n -7 ; The Wealth Makete and Lincoln -Independent Consolidated, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1899. NO. 2. VOL. XI. mm 7 : Hews of the Week ( Wl,.t ! nlt. nil In til PhlllDDlDM 110 on except tb McKlnley managers art Washington really know. Tb cenor ablpoftbnmnll and tb cable still continues la an Its vigor. A special cor respondent lo Manila if of do tort of um anymore. Uean only any wbat Gen. Ottawlhhln.toay. . t i fw not- hav racbd tb United State rla Hong Kong that toad many imd to think tbat McKlnley i about to back down from fala Imperialistic height ad agree to g lv to th Filipino om ort of fr government, Tb prolonged negotiation that bar been ngogedln with tb representative of tb Filipino ongr Wad many men to think o. 'On thing I certain, Agulnatdo ha shown no lgna of making an uncondi tional surrender, TbFlrt Nebraska ba at last been ordered to tb war for a month' rent o itlesnld, A apclI correspondent ay that it marched from flan Fernando to Collumplt. Tbrgint number now about three hundred weather beaten veteran. Two of the companle wr mer aquad and their battered canteen and worn uniform bowed numlstak ablealgnaof bard campaigning. Tbey wer joyou at tb reception of tb order to retire for ret, During th march to th rear vral of them dropped by the way from j the effect of th xoslv beat, but when tbey finally boarded th train at Calumplt for Manila they yelled llks school boy and th other troop went to the station and heartily cheered them. . f - aoseMwawf Tb very hot cant a that ba been going among republican oongreeemen for Toot Reed' place a Cear of tb bona waa thrown Into confusion Inst week when It waa announced by eonie of ttoed'a friend that some of thee partiee would better atop and ruQ'xit that Reed bad gone to Europe for a three month's vacation and bad not banded in hie res ignation a a member of tb bona. Mark llanna hurried totb Whit House end a consultation was held with Napol ton McKlnloy. Tb Washington goslps are now saying that Heed doe not In tend to resign and that b let th word go out to throw his opponent into con fusion. Tber will be no happy time for Mack and Mark If Heed etaya in the bous and heads the republican recalcit rant who ar fighting tb administra tion imperialist policy. Tber area whole lot of those fellow and tbey are for the most part, the old wheel borses, The administration has been calling the Filipinos "rebels." Last week an occaesloo arose wbon It bad to decide whether they were or not. Home twenty of theee "rebels" came to Baa Francisco and under instructions from Washing ton they were prohibited from landing because tbey were "aliens" and came tindor the contract labor law. Now II the Filipinos are "aliena" and are not aubject nor citlsen of the United ytatea, it' is very clear that thoy are no t "rebels" and cannot be. What sort of busluees Is McKlnley In when be sends an army 7,000 mile to establish a gov ornmeut ov er "aliens"? There Is another thing about those Filipinos. We bought and paid for them at til. a bead. Now if we can't bring them Into the United 8tute, wbnt was the use of buying tbeui. The dUpatck from the Philippines aay that there Is n disagreement between MuKiuhiy's vUltiag statesmen known at the Filipino oommiiMlon and Otis. The truth about this whole matter might as well be told. The reform leaders have tinea told In the strictest confidence many things that tbey have notln eriittd to, make ublk, Tbey come from officer of 'the army an4 navy whoa positions would b endangered il it were knuan that they bad talked. The way It is, eeurtuiarliat are thnmt sued la or tao raw. Ilsrehiuus writer who will never divulge lhaourre t bis iMtormatlua, hot even if he has to peed the rt of hi days la jell fur not doing . A soon aa Merrllt landed la the I'killppln