The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 01, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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nru:::zD iviky tkum day
tzr.zzun, . MCCHACKA.
C-A mm ' eta. aarssto
tJjcszrxiifciiff m, oa
n.TUnlalnU .harn rn
tiMwoold btlionlcerfai be erer did on
tbt Spaaleb. He will manage to eanapt
vmw mtnj vwihim "Ha. wm wc
to tbe United State. Watch bia and
. ii i.. a i '
Let every popullut community bare a
blgeeitbratlon on tbe J&rartb of July
and read tbe Declaration of Indepen
dence. UMcKinley order Mail banged
for blgb treaaon all right. There will be
ajhlgb old Ume at tbe banging.
Self Culture ay tbat "The prolongep
attempt to amiwtb regulation of pub
lie aerrlee corporation by mean of open I
competition bai mad erry moniclpa1
a &t . .
legteianTeDooyineaoflro oi a moral
eoeUgioo wbicb bat permeated all de
partment of public and private life."
! Two down fellow met down at Kan-
a City and declared 'bat tbey were
tbe people party, Tbe associated pree
juat laid iteelf out to glre publicity to
tbeir proceeding. Nerer before were
. tbe doing of a little handful of men
girtn o mncb attention In tbe great
; dallies. Wonder wby?
Of tbe fifty large citfe In tbt United
States, only nine are supplied by pri
vately owned waterworks. These nine
vaieiy ownea waierworss. ineae mnei HanFrancisco, New Orla.
venver. inaianapoiie, new uaven, rat
trson, Scranton, and Memphis, Iti
. ... M . i
, about time Omaha, ituattd In this pop
uliet state as it is, was cutting loose
from tbat crowd. :
, The building of tbe Nicarauga canal
should be made on of tbt demand In
tbe aeit national platform of tbe peoplee
party. It should bt bnilt by tbt gov
eminent No contract should btmad
with any construction company. The
building of that canal by tbe govern-
eat and running H at cost would i
dace freight rate on tbt railroad be
tween California and New York one half.
While some of tbe preacher were mak
Ing speeches In tbe auditorium at Chi
cago denouncing tbe Declaration of Io-
depeudenc aa tbt work of tbt devil, a
large congregation met In another ball
and engaged In the warship of Buddha
and other heathen dirlnltle. While
tbey were advocating th shooting of
Christianity into tbe Filipinos, tbe
heathen weit (taking possnssion of their
own town.
During tbs revolution, King George
wa told tbat tb rich men of New York
were as loyal as th Prince of Wales.
Now over In Manila, tbey send word to
McKinley tbat the ricb men of the Phil.
Ippineaare aa loyal to biiaaaaretbe
members of his own cabinet. This is a
trang sort of coincidence and it will
not do to comment upon It, for if you
do you will be called a copperhead and
Mark Hanna will have you hung for a
A negro bishop down eouth solemnly
declares tbat tbt block wort much
better oft before tbt war than tbey are
now, and be ought to know for be was a
slavs hlmsxlf. lit might bav added
that tbs vago working white moa of th
north were also much better otf than
tbey ar now. This gold standard slav
ery make no eierptioa on aceouat of
race, eolor or previous condition of err
Vltnde. It treate all worker alike.
v. -Mi'mu... Ji.ijju.'miimiw
I It aay wonder after we take a took
at tbe foolery tbat baa bta goiag on In
Manila between MekloWy ' comaibaloa.
Otia,aadtt Filipino mrftatatlvea,
tbat Dewey a long time ago made a re. I sorrow la bl heart, at klpl dwae
quWtloaoa tkegovtraweatluratUtva.attlike IhtieeiWrltMHl by Mr, liar it?
a. as iKMah-y eld net flHd alTkietaahat hewosldeaji
tblagul that kind wearing tkertubl I
vaa brand la tbt who) Tailed Hiim.
b did not honor that rqaleitiL bat
tat oat mm ty rot who bavt been la a
wees ever eisoe tbey bavt bma tbare.
