The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 25, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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May 25 1899
rnmh.rldU.1. lid.. ia ft Cbrivfotf HUI
city, having by the oeutu of J8l0,
nonunion of 1 11,780. For aeverel yar
nut tli city hat boen' elwUrl
elt. narlm a orlvaU company f 91.3
r v.r lor each il.OM candle power
Ilabi-wlta paralli prion to private
olUfWM. Tbl wm lower tbao i ue aver-
im Wanna th COinoany OUHUt (0
foreetall aud dfat tbe tbroataued pro
(net of mittlnir to municipal plaat,
A municipal elactrlo light plat wm
laetailed and tin report of the board of
J.tmifithaflrat lx mouth of too
efty aipwlmautln lotrio lighting with
ita own plant ba Just been pubiswd.
J'rivaw companies are no iruuun
II,. .iMniimotit. K. Ihulr own XUHUM. J
show that the olt It bmtn llclita nt
tb astonishingly low ru or f .ow per
light twf yearj pr month; or on
Mut in. hour. And tb light furiilabed I
conwdsd by all to be better man tu
aver bad Uifor.
gl'erbap tin missive oenaorad by OH
were lacking io that flatarcatiai iwpw
that all of ai are uppd to M lor
military man. and Otis roar have fait
hi dignity offtfodad, at leaet he Mt jmt.
IM in "ilrj"l.lji" th lattora, '
J'erbap they carried eotn critlolwrri o
Mator MiKIly orltoinmaudur In Chief
Mark Henna, b that a I may. Mr,
Otla bald tba latter back. JJa would upt
parniit tba boa, already alck of tba
baartloaa slaughter, to read fin loving
mnnn from bomo. aJ
Wa would Ilka to e f traoo
uH brought, Weahould Ilk to print
A few eitraat front tba latter tbat Otla
at ok Wa long for tba American paopla
to fuUir understand Wi depth of daprav
Itjr underlying Ibia adwinltratlon ud
Ita war of eon(jtit.--l'(opM' Cham
PTrftllow8froiB tba wwi nw ";
f liming to fftl thi eooitrlotloa "of .. thy
truat ftoa4oada, m aomabod lla It)
and ona mwubaut In Ornaba baa bud
ealla latl from half dono of tbato
who warn buut to ba pot out of Job,
Hardware, Implamonta. tobaooo, tbrttnd,
UnyuUm, wra iln4 tbac bad bum roprw
antad bjr tba mho-iII OApablaoonnntr
olttl trrlr, Now tbwa wa no aom
fititloa ad bo nad to abonr good,
ba ptafUr mmt buy than wbaa bo
naadnd tbm, and tba only prlun qootod
wra "at ralu"-tbat la wbatarar tba
prlfli b topvnod to b wbnn tba good
araabfppid. "And you tnty ba (ara
tba will ba hllir tbtn at prMtat,"
adlad tbf mwdbaut. World llrald,
Tba following fa pnrt of a aimub d;
ivarad at tba Chicago iuperlallat nmZ
log: i
"Today tbara ara tboa tbat wara tba
))aolaratlon of Indaiiandenoa Id our faea
and toll u tbat tba thing to do la to
dalirar ovar tboaa lalanda of tba arch.
IpaUgo In tba aaat to tba paola who ara
thalr rightful raaatara for 'all fovarn
manta darlva tbelr jmt powar nowara
from tba conaaot of tba govarnad Ho
wrote Tbemaa Jnffwaon, Do yon ra
mambar tbat tba Lord Md to Joabua,
'My aarvant la daad'T AodaolaTbomaa
Jaffaraon. 1 do not ballara tbat Tbomaa
Jaffitraon wa lufalllbta, I ballara tbat a
lira praaldant In tba yaar of graoa 1800
la jt a muoh of an authority aa a
praaidaat tbat llrad and diud a hundred
yaara ago. I am no worahlppnr of a
aalnt luat baoauaa ba ia dad. It tba
ditad bury tba daad. Aa to that hal
lo wad dooumant tbat dwilarna that ail
gorrrnmantadurlra tbalr )ut powera
from tba oonut of tha govarnod, II tbat
la to ba litarally conatruad thra navar
waa a gratr falaahood patmml off by
tba davll upon a craduloua world."