there wasaeiak lta kirn and Owy, Merrill' erdre and temperement w r In direct opposition to lb M of tkiaey ia regard to the way that Afuiealda ad th I ilipino abontd b treated, The vacillating MekiaWy eoald not master up r ta take tk '! l 4tKr and finally mtnlndoed that the b-t way Mot II waa to ead Merrlt In INsrla, al.rrtl bad no bna la Fart, a ad waa not a taemhef f tb rtwUiaa l make the treaty ol jwore wlthCpala. Tber waa nothing for him to do there. It was only a little achem to get Merrltt out of tb I'biiipplns. Tb scheme worked and Merrltt took atrlparound the world at th xpns of the people and then retired into "InoxfHou deseutude" at New York where be ba remained rer since doing nothing but engaging In lit tle plot against Mile. After that Otis took bold. It was not long until b and Dewey wer at word'i point. Dewey knew that th trouble could be settled and tb Filipino mad our fast friends instead of our eternal enemies, but Otis wa for war and un conditional aurrender, Tb altuatlon grw to be tb earn a it wa between Merrltt and Dewey. Hut tbl time Dewey concluded that bl advice and council bad no influence on McKlnley and Mark lianna, so be thought tb best thing to do this tim waa for him to come bom. Now it seems that another feud las broken out. This tim it is between the members of tb McKlnley' commission er and Otis. Tb only explanation that seems at all plausible Is that Otis receive different orders orders that (onfllct with tb proclamation issued by tb commission. Who will com out ahead? It will b0tl torn bactb backing of ' Mark llanna. Tb next thing that w will bear I that tb com mission has started forborne, Tber i nothing certain to be learned from th censored dispatcbee given out by th Washington author! tie. Tb lost news given out officially wa gn. rally beaded by tb telegraph editor "Filipino pUased with wbat tb gorsrn meut offered them," but special dis patches aent to tb New York lierald aay that tb envo;s from Aguinaldo re jected every proposition mad to Unjm, saying: "Tb ruit of tb present plan would be that tb American would be at tb bead of every department of gov ernment,and tb Filipino's tenure of office would depend upon tbe will of tb Amer ican. That mean that tbl I an Amer ican colony. Yon bar adopted tk im perial policy. Wby talk over matters any further." ' Tbe war in tb Philippine, including tb $30,000,000 paid to Spain, ba cost us 08,7OO,OOO. For tb next six months atleaat, it will coat ua $10,000,. 000 a month. Tb volunteer are to be returned and paid off and regulars are to be sent to take their places. A big deficit is being piled up and another bond lesue is already In sight. One of tb most intelligent Cubans In speaking of the situation said that the people of Cuba are getting sus picious because tbe preiiideut bad made no specific statements In regard to tbe future policy of the Uulted State. Tbe Cubans are not tbe only suspicions one. There are several million people in this country who have suspicions aleo, and very grave suspicions at that, In regard to wbat Mark llanna Intends to do with Cuba, Tbe Immense amount of matter sent out throngh hi literary bureau during tbe lost weok advocating the annexation of Cuba would have a tendency to make the moit unsuepect ing sudplclous, I'tffur ha gone ovr to th republi cans and tb gold bug editor now all think that he be tb nlceet patrol whUkers ever wors by a Uulted Htatee senator. As far as the populint party is rouewrsed there la not a meinour la It who is ahuddicg aay tears over the om of IVffwr. ItUalmply the lo of ou vot and nothing more. Wheu the (wo pit party waa orgauUed thore whs not a fuw dmagoUM who thrunt thxlr pi. utwtt(xia u. Thy cam for o(!lr aud when tbey bad eerved thvir term thty wnatbafk to th pUiwfrotu abii k tbey ram In tb hope oi