Tba MobamaM-dieai tbat It Wiag
preaebsd la wait of car ehurvbe ( tot
I tb ba way, or mUh and ebtt
It In tbt tlrabl Ibiag. tVavrefcia ol
xts.'Wfer by tb tword aad htub la
(wtiay 99 lataJisM, It I our dsstlay.
tad wt bavt watkles la do with ba4ag
l. Itklbt aiu
4 it i. .aasaa. si .. & .
, aai saaiis
t Vy iaaa bt tbat lis naUIWvtru abtj
b btea, aad not itd as aa wa
desnbes lSabamel a a oa tartb.
(Jurat ia A tlhf Uet aat aad yvll or or
Aum bj Haled.
The cost ol a republican J'dir to the
modW ol Lincoln I many thousands or i
dollar a year man man ni eaiary.
Oneoftbem lud an Injunction tbe
,( that will form til ll' of
. - , i
i j i. L tA v i thousand for I lam-
i- ........i to nrivat
.title tbe eilii-n l ail
-ifi- . ..ttin tbeir their chi at
from ouafourtb to on, half that coet.
-w.. u i th. thine: that tbe peopl
VWVI WWW p------r-i
bav to pay, for tb pleasure, f baring
. ind. Tbt molU-thead
wboeompo tbt majority to thi Judl-
-ui Autt .III Mbtl tbat ldgaud
call every man a copperhead who doe
set vote forblm. Tbr nvr wa mm
in -II th. wmM before aacb a eonum-
. f.i. Th. nanth. ffu that
L faraUh4 to tbt peapl of Lincoln can
be manufactured bre Just at cheaply ae
u ...i.m a.nd tbt amount
.... M ,,n-ud out of by tble
Jadgt can bt test by reaaing ine iohow
Ina- dltoatcb:
I New York. Mar aDIO tut gat
eompanlei for city contract were open-
ed today. For lighting puww Duiioug
w - -
to upply gaa at 60 ctnt for 1,000 cu-
itui. Tduuiau than ona-nau tne
I "" . . .
prtttnt ratt. Bid on etreet lamp wrn
13 and 113.90 a lamp, aa againet $17
laet year.
m,. fni iIimbmim of ike rnral dod
i tb. N-- Enaland tot,wbere
... aTu.t oId stADdard maioritle are
conntedjibtitg acknowledged eren In
th. hlnh-toaed olutocratlc mrgazlne.
Th.u.iM of BoiB LjrBot Jiartt in
.u. i tWi, tnntuw an the moral and
Lbyical degeneracy of New, England
" - . . . .
toWDi . creation a treat deal of dlaeuir
Ion and criticism. Iren tbe New York
Tribune say tbat Mr. Hartt properly
tand by bl gun in re-Iterating bl
charges, knowing tbat be ba tbe facte
behind bin. Tbe general consensu of
opinion about tbe degeneracy of tbe
people I tbat It is caused by wbat
Mary A, Jordan of Smith college call
"a prevailing air of hopelessness." I'bll.
lip Morgan describes tbe conditions there
a follows:
"Th. number of llllgitlm.t.
among nets so large 'that a definite
amount ba been died by common con-
. k n-ld hw thai
" L" 1212
iiyivu vhv. vv - 1
Puv.uT-.M.r , '"J-;" "'long ago, when alliteration was a fad
uuuiirrnu I
A ..I.. . I
husbands without tbe formality of a dl-
vorce or re-marrlagt. Whole families
art sunk in a slough of vice and poverty,
from which, occasionally, some tnter-
prieisg son ot daughter will emerge, per.
bap only to fall back again In a moment
of temptation or despair.' ; '
Compare such a condition a tbat to
popullstic, educated, enterprising Ne
braska. Concentration of wealth and
poverty of tbe masse is wbat ba bro't
tbl awful degeneracy upon tbs New En
gland state. "My people' declare a
Congregational minister of tbat part of
tbe country, "are degenerate; tbe peo.
pie all through my district are degener
ates." This condition I Just wbat was fore-
I0.a oy in economy o. eyery coun-ry
us as VtASMllf flf 4 hat AhfiflAffAf fii IflAPMag I
tbe purchasing power of money through
the.dumonotization of silver and tbe
eetabllnhment of tbe gold standard. Tbe
darkest pictur ever painted by a wild
eyed pop will not equal the degeneration
to be found all over New England.
