The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 01, 1899, Image 7

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    vi . ,
June i, 1899
in nnrinia"tion with Born of my re-
vnhiii.nn frUnda I excr-ased my lda on
' th. vnr in the PhiliDDines in a rather
forcible manner, and waa then and there
mUmI a eoDoerbead. I took iwue wi
mw nnnnnants. and I think that before
nmaA fh oontroTeraT I bad ahown
theas expansionist that a lew people
did not like the actiona ol tbe powera
that be. I may ba wrong in my inter-
pretation ol tbe Declaration o! Indepen
and the rifichte of man, bnt if
.m msfrlande could not ehow wboreln I
mml wraaa. only to ear that we tnuet
uphold the nation' bonor(?) and t
jSa .taw ma null the flair.
V Now I don't think any pereon llylog
I baa any more regard for tbe flag tban
' w. Ka tha flair flnata over an army
r murderers, tbeo I eall it a dirty rag.
IBM yeilUW uK wi "C" " " ' "
gang of robbera and der ill. Tbess tame
men who called me a copperhead said
fioa n should be DlOtreoon wnwnu,
f. , .M. .tlnn li trvinsr to do lust
hut Snaln hae been try ion to do for
ti.. ia. f hum hnnilrid vears. If Boaln
is a barbaroue nation, then; we are bar.
hurniia. We are won than the Span
iard!, for we wieh to cloak our deviltry
with the cry of "humanity." if it iipo
..u j ttiu nff tha brown men to cm
lin them, and the aets of Christians,
what are tbe acta of dylls7
uri. Mm trrmnA nation murders u
rr uvu au.w b.ww .
armed prisoners, and aboota women and
onuaren in a wtw w - ""'" " -
.... i k. Noa ia.n inv one with tbe
aonl of a man feel anything but aympaty
f A. t- 41-.lad,) y ,
V Jp'tbeunoeraogm nuKuii
J?'Oar Declaration of Independence af.
firms that all men have certain righto
v" -u in. i(iuf. m,nA thm nursult ol
faapDlowi. Less than sixty years ago
William Lloyd Oarrieon waa are gea
n...k .tMita nl Rntton (or ineiik'
ing lor tbe freedom of tbe black man.and
now we who are favoring tbe freedom of
the brown man are cane wpiwrMiwi
Borne contend tbat theee people are
aot capable of sell-goyernment.
. At Una anvthlntr about that, for
have not asen them try. It seems to
At... at,. . nnlfa nnn.blA Of HirbtlDUr.
they have stood off the beet army in the
world for seren or eigot uu uv
Borne contend tbat we own tbe lalanda
because we paid spam v u,www ior
hr riffht or claim. If a rascal ahould
build a hut on a corner of any farm and
.k.. tho iam lioAuniui a dirtv ran
floRtM ovflr eald but. and aaid rascal
cbould sell bit claim to another raecal
with a dirty rag lor a oaoRe 01 ngn w
HauM anr nivllized man or
anr pereon with lee treachery than a
hyena, eay tbat I did wrong if i ueeo my
abot gun oo both of tbe robber?
1 n erlvm avarV man OQ
earth; no matter what color, every right
1 claim lor inyeuii, any mu wu
A .1.. .nl ajrluhaa tn kill nr rob
hie follow man ie nearer to barbarlem
tban lam. ' ' -' ;. '
"Ohl wby does tbe whits' man follow
my path, ,
T lb IL. hmml nn fVia iXnar'a track:
Does the niwh on my dark cheek kindle
blswratb7 ,
Does be covet tbe bow at my back?"
My sympathies are with those brown
men who want to be free, and if I were a
Filipino I would feel for tbe handle of a
dagger whenever 1 saw a foreigner trying
to enslave one of my friends. , -
U it Is tbe calling of the civilised na
tions to enlighten tbe .world and kill all
.uirl. nl tin !'. hflW t))fl Kn(8
and there Is a good Ood who favors this
metbod ol civinzanon, uen i iiu
aide of tbe devil. Our greut prealdeoK?)
rays every morning, so tbe papers say,
or he claims to be a good Christian.