gelling olllee agaiu. Among them wre I'owiWly, l.nurks, I'wfft and a lew other. None of thm tw did tb pnrtjr any good ahlle thiy prttwadwd la be la il, I'vftVr and bi wbUkr wr aleaye a dad wvlght to rarry, II was a eotat eoare of aaiUty 'all th tim b we la th era aU,ea! bla aHitUm was a dugraiw hard to be burae, la Iknir rage atCaragie th Itapcr- ialut alitor ar tlliiig shims thbs IkatgoHiloetietaia evtry rhargetv? made by th populist parly against th favoritism h Irk th pruWlUml.t hav praetktwt and by whish luasy ol thgrtlirUa bavstwsa balltapia th eastern atatat Ibeeipvaesal ike eiasMf ol ta west aad Iks itk, Tby now y that ( ara t aa ls grate beeaas b obtaissd bbj Wtillluaa Ihmugk the favarilUai ol tb rphlt aa I'arty, wklek tor year mar4iaii lion Into bl coffer through tb pro tective tariff. When the populists said that was wbat tb tariff wa doing, thoy od and all denied it Now they declare that what we said was all tru and at that tim tbey were all lying. Let us sngag In prayer. Tb official report concerning tb war ar just beginning to be published. From them it appear that Nebraska tb glorious pop state of Nebraska leads tb whole onion, not only in tb fighting but in tb proportion of sol dier to r population, in donation to tb suffering Cubans, in tb car of it own regiment in th number oftb killed and wounded in' battle, in fact in very Honorable tbing connected wuu tkewar. Hurrah for tb popnllat stats of Nebraska. Hb Is not only th moat Intelligent bat tb bravest and moat human of them all. Arn't you glad that you ar a pop and a Nebraskan. Tbre cheers and a tlgorl Tb form of government that th di patches ay is proposed by tb eommi slon aad submitted to tb Filipino is an exact copy of tb English govsrn- ment in India. Tb governor appointed by tb crown, tb council appointed in the eatne way, on wblcu tnere may ue a native or not just a tb Interest of tb conquerer may dictate, jut wnow thing Is oglib, you know, from top to bottom. Tber i not a thing in it that resemble th re government estab- llshwd by our constitution. Tbs absoiut usetessn of tb bigb salaried major generals, of which tber sema to ba an over production In tb United Stats, is demonstrated by tb course that Merrltt ha pursued, He has done no fighting and no servle of any kind sine tb war began. Jit ba bad a trip around th world at tb ex pense of tb taxpayer and for tit rest of tb tim fa ba occupied bl luxurious quarter at New York and engaged la little plot agalnat bl commanding gen eral Mile, who bo don everything for tb army and tb soldiers of tk army that McKlnley and Mark Manna would permit blm to do. If tb truth i told, Mark llanna I tb commander In chief of tb American army and navy, and the whole fore is need to further tb plan of tbl beast of greed. Tbe dispatches from Cuba contain so many different torl tbat the American citizen, upon whom devolve tb final disposition of tbe question tber Invol ved, hardly knows enough to make an Intellignnt decision. Tb first sti-p toward despotism is closing th avenues of Information to the pee pie and that stsp ba already been taken. From all that we can learn a large part of tb Cuban army ba refused to accept tbolr share of the $9,000,000 which Mark llanna offured them provided that they turned their arm over to tbe United Htatea, The pretended compromise that was made with Qua. Gomez was only a (julbble, and no concession to Cuban views at ail. The final place of deposit, though the guns were to be first turned over to tbe mayors, is in Havana and Hnntlago, both occupied by our troops. 