The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 18, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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May 18 1899
okinof ulaylng favorltee loth
natter ol tailing eointnlesloas to volun
teer officer, tb difference between popu
llet and repobllcon governor la worth
of not. When to First and Hecond Ne
briaka rear I men t were mustered Into
tb United flute service Governor Hot
comb, popnllat, commissioned two re
publican colonels and two republican
lleutenant-oolonele. When Colonel Uratt
of tbe riwt was ordered borne Lleuten
tot Colonel Col ton woe detailed (or duty
in tbe Philippine ouetome ssrvlc and In
tlroaled that be wanted to remain there.
Ho Htotsenberg woe made colonel. When
Htotsenberg wu klllnd Ciovsrnor I'oynter
appoiuted Col too, republican, to tbe po
ell Ion of colonel, and upon Col ton' de
clination Mulford, republican, was ap
pelated. Htanley, tbe republican go,
ernor of Kansas, did not, however ap
point UsutenantColonel Ml tin, popullet,
to tbe poeltloa of colonel when Funston
wee made brigadier. Htanley could not
rise above partisanship ae Foynter and
lloleomh bnd done, lie jumped a re
publican mojor over Lit lie's bead, Yet
reoubDcnnehnv tlwiierv to talk about
"partleunsblp" In tbe appointment
made by populist governor!
When you are In need of a farm or help
of any kind, juet drop fl line to tbe labor
commissioner or (lie Independent and
tbey will fit you out.
Englishmen are not all utterly selfleb,
There are as noble hearted men among
then as ire or tb fans ol the earth.
Not all of then take part la urging Mo
Kisley on to make of this republlo an
empire. There appeared In the Man
chester Guardian tb following:
"Tb American troop bav already
go through an arduous campaign
against tbs i'hlllplno. At tbe end of it,
and with six months Inactivity More
them tbey bar Just begun to appreciate
tb magnitude of tb task tbey bare set
tberaeelvee, Under these circumstance
It seems to us that it Is nothing sbort of
criminal folly to pat tb American peo
on tb back and assur them that
bey are a great nation and can do any
thing, Tb quettlonls not what tbey
can do, but what tbey ought to do, It
I not for Knglleb people to tell tbe
American what tbey ought to do from
tb point of view of Rieir own internets,
Tbey may be trusted to form a pretty
shrewd view of what their own interests
ar without much outeld assistance
and there ar happily not wanting signs
tbat they ar on tie way to do so. But
front the point of view of tbs Filipinos
tbsmslvM, It I permleelble for an out-
eider to say what be thinks tbe Ameri
can ought to do. It Is pretty clear tbat
the Filipinos, wleely or foolishly, do tol
want American civilisation. Tbey have
a perfect right to not want the bleeeinge
which America is Darning 10 www r
on them, America Is the very laei eoua
try in tbe world which has a rlgh to lm
pose thoe bleeslngs by foroe, ;
1 ;
The 0. A. II. will glv a reception to
(be Third regiment on Friday evening.
May llhb, at tbe state capltol. All sol
dier hove sod friend are asked to be
present If possible, ,. .
Hlncc tb Almighty bus seen fit to take
from our midst our most worthy mem
ber and beloved liclulibor,. John 0,
Jilusrr, on April 20, 1890,
He it Resolved, That we, the Former)
Co-operative Club of school district No,
00, oanuot do otherwise than eym pa
th U with the bereaved family and
friends. ,
lie It Further Resolved, That, as he
whs one of tbe former members of our
club, tbat a copy be presented to bis
family and friends of the above resolu
tion and a copy be spread upon our
records and a copy of the same be given
to the Dennett Uulon and ous to the
Nebraska Independent for publication.
