June 81899 PILE CURE FREE 10,000 Trial Treat menti 0 b. f It.O awt of the OEM! rtLT, CVBUB, whlcl iu ha dmh over 25 jrari m a iiwciflo for ll kludi 0 lit iu tbt telltb, rrwcfc and ttmm trmiwi Knd your ntmx and P. 0. edirM, dciorlptlon ol Jlumnt and Jo. Muni for raturo mall. For SI a ws will be Mot uu aevomanl.d bjr BoaiM. guar Jiim is ear or refund th. moief. Aanrau 111. MM MI0I0AL CO. SIS K. 14 SI UaaUaaU, Coop.ratl Craewrlee In Ireland. me New Zealand Dairyman Bays Students of agricultural '60-eperatlon Dave, In the present wave of that move. ment which It passing over Ireland, most Interesting study.- The war in which co-operative butter factories have extended is in strong contrast to the complete apathy displayed by the English dairy farmer in the same dl rectlon. From a one-time prosperous agricultural country the "Unhappy Isle" had dwindled down In rural pop ulatlon to such an extent that It seemed M if they would ultimately be a mere handful of people, barely enough to tend cattle for John Bull to eat. With the departure of so many of her beet agriculturists to America and these colonies the quality of her produce be came woefully poor; in fact, things were drifting Into each straits that it was problematical what the end would be. Some thoughtful Irishmen earn to the rescue, however, and, binding them selres together, preached co-operation co-c-eretloo In every branch of the farmer's business. , Success did not at tend their efforts at first, and It was not until fifty meetings bad been held that an attempt was made by the farmers to test the new doctrine. Ones co-operation had proved Itself, how ever. It rapidly spread; In fact so much so that whereas in 1190 there was only on co-operative factory, the number had Increased to 138 at the beglnnlnf : of last year. , The principal body at work Is tht Irish Agricultural Organisation Socie ty, which was formed In 1894, and. be Ing Quite non-polltloal In Its objects. men of all shades of opinion are on Its cpamlttee. They nave sensibly laid aside their differences in order to aid their unfortunate countrymen. The society employs about a dosen organ Isers end experts, who are kept con stantly at work lecturing, organising and instructing. As the Hon. H. Plunkett, writing on the subject In the Mark Lane Express Almanac, says: "They preach the doctrine of self-help and show the farmers how they can practically help themselves, and the manly spirit of the people has wel corned It In a wholesome reaction from the other doctrine which lays all their sins of impecunlosity upon the govern ment" Numerically 'the most important of the societies are the co-operative creameries. The establishment of these has led to an enormous Improvement In the quality of Irian butter, and the suppliers have, as a result, obtained fully 80 per cent more profit from their cows than formerly. Then, of course, the profits of the undertaking have been also secured to the members, who utilise their societies in many ways, such, for Instance, as the wholesale purchase of feeding stuffs, fertilisers and Implements; also for the combined sale of cattle, pigs, poultry and eggs A few of them are establishing credit societies and libraries as adjuncts. Then a number of the creameries formed a federation In 1893 to enable them to more effectually control the markets In their own Interests and to establish a national brand of Irish creamery butter, I Car of Tork.y Coo pa. A turkey hates to get Into her coop at night unless It has been moved dur lng the day, writes Miss B. J. Pine in "Turkeys and How to Grow them." If It is changed every day she soon re gards It as a safe place to keep her Mttle family over night. Should It rain in the night, change It that It may be clean for the day. Filth Is a deadly foe to a young turkey In confinement I have always kept my coops on the ground. An experienced raiser who has tried floors prefers the ground, as It Is more natural and healthful. I think It Is a good plan to keep a box skunk trap set at night near the coops. When the turkeys get large enough to fly over a stone wall, they will wander further away, and there Is danger from hawks and foxes. 