And then alter prayers he sends a dis
patch to Otis: "Follow up the enmy
without stopping and destroy tbe J ill
piooswho reelst." A meseasre of hu
manity to bis dear colored Christians
who don't wteb to swallow his bait. If
tbat is a mergo of love from a follower
of Christ, what kind of message would
jou expect from rae, a follower of the
devil? ,
I am called a copperhead because I
don't wleh to step back in the grand
march of civilization a thousand years
to the dark asrpe when every ruler was
the chosen of God and the priest poured
the divine patroleum on bis head and
fave him authority to kill whomsoever
e pleased. This was called the divine
righto of kings. I may be wrong in my
make up and not understand diplomacy
or state cralt. I may look through tbe
glass darkly, and fail to see the grand
plans that are yet to be wrought out by
killing a few thousand more Filiploas.
But if I am wrong, then I hope I may
never be shown tbe right I want to go
to my rt Ming that everything that
creeps or crawls or swims or flies baa a
right to livs. t
I am called a copperhead because I
don't want our brave boys to engape in
an unjust war. 1 think that onelilels
rf tnn nmi'h Vfkluit tu Ihi srivea OPtoa
fnlse cause, Tbe life of one brave man
f from Nebranka is worth more than all
ths rhlllppio-s. It this Is treason then
I am a traitor.
M. M. lUu.KrK,
As soon after the flrat of July as prae
tkwblal will hold pubi s auctions for
leasing about fiD3,(HU acres of school
land dvr the provisions ol the aw law
la the following Mintk; Aattlopst Haa
var, Dlalaa, Hoi Itutte, lroa, Chase,
Cherry, CVyvaae, i'asUr, Uaaes, Narl,
Dsnday.tlarMd, UrVat, Ilsras, lliteh
foek. Holt, lioitktr, Kith, Ksya Taha,
K In ball, Ksnx, Llaeola, lfns, lutun,
Utfl'haiwoa, I't-ree, IVkias. Hurt, rVite
Itluff, fihwkiss, Kuiui( TbowiM nsj
wbeoWr. I'stW tee mmm law, It Isinm
Usia mil su Waa at the Ulte acika
at o p-t swat (ua iair at't! s
tlijr lasjr Um4 tu Ike fwrmm tfi(
Yt t-at apM the higkael aiw
'ymm Ustls aes ia the Wat stwlgrw.
tag pwrtittasal the aata wftsre twttlw,
b;T n htfwaj sua to f44 at Wwi
trae as4 trWir al gtt pmlt,
IlKaa aef M t lw , as4 yt, ssr
raaWl ls as aa4 istwli4ii a
tMtletksa4aayb t be Ita4.
Ta kart tr)y Ie trwut as4 lls al
bmmi IM r riisl aal m mar etit
Jm S44 (wf tkit4li4vt eMwastas ae4
tarsM eat to hiseil, as4 aw, that
her Is an vMiirtaail In aware ta
10.000 Trial Treatment!
0 1 KiTa awar of th CIKBBI riLK CVBB. whlcl
iaa Man uaa over yftfcra aj a apaeino tor an cinaa o
'ilea la th Kullsh, rraawk and ttaiaai armlaa
nil roar nam and P. 0. addraaa, datorlptloa of o
Jlnifint and lo. ataniB for ratura oiall. For SI a lara
WI will ba Mat rou aeaomaanlad bf KaUIa guar
Sitaa ta aura or refund Iho uoaajr. Aadraai tna
RM MtOICAL CO. IS H Sd St-, Vtaalaaatl,
ty-flve year lease contracts thereon at
what tbe lands are worth, the lessee
himself being tha Judge, it Is confidently
expected that all, or nearty all of these
lands win oe leasea aunng ins preseni
year at tha pnblio auotions above men
tioned. Anyone desiring to attend any
of these teasing auctions will ba notified
of tbe time and place of holding the aama
as soon aa it baa been arranged n tney
will write me at once a-tvinc the names
of the counties In which they are Inter
ested, and will also be furnished a list of
tha lands to be leased so that they may
may visit the counties! n advance of ths
leasing auction and examine tha lands
wbtcb will be offered. .