3no, JIahtmnic, )
J. H, l.AMiioiiN, V Committee
Jso, f, Jommson,
As soon after ths first of July as prac
ticable 1 will bold public auotlous for
leasing about 005,000 acres of school
land under the provisions of the new law
in tbe following counties! Antelope, Man
ner, lllalue, Uos Ilutte, Drowo, Chase,
Cherry, Cheyenne, Custsr, Dawes, Deuel,
Dunday. (Jarfleld, (irant, Hayes, Hitch
cock, Holt, Hooker, Keltb, Keya I'aba,
Kimball, Knox, Lincoln, Logan, Loup,
Mol'berson, I'leroe, I'erklns, Hock, Hcotts
Illuff, Hbsrldan, Hioux, Thomas and
Wheelor. Under the new law, If these
lands will not leas at tb public auction
at fl per cent upon their appraised value,
they may b leased to tbe person offering
0 psr cent upon the highest vnlua
Tbcs land ar In tb beet atockgrow
ing portion of tb state where cattle,
sheep and horses can b produced at less
expesss, and therefor at greater profit,
than anywhere I know of and yet, aur
rounded with as good and Intelligent a
olas of citlsen as anywhere to be found,
Tb barvst truly I great and lusts al
most the year round and no more Invit-
, : Use "'r ,;v
Kansas Lump
Rock Salt
For Stock.
Funt,IJHhht, Bent. Jtlihett Award Mid Medala for Purity,
World' UxjttaHion, Chicago, joj Trana-Mlaalaatppt , .
itxpoattloa, Omaha, t8gg,
foc Afrnl tot Bovta Miok gaff Co., and Moyal gaff Co.
Usi Rick Salt
Hid, Piokici,
MsaU, lc Cream,
4o Making,
Fertilizing, &Q.,fce.
Mine and Work, '
Lyon and Kanopolli, Km.
Gaining in popularity every day
the record proves it. The in
crease in alest of the Kacycle is
simply phenomenal. The reason
is because the Kacycle is so (ar
ahead of all other wheels in exclu
sive and patented features that it
' stands in a class by itself, In the
Kacycle the chain and sprocket pull
between tHe . bearings, making it
run easier, and with 27 percent less ,
pressure on sprocket bearing, and
doing away with side draft. Come
in and let us show you the greatest
improvem'nt ever made on a wheel.
' Fully guaranteed. Wheels sold on
easy payments. - Indies' wheels
sold by us repaired free of charge
dur ng4hc season, Largest cxcfu
sive cycle house in Lincoln. First
class repair shop and full line of
sundries, Second-hand Wheels,
$5 up to $20.
1410 U St., Lincoln. Netr.
I arts ( iTrcn, 11 . t it.
London lirple, lb, .............. , , . . toe
Strychnine, ac a bottle Ulue Vitrei, lb.. . toe
(arden and V lower seeds.
Whim Lead, S. VH $6 00 per cwt.
Ture boiled Linseed Oil, 50c a gallon, Varnith.
rj all kinds of lubricating oil.
(ioldrn Machine, per gallon ,jjc
Ked lUrvrater.oc gal. Cattor Machint..J5C
Cylinder Oil per gal, , , , 1 , , 50c
In field for tbelntolllffent stockman and
faraier can be found; and now, that
tber ie an oooortunitjr to seuure twen
ty-flve year lease contracts thereon at
what tbe lands are worth, tbe lessee
binisell belnir the indue, it le confidently
exoected that all. or nearfy all of these
lands will be loosed during the present
year at tb public auction aoovs men
tloued. Anyone deeirlng to attend any
of theee leaslnsr auctions will be notified
of tbe time and place of holding the same
as soon a It bas been arranged If they
will writ me at once giving the name
of tbe counties in which tbey ar Inter
ested, and will also be furnished a llet of
tli land to be 'eased so tnat tney may
may visit the counties! n advance of the
leasing auction and exaiuln tbe land
which will be offered.
Notice of tb auction will be duly given
la tbe local tinner. Head stanin for a
copy of the new school laud law under
which tbe lands will be oiii-reu. Any
further information will be oheerlully
furnished. J. V, Woi.ric,
Com's'r of Tub. Lands & IJ'ld g.
Lincoln, Nebr., May 1H( 1809,
Iter, fir, Jiowhind, of Lincoln, Treat His
OfinrKtlin to en Hour of It.
