The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 18, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Hay i S, 1899.
C? Uthxatka Jn&tpenbm
pl.CO PC? Year in Advancb.
MNBMMlMtiMf ( Ml eX SB
fU W0IFMMMT Mi, 00
Aanlo, after long alienee, Mat A dis
patch to tb Htat Journal anaounclng
tb fMt that Col. Drao had been for
gotten. Tbat mad tb mulletbead feel
torn bettr
Capital Is benefltsd sad mode more
pertjonent and lectir bjr making Hi
profit of labor large, Mot w or sot
aearesougb totb Millennium for tbe
capitalists to It,
All tli (Wmaa-Ainerlcao editors in
tli counery Mwpt two or "cojjHf
beads." What nit awful big bong log be
McKlnle will bar when In court mar
lal U(J wlittf tfiMfti
"liernember th Main.' Yes, McKln
Jy remembered tin Melr, tad paid tin
Mpaolard 20,000000 for Mowing ber
tip. That, my boy, i" republican dlplo
tnoey, Any man who says be don't Ilk
It l a copperhead. '
Tb People' Pilot, of ladlanapoli,
lad., ay: "Tb Nebraska Independent,
published At Lincoln, I thoroughly
good popullet Journal, Abl Md eour.
ogeom, It botes a hypocrite and fear
blm aot,"
Oa cause for tli Increased demand
for email note I lb stamp tax oa
checks, Wbn mm bo to pat a stamp
oo erery check that b writ, ba doe
not writ small check bat pa i tb
little bill wltb 101011 notes,
A a aotl trust law was offered by tb
oppoaltloa a ao auwudmest to tb
Dlogley till and very republican in tb
Loum voted against It. Now tb say
ibat tb at going to flgbt tha trusts!
Tim, tb will, wbeo tbe devil toro
3rry Blmpson baa started a paper,
tb flnt somber of wblob reached tbi
office tbla week, It ( called "Jtrry
Blmpson's bayonet" and I published la
Wichita, Kansas, At II a year. Jerry
l0utofongresbutbele not oat of
tb flgbt.
By a rot of 100 to 40 tb nam of
(Jo. Kagan wa droppd from tb roll
of tb Loyal Legloo, ' Tb MoKlulay
pre writer bar not said on word
About ft. 1 1 1 comfort to koow tbat
tbar la'on orgaoliatlooattb national
oapitai tbat baa aom mum of bonor
Tb dflpartmftut of agrloaltur baa
lMttd aom ver valaabl docomonU
for om of faruira laUl. Among tbm
ai: "Potato dliwaaa and tblr treat
mnt," "ugar a food," the vagltabl
gardan," and "good road." All of tbm
can b obUlntd fr, b addroMlng tb
fbervtar of Agrioultar At WAblngton.
Hnd for tbm.
To lb prMbr and profauora down
aat wbo bar )ut obtained "a roallilng
odm" aa tb nwl courtrUd td to
, of tb awlal injatl that ba lta
altliotd apaa tbapaopl of tb I'olM
But by oonoulratd aapltal, wa
do not gt too iltl. TltU tblag la all
rlgbt. "Out of tbi nttl danger w
will pluck th flowr of aft."
Tbr but Wn no ntor rUtnt op
Minnt of th qutntit tbor of mono
tban J. Hturllug Morloa. Nowbaaavm
to bar mad a big flop, II U bragging
aliont tb liter la tb volutin of
muy aad tb properlt tbat It baa
bronabt, A wbil ago In nid to
tbluk tbat aa Iikwajm la tb volauw of
ntoK wa repudiation,
Tb iwpuUiotia rmi U not an Ing a
nu-'b aUmt "ibat vlo" a tl r
bM aim. Th hiiritmNMKt tb iblng p
lint it MoutiiK t wota ail ih ikva orM
tbaa a luuK Horn of lb ru HiaaagMr
him Wm4 tbat tin ra at tb
rtutg tt l uf lb aMlniMlaai) In alttiupt
Imc ioat awai,ftititil tbat iiiilbiiig
bad bpan, au4 tbo ftbh tbat tbr
t'iitrrtil hpudiHita run la Kan
ala, lrtinl ol )a tbMMia
tbat It iU ia .Wl.r.u. Tb Tm
Tiwim tbat all I'oa'i'liaa ualj
bMloUof irtbtrll r l l
I.oh.M ,1.1.1 .l ntarljr f tHt.lMMi, .. (l
i lb abU b g(i br tb aam of ub
Ik l(Mdi lb ItHMt UmitbwU ot !
