THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. i PUBLIC OWNERSHIP. K MOST IMPORTANT STEP IN THE WAY , OUT OF THE SLOUGH, KrTtrt tpoa rnlillo Srrnnt Ae vnnce In Thl l ino In Koropit In Ureetlna; llrvlew hr Mnn Who Hn Slndled th Question. Edward Everett Hale once said that he could eoe no reason why the people ht city or a elate or a nation should not do for themselves throtifc-b their KevernmeDt anything which seemed to tbelr advantage. The Amrrlcan people pave an old tradition, which might be tailed a anp'irNtition, that the lent gov crnuicnt la that which govern the hast Tbi la trne ao far ha it refer to repression or pollclna; or force, but there la mother function of govern ment, the aervlce fnnctlon, the leader iblp and nanaKuint of Industrial business, ffl which the best government I that which dot the wont. When we want good road, we do not depend np m each indivldnal making or keeping up hie) own indivldnal frontage. When we want at red a tr fire protection or public school or parka, we provide tbetu by taiatlnn and we manage tbem through the official that we elect i political tody. It la Important to re member the difference between the po lice power and the indaitrlal or service inaction. Jn the aopply of poatal facil It lee, fire protection, bank and insur ance fnpervixlon, water anpply, ednca kon and hospital there la no dicpoel lion to go back to the old way of de fending on private capital and manage incnt, If our experience In those tbluga that wa have already tried la reason bbly satisfactory, then we ahonld be trudy. to take np any other service that eectiii inviting, All the no called jieblio utilities have tbe lame good reason In favor of pnblio ownership and manage iutht that apply to thoae already ao Wnd acted. j The grave political danger that we are facing, especially in municipal gov ernment, arise, mainly from tbe private ownership of pnblio ntllitii Tbe fran irhia valnee of etreet railroad and kiirfjting amount to an enormon anm. Tbey are dependent npon mnniclpal Ib-glslstion, not only In granting them, font in protecting them from adverse pcgUlation, , With eo large a corrnption fund it goea without saying that some legislator Vtll be tempted. The aort of itnen that ate willing to be bribed will keek tbe ofllren. Koneit men in office, finding tbeiuRilve overrnled, will tay pnt of office, Tbe inevitable result I Shown in the average 'character of oar tanniclpal administration. Publicly conducted aervlce are more economical than tboee in private hand. They are done on a larger acule. There it no effort to make a speculative value for tbe property. ' l Home yeara ago tbe aprlnkling of fit. Ion la atreeta wa done by private con tract, Borne frontage wonld subscribe, tfcert not. Vacant lota and crot street were left nneprlnkled. The air wa laden with dnit. An ordinance wa paaaed providing for aprlnkling by general contract and a teeming tbe coat On abutting property. Tbe result ha been that we got rid of all dott and tbe coat to those wbo formerly anbacribed baa been leaa than balf. Ht. Lonl ha always owned it waterworks Tbe rat have been aa low aa tboae charged by private cotnpanlea in other place. Out of theie rate we have built new and enlarged work aeveral time, nntll bow the value I at leant $30,000,000. All of tbla value ha been made out of tbe profit of tbe bnxineH which other wine would have gone to private own jtra. It i commonly believed that it costs tbe gavernuiKUt mure to t'ormtrnrt work and operate them than private proprietor. Eiprience prove other wise, The contract for building new watrworka at Bt. Louie have each time been taken ao low that the con traitor were bankrupted. Tbe govern Snent are al way favored cnatcuier and ninally get lower pricea than the Urgent private bnyere. In Ht. Louis there baa never been any