The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 01, 1899, Image 1

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The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Coneolidated,
NO, 3.
eW I . jST
f5? 11
Hews of the Week
A paper publlshsd in Manila baton
Colonel Ekotoenbnrg's death, gar tbe
following account ofth condition of
tbs First Nsbraska, After they bad
bno reduced by fighting, slckae and
death to the condition described, Otis
kept them on tbe firing Una aud tbrew
tbsm In to death trap after dsatb trap,
charging Intrenchmente and cowing
tbsadvaoosof tbs wnois army, wblls
bli full regiment of regulars, commanded
, by Watt Point gentlemen, adnoated at
' public sxpense, were held In tbs rear,
Wm he afraid that bis Wsst Point pets
would flunk? Head the following ac
count of tbc condition of tbs regiment
before the death" of Stoteenberg and
then remember, not the Maine, bnt Otis,
"Company L I now without an ofll
oer; Ave sergeant are stilt on duty and
' no corporals.
"Company 0 to commanded by Second
Lieutenant Fisher.
"Company A bas on sergeant and
and three corporal; first lieutenant of
company fl is In command.
"Tb regiment at present bas but 400
men reported for duty. Two companies
' are represented by scarcely "t wo sets of
fours apiece.
"Ons company for a time was com.
manded by the chaplain, another by a
sergeant Colonel Stoteenberg may not
bave many men In the regiment, but
they are fighters and make themselves
felt on the firing line."
Ilof any honorable man can consent
io occupy the position In which the oora
1 mlsslonsrs appointed by McKinley to
negotiate with tb Filipinos find them
selves, is beyond ooioprebensou. If there
Is any sense of honor left In them bow
their cheeks, must have burned with
shams when the president of the Filipino
peace commission said to tbetn in part
Ing: "The principle of your eonstitu
tlon Impress us profoundly. The plan ol
government offered the Philippine
seems, in theory, a good eolonial system
But why should a nation with your eon
stitution seek to make a colony of a
dietant people who bars been so long
fighting against Spain to. secure the
earns rights your 'constitution gives?
Ton fought the sam battle in America
when you fought againet England,"
When tbo old soldiers followed the flag
under the orders of Lincoln, did tbey
aver eipeot to live to see tbe tWs when
a people struggling for liberty would
make such an appeal as that to a suc
cessor of Lincoln in the white bouee?
Tbe beast of greed has taken poeseesion
of every department at WoHbiogton,
and appeals to the instincts of mauklnd
in the name of liberty no longer have
Wbot the Independent said lost week
about Dewey's health and the reason be
wanted to quit Manila is sustained by
an Interviews with, surgeon iPage of tbe
Olympla to which veeeel bo has boon at
tached ever sines the admiral hoisted
bis flag over ber. Burgeon Page says
that: "Admiral Dewey Is as well as a
man could expect to be after spending
seventeen month In tbe climate of
which be has bean subjected. There bos
been no appreciable change la bis ap
pearance, weight or pbyelcol condition
slnoe be took command of the Olympla."
Tbe faets about Dewey's retirement
from Manila are Juet a tbe Independent
stated tbaui to be. He woe dlguitod
with tb whole McKluUty policy. He
was a tired of the butubery earriedon
under Otis ordrra as was Colonel Htot
sanberg, He could not get along with
MeKlniey'a eoinmlaalonars. la foot be
wanted nothing more to do with the
matter. II Is not going to be used by
tb Mark llnnua gang tor political par.
poena 4tbr, 11 has seat word that h
will aot arrive la this country until
October. That will be alter thseMions
, are bold.
The Mark (lata maaegeataat la Cuba
I a the verge ol epitope. I," very body
Is ltMtU8d aad every Ihlug areata to
bewrweg, Ma More lufit mad la Ike
thoto army, ualea it would te Hhatler,
I4 have ta appoiaied guvernt
gvaeraj ol Cuba idea Ilea. Brooke, He
has not oaequaliftVatiua lor tUoltUi,
II flea. Wood er pat ui eoalrol there
would aooa te) a ehaega, Brook te oh
nl Mark lUeaa'e anlaUwraiie ((,
Wood 'a tagaiat Maeagmieat ol Ik
kUad bo inVet at Waahlbgloa,
What It k b ny Um Im tbe
laet rpft tbvV tWa. Wood nut, alt Ml
to aa httowa
"tUatlago, May STo Ik aretary
of wart 1 kavs u relara4 ho an
lpMlUa of tb rtatiiJ later to a
on tb north eoaat In this department,
Tbe people are at work, thsrs to no boo
ger and there wars bo applications for
personal assistanos during ths trip. The
people are absolutely quiet. There are
no Cuban troops under arms anywhere
In ths province and no brigandage.