0 asMswsMM Notwithstanding tbat Mark Hanna controls nearly all the great daillus and the Atsoclttled Prese, westlll get soms of tbs news, although it come, a it Died to in tb old Alliance day, byjulow frolght. The fact about tbe great ;im perlallst tniM'ting at Cblcngo are that it wn a great flute, TlmyJ ndvsrUnml three meotlnge aud sent out 20,000 spe cial Invitations, ' Tbe result was one meeting moderately attended, one;; with lesa thao bait tbe seat tilled, and one wholly abnudoned for want of an aud ience. That wae the result of the most extensively advertised meetings ever held la the rlty and the republicans were drummed out under ths plea that thy must stand by Mckinley or the party would a" ii up ths Hums, hut th repub lican auuldu'l wime. There are a gnod many of (beat who have a sneak leg attrt of alklnforthelfi'lratlou of lade- peaduo aad ths dvtriue taught by Abraham Lincoln, A REPUBLICAN REVOLT There Is aar la keavea-the republican heaven-Itesd aad hie aaaels ar gatia against Ms hlialey aad hie asat. Tbey hav oaly throw oat a skirwiisb liue at treti the great htttki till full UWf, This all euate a boat bsraus that obetiaawnita tf Nw Itaglaad, Ta Reed, W a eaadldat loe rsiJat, II a iaviled ttt Jeehjl lelaadMa no pur pMaei be laegbed la Ik lae llaasa ad ewtrked at MtiMaley, but a af raagvwwut ial4 be made Willi btw. ted Uswavt aad b baa thraat Iks saktrhtp lalA th ttag hr Ik rival factions to squabbl over, knowing tbat tb administration must tak aide and thus breed enemies. Iteed I in Kurope, cool and collected, enjoying the trouble be bas created, while McKlnley la sweat ing blood at Virginia Hot Hprlngs. This fable of tbe Iteed law partnership I for a purpose, It will allow blm place there and to be on tb ground next spring when the delegates are chosen. A great cabal of tb moat influential and wealthy men In th party ar back ing Iteed. i , Hobart, tb vie president la for blm, . Matt, of New York, is also. Sewell, of New Jersey, Quay will be when tb senatorsblp la settled. ' Foraker is willing If b can get a abar of tb Ohio delegation. Bevsral other senator ar in th com bine. , Attorn' t General Origin will rais no band to hinder Hobart and Hewell con trolling the New Jersey delegation, Secretary 1'orter ba shaken th dust of tl whit bous from bis immaculate hoe and bas joined "tb gang," in west is also in revolt ana tns president ba announced tbat be wUI take a "swing around tb circle" to try and recapture it,- Dewey, tb brav Dewey, who want to keep out of politics, I ordered bom to arouss tb pulse of tb people In tb subsiding imperialistic lever, wblcb baa been allayed and appeased by tb sober second thought of a righteous people, Tb president will attempt to hypnotise tbeto again from tb rear end of a epaelal train, furnished by tb railroad trust free of cost. Jlis honeyed word will be sown broad east over th country by tb Associated Free trust, Tb crowd will bowl with enthusiasm. Hut tbat doe not carry caucuses and convention. Hanna will attend to tbat wltb tb bung knocked out of tb barrel, Tb Used billow bave a barrel also and tbey know bow to ns it; tbey were educated In tbat line when Hanna wa a ticking ealf In Ohio politic. Ob, it will be a battl royal; no quar ter wllj b given. Delegatus will come high, Tbs colored brother from tb southern state will be In clover for a while. Tbey will bold tb balance of power. Th scenes and th boodl will leave far,in tbe chad th dis graceful orgies and debauch of JH8, when fcberman was beaten and Harrison nominated. Tb 1'retorian (Juard will be there and tb Imperial diadem tbat McKlulev bas inaugurated will be, a in tb day of ancisnt itome, put up to tb nigneet bidder. And this is a free republic, . Mom may ay, how do you know that Iteed is a candidate; wbat evidence bar youT Evidence I cannot give you, my dear sir, In these days of modern telegraphy without wire, news travels through brick and ston and marbl walls, and if 1 were to expos my author, tb transmitter might be cloeed against me la tb future. The convention picture I of my own painting, but it will, when the negative Is developed, be found true to life and not overdrawn. 