acandal or corruption in connection with tbe poHUly owned work stub a the Jwater anpply, park, hospital, fire tie pertinent, atreeta and eewer. llut ita privately owned work, ancb a gaa, electric lighting and tbe trt railways, bave tetn r ending source uf cor ruption end scauilal. Tbey bave been the force that bave controlled local )Hilitiea, Tbey have debauched the mu nicipal administration. In the manage ment of tbe pnblio ichiMik that part wblth ia actually uin4 by the pnb lie servant baa tern well done and free from scandal. That part which baa been let out la private toutrarbira bat been badly dune, rii nW and corrupt, i The intt pnwwlve city in the woildUUlatgow. rVt,lUnt. Many year St tbey began tu luiprov tbe elugUh little liver I'lyde. a atream await that It was eoutttiuir ftflatl. At a nwt fiuui ftrtt la Ut tf ebuul loO( voti.otm illssaow feat tttiit and iut trwtd the llyde si tkt it Um of lb i 4p wlr barbt'ta and kbipbutM lug valvt in tbe wvild. TahiM ! frvM II aci t tbi -rtUUr d mr(ttti, it kt ; n taki4 vvv? (tvU ik ad rtuKiat: kW nkM MttI it .m atxlt'iratra the lltvt t'lyde wilk tie 4ke sad Kal II rfaft. all Uv UI tnHwai, aut ri 'v tffvbt U)l oi i tM lk Kiri a rutM wvttf tM wuk wuiiaaad farw atiilte tU ktudl. IN iwtkt aa4 ilk It butt, nl 114 i-it. an I Wtonxik wum, to , i st at t titiil, t-ii ) itU ibttit4. tUf ki .-w 11 a t dv n iitrte INn aa nu tf f im tu t, ie i-titltkji ii wati trt hvMid .M lt,ik t,w sJ i iUUt i but Ut 4 ttla t,iii tUln UrS) l I'fcly tut i.tit. Alt4 tbi. ed a ! t I'-miw. l Uibd t- I a tity ft wkUbte IM" Itt.llMtM, U t a, ll r tfttiror aa I Ml UtUt)( b4 tliv t1- yond ell her rival. Her profit from street railway now amount to over 140,000a year after paying interest on tbe investment,, giving aborter- hour and la-tter wage to the employee and carrying 40 per cent of the paHnenger for a 1 cent furo, ' Iiirmlngbam ha followed closely In tbe wake of (llflagow. The new munici pal policy wa inaugurated 27 year ago by Mr. Chamberlain, tbe present leading Engliith statesman. Under Mr. Chamberlain's leadership the water work and gasworks were bought, Thy have been greatly improved, rate lowered tud yet bave proved highly profitable. About 60 acre of tbe worst centrul part of Birmingham waa con demned and paid for and tho old rook eries torn down. Fine modern atreeta were laid out and the land leased for 70 yeara to private partlea wbo con tracted to erect first clase building. Tho ground rent la paying interest on the Investment and creating a ainklng fnnd which at tbe end of tbe 70 yeara' lease will retire tbe original bond insoe. Les than 00 year from now Birming ham will be tbe owner of abont W) acre of the most valuable part of the city, covered with fint cl building, tbe net income from which will be ao great at to relieve tbe city from any other taxation if it ao chooaes, i Throughout England the policy of Glasgow and Birmingham i being rapidly adopted. Not only water and light are passing Into monlcl pal owner ship, but street car and other public service aa well. Municipal administra tion In England la conspicuous for it ability, It honesty and tbe honor at tached to the service. Mo better reason can be assigned for tbla remarkable fact than the absence of private franchise and the Importance of the service to be performed. London ha for ten yeara been nnder tbe control of tbe Progress ive or Fabian party. It baa also made great stride in tbe direction of public ownership. In that part of London ly ing sooth of the Tbamce river tbe street cara are operated a well aa owned by the city. Tboae on the north side are owned, bnt leased for short period to private operators. London has found great economy in doing all it public work by direct employment instead of contracting it out. Recently the engl aoer' estimate of work to be done