Notice of tbe auctlou will be duly given
ill the local papers. Bend stamp for a
copy of tbe new school land law under
which the lands will be offered. Any
further Information will be cheerfully
furnished, J. V. WoLr,
Com'a'r of I'ub. Lands ft B'ld'gs.
Lincoln, Nebr.. May 18,' WW.
Nothing less tban a purely democratic
system ill establish and maintain
"government by ths people, of the peo
ple and for toe people." I do not mean
a democratic system patterned after tbe
Roman forum or Grecian Agora. This
would be Impracticable In our country.
But I do mean . a system which will
enable all tbe citlienehip, to freely deter
mine by what laws they shall be gov
erned; and under which tbs people may
promptly depose unfaithful and disloyal
servonts. Anything less than this will
not be democratic.
True democracy Is desirable and noces-
sars for the protection of tha many
against tbe aggressions of the few. It
may seem like an anomaly to say tbat
the many need to be protected against
tbe few; but this is exactly and terribly
true. In feudal times nearly all Europe
wasdfvldod Into petty kingdoms over
which tbe chief or lord was complete
master. A few hundred chiefs carried
the lives and fortunes of millions of ser
vile subjects in tbelr hands. The few
controlled tbe many. Feudal times
have passed away in Europe but the sub
jection of tbe millions to tbe few con
tinues there In a different form. Princes
and potentates curry tbe destinies of
millions in their bands as fully as In
feudal days. '
. flow much better off are we under a
so-called republican form (representa
tive) government? We possess tbs form
of self-government without tbe sub
stance. Btill are the few in the saddle
while the millions are their servitors.
Nothing less tban true democracy will
orevent this. Bo lonir as representatives
of tbs people (so-called) are permitted
to exercise tbe power that public officials
do exercise nnderonr government just
so long will the few tie in the saddle. By
the "few" I do not mean tbs officials. I
mean the industrial plutocrats who man
manage the officials.
It is easy of demonstration tbat laws
relating to industrial affairs are gener
ally favorable to the strong, tbe wealthy
few. For Instance the laws relating to
corporations. If the people could speak
directly all the existing laws providing
for corporations would oe repealed.
This tremendous weapon in tbe hands of
wealth would be destroyed. Why can
not the will of the people prevail on this
question? Because they do not rule.
The few and tbe strong rule.
Ho on the question of government own
ership of trunk lines of railroads. If tbs
people could vote directly on tbat ques
tion they would destroy the mighty
transDortatlon monopoly. Why can
they not speak? Because they do not
rule. And so of many other things
equally Important. '
Ulven our present competitive indus
trial system and the few will get control
of the best representative government
ever established. No form of govern
ment can ever withstand the aggressivs
selfishness of tbe few except a pure de
mocracy where all the people have free
and controling voloe directly in both tbe
making and execution of tbe laws.
Control by the few Is always injurious
to ths many. History is writen all over
by tbe blood of the millions who bave
been sacrificed to the selfish greed of the
few In control of governments. Every
bloody struggle for liberty bas been
made to eecaps from nnder tbs iron beel
of ths few. All genuine progress of the
race bas been atxjotw pushed by the be
roio struggle ol tbe masses aicaiuet tbe
dearadiuif. progrs-hiudrlng oppres
sions of the lew.
Vox dopuIL vox di. This may not
bavs baea exactly troe In all ages; but ia
this aga of general lutelltgpuee, ol bible
study, of high character among tbe
matweaoftne people, me vow Mine
multitude ia lar safer to follow than the
voice ol the lew swIf eoitstittittHl ruWrs;
or of the els, bstbr they be Ml-
eoastltate4 hrs or not.
W, UilaKU,
Kearney, ,Nb.