Auothir rapublloan aditof"tjld ua yea
tarday, tbat whlla aaying llttla, aa yot,
ba wa Juat aa muub oppoaad to tha ao
qulaltion of tarrltory auroaa tba oooun
wa could poaalbly ba, and tbat ha re
gardad it aa tha daath of tbat party in
tba waat If tha administration oommit
tad It to ao auioldal a couraa. Hamilton
Couaty H-gUUtr. 3
Traaawar la Oetkaaaar,
Cooinl Hri(b of Ootbanburg tinder
data of April 0 writea to tba atato da
)artmi)ti "Referring to my report of Bki, Id,
18(8. concirnlng atreat railway In
Uotlienbnrit. 1 liar to Inform (ba A
artiiiant that tha city council at ita
lail meeting dnclded to pnrchaM tha
francblte and ntw k of tba ()utbnburg
Traiuwava roiuiiany fur tba mm of
HO.OOO (1840, oftft). It bainot yet Nan
aoUld wbthar tba city will tmlld ami
inauaga tha road ltif or Ivaaa tba
fraocbia toaHwdlh orafirelitn row
pary. It ha In projoad it orgauiaa
a bum company, but, owing to tba
irvtnt blub rlca paid for itiunay, It
la doubtful If till ran lu raalliad. A
tlanuan C4iiuauy baa of!M la build
ud M nag tha rltfcttla tramway na
darcattaia nmdiliona, but hvunct
dwldisl tbat lb condilloai wara nut
ulth Irutly dnflnmi; abat) Infuria tba
di'parluwiit a n aa a dtlulid
rtlM ba Ua ratae4 ty tba ily
Wi will
PIaci on SaI (or tht
V "mm Niil Fiw Dayi
12,000 Tolls
rtVSc Per Roll,
Wa llava Hhi tn flrnwl at ha
MowopnlUI'a Vlr(rr, lint V "
ifca Illalit to Mart ulat'a liana
In our Aniprlrnn fairy Dtory tba trnat
la nlMylrid tlia Tiurt of tba tflant. It ia
tba Gulliver among tba Lilliputian.
In tba industrial artiin tba cmnmon
ptKpIo utt nothing but tba riiwnt b
neatb tba fil of tba wreatliog uionopo
)i. . , .
Wblla tba pnopla ara itrngtdlng tint
brflad, for clotbH. for an idgbt bonr
day, fur tba rlubt to work, for tba prlv
llt'K of nitre txMw, tbaaa trnMomk
nr ara battling with each otlwr to m
who uliull ba tba f)rt bill Ion a Ira in tba
bltitory of the world.
Tba trtit ia im, now at tba aamnilf
of ita power, It In wbir tbluviHiwo
wore in J Hill, Almost everything
goMdowo bnforait. Hardly a politician
dare ojipoae it, Jfardly a newspaper
dara ipuuk fraaly of It operation,
Tba arerage Atnarican eMhun gai
Io alarm at (ba endloaa procemion of
trout, lie wltnewwawltn conaturnntlon
tin wboloaal dmtrnction of aniall dual
tn, abopketpnr and turner.