About tb yarl873 thechurob seemed
to proclaim a formal separation between
the precepts of Christ and the conduct of
men. in these latter years it is so sel
dom tbat tbe people ever bear any of
tbe real old gospel as hi was taught by
Christ himself, that jrliwi on doe It
sounds like the proclamation of an alto
getbwr new gospel and It I mighty good
to listen to. To such a proclamation
did the people of the First llaptlst
church listen to lust Hunduy, and every
rnuii went away a butter man for having
beard it. It wus In part as follows! ,
"Commercialism has been loudly her
aided as a the angel of dnllvcraijce,
Hend ship of commerce, steam and eleo
trlcul appliances, all directed by your
enterprising merchant, establish schools
to teach tbe sciences of civilisation, and
soon your burden will be able to car
for himself so say wiseacre. Tbat
obem bu been abundantly tried, Eng
land In Africa and In India and China;
Franc on tb Mediterruns'in, every
European commercial nation bas a long
tnl of eiperleucs, and It Is tb Mine,
When you read tbe story of the impeach
ment of Warren Hastings, tb represent
ative of England In India, you have tbe
whole record 01 tli power anil influence
of commercialism to bear "tbe while
man' burden," 'Tie a tnl of blood,
horror and shame, Commerce cheated
tb weak of their gold, ilvr, plts,
prssious stones and garments; amiion
ored womeuhood, bought and tnelaved
childhood, and made drunkards out ol
their men. It wu h band dripping with
new vices and fresh trlmes tb ftblfv man
stretched to hi burdening brother wheu
be touched bim with commerce, IN won
from bim dletrust, fear, and hatred. Ills
ship wo looked upon a th harbinger
Sf ruin and death, and hi trade was to
"Another messenger of deliverance the
whit man sent to this poor whit bro
ther waa militarism. Th armlc of
Hurop bav tramped over th contin
ent and itlnnds, shooting their gospel
Into every creature, burying their con
verts, not In the holy water of baptism,
but under tbs sod and daisies that cover
the victim of bayonets And bullets.
"Tb military invasion of th land of
savages did ladeed replenish the coffers
of tbe invadere with spoils and filled tb
icbequersof kings with tbs plunder of
enforced tributes and tnies; but tbs
results to tbe oonquersd were spoliation,
slaughtor, enslavement and destruc
tion. '.
"Tbeioldler' bayonet never lifted up
ths savage man. Tbe evangelist whose
bible is tbs rile, whose sermon the bul
let, and wbos conversion Is death, can
never bear tbe whit man's burden and
and place It tit thsgat ol light and door
of pearl.
"Political Influence, oommorclal gains,
and national glory mayrcdound to our
nation from our victories In distant Isl
and over half civilised men; but our
Qatllugs and shells aud superb soldiers
will never mak tbem truet, love and
henor u a a CbrUtlun nation. Tbe
OsMhllKbt of emokeleee powder will never
reveal to tbem tbe path out of ignorance
treachery and sin, iuto Intelligence, truth
and rlKbteouanees, "War i bell" It
cam out of hell and It never can open
th gate of heavitn to a nation or an age.
The victory of Manila discovered to us
ns a nation a larg burden that veeds
bearing, but there It remains a mass of
Ignorance aud sin.
"Ibtcoguulng the failure of all those
human means to lift this 'white man's
burden1 out of tho mud and death in
which it wallows, k u immtidxr a power
the trtt name 'The l.nw of Christ.'
'Hear tbe l!urdii,' 'tis a wnrfsr analnet
poverty, iKUorsmte, brutehood, vice and
erlnis'n whlt'h lb weHns are Intelli
gence, eyiiipalby, the bible, and the
eoho(ilhouMi and pMachlug that Mad ie
the i Mtbtr of all aud that all tncu are
brvthrvo; tbat tlod loves mini with a love
tbat is tiieurt. ee and radioes; ttoit He
cut Jesus tlirlet to live, suffor and die
for thmii so that tbey iiilubt b bltml
Into holiiins and blKMlniM,
"ThelMvading armv ar th tnUaloif
ariee nin and women and Iiiwti'.tJ
on thir banaors is th sign. 'Uiwe,
Hofvjr sod IVsce IW I'nto You,'
"Judge this in t bint of burdfn bearing
by what it has pettiiilihed. The wMi
Biro i rilevonlii, Teutonic, rVandinavle
and tVltUi rsif were, yr ago, a
much a 'burd.'u' to civilisation a is the
bUck and the fvllow tnss, oi that
r.'uropw,. white man was ignorant, buy
ends vane; 1rve a a Ih-mI and erui
S tittd, but th tl ol J.u
loiihd bint and llltd bliu lata ImIIIw
ii aud eMtlth, Itttti a koble and div
lee atwshiMhl.
