The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 25, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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May 25.
No Waves to Pound the Liner to
Pieces on the Rocks.
lighter Ar Vnlrrsdleg the tmrg A
Ns4 Beet Is lb ItttoM I'MMitri
fell Abaci tbe Aeeldeel N CJeef
(Ion m He', -
CovicnK Cornwall, May 83. Tli
American liner Pari is aground on
th rook off ; Lowland's fwint, two
mile st of here, Mb struck et i
o'clock yesterday morning in a fog,
wbiiaon liar way from Houthampton
to New York by way of Cherbourg,
Franc, '
Tb weathr U fin and clear, th
sea smooth, and a light off-shor
breexe la blowing. I fur cargo 1 beltip
rapidly discharged from tb two for
ward batches. It was high water in
this vicinity at 3 o'clock this after
noon, but no attempt waa mad to
float th steamer, It I believed there
la a large raot iu the bottom of the'
forward part of tlia ahlp, Ther la
about slsteeo feet of water in tba
Tlia point whr tba 1'arla atruok ia
an outlying rldg of tba Manaol
roeks, twenty-llv miles at from
Land End, tb southwest point of
Uraat Prltaln, A mil from th
steamer are the masts of the wreokad
Molicgan, which won bt laat October
with great loss of Ufa. 'I'ba Paris
called at Cherbourg Matnrday after
tioon and picked up fifty passen
ger. Mb left Cherburg at 6 o'clock
Batnrday evening. Hou after 1
o'clock Sunday morning, at high tide
and in a dens tog, aba ran aahora,
from tba Drat ther wa no danger.
Lifeboats and tugs war aoon liter
ally swarming around tbe vessel to
render assistance, A majority of tba
passengers, who numbered. tMQ, were
brought to Falmouth war they ob
tained lodging for th night,
Th first Intimation of tit Teal'
atrlking tba rock waa a alight grat
log aound, which wa followed by a
aecond and mora pronounced abock.
Th lookout abouted that titer waa
something" looming ahead, but before
ther wa time to rarer th engine
th ahlp bad f on on th rock, sw
yarda from tb shorn, Alatancwa
summoned by mean of rocket, and
tb ooaat guard promptly telephoned
tothllf earing atatlon for boats.
A majority of th passenger were
not aware that an accident had hap
pened aatll they wer called up by
tb steward. On reaching th deck
they found th ahlp' boat in perfect
readln for their reception. Th
aea wa perfectly calm, and th only
diacomfort that th paangera expe
rienced wa canned by tb alight rain
that waa falling at tb time. Owing
to th oalronee of tb aea, th boat
wnld b managed with entire safety.
Perfest order prevailed aboard tb
TaaL Captain Watklne stood on tba
bridg firing order, and hi perfect
sclf-possslon and aalmneaa of de
meanor bad a reaaaurlng effect upon
tb passengers. In accordance with
tba inatruotlon of th captain, th
woman and children were th first to
b taken off th ahlp. Much perfect
order waa maintained that a paeaen
ger deaorlbed th eoen a almply a
alow prooeaalon of women and chil
dren walking In alngl fit to th
It la aald that a Falmouth pilot
showed a warning alga to the l'arl.
telling th captain that h would put
th vessel on top of th Mohegan If be
did not alter tbe eourae of the ahlp.
Th warning, however, earn too lata
and th l'arl atruok on a rldg to th
weatward of th Manacle.
Captain Ucott of the ahlp Klnroa
ays: "1 waa bringing my vessel Into
Falmouth harbor when the accident
to th l'arl occurred, tit, Anthuuy
Catarrh it dvil
$'tt,f, UlhhtiiH
Amtrka. Jt
trtin tvtrjf vrga
0 ihi My,
iA ihotikMiid names,
V Head tbe letter
printed her
from Mr. M.
c. K.IUand,llart-
well, Ua.