1 hope to be there with my camera and show you th product ol Its film In tbe July number of the Jefferson Ian Democrat, 1000, Who will be nominated, McKlnley or Iteed? My guess would b McKlnley and for these reasons: There will be at tbat convention four classe of delegate and In about equal number. One-fourtn for tbe president at all odds and under any circumstances. One-fourth for Iteed, or anyone to beat McKlnley, equally determined. One fourth wbo will strive to be on the win ning aide, making tbe limit bargain tbey can for self and friends, Oue-fourtu oienly in tbe market to the highest bid der. VI tne wnoie, mere win oe a spriuK tins wbo are at heart stalwart republi cans, bouestly believing that th future safety of th republic depends on their party's success; they will be much gov erned by the arguments ol the adminis tration people tuut, to throw over Mc Klnley would be to acknowledge that iuqierialiem and all tbat MeKinley stands for bad been a failure, and to enter tbe campaign nndcr those circum stance would be to Invite defeat. The great patronage at the service ol the administration, Increased to vast iiroimrtldiis bv ths war and tbs census U-inlatlon, itoiumlssiuuers, and whatnot will bold many a rspublicau patriot la tine until alter ths convention. McKlu ley understands thiabraneti of, polities lu perhs'Uon, and will devota many a day that should I used (or Iks aelfars of lhsreiblie and Its sH)ple, to usiiitf It where It will do the must good, Iteed has ths rallt'iiads, ths trasi. the banks. Isirly divided aiiaiust Mckinley, and tks disappointed oltles seekers, who are a biwt m themselves, Ar with nlui to niaa. Yea. H.'klttley should wis. HismI, however, is lu'l of retMture lad lit thseoaBiMies and lrteiilehin til a larire array ol ths leaders ol tits repab Iu sh party; ba laastarer, and will say, Ue sWlietti; "Lav oa itaeduff. aad aauiad I bs that first ert, hold, aous,"Hohert Miller, la JotWeuaiaa IWaiucrat, WHAT NEXT Wkeaevs labor, ths "myriad has led gisal," baa made that wkWb ba U ilrv4a il pre- wl tk toil aum nei that va k ka e tk lataity id pdleg It p la heaps, i I a teres I has, k a aary wrestler, htlte It gvoaad, ad discovered tkat, bl Ikia titke tklag it wa tkat bad that lakereat, talriaiet lalaa, thai marked M a tk natural measure to compute the worth of all other thing by labor. Then be, follow ing doggedly, has mt each nsw demand In turn, ana now brings self interlst at bay, surrounded on all side by high aurum walls, while tbe toiler pours in such floods of gold a threaten to bury bi task master, wbo know at heart that tbl yellow dross I not value la It self and feels that th lost argument In favor of metallic money will be laughed away when within tbe next few decades tb concentrated snort of tne world' beet pluck, muscls and brain ba mad Sold so common tbat It will no longer ear tb relation to labor's productive ness which alon now entities It to be called tbe measure of value. Wbakaftor arold. wl be that rasas ure7 If labor ba learned bl lesson well in tbe bard school of XDeiience, it will be a universal paper money Issued direct to th peoples by the government. (leo, Gilbert in Federations. A CHUCRH TRUST, Father Well of tb Democrat has gone over, Dorse foot ana dagoon to tns trusts. If any doubts It 1st blm read tbs following from bis pen: 9 ''Trust control 'almost every thing, but hitherto tney bav neglected tbe churches. A church trust I badly needed. Many of tb churches are doing business at a toe on account of too much competition and too many killed laborer. Tb llttl retail organisation must be wded oat, tbe cheap preacher must be told to Undone wZjobs, , hr- fourth of tb church building