rupted and dare not own in their own name anything. Other of them, while not quite that bad off, cannot afford to live in tbe fin house that they built for themselves and their fam Hies and are offering tbem for sale at lees than half of what it cost to build tbem It is said tbat nearly every prominent residence in tbe eity ba been offered tb tat for a residence for the governor that wa provided for by tb laat legis lator, and nt such ridiculoualy low price tbat a general demand baa been mad an tb atat officer to keep tb bid from th public because, If known, it would b a blow to tb prloe of real estate In tbe city. . Now then la just a much wealth in tbl city, or nearly o, for tb fires bars destroyed ome, as tber ever was. , I It not a atrang atat of affairs that tbl wealth bas mod th owners of It poor? Wby ar not tb man wbo build- d the flo mansion atill rich? Tber can b but on anawer to tbat queetion tbat will 00m mend itself to tb common eene of mankind, Tbs wealth to still hers, but Its valus In money has been rsuuoM about seventy-nv pr cent. Money, in comparison with real estate In Lincoln ba inoreaeed In vain aboot ISO per oen I. Tbat increase In tb valu of mony bas mads bankrupts of tbs men wbo ' built and owned the fin mansion. , - : A stranger thing than all tbl I, tbat tb Man wbo bar thus been made bankrupts, Insisted upon, voted and ought for the very thing tbat reduced tbem .to poverty and bankruptcy. Tber is not 00 of tbem but wbo know tbat if tbey could sell their property at tba old values, tint is, If tbe valu of money were reduced 75 per cent, that very on of tbem could pay on all of tbelr debt and bav enough Wt to live in comfort the.reraalnder of bi life. Her to a mansion offered for 925,000. f tbe owner could sell it to tbs stats for 1100,000 be would be very glad to do it no doubt. If he owed 035,000 b could pay hi debt and bav a comfortable sum left. But tbat would mean tbe cheapening of money and an increase in th price of real estate, No man can deny that. Is it not atrange tbat every one of these republican bankrupt are out on tbe street every day denouncing tb advocates of such a policy as repu diates, anarchist and copperhead. What Is tba republican bankrupt to do after be sells bla mansion? II be gets enough to pay bis debts be will be lucky, Then, past bis prime, . be must . face a world where every buines Is in tb band of a trust. What can bs do? He can go around the street denouncing cheap money, free silver and shouting for tbs gold standard and Imperialis And tbat is probably what these mullet beads will continue to do nntll they are laid away by the bands of charity in a pauper's grave. Go on. Tbe gravels not very far off for most of yon. Your children will serve the trust as em ployee If tber ar so fortunate as to get a situation, and those that ar not, will join the innumerable throng wbo are bomelee and propertylee. NEW OPriOIAX OATH. Tbey ar bribing soma of tbe Filipinoa by giving them office. When tbey awear them in tbey don't make tbem ewear to aupport and defend the constitution of the United States. Not much. Tbat would not do at all. No one la defend ing the constitution of tbe United States over tbore. If one should ao awoar, ho would have to take up arma against McKlnley'a troopa and fight on tbe aide of tbs Filipinos. Tbe oath tbat these new found officers take ia: "I rtcognite and accept the supreme authority of the United States." Aa McKlnley to, juet at present, tb aupreme authority in tbe United States, this Is simply an oath to accept tbe authority of McKlnley, or to be exact, Mark Hanna. Every day this imperialism get ua Into contradictory aud ridiculous altua tlons. What would be mors ridiculous than an officer of tb United State be ing in auch a position tbat if he awor to support the constitution be would be committing perjury, The new found policies, new found offleer and new lound Ward will yet disintegrate and destroy tb beet gov ernment the world ever eaw, ()o It, you mullet head. "For wide to the gate and broad is the way that toadethto d- atr notion." THM 14TKT LIB, Tbs goldbug pra to raatng)tbM lowing It mad out of whole eloth; "fuloaat Bryaa ha rweeatly written a aw booh atuS plae4 11 Is the haade of a sotorioa rat printing ftta to h prist e4. t'aloa 1-rtaUr throughout the eoaalry hav tla rto;?ofts at IM aad are orgaaliiag ta ttW Mr Brian, Irst fur the