The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 08, 1899, Image 1

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4 ' -'' ' i
The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated
NO. 4
Editor Independent!
. Tbe persistent effort to grab wbnt re
mains of the public free land of tbe
United Statea calls for renewed, energy
and vigilance on th part of tboM wbo
would preserve It.
Tb latest phase ol tbla question Is
rlv Idly before oa in the rush of entries
trader tbe "Reservoir Act" In tbla state.
Report from Sidney, Valentine and other
land ofllot towae arc tbat land ie being
taken under the new act at tba rat of
100 quarter taction a day in each place.
At tbl rata tba remaining free land of
Nebraska, chiefly tand bill though it be,
will not lout long. "
It it a remarkable fact tbat tbieact
which waa approved by tba preaideat
January IS, 1807, remained practically
unknown and nnuted on tba federal stat
ute book until tbla spring mora than
two year afur it became law. Tber
are mora remarkable facta connected
with tbe biatory of tbla Act it original
and present application wbiob I bar
taken tba pain to look up in the record
and think nay be of Interest to your
- Tba flrat tbing tbat attracted my
apegial attention in tbe act at tba time
; it came Into publio notice , waa tbat the
' title wo for an act "providing for tbe
location and purchase of public lands
for reservoir purposes" wbll the act
iteelfmadeno provision whatever for
tbe purchase of land. Like tha splint
bonea on the borte's leg testifying to tbe
time wben tba borso bad toes, tbla clause
in tba title testified tbat the original bill
waa one Intended to permit tbe purchase
of publio lands. In tbe process of amend'
ment the purchasing feature have been
atrieken out of tbe bill, but left in the
Tbe history of tbe bill is this: On 0e
comix 8, Hon at or Pettlgrew of
South Dakota, Introduced the bill with
its present title and original provisions.
Tbe bill waa referred to the oommittee
on public lands of which i'ettlgrew woe
" chairman. February II, WW the bill
Waa reported bock from tbe committee
with several amendments. On . March
c 80, 1800, Henator Pettlgrew called np
tbe bill wbiob bad be-in passod over In
bis absence and asked for its immediate
consideration. Senator Peffer objected
until I'ettfgrow assured him that the bill
would lead to no discussion. The bill
waa then read with itt ameadmente. An
amendment was adopted atrikingout
tbe worda "exclusive possession" as ap
plied to land entered under the act. Sec
tion 4 of tbe original bill waa entirely
atrieken out. It provided for tbe pur
chase of lands entered under the act.
Itofore purchase could ba made a reser
voir holding at least 100,000 gallons of
water must be maintained fur live yeare
on tbe quarter section claimed. Not
more than ten quarter sections could be
taken under tbe act Id any one county.
All those provisions were stricken out
without debate and in their stead the
following was inserted: Section 4. That
congree may at any time amend, alter
or repeal this act." With these chungee
the bill was ordered engrotsed and
. passed the senate without opposition.
Probably the most utterly childish nloce
of humbuggcry was the adoption oi sta
tion 4 in the amended form. As though
a clause providing tbat congress might
amend, alter or repeal an act bad any
effect or should be thought to have any
effect by gentlemen ol tbe great United
States seuatet (X coorne the object of
the clause waa to forentall attack upon
. tbe bill on the ground tbat ite provis
ions might be nbueed, but that such an
utterly transparent niece of buncombe
should be incorporated in an act
puesea conurelienion.
In tbe house notion was taken on tbe
bill IWemUr 0, 1800, when Congress
man I.acey of Iowa called up the bill.
Tbe following trauecript from thscou-
greeeional Iterordof that date shows
under what circumstances ths bill paseed
tnshouM as it did tbs senate without
Mr. Uery, Mr. Ppmkrr, this till w
dratted in order to aid tbe men engaged
In the raielng of stock on the high lauds
of tb northweec, In localities hre
water la scarce, la a lew Instance the
entile aiea have eoaitrueted rearrvoire
and tbe.v propo to rouetrut t other.