tvaat t'W'N l Hut tr ltf raM
iHitNMiiiMi miruiou lai aad a bng
wlilbg f"ttli (iltng roual tri)rr,
Tb dmnd of a certain t of Arourl
can cltln tbat mr tltrw a man ft
kii.iu MrurlaJ brarwr and mllitar a-
iriu'Jf r tbatb abooU In JwondtoMy
nlwtod to on clril offl I tb wont In
mum, and all) craw tbat rr alicld a
llliMd inool. Our gwtt milHar
hirrobavlwa lotln ruination
wbnrir tb bar glrn war to It
Tbavt wa tboawltb (Jrant, tb grat'
Mt of our war bwo. A a gHiwral
tbr wa ion to couipar with bim.' A
a ulrll officer b waa not abor waoio
ftr.ifail till natural bonwt not
tilMd blm Urond Umputlon b would
hav raioMl hi routotJn, 0Dral
Hbrao eoold not b dolrd Into b
coming tb tool of politician. 11
would bar nothing to do witn noifling
Adrll offio. Pw and Oiinral Kun
trn ttnth MM in to U Bum Of tb !
good, bard common awnm, 0nral Fan
tabaeabld to tb Kua pouu
Hum that ba will not tindf htif elreuro
tAiMM b A candidate for Ctrl) oflio.
Itoway aay b think tbat b I A rpob
HottD m vrbod born In Main la aup
noiMMltobca reoubllcan. further than
tbat b do not know. (Jtmeral Fan
too I A populiNt, but b doec not pro
donc to in bl btllltar rtpotatloo to
A mao with great military genlu I by
tbat fact Almot alwaa IncapacltaUd
for clril off)c. Tbr ba bo only two
or tbro ption to tbruw latb
bin tor of tb world.
Tb peopl bar do fair abow In lgl
at loo for tb corporation bar all tb
fodlltb to iufluMic lgllator. A
ample of tbl occurred In Txalabl.
Tbf tatc of Arkauia bad paaxed oma
my droatic law agaioat tb1 dwindling
loHUranc cornpaolea and tber waa talk
tbat tb Tsa legblatur would paea
tb aniN aotl-troit law. Tb Inad
ageatoftb trutnd Imoranc com
panle got to work Immediately. H
neat tb following telograin to all th fa
uraue agent in tha atate:
"Heud at It'Mt flr telegram to our
legislator protMtlng againtt tb paa-
agof the antHruet bill. Ilav tin
Migrant algned by aereral different
man. Tb paatag of tbla bill will drlr
all Ineurano eompanle out of tb ctate;
eau tb fortclocor of all mortgage,
and In fact bring general bnalne di ana-
tor, Irt long petition follow our tele
gram. Arrangement Bar nmnoy
leien mad with telegraph eompanle for
thee inetMagaa." s
ImmedlaU'ly a atortn of telegram be
gan to ponr la upon th nnmbera of tb
leglalatur from all porta of tbtat
protecting again t tb paag of tb
Arkonea oatl trat law. Erry mem-
twr reovirad Or or afx of the tele-
gram. Th Door of to none ana lea
nt wen dotted all do with tb uni
formed meangr boa of th Wentern
Union company, Th nt day tb dally
paper cam out wltb eight Inch long
headline, Tb following war taken
from tb Dallo Nw: "Ant!traet
IlillMeaeure I Uraatio-E lamination
CobtIiioh Membera Tbat Ite Prorlilon
Need a Toning Down People Ueing
Heard From Lawmaker Wer Deluged
With Telegram of Btrong Protect From
Tb editor of tb Inependunt ba
known of anorea of eliollar Initance. It
lialarorlte abetnwitb th banker,
Tim and again bar tbe flooded ron
greu wltb tb telegram aud petition
that hare been written In tb bank par
loraof Niw York. Tb bankwa bar
ananlu.1 fa.illlt.Ua tir (his kind nf nrk.
