The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 01, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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June i,
Several Lives and Much Property
Lett In Wettern States,
A Wind
Mm KIIU4 hfM reesees
ee BIJm BWUe,
11, later?
4 Wla
pirtil fkrMf b MctwMka.
Cmcaoo, May 80.-Blnoe Friday the
state of Jtbreake, South Dakota,
Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illl
aole have eiperleneed a series of the
most violent storms known In years,
resnltlaf In tbe los of Marly adoaen
1I?M and doing damage to property
Md oropa thai will run into tb boo
dreda of thousand of dollar In the
state of Mebraeke, South Dakota and
Iowa tornado bar laid waaU largo
sections of tbo ountry, dtroylnf
bsadradsof farm bouses sod build
InfS, klllinf atook and fearing up
trees. At leeet tlx tornado bara
been reported Iom Friday. From
many otbor aaotiona violent wind;
rain and ball atornu aoaompanlad by
Ufhtoiof and tbundar bar boon re
Toatorday tornadoes wart raportad
from Ilattlnr. Central City and
Cstrlo In Nebraska, Koawlak, Dows,
Wlnyo, Fonda and Tama, In Iowa,
and DIJou Hills, in Booth Dakota, At
tbe latter place seven Uvea war lost,
Koer Keswick, Iowa, flr prona war
lnjur4 Hundreds of window pan
in Ileatrloe, Nab., ana Halting, Nab.,
war broken by ball, whll vegetation
waa ralnad and bondrnd of bird
war killed. In Hamilton county,
Bab., 78,MW damaga waa don by
wind, but no Uvea war loot
Tb Stat of Mkhlgan waa alao
awapt yesterday by severe eleotrlcel
etorms, many houea In ft Joseph
and Jlenton Harbor and vicinity being
truck by lightning. At Water vielt,
Mleb., an unknown man waa klllad
by lightning,
A violent atorin broko over Chicago
lata laat light, whlob flooded tba olty
and aobnrbs, causing damaga to prop
rty, Traaa wara blown down all over
tba elty and in tha suburbs.
CuaKsaaXAi. & May 20, -Seven
parson wara klllad by a tornado naar
MJou Bills, twntyflv mllaa aouth of
bara, Saturday afternoon, Tba tor
nado waa aan to form a daacant on a
farmhouse, oiiurah and schoolbottae.
ft than damollabad tba bouse of
Charles Peterson, killing 1'ataraon and
ail of hi children between t and 18
yaara old. Mrs. Peterson and tha two
remaining ablldran war aarloualy In
jured. Tha path of tha etoru waa
twenty rod wide and three mile
long. A eevere ballatorm acoom
panlad th tornado,
CiitsaiCitt, Neb., May 80.-Prob
ably tb moat dotruotlv yelon that
vcr vialtad Nabraaka paaaed through
tb northern pert of Hamilton county
laat night at 1 o'elook, deetroylng from
175,000 to I1U0.0O0 worth of property,
Inoludlng fifteen dwellings one
ohurch, one aebool houee, two Iron
bridgea aeroaa the Vine river, barna,
corn cribs, out buildings, orchard,
fenoea and atook.
Tha track of tha etorta waa sixteen
mile In length and about 100 yard
in width. During tba blow a little
rain fell, accompanied by Immenae
hailstones, aome aa large aa a tin cup.
In nearly every case the familUa
aougbt ahelter in oellara. While there
ware many narrow escapes atranga to
aay no one waa aerloutly injured.
A Beartag thai 1 aele4 la eoll
la Draff' Aaqalttel
Pajus, May 8ft The court of caasa.
tlon met to-day to hear tha debataa in
tha application for a revision of the
Dreyfui case. If tha court daoldaa for
revision Dreyfua wilt be brought home
for a naw trial, which it bold gener
ally to mean acquittal
Speculators about tha palace were
aalltnr aeata at polnta of vantage for
from IJ.80 to W each, but the aale waa
not ao rood ai during the Zola trial,
when tlO waa paid for a seat
The court waa filled with Tarlatan
aelebrltee, the graater part of tha hall
baring We a marred for ticket hold
are. Many judge belonging to other
court! were among thoeo present, and
absolute tranquility prevailed. There
wara about twenty women among th
audience filling the galleries.