Tb dittlculty, however, U that alter
they kvottt rested tb reeerrolr and
built h oreeoaary dam tbe laud is sub-
fct la honieetead entry or to aettWiiieal
. privet individuals, thus taking
aay Irani tb prreon wbobavceua
trusted lb rt-tvulrs tb advantagr
whuh tby uuHt tu obtain by their
toilrutiuu . first plac, 1 bis bill
pruLK that tuck re! voir as may be
fuaelrurtwi, aad turd as kav hltbefjo
ba wise Hat led, sbaii be cet ted, but
Ibal lky akall tMopea to puUui .
tkal tb ar(l hu have euaalruetad
thesa sballnttl kmm oil Mlllm asd
oibersitM'k reiwrtltuwiUir 1U
C'iHrt at tb at anils ,rwal lb
lluaiag alatetaeal;
l kewi fmnuin are twMtrustiKltta
gumatt (wads, a4 Urirtktta
ora rbe4v tbat slur ihy bate
aitiltt lba,t alsr viiium,
urn lrreejiiUie arly, uk lb nlHt
s1vHf blMirivMi.atstbKtaJ,
isayti ni U tuaa aeeUa i4
laaO whkb U rewrvotrs ar b
W, 4 drtvli tb MStaeMi l
tbt tfirt and ta to
"It la lot htaiH u gtv tltta t tb
Ua4 wbkb Uren4r am
tl4, a4 tfatoMa ualy bat
toatriot SMcb reffwt sdr tmk
rule and regulatlona as may be pre
scribed by tbe secretary of the Interior,
and only for such time as such reser.
voire are maintained and water kept
therein. The act also provides tbat toe
land shall not be fenced and shall be
open to the free uae of any person d wir
ing to water animal of any kind.
"This Is a senate bill, and the amend
mente which were adopted in the senate
make tba bill entirely aafe, in tbe judg
ment of tbe committee. Tba bill provide
that reservoir shall not be located upon
public land reserved for other purposes.
This will not prevent any of the general
roservolrs tbat have been selected by the
geological eurvey for Irrigation pur
poses contemplated by this bill. Tbey
are also limited to 160 acres of land, so
that it will only apply to these tempo,
rary watering plaoee lor cattle grating
ipon the plaina or being driven from
point to point upon tba plains.
"Tba bill waa ordered to a tblrd read
ing; and It waa accordingly read the
third time, and passed.
"On motion of Mr. Looey, a motion to
reconsider tba loet rota wot laid on the
Tbe full toit.of tha act la herewith
given a follow!
Sec. 1 Tbat any preon,llr-took com
pany, or transportation corporation
engaged in breeding, grating, driving,
or transporting live stock may construct
reservoirs upon unoccupied publio lands
of the United States, not mineral or
otherwise reserved, for the uurooss of
furnishing water to euoh live etocb, and
snail nave control , ol aucb reservoir,
under regulations prescribed by the see
retary of the Interior, and the lands
upon wbich the earn is constructed, not
exceeding one hundred and euty acres,
so long as such reservoir is maintained
and water kept therein for such pur
poses: l'rovbled, That suh reservoir
shall not be fenced and shall be open to
tbe free nee of any person desiring to
water aniinnis ol any kind.
Hoc. 'J. Tbat any person, live-stock
company, or corporation dwiiring to
avail themselves of the provisions of
this act shall file a declaratory state
ment in tbe United States land office In
the district where tb land is situated
which statement ahall describe tbe IMid
where such reservoir is to be or bos been
constructed; shall state what business
such corporation is engaged in; specify
tne capacity ol tbe reservoir In gallons.
aod wneroer such: company, person or
corporation baa filed upon other reser
voir sites wituln tha aamo county: and It
ao bow many.
two. 8. That at any time after the
completion of such reservoir or reser-
voire which, u not completed al the data
of the passaire of this act. shall be con
structed god completed within two yearn
alter flung sueh declaratory statement.
encn person, company, or corporation
shall have the tarns accurately surveyed,
as hereinafter provided, and shall die In
tbe United States land office In the dis
trict in which such reservoir is located a
map or plat showing tba location of
such reservoir, which , map or plat shall
be transmitted by the register and re
ceiver of said United States load office
to tbe secretary of tha interior and ap
proved by him. and tuerertJter men laud
shall be rem rved from sale by tbe secre
tary of the interior so lonir as such res
ervoir is kept In repair and water kept
Mco. 4. That congress may at any
time amend, alter, or repeal this act.