1 keep track of their whereabouts as well as I ran. which lakes ue outdoors no more than Is nec essary for my good health. I have had them to wild thai they have caused me considerable trouble, but It was camel by iBtriMlutlug hew bluud through strange hens tuatead of the gobbler. The Utter Is the better way. Oetrti4r i'a.-The v kh lays an Sf tmy third day. ego are large, Mitf live lo U int-he through the long dU.tu.ter, and welsh (run tkrea la Ave pounds each. The ekrll U iMually very thick. omeilnie im attlevpta of aa l k. The ruat.itii reusable that t( a ken's vg. aaJ aotuuat la fwt laid uioca. Tae prM ttf lticuUUa la erlt!f ghta at t''W tMrtf.ikt ta (urtf (aiU) an JouM dr.a U ut-m tu t Hai ti if 4 utvlM'tit uf taw hu k. a ev la t'aJIMfil U iMrtreli i'i . Ike tu ii kU k till l k wJ tn lit tke't 4 Wl It i U ;iu ewrf ta a't t tkkk in tfktM Ike .Vi!. flute t'eet I. !ttaU Tt .! "Ike .lailrwluiral t:if liut MtiMa t 'ahtrtiiy tt liitewlt, I btt .l, yfuHMa tt Nfetk 4 wf etf t t i'tkrt with Itultuttiuae tM rlai. free if ekarie ew l a Ue etl U.i, Im teal lU of Ike Ul fc aVeM k-ae ataiaU4 witk Ike aaUie f Ik trvfc tad k IU tera aai!i hi keelt U IM ff aa el), nuilN l be lakea a'M4te ( i.ftiiv sal mm I t tke ttptti' Kat !(.. alt tktfge treaald - I kivemty tet Hiw eolation la Horeebre.itlng F. J. Berry says: "Notwithstanding the great depression of 1893 to 1897, while prices ruled so low that it drove farmers and breeders nearly out of the business, within the last year great changes have come and breeding has commenced in earnest, every one be ginning to feel and realize the neces sity of breeding and raising the best quality of horses for the market, Car. rlage and coach horses are as high as they ever were; also the best grades of heavy draft sell for as much money as they did in high-priced times, with a strong demand and good prices for biocky, smooth horses from 1,100 up While these great changes have been going on di ring the last ten years, the horse-breeding industry has been entirely revolutionized. Since 1893 the great expert demand has been Intro duced for the best classes and quality of American horses, and this demand which has been the life of our trade and has been a great outlet for our horse mark, s, has at the same time fixed a specific type and defined the different classes that are In demand for export horses, and as the Ameri can demand has so changed through the evolutions of the last ten years, or since the early 90's, the same classes that are in demand for export are the only kinds that are profitable to raiss xor American as well as export mar kets. Thus the great evolut on of the last ten years has changed the whole norse-breedlng problem, and although costly object leeson to farmers and breeders of horses, it has sot been altogether without Its benefits It has tsugbt us a lesson. While in former times breeding was done nromlscu ously, , without proper consideration or forethought of the kinds of horses the market demanded, and In this way all linos of horses were produced, from the best down to the most worthless, me smau and ordinary horses com prised the larger per cent of the num bers produced. The American horse preeoers have bad a severe lesson. It has taught them that every horse should be, bred for a certain purpose and of a certain type and of a speclflo ciass, with an the size, shape and quality that the market demands. The small horse is a thing of the past It has proven a failure and an unsatis factory Investment The grade has been raised every year during the last few years, and each successive year requires a larger horse and one of bet' ter quality to meet the demands of the market, and he must be a horse of his own class and be an up-to-date market norse. The Treatment of Boas la England. in ungiana tne brood sows are usually given plenty of run on grass In good weather; they have very little to be called severe, so that practically the nrooa sows run out most of the time, This exercise and freedom give them a very healthy, thrifty appearance, and as a rule you find them right up on tneir toes, strong on their legs and regular breeders of two litters per year, says a contributor to Swineherd. The stock boars there are as a rule kept in thinner condition than they are in this country, and thinner than their brood sows. Usually after a boar nas been