The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 25, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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May 25, 1899.
2 JXtbtaM Jnbepmbcn
fcispiijfliiit Publijhiqg flo.
At 11M M llreet,
tlXQnx Year in Advancb.
Ml esamsafewttsa te, as ek al
evasrs. ate sstrshl te
ru virMviM r, a.
The farmer I the corner stone of I no
tion wealth and greatness. Adwilrol
Bchley, ..
There art do pauper In New Zealand
while every other Kngllsh colony ban
tbeni by th thousand, Why?
"f lrt ffwrtdini thee uUrr-wva that full
Weelfki eiffptlu-iiiJtlf st UmL j
44 hlti7 with ell her velum st,
Until betes os,"
Buffalo, N. Y, bn adopted the voting
macbliiby a rot oftb city council.
When will the cltle and counties In Ne
braska begin to tok action In tbo euie
direction? - t
fat very Amerlcon remember that to
violate the Declaration of Independence
i to trample en the blood of ble father
nod to tear the charter of hie own aud
hi children' liberty, Abraham Lin
ln, s ' ' -
General Oil ba begun to send tbe
rolunteer borne, but the one that be le
vending are the oleic, wounded and dis
abled. Not a man who I able to carry
gun get a discharge. All ucb are
kept on tbe filing line.
"United we tand. Divided we fall."
That wm tbe motto of tbe revolutionary
father and it I a good motto yet, al
though a few fellow down at Kansas
city lat week m to think It ought to
read; "Divided w eland. United we
fall. mi ; '
Hi Imperial Majesty, McKlnley, Jet,
le luet at present engaged with otber
monarch In letting op a king in Barnoa
and in destroying a republio in the Phil
ippine. Anyone who eay that that I
sot Abe Lincoln republicanism lea "cop.
McKlnley and tbe republican pre art
engaged in an effort to creab tbe only
republio ever organiced laAlo. That
it tbe thing that call Iteslf Lincoln re
publlcanlem In tbl year of our Lord,
Hurrah for tbe Urand Old Tarty, Vote
'r straight.
Tbe Imperlaliet paper declare that a
whole lot of people in tbe United State
are traitor but the administration boa
refuaed to prosecute and punish tbera.
That la a pretty aort ol an administra
tion. Won't punish treason I Are they
afraid of tbe traltora?
Mr, Hearst ol tbe New York Journal
is many times over a millionaire. He ia
red bot for Imperialism, Hie editorial
manager 1 a single taxer. Hie two
chief editorial writer are Qrnnlund and
Cloaaen who are socialists. Money, Ira.
perlallem, eoolollein they are all In one
bed together.
II a populist Lleuteuant Colonel . had
refused to go to the front alter ble
colonel had been killed la battle and to
get oat of it had even refused a promo
tloa, bow tbe republican press of this
atate would have bowled ''cowardice,"
Under tbe present clrou instance they
say nothing, That la the (wet thing
that they can do.
According to tbe Imperialist, the !
laratiaaof ladvpsadeno le an Incen
diary document. Will Mckinley have its
circulation through tbe mall a topped?
To soy "gavera went are Instituted
among men driving their just power
from the roaeent id the governed," k
high trtMaon these days. Will every
ataawba attempt to rwd tkatduru
went oft the tWtk til July be arrested?
Napoleon Mt-KujWy thlitts that beeaa
uaquer the w hole world but he surrva
dor to a iisr In spile of all the doctors
va da t Itwpirw tiles with vwsrs o
Ighl It, Wk the dotlurs tatiwaud ta
tUssrwl Urt thai swot leg isjnr.
ktas lo kt tkroat, k threw tl esr
ttl4 Iks .e,.lis, rr ewoted as
otk and ae bwUmmI the sl j-l
oltst wards, NsUm MkUtWy tau t
that tied wl a ,
I'm hapa ekM4 l be two bird
tkwe MlWt k44 tUwsss, It
tstej U that i tteif WIW Med Ik I
hy kav t.4 It "Ike tuVe ul g.M ia
t4 t4 the gwldeatwh as4 rtwJIy
dolag Iks beet that th kw kww, IVs.
ke Usrk lUasa'e kr eal a trv
lrtMlM sojlMtket that ess the
ftiirtvl r4rMitf, an I Mark lalalt
ik tikMf M a ajsdiUt bead tks nr
ettatanej are t bbtote.