tomlaatioa, aad ty fall ia this thy wOisarry th-jSght lata the elvcltua.1 Brfaa hoaa't written aay ihttak aa4 haa no la ! la aay booh no e th awrlst etMpt The rt MUUt. hKh has rvtfy ta ph4h4 la thh eago euaUJaiag gMldi uf atntte tka troat Brraa'n wriUag aad eiwevb, ht ba ha a tatareat! in nkaWv, If a goM bag 4itot twatda't sttUmh a i ahuat bry an vy day or sa hto salary waeUt bs kta4. It thW always sss ta It that tan aar- ary sVeaa't , Tb tMatostaH rsglase (has aa tar a4- vaaa4 that n Uy ar a4ag tao to prevent tramp committing suicide. Several states have on their statut book laws making suicide a crime. We suppose that tbe. way tbey intend to punieh a auicld ia to bribe St. Peter to lock the doors against him or hire tb devil, if the tramp goes to the other place to giro blm several very extra roasts. Go it, yon plate. Tbe like of you wa never sees before. AMGLOPBOAIA. There la not a man In public ' Ufa that ha ao disappointed his friends and for mer admirers as John D. Long, secretary of tbs nary. Tbs editor of tbs Indepen dent knew blm personally some year ago, wbeo tb lor of liberty bad not died la tha hearts of tbs cultured writers and sobolnrs of Boston. Tbs spirit that bad livsd in tbs hearts of such msnas Phillips, Garrison, Whlttlor and other wa still reflected in th llvss, apssobes and writing of th Utter classes. Tb worship of ths almighty dollar bad no considerable number of follower. In th best dobs and highest circles, tb millionaire churches and millionaire of New York wer sneered at as "the newly rich" while tbey themelvea, wer proud to b 1 ooasldered tb follower of th motto "noblesse oblige." Now all aeem to b changed and among thoss wbo bav adopted th new cult I John D. Long, " ',' ' ' As an example of bow far bs bas de parted from th old Boston Ideas, his re cent action in regard to uniforms in tbs navy gives a good illustration. Boston used to bs proud of tbs Declaration of In- dependence and tb glorious heroes of Bun ker Hill. Long seem to bav discarded ' all that sort of sentiment and is for any thing tbat will ape England. A few dude naval officer wanted to adopt th English uniform. Long issued an order ' commanding It to bs don. But tb American navy tbat ba fought England for a hundred year refused to submit without a protest. , , "If the English navy," said an officer, "adopted a linen duster, pair of boot, paper collar and straw bat and a ser vice uniform, some of tb American officer would go insane if our navy did not adopt tb aame. Any old tbing ao it ia English. The blouse I the most comfortable, dressiest and neatest gar ment ever worn by any officer in this or any other country. No other navy in tbe world ba tb blouse, and it la mili tary looking and dignified. It was ad opted by Rear Admiral Porter several - yehrs ago, and nine-tenth of the officer protested against ita being discarded." Tbe consequence of this protest from "nine-tenth" of th officer of tb navy waa tbat Secretary Long bad to coun termand hi order to ape tbe Eogliah uniforma. The incident ahow bow far John V, Long baa gon astray from tb principle he advocated in bis younger , day. ' . , , V ' 1 1 I II I ' ITS Hardy's Colpian. Sow Wheat Consistency Thompson Still in tbe Ring-Clvll Service An nexation and Expansion Brewer and Millionaire. ' Farmers will do will to sow a good share ol their corn ground, between tb rows, to wheat in September.. Tbe ground should be cultivated thoroughly this summor; it will be all tbe better for tbe corn crop, then it will be in fatter condition for wheat sowing, It give th farmer two chance for a crop. If tb wbeat doe well during the fall, win ter and epring it will be out of tbe way of tb drouth and hot winds, and it winter kill there will be still a chance for a corn crop. Crop abould ba rotated anyway. Tbe same crop after crop of any kind soon strikes bottom. ,- Do the atate officers stop all tbe sup plies and salaries ot state institutions when a legal queetion arises as to wno to the rightful manager of that institu tion? Tba aupreme court naa lately de cided what constitute atate Institu tions. Consistency la a political jewel and It atand a party In hand to wear tbat Jewel when tbey have no votea to spare. It la currently reported that Senator Roiile to to bs county treasurer again for two term at tbe band nil). K, Thompson, ll would anew that on ofllu wo enough lor any man, but i hi pi 3 1