"Hopelesaneaa," "poverty," "no chance
for advancement," these Ithlnga art aaid
to be tbe cause of tbe d genoracy of a
people who once led the world In enter
prise, stateemaBMhip, aad education.
But what hat caused the hopelessness
and poverty. Tb value bee gone from
tbeir land aad th product ol th
work of their bands, while their taxes,
Intereet, aad all flted chargea bav re
mained tbt tame. That I what has
caused tbem to be poor, Tbat le wbat
baatakn all the hope out of thmr
Now bow do these plutocratic philas-
thropiet propose to regenerate the po-
(ilef Mr, Hartt wotld "teaob tbe poople
to call upon each other oftener aad to
talk mor upon thing that art worth
while, Oet up entertainment aad re-
hallow card pligrlug and daseing. Stint,
ulate and deepen their lutlltual life
through eonrsea ul lecture M Mr.llartt
doe not tall blatealt a degenerate, but
one would be eteueed for vailing kim so
after reading that. What would an old
pop Nebraska farmoe advise a be cUhm!
aad locked, with tear la kiseiesand
"Yoa bav pat upon taste twoiile bur.
dat too bavi lu bt bora. um Saa
doabWd tbeir tales, tbeir labwwl. tk4v
railroad rbarfta, by donbilag tbt pur-
ebaeiai powr of mtay, Yea bavt eat
ia hall tbt iWa tbey rwvivt r tbt
prod tela tky prodtea, Yoa bavt la.
rreaesd tbeir herd, roar ttdU Tb itea
aba rewiv ialrat, laita, aad railraad
barge bavt beeoiat atillioaairea and
atultiwUliueairea, Ttrfr saonaoa la
in weaitb baa btea lka troia
the pewpie, aad It ba left (beat la pit
tny aa aiiaoat iit, rnia tbat yea'
...... a, . . . . a . a
bav dot, al ball lbs tubal tbt
psoplt pay la tats, bail tbey pay la la.
tertt,balftd tbt Irsbjbl ebargea lb
Frrv iy etiasMtaa4
y tut owa hops eiwiag up ii ib4r
Uetta. Tbeir ey will grow brtybt
aud tbeir tep elastic. Tbey will marry
wive, rains children, aod preserve and
defend their homes."
If you art bow tbeee charge tbat the
ricb collect from tbe poor can b cut la
half and tbt priot of tbtir product
raised M much, U will mil and aay: "
I tboorbt any one im bow to oo mat.
I n n we enoieac wing in m wwu w u
Double tb amount of mony la clreula
I .... . .
lion, Tbat will cot taiM, in-erast, ana
railroad chart right lo two at th
mlddl. Tbat will doobl tb price of
the product of labor,"
Tb would-b wtat of tbl world call
tacn rain a tnat lunacy. oey aay;
"Adorn tb church, tb aobool boua,aad
tbtown ball. Eocourag tb farmer
to purchase laxpalvt rt-prodnctlon
I of good picture: arrange an art xblbb
tlon tacb winter. Better mode can be
dm in in enurcue. rr or. a occasional
I concert, mas amateur aromatic
mfana of colturt. Dtrtlop a- taetefor
bortieultnr and laadtcape gardeniag."
Tbat I what Hartt aaya, and it I about
tbe turn and uUtaoe of wbat all tbe
plotocratlo pbllantbropiato ay.
One might a wtll toll tbem when tbey
came to a trace to lift tbenuelra ortr
by tbeir boot etrap. Tber 1 jtut at
mueta ten In tbe one proposition a tbe
urM, vnuron aaorn-
1 Ing, eren If tbe, portrty etrlckto degen
I w.i. . . .
eratoacauld buy tbem, would only inak
ta-r t porerty.trlckn condition wore.
for what tbey epent on tboee thing
would only be taken from tbe thing
way aar now,
New England degenerate are the direct
tmnSa wctm of '78."