From the article, appearing In
mHiraxInml ana leadiiifC dailie in
country It begins to look a If we must
fight the battles of the seventeenth and
i.rhtaant.hffMitnriMi all over aguln. It
I.... i ...... ..t,un In rrnntfld by all the
leaders of men during the wboh. of this
century that certain great principles of
n....mun hA Immiu settisd and that
m ht arrived at the truth. Tbe po-
pie bod traveled a long and bloody way
in tlmlr aanrch lor the truth and the In
tellectual world bad at lost agreed upon
the principle of self government by tbe
consent of the governod. That was
universally accepted among the Anglo
Unions and to a very large eitent
nmninrthsdormauicand Latin races,
infnM thev all accepted Itln.theory,
however far tbey were from practicing It,
ti.- n.nt aorernment came
down from (lod and not op irom men
and wo represented on earth by mugs
and priest wa fought out on in uouie
flolde of Kerland and tb continent ano
all thiukluir men acceoted the conclusion
and began to adjust the government of
tbe old world i to th new Idoo. The
I,Iwiim I1 a.11 the battle and tbe
greatest acrifloo' ever maae lor mm
lde were made by the (lermanlo people.
When C'barle the fifth ft King oi
Spain and Emperor of Germany-ruier
be wus of half the earth-was ueowa
and compelled to recognize the right at
cast in om degree of sell government
to tb brave burghers, the first great
step onward wa taken. Afterward, the
greatest thinker that the world had
ever known began a discussion and an
examination of tbe right of man. Buoh
men a Hume, Lock, Kant, Rousseau,
Voltaire, Montesou and Talus rea
soned it all out and stated conclusion
that all patriotic men have every where
accepted, Now come a large portion
of the American people sudor the leader
ship of the greatest beast of greed that
that tbe world ever saw and denies tbe
fundamental principle upon which tbl
government wa founded and iu tbe
practice of which It ba grown, in a lit
tle over a hundred years, to be the great
est moral and political force ia all the
These prlnoiple for which the common
woplo bad fought (or more than four
hundred years, In defense of which tbey
bad left their bonee to bleach on a
thousand battle fields, found their first
all expression In tbe Declaration of In
pependence and in the constitution ol
tbe United Btate. For a hundred year
w have glorified them and defended
them and held them up a a beacon light
to all tbe rest of tb world, now tney
are denied, scoffed at and called "glitter
Ing generalities."
Must w go bock and fight all tbe bat
tle over again? Has tb blood shed on
a tfaoueand battl field been shed In
vain? Hav tbe conclusion arrived at
brth beat mind, after centurleeof
thought, research and calm Investiga
tion all been wrong? Ia It posaible tbat
th truth wa nvr known nntilthe
beast of greed, repreeented In tbe perton
of Mark llanna arrived at tbe White
Not In tbl country only, but all over
Europe are men asking these queationa.
Tb patriot of all land hav ever worn
the Declaration of Independence next
their heart and preserved It a tbelr
moct sacred treasure. Upon the consti
tutlon ol'the United Btatea have their
builded their political faith. In that
document they find It declared that the
people shall shall have a right to a trial
by a Jury of their peers, the right to bear
anus, the freedom ol the prtss, tbe free
dom of speech, tbe free exercise of reflg
ion, the prohibition of cruel punish
ments, exoeeeive bail, the taking ol
property without due process ol law,
and tbe right to be eecure lu their per
sons, bouses, papers, and effects.