Tha proceedings tcgaa at noon.
Amid profound itionea, M. Uellot da
Veaupre, tha president of the civil
acctlon of the court, read hie report
upon thee. It waa a atrong pie
in favor of Itreyfu,
A Rw4n4 Imwinm la 14aa Wattle
lmf ataai
Uavaia. May to, Fully too ana
with rlfiea were wattleg la llae to-day
fur the opealug f tha office fur th
payateatof Cubaa euldtere who will
glv ap Ueir eriaa, and thar war
lea praat about eight men with r
eeijl t arm, delivered an total
civil autaatiita. The majority at
thtMM with riflta aay they have had
alt the Ifbtleg they waul and add
that ther di nut car who teeaa tha
arm ao aa th nwlyc thelt HA
KI'UIMl Tliai.MVWt w different
tram tl vtwrtMwa twua4 by mlor.
t tat te auf4 ty revAi tha Aral to,
ejuirea a few lttle 4 Itwat'a Maraa,
HriU to ure it.
Tbt 4ttrM atw aatlutf la urt
by lltvnl'a llll. 'Ibey Ua ai rlj.
It rMa,
A Waeheal Derail Hleaaeeall
Trala Meat Waterla '
WlTKLoo, Iowa. May 80. The
through train from Chicago to Minne
apolis over tha Kook Island and Bur
lington, Cedar Rapid A Northern rail
ways, waa wrecked at 1:15 Sunday
morning at the eroaalngof Sink creek,
about four miles southeast of her.
Th train consisted of five eoacbea,
Inoludlng mall and baggage oar, smok
ing ear, two paeaenrer coaches and
sleeper. Eight persons were killed
and at leaat el teen Injured. Th list
of dead la a followat ,
U Arnold, lumberman, Minneapolis.
W. A. MoLaugblln, Muskegon, Mich.
P. 0. Scbwette, Alton, I1L
David Uailo, Minneapolis.
F, S. Carpenter, Sfc Loula
Hawkins, Pullman conductor.
George Walnwright, train conductor.
Will Schollian, Waterloo,
One unknown person. : & .
Among tb arlously Injured werci
Mise Anna H NJoss, from Norway,
emigrant, right lag badly bruised.
MlsaOstranda Noredy, Norwegian,
hand and face badly bruised
Ornon Noredy, Norwegian, injury to
John B. Johnson, Norwegian, injury
to head and face, ,
Tb above were all going to North
Dakota' .
Jeremiah Murphy of Castletonboro,
Ireland, going to Butte City, Mont,
head injured.
A cloud buret bad washed tba sand
and gravel roadbed, leaving tb track
m . ' a a .ma a
nnauppoma for a atreuin oi twenty
feet , The rails and tlaa held together
and thar waa nothing to indicate th
insecurity of the road. Tba engine
struck tb washout and waa derailed
In tb dioh beelde the track and be
hind it tb care were piled in a eon
(used heap Tba mall oar toppled
over and waa telescoped by tbe lag
gage ear behind, white th rear end
of tb baggage car waa In turn tele
scoped by the smoker. Tbe roof of
the sleeper ploughed Its way through
the day coach, while tbe lower, half
of tb latter crushed through th
Tbecnflnecr and fireman lumped
from the train and escaped with
alight injuriea ' ,
lletflee af Asserlesa llers MatlUte
by Aculeeldo' reliower.
FATTMMOir, N. J., May 30, A lattei
from Alcsandor Culross, now in tb
Fourth infantry, in the Philippines,
tells of torturea Inflicted upon cap
tured Americana by tha Filipinos.
"Two of our men," aaya Culross,
"strayed from the camp yesterday and
did not return. To-day we found
them In the woods. Their forebcada
were alaabed in the form of a cross,
the skulls being split. The tongues
and hearts of the men had been out
out and thalr legs hacked to pieces.