It 1 tbe
fulfillment of the prophecy of Wolowski
mad In 1808, of Seyed In '70, and all
economist who forewarned th world
when John Sherman and tbcltotbscbild
etarUd out to demonetise ellver arid
Mtablieb tbe gold standard. Degener
acy will continue to spread aalonguu)
present condition continue.
A bourbon democrat never forget
anything that be ba once learned, and
never change Iti opinion. If be can
mttimvii rn nininiM. in ultam . I,..,..
and Lftrd lUauuuwhk:b u -,W.B "
lanrr Ixtfnra If. ran lui t.
MmoVM hlm .m ...
h. , . , t(... ,,1
- "" "
n9d t0 rit w-k" -P
inner man miian nil . i. a
uniniiir naaananw n..n 111 I. ...IK .
. """'M'-UV
writer have long since discarded it. but
Morton got it into hi noddle, and tbor
tbe Idea ba stuck ever f nee. In bis last
paper be goes on after this fashion:
"Fuelonaud confusion, valiant vor-
lots, fusion and fallacy I u-e, propagating
poverty, amalgamated' and emulsioned,
modern or midway, fancies and finan
cier, forcible and fervid, financial fort
caatera." These alliteration werecangbt
at a glance In looking over a column or
two. We might have cauabt a few scors
more but happened to see tb following,
and quit:
"Placard a dwelling 'Small Poi Ham
and It will not be freer from callere tban
that town wbicb suDtort a eennlus
10 to 1 Brvanarcbletic newannrMtr will ha
from Incoming capital seeking Invest
w ,to , c
mmwv.V WW IVH S WU17WTO W Jt U. 1UII7 IU
loan In Nebraska City; money to loan
everywhere, at lees rate tban ever be
fore in Nebraska." And a B ry anarch Ut-
ianewepaper pullinbed in every enter
prising town in tbe etatel Oh, Morton)
Give u aome parity.
Will some Kaueas pop please inform the
Independent who George II. Harrison
ft Co., are. They appear before the pub
lic as tbe editor and publisher ol the
Farmers Advocate of Topekaj Kansas.
That paper ued to be tbe organ of the
Farmers Alliance and later of the popu
list party. If there has been anything
In It for the laet eis month advocating
th principle upon which it wa founded
tbl editor has failed to find It. If It la
not one of Mark Hannn'a subsidized
orgaut it act at if it were,
gaUBLill! I'll... .j V,,"1" "t f
There are torn etrang thing it this
world, but one of the atraugeet Is to go
Into abitM a, bxir a jwitf her read
a quotation from lbs Man of Peace,
prearh a sermon about It, aad In tb
srrmon advocat ware of conquest aad
ubjugatioa. The aurprie not dl
mluiehed whea oat mm with what ap
proval the UlUtHMt wtirda are rreeived
by lbs members of the HooMj ol UfU.
Una Kailnav or, who mt la the evening
aud work and pray fur ualvereal peact.
There bt no parity Intbeet lbisgs,attd
Ibt ladeadeat U alwai grat on
"parity," How tble eaa be Uousol
(bote thing tbal aa pop a find oat,
When Ktrott dtraiiaed la buy a4
oatbetrteav llaa is tkateity.a
toaiHilttee ol eiperu plsjd tb value ol
all the vieiMe prosily wed by Ibeat
at IT.tKHMMMl, bt Ibt eaaer atked
Ili.lHHl.tHKj, b utw u,oo,aoo
belag tb valt td tb fvasehtee Ibat
tbavtiybadfivea aay aad oat bleb
tbt rnUIUiaair aba owned Ibeat, .ld.
lag tbe aiaiy Teat Jha(.a, ba t lever
paidaftatoltatsa, A gn4 large slWt
f tbs tatlheaalre ibat tarts UU evaa-
try wtta Uit pretsae er amd U.