Thepatrlota ol other lands stand
aghast wheu tbey sea this beast of greed
in the White House denying all tbe
righto to a helpless people whom we
outnumber tea to oue and over whom
we have brought sovereignty with gold.
This boast not ouly deals these right
to the bslplesa people ke boa bought,
but to motlisrs of hi own land who
have born son now fighting under hi
ovlr In foreign lands,
Will McKlnley be able to turn back
th dial ol progress lour hundred years?
Must the old battle of liberty all b
foagM over again? Bhall tkk beast ol
greed deluge tks earth with blood?
It must not b supposed that me
have lost thsir love lor liberty. IVy
ill flrfht kr It la the lutar as they
aave MgM lo It ia the t,
There u4 to be tea bank la Llaeola,
Now there are ottty tu. What has b
tutu id all the sjebWrs, tie rk tlirvrlor
and president ka, every ol them
wmuin tkst tby knew all about
naiHW asd that the nip imi all a t
id Inula? gouts ot Ihvtw ! iato bosk
ruptey lueg aa as4 swhm ol ta are
vwastlag tiw, V t4J ikisu
tH4 Ttd4lwbwlat has Isattj eoa
144 lo avvt tk ettMMil of Tai
tULjekk (kek Ike pattM aha pittd
lU lsk Uwsat sa woik a pg
4 tkn ! ss wor 4- dy l a
hokltot) tt the (irvevty sl'kksa
tkaUwM sktpHeg tMSvklasgsM
a4 ssstslW rtiiU tw AasisaUlw le
shttal tks by t4 the I'irst Nkete
That st'try I iw.b vute gttf ko
tkatl1iwaw4 the at at Jarl uj
tkk ttf t Ikrwogk all the eawpalga.
The more witches tbe ola puritan
bnrncd the more the wi tehee multiplied.
When they stopped burning witches, the
witche disappeared. The people of the
outb might learn something from tbl
if tbey caold control their passion long
enmiu-h to stoo and think. They bavo
been burning negroes at th etak down
there, but tbe more they burn the more
black raoist there seom to be. Blobs
never suppressed crime and never will.
For 122 year the peoplo have celebra
ted tbe Fourth of July. Wby? Because
that I tb date of tbe Declaration ol In
dependence, Now after a century and
quarter the modern Abe Lincoln, ropub
lican have found out tbat tbat deelura
tlon I only "a mas flittering general
Itlos:" If that i o why should ws eel
ebrateitany more? Will the republl'
can substitute for It when tbey meet on
that day some proclamation of King
Private Koopman In a letter to hi
rarentai that company Lof the
First Nebraska started Into the cam
palga with two officer and six men
On April 24 th when be wrote, tbe com
pany bad boon reduced to 10 men and
no officers. Tbelr captain wa woondud
and tbe other officer fell from exhautlon
It wa the mother of thl company
whom the Btate Journal denounced a
traitor and copperheads. Ha any
one any remark to make?
The 'democratic party ha retired every
one of the traitor to Jeffcrsonlan prin
clplu who joined tb enemy under tbe
oadurship of Cleveland, Carlisle, Mill,
Gorman and the whole crowd bav been
discarded. Not one of them, although
tbe party honored thorn year now bold
an office, That a far a it goes, show
th good faith of tbe party. Perhaps,
however, It would be nearer the truth to
say tbat Bryan retired them instead of
the democratic party doing it. Anyhow
tbey are knocked out of the box.
Tbe Independent Herald want tht
paper to quote some authority to sus
tain what it has been saying about the
social labor party. Here is one taken
from the Appeal to Iteason, a socialist
paper printed In Kansas:
"I am anxious, a you also evidently
have been; to have all the property
taken from the mnsse and put into th
Dosesslon of th trusts, the trust man
uuer have been equally anxious for the
same results. Therefore, 1 throw op my
bat for tb republlcratlc parties, and shy
my castor Into the arena and ask for
tbelr approval and patronage." .