It will be noticed that tbe most Ira
portant part of the act, in fact the heart
of tbe niannr, it contained In the words
ol tbe urst section wbicb says tbut the
claimant shall "bave control'' of tbe
reservoir and tbe lands on which it I
constructed, not exctwding 100 acre
"under regulation prescribed by tbe
secretary of tbe interior." Upon what
those regulations shall be depend the
ue and relative importance of the act
Ho far tbe secretary ha not indicated
with certainty what rwKulntiona be will
prescribe for tbe control of lands taken
under tbe act. The ouly Information
is In a circular from the laud depart
ment, dated July 8, 1808, from which
tbs lollowlnir. extract are taken:
' 83. Any person, llve-etotk company,
or transforation corporation eniraired
in breeding, grating, driving, or trans
porting live stock, in order to obtain
tb Ixtiiiflu of tb act must tile a declar
atory etatonieok In the United Bute
land ofliiw in tbe diatrlut where the land
Is located.
S:i. When tb applicant Is a corpora
tion It should 01 also a copy of Ms
nrtirlm of Incorporation nud proof of
Its urganiiation, a required in para
graph ot subuivMuoua i, a, a, , o, n,
and 11.
SI. Tb declaratory statement must
be under oath, and must contain the
following ttatemente;
First. Tbweuuaiy In bk'h the rr
Voir I to b or ba been eonetrueted:
lb deeeripttoa, by ta small! legal
u!mIW mIous, 40 at-rw tract or lot, of
tb lud to b rrvd lor tb rwrvo(r,
iui ludlsg aUo tb land eeeary for tb
he inertol; tbsl to lb I wet ! tha p.
JkMt'e koled,( oad belief ta land
Ustil mlueral or otbersi reeefted;
and tb bueinee of Ike applicant, Tb
total of land tu b a4 mtul not urd
I Rd acres,
ttevtiad, Tb loeatloa ol tb rrvoir,
deecf ltd by lb satalieel legal talidivte
Im, 4(ar tract or Ut, Ha areata
aemi Ite rHy la gailuss, aad tbs
height ul tb daw. f
laird, lb kuwber, bwtMa, aJ
ra ot all atbe rrvuir sites aud (
tb ai-UtkL deaWiaaUu thtMMUv
sated la Ik aaaet eoasly.
8H, Tk reetvwir, ti at aawpleM
t tb dale ol lb net, hil UiatWed
aa4 4Kiuvt4 itbtH to ynkr alter
lb BUag id lb detlarauwy steul
III be ub( o ttUttu,
87, Alter tb watr!iitMi gal eoa
WiH.t4 tb rewtvfir tk apfnt
bl bat Ikasawe, taeladisf Ik U4a
ee.ary bt tk wvps aad Jiy.
aat lb.Wftt, u ttMtedlng m fttr,
aeraratettearreyee and iwd, Tk
map oad le4 kukea k04 b bledUl lb
orooer local office.
88. When tb map. field notee. and
other papere bave been filed in tbe local
office tbe date of flliaar will be noted there
on arid tbe proper notations will be made
on the local office records, as in th caa of
tb doclatory statement. Tba maps ana
papers will then b promptly forwarded
to this office. '-:-;. f '
80. The maps and papere will be ex
amined by tbla oifloa as to tneir com
pliance with tbe law and regulations;
and to determine whether tb amount ol
land desired is warranted by the show
ins made in tba application, if found
satisfactory tbey will ba submitted to
tba honorable secretary, and upon bin
approval tba lands showa to be neoee
taryfor tba proper uss and enjoyment
ol the reservoir will ba reserved irora
other disposition ao Ions a tha reser
voir hi maintained and water kept
therein for tba purposes named Id tba
act. ' ''
40. Upon ,the receipt of notion of snob
reservation from this office tba local
officers will make tba proper notation
on tbelr records and report the making
tnereoi promptly to tbieoroce. -
41. In order tbat tbla reservation
shall be continued it is necessary tbat
tb reservoir "shall ba kept In repair
and water kept therein." For tnli rea
eon the owner of the reservoir will be
required during the month of January
ol each year to fll in tha local office an
affidavit tb tbs affect tbat tbe reservoir
baa been kept in repair and water kept
therein during the preceding year, and
that all the provisions of tbs act have
been complied with. Upon failure to file
aucn auidavit, steps will be taken look
ing to tbe revocation of the reservation
of the lands. ,
48. Ths duty of this office In examin
ing tbe maps and papers of all tbess
applications is to ascertain whether the
provisions of the acta of congress are
properly compiled with; wbetber tb
proposed works are described in such a
manner tbat the benefits to be gran tad
under tbe various acts ars defined so ae
to avoid future uncertainty; and whether
the rights of other grantees of tba
govern 'iieu t are promrly protected from
interference, Tbe above regulatlona are
made for these purposes, -44.