Th boy of th Fourth Infantry have
resolved to give no quarter hereafter,
for tbay bava reached tb conclusion
that everyone else will soon reach
that tb only good Filipino ia a dead
Filipino, jbey cannot light In tb
open, but ateal on us at night ana
pick off our men. They seem to b
better ehots at night than In tb day
WAsmaoTow, May M. Information
received here in private letters from
officers serving in the Philippines state
that tba Filipinos show no respect to
the American dead. In one instance
an officer who was on tha firing line
says be was allocked to see three
bodies of American soldiers who had
beau killed In' an advance and which
were brought within tha American
linos badly mutilated. The eara of
each of the corpses had bean removed,
the noses cut oil and the hearts torn
out ,
The American troops give the Phil
ippine dead a decent burial and pro
vide every comfort and afford tha beat
medleal treatment possible to the
wounded. ' .
The iMiMete aieyev of Maude BeUe
) Hoaecteel a Belaid.
KinsAS Citt, Ma, May 80. Dr.
Richmond Cornwall, alayer of his
brother, once suspeoted of wife mur
der and twice of the murder of young
women, one of them Maud Belle Hone
steal, the mystery about whose disap
pearance has never been cleared, killed
himself aarly yesterday rooming.
It waa a bloody ending of a bloody
Ufa. Financial diffloultlee may have
been tha Immediate causa of tha sal
eld. But back of thla, la the life of
this man, were four tragedies, each a
mystery. And the secret of each be
took with him to his grave tha secret
of the death of hla sweetheart, the
death of hla wife, the death of hla
brother and the disappear ana of th
girl, Maud Holla Bonesteel
After aa evening spent at tha thea
ter and a careful preparation of tbe
details fur hla eelf-deetruetton, auch
aa wrltlag aotea and a last goodby to
hla wife and baby, Dr. Cornwall put a
bullet lata hla brala la tha yard ear
rouadlag tha rMldeaoa of hla brother
la-law, I. J. U W Miller, toil War
wUk boulevard, r
llc u4 the asms revolver with
which he shut hla brother Herbert to
death U hi Uuli v the morning of
July t, 17.
freat a4 Aeit-tvatt Waa.
Mivwavaaa, Wl, May 10, The
bag protreeied war between the
erecaer trut and i large Milwaukee
saU-lrut factory aeem I as v be
gun and a a result th prle of
evaehera baa taken a tbl. Hi,
euita which formerly a (44 M aeata
a poaad r now belag M4 by the
trt for aeata a puued. It U gen
erally belle v4 that thla la tty the
beginalag mt a reduction that will be
wade la th price of gu4a t
Captain Clay Talks About the
Army's Situation at Manila.
Oeaeral ftawto Wac Klf M la 44 roast
lag Ttul too, Treope He C4
ta the fjleaC Otis Will tight,
or X Bala,
Cwcaoo, May SO. Captain Charles
D, Clay of tbe Seventeenth infantry, a
grandson of Henry Clay and a fighter
at Santiago, has returned from Manila
on aiek leave, II waa woundad near
Maloloa March'' 85, fifteen days after
landing from the transport Grant
The bullet entered hla neok and baa sot
been eatraoted. He went to bia home
In Lexington, Ky., last night, but ex
pacta to goon to New York immediate
ly for treatment. Concerning tb war
in tb Philippines be aaidi "Volun
tears vie with regulars ia gallantry,
Tb heroism of both ia superb. Tha
first Nabraaka and Twentieth Kansas
regiment! are equal to any on earth.
And tb war now going on ia aa diffi
cult ' and magnificent a paesage of
arm a any in our annate. A hand
ful o(men are waging a war thar
against incomparable odds. With
75,000 or 100,090 men we could a weep
the island In thirty days and avert
tb tremendous mortality that 1 bow
te oertain aa fat.