Hoaairea Ur tbt ailt ia tiUai ,J h
ebievt, Wba la tbt &M aali oau,s.ij
ampalgaa Ibis rtar wat wmt to tal
It an tMqelM m glviag atay these
atillKta ibat Moag tt all lb peopbj bt
wa soiled a W and a mak.
Tbe republican leader in Kansas are
in a fair way to wreck the educational
Institution of that state by making
tbem the foot ball of politic. The bet
ter class of republican paper la th
stat are denouncing and protesting I centra tlon of capital, combination, and
againet tbe policy inaugurated. Two of I tracts, will disappear. II I not ma
th board of regent of . the agricultural I ebintry, it 1 not invention, it is not
college were recently dismissed for estab
liabinftb student' boarding house,
wbicb tb "investigating committee"
deoided wa againet th law. Tb
boarding boas business waa then atop
pad by rot of tb republican regent,
Tbty didn't want to do anything eon -
trary to law. Last week a petition
igndby30tudut asked tbat thtlthe United ftatee would employ aJ
boarding bouse b reopened. Tbt reg-
snts scratched their beads, read tbt list
of name again, and voted to commit
tbe earn crime tbat tb popuilt bad
beta decapitated for,
Tbt ousting of these two regent gave
tb republican control and tbey forth
with proceeded to knock out all tb ar
rangement tbat bad been made for
tb commencement exerciee. Tbty
countermanded tb engagement made
with Bryan for a peecb on that occas
ion, On of tbe leading republican pa
pers, tbe Sallna Journal, aay:
"It waa certainly poor politic to
countermand tb engagement of William
J. Bryan for tb commencement address
at tbe agricultural college. Tbt republl
can bavt been complaining of tb ex
treme partisanship of the populist la
tb management of tb tat educational
Institution, and uow,at tbe very outset,
tbey ar guilty of tb earn thing. Tbe
national reputation of Bryan a an or
ator I a uffloient warranty for bis en
gagement for th commencement ir
In answer to numbers of inquiries in
regard to Major Eager, all tbat can be
aid i that bl mother ba received a
short letter In addition to th cablegram
irom mm, ji say tunc the ione ol
bl foot were badly mangled, but that
while flit wound is very painful It is not
considered dangrouN. He thought It
would be two months before h would be
fit for duty again. He said that he bad
tbe best of care and tbe only thing to
complain of was tb excessively , hot
Wbat la Mark Hauna going to do with
tb Island of Mindanao? It I almost a
large as Luzon and the late Spanfeb
mlnleter of war, Nicolas Eatevaney says
tbat it was never conquered by Spain,
that tb most tbat tbey could claim was
little atrip of land along certain part
of tbe coast, lit say tbat tbt native,
who ar all Mohammedan ar uncon
querable, They have maintained their
Dowse and thai amiArnrn.nt lor 100
rears airainet all tbe armiea that Mnaln
could send againet tbem, J her is a
good chance for another war, another
iaeaeof bonds and tb slaughter of a
few tboueand more American aoldlera.
All of wbicb Ii just to tb liking of
Hanna, McKinley and a lot of preacher.
Tbe bead liar on tb gold bug sheet Is
no longer the circulation man. Tbat
position Is now given to tb headline
writer. For a good example, look at
the State Journal of lost Friday morn
ing. Ite headlinee over the diepatch con
corning tbe democratic meeting at St.
Louis were aa follow: "Party badly at
aea Bryan shouts for silver Say it
cannot bo shelved, and Altgeld agrees
Strong undercurrent, nevertheloee,
against giving It a place." Whoa tbe
wbolo account Is read through tbe
"strong undercurrent" fail to appear.