Rdltur ladfpeadealt
Certainly Brother A ably del tot Haas
Christ aa a sovialtst ia so sussy words,
r t his rVras to Hint as Iks valy rtel
"lUdx-al waa" ftirmttUUn aal pro-
atahjalief aortal Wt , would bs4 to
last saWtaH4mg,
Aliens. 1 still UU la wslbstthis
Uw nssglvsa aith viw tasalsUtah
Mriallaat, t that it euslalfts stwiaUtla
duetrisa aba!. -
IHrat, Vara (be la ol foieNisy pre
vail la tha Miftdsal iadr aey etm
alttkus at srty or naif? tthf syttaes
ttf cwveramaat,
Nm4 tarn Uw diM a em Ike
idea that e-Wiy las as lit tm lbs
H"4t ol lbs UditrdssJ skill ottaWf
teit iMtdaataUy th sMrJte.
at4. That K aMy, (row the nsmra
ol things, has a claim on what I over
produce. But I deny society any right
or claim on what I need or on the aecea
saries of lile, whether by the law ol love
or by the law of the common.
But notwithstanding this position
taken I freely admit Mr. Asbby's con
tention In tbe capacity ol this law "to
put an end to human misery on this
earth and in this life." If society stood
as a unit in Itssubmlssion and obedience
together with tha wisdom and justice of
jesus, wno seeing tbe environments and
needs of humanity declared "ye have tbe
poor with thee always." But I will ask
again as others have, if the question Is
not unanswerable and silly, now or In
what way will you aceomplish this thing?
By revolution or evolution,' In the wink
of an eye or In along drawn out pro
cess oi teaching. '
It seems to me tbat the greatest bar
rier to tbe triumph of socialism doss not
lis with tbe Individual to accept or obey
tbis law, or any law for tbat matter,
but In tha society as a unit. For cer
tainly you do not prtteod to sstabllsn
socialism with a good sited minority in
opposition, if yon do, then socialism
means revolution and nothing else.
On tbe other hand, if socialism is to
come by teaching or through legislation
then you will coma out oflt about like
tbe Greek philosopher, who would move
ths world if you "give me a lever and a
place to rest It on?' But tbis, to ma is
all "talk," ws must take tbe world as It
is and not as it should be, let us grapple
with its possl bllttles, there w now no
time to whisper and speculate and phil
osophise ano reorganise to change front
or lead off, My Brother Roclaitsts tbe
people are in tbs "field" ready for action,
there is even now a death-Ilka spoil,
their cry is, let us alone, let us alona.
The charge will be a life and death
struggle, not for populism, not for ds
mooracy, not for socialism, but to dis
lodge the enemy from its present finan
cial entrenchment.
D. K, Buikey,
G II trier, Neb.
Fell From a Scaffold.
from tiit Uarsld, Wsiertown, N. f .
John Young, of Ls Roy, N. Y., is 73
ysars old, and is wsli known in tbat and
neighboring towns. While putting some
weather boards, on a barn, standing on
a scaffold 92 feet from the ground, he
felt dizy, lost bis balance and fell to tbe
ground. The side of his face, arm, and
tbe entire side of bis body on which he
struck, were badly bruised. Picked up
and carried to the house, he was under a
doctor's care for several weeks. Tbe
doctor finally came to tba conclusion
tbat bis patient baa received a stroke
(PsrsljrHdbr tbe fell.)
of paralysis and waa beyond medical
aid. He could not use one arm, or turn
over in bed. One day, while lying on
the bed, be read of a cass something like
bis having been cured with Dr. Williams'
I'lnk Fills for Tale I'eople. lie coaxed
bis grand daughter to get him a box of
tbe pills. After tbat box bad been used
be secured another. In three weeks he
began to feel a little life ia bis arm; at
tbe end of four he could use bis flnaers;
at tbe end of two months be could
walk, and In three months be could shave
himself with tbe Injured band.