Men wbo carry "line of credit" and get
"ancommodation" at tbe bank, gen
rail conoelrltto be to tbolr Intoreat
toaignany aortof A petition tooon
greea tbat tbe banker aeki them to alga.
Tbla particular telegram of Instruction
I on of tb name old terotped kind
tbat tbe bar oaod for lot tbeee man
year. They ore Tory laminar woroi to
many men la Nebraako, "Caue tb for-.
oloeure A all mortgage and lo fact
bring general buelaettc dlaaatr" What
a familiar ring the have to tbim.
It la about time tbat tb trait agent
golypA nw formula, Tbat la tha cry
agalnit An law that baa a tendency to
Uaeflt tb people or curb tb gred of
tts iplolter of mankind. It will
"bring general bueiaee diaaeler" I tb
only way la wblob tbey Mwin to kuow
bow to meet A demand for reform of An
bind, Wbea tbry Orel atarted tb cry
tbe found It v-y ritle, but Hi da
Of tteefulnee liei ImmmmmI. It ba bea
worn out, It baa Ihwouii oa a Frueh
niaa would "pteee." 1st ui bar
kiinvlbleg nw and np to date,
Tbr I one way to keiM k tbla wholi
liuamxM nl lurtuKiiolim b'r'UUia rlNtr
tmt uf the bo. Ill lb Inltiaiire and
relvrwitduui, let u try tbat.
lite riiiiit who lm my
nton- and my baiaa U my owa aad I
will tin iailtal pleaee wilboat re-
turd to any turn, la oa tt I hem tin
plan lb wurk atan wbo eay my Ulr
I tny oea and I will work or aut work
without rrd to aa olbr pertoti,
Kuw If a otaa r-fura to wmk who le
not a Dtitialpl, im-wiy t i ivmtmua
Miawat lakra iniwrll1 f Mut, Wkr
btmld not aUi lbP.tuiutT III
b ailtl and labor Ibat inm-Ui eiUl.
Niiher oe K or ran befoun httea
ltiif the olbar, laeoate way buta
HuttlJ m al'k awnaabi to tb gtMid of
tHHiWty, Krerf bttw faagbt betwww
eapllal BbdUbtir la atoteto wwWt, It
la eometblog tbat tb whole people la In
tereeted In, and tbe whole people, acting
a tb overeign, iboold la aom way
control both. Tber are tbre thing
tbat enter Into production; labor, Intel'
ct and capital and of tbeee three, capl
tal le the leaet. The ntletakei of th
pact bar reunited from glrlng capital
tbe flret place and claiming for It tbe
lloo' har of tb profit.
TbeedlUrof tb ludepeadeat llirald,
aa adrocatof oolellm and the octal
labor party deroUd a colaarn or io t
tbe personal abu of tb ditor of tbl
paper laet week, If begot any eatiifac
tloo out of it w ar glad of it. It crea
ted a good deal of amuitneot la tbi
offlc. Tbl paper I atlll A populit
party and atlll etaad by tbe popullit
olatform and tbe pooullt part. He
tbluk If wecoatlnato defead tb old
prlaclplM aad atlll penlit lo doing bai-
oM at th old eland tbat It will b i
grat tblag forth coola! labor part
fla,paklngofthl editor; "If b
beo It no on tbl 111 tber will be
many mor popullit aad ged men
tudrloc tb tilatform of th xilellct
labor party and eeeklitg correct Informa
tion from tb Jiteratur of aocialicm,"
Tb thlea-aboat tbat tbat mak o
mil 1: If it 1 true, why do tbi to-
olallst dltor gto cerking mad about
aboat It? Pleaee et plain, Mr. Hrown7
Tbe editor ba glren tb eticlaliit full
wing la the column. Krr comma'
niaa tloo frcm loclallit e eioept oa hoe
been printed In full. Tbat one cam
from tbi iwdullit editor and wa go la
terminably long It could not be printed.