"The only Wenilil plan to tsar and
evelU white mull bardon thra, I
tiaye into all tb wurtd-tt with
gun, but with bil.ltw la ytvtk lh
iiw ta tvtf inir' t'fe Amrt
a eeeettee thai tr ( new hUih
Iw dietaai Ulasds ought to awaka
car vhanih u d lhir riWIumIhi
id iwweaadgHKwiUtu their inhabit
K yug soy that the ar MVoge.
trewtweruas. erttW that thvt haK,ii
aur aad brtithrr Otael! alb bet
S jmm " aiV V"V T " Biawk m- .
aataiaaataaaaaaa OFHOME KIND,
Tbat is, boy front a reliable whole-
1 Vf Rf I t
TT m. 1 . a . . .
mt 1 ne wr no ao a oiner ar aoinBT 'mat s. bnv
5 sal bous near at bom wbr you can get a first-class vehicle at wholesale
price, Every on 1 buying from us, and whyT Him ply becanse tbey find,
after la vestigatlag, that tber 1 not a dealer, factory, or bue ol any
J kind who oau furnish a desirable high grade work a onrsslvee, delivered
2 at yosr station, at any wbr Bear tb pries we mak. All of tbe good
i-lncludlag Implement, vehicles, wagons, blading twin, bloycl, sewing
'""' i'ini, eio ew., are tuny ancriba and III us-
trated by larg cat in our 148 page catalogue, which will bentfrec on
receipt of 4 cent to partly oar uoatae. w hka thm tuU nA nrim
and ar getting thabUHlue. Why not get In lln and Wat wbafeeal
pr e in umahaf Tblle of all klads sent subltet to ei smlnatlos yon
tak no ohnrim. KRNIi NOW Do NOT DKl.ATiNri nr hiiuw -rn
. 1 1 if r u mil... a ... . . . . . . - . ' - " w ". '
f ftiuiun ins, nnuiiiBavA invKVKnimaT,.
2 Oth and Farnam Streets Omaha. Nebraska
Thliiel.KMt Top flsf, with .D0ln Ustbar !
wuri.r top, nn. umum pn omi, am
full boiled Sf bMli, (all oUp'l tnur-
hhupi irnn.a, mil 7- jou, iin.ij
dii.ii.u, nil auerseiwKi, ler. tbor- 2
S.rnl 11,00 ssit m will Mad this Iioks r suSHit
tuiwlsitlon, bslsse to St psld suos d-
limy. Yen tehe so .besn. OKPKU NOW 4
ffl. & P.
0 & I3th
0 & 13th
A Dress
This week we arc gelling a
Jot of wool dreas goods car
ried over from la&t scagon
at a ridiculously low price,
The lot in made up of neat
checks and fancv mixtures.
from ri to 40 inches wide: some worth in
the regular way as much as 50c a yard. To
close out the entire lot in a short time we
have made the price f ajc a yard. We have
never before sold goods of equal quality at
no low a price.
We have a lot of ladies leather
and mohair belts odd lots and
odd sizes, carried over from
last season from which you
can take your choice while
Lilt. V lilL all. Ok 1 I ,1 I II . wr an
also closing out a lot of black silk belts at
16c each, We have other bargains in
leather belts at 10, 15 and 25c each.
Saturday next, May 20th, we
will 0 Or about 2j pieces of
Corded Lawns, printed in at
tractive patterns, at 3c a yard.