Germain Towl In a letter to a friend
In Omaha written before tb death ol
Stoteenberg, says that alt that will ever
oome back of tb First Nebraska will be
Its name. That is stating It even
stronger than tbs Independent did last
week, Remember Otis,
Tb statement mads by the Indepen
dent In the "News of tb Week," bav
been so fortified by subsequent events In
every Instance that soms of tbs republi
cans who bav read them have asked
bow It was possibls for this paper to get,
what seemed to them, exclusive news,
When it was said a month or two ago
tbat It would take 100,000 men to con
quer Aguloaldo and a little later tbat
reports of Otis were miileadlng and while
it bad won many brilliant skirmishes by
ths valor of tb western volunteers, tbat
bs bad In reality lost svery oampalgn, it
was sst down by thee gentlemen as
i'pop talk" and nothing mors. But
when on last Saturday morning all tbs
imperialists papers announced that very
large reinforcements must bs sent to tbe
Philippines bteauss Otis was was not
abl to hold even tbe ground be bad
fought over, for want of troope to gar
rison tbe towns then gentlemen began
to realise tbat tbe Independent bad told
th truth and printed the news, while
the Imperialists papers bad been lying
and supresslng the news.
McKinley has been informed every
morning before breakfast by bis general
In tbe Philippines tbat Agulnaldo was
whipped and tbat tbe Insurgents would
soon come in and lay down their arms,
Now It appears tbat there was not a
word of truth In these grandiose dis
patches. Tbs rains are pouring down
in tbe Philippines, tbs country Is a sea
ol mud, tb Filipinos beep attacking our
lines first ber And, then there, giving
ths worn out boys in tb ranks no rest
dayornQbt, tbs sun pours down Its
torrid rays, the fevers Invade tboamp
and Otis wants 100,000 mora troops to
overthrow tbs Philippine republic
According to Otis bs bas killed about
bait a million of nlggere, but it will take
100,00 mors men to kill tbe rest of them
In this last statement Otis Is right. II
we ever conquer, tb wboleof tb Philip
pin (elands we will have to bury mors
than 100,000 brave boy beneath th
bamboos and palms. Will any man
who ha common senee say tbatthat
wilt be a profitable ecbeuie for tbls na
tion? Obi you mullet beads, haven't
you any seuee at all? Not only will we
bury our brave boys by the thounnnd
over there, but we will bury hundreds of
millions of our bard earned dollars In
national bonds and pay interest on tbt m
for generations yet to oome. Oo on and
talk of "glory, ""dtiny, ""the old
flag," go on. Hell len't very far ahead
on that road. Tbe ground already is
hot beneath I your feet. Go on. ti's
"destiny." '
McKinley baa received a rebuke from
tbe poor, starving Cuban sueb as no
ruler on earth ever received before.
When hUtory comes to be written, this
rebuke will play a conspicuous, part in
ths struggle of Cuba for lndiendtuMs
Rom llio ago when McKlnloy saut Mr,
portt-r to Gomes as bi epttclal envoy, be
reported that tbat old gmieral eald to
blot: "Tb Cubans are ditVrvnt from
tb American patriotism with them
ia not a matter of money. It tuay be
true tbat they would bneome rlvhur by
aaneiatloa with tb United Statea, Hut
thry would rathr tie poor and iudtpn.
dent than rivh and Iom their ladp4M
rteuua. Tay bav (ought and eutMwd
loag to atak Cuba lr and lha matter
ol dollar dute not laaurae theui."