I riiutt"l I nut ! one will
think from tlU that I would wish my
nam In pnblla f"f any i'idm only ti
let eurTrr know where they may nn4
rollvf frimi many pain. 1 ran truly
aay I bar I wen Ututlt IvnrRifd by the
m el IV ru , t ! I Iwtirr tban 1
bate I. yeera. I have wft r. i.f
jt r if ehritW raUrrh, rnt blu,
'Ihii'4 aiti f iHtale trxiublc, i f wbkb I
bn,i Urn M U Im1xI by V r wa,
I lu iImi ttriott i,f v ru wa. If fr
t'lbi r rrMxti It wull pat la kwp it
f r is.l.U t kit'i ilf rbK It r
i.t irrt(te, libU v Uie M. rs
I f Uilly rHtUwMil it tu '! tb
!. i ami trt ti'ln',"
Mr. lUl. kilTkrt ftt lllrMl
iMulriH tivarly -ry tttf4 f the
bly mm usl, I vim i4 Iwt
l't Hkla the ltUitraMa bmtlKy,
t'r. lUrlMteu'a U4a m etMilil
itlre are eUy i,lirelvl u4
lHmtly eaavL rite f.r them,
ltHUI Ul frr wtHMvn I b'M tii4a
r ft.. r, lltin IU rrwrU
ff Ifty tboMMtid swa tbl yar
free tf ibarfv.
a. 11 1
y -
light waa clearly vUlbt for fir or ale
mil, and 1 beard the bell of th
Manacle' buoy a we paaaed. A
mbrty rain waa, failing, but there waa
no fog, and we aaw tit ooat Una
nearly all the way from tb Lizard.
It 1 ImpoMlbl for me to understand
bow tb l'arl got into that position
any better than the Mohegan. Tb
polblllty of mUtaklng th lit. An
thony light for tb Lizard light is
rldiculou, a th former 1 a retir
ing oil light, low down, and the Liz
ard light 1 two fiaed electric lamp
on a high lift"
llllnol !' to lie lfn 1 80,000,
Irtridea Vrom Worl,' Vmt Sioob.
Ckioaoo, May S3.A fund of 100,-
000. drawn from a dividend on 406. 03
ahare of World's fair took, 1 to b
set alde for needy anJ nuTorlrig mein-
regiment of Cook county who served
in utoa
' Kenle U WU In Weele.
Bona, May 23, Tb report of th
death of Kugenle, eiiipre of
ITrafuie. Is entirely without founda
tion, tlh Is well and received her
niece on her yacht off .Naples yes
Cei la m State Ftp? fees,
TorKtU, Kan,, May 23. -Attorney
General (Jodard has rendered an opin
ion cutting tb fK of th Topeka
Capital for printing tb ion law
and supreme court syllabi from fifty
to twenty-live cent a square,
UnfNIt Strike U Dear an Hint
livrnw, N. Y Mty 83. -Tb sit.
nation to-day Indicate an early and
to th dock trouble. All of th le
vator upon the creek at which boats
were moored or bad work to do wer
at work to-day,
Utmul ul frl Mnf$ Murderoae tTeal
our 'Wm a UUnerdeit hr
ICiiNSAlCi'iy, Mo,. May ll Jealousy
lad to a shooting affray in a dingy
old lodging houe at 101&f Wyandotte
street at 0:1'; 0 clock yesterday morn
ing, In which Mrs, Anni Mesh was
mortally and Mr, Jenul Campbell
and Mr, ICIU Landla acrlously wound
d, Th phylclau pronounced th
injuries' of tbo last named almost cer
tain to rcult fatally.