lit realiKoa that it if a bopebw for
itiein io contend agalnt a trout aa for a
float of blrchburk canoe to link (ba bat
tJcblp Tein, '
lia di(!oror (obi horror (hat a trout
can no mora bo deiiiollehad by i'll'
tlon than a Ctmurdtir can by a volley of
gooe fuathori, '
Ua hear tba Htandnrd Oil trrmt toll
tha Ohio Hiridtnro to abnt np-to
mind ita own hnaineaa 'and find, to
bin aniMKttrmmt, tbat tha Ivgirlatora ia
vary Jlkwly toolwy,
lit mm tha tinrentrnloKd growth of a
sew faudallNtn and cannot ae bow to
avoid it or how to overcome tlnma Jo
aatlabla devllflnboi of btivinua wboaa
tuntaclaa anck tba allver out of every
workingmao'l pockot,
Tba (joeitlon which wa have (o de
cide la whothor tha trnxt la altogether
aocial evil and eiprwnce or only a
necoaanry and tranak'bt alage iu ifidtia
trial avolnticn,
WbaiahallwedoT i
fjball wa break np the trnt, map
the link of orgNnleatlon, poll down the
department atorc, IfglHta ovory largo
factory Into a amall one, rtoro
the high price of 40 year ago, and
cbae every orgiinlui'r and connolldator
ont of the ronntryf
Or ahull we, In ome jat end orderly
way, take poMmwIon of every trnat
which become a public pnUance and
operate It for the benefit of the nation 1
There ia one nnmlxtakableract wnlcb
tare ua in the fnce and that ia that
the monopolist i the only man who
know how to do biiMineaa in a ayatato
atlo and acientifiu way.
The tnonopollKl line almply landed
where every bnnlnttMH man i trying to
get. He haa won tho game wblcb we
all agreed to play. We have no right
to growl at hi victory, but we do have
a right to tay, "Left change tbe
Tbe trnatmaker waa tba firit nan
wbo waa ahrewd enough to ane tbat
competition aa a bmtlntta principle wai
watfnl and uncertain.
lie recognised the aaparlorlty of co
operation, lie innngnratad Nocla1lm
for bia own advantage. Ho discovered
tbe gold mine of organization, and,
naturally enongh, he wauta to keep it
fur hi own purNonnl benefit.
Tbe trokt I tbe KrvnWmt Indaalrial
triumph tbe world bn ever aeen. It I
tbe final reanlt of centurlea of competi
tive commerce,
It ia tbe ideal of all ludtmtry. It
transform a chnoa Into a coniiio. It
bring nyatem, wblcb ia the mother of
lulHore, Into the btmlneit world.
The triiHt bnllder take hold of a
tboiimnd ahaky, feeble concern and
trannforrna them into one largo, aolld,
thoroughly ornniced Industry which
ha romplrte control of ita output nud
it jiroflt.
Ha Utlie real empire (milder and civ-
lllxer of mixlern tluica. He haa founded
InmiiitD npon a rmb. He ba abuwu ua
that orgHtilietlon i the aCret of con
fidence and lecnrliy.
Hucli lathe educational work which
haa lxeii doliu by mniinioliea. They
hate tra unformed buine from a lot
tery Into a ( lence and have ahown n
a way wbervly baukrupUy, vity
Niid over work ran be made rare aa
miuillKii and cholera.
Hot when one of thiwe giuantio or
ganiamaot trail ia coutrdliml by two
or threa lrreHimilbla loilivldnala, when
it 1 iimh tu incroNM the army of th
oiiejnltiyel, tanirrnpt eallMtmea and
roHKHw. to iing th prvaa aud tven
threaten tlm ul4t, it Iw ibii bo longer
educational, but criminal,
A trtut la like a taorlt U ufol
wbn In Hi band of a man, hut da
ldru hi o In tba baud of a baby,
liahiva art pot bit! r tumuli to ttuUd
with rainr. and few ntUMralar Bt
to t lrtrd with luoiktpullajk
Tba N'ew Yik Joura!, with a four
agauu pairluiUut whlib baa l rl
duMi i-iUh pi the bUl.iy of U4
vrraa, la talllrg tVt fiu4l fwr the
(tail evil
AlKtw ma, t ua of many, to :t
a iUtvf olulaiag ubilevwihlp
wbb-li to my tuiad . would W imt
tpeady, jutt and moiulcl tbaa aay
ttrartb m lk.J of upuUiy al
Trval lb tiaita tby bate tat4
tblr cumiflitufa Tbat la futtaial;
fair eavugk.