fcan then be sold and th money used to enlarge th Influence of tb trust. Under this arrangement all tb church In Central City could be merged Into one. A good cathedral could b built with an auditor lam large enough to bold 9,000 sinners and a ball docen saint. A mighty pip organ run by labor aviiig machinery could be procured, A great pulpit ora tor could be imported and for fear there mlgbt be dlssesslon in tb congregation be would be expected to preach every thing except oolitic and religion, Wouldn't tnl be a great Improvement, brethern? Wouldn't it av a lot of x ixmseT It would be a llttl tough on the discharged minister and tbslr farallUw but no wors tor tbem tnan lor tn thousands of good men wbo bav been laid off on account of tb formation of other trust. If tb trust are a good thing and w presume tbey are, other wise thoss lo authority would do aom tblng to atop their formation then by all mean let u bav aohurcb trust. Th saint are entitled to tb ood thing of this life as well a tb ainnors.'.' REPUDIATORS The genuine straight up and down re publican of today, In order tob abso lutely at tbe front of hie party ba to repudiate all th doctrines, principle and dogma held by repbbllcan in the Fremont-Lincoln campaigns they bave even to kick over tb Declaration of In dependence, a Dr. Henson did at the big republican -imperialistic meeting in Chicago a week ago lost Sunday, aad say with blm tbat "there never was a greater falsehood palmed off by the Devil on a credulous world ' tnan the Fourtb-of-Joly document, tbat had bsen tbe pride and inspiration of the American people for pver a century and a quarter. IM ths party either restore to It the lilegiving tissue making salt It bad In the day ot Lincoln or abandon It alto gether. Our theory howevsr I that It ba been getting more nod more impure, tbat capitalistic tilth has rendered It like tbs Ancient Mariner Kim. The very deep did rot, alasl That ever this should be And slimy thlniis did crawl with legs Over the slimy sea. Tbe "slimy things," ranging from ths street corner note scalping microbe .to tbs alt devouring trust Octopus, No man who has regard for bis soul welfare or bis political health ran nfford to be a straight out, up and down, all wool and ayard wide republican. I'ltts burg K ansae. THESCHQOL.MQNEY BuprriuUtndent Jaeksoa bos mads th May apjKirtlonaient for tb mimuioa hoots. Tb amount Is $.133,11 LIS. It was derived front tbe follow lug eources; Mtatetai . (is tst $ 7",757.IO lutereel On V, M. bonds HM (Ml Istereel oa stats bonds ,,... O.LUl.tlU Interest oa eouaty boeda.... ttu,73 0 lutereea oaeebul Mt. bonds 4J,'t IsterestoaeeltiHil laadsol 13H,NTT.n lalrt on st'hiHil iaads uaam laterest m wArrauta ittMit Total amouat ............ $ 113,1 1 LIU TO GET THETRUTH Tk Itudfet. PUblieked at fblfe, III a a: To get th train athint m rauip- ptaitatloa, wa must read Ik pa per Iron th lar West there th tulua tn.r bait from, Aa (Mfuelusal private tetter bt bltkt, all golag ta sk that la affair la iplf aalal The urivate letter alwast kavarlwbly alnd an with lb lalaoettoa, "Doa't til aha rllktM Tbey hav mora learol wilitary dafitiem aad tks tUatat than ot tka rbllipptaA Maiaf." THE OLD ALLIANCE IDEA Men wh worked In the , Alliance will remember tbat we discussed nearly tb wbol field embraced In th aclenc of sociology ' and political economy, Among tb thing w ns to talk about ' were tb tariff and patent laws. In tkes latter day tb learned profession arejuat beginning to study whatw went over ten year ago. . Tb Afedlcal ' World i now advocating wbat tb Alliance proposed long ago, Thefollow Ing article appeared la it last issue, "J u tic I a Jewel tbat w Americans . bould Insist upon baving, lUmembwr tn following IVouno For ounce in Canada in U. ft, Fbeaacetlu.,,,,,,,..,...,,..1rjo. $.05 