That what (taeral datura aald was
(rue, 1 demonetrated by th ot'urrni
ol lout wk. The Cuban wr ohVod
173.00 MM h u turn over their arm,
fraetkally.lo the l'eli4 tftat. Huge ol
gold aad a gr hnw of wltlmr aid
Uik Wf a th piaee ol f aat, but
ao (ubaee i'tfJ. Attf Uig
aearly ail day th pnyUg Utm hrl
thai a Cuban etddwr was rosin! la Ik
pltetiry lor ota vrlm aad he
t lor, Hiarvk! to th futyeuMift
I aad (aid alefiatek, Ua ra.UJ
lha rt day pftMtwdiaga, Tb
da.f tait fcior ('etaa eoUl r pwro
ai Ur I Trr tt( um lati
day abial Mftai. t.wr4 wiu
In fur tut Mit UvMtltf
tto It luuad that atasy ol ttw
had kevvr U la U t U sraiy ll
It was a speculation on their part. Tbey
could buy a gun for much less tbaa
$75,00 which tbey could turn In and be
that much the gainer.
The Cubans say that tb disbanding
of tb Cuban army ia going on all tb
tlm and tbat tb return o( tb soldiers
to their homes with tbelr guns will bavs
exactly tbs opposite effect from what
General Brooke fears. Tbey say that
tbs soldiers will go bom and use tbelr
guns only to protect themselves from
bandits. It sens tbat military men can
never learn to trust ths psopls. Tbey
ar always afraid of tbm. Tbey pre
dicted tbat awful things would happen
when the soldiers otths civil warwsrs
disbanded and returned to tbelr bomss,
Deoauss nothing happened and ths sol
diers of tbs greatest army on earth went
quietly about their duties as oitlsens
alter four years of continuous fighting,
they bavs never yet oeassd to express
tbelr surprise, But tbey do not sesm to
havs learned anything from that exper
ience and still bold to tbs opinion tbat
tbe common people cannot be trusted.
Tbs plutocratic Judges bav lately
bandog down decisions giving tbelr eetl
mats of tbs value of t human life. Ons
New Jersey Judge estimated tb (If of a
child billed by a corporation at II. A
republican Judge In Connecticut placed
tbe value of tb lit of a worklngman at
110. It Is not much wonder that b did
io when be reflected that Mark Hanna
was able to bnf many thousand of them
along in the (all of 1800 at much less
thsn that. ,
Tbs first thing that Mosry Warren
knows bis republican brethren will bav
bim bung for a copperhead. In onedi
torlal In last week's Mirror bs says bo is
opposed to trnete, and tbat tbs other
republican editors wbo say tb trusts
ar a bleeslng don't tell tb truth, for
bs went out and mads Inquiry, and two
bard wars merchants told bim tbat sines
tb stov trust was formed tb price of
Mtoves nod been rained ?r pr cent, in
another editorial be threatens to kick
ons kind of republicans out of his office
if tbey pay bun any mors visit making
dishonorable proposals, iiers is wnat
"A prominent republican leader from
Chlcog-o approached us with a prool
tlon to do all in our power to prevent
and endeavor to break up fusion ol ths
parties opposed to us. W felt like kick
Ing the cues out of our office, and tbat
is Juet what we will do to the next fellow
wbo comes along with any suob proposi
tion io us. we are not nictating, anap
Ing, or moulding the destinlnios of oppo
sition parties. If tbey want to fuse, let
tbem fuse It out, It Is none of our busi
ness. Ws have our own battles to tight,
and let them fight their. Let the battle
be fought on tbe sole ground of principle;
without any undpruamlml work, subter
fuge!, or hypoorlcy.- Let the republicans
fight It out on the principles of republi
ciiomru. Let the others flurht It out ou
the line of the doctrines of ths fueionlMts.
Hot for goodcues sake don't send any
more etuieearieii around here to try and
irt us to meddle with the affairs of the
(union campaign. We will strive to gain
victory with honor, but we will not ad
vocate dishonorable means to obtain It.
All parties are etruggling for supremacy
on what they think ia tbe fundamental
Ftrlnclple of right and Jtietice. Then let
tbe fought out accordingly."
Tbe Iodependout bas UtD trying to
get a lint of thou prveent at Kansas
City the other day wbo sent Invitations
from the "tftopUs party headquarters."
Ths following ia token from tbs Iwie.
burg rbtntlnul. If tbat Is what Is left of
tbs peoples party lut u crawl into a
hols and pull the hole In niter us:
"Wharton Barker of Philadelphia,
who la to all practiual purito th can
didate of the jwoplMi party lor prwooVn,
la rprutd by bi eon, Itodman Bar.