lb snooting was don by Ivt
Moore, an employ of Daniel J leek St
Co., Mi dealer at th city hall mar
ket. Th weapon used waa a 4 .-cali
ber Colt's revolver. At police bead-
quarter h feigned insanity and r
luaoa to dUcun tb Shouting,
Moor had been a lover of Mrs. Jen
nl Campbell and wa insanely Joaloua
of her, Mix weeks ago they quarreled
and Mra Campbell forbad him to n-
tar bar noma again, Mh began r
ceivlng tb attentions of a man named
Hush, and Moor followed blmon two
or three different occasions and threat
ened to kill hlrn. 11 wrote blm sev
eral threatening tellers, and sent
word to Mra Campbell on a number
of occasions that unless sh ceassd re
ceiving Uusli's attentions h would
kill her, Bh paid no attention to his
The two other women ware stran
gers to Moore, and were shot because
they got In his way while h wa pur
aulug Mra Campbell through th,
Aaaaalle Tbrae Wblte Mae and U KIIU4
by tbe LMi
Jopmii, Mo., May SJ. Andrew W,
Woods, a negro barber, was killed on
Main atreet at noon yeaterday and
three white men were accidentally
ahot In th rnelea,
DeWltt Leonard, foreman of th
Chicago Conaolldated mine, and 0110
of hi men wer walking along North
Main street, fleeing Wood' wife
standing In a door, Leonard asked her
Jestingly If ah war going to church,
whereupon ah struck him a stunning
blow with her tint, knocking htm off
tbe sidewalk. lie returned the blow
and went on bla way with aeveral
compaulona. They were overtaken In
lb neat block by Andrew Wooda,
with a pUtol In hi hand,
Ilia wife told hi 111 that a man wear
lug a whit hat had struck her, With
out aablng tt Ufiiriitnlloa, WimmU
truck with hi pUiot tb tlrat man be
met who wore wblte bat. He struck
another, and finally hit Iouard,
knocking him down,
Oltlcer Klug apHar4 and dinndl
WouiU' ptktol, WomI rf uaed to sur
render or give up hi revolver. Com
on In tk rrawd erledi ' Kill th
nigger," when laniard snatehel
King's pUtol, The roiuleuou shoot
Ug thvn togstt. Woods w shot la
the shouUUr and leg. louard aeut a
third bullet Into th uferu'i heart,
killing hint Instantly,
Thtv bystanders, al whit men,
were bit by stray bullet The pIU
are armed with lavhestere, rrady to
rlt a uiiib, shuuU y UImki ba at
Mta W,4 at H
Nsaroet .Ssaa, Y, May It Tb
ttltli ralr Ucina ,M,r.t ar
ftted Im IUh.Im l!oa4 ylerdy mU
terutkm at I o tiViutk In low of the
the Mv'iUt Wrecking ohmh's lu
i 1 Wrltt and IImu, ftUa Is
bow at SHi'ltoy nearly no imI1 (f
Ki t Urt t o...t. .,, h Milt N
K1J In urntlH fur tt dy 1 be
Mere! Utt aatigM a week gM
yeeterday and eavtt lUo,io
IUads ' I deal M-iir then wS
eiMeit Wbti Ke I ,vlsd frotn
HwsrautiHe lt will go I t for tsiwontk
Msty yard fp fva
President Schurman Has Submitted
a Written Proposition, '
A SiUm ef Oereremenl VtopmA t
tbe Rebel CummUlur, Similar fa
That How Klitli,tf In Culm Otl tot
deferens Uunnrml f
Mirir,i, May 23, Professor Suhnr
man, head of th United HUtes Itill
ipplne eommlaslon, Jja submitted th
following written proposition to th
Flllplnosi ,
"Wlill th final decision a to th
form of government is in th band of
tb Congrs, th President, under bis
military powers, pending the action
of Congress, stand ready to offer tb
following form of government) 1
"A governor general to bo appoint
d by tha President) a cabinet to b
appointed by tb governor general,
all th Judges to ba appointed by th
Presideit) th departments and Judges
to bo either Americans or Filipinos,
or both) and also a general advisory
council, Its member to be chosen by
th peopl by a form of suffrag to b
hereafter carefully determined upon.
"Tlia Prealdunt earnestly dealres
(hat bloodshed cense, and thatth
people of the Philippines at an early
dat nJoy th largest measure of self
government compatible with peace
and order,"
The United States commission pre
pared tb schema and the President
cabled bis approval of th form of
th document,
Th Filipino hay mad no deflnlt
(reposition xcept for a cessation of
lostllitles until they can present tb
question of peso to the people. Prof,
richurman told th Filipino they had
no means of gathering th peopl to
gether a th American control most
of tb ports, iU also reminded them
that a liberal form of government was
offered thern and pointed out that it
wa better tban th condition sist
Ing tinder Spanish rule,
Oor,agag, president of th Filipino
ommlaslon, replied that nothing
could b worse than Npsnisk ml and
admitted that th form of government
proposed was libera),
Th civilian members of th Fili
pino commission have declined to co
operate with th other members of
that commission, as the former con
sider Agulnaido' latest demand for
time to consult the Filipino congress
to be preposterous, after Major Gen
eral Otis' rsfusal of an armistice,
After a conference to-morrow with
th United btstes commissioners th
Filipino oommlsloner will lunch
with Prof, goburman and will after
ward visit th vessel composing tb
American fleet.