Wbaaawr trt t Wing MenaJ,
agaat at at to alt aafatari
tMi ara eUM i4 Itaa4 bo ara la
the aaiue Itaa tf baaiavaa, aa4 tky ara
4tta4 r-J IN iat vntat aaoa ol
kaoary fuf tboir Ual. If tby Mfaaa,
Ibaa tba ttatt tuwmra pttcaa and taaa
tw out vf V4ww Tkay MMt ellktff
acrvf t Ike lrt ta wr N taia4.
Tbl baa la ba la tftowtaad t
taaaav utwat Mt
Interfered to prevent it.. It haa been
called legitimato hnninea. and it baa
certainly been legal, ,v
VVlmt la anuce for tbe gooae rbonld
he ance for the gander. In America
there are tnppoiwtd to be "special privi
lege to nonu," And wby abonld not
tbe nation have tbe right to do what
haa been repeatedly done by trnat T
If truNt may awallow all Jnduotrla!
competitor, wby may not tbe whole
people awallow (he trust t
A noon a any monopoly become
despotic and dungeroua to the public
welfare, let a board or impartial ap
praiser examine it book and property
and set a fair pareunia price npon it
wbb'b it will bs obliged to accept.
Thl amount will be paid out of tbe
public ireuMiiry, a (rnt tax, wblcb the
people will willingly pay.
Again and again railroad have com
pelled fanner to acll tbe right of way
throng!) their farm, Again and again
monopolies hove dictated tho term of
purchase to their competitor. Why not
then allow the nation to exorcia it
legal right of eminent domain T
Trust are larger than individual,
but they are considerably (mailer than
thl whole country. Wi must choose
between hurting tbe feeling of the few
and torvlng tha bodlea of the many.
Thl i not an affair of aentiment,
hot of busing and aqnar dealing,
There can be no fairer way of dealing
with obuosloo trust (ban to apply tbe
teaching of tbe mined golden rnle,
which aaye, "Do a yon've been done
by."' . '
Give (hem n dose of their own medi
cine. To pnrchnse a trust at it ovn
valuation would bo prcpoateron, and
to pay it in proportion to ita power to
earn dividend would be eanally abaard,
Tho more a trust ba unjustly taken
from tbe people, tbe les it jutly de
anrve wljen tho day of aettlement ar
Tbe trnstmaker abonld no reim
bnraed for all tho capital they have act
nally invested and for their skill in or
gauUing and systematizing tho bnsb
and for nothing else.
The strictly correct method of value
tlon would be to take over tbe trmt at
it assessed value, and no more, ,Tbl
would pat every trust on tho bargain
counter and mak public ownership a
cheap and eay undertaking. Herbert
N. Cawion. ,
Company Organised po I'rotaet IlofBal-
ar from to by Dlsaaaa. , ,
Tbe Capital Mutual Hog Insurance Co.
met at It office In tbe Purr block tbl
week and elected F, J. Hale, president;
J. T.'.Jones, vlco-prealdent; C. M. Loom-
la, treaaurer; and W, C. Crooke, eecre-
tary and manager. Tbe following well
known gentlemen ara diractora of tbe
company: V, 3. Hale, llattle Creek, Neb.;
J.T, J one, j. r. tornen, jiouoin; a, n.
Iladtfer. Arlfnaton: C. M. Looml. Lin
coln; isaae McCnnn. Kani.ard, Neb,, 11,
VYorteniiyK. j,ineoin: n. . unmn, uo
kebr. and W. C. Crooka, Mncoln. ' )
Tula company offer to the farmere of
the atate eometblng entirely new In tbe
line of insurance. Tbe plan of Insurance
ooverlng tbe drove of hog of a farmer
(ruarnnttielng to pay mm two-tblrde
market value of tbe hog In caae ol their
death from dlaeaaa. With a aura thing
on bog ralelng no farmer can help mak
ing money, Tbe bog ia tba (orgeat
source of revenue on tbe Nebraska farms.