shown one season or seldom more than two seasons he is reduced down thin and turned In with sows especially selected as being suitable to breed to him. After those sows are bred he Is put In a pen (or what they call a sty), and kept on a low ration, to at to not increase his flesh.' They teem to depend more on "active con dition" in their boars than they do in "breeding boxes" (as we do here with our heavy boars) hence the necessity of keeping the boar as thin as possible, so he may not be encumbered with flesh in his duties at the head of the breeding herd. And while speaking of this way of using their herd boars, we would also say we admire one fea ture of tbelr breeding there, and that when they find a sire that has proved a good one and a producer of winners, tbey keep him, instead of changing sires every year, at to many do in thlt country. The Profitable Feeder. The charac teristics that make the profitable feed er are naturally more difficult to detect In animals in stock condition than when fattened, but notwithstanding this there are a number of Indications that are fairly reliable. Though the young steer may be comparatively thin In flesh and temporarily lacking the thick, even covering of the bark and ribs so eseatlal la tht finished tar- rata, be must nevertheless present that blocky frame and stoutness of build, accompanied by short, straight legs. wide tack and lota, well-sprung rtba, fullneea bark of shoulders and ta flanks, prominent brleket. full neck vein, wide tht and well-rounded tar ret, together a 1th a good, soft, mellow handling ikla an I floe, silky kalr, gW- !ag akal Is tef t4 the thlt k, motj eiHl, without tMirt.ni, and with It alt gvu strung, vlsoruus head, tlear, full tie, and quiet tHiftanint. Tke Iwirtsact r-f aa etta roverlag of 8"fc a l ftHHid kaa-UiNg aualli tan krd'y t vrtlmid -I'rtil, f, Curtis, 'Big t guw . A t rr (! Jrw iNfue at the OkUhou i:i-ifl HutH mat g.ta t tn lit. la iu wtkt, aa tttrase ut ! I l' 'Hv, I' mIi.4 UU llmt S f tm pmi4 le k I ft lii. M la it t!tt ! e.s M nia-l Ua f is IU t4. hni M f V.. J, Ike '4 m Ika Urtakiag teti hi.- I If l rt ) a k. ( kUJa ly tee " ai ttafetanhtMl ta tk Jm I adW Im Jttatt.!. Tke Hrlaiva) ae alrk ag a4 altrw Hie, ea-t autvitt I k war t aid h i ta k lee tky See M Ika wii4 kU4rae lkaj THE NEBRASKA Headauarters for Good Lumbe ai iow prices. F. W. W TV A III. 7th&OSt.,LIOCOLN,NEB, Pranlag and Transplanting- Tonus Traas From Farmers' Review: A large proportion of the trees fiat are lost in resetting die because they have been injured when they were taken up. Iu digging up the trees the surface soil should be removed to the root system, then a trench dug around the tree out Bide the mass of roots; then by cutting under the roots with a sharp spade on eaoh side, the tree may be loosened from the soil with a good supply of young, growing roo. If te tree large, the treach mutt be made around the roots to the depth of .the lowest. and the roots gradually loosened and freed from the soil. No matter bow carefully a tree Is dag, ma -j of the young feeding roots will be Injured or destroyed. - Thus op'y a small amount of sap can be surp'led to the branches and buds, which trvtrtheless continue to evaporate a large amrvat of water; thus the tree often starts very slowly, and sometimes falls en tirely. By removing the branches and buds in proportion to the Injury of the roots a batanee is maintained. All In jured roots should be cut off clean with a knife, and the wounds of large roots should be painted over with some waterproof covering. When trees are planted the roots should have a line, mellow, bed of soil, which should be pressed firmly in contact with every liber, leaving no air space around them, and all should be spread out la nat ural position. The soil should be pressed very firmly around all the roots, so that the new roots will be encouraged to make a rapid growth It the soil In which the tree Is planted is the sams as. the one from which it is taken, the tree should be set the same depth as It was before it was re moved. If the soil It heavier, the tree thould be shallower; if lighter, it should be placed deeper. The surface of the soli which it over the roots should be line and light, because the capllarlty is then