As fas told bis story in tbe Herald
office he looked tbe perfect picture of
health. lie carries a box of the pills In
his pocket, and whenever be does not
feel just, right be takes them. They cured
nim after doctors bad given nitn up and
bis death was dally expected.
All tbe elements necmsary to give new
life and richnoes to tbe blood and restore
shattered nerves are contained, in a con
densed form, in Dr. Williams' I'lnk Pills
for Pale I'eople. They are an unfailing
specific for such diseases as locomotor
ataxia, partial paralysis, t. Vitus
dunce, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism,
nervous headache, tbe after effects of la
grippe, palpitation of tbe heart, pale
and sallow complexions, all forms of
weakness either In male or female.
Editor Independent!
I enclose 1.00 lor your paper of which
I have been a sonstant readers for tea
years. I bave read tbe letter In the last
weeks Issue from C A. Patrick of Wood
villa, Cat., lamenting over tbe peoples
party In ths past. I ean sympathise
with him. Hix or sight years ago I saw
things just he saws them now, I thought
I would stay right la the middle of ths.
road. Long since I have been very
much convlaosd that the bettor way
was right the reverse, No sttaea la ths
ualoa kavs been plundered aa Kansas
saa and Nebraska have been. The state
was robbed, eeusty treasuries) footed,
state Institutions burglarised aadevea
the funds dvtild to the support of tbe
bliad, and the school children taken.
Waa this hot enough to make the pup
lists got rttfkt out of the middle ofths
road, salt upon all gxt4 eiliscAs fur haip
aa4 rua loeger tu t raa tr H ths
4i ssIUk! oM poiitkal partktaT Waa it
not eoi(h to rases as to sail on all
Imi1 tu arias tu a km ufduty as4
astteallUv sM'tg riiiaa tu save as
(row a gasif 4 rtiiiMX?
M state ol NtUaat lalwIUr postal
la padlttralatauftuutr, ktatMTy SS4 kSttWi.
a.tK n( the bible tkaa aey oifc etais la
tb I'tkta not vitte tvta ksutaa.
I eatoe bare lrve a'rka m,!, Ar
kaaeaA, tiiu awks aa I tlk4 lih
tossy i4 tsars aWist kit Wiett fcav
teg a rt( bsilse ft4 wa a a abMe la
ths aUie al ) i Umi atator, they
sa4 tsar sen it ta rpWtea ps)ra
kitajaumairkas ani at4 bote ta lilt
ttt, Tfc are t east f )rs in the rar
I bas ea ra4 BmlW ltie!'s aar.
mm at tsa )'trt Niitaat eharvh la Urn
ala. It a nm! wi4 (akiwax ef
full of Ike saint as4 pt wl U4, May
Ood help him and further him on in the
good work. There should be more such
ministers io Lincoln. It is about time
tbat McKinley was finding Aguinaldo.
Padua, III.
Oaaoral H arrlaoa It ta Farts.'
Paws, May id Former President
Benjamin Harrison, who Is noting as
tha legal representative of Vanasuela
on the boundary commission, whloh
meets here on Jane la, baa arrived In
. Bmalalad Slavs Bredi
New York, May 80. Howard Krsti,
a young man about 83 years of aga,
who says hs is an art stndsnt at tha
Aoademy of Design In this city, made
a startling and successful Jump from
the Brooklyn bridge Just before dusk
last avenlng and cams out of tha rlvsr
Wa offer Ons Hundred Dollars Re
ssrd for any case of Catarrh that can
not ba cured by Hail's Catarrh Curs,
j, J1. 3. CUmm dt Co.. Props,, ;
f Toledo, 0.
Wa Uie underaignad, bavs known F.
. Cheney for tbe last It years, and
bdiere bim parfectay honorable In all
butajneat tranaaotiona and AnaruflaUy
able to carry out any obligations
mads by their Ann.
West A Trusx, Wholesals Druggists,
Toledo, 0.
Waldlng, Klrvnan 4 Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Curs Is taken inter
oally, acting directly upon ths blood
amd mucus surfocee of ths system.