During tbe whole war of tb rebellion
there was never a regiment treated
tbe First Nebraska ba been treated by
General Otis, It wa alway the ml on
tbe march tbat tb regiment tbat wa
la front one day wa In tbe rear the
next. Tbe regiment tbat did tb fight
ing on day wa held In tb reserve the
next Out Otle baa kept hi well equlp-
and well fed regular la tb rear all tbe
time aud tbe firat ba been" kept In th
front from tbadayth flrt sbotwaa
fired. Nebraskans will never forget tbe
last word of Colonel Btoteenbcrg. ' He
was tired of fighting and wanted to
come borne. No wonder when be bad
uch a com mander a Otis.
No on caa get tbe new who relies on
a gold bug, imperialist paper. Tbe As
sociated press dispatches are edited in
tbe office of every such paper and every
thing in the new that ba tb slightest
tendency to enlighten tb people ie sera
pulously suppressed. There was a earn'
pie of It In tbe Btate Journal the other
day when it suppressed all of tbat part
of tbe evidence given by Attorney-Gen
eral Monnett that showed how tbe
Standard oil company wo able to main
tain It monopoly, by rebates on the
railroads and his demand tbat If tbe
roads persisted in sueh discrimination
tbelr charters should be annulled. ,
There ts no man in tbe world who can
make eueb a complete nluny olblmsell
a a middle ol tbe-roader. He can do It
so uncousniously and sweetly. Now her
I Milton Park who ay: "Mr. Dryan
ho beeome very conservative. He bos
stood still while such men as Perry IWb
moot, Henry Watersoa and other hav
grow ap to populkt Idea that Bryan
avoids." Perry IWImoat and Henry
Watereoa have xrowa tip to populist
UWasl Now that k dciddly rU h. prry
don't even to thiuk so. It U not long
ist k wrote a letter lawkleh be tis
oaoe4 Bryan la lbs moat bitter torus
btMmuse as IVrrj said, Brian ihi pop
Ikt, Ihp, Wiky tie of the experts
lUjr4 a doe MiU s4 uphold Alger,
The value ol his (plains as k rotwu
ewHteaabe gal4 trow a vircuUrk
vat ottMrom kls tkpartntett sham Hum
kgala wkiehke ; MMU should
Kittsfsin std (fey kave Umhk
proptfiy rtd, that k l y asttl
lhy are about to cWtty, X ikkkt
H4 today Msakl lo g thrse wt
la a etnd ptw Mite giMsg oa the table
Tte same eitk oiler hmmsIs, ll skoaM be
kit Ikrw nks, lkre wo)4 be no
4ssgr ol vallsg 4Us 4 iet,N
k MkiakjKialM kuldtHgettek vlsw
m Ut ot eoaree would Il4r that 111
Atiaowt' roiua ra4 h w ihe
OMiet tMtMiUg lo4 that ol4 ba
aitsa ii tke fuNtMus) l4wr 4 U
(WaeralMlM wash! ta kekltv4 a4 .
4i.uMf4 Iroes Ik sw vtew Kw sAlssj J
that It WW hot.
A friend in tbe east writing to tbe edi
tor of thl paper ask how it is posaible
for Bryan to endure what be ba pased
through andmaiotaln bis physical vigor,
He says any other man in the United
Btate would'have broken down under
half tbe work tbat be ba performed.
One of tbe reason it that be never get
excited and nothing can make him angry,
He fs always in perfect good burner
with himself, tb world and everybody
in it. Tbe burning of the vilest epithets
at him doe not affect blm any more
tban tbe fulsome flattery that 1 con
tantly poured Into bl ears, II waste
no ntrvou energy on one or tbe otber,
Before an audience of twenty thousand
people, sboutjng themselve hoarse, he
is no more excited tban when he i la bl
own parlor playing with hi children.
Nothing disturb hi constant serenity.
