The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 08, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Liwton Hit Transferred Action to
the Southward,
War 4raty Wn Is be Crwh4 ot
Drives ! I, (Ml Oeaere4
Hall's rvss Wm WnM by lec
awesaee. '.; mmmmmmmm
Mi if a a, Juo 6. Tb scene ot the
,, If b ting hM changed again and ft
campaign Is now oa east and south of
Manila, a territory that was cleared
of rebels more than two moo tin ago
by General Lawton, Lawtoa wm
again In charge of the plan of action,
bat General Hall wm fa direct com
pand of the espedltlon.
With part of the Fourth cavalry,
tb Oregon and Wyoming volunteers,
the Ninth infantry, and gune of the
First and Sixth artillery, General
Hall lefs the pumping station at ft
o'clock Saturday morning to fight hit
way over the bill to Antlpolo,
The plan waa to drift tha native
troopa under General 1'llar from Anti
polo to tha Morong penlneula, where
tbero would be do escape for tbsm.
Tha main body of tha natives waa
tippoeed to be In Antlpolo, Hall's
army waa to attack tbam in tbs rear,
whlla a strong force would meat their
front from Tay-Tay. Thus tba Incur.
Seat forces should be driven to tha
lorong peninsular and crushed or
Tba plan was a good one, but it
failed of compute success because it
took seven hours for Hall'a troops to
cover tba dletaaee, which it had been
agpeoted would taka tbam two, and
tba Insurgents were warned in time
to ran to cover.
Tha failure of Hall to get through
to Antlpolo in time waa dua first to
lbs riot swamps tnoouotared, soldiers
wading through tbam waist desp in
mud, and secondly to a fight in tha
bills four miles from tha town. Tba
Oregon regiment and tha detachment
of tha Fourth cavalry suffered in tba
encounter, Tba Insurgents fired npcfa
tha attacking column from atrong
trenches high up on tha mountain
aide, and, althounb driven from these, j
kept up a running lira for aavaral
General Pall's column, in the move
meat upon tba Morong peninsula,
completed a ciroult of twenty miles
ovar rough and mountainous country,
having two engagements with tba
Insurgenta, one of tbam aevere, and
keeping up an almost constant lire
against scattered bands of rebels for
nearly twenty-four hours, from 4
o'clock Saturday morning, when the
column left the pumping station.
The Filipinos were driven in every
direction and the country through
which Oeneral Hall passed was pretty
thoroughly cleared.
In tbla fight the American lost waa
four killed, three of tbe Fourth oav
airy and one Oregonian, and about
fifteen wounded Tbe Filipino loss
could not be ascertained,
The original plan waa to aurround
the foreaa of Oeneral Ito del Pilar so
that be must retreat to the Morong
peninsula, where capture would have
been inevitable.
Thla waa not a complete sucosss be
cause Oeneral nail's column found
the country full of handicaps to
marching. There were aeveral
streams to be brldgod or forded, and
the troops frequently floundered
through morasses, waist deep in mud,
an experience which, under the tor
rifle sun, exhausted tha Americana
quite beyond endurance. Moat of
Oeneral l'lo del Pilar' followers are
supposed to have escaped northward,
probably reaching llosonloso, a strong
hold in the mountain.
Oaneral Hall is marching from An
tlpolo, about alx and one-half utiles
northeast of Morong, toward ' the
' peninsula, with bta forces spread out
to cover a large section.
Colonel Truman, with the First
North Dakota regftaent, aod the
Twelfth Infantry, Is advancing along
tha coast of ths lake from Taytay, in
aldeutally clearing several small
towns, Colonel Wholley, with the
First Washington regiment, has land
ed on the peutnsula above the town
ot Morong. Tbe army gunboats Nap
Idea, Covadonga and Ceste are In a pi
altloa to eo-opcrata
Metaeeaaiia (ihm the Steak Ulaad
tMtoee la Kill HiwMtr la teaaba.
Tors a a, Kan,, June A I U (lut
ings, aaalataat trektvrer tf the Chi
sago, tUk Wlaad A 1'selfle railway,
With headquarters In ToMka, eoiev
milted euleUte Jutt before anon to-day
by shouting klnteelf tUc througk
tha heart at kls rww lathe IMel
Tbrevfk Ills eeovuui are la first,
el ess ewedllUM, but he had be etek
t aeveral tttuuth aad k)ee U
H MMte AetataeMe Aete4,
Faata, Jans t -The Theater fell!