The widely different conditlone to
be conaidi red in tba operations proposed
by tbe applicants make it impossible to
ormuiaia regulations that will furnish
this ofllce with tba data necessary in all
cases. This office will therefore call for
additional Information whenever neces
sary for ths proper consideration of any
particular cos. uiNaEn ijkrmann,
Approved: '
V. N. Bush. Secretary.
Tba original purpose of tbe act waa to
belp certain cattle corporations estab-
nsn large reservoirs lor cattle, it waa
not intended there should ba mora than
ten of tbeae reservoirs In a singls county.
The opposition to the purchase of pub
lie lands waa ao strong In tba senate
committee on public lands as to atrike
out tne provision lor purcbase. With It
went the provision limiting tbe number
of entries tbat might be made In a aingle
eounty. wuetner this was done in ten.
tlonally or otherwise la not vet ditaloa-
ed. Tba net result of tbe amendments
bos been to make an act which permits
any person to file an unlimited number
ol quarter sections of land and bv
maintaining a "reservoir" thereon, the
site of which is not specified, with water
tnerein, ine quantity ol wbicb Is not
proscribed, to "hove control" of the
eume tor an unlimited time "under rt:u
latlons prescribed by the secretary of
ins interior, no wonder there bos buen
n men to enter land under this act.
it is true tbe title remains in the
United States of America, but what doea
one care for title if be mny have uulimit-
ea poHeeeeion aud use. Land taken un
dtr this act is excluded from homeetead
sntty. In fact very few will now care to
boweatetul a quarter section even of
good land wben tbey can securo Indefinite
pOMNeation ol tbs same, free of taxea, bv
sinking a barrel in the grouud and
maintaining water la the am. One
man can in this way sooure sverv vov-
srament quarter section in a towuehip
ana where tn laud I valuable enouab
lor grating this will ba done. Whether
mienaeu to or not, tbl act will probably
prov tb most poteullal land grabbing
u yiovmi Un lit SMIUW UOOk.
AworJing to tb Inst report of th
secretary oi tu interior there were yet
retiittiulug OW.OiU,07l acre of public
fre land in the United Statr. outeid of
vnitta. urrr auu oi this M la Arl
toua, Nsw Mexico, Montana, Idaho and
nyoinlug moat of it mnunun n.i
drt-itbout irrigation fll on I t..r
gratiug. la Nebraska there remained
,ihhi.(K)U acre, and in KaiiMM only
l.(MHi, Interior thoiiHit uioet
this land ie. II te th nitv tale ,.l
the republic, lariaitely greater thaa th
sliver question, th eipaaaio qtelkiu,
jr v a tbs alleged trust queatloa I th
land ttueeiioa-tb adoptioa ol a, iuei
syetemwhtea. shall aeeqrv ee4 to the
load by thtie who ue , VVklle eu.k a
system I btlug sbad It is ol very great
luiporunv that tk !. U kei
lor at-taai eitler t air. All ike
eio i Ibeetate orloimgatHia
ewmpaalea bad dtreotly thruuak Uud
grabber' Use lata k awpulUad-
oraMiu, Wkatever mar kebm.atka
purMM id lh,'H.(f e.rl" iu nVt
ill b deetracti. He Mil step la
lb proarant tba started wilt bft.WLle
btb attetapl tti a b'U lor lb1
parekoe id tend lka aa.W lb lUe
Wl m, ' IWsaoraed I loteariaed.
Tk mule imkI ....u. k.....L .1
awfabte araMet Ik rekUtea
ss bad aiaiaei k n.'l d-Meg tkl
palMtieel gj ws-.i.rf, U ko
b Uk oar oa a4 tij
!. kbhr a4 all, what u tkef
sf when w shoal bwk at tbw la t
t i iev 4N, "W kUker, bej4rr
-nttebarg ktM,
Tb Seal Obeet ol leraat, th la-
dai trial Reeelatloa.