In a railroad wreck, addressing a no
tional convention on which tbe nomina
tion for tbe presidency depends, making
a speech In th house of representatives
with even his opponent cheering blm,
at bl desk In bl cottag home, alway
and everywhere be I the same calm,
good natured kindly man, never harbor
ing III feeling even for bis most Implaca
ble enemies, greeting all, friend and foe
alike with a smile and kindly word, he
move along without tbe waste of ner
vous force which most men constantly
expend. Tbat I bow Bryan 1 able to
do the work of four ordinary men.
A friend In New York city write tbat
recently ha had a conversation with one
of the multimillionaires, Tbe conversa
tion lasted over an hour. The said Bill
ionaire wa very fearful of the future
and wa after Information,' He referred
to that celebrated letter written by
Proctor Knott tbat wa road ,1a tbe
boose of reprosentatative ia the winter
of 78 and '74, In which Proctor Knott
referred to tbe time hear At band when
gangplank of tb steamers to Europe
would not b wld enough to give room
for the millionaire fleeing for safety to
the old world, This man was fully lm
pressed with the fact that something
must be done to stop tb concentration
of capital bat tb remark tbat most Im
pressed th listener wa this: "I am
dumbfounded at tb atupidlty of tbe
people in allowing thl thing to go
lar a It bo. Free coinage oi silver or
tbe free coinage of paper for a few
month would put an end to it, and
there I not a monied man In th world
but know tbat It would."
Iter. Wallace Itadcliffe D, D. of Wash
ington D. C, preached tbe opening ser
mon before tbe Presbyterian General a'
embly at Minneapolis last Thursday,
In tbat sermon be said, "H (Christ)
call u to aubjugatlon. Fore I tb
only argument known to aaragea from
Joshua to McKlnley," In tbat atate-
mentb traded Cbrlet off for Moham
med and not a voice In tb whol assem
bly was raised to rebuk blm. Cbriat
alway a and everywhere opposed tb us
of fore. Mohammed relied on tb fore
to propagate bl religion. Dr. Itadcliffe
la tbat atatement ranounood Cbriet.
When a minister renounces what Christ
taught, be renounces - Christ. Will tbe
membership of the Presbyterian cbnrcb
renounce Christ also? Will tbey discard
tbe gospel and adopt tbe Koran? Will
this nation renounce Cbriat and bl
teachings and follow Itadcliffe, McKln
ley and Mohammed? Will we renounce
tbe Declaration of Independence the
teaching of Christ, our lorm of govern
ment, the religion our mothers taught
us, and follow after Mohammed and bis
religion aud tbe form of government be
H all the doctors of divinity la tb
United Btate forsak Christ and follow
after II oh a ranted and wbsn we refuse
they bang u for treason, if they burn us
at the stake, here is oue who won't do
It. Chrfct wa tb great teacher, tb
true teacher and Mohammed wae a false
prophet, a cruel and murderous barbar
ian. If that I treason and we must
hang lor it, just go ahead, with the
Th Uy balls ol Nsw Wateoru. Wash
Ington and Falrkavea iu tbs saws stats
are tea inlWa apart, I'ader elly owner-
hip, Nw Watootn gL all Ike water
the elly u-m tree and furnish families
at 40 real a month and clr500a
month, Th Fairkaven fools believe la
Ike private owasrsblp ol public utilities
alpy a private rompsay f'JAO a
month lor the water Ik elly uw and
Mtt'h Uwlljr I Mt4 75 tout a
month tor wkat It , front all
ol bk bit events that Ik opW lhre
are about wa thee Wvl ol lutein
sns a the Mtsjorliy ia Iks elly ol Ja
!, NvlMrasko, ,
-ritf AHtfenunau,
J. wurliMg klitftun k lit Ike "par
ty aliogviha as I la prwoJ ol tkst
sUtsiweat U UIS'Wst kritk
priala tew
paragraph wkkk tU-sy
kMWinlk ! .kirk
that 4-tiMwk4 ssaa edn. Iks first
Is mMIwssi
1 mmA J.vA tuftsin sJtl is Iks slrwt.
rMHM at Iks wuHikk as4 sipl al
wwdy, le at a sari ew esors ,
daairta the f Ikaa .