broken up and the moisture cannot escape. The Lost Crop. From Farmers' Review: The los ing of this year's crop may not be an unmitigated calamity to tbe fruit grower. If be glvet hit orcnardt tne right kind of treatment, In a year from now lie will tee that tbey will be in better condition for further bearing than they would have been had they been allowed to go on and bear tbelr usual heavy crop. But this will large ly depend upon how the orchard It managed, and there are a number of things that must be attended to. ' First all the dead wood mutt be cut away, and tome that Is not dead, in order that tbe remaining parts of the tree may be able to make a more vig orous start in tbe spring. Second, all the pruned-off wood. whether In the orchard or small fruit plantation, should be burned to de stroy any Insect or disease that may infect It . Third, the spraying mutt not be abandoned became the crop hat fail ed. Begin in time and tpray Jutt as faithfully at though expecting a big crop of fruit Spraying Is likely to be very effective this year, If the direc tions on pruning and burning are car ried out, because the parts of the tree carrying the diseases and insects have been largely destroyed. There will be, consequently, fewer enemiea left to combat Fourth, the cultivation should be thorough and good. This Is necessary In order that the tree may have sufficient food supply for the vigorous growth which It should make. These attentions are all necessary to assist tbe tree In Its recuperation. Kedsle's Ppraylng Mixture. The spraying mixture formula by Profes sor Kedsle of the Michigan agricul tural college is as follows: Boll two pounds of white arsenic and four pounds of salsoda for fifteen minutes In two gallons of ws'er. Put Into a Jug and label "poison." and lock It up. When you wish to spray slake two pounds of lime and stir It Into forty gallons of water, adding a pint of the mixture from the Jug. The mixture U the Jng will roet 43 een , and this Is enough for too gallons or SO barrels of apray. These 20 barrel will require 40 pounds of time, whlci. will cost to rents more, making the total coal IS eeata for SO barrels, or V-i cents per barrel, iwauty as Well as Prt.ftt-1 tktak nsay pple " f? or'ai pleasure la cu)tHail. their gardr b a'i Ikty rr their plants only from a huetee standpoint, and da nut spare elate them aa ttlcts of beauty. A loag at it ftttte but ItlMa, Ut a 4!it tate Ike Me foe tke btiitfil. or the e.tketU of our aatura. While prkp Ike tuiwl (tf u In ut; war k or Utw and efds t tka uftisl bRint, t we atar ofta. when 'at Int fur Hull. Ua that It ai'l t rf4kaul ia eurece. We shtlt ft mure ea raal frt mt wurk. aad euf D'a wilt k bltf f ktilul talUt4 a latie fv tka koautitui aa t attftla I saUf-MlhUaa I'sra if. (Iraftiei IMum a4 hrrlra ) 4 N trarted a la Mana a il taa a a.., rHWat ul the a'tet iaat Mixaa. I hat. trafe4 la ta rrar aad tka air r Uiw i.m altrarl ApvLe eaa h 'ati4 later. t WM Ike Ii4t start J. etu r DtD rn IULII UU INDEPENDENT. WE SATISFY EVERY WANT Ion won't be ashamed of shirts' you boy here. They'll e righ in the height ol style, and they'll wear a long time. We offer one lot of shirts bought at 60o on ine aouar, which were made to sell 75c; sale price, each 3Q0 Our regular 78c Laundered Shirts with 5 attached and detached collart, A7a , sale price, each..... .U I U fl.OO Laundered Shlrto with and with- onyollars, sale price, OCO LACESIN THREE LOTS REAL TORCHON Lot 1 Worth up to lie per yard; Ija sale price, per yard I V Lot 2-Worth up to 18o 1-20 Lot 8 Worth up to $5o per 170 yaro; sate price per yaro., THE NEW IDEA PATTERN. In offering to oar customers The New Idea Pattern, we do so feeling that the saving to them of from 10 to 90 cents on a paper pattern Is something that will be appreciated, ana aiso win ne re cognised as In keeping with onr general kiMliuu nnllflinar nf tnrnlahlnir nnf customers with tbe greatest valus we can for ths lowest prioe. New Idea Pat term, ail teiuor, any etyie, any in ties ........ I WW THIS SAXjEj FRED 981 O Stroot, OppoDito PostoHlco, For one 7eelr wo will ofibr Ilon'o Wheelo at reduced prices. Wo havo a number of SPECIAL BARGAINS. $ 7 CA ONE Second-hand AJAA Jv wheel in good repair. Clfl AA whave 2 2d-hand wheels PlloUU at this figure, in good repair. CI C A A One new wheel at this price. 