"General Lawton had the eye of th
soldier when he said 100,000 men were
needed. We have not troopa enough
to occupy what we conquer, The
place at which I waa wounded bad
been taken three times before and as
many times abandoned because we had
not fore enough to bold It That ia
tbe case everywhere. Manila ia a
great city, full of thousands oi men
ready to rise at a moment's notice. It
reqniree 10,000 men to hold down
Manila. Some f,000 are in hospitals
or useless, 'and that leavea barely
16,000 men to beat the Filipinos in tbe
field and bold what is gained."
Mahila, May 80. General Otis aaya
that the campaign against tb Flit
pine Insurgents will be proseouted by
the American forces with th utmost
aggressiveness possible during the
rainy season,
General tawton Is of the opinion
that an early acttlernent of the present
troubles and the close of hostilities
depend largely upon tbe Americana
giving rigid protection to the working
classes hi their peaceful occupations,
while waging Incessant war agalnat
the armed forces of the enemy from
this time forth by means of guerilla
warfare. He will abow tbe insurgents
by vigorous action on tbe rivera. lakes
and mountains that their belief that
our troops cannot campaign to the
rainy seasons or in the mountains Is
Later it i possible that the chang
ing conditions may demand garrison
Ing by districts, so that the valuable
part of tbe Island will be safe for tbe
Inveetment of capital and tbe prosecu
tion of Industries until Americana are
completely dominant
Quick transportation of the cavalry
and the pack mules Is desirable aa a
raaana of rounding up tha Insurgcnta,
Cable Deal's Crew Killed la Vegtee
and a Signal OfAotr Drewn4.
New Yotix, May 80. A dispatch to
the New York Herald from Manila
says: Ilia cable ship Ueoorder, while
picking up the cable between the
islands of Negro and Cobu, went to
the town of Kcalante, on Negro.
Hbe landed a party in a launch, con
sisting of the oommander, second of
ficer and several of the crew, and also
Captain Ttlley of the signal corps, who
was present on the ship to observe
the cable operations.
A flag of truce had been hoisted by
the rebels, who waited until tha party
bad landed, and then treacherously
poured a volley upon them.
Captain Tllley and ouc of the men
at once threw themselves into the
water. Tha oommander of the Re
corder, running a great risk, managed
to reach the launch and put off ' from
tha bank to aava it from capture by
the rebcla
Meanwhile a rain of bullets were
falling all around the fugitives. The
second mate waa picked up by the
launoh Just aa ha waa sinking, but
waa alive, lie aald the last he saw of
Captain Tllley the latter waa swim
ming feebly by his side.
Tbe ateauiar was far out from shore,
but thoea on board could aee that tha
other Malay seainn were caught by
the rebcla, flogged and then cut to
The ahlp returned to Hollo and
wlihla an hour troops wore dis
patched to the scene of tbe attack.
114 KUI4 llle Wife la Price
Nsw Yvmk, May Adraln Braun
waa put to death by eleetrtelty In
King King prison to-day for tha mur
der of hla wife while visiting him la
prima. A current of l.loo volte waa
turaed on at ilT e'otooh and at 8:11
llraua waa UUrl lit be dead.
4 aecund ahink waa given fur tea
n u
lIoNui.i i v, Msy 18, via San Freael
so, -la spile of tha fart that Ueaeral
Ketea a friend declared, befwr ae
leaea was mmm on hlra, that he we
wlihuat means, and matt bava bia
aalary to lira , his euffe piaalatlo)
on the Ulee4 of Hawaii la believed t
b wutth 110,004 lUgaaUdisg ailed
now baae ale a, manager af hla
pUaUlUa, baa glvea aa eptloa oath
lead to lugar eumpeuy la whUh Lor
ria A. Thurtot li interested. Ua 4i
like Thurston,
nilplaa Think the Aaaerleaae Have Bad
' Kaoagh rifjhtlag.
Mahila, May 80. The approach of
the wet season finds the lnsurreotlon
seemingly taking a new lcaae of life.