II lay; "If Mr, Tibbie know of aay
clnme of rerolutlon which aot;ialit
bar oo foot lo tbl country, or In any
otbrcoatr on th globe, let bin not
heal tat to mak hi knowledge known,"
VTby, my angry frbtad, aoefaliem 1
rerolutlon, It contemplate a eomplet
nrolutlon In our form of gerernmeat
Morrli gwlft wn rlgbt when he ald tbat
tb flrt thing tbetmuit be don to
bring It about wa to abolleb tbe con-
tltntloa of tb United Mtate. 11 want
otto qaote oai aothorltle and an
tbat we bare refueed to do o. 01 laet
wttek we printed Illatcbford' atoteuent
of what th root of ocialim wa and
llatchford 1 pretty good aoclallit aa-
Tbe queetloo I limply thle; There 1 a
oclallit party aud a people' part.
Uotb of tbm will bar candidate In tb
Held, Th ar antagoulMtlo, Tbl
paper li a people party paper, built np
andatalued by tbe popullit. It le
going t itand Jby tb people' party
and flgbt rr otbr part tbat la In
antagoolam wltb It aa loag a tbl editor
run it. It will continue to warn tb
people ngalnit tbl aolallt party tbat
eeek to draw rot away from It by
representing that aodallam and popolbwa
1 on and tb tblng and thu blp
tb truate and concentrated capital to
farther nlar tb people. Popullit
do not beller la tb formation of on
big truit to control cmlblng in tbe
Uaited Htate. If acb a truit I formed
tbi men wbo ran It will beooai dictator.
Tb powr to ra It m tut be delegated
tocomebody. It can't b run by all tk
Mark llanaa very well know that 'be
eaa oerer get any of tb ppullt of Ne
braska to rote tb republican ticket. If
a few tbouaaad an b prudd to
beller tbat populiem and oclaliim I
on aad tb am thing, aud tote that
ticket Instead of th populist tlekit, that
will lult Mr, llanna Juit a well. -
A oommuelratlon from a ibcrlber In
Willwr, Nebraska, cam to band with
th last pag missing and oo signature.
Tb writer ba no noubt com to tb
conclusion that this editor Ua one
aided, pigheaded Indirldual wbo refused
to publish bl article because it bod A
criticism of an article that bad appeared
In a former Issue. Hut the communica
tion endd right In the inlddl of aeeo
tenne and wa not la a sbape to print la
tbat way.
Ittb popnllet everywhere lothla
tat oiak preparation for tb blggeet
Fourth of July erer held. We are tbe
only one wbo can now read tb leclur
tlonof Indriwadeuce oo that day wltb
pure heart and without mental reeer
ration. IM u read It In erer ecbool
bouse and at nry picnic, at th earn
lime declaring that those wbo bar de
clared It to b only a mas "of glittering
gatteralitiee" shall bar no part la tbe
Tbe utat journal Osrote orer A
column to adrertising a nw Instrument
of torture tab applied to traape and
unn out of work railed a lorlure rbalr,
Tb publWatioa of such aa article oe
tbat A r ear ago would bare pro
dufledeoasteraalUia la any eomtnunll
la tbe I'nilml rUate. Ills saw lime
Itir eotue id Ibsse retlglous rpullnane
logo ttirbarvh and eay alrw aitir
hrarerw and wake A Hlrlbulin to
euarert the beaibea of biHaa lands,
It rtrtHt oa the strU that tb
lnawatN of the giale JtiHraal were
gsHly batini'batit,ll tfrte thai
Ibe matter ol eullteg ma'iirt.eis"
and "Utile AmerUtas," wbo bad liillo.