41 J.UU IT'S A BARGAIN. towweewe eeeeee DON'T MISS THIS CAANCE , ! irs a Winner. HARDY 1124 6 B E GOOD Hew ' a I Q -L I rir 1 . i At Prices That Will Make Your Heart Glad. None better, no matter bow much you ' . fny, Monthly Fashion Shoot can be had HEi at our store. BARGAINS INa i . Percale. ' . Madras Goth. and Gingham. 25 pieoet 83 inob Percale, regular 7o, sAlt) rloe. CA per yard.. VV 88 Plw5M Perca'lne Franealse, a full yd., wide, extra fine, regular A 1 Oa lie, sale price, per yd eeeeaetee 13 pieces Bclndle Madras Cloth, regular 18)40, sale price, - lift per yard .1........... I IU 80 pieces French Gingham, regular lOo, p....:.. 0 3-40 HAMMOCK SALE 75c Hammocks, i. i 070 - mmtm uri.................. ............ fl.OO Hammocks, OCo sals price. '.... ..........M.lia.f t.tfim,.., $1.95 Hammocks,, 01.13 01.00 sais pnoe... $1.75 Hammocks, sale price, ..........,. Regular price $9.35, $8.00 and $4.00 at Cf.CO 02.70 6 JJ3.C0 SHOES! SHOESI' 34 pairs kid laee ladles shoes, tan, pat snttlpooln toe, 2 to 8, revnlar $3, per pair 97 naira ladles kid. laee and button. stock and patent tip, eoia toe, to t up, i 7, regular $2.60, sals price, 01.CO iP"ir...i.................Mt....i lA naJr Udlea kid. tan. stock tin. coin toe. broken lots. regular ftt JA $8, sals price, per pair... PfisW Complete Hoe of Ladles' Optra slippers and Lace Oxforde. 'anjrto in pilot irom............... .tri iiii.tc-j itii vnwwvmww OLOSH1S ON TUESDAY. JUT4E 13 SGH1DT THIS IS SALE. $22.50 a FURNITURE STREET, LINCOLN, NED. TO YOUH HOME tUY A Lincoln Steel Itee aad W. foar de a aa4 taanly WareaateJ the tntwl irte e4tkii suit laade. e ae la haal et,i4 t.uwd fat WvW4 i4,aad liae evry Aaage ill) aebaetus) a4 tie), ahiea aka tt laHMMihai to eel Irs ta tear I e. laey are aa laa. alir !, asp-taMlata ta rtkf aad 4at:. tall akkat irisaawai, H aut taa say i4 u4 la! aiU laat 0 lN v4 amtr, ewJ4 aa ati, Te kt e e!i la ai taa Mae ttm aiatm." It uaf aWe tit al kaa4l kat he ekaa gra taiaiaka. Vlrtwi ta aa aad aul i-rvtkka a eaj ut hi Ut l ee al reMHaakM elm UtickiuM Dros, Mfj. Co UNULNtNKH. UAKKIU f alrmtite hae Uda.(ry-aaia la Hheat lav WMef M tttKiaka UiSsMaw lUakt aavl Kifetaae CwsMMea at li4a, asd aaaaie aa.e haea Man4al ak -tttaa Vm Uv4 aad eWlaeraai Uatlw -" hi ihv Ml OBARGAINOOOO Assortment somewhat broken, bit still a good many tlses left; vetyebeap. Child's lace Osforde, 5, 6ft , for fA only, per palr...,..........w.....N... w J Child's laee Oxforde and Strap laadrle. black and tan, rlf a pair eeeeeetteteeesetetteefee W w biases' laee Oxfords and Strap z3'.s, blaok and tan, r-a A ptlJrs tte ettt4eeMMMeeeeM4teeti'- V W1 wsf Cadlta'laot Oxfords, 3 to i, were $1.85 to $1.75, no.., T'W pair V w J Meo'eOr. Congress spring heel plow shoes at reduoed prloes. men's piow pace, a oompieM assort meat. MOT TOONO rTBTJ) If you could have the goods tcf-i yon as yon read these prices, yoo wo-J get aa nndentandlng of what Is feofj offered, ; 95 dosen Child's ribbed hose, food q-rJ ity, sale prior, f'l per palr.................................m....C J 60 dosen child's seamless, doable best and tos, 5 to 9, regular 8 l-8e, tn sale price, per pair ............ I U 80 dosen child's hose, doable ktse, 8 to . W,..0 1-C3 Lincoln. ITobrccIri A GENUINF CUT PHICE DON'T MISS IT. tla. . Ac. F1 000 X A av A AA AAAAA AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAA A We will sell a limited num ber $27.50 wheels at $22.50 TQ A A A As a leader, a few Issperbh 4a)U.UU fitted with G.J.Tlfcs. tjor AA We have one new pattern 4) J JeUU 30-in. wheel at this price. CO., c D.nifTffs his. nth st Ttath etlrMteJ vlteoat t-aia, , 1'iteealaia I'UH iUM t'rwaaa aad vatfc. tla adatlataterwl ur tka tiaWaestraetkMi 4 teeth. MulTwtk, X AH vwk rraatt. V i fear' tiriees Lincoln tlcbraslia eiii.iiiijiipiiiiiiiii.jijeiiwiiji.i.iiiiiii 1 iiiiMiuijiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiii.iHiiaiij.iiiiajta W4.I an II. I ta4 lailiea tritt Dili K IV, May t-l taaa Iwmts ae 1 1 1. a4 a ywwaat krwtVee, alUrea f traaH ll, a tiurUaa la tie mtliwwr, tea wa-Ur aervaV tke f(r koiagi tkarg4 alt taaeder lf k. fatkee. gSa aWk htaa Urvma-v Ik h4 aktta k aWpi laa taaa eiw.l tj ki rij, H Uta-1 aa! f atal ted taaek t lk la