All along tha American linee tha
rebels are abowlng mora aggressive
activity, In their guerilla style, than
at any time before alnoa the fall of
Maloloa. They keep tbe United Statea
troopa ia th tranehea, aleeplng in
their clothing and constantly oa th
alert against daahee upon our out
posts, and they make life warm for
tha American garrisons ia the towns.
The bands of ' Oeneral Luna and
Oeneral Maseardo, which retreated
toward Tarlac when they feared they
would be caught between General
MacArthur and General Lawton, have
returned ia fore to their old trenehea
around San Fernando, wher ther
are daily collisions.
Opposite our lines on the south pro
touting Manila, ail the way around to
San Pedro Macatl, tba Filipino bar
three rows of trenehea moat of tb die
taoce. - . , , '
Beporte from prisoners Indtoat that
the insurgcnta construe the peace ne
gotiations to mean that tbe Americana
have had enough of fighting. Th
Filipinos are encouraged by the belief
that the Americana are preparing for
an interval of inactivity during th
wet eeaeon. ' '
This period la sur to be followed
by aome Buffering. Thousands of acrca
of land that were under cultivation
last year bava not been plowed thla
year, and the government will prob
ably be Obliged to feed thousand, Just
as it fed th Cubans. '
Honored Dead 0ro.
Livco!., Nob., May DO. Tba re
mains of Colonel Joha M. Stotsen-
burg, late commander of tbe First
Nebraska regiment, killed in' th
Philippines April S3, lay in state
at tbe Capitol building for
two hours yesterday morning. Thou
sanda passed ' th eaaket to view
the dead hero. Memorial serv
ices were bold over the body at Holy
Trinity Episcopal church. After th
service the body waa escorted to th
train by a military guard of honor.
Pallbearers were returned members
of the First Nebraska regiment The
rcmalna were taken to Washington,
accompanied by a guard, where burial
will be had Id the National cemetery.
Mrs, Stotsonburg and Lieutenant Car-
anaugb accompanlad th rcmalna
Admiral Msfcee a Short A44ree From
th fulplt, , "
Salt La kx Cir, Utah, May 80.
Rear Admiral Schley arrived herefrom
Denver at 10 o'clock yesterday morn
ing. At Provo, Utah, ha was met by
a reception committee headed by Gov
ernor Wells and other prominent citi
zen, A largo and enthusiastic crowd
greeted the party at tbe railway sta
At 9 o'clock in the afternoon the ad
miral and party attended the cervices
at tha tabernacle. The regular ser
vices were suspended for special ser
vice in hia honor. After music by
the tabernacle choir a abort sermon
waa preached by Dr. Talmage.
At tbe conclusion of the excrolsee,
Roar Admiral Scbloy was escorted to
tbe pulpit and after shaking band a
with tha ohurch officials, made aahort
speech. He said in part: "In the war
through which wa bava Just passed, I
think it has boon worth all tha blood
that has been shed and all the money
that has been spent, to have learned
our own power and to have taught It
to other people. Another Impressive
lowon has been that tha lines which
divided ns heretofore have all been
dissipated and in tha war Just ended
the north and tha aouth, the east and
the west, have stood In that brother
hood and In that readiness to die for
the best flag in tha world, supported
and prot noted by the best people, be
cause they believe in God and God's
praaenoa in everything."
No r4oe tot Mr. Marbrlab,
WAiiuxaTox, May aa Great Britain
line again refused the request of the
United States that Mrs. Maybrlck be
pardoned. Thla is tha result of an
other application made for her release
by Ambassador Choate. It is tha in
tention of the administration to con
tinue its efforts in Mr Maybrlok'a bo
half. A MalttodUl Collate OaMblae,
Cleveland, Ohio, May 8ft Metho
diets propose a plan to eliminate com
petition between the colleges of thai
,hurh la Ohio The Ohio Westeyan
university at Itolewer Is to bo made
an Institution to which all other
Methodlat schools In the state shall
U subordinate, There are about
thirty Methodist educational tnatttts
tlon In Ohio all doing nearly the
same claot work, By an affiliation.