The dlflloultv baa heretofore boon tbat
when a nice buncb of boga bad been fat
tened and tbe profits were about to be
routined an epidemic of cholera would
come along, take the boga and neoeaal
tat a few yours of sucooeaful bog raiaing
for the farmer to recoup the lows.
Tbe plan of tbe Capital Mutual nog
Insurance company eliminate tbe ele
ment of chauea which baa heretofore at
tended thin buaineaa and make profit
Experience haa shown tbat diseaae In
hogaianota wida em-end epidemic but
la local and spasmodic and by covering
risk all over tha atate tbe company la
able to make tbe ex peuaa to eaub party
enrrylng Inaurano very email.
While tbia proposition la eometblng
entirely new n tba way of Insurance tbe
character of tbe men at tbe bad of It at
once give It an air of stability and per
manancy, The nnmea ofaoine of the
moat substantial farmer Io the atate
Appear on tne tioara ol director and
the management la iotbe handaofex-
perleiie4 Insurance men, Many ol tbe
(ending farmer nre availing themselves
of tbeinaurnnce thus offurd. The effect
will undoubtedly be to atimulata the
bog Industry in tbe atate.
(lovernor Poynter sent tha following
tlMitu to twuurjr Algrrat Wa-Mug.
Lincoln, May 9 1 retary Abtw,
Washington, U. C: If consistent with
airaugoinwnla of tba war department
and with IhewUheaot Mra, loinoliert,
Nsbraska rvttiU that tl luulr of ('id.
(Motsffnberg lie ia ataia at I, lunula lor
UH iuorial aervl,a aud that may im
amirded tha prtilfir ol aaudiug a mili
tary sMHirt with tha rauiaiua tu thtr
flaal rating pi",
tHmnmi) W, A. I'tMsraa,
Th irvt atwlal ul at Mr. lUxjwr
U a grant! summms at wr. iioar t mmh
la whI at a iraat mmyio.
To Taoea latrt4.
raira44 Ns, Majr U, Iau0.-laad
dltuta to waat m)4 la last
m raaardlaa U tlrala (Uor
ilataai Halt AMfialiw. tt Dsaaaa,
Naakawol tjkka 1 W, UdW la praa.
dt ar4 B. i HiUihaf ia MMarf, la
aba I a4 aa taa ilal
moti at taaa ai taWa aeajiai taa
ttaaeaola, MaUal Had A l'iUsaa la
Mtauasa Co.. l Aaaanv. aiwaaastlaw dla
la tb aMkaaa 4 ttYi Uta o t
af tea
taiaa ts avi atuva
fa the f lS akwk la aa Mia a.
The End of the
ever creaiiea io one manuiactunny
r1l1t1J.A oA rmur ttinir iUmm mtrm
' year in which CvruII.McCormiAfMvntilttireatv.r f
From the one machine of that date
chine built and (old lat season, i a gigantic
growth of output absolutely unchallenged. The
McCormlck Binders, the McCormick Mow.
era, the McCormick Reaper, the Mc- '
Connick Corn Harvesters tha McCor.
...... ... -
mica my Kaaee, uie Mccor-
tnlck Corn Huskera and
Fodder Shredder are "The
Bert in Tha World."
Harvutlnj Machine
Company, . ,
Chlcao. C
hi t P.
0 t 13th
RilfOTJImQ We want any
Id ImQ1PrUtoljecome acquainted
111 I1U01W1 1 in our hosiery 'depart
ment and 'while we have good values
there every day of the year we
ng some special attractions this
ew of these we mention below,
IldiCS At uc a pair we will sell a
JJ case of ladies hose bought
IrnQr1 to sell at 15c a pair. They
11UOV have the "Wavne "match-
llr less" dye, are made of su-
I IV oerior aualitv i'arn. have
high spliced heels and double
oes, I hey are a decided bargain at 1 ic
pair. ' '
BOYS ou cin ujr ay
. ' u bovs hose at 10c a
1CA but seldom such a
we offer in this lot.