Trtaat, al VerteUUs, liw Metis
AaUlavtte tftea etl, U t be ee4
fwf ana prfarniai tlf kt. The
Ctaeee will be given by awa
art la ai4 ef charity
at aay a thee Udtea aha aish to vul
art cap r,cr;2Y
fiaf h as la sare ttsM al feats
on ant sUike, jta fvtud
eUaca la asaae ftmlf 4 apsadlaj
aaaacy aaailj, ta Meare luare. Pea4
IttM etaVk aa4 UU itneihiM hf
tl,ta4 aamajesjee at a, (lotl
aaa t aay here, Aidreaa
f, ill! Al
Tbe Twwer That Haste' fat Ntll
Hank a Dinr to ibe Coaalrr,
Tbe straggle for gold Is the most
?ltlfnl siwttacle of oar civilisation.
Vhy Is it I Hlroply becatise gold baa
been placed npon a pedestal by wblcb
It commands all other forma of wealth.
Muttfio not freose and starve in Alaska
for gold, but for what tbey can cptn
tnand with gold. Gold means every
thing tbat can be pnrcbaisd. Plationm
Is more valuable per ounce than gold,
bnt yoo never beard of a "platinum
fever," ceasing thousands of men to
risk life and limb In tbe most desolate
regions of tbe earth simply because tbe
I vice of platinum is not bolstered up by
aw, It is not money. Hy means of al
most snperbnman efforts In tbe gold
fields tbe production of gold is gradasl
jy incrsasing, and things are getting
easier. Most thinkers believe tbat tbe
change is due to tbe Increased produc
tion of gold, resnlting in more money.
Tbis is arerysmall factor, The in
crease in bank loans and bank credit is
what is doing tbe bnsiness. Tbe banks
can tbus make easy times or bard times
at tbelr pleasure.
If r. Albert Uriffln of Topeka bas sent
me an exhaustive table from official
sources, showing tbe vast increase In
tbis "boens poem money," as be calls
It tbat is, bank crsdit He is waiting
for Istsr reports before publishing the
table, wben we will present tbe exact
fscts. In a recent letter to me lit
Urlflln ssysi "It msy surprise even yoo
to learn that tbe national banks of New
York city have every dollar of their
capital, surplus, ondlridsd profits, un
paid dividends, bank notes and more
than $16,000,000 of their depositors'
money invested In bonds, stocks, real
estate, etc., and yet, with fll9,000,000
less than anything to lend, tbey were,
on Sept. 10 last, drawing Interest oa
1441,000,000 of commercial loans and
discounts loans of monsy that bad ab
solutely no existence and their condi
tion Is a great deal worse bow than
I tblnk tbere is a much better solu
tion of tbe mcney Question than tbe
fro coinage of silver. But would It not
be better to bave a real money in cir
culation tban this mythical money
made by tbe joggling art of tbe "finan
ciers?" At once someone says, "But
silver would give ns'a SOcentdollsr.' "
Would not tbe demsnd tbat brings tbis
mythical nothing to par bring a real
and tangible silver dollar to par t The
substance of wblcb tbe dollar la made
is sot Importsnt, bnt tbelr number
should be right sufficient for tbe de
mands of business and tbe maintenance
of pricee and no more and tbey should
all be Issued by tbe general govern
ment. Tbat tbere are not enougb real
dollars in existence for tbe demands of
bnsiness Is proved by the above men
tioned jnggling in order to meet tbe de
mands of bnsiness and for wbicb tbe
bankers collect an enormous tribnta
What If tbey were called npon to liqui
date f Then the deficiency of real money
would be painfully apparent. Dr. C
F, Taylor in Medical World.
reteas Attacked r the favlaae
Beak Tbe Kspveee Uekbers.
It bas been a custom for yeara for
people of limited means to Invest tbelr
savings in money ordera A man with
a little money wblcb be did not want
to trust in a aavings bsnk and who did
not want to carry it about with bim
would go to tba postoffice and buy a
money order payable to himself, know
ing tbat be could get it whenever be
wanted it
That is to ssy, with highwaymen on
the one band and savinga banks on the
other, tbe man with money very nat
urally turned to Uncle Bam.