Or consolidation, It I espeeled bettor
work can b doue aud eifurta mlnl
the Tntrteealh lefeelvf la Malla
WasNiaoToa, May 3a The war de
partment ha reeotved the fallowing
cablegram from Oeneral OtUl
"Mantle, May 80, Traatiiurta Ohio
and twaeU with Thirteenth InUntry
Jut arrived! Private David U. John
sou. Company K, drowacd, and Ave
wen descried at llonoluiui no other
eausltlee.M The trnHri referred
to toft San Fraalto April 14
rat Oat a State Head
Boeroa, Mas, May 84 Th atate
eueveailo. of tha Modal lmoerev
waa held In thla elty f ecWrdar, A
state tiehot waa plaead la natal nation.
state ventral evututttl elected end
platform adopted.
Mayor 4oae Opaa the Park.-
Toledo, Ohio, May 30. Mayor Jones
yesterday opened hla famoua Golden
liule park for the season. He will
preach every Sunday oa social prob
lems. t , -
Waal Ka Ohio Candidate. '
Columbus, Ohio, May sa Tha Re
publican congressmen from Ohio are
to meet here next Thursday to discuss
th speakership question. . Through
General ' Grosvanor It ,1s stated the
Praaldant prefers that there be' no
oandldate from Ohio. Tha delegation
la likely to be divided. ThN members
are personally inclined to support a
mlddle-weat man,
of man, who wilt take orders for our
Leghorn Hn Pood, in their own town,
W msk (bit offer for a short time, in
order to get our Food into more general
um, It incrcstei yield of eggt, and keep
fowl In good health. Sendus 50c. for a
regular 1,00 tits box, and begin' to tskc
order at once, ,
Pamphlet, wild mar Informille about hM, MM 0
UfhornFoo4Co,( 163 BJEotto Mast.
We want every bee keepei
to send for our ISM Cata
PLX CO., 103 B. 11th It, Linooln, Mb,
Birred Plymouth Rock Em, II for 13
Cures without
One of the best
feature, of the
TRlfg Pile Cure..
Tb Illggs Pile Cor cures all forms of
Piles without one particle ol pain. This
desirable point Is not obtained by the
ua of Injurious opiates, which simply
paralyse and deaden the nerves of tb
parts and make natters won lath
oog ran, but it is don solely by its re
markable healing and soothing effects,
and while It thus gives Immediate relief,
at tb same time tb diseas is not
merely ohecked bat a radical ear is rap
idly aooompllsbed,
Tbe point we want to nak dear is
that all this Is don wltbont a particle
of pain.' This faot Is on great reasos
why the Il'ggs Pile Cur is so popular,
Price 60 wn taper boi.
Lincoln, Neb. ' ,
Under Fonks Opera Hons, Northwest
E Delivered to any part af
TISL1CPIIONI0 7S4,,,,,,,,
to, mark II Mit and
Miiita ina.ll.., klM, w. alllwa faalMatUV IIMI rkkittMV tS ,
ki m t tc ii:j.iio, m .! u v .... rl,iii ir mm4
?rTi.i .tm irruar, V,( it, ia MkMiiiTia. kci iL lain uuik
kit amn. it cm. mm u.m t. .iir I7ls iu ivll 111.
aaS trlM akartM, feat U. ll Mat with artl.r.
1H.II0.SM Sarua. aa.IIHMlralaC.arlini.Mar SW.
inan i,ra.w Mmwaa mm t I'awai. Taa, M suami, II
ttnt,lr Itaarll, Uar.l, full ahla aaC kark MrialaaTKtoUM.tlita.aa.
Hah A
l qul la an, M a Uatttf work, bla. k, livarrfark araaa
ar Hnl. I afcalalMtaV hwi milhNa aUtk ar Ina'. Uatkaa
akatalMMai, hwi mi raft Wat
rpj, ana.k, aaU.ralilmaa4.kaAa.
ia.w ii iriimi rani w a. an, w,w,
'wi. r. rapa p. wiit laTlumiaV
To profit by Uvcm cheap fJAW
rates you should to 111 Tf t
Oregon ici
WtsMnitcn Points.