Th Filipino commissioners were
apparently ignorant of th tru condi
tion of affair here. Upon their ar
rival they wer immediately sent In
vltstlons covering both day and night,
and thy sxpress surprls at tb con
dition of affair within our Unas,
They had been lad to belUv that
everything was chaotic,
WismsoTos, May 23, Th report
from Manila that a form of govern
tnent has been proposed to th Fili
pinos, including a governor general,
cabinet and advisory council, is con
firmed at the state department. Tbe
plan I th outgrowth of numerous
cable and mall axebangea between
Prssldent fiehurman of the Philip
pine ooramUslon and Bcoretary Hay,
aa well aa from advlnee from Gen
eral Otis and Admiral Dewey, The
proposition to base a governor general
and oablnot appointed by tb Presi
dent I aubaWtutlally th sam aa th
ystem now in operation in Cuba,
Like th Cuban ytm, th adminis
tration would b military In character
at least while conditions are unset
tled, Th authorltlea here are acting
upon the theory that a In the case of
Porto Moo it will ba for Congrea to
eatablleh th permanent form of gov
rnmeui lor the uianila,
I It wa undrtood at the time Major
General Lawton went to Manila that
General Otl would become governor
'general, while General Uwton as
sumed active direction of military
affairs. It Is not Improbable that
this plan might ba carried out If
th lhllplnos accept th plan now
proposed, thus making General
Otis th first governor general,
with General Lawton and General
Mac Arthur occupy Ing positions simi
lar to those of General Ludlow and
General Wood in Cuba. The propoaed
advisory eouuoil Is also similar to
that In Cuba, where Governor General
Urook has th advice of a native
eouuoil as well as that of tha military
' (ifttcer under htm,
I 1h main idea of th system pro
' posed la tb 'uiUilnes Is to carry
out tha assuraueca given In tha pro
lmatloa Issued some time agu to
I maintain th sovereignty ef the
' United Mete ever tba Islands, and at
tb Mute lima le the native th
largest tucatur f bout rule.
ft a4 ttobe tub WI4 lv
'MM N4 Ybey H H 4l
Mssit s, Wy i lu spite of tba
presence of tba 'tllpt4 eMtuoMien
era In MsulU tb iMiiitsry operetloui
vu'itinue. Is received Irom r
f smmi w Im hsva armed frni the Inter
, bit sbow tbat rt top aie lelt In
1 lb ht4 thern i,oviu. Tbejr wera
' il dislle t South after tb otbs) of
lbs war the villages uims the vest
oast b,a almst derll aaj tba (lo
-.... .......1.1, . .. .1...!-.... L.i...
j ww i"j.t et r 1 if ..w, vi mv,
I lag tba Atuef Icsas, if only foe tb
purM of enubleg tha 1 agat. Mbf
stive e peMtfuot sad Iih said
that It tb A ai .- be I not arrived
civil war would necessarily have en
sued, owing to th friction betweon
the Tagals and the Inhabitant of
other province. '
It I added that th only Filipino
troop now loft ar 7,000 men under
General Luna, at Tar lac, and about
4,01)0 under General Plo dot Pilar.
Even the ar demoralized and abort
of arm and supplies. Many of their
rifle ar disabled and th Filipino
ar unabla to repair them, owing to
th lack of mechanic and maUrlal.
Tli Vlre Uhi U Kttlmsteil al Ilerwsea
1,000,000 and 4,oeo,oeo. ,
ViOToniA, Jb C, May S3, On bun
dred and eleven building at Dawson
burned April 20, with a loss estimated
at between fl.OOO.OW and 1,000,000.
Th news was brought by three cour
iers, Lv fi. Hume, a son of th Inayor
of Seattle, Wash. 1 J, Toklas and
Jllloy, who wer sent from Dawson
April 27 and mad their way over th
ice to rikaguay,
Tb fir was caused by th upset
ting of a lamp by a drunken woman
In a ho us near tb opera hous in th
canter of tb city near th water
front. It ocourred at 9 o'clock In th
morning. Owing to th fact that log
and can va wer tb principal mate
rials from which the buildings wer
constructed it spreod rapidly, An
unsuccessful attempt was mad to ex
tinguish th blag be for an alarm
wa sounded and in thl way a delay
was caused tbat gar th tiro such
headway that when th fire brlgad
turned out it found a eonllugratlon
beyond its power to subdue,
Tim burnsvl area 1 about thre
quarter of tb ara of Dawson. Tha
Haines spread with such rapidity that
it caused a panto and people saved
little furniture, good and clothing.