in the immediate future amounted to near ly $11,000,000. It will be done nnder tbe supervision of tbe work depart ment, y ' 1 In this country there I increased agitation for public ownership. The ownership of the telegraph bee been urged by postmaster general for over 20 years, especially by Mr. Wana maker, In tbe lust congress an appro priation wa being made for tbe con struction of additional armored ships, Tbe price of armor plate named by tbe American mill wa regarded a ex orbitant. Provision wa introduced in tbe bill by which $3,000,000 wa appro priated for the bnllding of an armor plate mill in tbe event that the private mill did not make a satisfactory price. Tbi amendment wa passed in one bouse by a large majority, though after ward sidetracked by another amend ment. Uad this passed into a law it wonld bave started the government into tbe industrial field in aelf protection against monopoly, It wonld have in augurated the remedy and tbe only remedy for trust. An impartial exami nation of the facta will show that tbe government can get capable men at mod erate salaries to conduct business of any kind, quite as well a tbey can be con ducted by other men for private profit. It will show also that our political in stitutions, no less than tbe comfort and safety of the mas of the people, are endangered by the private ownership of public utilities or of tbe consolidated industrlea. A permanent, well ordered civil aervlce and public ownership ithe only wy out. N. O. Nelson in State' Duty. "THE LORD REIGNETH." WML ( rlili Confronts l a. This Is ta Hop wf n Uood Man. A similar crisis 1 on the government now that It met in 18(10, Mammon worship crowned cotton king then, and It ha crowned im nopoly king now. It wa the worthlp of money then; so it I now, Money wn esteoinod above humanity then; ao it Is now. Tbe pre was inuiiM tbent ao it la now. The church waa perverted then j o It U now, Tbe government wa under the con trol of Mammon iheni m it U now. Monopoly I crowned king by the high prlewt i'f MauiuioBj, The loiter are en slaved. Titer l warcvly anything produced by labor tuw bnt U la lb clnu-bea of monopoly uaU'r tbe name f trtuta froui pvaanl tu railroad. Ikitaj labor and Uw are cottlWaUd by monopoly. l.raUUlure. limit end totigfeM are iu wilting took, The g)Vtnut iulf ItiUiliiof ladrauirut III ativiuplUti tail tu drvltuti wi ik. A Mimiho Wirhl Unad ti et tend at etupir na-lff thivlgai.f King CVtMt and mat Chattel sUiy aal VtiMl, MmuiwoM woihl iuw baa atld in mm ( ti n iiosa.lw t t dt l etlrad bt tiupire. King. Mftp- i4 waum,4"4 1 n " It U tint' ! the thtp t state aroe U wttaa a. We wt ft g.-ibd tt ltru tbe t ir.l Ub-U front tbe rlatibr if r4mi f. r tiHithil ki mw we Md tin IM Ii r In J- If IUll l4l iHrf I.I4W4 m tb l uiud twi'!u!lt4 lkU t ttf ! iN v tnl h i I'ttilr I iuMte'Vvrnd It u l iW i lb it Mti I iJ Muni,.li, nf ti tii Um 0ttv4itbv vt h , Wirl-i wiii ntliif -J 'tu iMi-til 4i(,tr Vt jtwiimn fvU :' sit iiinwoiU Tkl i ltttld(.i I',!!, tha h , ,f btt .,.,itUI t fiV( I It t!tl slavery will be its doom. How can it be destroyed? Men won't do it volun tarily. Bee what reformers have accom plished. Tbe Greenback party, tbe Un ion labor party, the Populist party, all tried a hurd a they could to bring re form, and monopoly is tenfold stronger today than it ever was, Here is another job for ProviJence. If monopoly Is not destroyed, freedom, liberty, republican form of govern ment and Christianity itself are fail ures, But Mammon worship will be destroyed ; monopoly will perish a aure a the "Lord rlgn." Judging from the past, tbe Republic an party, which now control the gov eminent, I finishing it work. It ca reer is about run. "Prido goetb before destruction and haughty apirit before a fall" A the Democratic party, which wa all powerful in 1800, came to grief in it