.w....i-h. i.M.ii.A' lirfs.ur.ks
is to tavvetaraaedvwpttsi M Nt-rMka,H j
Th tks ttegs ol Arbor WUf s4
tw brat Ikat tkto bt H.p gof4
state and goes on to state that "every
whore fbo farmers of Nebraska are pay-
Ing off the mortgage which repreeated
th largerjpart of tbe purchase money
which wa to be paid for their farm,
These payment are created out of the
ale of the product of the land them
selves after paying for the maintenance
of the farm and family."
Tbe Independent submit that tbe
"parity" demand I completely aban
floned In these two statement, that in
fact, there Is no parity at all between
Ignatius Donnei
elly say: "Our patent
ng. A we advocated
twenty year, ago, an Inventor .hould
receive tbe returns from hi invention
...ill I.. . 1.1 ....
uuui ii was paiu a cxaa sum, say f iou,
000 or 1500.000. and then thv dlscovrrv
hould be free to all the world. And It
should be provided that this reward
hould go to the inventor bimsolf, and
not to thoae who take advantage of hi
necessities to buy up the patent for a
W vr 0t V WSJ V U If I J If ' 7 i MM 14
ong. A a rule men who bav made
our most valuable Invention hare dhd
In poverty while ome brainlcs aoamp
who bad not Intellect enough to Invent
anything, baa tailed off with mlllon of
It I stated that the Gould outfit bav
already obtained control of tbe wireless
telegraph patents and expect to main
toin their monopoly and rob th people
throtlffh them far ntmllnr iMifuimtlnn nm
two a tbey have been doing through f rin rougb th .outb co try
their telegraph monopoly. Tber Is no 'nt0'lud other on" which to try our
way to boat that scheme except by gov-
Just at present th republican literary
bureau la engaged la flooding tbe coun-
try with matter In favor of the annexa-
tloa of Cuba. It I sent out bv th car.
ood. Tbe following: 1 a sumole:
"The Wash na-rnn uirrar.nn,1., r
uit. ioais uiobe-Demoorat announces
fhrnnvl, Ih.f .,,.1.11-..., I,.- ll,i f,...l
, , T . "fi"HHM W
thought upon thituatlonbacometo
tn conclnslon tbat 'It is best for Cuba
ami uDsi ior ine uniiea mam tnac the
,i . Ul 'r ? lim nttlln:
uB uiwuiftnjocrat,- wuicnisastauncn
repuoucan newspaper and an ardent
supporter of tbe administration, evi
dently looks upon thl. Information as
01 great Importance, aud a being si
nmcant or what will b tbe outcome of
tli present relation existing between
tne united Mate and Cuba."
Bom 01 tne pop may b Inclined to
mile at that kind of an argument for
th annexation of Cuba. But Mark
know what be I about. All on bos to
do I to gat any republican to think a
thing I right I to tell blm what Mc
Klnley think about It. Then be think
tbeamway mighty quick and keep
on thinking tbat way and never atop
tninking that way.
Tn on t biog that make tbe reformer
who ba been fighting in tb rank for a
decade or two, bare perfect confidence In
Bryan ia tbat b never praotieea vaslon.
He says "yea," or "no" to every propo-
altlon tbatia presented to blm. Tb
foltowlng aa aample: '
w. nLnC?M8b,i M7 lh 1B2A
Mr. 1. G. It, Gordon, Manchester, N.II.
Dear Blr-Tou aek me whether i am In
favor of socialism and define It to mean
"collective ownership ofall the means of
production and distribution." and dsslr
an answer, "yea" or
no." 1 answer
Vonr truly,
W, J. Buvan,
1 'j.
