May 18, 1899 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. I I V 0 IVES Oil fill UNION HER Gen, Merriam's Stringent Methods ; In the Idaho Mines. ; 1 CRISIS IN LABOR TROUBLES, Ho ! Wilt Be rrealta4 to Bmplo -. Maa Boloaf ! OI4 Oreanise Maa Org ailed Labor Taro to th War Department, - Wauokicb, Idaho, May 16. Th y- crisis in the labor trouble her will arrivt Thursday of thia week. Thura I ; day la the latt day allowed under the recent proclamation for working' mlu y era to apply for permits to remain in j .. underground employment. On that day the inspection of the mines all oror the Coeur 4' Atones will begin. It will be conducted by both the mill' tary and civil authorities. Every mine which on that day is employing men without permits will bo summarily closed, it pumps drawn and a guard placed over it. Up Canyon creek, where none except union minors are employed, thoy still sullenly re fuse to make . application for the cards, In order to secure a permit the miner must renounce ..... membership, in the ."society whloh has .Jetavored or encouraged" the recent lawlessness in the district The union v is bbt named outright in the printed forms to which the applicant must ubioribo. Only about a dozen from all the Canyon creek district have se cured their card. Of those who re main many are determined to stick ' doggedly to the union to the last Others are afraid to take out cards until after the end of the week. New York, May 14 The Central Federated Labor union unanimously , adopted resolutiona denouncing Gen eral Merrlam for ordering the dlt bandment of the miners' unions in Ida bo, and instructing the secretary to ask the war department whether it 1 responsible for General Merrlam' con duct . . Delegate Harris of th International . Cigarmakers' union said that through flfinttriLt Murftlflrn' Aftlttt. tnltiMra' trades unions have been placed out side the palo of the law and the union should demand the withdrawal of tb odiot and the investigation and court- martial of General Merrlam. "President McKlnley should b called upon to order an investigation," r- be said k Delegate Bubln of the Walter' nnlon, aidi "All this la th outcome of imperialism." ' ; A voice! "jShoulder a gun!" Syx Uki.kha, Mont, May 16 Governor lmlth has addressed a letter to Gen pal Merrlam, commanding general of the military forces in the Coeur , d'Aleue, while that dlstrlot is under k martial law, to th effect that no v more arrests of persons suspected to bare been implicated ; in the Wardner riot may be made in Montana ' without proper authority " from the state. It has been repre sonted to the governor by a committee' - from th Butte labor unions, which r . WaltAft nn tllm .ill. itaua a frx I steps were being taken by General .T Merrlam to irrait .It mlnan In Mn. tana suspected of having left th ifv woeur-a Aiene ana mat 11 the military was permitted to do so many men In nocent of any offense would be de prived of their liberty without procosr of law. A ROBBER'S HUSE FAILED. "Hilly" Lookrldgo, Bnppoiod to Be Drowned, Tarn Dp In JalL Kansas Cur, Mo., May 16. William L, Loukrldge, bank robber, has final y, after a chase of two years or more, been found and may be brought back to Missouri to servo his five year'a sentence for the robbery of a bank at Savannah, Mo., in lSOfl. lie is in jail at Fergus Falls, Minn., under the name of W. C Boss, awaiting trial for train and bank robberies there. Officers of the supreme court, the sheriff of Andrew county, In whloh Havannah is. Chief of I'ulio II...... ....I ,1 1 1 . ! .1 . . tire of Kanaaa City, are at work now trying to bring him back her to serve gambler and all-round bad man, aud was supposed to have been drowned at Aitorla, Ort,,lat summer. CAPTAIN BUCHAN ARRIVES. The atal ltrlat th Heat UNtoo to !, Sam Framoisus May 19. On board th Valeacla, which arrived today, were Captain Y. K. Huehan and thirty, ill dlsoharged soldiers, bwaUlet five pseugr The Valencia eaiue in ballast Capiat ftuchan, Camnaey II, Twen tieth Kama