effort at the expansion of Mam mon worship, so this imperial expan sion policy of tbe Republican party will be it overthrow, I think, Now i the time for the wealth pro ducer to unite a never before. "Come np to help of the Lord. Bpeak to tbe children of Israel that they go for ward." The election in 1900 will de cide the fate of tbU'repobllc. If reform era divide and wrangle and fail to take the old ship of atate, a tbey can if tbey unite, then we may expect a mon archy to be established over u. Oar only bop is, "The Lord relgneth." Bet, D. Oglesty In Norton'! Monthly. Olrl Kill IIr Cruel father, . BiPiD CiTf, e). I),, My 30. Lena Bout, aged )4, and a younger brother, ebildren of Frank Bouts, a Burling ton tie contractor, are nnder arreet, the girl being charged with murder ing her father. Hit shot him through the head while he slept. The man waa cruel to his family, who lived aalf-atarved much of the time. WALL PAPER ESPECIAL SALE' We will -Place on Sale for the ' Next Few Day$ 12,000 Rolls of fine wall siaVrtSc Per Roll. W. A. BAILEY, 1546 O STREET ESTABLISHED 1878 TH0S. MCCULLOCH; DEALER IN Hides, Wool, Pelts Etc. 917 Q Street, Lincoln, Neb. Certificate of Publication. 0 orricR or Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. Lincoln. February I, imit. tv ia iianr-nr ckptifiko. thi tk London Assurance Corpora tion Insurance Company, of London, England, hn f. nii.lM IIS 1h. lu-uranr. Law ol thl. '' ' Mln.aitiiHl to Iran-art lh n-lii . of Fir laiwane la title stat lor tk rral fr, t WltaMW snjr baad aa4 tb. aral ol tb. nl I'ablt. Awouuu Ik a aad f ho. riu we, J, t. roioKi.i., Wi,) Asditor I1, , Certificate of Publication. nrrwtt of Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Hetratka. r-h,aarr I, !. IT la Hkaaav raaTituu tmi is Caledonian Insurance Com pany, of lulinburg, Scotland, MlMi IU Ik Mf U tki aiai a4 1 akut ri lit. k. m m Pl ihm.m M l th tfltl M Wttam mt ka 4 tk tk 4h i Ph.i imiMl k J ! Mikt. . 4 r ati i, i I AtitM r. t, Nebraska Conservatory ol Music T ll aa I kvtw hJ 4 mimMi In ltUlr, kt'l4 U Urrk k4ulf ( nl tlti'inif k mmI rWttti Ut iiiun4 wmttf hIihiw, U, AttOS II U'UT, J UlVl1llVU l',rvlv., ttfi ami 1. Strtru, LINCOLN, Ni:t, Certificate of Publication. orrici or Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. 1,1 o col a, P.brqary 1, 18W. IT IS HKtlKDY CERTIFIED, That tb Southwestern Mutual Life As sociation, of Marshalltown, , in the State of Iowa, r bat eompIM wltb th Ianraae Law of tbi ami and is antborlMd to tran.wt tb bnnia of 1,11 IssaraoM la tbi HtaU tot tb arrul gmr, :: Witaw ai baad and tb seal of tb aadltor of Pablle AMoasts tb Snj ead year bo nt tM, ' ' ' I, F. CORNELL, i: '(Mi.) ;'!' 1 Aedllor V, A. Certificate of Publication. orncfc or Auditor of Public Accounts. Stat of Nebraska. ' Lincoln, P.brtiar I, IS, IX la. UKUKBY CUIlTirim. Tbat tb Railway Officials and Em. ployes Accident Insurance Company Indianapolis, in the State of In diana,; ; Mouiplld wltb tb ln.uraije Law o( tbi Stat and I sotborlstd to trsMaut tb bailnm of Aeddmt lo.urano la tbi Stat for tb nr- WitnoM u band and tb aval of IbtAmlltor of I'ttbii AmvsdU tb day and jrnr abor with. . i, t, GOHVliLL, () Aodltor P. A. Certificate of Publication. Otrral'l OF Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. Llni-oln, Felirear 1, 199. IT I UKUEBY CKUTIFiei), Tbat tb Preferred Arri'dnt InRi!rnnr. Co., of New York, in the State ot New York, bo oornplLd wltb ibt fu.nrnnoa Law of thl Stat and Is aothorlj.J to tran.unt th bu.ln... of Aldst foiuraae In tbi Mtst for.tb ar- rntyr,' Wltnu mr band and tb aj of tb sdltor of fat.ll Aovonnl tb da and ar abor writ tea, i.f. CUBMKLU (Mttl.) Anilltor 1', A. Certificate of Publication. OFFKK OF Auditor of Public Accounts. ' State of Nebraska. Llnouln. F.broar 1, MM. If IS HEBFBT CEPTIFIKD, Tbat tk Equitable Mutual