The quality is exceptionally
trood for so low a once. We
have other excellent values in wash dress
goods at8ic, 10c, and iic a yard.
In tbe same department as the
Kllflfl PC dred fancy metal belt buckles
IJIIVlIlV J from which, whil. thv la.r
you can take your choice at
5c each,
Pins 2c:
Children's We have put all the chil
VllllUl Vll J dren'iliht-weight cloth
IflfuPTQ jackets in our store into
H Aii one lot, and while they
CI ilfW last you can take your
tpi.UlT choice at $1.00 each. We
have all sizes for girls from 4 to 12 years of
age, and the styles and colors are choice.
1 he earlier you come, the larger the assort
ment from which to select.
Saturday next. May 20th, we
will offer one hundred gros
extra quality nickel safety
nin at r. nr Anifn Vnu
. pf f A7 can take your choice of sizea
1 VI UUL small, mediums large, Re
member these are not cheap poorly made
pins but superior quality, worth 5 to 10c a
Thus far the weather has
been favorable for our
coats and winter under
wear Uut it is likely to
We are busy almost every
day in our curtain depart
ment, and we think it's sim
dIv because we have a verv
large stock, the best styles on the market,
and prices that please all who investigate.
If you arc interested in curtains or curtain
materials, we invite you to call.
I In1 AntAir change suddenly enouurh
U1ISIV1 WWII one of these days and for
that time its well to be prepared,, We have
ladies jersey ribbed vests of very fair qual
ity at 5c each, good ones at 3 for 25c and a
very superior quality 2 for 25c,
We mention our hosiery de-
Eartment frequently and its
ecause we have much to talk
about there. At 10c, I2c,
6Vic and 25c a pair we have
values that are unsurpassed.
We have bargains in cotton hose for boys
and girls at 10c, I2 a pair.
the goepel of Jreua, Tbs deier, tbe
more crimson the guilt, the darkr tbe
murky shadow of sin: the more full of
liy and love we, a Christian, should
To Those Interested:
Fairfield Neb., Ma 12, 18W).-In ad
dition to what we said In our former
circular regarding th Urala Grower
Mutual Hail Aeeociatinn, of Omaha,
Nebraska, ol which V, W. Miller Is presi
dent aud I). F, Illlllker Is secretary, In
which I ebowed you the eiceedlnnly bad
record of thee men while managing tb
Mlnneeota Mutual Hail A. Cyclone In
pursue Co,, of Amhov, Minnesota, dur
ing ths snason of IMUTj we bare now to
offer you the '
Far ths year 18DN, which Is as follows:
The Farmer Mutual Hail A Cycloua In
surane Asatwialion of H. 1, was organ
isl Feb, Si I, I HUH with the rlnciiile
olflce at WaWrlown, H. I, with I', V,
Miller as iridnt (now ireideut of the
tiratu Urowr,) A O, Itsudali a ever
tary and F, II. Ililtikrr (uow emetery
ol th drain tirower,) n nmuar,
AtHOirdieg to thlr aw ewura rHir to
the Htat Auditor of Houth Pskola at
thecliMMcf Ihotr tuiuvM lor the jmr
HiH, mm Had that lhy had a halanc
roh on hand ol 1 1 4,11 la 44, al mhi s'-I
HMK-MiiH-n-e anutuattug to 1 4.T A7.T 7;
total fJH,tl5Ngi ubi. iiwws
iuMmHhi( Siorregntisg the earn id
l.t.xo 6a. turn t the aalnt to
iy tmtm when thy had miay wa
eaad, the laauraaee ('umaWioHf id
(Uiula hakoia rlu to grs them
Mf mUMioa to dt Iiim4 in its! sials
daring thevwar kHie y have
e.,ni to N.i'rs.ta, Al-r duiag a IH-
lUwate uiaMi I MiHiilti ia thvl?
and Meg rlud a eertismit lr ih
Mlt fr and rvHmilg (be mm m
leiasla Hiwili lukoia left, !ht
MMn bav lo fcrkft Hld.l their
LaelaeMla iNUVt, Itawar id htiria
Tom hi alw aaothef orgaalsatloai
located at Lincoln. Neb., known a tbe
United Mutual Hall Insurance Assnclii.