"No man Is good enough to govern
another man without that other's con
sent. Wben tbs white man governa blm
aelf and also governa another man, that
la more than aelf government that la
despotism. Our reliance is In tb love
of liberty wbicb God baa planted Is us;
our defense la in tba spirit wbiob prises
lioarty as the neritage oi all men in an
lands, everywhere. Those wbo deny
freedom to other deserve It not for
tbemseivM, and under a Just Ood can
not long retain it. ,
" A nnitiiii Lincoln."
The McKlnley aupportere are finding
ft necessary to repudiate tba Vecdara
tion ol Independence, ISx-Senator Mar-
lan of Iowa says that tba aupprssslon
of tb Slavs holdere' rebellion eettled it
tbat government doea not reat upon tha
oonaaotolth Koversed; and l(sv. Dr.
Heneou, at tb administration, endoree
McKlnley. mas meeting In Chicago said
that tbe doctrine of tbe declaration that
"all governments derive their just pow
era from tbeefft of tbe governed" If
literally eonstrtul, was the "greatest
falsehood palmed off by tba devllupon a
ereauioua worm. ' ui course na would
aubstltute McKlnley' "benevolent
alwillatlon," at the polat of tbe bayonet
policy lor the heroic declaration ol Ira
mortal truth, made by our forefather.
And Dr. Heneou a retnarke were loudly
applauded by tba assembled crowd of
Dow many of the people of this coun
try give' their iutolliicent consent to the
rule of tbep utocratef fly rule of the
plutocrats 1 mean control of our public
affairs, state and national, by tb
wsalthy class. If ths toilers of tb rank
and hie of the republican party bad
their eyee open to this truth they would
nolonaerooDssnt. Their consent is now
given iirnorantly. Tbey refuse, from
blind party prejudice, to examine proofs
of the assertion. They wilfully shut
their eye to plain facts. Tbey iirnor
antly consent to being governed by com
oinatioos 01 millionaires.
Governor Pingree says: "It la time
that corporations, combines, trusts and
muiti-ioiiiioonirea were requested to
leave the front seats, at lsast, and let
the men wbo can apeak for the great
body of voters, tbe men wbo believe In
the republicanism of Abraham Lincoln.
bave room and part in the conduct of
pumio anaira.
bt&MHr maty will sbut their eyes to itt
a train be Bays: " Tbe legislative
and executive ofTlaee of this nation can
not much longer b filled with men
who claims are based solely upon
their devotion to corporate Interests."
Who put them there? Ignorant, Dila
ted, party blind votere, put them tbera,
uy tbeaa terms l ao not mean to de
scribe uneducated men. Far from It. I
mean newspaper men, lawyers, doctors.
ministers, educators in particular: ana
all voters wbo fail to study existing con
ditions with their eyes open; men who
are so blinded by the so-called "glory"
of the republican party that they fail to
underatand tbat their party kae long
since ceased to be a party of the people,
but has become tbe main bulwark ol tbe
greedy few. That party Is trampling
under feet the principles of the declara
tion rl Independence. It scorns and
hates and fights tbe policy of "Equal
rights to all, ipeclal privilege to none,"
and makes It read: "Equal rights and
speclul privileges to tbs few."
Democracy la unattainable under tha
rcpreHontative form of government as
we bave tried It lor upward ol a century
l he experiment ol repreeeniutlve gov
ernment In this couotry so far Is a fair
nre. In tbe earlier yeare of the expert
ment, before wealth bad taken tbe reins
into ite bauds, fairly satisfactory results
were obtained. Hut now, wben organ
ised wealth powfMHM such mighty pow
er, holding in Ite bands the Uvea and
llbertie of so large a number of the
voter. It i lmMeeibls for tb people to
rule under tbe preeest system,
II lit truth could b known as 1 be
lieve It exiets concerning the election of
1WHJ there would be an awakening ol
tbe people to th dangere of th prant
system, muiious ol dollars were spent
by th snoceeeful party to win tbat elec
tion. I do uot charge that any lrg
number of the voter were purchaeed
outrinbt with money, altbouub doubt-
lee eutu wer. Hut an org!! aud
ueovaaful effort was tuad to overate.