Accident Insurance Company, of Omaha, in the State of . ! Nebraska, baonplld wltb tb In.nrano Law of tbi Stat and I aatborlud to tran.act tb bntln of Avoidant In.nrano la tbi Stat for tb ear WIIdhm nr hand and tb aval of tbAndltor ol 1'ubllo AooonnU tb da and r abor writ tn. J, F. OOKNKLL, (Sial) Aodltor P. A. Certificate of Publication. OKF1CB OF Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. t.laoola, r.liraar I, im. IT IS IIRREBY CERTIFIED, That th Union Casualty and Surety Company of St. Louis, in the State of Missouri, ha iniill.d wltk th Inaaranr Law ol thl Stat and I tborli-d ti traa.a.1 tb t'S.lnw ot l.lablllt, ridrlll, and nrt In.nrano I thl Stat lur th tnrrvnt ar. WltaeM mr kaid aad th l ol ih Atiiitor ol I'abli Awul.U th da d f r an.a writ. Wa. J. F. COHXiaw tHwU ) ..rur V F Certificate of Publication. orm r Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nttraika. I la.,. F-hra.n I, Iwt, IT I HKNRkV I'katUir.ii thai m Unhf d Slate Giuautpe Com pany, of New York, in the State of New York, aHua aut tk m Me thl at m4 1 ikorMi k. lrMt iw bM I MkUti. riwv, a4 aiii i la st tw M Ik MrMit , l m Mf ka4 a4 It. Mi ! tk l,l Fb tk dv lM wrtki W i. F, ivakhtu t i f r. Certificate of Publication. t- Auditor of Public Accosnts. $UI Ktbf Uek 1 i,.j, r k4i t, im. ft l irht iaalitu tki im Lawyer Surety Company, ol New York, in the State of New York, has mm piled wltb th. In.nranc Law of this Stat and I antborlwd to transact tb botlwiM of Liability, fld.llt, and Snrotj Inmranc la thl Stat lor tb currant ar, WIlntMi uir band and tb eal of tb Auditor of I'nullc AooouuU tb da and .r abov wi It ta. 1. F.0OKM1CLL, ' (Meal - Aodltor P, A. Certificate of Publication. OFFIC'K OF Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska, " Lincoln, F.broar 1, 199. IT IS HERK11T CKHTIF1ESD, Tbat tb United States Casulty Com pany of New York, jn the ; State of New York, baa compiled wltb tb Irno Uw of tbli Stat aad I astborittd to tranaot th bnln of Llablllt, Klil.Mt, and Har.t Intareno la tbi Stat fur th turr.nt ar, ; r WltnuMWbud and tb. Mai of tb aodltor of Publl Ascoant tbtda and ar abor wrlt Wo. I, F, COllNELL, ("al.) Aodltor V, A, Certificate of Publication. office or Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. Lincoln. F.brnar I, ISO, IT IS HEIIFBT CEPTIFIKD Tbat tk United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co.,of Baltimore, in the State of Mary- ; ' land, Bimplfd with tb. Imoranc Law of tbli and I asthorlMd to trnnvact tb balnM of Llablllt ViWj, aad ort In.orapo la tbi stat for tb nrrnt r, WltntM m band aad tb mm I of tb Anilltor of I'nbll AmoosM tb da and car abov writ. (B. t,V, CO l( NIC LI., SI.) Aodltor 1. P, Certificate of Publication. ovrm of Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. Llnuolii, Flirnr,r 1, trnn), itw MEREiiy mmnvA), nt ih Travelers Insurance Com pany, of Hartford, in the State of Connecticut, . ba t'tmplivd wltb tb lo.orsric Law of this Stat and I atburlid to trasaeet tb bo.ln of Ll( and Acldat Insorane la tbi Stat for tb corrtnt r. , tt'm. mr band and tb atal of th Aodltor of I'obll Aiwonnt tb da and r abov writ. Wa. . , ' i.f. CORNELL, I !.) Aodltor V. V. Certificate of Publication. . OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. Lincoln, Fbrar 1, lSftt. IT W HEREBY CKIITIFIEO, Tbat tb Standard Life and Accident Insurance Company, of Detroit, the State of Michigan, ba compiled with th In.nranc Law of thl Hat and I antborlil to tran.act th bouts. of Llf. and Aooldcnt In.nranc In tbi Stat for tb currant yr. ; . WltM ui band andtbcwal of the Auditor ot f nbll Account tb da and car abova wrlt Wa, J. f, CORNELL, (!) Aodltor P, A, Certificate of Publication. OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. Lincoln. F.brnar 1, ni. IIS IIKRFHT CKPUFIBO. That th Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New