Tbe prowttding ol tb aaoelatlou
wr prtmldod over bv Prank Hurkett ol
MiMiMippi, lie prretdwet. Tb Mloaiug
romttilttuin r faret J, M, Adama,
J. II. vYbartou, !( Winn and Milton
Park, Tmwi J. A. Parkw, Kentucky,
John W, tttinudl, J, K. I1yd, riuint!
ltoaiiHiwllaad J. II. ItovaoM, Mm
eourl; V, 1 IVtaad M. A. lu am,
Uvoral; Jam M. rVrrw, liltnoi; W,
H. Morgth, Arkaumw; l.oo.ea Hivbtilao,
N.t.rka; Jobs -B, Bartn, 1. H. x
mi and Aba tMitttrg. LouUiana; t
II. Wllr and t , H. W ,.M; r rik
Burktt,MMMiWip'i II, P. JotM-OViae,"
Wasaisaros. My SM The tll
tie of th pruiatHoa of A ih
l'uiu4 BUU durta htta jul
tea Mwp u4 by K W. Parker, of
th array, Tb eotwfril
tWa show k4.wa tatrliaf reealta.
Th prKla, ilun fvr Kn of thur t
ws DS, luM at
Ml, aa laofMwt of t., viu.
at liwo.'! vr th yr It,?, t n
TiiUyaird4iU.ta ,t.4.
l4 at ll.SII.ITI, aa UrM vt
tsUf Um, vU4 at luiu Mla
euart, I.IHtlT la, vlae4 at
H .!, aa t aorta uf ion,
.(areata U ti f ia,au
Prlvata tatter Uatcrlb Hew th flrt
Was Lad lata a Trap aad Loat Thalr
'.: CutoaeL .:
Private totters bavs been arriving for
tbs last tbres or four days from tb sol
dlers who took part In tbs battls In
wblcb Colonel Stoteenberg was killed, so
It Is Impossibls to gt a very fair Idea of
tbe battl and all its dstails In wblcb tbs
First Nebraska suffered so severely.
It appears tbat a scouting party
wrought on tb sngagement. Tbs First
fas, as usual, tb first to respond to
the call to arms. Colonel Bteteenberg
kelng absent tbs oommandof ths regi
ment fell to ths senior offloer, Major
Lfalford, Major Kager commanding tbs
third battalion was already out along
bs tins with companies V, F, A. and II,
fe tbs north weet to to tbs relief of tb
scouting party which was undsr th
command of Major Ball of tbs regular
ftrmy. A detachment of tbe Iowa rcgi
went also moved out upon ths sitrems
fight, but through som misunderstand
tog or want of definite orders failed to
st very near toe Filipino line.
I Upon reaching tbs thicket of bamboo
I here tbs Insurgsnts were concealed tb
tattalisn undsr tbe command of Major
tttger, came upon tbe forces under Major
Sell, wbo were trying to get out al
though tbey bad to leave one of tbeir
number wounded on tbs field. Major
Jsger pusbsd bis battalion forward In
ilrmlsb line, D aud 11 on ths right ol
is road-and A and N on tbs toft. Tbs
advance, companies D and II drovs tbe
insurgents out of tbs bamboo tbickst
aud advanoed beyond into th open
field. Keeping up their formation, tbe
whole batallioa continued to pre for
Wrd, passing a ditch anO still on tbey
went under a galling fire. Then there
Was a dead silence and the flretrom th
insurgents ceased altogether, Still on
Ward the command under Major Eager
pressed, No orders cams from tbs gen
eral ia command to stop, and tb Flrat
Nebraska was not in ths habit of stop
ping when they were alter tb enemy un
til tbey were ordered to.
Ut wss another Balaklava, Som ons
bid blundered. Tbe Third battalion
bid been ordered to go after tbe ensmy
aid on tbey went across an own, field
rtyeb bad bea plowed with bullets aa
RWthabail storm not an bonr before,
aud the enemy lying in oonoealaient be
hind tbeir entrench meat and ambushes,
by tbs thousand, right In tbelr Imme
diate front. Onward went tbe Third
battalion across tbs open field, while
only six hundred yards la front of tbsm
stretched a bamboo thicket biding rth
works In which lay la perfect sllsaos
hundreds ot tbs enemy with tbeir Manser
rifles trained upon tbs littls lins of Ne-
braekans, which, with a perfect forma
tion continued to advance. Tbe sun
poured down Its torrid rays upon tbeir
blistered shoulders. Every man wbo
could t ind on bis feet was In bis place
aad tbe silenoe ot death reigned over the
whole soue. There were no ordMrs given,
No officers voice was heard. There was
no occasion for it for every man was in
hie place and marching on, some bent
lightly forward a a man does to meet
a sudden dash ol ruin, They all knew
what was In that thicket of bamboo but
not a man faltered. Home glanced hur
riedly to tbe right or lelt to see if they
were keeping iu perfect line and then
fixed their gase on the silvnt bamboo
thicket in frout of tbem and preened on.