Price, 75o per bottle. Bold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Washing; Clothe
Made Easy
By Ming "Twin Sisters" Washing Pre
paratioa. No tabbing of ciotbss or
washing maobins needed, fiend a sects
In stamps to pay postage and we will
sevo, mar., imoiiKn ior one oroiuary
washing. TRY IT,
Cameron Co..
U.S. Agt, Beaver City. Neb.
C " When writing msntioa this paper.
The Oldest
Hide Home,
' St
SKNO ron
920 R
U 10NH ,.,
Lincoln, neb.
Half Fare to Hot Spriogi and
; Betunii :
For 115.50. June6 and 20 any one
can buy tickets to Hot Springs, 8. D.
and return at tbs Lincoln offlws of tbe
Klkborn line, 116 8, 10th St., or depot
corner Sandf 9 tb Bt.
If you have a stubborn case of rheu
matism, stomach or nervous trouble,
take it to Hot Bprioirs and ten to ons
you will U'ttve it there after a short stay.
Other Ills ol life quickly vaolun under tbe
influence of a blither altitude, healthful
climate, picturesque scenery and finest
batbing In medicinal waters.
A short sojourn there will renew your
lite. For booklet describing Hot Springs
call on or address, 1
C. T. A.,ll7So.l0tb8fc.
To Mountain View. Oklahoma and
Return, One Fare, Plus $2.00
Tickets will be sold June Oth, 1800,
good to return until June 27tb. Moun
tain Nlw, situated on tbe beautiful
Washita river, is tbe new town in Wash
ita county, Just mads acoraaible by ths
new exteueion ol tbe U. II I. i, V. lit.
Now Is the opportunity of gettiog lands
cheap In Oklahoma. Washita county is
noted lor its many streams, rainfall and
wheat production.
J no. Hkuastmn, F, W. TuoursoN
U, P. T. A. (tiicano,
A. 0. P. A T, A., Topeka.
Omnmvitcing January lath th Great
Rovk lataml'a M(iamh F1yr,M lesyv
Ing JUiuuli at lilO p. m. daily, wts)
nmka ouMNrUona at Calorado tipriagi
with new fsaft trsioa to Salt Laks Uiy
and porUand, Oregon, arrlvtaf at
nnrtbwewt PaeHla Cusuet polnta . thlr.
teea (U) liours quttOier and sarUst
than ever before. Only seventy lensrs
to lSrtiod, Ursguo, Iron lAaooln
now. Thtnh Ol h
In the Blstrict Court of tjksrater
(sssty, Nabraaka. Third Judicial
Tbs Htats ol Nebraska, I.aaastf
Coast y, s. ,
fleurge Juaepk Itwts, IlaiatlS,
Hrh Asa Bate, ra4aat,
Muiaw to aoa Hwntvat dafaadsat to
taks dtHiikie,
The above aanted 4halskt, tUrah
Asa IU a ill tkeatt that oe Watt
atv te tlth ds ol Js 1M Ike
said tWot Jtak llas, abuve aaml
Jasl 9 a ill take ths aViaji kn ut
Ansa HW and r'rlrck luta, Xsadry
ilaaaaaa, in to aa4 a evitiKe oa ths
trial t4 taeabtite eetilM easa, at Ike
wmw ! Cslhvaa i t'v ht. M Ptitim
bas A , ia tk etiy il lUwioa.ennsiy
n Mgk asd stats af klsaaakaaaila
twl the kaarsul a aVitwk a at. as 4
t o'i k k iv in. il m4 4t f and Ike tek
lag hI aaid JaHaUituks a tit be at)ura4
lrm day ii 4s, tta the mm
kuars, sstti Ikav ars iiirtWtatt, '
iitosua Jrsra Kim. ptalatil,
I'y J, I", kissi, kt attwraey,
If you sans It to aomabortr who paddles tt out in small dribs you msyespeeta
tow prion. If you sand It to ua, ft will be torad In our lofts with mlllioos of
pounds of othnr wool of tha aama crude sod Uiztura, Wbas tha msnufsotunr
comes to buy, hs buys ths lot, and your wool foes with tbs rsit st s (ood price.