et old glt Ibrueab sbtit aad sbsll ever
Maw a belli H44 and tkMeab iNsay a
nebt, wou'd at be a h beeiMsa la
Ibe Uure a It ba ba In the past aad
if br did not want rloM Iroabl
tbe Uttff lt Up OK tb rilw,
Tb longetep bock ward la gorsrn
meat that ba been taken iloce McKin
ley took bl neat at Washington n Juit
beginning to be full comprehended by
tbe intelligent. Tbe mode of conducting
tbe gorvrnmeot erer efoce It wa formed
ba beed completely changed. It has
gone bock to tbe method of necret cabal
tbat ba characterised tb diplomacy of
tbe monarch of tb old world and wblcb
wa in fell force la tb feudal time, Hot
only ar tb mall and telegraph cen
sored with all tb rigor exercised by
Weler while b wa dictator la 'Cobn.
but tb mot Important legislation la
fermnlated behind lot-ked door aod tb
public ar forbid deo to kew aatblag
aboat It. A few member ofcongr
secret agent of tbe bank bar been
holding a long aerie of meeting lo se
cret on tb Atlantic coast, formulating
financial legislation, which alter tbe
hare perfected their work, the guard
with tb utmost mmj, oot permitting
tb public to know anything aboat It,
Nothing like that baaerer bea known
lo tb blitery of legislation lo tbla couo
try except th oo instance when Jobo
Hfiwrman and Ifoorer eneaked tbe bill
tbroagb congress demonetizing eilrer,
Kreo tbat wa not don la th way the
marplojta work la secret now. If It had
been made public at tbat time tbat thee
men wer fa consultation la ort for
tbpurpM ef changing tbe financial
stem of tbl eoantr, a it le now
know that a certain t of men ar,thr
would bar been aa upbettral aad an
outburst of public indigoatlon that
would bar driro rry mao wbo bad a
band lo it from public life.
Hut oow It I known to all th people
that tbe mo bare met la secret aod
bar formulated a bill of ome nature,
that will oot only effect erer persoa
oow I) ring but generation yet unborn,
if it I Mac ted into law, Why 1 It tbat
tber Is not a general protest made'
Kimply because tb men who thus seek
te cbang th prsent fluamilal system,
owa or control ail th gnjatdally papers
la tbl couo try, Tbey bar subsidized
A part of tb press aod established a
censorship overall. Tbat the koow
tbat their proposed bill would arouse
tin opposition of erer free and nu
prejudiced American cltl&eo I sbowo by
their effort to keep It seoret. Tb want
oo test of reason applied to it. Tbey
well knew tbat a full and fair discussion
would kill it, Tbey bar been boateo
In so many conflicts of argument tbat
tbey bar no desir for another, Ho
the will do their work lo secret, perfect
their bill, and when congress meets, ap
ply with A powerfnt hand tb whip, to
recalcitrant congressmen and push it
This scbem 1 tb rery enc of an
Arcby, '
A i) a mokkou rjtoroaiTiojr.