Intimidate aad decelv th wag varner
in th factories and shop, HysteiualU)
deception wo praeiMMK by tn4r organ-
IstMl, wealthy eiiutioyer, Ike wast
earner waa presented with th ld tbal
If Mry an woa lb luclotla would tw
cloerd or hi wan greatly redtteed. To
supiairl Ihm pntpostilott, sbant order
f bbtaiaej or ntaauiaolared frooi
ahiiHMMtlrt and retailer, to m Blletl if
Hryaa sm dekled but not, It h wo
elevted, Tbeee wore ehuwa lo eatnlor-
ee ia order lo lattuttdate tbew. Hi lb
alteraatlv wa prewnted u lb tb.
ed of wag earaera ol voting for M
Muwy or kaweg their kin, I 4 a b
lievllaavrtiaialt ear thai al
keteelio wl HU4 mora Ikaa boo.tesj
tf i a I ballot agalael thwr ettav.
Ikia eoMwqseae id thea wrvetUg
aad svd laaaeM, Their ballal
ot Ire,
llervia m I grv d tb slaver
id th wag earaer, It mgtl4 Ma
il b ureeUwate4. It I abet tint
defettdea. That bbetty, ol ks he
ImmsI a oar OMmiI tmHi lwieeaUq
a4 tb balaaik ul oar BMvranal.
t-vaaut, d awl, k ab-r tk p-
eat sjetee. waervla k lbwre Is
dr4a a tk taerry aa4 geaer
tMMiy id trgald, greedy .iei. do
awl J ikei ta a shiII ol tatuleraaca al
MpilaJ, bat elMply ta ptttst l agtav
4aut bh wtael Iral h se Ig orde
la b avtudetl. uf htl I stHiHf shmbI
II ami, 1 skaj Utr. aagfeal Ik r
edy. " Bcoauee tbe condition la serious
the remedy must b a radical on.
Our present represents tlv system of
government is a failure, not only be
cause of tha slavery of tha electorate but
beoauee the cnosen servants oi the peo
ple are corrupted by the evil influence of
organised wealth. 1 bis charge nae been
made so often that it baa become etole
In our ears. Bat it Is awfully true. Why
do patriotic men Ignore it? Why do so
called statesmen give It no attention?
Have tbey booome utterly Insensible to
the danger? Or do tbey think there w
no danger In it? Or, woree yet, do tbey
keep stlil for m consideration?
To realise tba truth of tbl charge wa
need net go farther than the Nebraska
legialatare of last winter, i Tbera tba re
publican majority -atood resolutely
against ail legislation that tended to
curtail the special privilegea of corpora-
cioos ana organised weoitn uuaer otner
forma. Likewise as to every measure
tbat proposed to levy a just share of tba
taxes upon tbsso, required to support
government. Mot only so ol ths Ne
braska legislature, but also In every leg
ialatur ia every atate where It waa poe-
aibla for organised wealth to gain con
trol. And. wont of all. not always did
the men chosen by reform parties stand
true to tbe causa tbey pretended to spe
cially cnampion.
rieud men to legislative bodies purs
and patriotic from oloaa to the people
ana the way is open ana easy lor them
to be corrupted, with no effective checks
to aster tbem irom becoming disloyal to
tbs people who send them. Tbe result
Is favoritism in legislation, special priv
llegea for the few and strong.
Look at tba present program lor giv
ing tba nation "Bnanolal reform." ao-
cailed. A congressional committee Is
formulating a ecbeme which will effectu
ally carry out lb will, uot of the people
generally, who are not consulted, but of
Wall street and tbe banking syndicates.
1 bus nuuuoial legislation does not come
from the people but from those already
In possession of tba millions, Can any
us doubt tbat tbey will take of their
own interests In such legislation? Tbey
would not be human if tbey did not.
Oive any class the relue and they will
legislate for themselves.
Ho with all railroad legislation.
Wbenc comes It? The railroads are
now saving tbey must bare a pooling
law. Tbey are after it and they are aur
to get it. In this state the law govern
ing building and loan associations was
drafted and engineered by tbelr agents
or employes; so it just suite tbem.
So facte may be multiplied. Congress,
legtslatarss, . the courts, composed of
men wbo wars' ebor j to represent the
people, stand lor th interest ol tbe lew
already wealthy. They are disloyal to
the people. Tbey are not in tact their
representative. Nor I It possible to
make tbem so under tbs present system,
Kearney, Neb.