Tbe custom constantly increased till
It aituuied huge proportions.
It was a source of rsvenne to tbe
government, for tbere le profit in tbe
money order business.
' Dut tbe bsnkers did not like It, nor
did tbe highwaymen!
Bo tha bankera (the highwaymen did
not bave gall enougb) Induced tbe gov
ernment to change tbe lawa governing
tbe iaaoance of money orders, so tbat
now, as we nnderitsnd It, a man can
not get a money order payable to bta
own order I
Tbe Intention, of course, Is to drive
men to invest in savings banka
In other words, It la a scheme solely
in tbe Interest of savings banka
Hereafter It is simply a choice be
twea robbers robbers with guns or
robhvrs with records of "high moral
standing," Their "pals ' are govern
mmi I servants who changed the Uw.
Of course there are varlons ways of
heating the law. For Instance, a tuaa
msy get come friend' of some member
of bis family to buy tba money order.
of he raa bay It hi met If aad hav it
payable to acute friend bad then get kie
1 1 trad Id amlya II la klut.
Abutber lualebec where the govera-
nirbl has dune we of the saute t
if duty work f.r the benefit tf eotvta
tk bs Is la tba waller of espteee money
wdtia It lwKt a tea ei I reals e
ettre atfty ordet. and then, la of1
dr al ta lake advantage of l be as
lima tuuittauiee as a fowpeiitwr, II
ul Ike isle t fls lucuey dr
trMtl AM arte Is where tbe "Jus'
MtMM-e ta Ike eiffeas cviepeelea make
tbel'ilfua rit Ike 1 reals M tbe stamp I
Nte. kt I'avle taut ought l do te
t Mive bulks Ma ibssipfeasttiuipatl
IM fthe they pay IN tal tbsim! ec,
tbua4 if MiHpelliea; the paUva 1m pay
It be wUI ledetfe Ike ihm tal ey
4 tele down la a boibt wbete ewl
testa ite aty atdet will be par
ibMwd louf WMtde, aaleaa Ikeaa
ftte rvMtsaire eMbtall ta the dly el
itetibi tbeit sheie if the war let the
git-iMM.t sHwaMdilte IheM !!
lb uitiaef tadel hMBea
itiit. U ttfutt, auikiag t Ike klal
111 be d. f ta ! tie twvetasaesl
ten tor Ike beaent vf haskeis and tlvkj
rvfp4eUaae!Ntua't ll.alkly
Tbe Vote That Elected Maroe Jaee
Aualra4 for rrlaelple.
At tbe time of tbe election of Mayor
Jones of Toledo as an independent can
didate over those of tbe Republican and
Democrat lo machines together it was
announced tbat, notwithstanding tbe
signal triumph of tbis amiable man and
whole sou led reformer, tbe city govern
tnent was in possession of tbe Bepobllc
ana Tbe dispatches shedding no light
on tbe point of whether Mayor Jones
ran alone or wltb a full municipal
ticket, we wrote bim direct for Infor
nation, asking if tbe Bepnblicans elect
ad to tbe city council were Bepnblicans
of bis stamp or of tbe machine order.
Our purpose in doing tbis was to set
tie ibe question of whether tbe very
pattering vote given Mayor Jones was
as intelligent as sympathetic. Wa bad
our doubts about It, notwithstanding
tbe announcement of tbe good man
himself tbat "tbe people bad tri
ampbed," We thought we caw in tbe
itnation the evidence of stupidity more
tban tbst of patriotism. And as "or
ganised labor7' was represented as hav
ing taken an active part In tbe cam
paign we attributed much of tba stu
pidity to that source, It being thor
oughly in keeping with its efforts po
litical in tbe past
. The following reply from Mr. Jones
confirms our suspicion of tbe situation i
Dear Sir I have been unable to discover
an difference in the moral purposes In
spiring ths Republican and femooratlc
parties In this elty, Uoth party ma
chines are alike. There la no difference
between them, but Hepublloane and Dem
ocrats alike are all people, and as most
men are dlnoosed to be honest 1 am
muck Inclined to hope tbat cur oouncll
will do as much as ths law will allow
them In tbe war of progressive work.