Tb Independent propose thatorgani-
I itions be formed all orer tbe state com
posed of capitalist, of meo wbo llr oo
Interest alone, of wag worker par and
simple, wbo bar no property, of men
wbo ar producer, relying upon tb sal
of their product produwd by their owa
labor but are capitalist to a certain ex
tent, of profieulonal men, of tb ra
ployee of th great trust and corpora
tions. 1st them get together and die-
cuss social problems apoo ao exact equal
ity, and see tbat If out of tbe different
flews expressed by all tbeee cli of
men eometblog of value cannot be ob
tained. Mestiug wber tbe audiennei
are all of one way of thinking, are good
to itrengtben view already entertained,
but are not a very fertile field for tb
generating of new Ideas, It would be
welfonalleucb occaslous to bar a ikllled
physician nar at hand, for If a new Idea
bould happen to enter the head of om
of tbeee mullet beaded republican In
Nebraska, tb result might be fatal ua-
les antidotes wer immediately admin
istered. Of all tb mall potatoes tbat wa
rer raised la Nebraska area la drouth
are, Meiklejoho I tb smallest. This
political snob relus to reply to letter
on ollitilal busiu written to blm by tb
gorernor of Nebraska, because the said
gorernor belongs to A different political
party, II I about equal to tb boor
that tb , late republican legislature
limited to tbe United Htatee senate. Obi
what a thing republicanism le in Nebraa
ko, There loo word la tbe Kogllsb
lituguage to fitly describe It,
Mom of lb old tildlr are gnttlsg
red bot over tb slaughter tbat I going
oa la tb Pbtliuplane, Out of Ibret la a
leiur to the Western Laborer aaysi "I
want to Ml Ibeold soldier and lb young
soldier IbAt van approre of tbeee ants,
di'H t billow mm to my grata, Ut my
Until go alue and lay me away, Doa'l
hedatty tear for to aad dua't put
ddwere on my grave, lt tbe grass and
wmh grow or we aad bt me In lr
uHh a poasi,, aad alMiv
sll Ut It b forgoilM Ibat I erer rrri4
s,ruiiladtlMtilaonalr t but la
shame as Ibis evuuir appear to b
tut ii A iaiimNtiH,
The people ol ibe Patted Htate bar
lat Htlllioin Hia biaber edseatkia.
ft bav blrwl b e-l prtifuMHir aad
(aid Ibetii bl-rsl and ta rtlratagaat
tlirwU leatb tb Iseg , litera
lure, loan and tbiri W hat are
gflllng la retar for It? For tb most
perl pbUtry, dtptioa and bitdub
tra. Hitanuatw tbiaf vea wore
tbao tbat. As aa exampl tber 1 a r
ligiou paper publiihed la Chicago. It
laraed and college bred editor under
took to rank an argument in favor of
imperialism. II took for hi preml
two assumption which be knewjwer
denied by erery mao wbo opposed ira
perlaliem aod treating them as accepted
axiom went oo to mak bl argument
from tbim aod draw bl conclusion In
favor of Imperialism. Tb argament
wa tAkea op by other college bred mi
and paraded ae aa unanswerable argu
ment lo far or of Imperialism,
HI two assumptions wer the: " W
ar compelled to keep tb lelauds," and
"It I A crime to turn them orer to their
Inhabitant," Tbe two atateunnt
ar oMflmmed a tru aod accepted a
tru by all mo. If th unlrersltles and
college cannot turn out men wbo bar
A better knowledge of logic tbao that,
then all tb money that tb people bare
spent open tbemfwore than thrown
away. Does the college bred preacher
and tb ntilrerilt bred editor soppoe
tbat tb people are sen idiot a to b
fooled by ao argument like that?Tbr
might be some bop of deceirlng tb
Igaorant paaot of Kurop with euob
aa argument, bat rea a mullett beaded,
partlxaa republican who vote tbe.tloket
straight, regard les of tb principle
tbat tb party adrecat, would
tbe fallacy io It.
H th logic taagbt lo th schools only
to be applied to tbe solring of abstract
bematical propositions?! Ar tb
students taught tbat as soooa tbey
cuang irom tin abstract, to th prac
tical thing of life, the rules of logic no
longer apply? Tber 1 net a mao wbo
(opposed to imperialism batiagr
to bear, aad carefully consider erery
ogical argument tbat can be mad la
ravor oi imperialism, bat tber Are a
good mao ol ns, wbea A college bred
man la bis silk bat and kid glove wftb
great consideration toward oejatakes
ao argament Ilk that, feel very Jm uch
ike glrlng him a slap loth; face aod
telling blm to go and attend school at a
kindergarten for A while.