Five hundred ysrde, four bunored yards,
and not a eound to break tbe stlllnea.
Onward went ths Third battalion. Two
hundred yardsl A bail of bullets that
plowed np th earth and ralwd a cloud
of dust that obecurnd the Held. As the
dust roe, the open fluid st-emod to be
vacated. Not a man was to be area,
What bad berome of the Third battal
ion? They went J,y Ing, what there were
left of tbem alive, flat ou the ground
and a storm ot bullets was plowing tbe
field la front, behiod aud all around
Companies A and F wers engaged In a
hot fight on th'ilr side of the road but
they wr imt In ae Q fWld. Com
panic M, I, B and Keuuie up la tbe rexr
ol the Third battalion ami lay In th
ditch owr allien the Third had eliawd.
Where the f..ril7 IUinmMi
the rear auxloualy vWwing tbe situation
that hi ordare had rrraiad. He had
nt th flrat Nebraaka Into a trap.
How was he to gt thomout? His ar
tillery wae not I hare. HUH th aaemy
raiaed bullrta upon the Third frattalioa
at a range ol two huadrvd yards while
Ike Miea toy flat on the around. II one
ol thaw mada the slitf Mr I niovaiueut,
t ha sharp shoottr made a target ot
Thar th Third Halt allow lay for
nearly fhrva hour ahila th tmpieal sua
buraad and hliatvrvd I era. Ufcal wa
laair gauaral doing to rvltev them? a
oa kaoa.
Th brave MtoiaaaWrg wo mil aay
bat k hard lb Snag aad ruahaU to
IM trust. Mhnkea akat ha
arai had doe, a ekrlv aiMraa, at
euanaaadia orhr aud eVmale
battery, tbe a. ral orOarmt bun to
rail a lral. Put In brave r'oavl r
tdiad, M,Nver. Ity a dual kau
auw rirat. Halt i( tkm would b
klliad tl ikvv aittwid to rirat."
Tttaa Ktuttwy rul. ltr,, )m.
pal eaia I, B, k anl M ko tot
ui tka lin,o Imi tka land battalion b
aai. Vta IW a ikir ol a
mat .r-4 tb atr. A k icaai k
wi1 aa.bte s(ibl k aa a trl
Kir tbe ebiJ bu ol tb aatr tea baa
drl yank aaar. 1hr ar etaa Irom
lb kr kiiM to lie ana hut Vaalul
eat, A vwupl ol gvsa had at lat gut
ten Into position in tbs rear and at tbs
first shot tbt colons) ordered ths com
panics la th rear to come forward and
they same to the aid ol tbs Third bat
talion which bod laid under tbs Are pi
tbs enemy for nearly three hour. Con
fldenos returned, A commander was
there who knew his business. This com
mandsr sboutsd "Forward!" and Isd
tbwsy. Onward ruehed tbs First Ne
braekawltb tbeir colonel In tbs toad.
All tbs morning tbs enemy bad poured
in a bot Irs. It was ten times hotter
now. Though tbs lins wastbln and weak
when It started and though It grew thin
ner and weaksr every step they took, not
a man (altered. A bullet struck th
colonel la tb breast, lis erlsdi "Oo
on!" and Ml dead.
The First Nebraska obeyed tbs dying
ordsr of tbsir beloved colonel and "went
on." Tbsy drovs tb enemy out ol tbs
bamboo thicket and out of their en
trench men te and stood victorious on a
bloody Held.
Tbs list of killed and wounded bas
long sines been .published. Many ol
tbsm lis suffering In tbs hospitals under
a torrid sun. Tbs dead bavs been bur
led, What was it all for?