Kulfonal. Me. 1.2(1 Trlonal 78o, 1.40 "These are quotation in twenty-fir ounce lot. A duty of 96 par aent I to b calculated, but that will not account for tb xoru)tant xee charged to American consumers abov tba price charged tb consumer of Other coun tries. Tbla Injustice I mad possible by our patent laws. If foreign manufactur er prelt In taking advaatasr of our law to ovrcbarg ua, w buld eban; oar patent law, and mak them aimiiar totb patent law of (iermaey. Ilia right to protect an Inventor arinst Is frlugement, but b ahould sot b pro toctedlaauob monstrous overcharge j as ia illustrated above, wblcb avreaoma of tk moat extrem case of such over charging." Tb remedls abort referred to are in almost dally ns by all physician and th amount tb American people are wlndled out of by means of tb' Pingly tariff aad tb patent law ran op Into tb million. MulUt beaded rajmbiiexz all think that tbat tort of tiloj trim prosperity, ' "" .; BRUTAL AND BARREN,; A barren of intellect and brutality of mind are tb chief obaraeterlstlo of latter day republicanism. Neither tb editors, stump-speakers or loud mouthed sboutera for tb McKlnley ad ministration can Invsnt even new nam for those wbo are opposed to their noller. bnt fall back on tb trm of dlum ia use during tb big rb!:!os. may ao BO vamr umn tw Filippino who ar rsslstlnj sstjorv tion by forslgn Invader tbaa "reUii," although bow tbey bav com to b rebel no leiiow can nna one p those wbo wbo oppo tb pallcy of x- panelon, conquest and Impaiwbo nanzerated by Mcainiey ar "copesr bead" a nam tnat grew ouku re bellion, and wa at tb ilm arrapblc one atlon. To dwagnsK witn tn an- . ministration or critlclr it methods, I called "treamon'by republican shouters. Intellectually tney are a narreaa mule, and tb only originality tbey hav shown i in tneir orutamy anv greed. I'itteburg Kaasan. NEW SOUTH WALES t Tb colony of New Boutb Wales, with population equal to balf tbat of Texas a year or two ago anoiianea tularin wltb tb exception of duties upon tobacco and liquor, and substituted therefor a land tax of a penny In the pound, sup piemen ted by an Income tax. New Boutb Wale and ber sister colony, Vic toria, are separated only by a river. The latter colony still bos a protective tariff. A committee from tb Trad' lallln Melbourne capital of Victoria- hearing tbat wage were higher In Ryd ney, went to learn tbe cauee. Tbey found wage aa bigb and In many case even bitfVr than in Melbourne, while tba cost of living waa about one-third less Alter studying tbe altuatlon six weeks, they returned borne confirmed fre trad ers, AH nou n oiuy uan a crop wa load in New Mouth V alea last year, It waa the first time In twenty year that the authorities were not called upon by the unemployed for relief, There waa two years ago on thoussaj homeless laniiliesleeiiinff lath public park of Hydney, and being led by lb elty, chart- tablocietieaa4 tn aaivauoa army, PIZARRO AND MfKINLEY MeKinley declare tk tlod of battle fat leadiag blm and o h order Oil and Dewey to turn their rannoa on th elite of Lnitta. la Ilk manar Ike ttpaalards destroyed tba ivklUtba ol th Moatsi- ma aad tb lara la th nam of Jest llrist. Wka a by ixM rite get Into a ruler' rhair and wanl to rv t itevil,braa alaay lad th livery of heavea I lag amuad loose and aaeJy stuUa. tat wa bav faith that tbeieta tsl sauh laWat toaakoad la th Amhw leaa apW to briag the aaiia to It wue ua Ibis auhii. Ntlhe wtU boaret aa Ws aiarwmt by ths ttf of traaaoo." The ttea of 17(0 tried that. . . U tba Iwlllppiee th whol paws ol tbla govevaetaat bt need t deatMf tba aly lepnbti ia Asia, ahila la tb United Mtatea war ! ia aiptoyi ia eroaaiaf a kiaa a bartMte4 aava bat a kiag, erooieed tkkt a braaa ba4 lnm tb warship Nraicbaa martial aiasi. Tbeaa are queer pnwaa&tc b Uaei law, -Dakota KuialUt,