There soeins to bea mortal dread among
the leadure of the republican party tbat
free silver will not be dropiwd. Every
rep paper one takes up has an editorial
or two telling how fret silver will be
dropped by tbe populists and democrats
In the next campaign. That always
make u think of tb old aoylng: "Th
wish l father to the thought"
Attention I called, o an article In a
other Column euliildd "M-tlod is boom
lag," Ia tbat country, half tivilitadat
Itll, there le a complete fulfillment tf
vry predWtloa mads by th bimetallic
force la regard to th beneficent effect
of tb fret roiuag of silver and the
cheapening of ibe purcbaalng power of
money, ltefl-el upon a country like
tbe United fUates, filled aa It la with
railroads, tbe beet machinery, aud tbs
bard! working aad most Intelligent
population aa earth, would bt bill atort
Htop and soneider what Ibt adoptioa
ollbaguld ilaedard weald bt apoa
Meilee, la Ibt Irtt, all tales
would bt doubled, Uteres! would h
dualled, every debt would be doubled,
railroad treiibtagt aad paeseagef far
would be doubled, Tbe people, bavtag
lo pay iael ! as atacb aa tbey do
M to? ail thus tbisgt, would bt able
to bay only ball a ataay good a under
lb preaeatttaadard, No a la!
would be bail!, aad ball ol Ibt aorkatea
eapliied la (bust tbat art now waaleg
would bt duebarged. Will aay ataa
ba eaa tbtak dear Ibat all id Ibuae
tbiagi tiM tl eesity Miott Jasl
tbat result Mbi wed la tbta ewualry
wbea the attempt tt establish lb M
laadard la Ibejeotutry wa made, and
It alway wiH Mlow tbt dtablieg 4 lb
p rob aat ag power id wHiaey.
Wbat tort id lasaally U ittbatwld
lead aea wb art aot laiewaud la tbt
duttbltag t dvhla, raiWtd vaarf, aad
interest, to advocate the gold standard?
Give a reduction in the purchasing pow
er of money, cut in two Intereet charge,
railroad rate, and taxes, and all tbe
ill that bavt com upon u sine th de-
monetiiation of ljver, Including tbe con
j tht th nature of man la changed tbat
l cause tba evils from which th gold
J standard countrle suffer, while tbtbaif-
civilised countrle Ilk Japan and Mexico
ptoper, build fact oris, amploy all their
labor, and Incrtaat in wtalth. . It 1 tb
1 awful burdtna of interest, debt, and tax
I ation. Cut these burden fa half and
tbt labor and create aucb wealth a wa
I never beard of before. There is nothing
I in all thi furor but tb money question.
1 1 bt statemsnt of '90 stand.
A little pamphlet entitled "Tb Race
Problem In th South," baa com to
tbiaoflc. It should have a universal
circulation among all those who ar in-
tereted in the welfare of this country
. . al amjm . . ....
it mooes t un-titi say tnat it la "a
papr by Iter, Robert F, Campbell,
D.D.,"butlt 1 ucb a calm and able
dlaouMlon of tb whole subject tbat It
general circulation would go far toward
tbt settlement of tbt qutstlon, A paper
Hp attached say that It can be ob
tained of tb Citizen Company, Ash'
land, N. ft. at 6o Dtr codt. Tb Preebr
I tery of Aah vilf endorse tbt pamphlet
I and It Is sent out as a tract
on bom mission, but It la something
very much more than tbat. .
This race problem tb American people
mast deal wltb In tb near future. Many
million more of tb Inferior race bar
corns under our jurisdiction In tb last
year In fact mor tban all w bad to
deal with when McKinley stepped into
th whit house. Wbat 1 to bt don
with tbem? That I oraetblng tbat
must be auewered, and prudono aay
tb aoewer cannot bt dtlaytd. Tble
tract bos tbe ring of tbe real old gospel
in It. It I not to bt wondered at that
we find appended to this copy tb fol
io wing note:
"Within on month from tbt publica
tion of tbl pamphlet tbe first edition
wa exhausted, and tbe demand for a
second and larger edition lead tb
writer to bop tbat thi bumble attempt
to unit mn of all sections and of both
races In an unbiased ttudy of tbl great
question will not be in rain."