iVo Ucr.ZJo 10,030,000
Ws sssfcs Mhsrsl aSvswssi en ssselnaanats st ths low rate of I par emL
par annum for tha tnoaar thus rnsd. wa supplf all our shlppan with
fraa waal tasks sm4 sswlaff twtas. Wa aand our Circular I .at tar to all
wbossk for it. It kaapa you Informed oo tbs wool situation and wool
I in Prtoss,
I 1 Jf
Write for It to-dsr.
lf U assa l)ar'9 Green, lb.
ViilOlB London Purple, lb
i a
1 1 u
niryenninc, zsc a oouie uiue y uroi, id. - 10c
Garden and Flower seeds. '
White Lead. Si P $6xx) oer cwt.
Oil Q Pure boiled Unseed Oil, 50c a gallon. Varnish
wf es: all kinds of lubricatintr oils.
es; an Kinds ot lubricating oils.
Y I nr Ciolden Machine,
Ul ' Ked Harvester, 40c gal. Castor Machine. . . 35c
SlOTO C-'1'ncler 0il Pcrr?al. .,50c
Comer lOtli
Gaining in popularity every daythe record proves it.
The increase in sales of the Kacycle is simply phenomenal.
The reason is because the Kacycle is so far ahead of all
-. 1 . t 1 1 .'. t . . 1 . ...
oincr wneeis in exclusive ana patented features tnat it
stands in a class by itself. In trie Kacycle the chain and
sprocket pull between the bearings, making it run easier,
and with 27 per cent less pressure on sprocket bearing, and
doing away with side draft. Come in and let us show you
the greatest improvement ever made on a wheel, Fully
guaranteed. Wheels sold on easy payments. Ladies' wheels
sold by us repaired free of charge during the season, Larg
est exclusive cycle house in Lincoln, First class repair shop
and full line of sundries. Second-hand Wheels, $5 up to $20.
1410 O Stwet, Lincoln, NebrtiSa
CaltM. ai. aat aaS ft la a. allk I
If ron And It ai aetljr aa raaraaaalaS, aqaal I
II at STS.eS ta Siee'eeT StinmUiilJiu fit
iMUar Uiaa orHaaa ad.aruaad ajr otban at tun
ilaa aqaal to oraaM taai
at f alaa rou avar aa aa4
nut il.alt with aa aak ruur nalif lilmr aiwut aa.wrlta
III luhllhr of thkr pHiwror MtrnDiMUin Malaoaal
ii i a
'out aa
llmk, orOurn fcaufcanira Nat, Hank, ( Ii
flia A taaVaaMb nraaai, from taa lllaatraMoa aaan, bli
laaricravad ill not froo a ctiurrea,un naa form aoaw MMat iaj
baauiiriil apiMaraaaa. IBaaa ma aaUd aaartaa aawaa
fatait ISiS atfla. ai ke ltilniwaE--ii; f
W IiwIim !(, U laabaa wi4 aiul a M poanda. U,a I
trill iTS 1 laSa' ' niViaia?'fmlj S
eMatoIMataaVMlM Saaiiaa. ijiNflaaalaiai f
BaaSaTii Sat 1 A Caanalatl, anMaatSaM Ba ISatir
Ti tmikpitfim, I MifMJSaaj
MlUa-m rrlMlaal S4. 1 1 AO UK r WlfiJaa!
Hoa onaalat nt tha oalabrataS SaaWl Saata, wbMa are oaly
aaad la Mia blajhaat Inula (aatraawalai SMaS 9Mt mmm V,
EaS Haaalaw aa4 taa Saaiaaa, alaa Saat bull Iwim, . -itban.atr.,
ballowa of ibaiiaH nibaaralnta. ta
llnwa noeU and Saaat laatbar Is val.aa. ti f f
AOMK SDKttS la lurniiiii irlttslMUTala4
alala rraneh rrar, Msfeal plaMd aaSaf fraiaa. k
tad ararjr ma '.. iwpraTaiiwrit. nwaiat In a kaaS-
waawjaaalaali. taal aajaa aal.a.llai aMlaaa !