I Of extra heavy and
Ivv hard service: equal
to such as we usually sold for 25c and
equal in quality to regular 15c goods. We
have all sizes from 6 to qH
they last you can take your choice at 10c
Of these we haye about
IT AC p of extra line qpun
aiVlJV SqHpH warn. hnv
9rB0m ms ssf tttai t mmmm
ioned heels, seamless toes
and two thread knees.
qual in appearance to ace goods. Our
price this week 2 pair for 25c.
Early in the
liMirrVif 1 1
IllliiirWPir mens shirts and draw
U1ISIV1 HVttl erstosellat 2cc each.
01 p They are
aCdv and good
best quality we have ever sold
nave ;oo many, nowever, ana
0 reduce the stock the price
each. Wc ask you to compare with
goods sold elsewhere as high as 35c.
The Farinsra Mutual Hall & Cyclouejn
suranoe Association of H. I. wae organ-
sod Ft-b. 31,1 1808 with the principle
office at Wafcrtown, 8.D. with V. W.
Miller aa pmddout (now preeldoot of the
Grain (Irowsrs,) A U. Itaudall aa accra- llllilker (now awretary
of tha (lralu Qrowar,) aa manatfor.
Accordion to their owu aworu report to
the Htata Auditor of South Dakota at
th done of their buslntwa for the yar
cah on hand ol $ 14,3 10.44, and unpaid
aiMainnla amuunttna; to fit, 74 1.77;
total I'.'; aitb UOld luaai
outataadltia: atfgitiatlua tha sum ol
-JH,nHO.&, tlln to tha naglwt to
jr hmmm bsa tusy had moanjr oa
i,ad. tha laauraac CiimuiiaUiur ol
ttouth Dakota rlu4 to great thsni
porwlsltia to di liusliiftrt la that tat
Uuriiif thavwar HWtf, hur lly have
(Hms to Ntra. Altr doiua aa illa
Itlmata ImaiaKM ia sliaa.ta ia 1NU(
and being rwlusml a rarttflnala fur the
nait fr aad raiwatma thasam vt
alitiaala HMUtb I'akuu la l th
Ma have to araka Io da thir
ttlHMia IWaara tl thaUraia
Thrta la alao aathr oaaaUatUa
laltat l.iMla, N-h., kauaa aatha
I ail. Mataal 1 1 ml laaaraam AMwta
Ikhi 11I NrUakv ol ahhli VU twa
Itaa ia trwtat a4 Juka r. I isaae la
wrivlarr. Tha aMiM 4 tkU aaauola
ItvaAtmlarMtiiwrtvatfala Miaiia
a4 Wkula, (at tea rf4e ikmt
iata do not mal tlta aaaP t aay ol
tkaritiiwtaraol thl asawmatiwa sua
awHwl la aar mRwmu aay wlia aay
klaaut av Itakwta tayi bat
An a4 that Ua Ibm aHM4 the
iM tiaal aapMita ia Aiakoy r-aay
iaWti4 that taste anilkaUwa
aa4 ik Uaaka aa alaaal ul
taa Uaaka ul laa Uria aeaw
tiaitioa. ul (tea, hvttaae taka aav
awHy tw laaaraasa troat tWt patruaM
aa4 taetufa issiuv eaa tta tsanu
tkatkasM (U iaita taata aay. a4
taast i fwronl euiaa la
approachea and bring with it
the celebration of tbe great
eat srrav of triiimnlm
nrm. Tne unparalleled McCormlck ma
-tA am i f i m .
to the 180.670 ma
i, ,if"."i.
one who
.... 1 ?
Mens hose
A nSlir
J Vail
and double
pair. Our
are offer-
week. A
Hose 3
for 25c
have three
soles and
quantity of
oair or less
bargain as
Thev are
made for
in weitrht
and while
silk fin-
full faah.
season we
rrrc In rt
well made
yarn, the
at 2c. We
mis wceic
will be 21c
Kansas Lump
Rock Salt
For Stock.