regiment, Is from Kan sas City, Kan. II returned fruit Manila to bring hot the Uly f ble wife, waod.ed there a mxata ay HOW TlllSf W titf'f Use Ilaa4r4 iHiltar R , erU lor aay tm ol Catarrh Ut au trl by lUtl'a I atari b Cure, r. J. MlkM.Y A to., l-ft.), TmIovIu, 0, We th utMlrrsignv-d, bate knew a f. i, t1ay Ivf the Uat 1$ yvaia, ami tll bin perfectly But'tate la a4 bt:ai UtiolUMi eil a-neUy alht t rarry t ay tbltitM ! by their Inn, " Wi it Twwt, WhuUsal Draff Uta, T. J.Uh tt JWaMtN. Ktaaan A Marvin, WaW . ) , k lirurUts Tided, t. if lUir t aiarrh tSv la tasea later tally, eittf directly Mpa tae btal M ! f Ike .ie. I'll.-, te pre tkttl M bf a I Dtmj j W TUiulW frv Injury to aflasourt Orehards, The secretary of the Missouri Stat Horticultural Society sends out th following! I realize that th general impression of our peopla and of our newspapers, is that th reports mad about th loss of tb fruit crop and injury to th trees ar far overdrawn, but such Is not usually the case. On the con trary they ar usually under-estimated, and oftentimes tb injury la much more serious than reported, instead of less. Th great and widespread damage by th freeze of February I not by any means over-estimated, the reports from five hundred Inquiries fully tes tify, There never ba been such seri ous results from any cold winter this one, during the history of fruit growing in Missouri, and now th question come to every on of us more Important even tbn the fruit crop "What to do with U trees?" The intensity of th cold docs not seem to have been most sever in th northern part of th atato, for In many Instances th reports show a lower degree In the southern . part, When w consider that 25 degrees to 80 degrees below, meant a freezing of th life out of many of our trees and causing th bark and even the bodies to burst, w may be tur of terlout damage, This has been th cast in thi instance. . Th peach buds ar very nearly all killed, and w will likely hav very few, if any, .peaches la the state, Worse than this, tb tree are badly Injured, Th freest bat .discolored th wood and the trees should be cut back severely If old trees, cut back to stubs about tlx or eight feet high. If young tree, cut so at to leavt stubs of branches about six or lf(bt Inches long, In other words, de-horn tb trees. If th trees have bursted slightly then cut off the bursted bark and cover with grafting wax,' If the bark bat loosened alt around th tree, or to far around that it cannot re cover, then cut th tree off at th ground and let a sprout grow and mak t new . , 1 Th pear buds ar also badly in jured and w can expert only a partial crop of pears at best, Many of tb pear trees ar damaged and they should be cut back not quit to se verely as tb peach, Th plum buds Japan variety ar about all killed, and th trees injured in torn Instance at badly as the peach, Treat them the tame as the peach. Other plums, of th Wild Goose type, ar all right for a crop of plums. Th cherry buds of tb Morello va riety Ilk the By, Richmond, ar In good condition for a crop of fruit, and the trees or very slightly injured. Some of tb Duke varieties are In jured and nearly all th Heart varieties.- ;., : Th apple buds only th tender va rieties are killed, but most of th hardy varieties ar still In good shape for a crop of applet, In many locali ties, however, the trees themselves ar badly damaged, caused by the ruptur of i the bark, and sometimes tb tree Itself, If this bursting of the bark Is such that th bark Is loos all around th tree, then th tree bad bet ter be cut down to the 'round, or to the snow line, and a out trained for a new tree. If It be only slightly loosened an Inch or so wide then cut off the loose bark, cover the part with grafting wax and then cut back the top of the tree, though not quite so severely as the poach. If the wood It simply discolored, then a severe top pruning will be sufllclent and they will very likely recover. !t Is antonlshlng how quickly some of these trees will recover If they are cut back enough