Theliankof JJritlsh North America
wss on of tli building destroyed.
Th lire cam at a tlm when tha
mills and dealers in building mate
rials had exhausted their wlntor sup
piy and wer waiting tha opening of
navigation to replenish their stocks.
Tb result ar that there Is a famin
In all kind of building matorlal and
furniture, such as sash, doors, locks,
binges, etc.
Th fw article still remaining out
side of tb burned district have quad
rupled In prleo. Door ere selling for
ail each, door lock 14 each, and every
thing els in proportion, Th town
is paralyzed, because nothing can be
don until th opening of navigation,
which will not be for several weeks.
None of th big warehouses of th
Alaska Commercial company nor th
North American Trading and Trans
portation company wa touched by
th Jlre, so there will be no shortage
of provisions, even if th lake should
not open be for th mlddl of Juoe,
which Is now predicted, Th heaviest
losers by th fir ar McLellan and
Mefeetcy of thl city and of Van
eouvr, who had an Immense stock of
iron and tinware and miner' supplies,
taken in at heavy expense. The Punk
of Urltish North America, who
flimsy vault did not withstand tb
beat, may also prov a heavy loser.
It is understood that th record of tha
bank notes wa destroyed with thetn,
but it I nevertheless quit possible
that thl will not mean lot money.
Tb manager of tha bank estimate
th loss at only 15,000. A letter
which wa brought out by th mes
sengers notes that befor aahes of tb
bank had bad time to cool, men wor
working on th pot with rocker,
ther being a good probability that
much of the lost gold will be recov
ered In this manner.
It i stated that the woman who up
set th lamp which caused th Are and
other inmate and occupant of tb
hous hav been arrested and may ba
In their trip out th thre courier
wer forced to every expedient walk
Ing, running with the dogs, swimming
for life on two occasions end breaking
through th le repeatedly. Tbey
passed tha river steamer Flora, cutting
her way through tha ice with her
atael prow, at Ilootallnqulna, and
found th telegraph wire to Hkaguay
completed at Cariboo crossing, seven
tyflv mile inland. Th three men
are reported to hav oolleted hun
dred and even thousands of dollar
a private mall oarrlerafor the prompt
delivery of th oommunloationa of
wbloh they were bearer.
Ma itedaolloa fee Yoleateers,
fuiCAOo, May ts. Western roads
will mak no reductions from th Mis
souri river to California for th trans
portatlou of Voluuteers returning to
their homes after Jun b At th
sam tlm it I eipeoted th Southern
I'aelflo will put Into affect th earn
arraugamaut from New Orleans.
(II M fat Heese 4 lassie USJIeer,
JsrrsMso Cur, Ma, Msy H Th
Henate presented President lloll with
a gold watch and beers tar y Itoaeh
with a diamond pin to-day, la tb
House tieker Ward wa given a gold
waleb aud boeaker pro, tew toltrsna
a gold headed eaue.
A ISVeav4M4 SttleMe.
MsktvuiK. Mu , May It-lMUb,
MeKee, aged D years, daughter of Mr,
sud Mrs. Ji'bu MchVe, living north
esst of Msryttlle, euiiuoltted swlcld
last UlgM y sbtMttteg tiersetf U th
heart lb rasui fr her avtlon ti
not hnowu,
A H,,lts la A4Ml,st aebtee,
OutMt, Msy tl .MutUal poblef
was teiuWred a ice.U..ii by tb tour
merelsl rlub tdy frotn t it, at
vhwb nst of tb well known ate of
tb sill tsvra pieseut,
faebla SMset Wevbevs Ws leeseaesni
Pvsimv Cut , May ll.N.Hles wss
given twi day of a geuersi taerMse of
to r eeul in ges at tbe l4Muf
bieel Wif b ol tbe tei tus uel ai4
lrw Mtotay, Abuut iJvt sasa ,
Collloa a Typo.