To Portias J, Taeonta, rWttU,
aad lairmliata pniata) eeeoed
claaa oaly 138.00, Toariet elccti
era every TecaJay aad Taaradey
tntat Llaoula to IWattla, 3 lot ft
doable berth,
CltrTkktt Cfflis
Cortcf i:ihu4 Ql.
Tv tuts: 1)1.
aVer wx W
Is often a warning that the liver Is
torpid or Inactive.. More eerious
troubles may follow. For a prompt,
efficient cure of Headache and all
Uver troubles, wks
While they rouse tbe Uver, restore
full, regular action of tbe bowels,
they do not pipe or pain, do not
Irritate or inflsm the Internal organs,
but have a positive tonic effect. 830.
at all drugflsti or by mall of
C, L Hood A Co., Lowell, Mace.
i -4 r, f Lm d, , !
Loat i
luHM Ml
iis i . -
hY mmmicJ
TW stove fe o . a, ova I
vmC iron fp tt IvSl
r,M ,iia vii) D,n f,,i,.
foiWtur (.floeCllvrca l
KUf Mi.lM,. IllUllltf IH
rrueo. .vvwoii. pmic
it ,..i;li AmZtmf ur iMt. CSlalUSM f.
HarHiaoC riaw Jc, Van see si.
V. aOnlr How Ynurri Id the UniUMI Stale SOU
Ilia airavt w ,
tug Slrcul I
Cbicago or the East?
The Through Eipress From
Via Omaha
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Chicago Express from Kans. City
In addition to Pullman Hlorper, Free
Chair ('are, rind the licet Dining Car Her
vice in the World, are equlpjxwf with
furnished In club style aid suppM with .
latest periodicals. Ill ustra tod papers and
a select library of recent Action.
Colorado or the West?
Fast, carrloa dining eirs and Pullman
rUxincrs. leaves Ornaha i:40 p. m.i
Kausas City 0:U p. in ; Ht. Jowph 4:50
n, m., and arrive at Duver and Colorado
Hpriags unit morning.
Jno. Hkramtuw, E. W, Tiiowi'hon
U,l',Ar.A.,Cljlcugo. A O P. AT.A..,
Topi'ka, Kans.
Fr iKK II. IUhxkh. C. P. A T. A.,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
W Dronn iiwndlrm buv um In iirwimu Ut (1 vrUM our Mui.
tin, I4mk iliril at Um nnxiu Ik In ami you will urn tlili plutur
la an nul rrDfixfiKilOM. (,'an vou ( lid a Woman' Vmum In Itf if
miii! It Ut um. If vorrmit, ytm will rmiaiv )IOO
in luuuvjr. u niwc iuaa uuc wuua ourrwi ruiijr w will aiviila th
kmuiint tikllr. Th balsnc of th 4vrtlain iii,roirltloii
(l.Ooojwlll litdlvldndln lmtr lln vsImoT a3.oo to asa.ou,
u tbat each on will roiv a prvasiil, Kvarynn muil nului
SS Mill wltb smwm fur (utwrlptiou to ourMcln. wliloh will
b rofUUdM If dbwatlnncd. Till I UU alialllia U bnuia. Am aar
pafMM fendlna will rwwlv s prownt, w now bar
raa4w cuid by hoiurt-. ifbarality and uuvl dva.niaiug,
1'rnaanU anut iiDJDedialalv. Addnw. "
AJH Ninth Stroot, Phlladelahla, fa
Bar. WW.),
Tofaa laaeiaro, gaa J.tos Los
AiiccK ra irs rtia, Itd.
Ia, tailtltirala aad laiavamliata
pwatai ina. Haaa ftu. Tr
Ut aieia care v 1 bar4ay.
Uaanla to L" Aagales flUM U
adoabl baft a,
tirtixftti Ci4t.
Itatift., IIWM8 rta,
TtrVtlSM II,
fWI Bacaaitt. eAaW .4 a,.. . .
It CO. (inc.), CHICAGO. ILL.