"Caa't do anything to stop tbe
trusts," "Tber I io law tbat can be
enforced against them," "The ar all
complying wltb th law," Tha 1 1 t In
song tbat th Htate Journal baebeen
singing erer morning befor dallgbt.
oor old tlddle-de-wlok! It fears tb
day of retribution I coming tbi tim
ure enough. When that da arrive it
will then And tbat Iti present ntatement
tbat nothing can be done will be abso-
utily tru. It will simply bar to tak
it punishment.
Io ooe of bl recent speeches lirao
aid; "A system of political economy
will yet dawo wblcb will perform as well
promise; which will rala tb rlcbc of
nature lato tb lap of tb starring
poor." Upon that sentence tbe pluto
cratic pre let loose tbelr thunderbolt
of wrath wltb something mor tbao
their ordinary venom. Bat why should
It? What I there wrong with th senti
ment thu expressed? Doethxprssd
hope tbat the starring; poor tnvy be fed
make a man a "copperhead," a "little
Americas," or an Anarchist? If It does,
uit please continue to call usbytbos
Mooly say that w can't lear th
Philippine, and if w did th natives
would kill themselves of. Obi no, of
course we een't. If we should load all
our troop on board of transport In
Manila bay, and attempt to start then
bom tb native wouldn't let tbem
eome. They wouia jsit get into toeir
caaoen, sink srery ship and shoot all
th tailors who attempted to awlm to
thssbors with thslr bows aod arrows.
Then it Is so much better for as to send
lbs best yoaag meo of our land 7,000
mile to kill tbem tbaa to let tbem kill
tbemwlre. It I mack mar Cbrlitlik.
I arrab for tb legl of Mood 1
Tb oommoa law reaognlie tb claim
of erery percoa In diatres and lacepabl
of aelf bslp to ask at the baoda of tbe
community of wblcb b is a member sueb
assistance a la requisite, at least for
tbe Atalatalnnno of III. Io other
word, It recognises tbe rlgbt to llrrj
and If unable to lire by bl own eier
tlone, It impost upon tbe community
to which be belong aa obligation to
furnish blm a living. Now that ba been
tbe oinmog law bulb la tbla country
and la Kaglaud for A long time, Tbe
demand of populism go no further tbaa
tha long established eoniatoa law, Tbe
only ditfereao Is that populism Insists
Ibat the community should pas and ea
foree mub law tbatlnitd of admlale-t-rlitg
eharlty rry maa should beglrea
tbeoppnrlualty to provided bleowa
MRiatalnanre. Aa l Ibat Is only A better
way of eulorvliig lbs esme principle. It
Is not steiaHsM, It le not aaarvhyjt I
attt reuuf latioa. It I simply; good, old
wimwue law,
Privat eharlty I a favor that tea be
glrea or Huwd at ibe will id privai la-
dlriduti. but pab'U hrtiy le vr A '
Ian but tb hwigaitioa of A b-gai
right, Madet ia lb iuiMie law, i I
A aelural wed legal obligliua id ery
Ktiamaai', K the helpfe have a rl
rtbt lo eall BHia tb omuali wka
ladidrews aSould ea' ant bare aa
eqialrtgSt ta etaa4 of ihseomaitintty
aa opi"rtiu t amid duirve alio
gtbt? I'opainl think tbaMbe bare,
A Boston dally 'giv th following
taUment aa to tb economic question
involved in imperialism: "Here f a
question of political economy tbat al
most ao schoolboy ought to answer.'
If a country bos a consuming power of
only 76,000,000 And a producing power
of 1(50,000,000, while 1,806,000,000
gentile each need something that, we
produce and cannot consume at borne,
wbAt should b don Aboat It? The
situation Is just tbat of tb United State
too, v must Moaad our market
abroad, and tbat is wb we want tbe
gotueoa faould go into that editorial
room and ask tbl most profound and
oollege-bred editor bow It Is tbat, wltk
tae tremendous producing oowsr of our
76,000,000 people, oot oocbalf of them
are supplied with th things necessary to
civillxed life and bad we oot better de
rise sow means of supplying our own
people before we go 011 expeditions to
cooquer other peoples so tbat we ma
bar tbe privilege of supplylog tbm?