McKlnley boa given unconditional
pardons to a number of national bank
ers convicted of robbing their depositors
of large sum of money. Eleven year
ago a man by th name of De France
wa convicted of robbing a mail carrier
of one cent He wo sentenced to tbe
penitentiary for life. Several effort
umiv uwu uibuo 07 Mains oi ins nest cm-
tens oi Mouth Dakota to secure a par.
don as they looked upon tbie sentence as
cruel and nnjust. When McKlnley came
Into olllue another effort to secure a par-
don wa made, but th only thing that
Mckinley would do wa to reduce bl
sentence to fifteen years which leave
mm lour year yet to err. lis exiected
a lull parUoa and wa prostrated wbea
u wm luiunuru mat sucn was noi tns I
case, I dm I not a government of vqual.
lly before the law as aduilaistered by
WcMui.ji, llisrkhaud powerful arP"ning WM prostrntsd with irrlnf.
a a a. a . . I
ravoriNi ana in weal ami Irleadlees are
" Ws rwHigols the great principles laid
down in the immortal iHwiaratloa ul In
dpadr a the true foundation ol
deiuoeratio govtrnutanl, aud we hail
wltkgloluM every sffort toward makt
lug Hum prlaUpl a livi rsalily on
every lark ol Amerkan soli." That s
hsd'UraiUa oltke rpubikaa parly
la tie national platform t H01. Hi nee
Us Uaat ol gr4 ksa laksa posMiita
ol Ike aklte house, the rly kaersp
dialwd all it svsr (uug-kl f..r. Tke dut
t4i akwot are cKm4 ell lk avsaaeeol
lsfuratH.a, wko rn.4 autaisg aa4 aha
kaow autklsg Mp what ilarla
Ik UftlUt io, laisk that the
party tkst U au adr Ike ai4ta
ha4 t4 UK k-a-t 4 el, I Ik mm
,H.,i,wUk W4 XUm M.U
pnsi4at In lrtt, Ul tks slit
jiklMk si, Tkof arw kuvr soot
I. ..I ku luil.i . k .
have eauugk ttt w wlurt thl
. " , . , .,7; . , 7 1
Tj JJ-
Isglkee. 11si k lhl ik parly all
Mark lloaaa Uhot Ike paily of Abra-
kaat lJaula aad 4oe ut etaad M a
eisgto prai to tt Llaeula ltni kw,
- amkbicak savagery.
The number of actual Ravages In our
oltie 1 very large and seem to be con-
tantly Increasing. The New York Jour-
nal recent Ir mads in ma allirht Invaatlnn.
tion Into tbe subiect and fnnn,i th.
there were many thousand within the
very shadows of tb business block and
oburcbe who constantly relied upon tbe
vilest incantation and who believed a
firmly in them a any savage In tbe
wild of Africa, Tbe writer soy:
"Tbat actual black art I relied upon
by many thousands of people in Greater
New iork, and tbat money Is freely paid
IO lUOS WhO Oronoiinnn fnruntnflnnm
ft0?'''."' astonish tbe greater part
7h!F 2&t$Z' ,."dd Bare ku0"a.
bvafewC lTJT"Zel
art is widely believed in no hardlv been
thrinnlit l fl'l. I 1 . . Y "
- 1 n . oul1 uPn wnicn Mr.
7 ml? which nomer
ous oiuer similar "healers" use a the
DOHlS Of tbelr lucrntlva hnuln... l.
1.I.I...I l f .1. ,. "-,
-----rw I'UBiuvra! jay tm-
rptlon Becrete;" or, ''White
Arfefnr Mb
anu uincic
I . 1 . - , , . ' ' , A U
''"uiea 18 vom German."
L T Pertltll' not confined
p 7 "'""a'"A"ora 1 or uneaucatea.
i toaOn be obtained from any
J?1 f.,)fpe,r' L,ookat tn long list of
, B,er rtun teller," "Gyp.