Tne socialist idea and tbat ol om
other people tbat it Is best to let tbe
trust, tbe gold bug and tb backer
work their Will upon tb p0
P1- nntl1 tb,n" row ,0 that tbey
cannot b endured, ia all wrong. Tbey
think tbat aucb a condition would force
a revolution, but It wouldn't. That
kind of talk wa beard around Wnabln
ton In 18021 by men who ought to bav
bnown batter. Tbey said "Let tbem de
monetize ellver if tbey want to. When
tbt day of bankruptcy com and price
fall one-half or more, when thousand
of men are thrown out of employment,
they will tarn and burl tb republican
party from fpower." But it did not
work tbat way. Th day of bankrupt
cy came. Hundreds ol thousands ol
mea were thrown out of employment,
but in tbeir distress aud want, Mark
Hanna was able to buy tbem with the
monoy furnished by the banker, tb
trusts and th ineuranoe companies by
tb thousand, at a dollar a bead. Tbat
ia tbe way it worked, and that I th
way it will alway work. From distress
and misery tb republican party got the
larger part ot Ite votes. Good time
aud good crops t th hope of tb popu
liet party.
Hardy's Colomn.
Sugar Trust Yellow Fever Decoration
Dty-Htatt OtBoers Atone to Dead
Colouil-Tho War x does Sadly On
Otis Call-Word From tb Coemy.
Th Journal trir to einlala the eunar
war by dating that the tratt mad loo
big a margin between raw augar aad
refluetl. Juet levy the tariff ad valorem
and tb trust would wilt. Th truete
bw na ualuet larilf disiTitainalion,
Tariff and lrue art twla aieters, oO
priug al republteaa greed.
The fellow fever has apiwared la New
Orkaas this early aad the elate ol Tias
baa quarantined aa-aluet bef, fia a
paeenag v bakage la allowed la cross
lbs lias ol Tela.
Fur earn at fear alter wt eat lied la
.laeo!a ws bad a deeoralloa day, for
there were aa euMief ' nrave la eWtr
ix, but now tbey art nambemd bv baa
dreda, aad lb day paaeet as eat td get'
erai lafcfeal.
l tea be said for lb tat effleart thai
be bav due Ibeir bat lt aia uf
IImmi bfMalrftily aa I Mlettdaaet bf
Ibe baaor tber bavt imtd la lu tmm.
tMV ul t'uloael MloUeabefg Italt Jur
WtlltbtJaaraalleMae wbea tbe re
paMhMta am(W td ibe lewieJalar
alae" br ihetr evt4lf I'm aae
aa'teraelli MttKlar mad hie, puat
Wtaale at Uetabe. Tte$rwty Wat aot
lib lb elate MRU bat with Ibefiegif
btttrt aad rpblaNa led ibe Igbt,
rVveral tboaeaad Moibi lrd ail
flea lbs reotalM 4 0loal auiteeabera
as toy la 1m HI ia aea It eaaateee,
Headay atwteiag. Mea, wwtsea
-LM J 1 i . .
vuuurvu uoaaea id &0, Burns, review.
Colonel Stotaenberg wa truly a brav
oldier but died defending a cowardly
can. He wa tber to obey, of course.
But how much more noble to fall in th
defense of out' own borne and native
land. Next to tbat would bt a death for
humanity in liberating aa enelaved two
pit. It mutt bt tweeter to die for liber
ty tban for oppression.
Imperialism and expansion mar sound
eweeter in tbe ears of th big bloated
American but not o with tb common
W bav alreadv been flirhtlna the PH.
Ipino longer than it took to whip tba
Spaniard aad to all appearance w ar
no nearer the end tban when we began.
Tbeir arrow and aoeara backed bw the
climate and jungle ar mor tban a
matcn tor oar nest equipped soldiers.
Tb rainy season Is now al hand and
death will at buer. Tbt food onr man
eat i not suited to tbe climate. Dlssaat
lurk In tb canned meat, pork, bean,
Itlct and vegetable diet would bt' mora
conducive to health. Then tbt Honor
that ia drank kill mora of onr aoldlera
tban buMet. Spain bad to build a blgb
wall to Drotect her soldier from the as-
Malt oftbenativ A wall of Ameri
can soldiers will used to surround avery
acre of territory governed by despotic
Oeneral Oil ask for thirty thousand
mora men. Tbat u wbat w mar ex
oect very lx roontbe, Our best blood
w to be drained a ba been tb cos
with Hualn for tb last hundred rears.