The Deeple need educating, That la In
deed the erylna need cf tbe present time.
Youre sincerely, : .. . -
a. It, Josas-
Altboogh tbis is meant to be some
what evseive, it isn't so, but a virtusl
acknowledgment of our conception of
tbe situation being correct Here, then,
we bave a lot of eupposed Intelligent
American citizens voting for a good
man to do good things and at tbs same
time voting for a lot of bad men to pre
vent tbe good man from doing any
thing, And Mayor Jones received those
tboucsnds of votes from these very in
consistent people not alone because be
was by tbew considered a "gooa man,
but becsuse he was known to be a gen
erous employer. Had be been a mere
workingman laboring for bis daily
wage bis goodness would bava been
overlooked and tbe machine politicians
would bave bad tbelr votes rather than
tbe reformer. And tbe intelligent work
ingman reformer knows and scknowl-
edges every word of tbis allegation to
be tbe trntb.
. However, tbe workingman, organized
or otherwise, is not tbe only specimen
of American stupidity to beind
among na We bsve bis counterpart la
many of our bnsinesa men. Tbey, too,
will vote for a "good men," or one
having tbe reputation of being snob,
going even out of tbeir party to do it,
but tbey will vote for other men at tbe
ssme time whose principles are diamet
rically opposite, and tbus bave tbe one
neutrslice tbe efforts of tbe other.
It would be much safer for tbla class
of people to stsy away from tbe polls
nntil tbey bave learned better bow "to
do politics," as Ella Ormsby wculd say.
Tbey are sadly in need of tbe "educa
tion" that our Toledo mayor refera ta
Tbey should understand all tbat ia in
volved in the issues presented to tbera
for tbeir verdict Tbey are tbe Jury
and should bear all tbe evidence in tbe
case presented before taking action
thereon ; otherwise tbe ballot in tbeir
bands Is as likely to accrus to tbelr
detriment as tbst of the rszor aa a
plaything In tbe hands of a child. In
fact, tbat'a about what it bas been in
American politics for many years, with
tbe exception, of course, of tbe few
shrewd onee who 'run tbe gains."
Hartford Examiner.
Praaeblses fboald Ba Taied,
Some franchises of tremendous value
now escape laiallon. Msny of them
weretbtained by doubtful methods. By
some mesne tbe holders of such fran
chisee should be compelled to contribute
to the eipense of government There la
room on Ibe statute books fir a law
which will not only provide for a lei,
but which will not rontemi'late either
conflm'sllon or sny thing bordering upon
It There Is rnnu on the ststnte books
for a law which will so opmate lhat
sums return shall be made fur privllegea
exchanged for, in many raws, U-m than
a meat of pottage. With tbis proposi
tion only the beneflclsrlee themselves
willqusrrsl It is hot sodsltain. It
does bo! svea suggest em lallm Tre
mendous revenues route from ftsa
ibises. Tbe IUI of prlvtlvge worth mil
lions a year Is sa ejreediagly long on
Tbs rtuvl Una that they bsve la free
froia aawiauieet Mmi sbougk bascrya
talllM.oliroi.klya :,!
fetes taaaer'e Prtaelptea.
tlvbetal Jtittea II Weaver, at the la
rval Uuiiil .f Ibe 11 wr tWpvr l'p"
sttut rluk of tiwaka. spoke la Ike toast
of '!' rtr," lis said I'vUt IW
rr's pxlltltsl Mtas were very simple
lad foetMed tf three faadsaieaUl
Cftafli'lee. wkttk ks strove ta have
atly appHett la nalieael life,
nut Tba Mee4ftc tf Ike
aallu Mt be eacntsd fit fusaiga
lalvtfert nv. dlvtstloa or lane, si
tae lasarisl e puiitleet.
"coed la diwesile allaUls
tUm the ihwitiae of eail tiskie sboatd
foul) at all baiaida, sUe the preeaf v
ellva of Ufa, liUrlj aad Ike pateall v4
bipHaeaa Were laitMsslkla
"Third. -.That tha auwer In teaaa
aa eoattttl tka wlaine el aarteetey la
all epM(Ubt auvsraign NaHM aad
eaatt ba etetcld by Ike genets! ft
eraaeat ty, wtit the taltrvsatMi
al banks f leswa"
University of Nebraska, May 80.