Would it not be more ia accord with
common sens to develop oor own con
turning power befor we start out 00
wars of conquest to force other iwodIm
to buy and consume our good? This
Uostoo editor's plao seems to need bol
tering bp anbow, wbea It is rsnnm-
brdtbatiUgrvatt effect at boflCfl
ba been to reduce th consuming power
of American citizens. Would It work
differently oa th "niggers,"
There is mucbgrar uneasiness among
tbe thinking meo of this country about
tbsfoutcome of tbe preseat social prob
lems, tbe domination of trsste, to ar
rogance and cruelty of concentrated
capital. Tbey are afraid of th people.
Tiny shlrer at tb thought of reprisals, '
As for tbl editor fa Is a calm and con-
tuted ae a fat ox resting under a bad
tree in adorer field. Let th beAtbeo
rage aod Imagine vain thing. Io their
guilty souls tbey fear just retribution aod
know tbat the deserve It. Tbe people
ar all rlgbt. There is oo danger of
tbelr committing aa injustice, Tbey
have always bona afraid tbat they might
do an Injustice to soth rich man nod so
harslet the corporation and trust go
ahead wltb tbelr, deviltry. Now the ,
m to b making op tbelr mind tbat
it Is about tim to straighten oot things
and re-establish the old prinofgle of
equal right to all and pedal privilege
to none, It the wicked Use for there Is
someone after tbem this tim sur'
Io a letter "not for publico tloo," aa
old farmer rlgbt io tbe midst of farloos
accusations against tb McKloley ad
ministration for permitting tbe trust ,
to get control of all the Industrie of
Ibis country, aod without connection
wltb what proceeded or what followed
aeks: "What libeller Ing Is Cnrlrt any
how?" Whoolday tbat believiog la
Cbritfto believe what Christ bellered
f we only believe wbat be believed
and Act opoo It we will come oot All
Ton will Anil th date at which rnnr
nbstrintfoo expired marked oo this
wnk'e issue of your Darter. Takenotle
of It and If oa ar In arrears von should
mak a pay mint at ouce.
Kuikln ha reorganised and created A
truit for benevolent and churl tabl pur
poses. Oos of tbs most binding rule
hereafter will be: "No member shall
hereafter be entitled to any wage for
labor or services performed for the com
mouwealth." Now the next time an
editor say tbat tbe Independent don't
make quotations to sustain bis conten
tions, be will get It In the neck. Tb
public ownership of public utilities wber
tbs employes ars paid wages and such
wages become tbeir private property, I
not socialism. Tbat sort of thing la
populism but not socialism.
Tbe Ogden Press says: "Tbe dema
rcate will nod ltdimoult to mak aa
Issus with the rsoublicutis on tha trust
a strong and adranoed ground egalnat
tbe trust evil In their neit national
Istform a tbe flttnocrets." Now If
tbat I not a more illly performance
than an ostrich sticking Its bed In tb
aaad, what could In? Dos th Press
Imaglns that every eenslbls maa will aot
ayt "You bar been In oflloe for four
tar and tb trust bare grown to
aorutou proportions under your laae
of power. If you aredpposed 10 trust
wb dida t you da somtlbing to restrict
tbem You mak m llred,"
Si SiJ-.-l1"-1". ... ', . ,
41 He Laughs'Best
Who Laugh Last"
A htirte huah Indicates a
dwte of good hc&Uh obtiln
Able through pun bboJ, As
but one person In ten fuis
(Hire blood, the other nine
should purify the blood with
Hood's Sirsjpjrilh, Then
they an hugh first, List nd
All tht time, for perfect Ajis
ptness comes tti'A goiheAlth
l IN, 0