TortXA, Kan., May 23. John Henry
Collins, th Kansas parricide, baa
been placed in th printing depart
ment of th Kanaas penitentiary, hav
ing requested that ha ba given work
which will lead to a position on th
prison newspaper. In doing this the
young prisoner i following on of th
earliest ambitions of his youth. When
a very amall boy he was editor and
publisher of a weekly newspaper and
In those days expected to follow jour
nallsm as a life profession.
Cbloob Hogs Deetroy Wheat,
SlDitU, Mo,, May 23, Hundred
of acres of wheat in Petti county ar
being plowed up and will b planted
In corn. In tb early spring chinch
bugs Injured th cereal, and tha fol
lowing continuous rains completed tli
damage to such an extent that it was
considered a waste of ground to allow
it to mature.
Monument to tl CarooS.
Duo, France, May 23. Th monu
ment of th let Marl Francois Badl
Carnot, fourth president oi th third
republio of Franc, was unveiled bore
In th presence of tha president,
Kinil Loubetf th premier, Charles
Dupuyt tb minister of war, Camilla
KranU, and other distinguished per-sonagea.
or any other ladles who wish to work
working for u In spar time at bom
ononr cloth. W offer yon a good
cbano to mak plenty of spending
money easily, In leisure hour. Send
1 2c for cloth and full direction for
work, and commune atone. Cloth
sent anywhere. Address
Wlaeoset Co., (19 11,1 Boston, Hass.
Mfg. Depot.
'Hew, nriiii, A 1
Cm, Hint Will lMkl fll
Ki'iMl for le OnliverMO si
r Uiwii, ' III 'l 1 fix oumv
Plows. . Siilkr 1'iiiws m.
m-'f, lvir llirrw. $l,m,
ll-WMi llrriiw,,i(l III.
In. a 11. riw sud iioiiiim
('niiir, tin ll MimKf,,
. , rl. WIMflHI, nillfKMW,
llsrnM. MitwlnsMsehltii', snrt, l' oilier snlules
L oiih-Iim.II dvaliir s ptm. Cll(uef,,
Hepeoa Plew !e Ilea S4 Alien, III.
P. bV-Ofilr I'I'iw KnOrrf In the netted aisles MU
In direct Ui tbe fsrmer.
Rooms 17, 18, 19, Bo rr fHMA. lull,
lilk. Fhone 665 k 056. LlflCOIil.aRBD
W want every Ijos keeper
to send for our 1H&9 Cata
Irnnie. TRt-'JtTEH. BMP.
PLY CO., 108 8. 11th St, Lincoln, Nab.
Birred Plymouth Rock Em, $1 for 13
Cures without
Paitl One of the best
features of the
Rigg Pile Cure M
Tb Itlgg Pll Car cure all form ot
Pile without on particl of pain. Thl
desirable point la not obtained by th
os of injurious opiate, whloh limply
paralyse and doadon th nor to of tb
part and mak matter wore in tb
oog run, but it la don solely by it ra
ms rk a bl healing and soothing effect,
and while it thus give Immediate relief,
at tb amo tint tb disco ia not
merely checked but a radlooJ cur la rap
idly accomplished.
Tb point we want to mak clear I
that all thl I don without particl
of pain. This fact la ona great raaaoa
why tb Il'ggs Pile Cur I so popular.
Price CO cent per box.
Lincoln, Neb.
Under Funk Opera Hon, Northwest
Cor. 13 th andOHta.
Delivered sa ay rl ot
- the f lir. j
TIGlMOl'IlONia TH 4 .,..
1 aasNaa) aaa aaaa )
I Miiiiia.s.i. 1
im uii
To profit by these cheap fJ A W
rates you inoulJ go , . HU T T
Orccon and
Washington Toints.
T I'orllaad, Taeinna, IWtlki,
aad lnlrrudi Htlate( wat
slae ly Jl IH, Tunrtot ale,
, ry TeeUy ad Tksntday
Inies tlaestia t sVattle, f) lut a
vivrabi bsvta.
City Ttclt I UffKa
cdr laituJ Ofit,
If your liver is out of order, causing;
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart
burn, or Constipation, take a dose of
MoosS'o Pllla
... ....