United Btatea deoartmentof agrioulture.
climate and crop bulletin of tbe weatber
bureau, Nebraska aeetlon lor tbe week
ending May W, lsvv, a a, m.
Tf.A tal kuk' MAsm Mtltk
luff ifBiv v, w m uam www wmh. wimi
more than tbe normal amount ol cloudi
ness and eufflclent rainfall for present
needs. Tbe averaare dally temperature
exoees baa been between 2 and 8 degreea.
Tbe raiolall baa been normal or above
In moat parte of tbe atate, except In tbe
soutbsaetem and extreme eoutb western
countlea. where tba rainfall bas been
light generally leas than a quarter of
an men.
Tbla baa been a good growing week.
ana tbe ground la now in excellent con
dition in all parte of tbe atate. Data,
wheat, ne and barky bava grown well.
Data are a rather tbin stand generally
and are becoming quite weedy, Bye is
beading out. i'oru planting nas neen
delayed in tbe northeastern counties and
In a few other localities by tbe heavy
ralne. Moat of tbe corn ia planted, and
aa a rule, la coming up nicely, with a
good atand. la a few of tbe eastern
counties heavy rains bare washed ont
corn, making replanting necessary, and
in the northern counties tba cold, wet
weather baa caused the ased to rot In
the ground somewhat; however, tbe
stand at present promisee to be above
tbe averaa-e. cultivation oi corn has
commenced la tbe southern countlea.
1'aaturee are In good condition, and
stock on tbe rangs la western counties
1 doing well, Sugar beet are up and
cultivation and thinning bave com-
A Soldier's Escape.
From tbe Demeerat-M eeesflS, aft. kterllsf, III,
When Richmond had fallen and tba
great commanders bad met beneath tbe
Historic appis tree at Appomattox, tbe
88d Pennsylvania Volunteers, prema-
maturely aged.clad
in tatters and rags,
broken in body but
of dauntlesa spirit,
swuag Into line for
tbe laet "grand re
view" and then
quietly marched
away to begin life's
fray aoew amid tba
bills and valleys of
Ibe keystone state.
Among the num
ber Asia Robinson
came back to the
old borne in Mt
sterling, III., back
to tbe tl reside tbat
be bad left at tbe
(Tbe Soldier's Retard
call to arms four years previous. He
went away a nappy, healthy farmer boy
in tbe first flush of vigorous manhood;
be came back a gboet of tbe sell tbat
answered to President Lincoln's call for
WM),OO0 mors."
Today be Is an alert, active man and
telle tbe story of bis recovery aa followe:
"1 waa a great sufferer from sciatic
rheumatism almost from tha tlms of my
discharge from tbs army. Most of tbe
time I was unfitted for manual labor of
any kind, and my Bufferings were at all
times intense, At times I waa bent al
most double, and got around wltb only
ths greateet difficulty. - Nothing seemed
to give me permanent relief until three
years ago, when my attention waa
called to come of the wonderful cures
effected by Br. Williams' Pink Pills for
pnle people, I had not taken more tban
naif a box wben I noticed an Improv-
ment in my condition and I kept on im
proving steadily. I took three boxes of
tbe pills, and at tbe end of tbat time was
In better condition tban at any time
since tbe close ol my army service. Sinoe
tnen i nave never been ootnerea witn
rheumatism. Dr. Willlama' Pink Pilla
for pale people ie tbe only remedy tbat
ever did me any good, and to tbera I
owe my reetoratlon to comparative
health. Tbey are a grand remedy."
Editor Independeavti
I tblnk tbe country women as a ruls
do not glvs sufficient attention to
flowers tbat so beautify our sur
roundings. Many will remember tbelr
grandmotbera country gardens where
peonies, snowball and daffodil bold place
of honor, Those great yellow bunchee
of daffodils nsver (ailed to give fine clus
ters ol blossoms which greeted ne like
alanine ol sunsblns oa a rainy day.