BUASAWTitp a, tm. Hnztll J
1mu a written blfullBf Straar (aaranlM, by tha -fermi
aad o4ittiia ul afel If aur part alraa uul I"
wa riiMlr It rraa afakanra. Try It una Month and , ,r.
w will rafnnd nur monajr If fnu ara nut parfaatly , li jfm
aatlnniut MofthwpraanBwiiitMaldaiaaLft $' If ,
ItUIIKU AT (. lulU'T tin t I ,i V CI
iin Mat Muh, f.1iUMai or drmn lishanm Rank, York t oranjrral
Wa kaw aaaabal af afar aiv unt antim ... ,, l.r..t hu
Hiipanr In rhlraura.
blr-aaa. and amn n Marl. I.Uau utmila In au
aad ari alwi arvary thliiaj In miMf.l inatrunuinta at lowaat
afi nnnwi inirmMip.(irioi(ii, Aoaraaa,
and nni.iital lntriiffw.ii,aialoytia. Afldraaa,
BBAR8. ROEBUCK COa (lss.1. Fslten,
at retail WESTERN
324 South nth, Lincoln. ?
luawd airantn aa n.aaaaai a. a.f aa Bwaw
aH anlna aawaila taa.tMtaS, aad 1
tltWI tuaaU taTttaa ftWa . faf aaaaaif aa,
MM aU tj a. fMtaS, aad
eaarASaaaa a MiliAH ha
xkMHala iaa.. aaW a.i.i.ii aw , taMxat
u. an. aaaa M ta taaaaaa tad
m m
y if s as I
ii if
21 IT.
'iL .if.'
Ma4 M HI, a Mlt ( at I ,k It k) at a. aa . ava aaj M
IkaSs ta il, Miatl, i-Mi.., jh'.ttA,'f-. - -hi
a . ICARSt COIaklUCih CO, -UiCi V.MC1, m.
per eallon , , , ,
and TP Strooto
railroad or ataraat
buainaa IrifH-k. Iia
r own ouiKiiiia, a iim, uuutt 4T ntM aad apt
trholaaala prbmi. WrIU for Ir m
ruaua, ants
immKaI oraan, nlana
If MllaM Idtif. I
Iflnii. Siiamk J C-U J II. tlj
trMplslset end Wsmaa .. rwlfltno, ILL.
A chance
to save
some money
by dropping me a
postal card,
asking tor
Catalogue and Prices.
Good standard new Organ
$4S and up.
ARTHUR BETl 212 So. lit!, St
liccsla. Krtraski.
I I a V WS
aataaaa aaaaar
ataaaa. ai4
kwa aha mm
fi'HU.5g ttwtr?
shaaeatah I
at ka. m I
Siaxta. SltSa, v ia I
il 9lf4i 19
HmKMi. ta
Hh tT waath
. iMaat ld aa
t ka a4 aa k anwf ka aaaad aa tmm, ta -a
nm rM mm a. . . fvwmw rm .ii,, a ' .
a. baat taaWaaaa . t' fnmf, alMaA 4
Uld k H .. . aa
Ii 4 rirr
Sh. lUihA I fA4 4tsts(e 4 taSk s i '
UW "1 i.. 1.1 -'-..-a .a aI.-.u ..iSlAlh..
m at M4aia'lt.4.i4.'f Mi., fjwM.l av.
kiwaa kHt Sat tm kaaA. .. a -. .. fn4 I a .t
Ua akaau al im h aa , MiuMu. kaMWa. t h"
!.fcaw. i m aMl I . .,sJ a.-a
at. Ha. aai.t aa kt aw i ..a t,-l w ... ai.a.a Pata
.., , it a4 .,a-t I t.,i4 (. a a
kitfffSit MVANSkffra t ..-.