Farmers ars rsspondlngto tb requsst
ol tbs Independent to help dlt It. Here
ar a few Items ssnt la by ons (not for
publication b said,) hut tbsy go all ths
sams. If tbs msi wbo follow tbs plow
and think while tbsy hold tbs bandies,
would osrry a littls sot book, Jot uown
somsofthos though te and send tbem
to this paper, It would soon becom ths
most Interesting publication In tbs
United States. Thtrs is a deal ol think.
Ing dons on Nebraska farms but It does
tbs world no good beeauss It is not
given to tbs public, Hers ars tb sdi-
torlal Items that ons farmer sands:
Farmers should bav on dollar per
buabel for wheat In ordsr to prospsr and
twenty-flvs oente for corn. Then tbe
papers would not bavs to orock a whip
over our beads all tbs tlms to tell us
what to do when ws would bs glad to
bavs tbs means to fix up tbs farm.
As to ths free coinage of silver, tbs
courts ought not to tempt a person to
coin silver. Wbo could mnks riches go
faster than by buying silver bullion and
double bis money bat poor pi opto might
gst caught at It. Vandsrbllt could build
a Biltmors palaos In tbs mountains aad
coin millions of sllvsr and pass It Into
circulation without fear of govsrnmsnt
for b to grsatsr than tbs govsrnmsnt,
and could buy Its supreme court and
wipe bis fsst on ths president. I cannot
see any other purpose b bad to build a
bouss Ilk that in ncb a place.
Perhaps ths rich will fortify tbs islands
of Porto Rico, and Cuba, and then with a
strong navy ruls tb United States In
tbs same way that England keeps ber
aristocracy safe from barm.
I have in mind now three farms on
wblcb little or no improvements bavs
been made In tbe laet twenty-flvs or
thirty yeare. Tbey are owned by bard
working, cIom calculating farmers.
Those bouees wers built In an sarly day,
two, a story and a bait high and ths
other only one story high. Size ot two
sixteen by twenty test, tbs other eighteen
by twenty, each bav a lean to kitchen
on the back, neither have been paioted,
and when old General Prosperity gete
here I know each man will be only too
glad to build, lor they would like some
thing more than a mar shelter. Ws
aold a good farm la Wleconeln and built
a small oomfortabls houaewith money
we brought her. Our bouse to twenty
by twenty-four feet, two etortos high
and by bard work ond cloae calculation
we were able to build a kitchen sixteen
by twenty In twrnty-eevea yeara ol bard
lbfi bnt I eanuut tall how many Baa
building our rrop have built In cilia,
Bnt tot tbem keep on destroying tbe
farms so grass can grow la ths clttos.
Wbea the Farmers Alliance started up
aeurh numbers, ths politicians wsr
afraid th farmer war going to unit
to control1 lb prU of term produeto,
and haatraed to pae lawe to prvat
boh a thieg a that bleg dona, aa it to
wrong lor a faruir to gta fairprto
tor what h rUw, Bat lot all ol tho
lava, a akat a tnutlitad of eombiaa.
tioaa hav ba ko4 aatil every thing
th I at to. r ed to bay la roe trolled by
Iruata, II Ike farmer doe aot get rlM
(row t, oarra Hod help klui, lor h
eaaaot help kimaelf.
( will 111 yi'u what I thleb stt tka
laat eketioa. taw on eketiow day
three tovervj wagos golug by, I tkl
sat ee lata Ik Iwa Prat, bat the laat
aw tea 1114 with aKutdoaed like
etra kukra bmliag hr work, aad
kaoalag Ike rttaM of tk tubt
raa aity ahkk I talofv4, 1 blwvJ
they Wet rvpeatora frow tuwa, who,
kavteg voted to Iowa, haoalag the rarw
lessors and hurry of farmers Just ones
out to rote In precincts as com sbneivrs.
I know tbey ars vils snougb for ey
thing, bribery, corruption, of anytl.!:,
to carry tbelr day,
Mr. Btachmr ssnds a tow paratrs
to tbs Independent which ar added t3
or Farmers Editorials, Besides that
b ssnds a very voluabis sutstloa u
to work during th next cam pa!;a wblcb
bas been banded over te) tb stats ecu-,
mitte and doubtless will bs adopted,
Th "White Man's Burdaa" is to set a
perfect example, ratber tbaa to cssl
beatbra nations to follow a faulty czi,
Tbs talk tbat it to a Cbrlstlaa zijr
foros anapprsolated aid tawi'.zcrs
Massing! on tbs beatbsa pwpls to ti
veriest rot, and is nad ty kypritzi
only, It to only another form of th iz
timent: "Tbs tnd JustlSes tb amxs,"
and "ws may do svil tbat good nzy
dorarnmeot were organli4 for (i
protection of society; not for tfcs cr
merclol sonqusst ol tb world.