Vt bet her they a row In beds, or were scat
tered In tbs areas where they renelvs no
care at all, seemed to maks no difference
In their g"nerous blooming, Pid you
all loee your flowers? Last winter in
the drendlul oold so many did. I tblnk
thnae of us wbo have a eurpluc should
divide with tkoee unfortunate ones, 1
have seeds al many pretty flowers, I
will send a lew ol any kind to any IrUade
ho will Had a sail addressed alamiied
Hivaiop, 1 bave seeds aa folios: Hua
ebiae paney, weeping palm, aorlkera
light, double luk. diamond flowar. ekry
aaaibemunt, alveium, II tka kind yon
ealertUgene I'll send you aoate other
pretty one. m late ta pleat la your
earllun you eaa keep tha bmhI lor aeil
MMia, i boe Mima ot yoa aba love
Aitwere alii write lor tbew,
Mas, Ot'eaia Towia,
.Naught, Tetaa,
U b rMij tVeit al ,eaa CaeeW
! t Sv,ka. lei ( khit.
Im mi MmI.ii4 t t J
aali kiUMMl,iiw,M Varna!,
bhM r,.v a " ',
I " I-mmS tf e o, Iwmi u4 la af
tMI ltU,t aat,Sl tka a Mtitanl fm
fwttu iit-ui lk wk ae itawt tut
I w,Mt aMMM4.t s la 4 . J
ai. t40h- tea aMi wt a4 !
.t.ulU lUtl M'llwt tl mU ta
MlHiimlni, IUm lteitl aliM
Itaa, at W a a. m . a4 tiita la
fmt at tka wuwa at t . aw ta
. 4 tka S iMt' e Ma ita a4
vatast, at4 W Mkla aa4 mm4 tka
rm ,! oJHai,ai at tkeeee ta
. K I ,
1 a4ea SakMabaS bt ISfat aaS
" talk b tehfMtut atiat
! ka'i,
! kkk ek4aai ul Ika SHI
44 vlkts ies. a t ilij.
'At runt to Iht advertisers o(
thii paper
oa.oso pon A,ivor.i Awp face
f 9 1 ,w propose ipandlnr above Sum In presents fi sd vertUe cur Mae-
we propose ipandlne eb
sine, lioufc sharply at the
Is sn ssact ruprorfuotUm.
senua eeoouiff
uw nnauN ii
rasoers secures
i Jmfi. .
rTaseats ami iiaraeaiateir. aar
certificate of Putllcatlan.
oyyici of ;'i
Auditor of Public Accounts.
SHU OfNtbflskA,
Llneola, febniary I, MM,
IT IS fJEgKBT CKRTimD, Tbat tbe
Northwestern Life Assurance
Company, of Chicago, in
the State of Illinois,
bM compiled wltb tbe fnesrsses Law cf tbl
Stale asd le antherlsad to traaaaet tbe boiloati
trf Mle losersoce Is tbis State for tbe evrrent
WUdmm sty base asd tbe teal ol tbe 4 editor
of fsblte aefoeats tbe 4af aed rear above writ
tea, y 1.1. COBSKLly,
(Seal.) Aadltor If. 4,
Certificate of Publication.
orrica or
Auditor of Public Accounts.
State Of Ne'afMki.
Lfocoie, rebraary I, ISM.
IX ia. sr. aeat CKaTiriEU. Tbst tbe
State .Mutual Hog Insurance
Association, of rairticld,
in the State of Ne'
bee compiled wltb b lainraBoe Law ol tbis
State aad w eetborlMd to tni.act the bnloe
ol iMorlnt Hose Maloat death b dlMaee Is
tills State lor tbe eerreot yar.
WltBMM my band sad tbe teal ol tbe Auditor
ol Pablte Aeeoente tb day aed year above writ,
tee, I. T. CORNKLI,,
(SeaL) Aadltor , k.
art mm tiici ill tlrkla tou.
aii4 for .rlo itallvsrwl al
iuur town. htrtiBK uaiitf
)-T. Uar lUrrnw, K
li-imiiM Harrow. iHino. lu
lu. H. H. I'li.w aod.K"llli.
1'iHilUtr, tiuto. Mowor.
ii, Ul u ...... i...
at ima-belt Mint (rtiwi Calalueua tree.
1, in Mm
HaeeaaS riew i'a., seas see aiMa,
p. a-Oa'r Plow faMnrr la Ike Unllad Biatee ten
taa aitac w w .