so that the sap can reach the branches before It becomes sour, as it must do, If it ban to go to the tips of the limbs when cut off. ""he straw jrry crop Is material ly dumnged because they are utmally well mulched. The raxpberry crop will be short fully one-half. The cantts have been badly kllltnl in many localities, and where such Is the case thoy had better all be rut off close to the ground and burned up. The blackberry rrop wlll,b short only about on fourth among our hardy varieties. When thoy are killed treat the same as the raupberry. The grape (Trip will Mill be good, only excepting some of e tender va-rU-tlt-a, If there ever was a ' when the fruit growvr could a general cleaning up In nearly all parts of the orchard and garden, then this year I th time. When you rut off this wood burn it up; by thus doing you will destroy many Inserts, their eigt and much of th dMtrurtlvo funtl which da us en much dsutsge, W may be partially free from their destructive ravages fur a few year if w nukt this r leaning up general and thor ough one, la ronrluWn, while w rannot pert great uk of fruit this year, yl we should get gHI price fur everything w have tu sell Th great client tf rounlry where the daaiase has ba soveva U Uk prom) uf a very short crop, asj it wilt surely pay u tu tak g"4 ear uf all nuy hat. Nwer waa there a wlattr so Urae a pitli uf eur nmulry w m badly dit.ae4 by stag! tiufin It ttitaded front th Atlaatte tu th Iturale est frtittt lh tlulf a lh aurtaetR limit it fruit imwiag The fruit U a. I hilled la all Ibis dUtrk-t but Is bdly la lured, and i purtlwa ha entirely, kmc tuty ba Mr tfarviif, ' j U A. tlolaua. VMirf. ta f - !! at Mtwtt UiaattVAft, May II -Th Uiw4 tt4 eW Uwr linker, wMh Ml Kw YMk fit May f lUmi, vit4 bee tttdar 4 ekag4 aa late wHo. h feet 4 ahl Mktoael Stat Fala Colcmbia, Mo., May 16. Tb Ml touri atato board of agriculture ha fixed May 89 a tk date of meeting, when the bid of th various cities asking for th state fair location will be oonsldered. There ar seven com peting : oitles Centralla, Marshall, UlggtnsvUle, Chllliootho, Moberly Mexico and Bodalla. Boovlt Calls a tpeoUl loa. Ai.OAsr, May 16. Govarnor Boos velt ba decidod to oall an extra ses sion of the stat legislature to rvls th law passsd at th lata sslon for taxing corporation franchises, - The special session will convene on May lit Certificate, of Publication. omc or Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebriiki. LlacolB, Kvbruary I, m, IT It HKttKUT CKKTmiCI), Tbul tfce Union Central Life Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, in tne State of .' . Ohio, ::.':; fesi eompllxd with lti lumunnie i tit thin tlateand autliorld to tmumiot ibt biilaM of Lite luturano Is this State fur tbe rrut ear, ' , . ' WKb-m my band and tkt anal of tb Asdlor ot I'Bbllo Amitiuutt tb d ami ;r boe writ Un, J.V.CUtlNICM., Iteal.) A editor 1', A, Certificate of Publication. OKIfB or Auditor of Public Accounts. , State of Mebrgski. t.lflfiiln, rcbraary I, itm. ft in Meiirnv rtc pi iriKo. i. Tbt . it- Union Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Portland, in the State of Maine, bMoinpllwd with th Inaerasce Law uf thl tale and I autborlwd to trsMt the bnlii ol bit luisraue fa tbl ttau for th tomtit fear, Wits mr basd and tb ) of tb Audi i or ot Pnblie A mob at tb dy aod yar abov writ- tn, i.r.conmtu,, (tal.) ' Aodltor V, A, Certificate of Publication. orncg or Auditor of Public Accounts. . State of Nebraska. , Lincoln, rubciiary I, m, IT IN HKRKny CKMTIKIEt), Tbal tb Washington Life Insurance Company, of New York, in , the State of New York, Hiooi)lld wltb tb fiiauranr hnw iff tbli Slat aod la eutborltml U) trnnaant th binl' of Ufvlutaranr In tbl Stt for tbomt fur. WltnoM mr band and tb Mai ol tbAsdltor of I'ubllo Aeooont th day and year abov writ ten. J, f, COH 41(1,1,, ' tl) , r ' Aodltor P, A, Certificate of Publication. omric or Auditor of Public Accounts. . State of Nebraska. I.lnnoln, Kiirorr I, INW, IT 14 HKREBY CKKTIPIKD, That tb Midland Life Association, of Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, hiw oompllml with th lnnrnc l.w of this Slat and it ulborl1 to tranaaet th bnalnxM ol Llltlnaaranr In thla Stat lor tbxarnat 7ar, WIidmm mr band and tb anal ot tb Auditor of I'ubllo amount tb day and jrmr abort writ ten. J, r, (MIX K 1. 