York, in the State of N.Y., kMfOMplWd wltk Ik lura La of thl Stat aad k atkortM4 tj traau.l tk IMim f U aad UduatriaJ iMsraao la tkt iata lur tk MnwiMf, WltaMW mi k4 aad tk mI ol tk dilo f Fkii AnuM tk da a4 ar wH W i, F tHtRNkLU lMa I Aia P, F, Certificate of Publication. tu ran r Auditor of Public Accounts, Stite of Nftrma, I r-k..t I. mk l HKV rsatitiktv tkt im rrutlcntial. Life Insurance Company of Newark, ia the State of New Jersey, a, wHk ik. I.. W ik-e ii 4 kM.:4 k tt U ktw l i'At a4 UJt..l !. k tt M k -'t tb .tat k4 a4 tk .al at tk cd Fa 14 k tk M I Mi ,, F tvail, ti, ' A4tt4 F a. When nwe ring idmtlio mentt mention Indepcndeot Certificate of Publication. OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. Lincoln, Fibroar 1, WW. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED. Tbat tb Frankfort Marine, Accident, and Plate Glass Insurance Co., of Frankfort, Germany, km compiled wltb th lo.uranc Law of tbi Stat and I aotborlMd to tran.aot tb bo.ln ot fir, Aosldcnt, and Plat tils In.nranc la ibl tt for th orrot ar, ' Wiintwi m band and tb al of tb Aodltor ol i'oblle Account tb da aad car abov writ ten. J. F. CORNELL, (Seal) , Aodltor P. A. Certificate of Publication. OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. Lincoln, F.broar t, mt. IT IS flBIIEBY CEUTIFIEO, Tbat th Hartford Steam Boiler Inspec tion and Insurance Co., of - Hartford, in the State of Connec- ticut. . . rhi. ba complied wltb tbe Iiuiurane Law' of this Stat sod l aotborlMd to tran.aot tb bo.lii.e ot Holler Inspection aad and Snrat lasorano In this stat for tb corrtnt car. Wltucc mr bind andtbal of th Aodltor of fobll Account tbda aodear abov writ- 1 ln, t t, V, CORNELL, . (rival.) Aodltor P. A. Certificate of Publication. OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. Lincoln. Fcbroar 1, 1SW. . IVIS HEIIFBT CEPTIFIKD. Tbat tb New York Plate Glass Ins . ance Company, of Newur York, in the State of N.Y., b compiled wltb tb In.uraoe Law of tbi Stmt and U aotborlted to transact th boela of Plat Ola. In.uraoe lo thl stat for tb currant er. Wltoee mf band and tb cat of tb Aodltor ol Publl Account tb da end ear abov wrlt Wn. J. F. CORNELL. (al.) : ; Aodltor P. P. Certificate of Publication. OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts. ' State of Nebraska. - Lincoln. F.bniarf I, ISM. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, Tbat th London' Guarantee and Acci dent Insurance Company -of London, Eng land, bi compiled wltb th In.oram Law of thl. ' and I authoring lo tranauct th hn-in Of Fidelity, ftnrat, and P.r.onal Accident lenr. aao In this .tat. for tb current ar. - Wltn. m band and th al of th Aodltor ol Public AooonnU th da and ear abov writ ten. J.F.CORNELL, (.al) Aodltor P. A. Certificate of Publication. OFFICE OF Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. Lincoln, Fehraar L IN. HEREBY CERTIFIED. That tb IT 18 Royal Exchange Insurance Company, ot London, England, ha. eoniIM with th la.orann l.w of th'a Stat aad W aatborlied to traaeart the boat of Fir lara la tbla stat lor the correal WltaeM mt band ad th e ol lb Aodltor I I'abli AoaaU th da aad ear abov writ Wa, J, F. CORNELL. I A I Adlior P. f. Certificate of Publication. orpaa of Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska, l.lBMfa, k.kryr I, Its. IT la HkV caaTiruu That tk ScottUh Union and National Insurance Company, of Edinburu, Scotland, kMt.M4 WHk t I ut tk 11 4 kl lra-e .,.. I Fw laiH Ik lk u M tk rri w k4 K4 tfr wa. wl , ,4tin I I A-evaei. tk a4 . W.,av i F neu. 4 r, a. ATTENTION, FARMERS! t I ! k kMAmA at waa a al M'W m l MM teM lam iiia ' a. 4 M.HlMkvtHSlM IMMM,U4 kk we ija " v 4 , . k ta at i rtw i4 In auk tk . F (MsMf, m tM !: 4 vaaM N !. a4 m4m 1 eM m4 , im w 4 pwmm .. Ma wt mt ) w ax IHiiiwi ! t ,t kt4 MMl A44Maa fiana !. HUM , 4k '