Cures without
One of thi bat
features of the
Tks Rlgga rile Care cures ail lorsaa al
rilee wltboat aae nartiole al pala, Tkle
dsairabls polat k) aol obtalae4 kj tka
m of lolurioaa oulates. wblea aimtnf
faralieaaj Ua4aa Ike aervea al taa
aarta aa4 atake saatUwa wuree la Us
ttag raa, kat It la Joes ettiet k Ita re
atarkakle keallaf aa4 aoatkiag efesta.
aa4 wklle It tkaa givaa IsasasOLate NIK
at Ika sawa tltee tka wteeaaa la aat
Mtervly skek4 kat a eal ears Is raa
Uily aeewai)iliake4.
Tka H"l
Ikal all Ikls to daaa altkual aMbrttole
of ia, Tkle fast la aaa gveal reaaaa
aky tke U'ge rile Cara la aa twaalar,
rkee ku) eeaks rat,
Lincoln, Nik
Ua4et reaie Oita US Mrtaweat
Cue. tiika4 0Uia.
fvaers II, tr ...l.tA
Corn Harvesters
are the
best In
the world
and rou will tee Ibis
i Dictum
luotlon. (Jan von I
find a Womaa'e face
in lit if.
o, mark It out and stud It le u. II onmet, fuu will receive SICO
lo monef. If mure than one lendi etnrrect replr we wlU divide the
amount equally. The balance of the sdvertulnf spproprlatkm
(ai,oo)Vlll bedlvl4ed Is latwr prtseela value gftlsa!ao,
so tbat eaah oaa will receive a present. Kverrone must enclose
as cants with aiuwar Cur au!urtrtni ,y. mi. uuui.a aMh Jul
aw.aiMiHHi. tun m m soanoe ivnenie.
At evarr
will receive a prwent,
Wa now hava lMXab
ay aonasfy. liberal
raluy and never advertising.
wtwfj Ko u aaanuitae mU dtllrarr to Jot rU
rweataMoa. V MfloaW Smim vaaid abarea Voa JH4S
lor (Ub a rto, tb7riht U on If attoaf SI JMar AMmt,
Chicago or the East?
Tbe Through Eiprsss From
Via Oroaba
f Stem )
Chicago Express from Kans. City
Id addition to Pnllman Sleepers, Free
Chair Care, aad tbe Beet Dining Car Ser
vice In tbe World, are equipped with
furnished in club styls and supplisd witk
latest periodicals. Illustrated papers and
a select library of meat fiction.
Colorado or the West?
Faat, carrle dining care and rullmaa
eleepere. Leaves Omaha 0:40 p. m.i
Kaneaa City 0:80 p. m. Mt. Joseph 4:ft0
it. ntand arrive at Deuver and Colorado
Bpringa neat morning. '
Jjtti. 8:nkTUS, K. W. Tuowpaoa
U.I'.Ar.A.,tbUgo. AO.l'.AT.A.,
Topaka, Kane.
F tB If. Habxis. C, 1'. A T. A.,
f.iwenln. V-liraufca.
Conservatory ol Music.
The beat and ekeapaat erkotil of muaic
la tka state, Saving tke Unreal arnuUr
ol iu4l4 during tbe Mat fear, Head lor
UluaUaled auavealr tlaJvHHW.
A. ALTON ll Uit.Cr, l rii-aU
( I.CUkNa alOYU A, Dlrwtar,
ljth anil 1. Strcctv
tiios, Mcculloch,
Df AllR IN
Hides, Wool
Pelts Etc.
IriTifftM fir k0"" e eneeMaa,
found earfeaV N I
jyatlf a.ry 1 I
cTiiyes. " 1?V
four ) 1-57-1
andrralBM ebayaii. TkJJ etaee If Mm . I. era U
WMiUill.toaMaMSli awde f mat ban ptf free, ira
aiil vlttM afaaawalattaaf aad irtaiailan, ectra
Ww fa. aaaalwaeiaieat fwailiU IkVifinii iiS. baaa.
on. ku-ir rwMDU4 baM. Swtawtk.w will, aad
wm furol.h rSaS aa ,11 aoaS btm. aiaklna I a Bar-
Im wi kmwm. WB baCB k e.BaS aUBASfta
917 0 Clrtit, Ifcctla. K:i.