tlon of Nebraeka, of which I'eter Itiob
ling ie president and John F, Zimmer Is
secretary, Tbs ageot of this associa
tion claim large eiuerlenc in Minnesota
and Dakota, but tb reoord of tbeeM
late do not reveal the name of any of
tb promoter of this aweociation con
nected In any official way with any
Mlpnesota or Dakota company; but s
do Nnd that Mr. JSmuiAr was ous of the
leading agents of th Amboy company,
W also And that their applications
and other blanka ar alinoet eopieaof
the blauk of th drain (Jrower asm
elation, ol Omaha. Neltbxr take any
security tor Insurance from tln-lr imtrnii
and therefor neither cim nlve et-curHy
that loowirs will iveeive their pay, and
their poet record In other elates is
against t hum. Walo Had this oIhusc
In their application blanks.
"I hereby tmthrl' ' ' to vote
my pruiy at ths annual imetlag id the
iiiMiiti. r la my almeui."
Ho that aay Mreon can writ his name
in tb blank atiove in all applicailous
and vol for all tb member at the nu
ns! meeting.
It reels with you, farmers of Nehrka
a to whether or not they ehall eeeur
tb palrouege from the farmer id line
etatawlih tlilr nt n-.'ord minimal leg
you. What will they do? Farmer Mu
tual Hail Insurance aoi', J, M.
Hsnford, general tMaugr, FalrHll,
Tn will lad th gat at whkh yor
Ueri(llu eiplied aisrked an Ihlakv
we of you paper. Tak Ueol It
and W yog ar ta arrear yon shoall
a 9J Btetl at case.
t t asii
rrtuti Cittiie.
X . I I !
I It- aai
pan ora
Tmw IimIwm
hUTeMk t
I MxaleM. IWeaw
uaAMa, ft aw,
RanU's IaImI D mm U Tarat
Down Chlaeae Oraail EselUtl,
SiUJionAi, May 18. Th tsung 11
amen (Chlneso foreign oftice) has re
plied to th Russian minister at Fek
ing, M, d Oelre, that tho government
I unabla to occed to the Russian d
mand, mad , Jat Wcdneeday, for a
new railway concession eouuectlng
Peking with Rusela's prssent system
la Msiiohorta,
Not sine tb taking of l'ort Arthur
by Uusila hav tb Chines been so
agltstsd as over this demand.
Whether M. d (Jelra nsmsd a specific
rout I not yet ascertainable, aom
ofllclal stating that only a prelim
Inary nollo wsa given by Russia, and
others that she is asking for a Una di
rect from I'eklng to HhanUalKwea.
Urtalnly th Hrltlsh legation ia
I'eklng bad no previous knowledge
that such propoMtl was eonitng front
Ht, I'vtertburg, Th eonoeeeluu abl
for would ruin th dieting Northern
railways. In whleh HrliUlt capital to
the amount of lo,00,oo is Invested,
but there seem to b no alternative
rout, without interfering with plan
for railway estenalua whlott tb ltd
n themaetve bav In mind.
It 1 believed that R sola's aetloa ta
this matter Is Intended lo demuustrat
to th world that th rni eunvaa
tloa with (ireat Urilaln respeelluy
pheres of laterett in t hlaa, whUh
was nolldtfd to th t hlsta guvera
meat aloHtal before IhU Utett voavett
tlua was tleiusMded, ha not fiter4
Ih aetloa of IUmI at Ih eurt f
I'eklag, and alao ta ilrengtli) Rvi.
sla'a prestltf wtH Ih ( hm., klt
waa unfavorably alft4 by her with
drawalaf her lat prtilt rwsswetlaf
Ih Nurihara railways.
m a ,i4i
It. JussrH, M, Mar ll,tudga f
H ppae, garal dillir fur lb
Uar.lagtua. mi4 ta-day thai k won 14
not fc a aaadUt foe Ih iiuoratt
Miatt tMT fwrnwr. k