Charles V. Eekridge. the veteran editor
of the Emporia, (Kan.) Republican, has
caused considerable commotion among
tbe members of bis party la Emporia by
the following editorial:
"Trusts are the legitimate offspring of
the gold standard. If yon would get rid
of tbe effect you must remove tbe cause-
Trusts have been formed, are being
formed and will be formed. Nothing will
stop thorn but a change In tbe financial
policy of tbs country, All tbe small In
dustries of tbe land are being cloned out.
Competition ia being dostroyed, men are
being thrown outol employment in the
shop, factory aad on tbe road. The
country is rapidly besoming Impover
ished, wealth is concentrating In the
bonds f th few, Interior citie are
struck with the dry rot and there I no
hop for tbe people under a gold stand
ard money policy. It la tbe parent of
trusts. It is a money policy which par
alytes industry and drivss tbs larger fib
to eat up the smaller one. Ths gold
Standard is commercial canulballam. It
is a head wind agalnet all trauirta
tion line. It Is tbs undernilulug rat of
our republican Institutions.
"I'ou't Stop to argu th quretiou
with iugglera of figure, bat vute tu
down il in th party if you ran, out of it
ifyoumu!. Country lirt, party next,
At w said In yesterday's i'aiiy It 'nsbii
ran, referring to ths wealth of tb Itock
fuller, Vanderbilts, Onulds, Aston and
others, 'If there I any thing that shows
th luraimetty ol tb ejopl for wltgov
erumenl U U a ytra ol legutlatiou
uuder wbkh tb atwuaalatloa wl em h
vaat sums by individual I poibl.'
Interior baaks, udrtb national bank
ing system, bav Ml aad will Ml mors
peweplibly thaa ever Uelore, lb gradual
squert l tb gol J standard, II eon
oatraiiog puer ol wku o tei la uea
trails all bueieea, all Industrie and all
oiuMwrve la three or four eitiea located
ua lb larger bodset td water
oaoa th A tie a lie, on on lb TartAe,
ua oa lb lk aa4 un on lb tlx II
tat tu la alter uVetruetioa ul M
aad pvMiMmy ia tb iatetlwr, Tke
larger Uie will in lura waste wayb
sat Ikey will vveataally hav ao eoua-
try to Imm i beta, lb gwld stand aN It
Ik ii4 to ruia.
Wa Ub to sail oar ra4er' altatlo
ta lb Nebraska rMkig (V adv
laeaal nkkb baa b rutklag Ui III
napar, V know Uat sy ol o
bav nrlltea M lbe Irm aad ka4
th ta b prbWy Ntebte aad tl
ore ant MlieM with that yvi tMv
trout tbew thy will Mara four waasy.
Wa wwaWI b t'Woavd a baiun In
tkeJv 4 order dettarttweal, a4 II
al4 b lav or ta Mil y wentd
ma tkie pi h Uatayoa rtt.
It Mas Bver gefor tfared t luas
th Deolarstloa mt' IadeeenSeaiw
and Hlaader Liberty,
But little over a century baaelapaei
slaoe the birth of our republic, aad tbs
nobis men wbo brought it Intofcgsj
declared ia worda not to ba misunder
stood "tbat all men are created eqad;
tbat tbey are endowed by their Creator
with certain Inalienable rights; tbat
among tbeaa or life, liberty and tie
pursuit ol happiness; tbat to aeeors
tbasa rlgbta governments are Institute!
among nan, deriving their just powers
from tbe consent of tba gorrned."0(
course, tbeae new Ideas of freedom and a
Jorsrnmeiit were resitted by tbs av
itoritlea of England with all their
power. Dot tba young retmblM ane-
cessfully wltbatood tbem and lived.