Foreign capital bas bo rl;3sti la try
land wbers It eunot gsln ptsact!)c
trancs, tbs vetoom and tit protc:";
of tb rotors.
Evsry psopls baa tbs rft to l;rJ.:
Iteslf aosording to Its own iisu tr::: : : )
Interfsraacs, , ,
Tbs Pblllppio Islands bslosj Ul'y
psopto whom Uod put la por:fz:'.:j tl
tbsm, tbat Is tb FUiplnof. It la t:)a
Christian duty to tab tsrritcry f::n
tbs Ood glvsn owners, ttctrn r f )
thsrs and soms other natloi c'' "
ws do not, It to not tbs Mduty"cfaV r
nation to glvs Irssdon at greet tz::.iy
oil tbs useless and tusupporij t:r
tory that nay ask It. Duty 9
and Its own "psopto comes first Czr
duty to glvs liberty, elvllisstion tii t
llgloa to tbs Filipinos to the &tj t
peaceably offer tbem. A better tL.'rj
than America's protectorate, woc!4 te a
protectorate by all nations. ,
Tka pan who scys Mi pref ix,
right or wrong" baa somstilrj nrj
either with bis bead or bis Uzrt.
Kltst UlzZAt .-; ;-
I would liks to ask yon ths r."'.'ri
ol tbs oelebration of tb qussn's t
day at many plaoesin tbe United Kuto.
also tbs flying ol ths onion Jsek deoora
tlon day. These things I bavs seta
slnos learns to Kansas. Whether they
do It In other states I do not know, bat
I nsver saw It befors. It calls to mind a
vers of an old song to tbs American
eagle,i -1 - , -
"Oh (uard you well .tbs land where I
It to futur tlm tb tal I shall tell
When slow experience smouldering flre
Tbe goodly heritage of your sires etc."
For your part, you are doing nobly aa
you print tbe beat paper I ever read.
K. P. FmiausPH.
WblteClty, Kan.
It means tbat a lot of millionaires In
New York and Boston havs got tired of
oar form of government and wantaa
empire, king, titles, an aristocracy, a
peasant population tand all tbat sort of
thing. Sothsygettb mullet beads to
help them along by hoisting tbs flag ot
an emplrs and falling down and doiag
obeetonc to It, Tb mullet beads having
no brains do everything that tbs mil
liounirea tell them to do, even to advo
cating ataadlng armies end Imperialism.
No Jew today In America baa a for
tune of th flrat claa. laa Hat of th
rich! fifty men In th country ther to
no Jawlab nam. I! suob a list were ex
tended to ons hundred ther would ba
none, Tbe Jew ar great traders, ao
doubt, but tbe Smith, th Scotch-trial,
the French, th Butch, aad ths par
Taakeaabatthia hollow when tb
trading to doueoa a Urge ovals rqalriag
aievatlve ability, roarage, aad abotdata
Mttfideoeeia th lategrlty of th atef-
rhalt. No doubt th Jews maks a great
deal ot oioaey, but they are Sieealatora
aad gambler, aad waal tby mass M
never held aivural.v. Thaw analn, tbey
do But, or rathe tbey hav aot la the
paat, generallv Uua bv eapitej eur!
bv lubeeiUaMa. Nor hav they, aalll
lately, tavei la toad. Tey ra awt
orieulal In their toalea aad afebd with
aiu b UtwralMy to tUarlvea la their
living. AJ,.wkea prottl arr) t
him, ia taerwiiy very utai to aiwewi
aad to ait Ibat Wioag to htm. Aad
ataay garal'v keloag Hi hint, toe the
J-aara..4kr tbelr torg Umlla.
Il.taev.r, I refat la eat ir vt.altoe,
i ar m tonav ia aaterwa win
Jew eoetorftioaaHv tk tbat ke raa
raaktawralib with IU tuy or tea
baalrl aa aba euel at tbtt
Joha tiiloief IHJ, la Atie'M Jai.