Yet alts never triad to govern but a fw
acre. Tb greater part of tb islanda
went who. it will tax two Hundred
tboueand men to rutttb nint million
on thou island. Tb expense will not
b let tban fifty million a rear, A bet
tor job would b don to let tbem tror
era themselves and foot tbeir own bill.
Tbeelave driver wanted Texas, tb
money driven want th Philippine,
Fifty mils north of Manila orison er
under Aguinaldo and permitted to writ
for Hardy Column. You must nob
criticlx Oeneral Thayer tor tbe old man
la nearer right tban you pop glv him
credit for. It I a fact Wry un 'a epeeobe
bavt a great influence upon rebel her,
bey are translated and acattored oyer
tbe land tbe next mornlnff after tber ar
delivered. You may doubt it butfyou
muet remember tbat mornintr doesn't
corns her until ten hour Inter than In
Lincoln A telegraph run from London
to Hong Kong. In tb winter tb tele
graph boy ekate across and In tb eum- ,
mwr tbey wjm. Tbey are good swim
mers, but you need not believe tbat un
less you want to. After reading one of
uryan' pucbe tbey flgut ilk seventy
thousand furlee. W saw a lot of women
and children crying and bowling at no
moll rat. Come to find out tbey had
received General Tbarer'a letter and wa
crying for fear be would be sent there to
fence tbem in to starvs as was don in
Cuba. Tbat night all th soldiers re
ceived a curtain lecture when tbey got
home. There wse no fighting tbt next
day. Tbt general, I rlgbt, we abould
not question our hired men. Off went a
bead in Spain wben etarving women and
children waa criticised. McKinley bad
bettor go for a few head at .one for
there i no other way to conquer tb Fil
ipino only to ttarve tbt women and
children and kill the men. It ia going to
take four or five sets of white men to do
tb job, A True BkpdbIIoan.
Service In memory of tboae who fell
lu tbt. war for humanity and to bring
freedom to another race tbat was fought .
by tb brav men of tbe North from'
1001 to 18G5 were held in most of th
cburcbe of Lincoln last Sunday. Ia
ome cases, however) tbe day wa given
almost wholly to tb (crvlce In connec
tion with tbe honor to tbe memory of
those wbo have fallen in tbe war wih
the Pbilipinoe and with Spalu.
Memorial service were held in All
Soul's church and the followins para
graph ar from tb remark mad tber
by Kr. Mr. Mareb.
Th great entbaeiasm of tbe peopl
over tbe visit of Admiral Schley, tb
preparation made for the home coming
of Admiral Dewey, tbe popularity and
euooeesof Col. Ilosevelt, the admiration
of such deeds of daring as those of llob-
on at Santiago, ot Gen. Fanaton In th
Philippines, and ot Col. Stotoneberg, tb
gallant hero commander of our owa
regiment of herorw thoe and many
other similar manlliwtation provt be
yond doubt that beroieiu il lilll a qual
ity ol United elate eltlsooafalp and the
peopl of thi country ar euthuelastio
herd Wehlppr.
TketmUdf krit year Lav r
vlved tb sen timed U b hero worship
ad given ui toaldeart til ht abilities
ot our leader and of our people, V
are welcoming the return of atildiert wild
kava served their time or have gtvea all
Ibat they eould-all Ibat tbey bad to
give, tbeir lives and lbs oeevkw Iboet
eoulj reader li their coaalry.
Tbe ateniory ol tbo who till sever
relsra lowebes our beartt with eadneaa
aad adds a deeper reality aad te4raeea
"7?imA of Ease
But Work On."
If your ttooJ h Impurtyod
wdji "tivr-i cV tut you
unncttvtn 1 think cftut. '
The HiJ h theowAtat juj
titntr of the fojj dnitirfi
ft n14 t r"" h 'dA
tM J 0UJjrun7j you AjW
the perfect htitth k whkh
ctn A Jfo tiivA ftYvvno eue