And, we most earnestly hope, will tos
Tba declaration of Independanoa ani
tbe conetltution of the United States,
wbiob these fathers of liberty gars to
the world, ware admitted even by aoca
of tba ablest jurists of England to ba ti
beet and most perfect "bills of Ibarras
rights of man" tbat bad ever bass
written. Tba vary beat man of ail ra
tions bavs admired and praised oar jast
and benefloient ytem of govsramaxt,
Tha oppressed and persecuted of all tit
tyrants and monarchies of Kuroco bars
com by hundred of thousands to scjc
tns xinaiy proteouon ot lis oiaas4 boa-
ner of freedom and to escape tba Iron
bowl of tba imperialism and militarism ci
tbslr native lande. No other cover.
meat bos aver been formed which exo
ao near the gospel standard and so
nearly attained to the true fell wet!?
aud brotherhood of man. It baa stool
as a beacon light to the rising bopss of
men longing lor freedom tbe world over.
Ultberto no voice of a oereon faa eve
been reckless enough to assail tkars
principles of f rea government, poreboaed
for ua by our forefathers at so dtr
price. J a band baa dared to guide ths
Kn la alanderlag its bloseed teocblom of
wrty, lint the spell boa at last Meg
broken, A man ba been found wbo,
upon a publio platform, la tba preset'
of thousands of his fellow-oltlseae; esc'J
say: "Ae to tbat hallowed document
I referring to tbe declaration of Indepen
dence tbat deciaree tbat all govern
ment aeriv their last power from tu
oonaent of th governed-if that ki tl t
literally construed then sever rzj m
greater falsehood palmed off apoi a
creduloue world." Such languare is
Ibis, it aeema to me, must oertolaly
awaken all good citlsena to tbs don'sr
that Is now banging Ilka a pall over out
couotry. s
Bat mora startling than tbee words
and mors lar-raacblsg In Ite effects was
tha announcement by President McKln
ley on May 1 of the government's opes
and actlv opposition to all avtJ
Imperlaliam and Its advocates, Tb
preaident boa Issued no direct proclama
tion declaring tbla government changed
from a republic to an empire. lint doea
not tbe negative proclamation agalnet
anti-imperialism, and the threat to
arrest tbe leaders and advocates thereof
convey exactly tbat meaning to tbs'
people? lias be not confirmed the truth
of this proposition by performing that
which Is nearly always tbs first act of
tbe dictator the attempt to dest roy the
freedom of speech aud of the maila?
While tbe world seems to be strongly
beaded in the direction of peace, aud
tbe commissions of tb leading nations
of the earth are soon to eon yen to try
to devise ways and moan for disarma
ment and tb substitution of arbitration
for war, aud while hundreds nf thou
sands of tbe young people of all the
church are now handed together la
their Christian Kndeavor socletbts In a
mighty "war against war," Is It not sod
aad diebeartening thus to havs leaders
ia thin cradle land of Ireedou indorse oa
offeasiva war for tbs purpoas ol subju
gating a people flttbting for freedom?
William A. Fcmihvm.
Chicago, May 2U.
It you are tbiuklug of sending asy
populist paper tu doubtful votere la
your cuunty, writs th IsiiKrasoKST for
terms, Wa r In receipt of a list of 451)
name from Hariau county.
A brigedwr gtrl of th Tatted
Stat army romwaudiug trout In
Montana iseued an order thai no hmmm-
br of a labor aaloa should b mpiy4
la th mine and nlorad hi order at
lb puiat of tb bayonet. That ia what
tbl a u try bo come lo in U eaareh of
ImperlalUsn nadr Win, MrKiaWy,
I, very where lb labor uaMma are tahisg
oetioa oa lb matter. H ill tbey kav
sa eaoutlk to lab actio at Ika
Tk New York labor Mts are
okiag tb adwisteiralioa at Wabti s
Ka py nnoe atkoruy m Uerntt
e to ka order tbat au ia
beioaaiag lu a labor iwasa iIU) war
b la work in lb Jfca ssi.
It that la ki b lb atma-Wul MrKkjWy
aad bM eabioet Ik Uboriag aiea ol ,
tort wast lokso It,
Tk thtaaga labor a bio ta their
BeeeWeg lal Wmi toub k
wtatbM osm! at aebtsg OerMay At
fgmt u f lineal qeatiuoa WW lb
wm abteel, lhef waal la kuv il
tWaeml llerrtll'a t-oeiiaia la ar-pfwred
al Waablagtua a4 tl not abal mm to
da about It,
1 fc ordet U a revulatlaa ia nsttbatta
of guinwal ia tbl ewastry aad lb
vtbtge are kig p aa4 Ifytej
to Waia bt has kit Itow,