I T.fl VflA IASA nnl t Sf . . .
mm,- ana thing of that tort that ore
advertised at afcot of thotiahds of
dollar. Ifithor were not ,iivnr. in
these sufwrstitlon by tbe thousand.
fllAHM itt.lKnBM..i. , I f - - t
" --v. .wwniui iruum not appear,
Would not some attempt to civilize
these savages be more sensible tban to
' ovsji m (fs
Li . .
noma gentlemen were In a Lincoln
Bot' tB" otB" n'gl't when an Imperial-
" rpuoncon got to denouncing every
0M M "t believe in the conquest
01 1 '""PI'Mf a traitor. A ouiet o-en
wh bad not taken f any oart in th
iraca asked ' II Jierin laht
I w 7 - mrmmj 1M TIVI(
fermlsslon being took a
. .. "'" W" S
,ra".,mPrlaIKwbat be thought of a
mau wno wo"" the following Ian,, rcaaing Irom the paper these
word. "When a white
Umnlf .. iu i -
ir , ,vr"" uwmerman,
that I more tban eelf irovernment. that
l despotism,"
"That is pur populist rot." reolled
tbe Imperialist, "and a man who said it
wi a copperhead and notblnir bat a
Tbe quiet, gentleman folded ud bi
paper, put it in hi pocket and remarked;
"That ia yery queer. Those are th
words,of Abraham Lincoln and caa ba
found in any work containing; bis life
and letter."
Ml ''
in imperialist looked dazed, stood
,tl" ,or a minute, then turned and walked
woy wimout saying another word.
While McKlolev'a h(fe ,nn. ....
ebootinflfnfraw In th. pmhL
bad a re or i man t nf iilnn TBftnnm aa A. A a
Montana to shoot white miner ' It
seems to be "dlrlne providence" to h'oot.
and don't mk a.. 1.1. '
It 1. nigger shooting white men or wbltw
mn (booting nigger. Tb thing I to
,b00t- Tb to "tiny" and "duty."
n nufn T.. .. ' . " 7
B Boiton Bi"hoP "V Power doe
Dot corae ,rom the people but It comes
from God, so tb power of abooting men
it the Dower af God. find .
" wa swine V B9 J
the shooting business all over the world
according to tbie bishop. Now thl edi
tor can't understand that thins at all.
I'erhape It I because be ia "totally de
praved" or 1 badly afflicted with "origl
nal sin." But it is Impossible for blm to
believe that God i ordering the nlaiar
to shoot tbe wbfte men or the white men
to shoot niggers. It seems to him tbat
it was McKlnley who issued tbe order
and it wasn't God. It I awful to ay o
uui mat i ine way it aeema.
lbs reason wby a silver dollar, with
00 ' 6 worth of eilver in It is worth a
hundred cent, Is on of those thiug
tUut no mullet beaded republican editor
DM v been able to find out. If any bt
Hem have, It Isfons of those tbloas thafc
B"" tells,
jmwwmi great uproar down at
rbor LMgc the other day, A telegram
saying: "(levsluadle dead." J.
m w
rnoriiy alter a messcager boy ap(ared
with an apolugy from the Wester L'eloo
saying tbat tbs last word ofthedts
pateh had Uen Wt off by mistake and It
should rd: 'Cleveland ! dad drunk."
Thea J, Hterllug was happy egala and
set doea wrote aad aa editorial
about Bryanaiehy,
'Kttp to Your Ft&ct and
Your Fhc will Keep You, '
Without cooJ hfilth vc
annot ktep situation or rn-
pu lift. Mt trouble OtU
t tt i it 1
niU in imfW NOOil, itOOsl J
h4rjjrafij ttukei the blooJ
riH JtnJ htilthv. nJ Xlitt
K,1 JmI Zl,.!, "
hlp you "ktp your pUct '
ui un - tia Mot. m 1
I (.(, im hI 1 (.. l . SarMirlil.
It li,ll lul.l mu auil I , k.1 4
Kill MM I Wlil Ml, attil I 1 All aat iMllilk
t-n M Um. AIS.4. U.Mk
f' i O . . 1 .
JCOrf.l dtlUafalUfo
iiX2-' ' J
OmhI I ttl Dim DM. 14 M uiiuuu b.A