On retiring, and tomorrow your di
gestive organs will be rcgulutod and
you will be bright, active and ready
for any kind of work. This has
been the experience of others; it
will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS are
old by all medicine dealers. 25 cti.
run nt flC m I it . ws wni
olkw w est ootur.ii ni
mmm I MM uUm Mnl, SUSS, I
astsartfia cess e ecu
1 irne this sie sit-ie.
CMC STUYS, bfrelbtO.O.L.,utO)tul.uilnMua.
fciaialiie It st
yuur fiwlg-ht
SnimS Siul if
y M,tiMMnurjr
ese w mn
kif SIS,
o I yes
eer iww
or BMr4
o,pr Mie
Mnt wllh or-
fA'If .tPIO'IJ '2 EMS
def or l. """""
snS frMirlit ottsnM This stove is sis So, I, even I
l,iillill,topliiiJ sude from Smt pig Iron, tra
rnt Sum,
le, e7 ewTan, Bvavy nnmum mm e-",
n she". fir Un-UmiS ova onat, baadne
le ommaiiUiltw mi4 trlmmlne, e,trs
EHikel ltl ermunanieUuiHi sne tnmiiiiiie, nf
rK amp, s'Mitlne Soe,!. Ule IImS mtrmu, bsne-
sneie IsrKt imunnll Imm. wt mn
mn I uriii.S VaaS sn itf wwhI Krli muklne It s pr
im um Oft. ws issi'S s sisuitleii,Hfrss eitit
erji eue en iirjile ml dallvrj to four rsll-
risul Dtetiun, v our I'NiM oir wouiu nukre, 7s .
lor mwh s atorv, tlis fraleht Is on l sliaul Sim for
mnh MMnillM, m , l Istet, AmlrfM.
; ntmm, SCe. s MnwsrSI, wiltSIs SSHer.)'
Headauarters for Good Lumber
Qt low prices.'
f, w.
Commend ny January 15th, tbe Great
IUrnk laktmi'a "Colonulo Flyer," lesw
tog Iiuoola at 0:20 n. m. daily, will
outk comicctloina al Colorado Spring
with new feat train to Salt Lake City
and Portlstnid, Orrgon arriving nt
northwest Pacific Ctarrt point talr.
teen (13) hour quiwker ami earlier
thai ever beforv, Only seventy bowr
to PorMttfid, Oregxm, from Lfneoln
now, Tnlnk of lu
To enabl Interested peopl im In
vestigat opportunities to get gooel
farm land cheap, tb Elkorn lln will
on February SI and Ifarob
7 and 21, sell ticket to point ia morth
ern and western Nebraska and part
of Wyoming at on fare, plus 92.00, for
round trip; minimum far 9.aa. For
particular call on A. S. Fielding, C. T.
A., 117 Koutb Tenth street, or dept,
corner Ninth and 6 street.
Chicago or the East?
Tb Through Express From
Via Omaha
Chicago Express from Kans. City
In addition to Pullman Weepers, Free
Chair Care, and tbe Beat I'ining Car Her
vice in tbe World, areequippod with
furnished In club style and supplied with
latest periodical, illustrated papers and
a select library of recent fiction.
Colorado or the West?
Fast, carries dining cars and Pullman
sleepers. Leaves Omaha (1:40 p. m.;
Kansas Cite 0:.')U n. m.: Ht. Jnionh i r.11
p. m., aud arrivsat Deuver aud Colorado
Hprings next morning.
Jso. Br.nTUM, E. W. Tmompiioi
U.P.T.A.,Cbicngo. A O.p. & T.A.,
ToM)kn, Kan.
Fb II. IIarhks, C. P. A T. A.,
Lincoln. Ni braskn.
Patronize the advertisers of
this paper..
- '- -i-' ' -L. JLlLa
To Hat ftaavleets Ran Joe, fsa
AaseW, U Pbgn, IVu.ii, Rd,
(eg, t'Mhtorai asd,l
Cma Isj SMad ls U t, Twnr.
t Wt4Hg ear tfvtf 1r.,e.U
Maoiila Ut lA Aa,w f xm M
adoub berth.
UstriUsiio rjaot,
III alt. IftMtirlO,