Pumt, lUallhlrtt, Vent. Wtheat Award nud MlaU tot Purity,
World'B Jixptnitlon, Vhlcaln, I9J Trana-Afiaaaann
JRxpoaitiou, Ummkm, t&yy.
Ht AfrmtM tor B9tt fck Hall Caw, aaal Koyal U Cm.
&tuati at Ninth aud etrwt ara now rv.!y lor bualuMsa. We give ia eichaaga
lor good OO lu, wbnat il Kada ol fancy Soar guarautowd, aad 10 lb ol braa.
, , Try 1 SAck of 'Hont Abt" Flour.
WarrAnted to cquAl the txst
AlHlrit-clAss irocers
keep It.
aa?laat Ikaaa. Wa also Ia4 tkla alawaa
la iha tlraia UrwaratiiaatUa Maakai
'I avty aatkartsa " "to t
asf ftf at Ua aaaaai aatlag ol Ilia
Hwtwrti aty alin'." 1
u that aay iua aaa rita hla aaata
ialhakJaak atutta la all aHtiMituuM
aa4 vote k all taa aai bare at tha aa
aaai MMtlaa?.
It rmu aita jaa, tarra 4 Natkraaka
aata aaataaMr wratit tkay eaa
the ysalnsaa-r tvoa Uetaraaata 4 Um
ataia tb u rat rwwrA h4wmi"-4
ta. tlbat a thsiy VS-l'ataaM li
laat Uatt laaarvMaw aaaikUUwa. J. U.
raaki4. (aaatat waaajff, I 4rCalA
h tVt 11 a.
fil. & P.
0 b 13tli
One case of mens
black seamless
arm mm 1 a
7rirnose extra ne quauty
aVVvarn. htehsoliced heels
soles, a good value at iac a
price this week 3 pairs for .
At 3 pair, far i we wUJ,
ladies hose worth nca
oair. Thev are fast black.
seamless, medium weight,
made of fine nualitv varn
thread heels anH toea. nar.
rowed ankles and are well shaped. We
invite you to see them,
RirtTJIlllQJllWe have some surplus
uaiKaiuo iustock in a few very Kde.
lflflPriYPir8irable numbers of
VlIUVl WVUl summer -underwear
which we want to dispose ot this week. '
For special bargains in underwear we in
vite you to come this week. We are sure
you will find what you want and be more
than satisfied with the price.
LfldlCS We have ladies jersey
f . ribbed vests at 5c and a very
VeStS' 004 quay at 8Jc but the
VsJVJ nartictilar line we vu'tah tn
call attention to now we are
sellinor this week at tslr.
1 I ' I r 1 "1
iucy arc jersey riuuea, nsie nnisnea;
short sleeves or sleeveless; white or ecru.
LfldlCS 1 We have one case of
J! y ladies medium weight
UflflCrVMr iersey fibbed vests and
iSf Nllltat 35C a suit. The
JJt a OUUvests are high neck,
long sleeves and have shaped bodies; the
pants are cut full size and are well made.
BARGAINS IN NOTIONS We are offering a nam-
bar of very apeolal bargaina in our notion department.
We have a lot of tooth bruahoe worth aa hiffbaelOo
each, tbla weok tbe price la 80 each. A lot of hair bruahee
aome of them worth 60c, tbia week 25o eacb.
Loatber bolt at 5, 10. IS and 25o each that are worth '
double tbeae prlcea. Holt buckiea aold laat aeaaon at
25o aacb, now So each. Bargaina In faacy ribbon,
pearl button, fancy comb, abirt walat acta etc.
Uieock Salt
Nldea, Pickle,
Meat, Ice Cream,
lea auklao,
Fertilizing, aVo., io.
Mine aad Work.
Lyoaa and Kanopolla, Kaa.
if arl lar-i