1,, tl Auditor P, A. Certificate of Publication. okph'is or Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Nebraska. Llnoola, Krarjr I, tm, IT l HttSKHI taHlieikli, Ikat tbe Security Mutual Life Insur ance Company. of l;re mont.inthe htate of Nebraska, fli'4 alih Ik U)raa l a ol lat kuiaadlatbuim Mlraa la tla I lM,a I ikhjUi lu th tmraat . tttM k4 kd tk aval ot tk taailu 4 tHt tMuiili tk Sal ft4 HI 'iu Wa J, f. oiMkklU imi i aiiit r r Certificate of Publication. mtKt fr Auditor of Public Accounts. 5lit of aitt. li..s t. Itk IV It HthHitt l.l' ttai V Nebraska Mutual l.jfc Iiwur anco Company, uf Strtm burir, in Ine St Ut? ot Nebraska, k ,. ik k tt lt ! 4 Ike a4 tiktw,4 ttat ' uIiIm ! Ml t tt k.4 tt ! mI tk l4n it rfct kwi.t ik 4t a4 la. nk . 4 r ttat, i axil) 4to r, a. SOME GOOD THINGS SHOES a 8ho chauee tor Indie, ml, and " gnt. Kvery My who kuows any. tiling about our alto department knows that every day la tut year finds our stock complete, our slioes lull of style and honest worth, and our prlee low, , Men' low shoes, kid and tatln L, S 1 .35 call, tip and plain, 0-11, rcg ular f 1.60; sal price, Men's low "hoi, kid. Unlit am flexible, tlo and plain, 7-1 Oft 1 CA regular $1,70 tale prloe Men 'a low viol kid. coin toe, 7.V', regular 9.'iQ; sale prion 51.90 BARGAIN ; COUNTER Child's (longolt klH, button, stock tip, r,.l, th OOo kind, for, a i A pttir,.,,,M,,,.,,,,.,.,f,.,M,f,K y MleiMHm tun and blank oifordndAf)A trap saudals, 11-si, now tv pairVUU Ladles' kid oxford, slue and 4, were 1,25 to l.75;f,o uloeeAQfi oat, a pair UOU Ladies' kid tboes, buttoo, nearly all Ik, were $1.50 to f'J.OO; closlug out prk, afjJ Mn'$ lam ahoes, tan, (If u calf, ' vei-y toft, coin toe, wear Ilk Iron, 6 8ft regular 4oO;flJ AA now, a pitir..,.. .,. ....ktfatv SILK MITTS ItetrnlarlOc, 1 6c, 2Bfl, flfio andiOA COa at Do, IJli', 100, 20o aud 40U THIS BJLIJE1 OL.OSE3S ON TUESDAY, MAY 23 FRFn 'srHHim' & m.. m x i aaa4 aav s , f tw aaa i aa ataw at 021 O StrAnih. OnnnnitA PnntofflftA. C B.RitTtTS 141 S. 12th St Teeth ettraeted without pain. I'orcelaln Fillings. Hold Crowns and Hrldgt work. Gat administered for th tiainleas extraotiun ol tooth. Hut of Teeth, IS. All work warranted. ' 21 years' experivoo. Lincoln - - Nebraska NOTlCr Or SALK t'NDKK C1IATTKL MOHT- UAUB, Not In It brhr sletn that bf Tlrto of abt 11 morta-, ila iOun ihlt day uljanuarv, I "tin, and rialy fll4 In tb oftln, of tb I'ouiii Crk ol l.natrrouin,, Nbraka,on lb Rial da j ol January, I Mm, auU iuid bjr I'blllp Hrooa to l.niiln Hia to ur lb pa) Riant ol lbum of IW (K opoa blb tbr la mow d tb uiu ol ll. Ml and com ol a riilvln aitlloa lo rciir iMHHwlon ot lb aaiiia tit 10, and ! fault barm bwn mad I tb pajimaat ol taid am and no lt or olhr at law bavlna ba liiatllul'! to rwoevr al, 4bt or an. iiatt tbcrwtf, tbr"fr I will axil tb prop. rtr dMt:rllwd lhrlH, ti: on srar bora about It jrar old, wlbt aljciat lD pound Maniad "llaravjr." oh $rp niar al oat I r old, iKht tlwim IM oiid nuai.d 'Jaaal,' M lai'b larnt aaroa, hih on t of brmt'bina bar. aaa. at pubil auiilon at lb bar of l.tmH I'oaM la lb eltf ol l,lHola, la LaitraaUr Ciiuh ly, on Iba llt dajr ol H, luil, all o'clock r M. ol aald da. p'l Ik prol of ald aw I ii I a pa)iaint of aald bi, ola, vim ol arlaa lw aald buraaa IruiH Iba llut lbH riUli ad (nun ta mkrol .aid anta aad miirt (alhllp Hroaa, aad all otkr wrr roau aad ipna xiuawUd with lb, Ml lbrof OaU4 Mar t, !. l.Ol'IW I'OMKAi Morttfaga. irirat pablkaUoa Mm II, l mm i auTICH, M, Waodmt, orl4at 4fa4' fa ar eb tl.d Ikat aa ta tub 4a at April. I. Urtt M. alrtH W owdtat SMl p ti..a aai"l oa ta lb dial ru t urt f !. la raar, Kl.faka, laa oliHit ol mkink prar.r aad pntlt la lo uMai Ui .. fruia a la ,ua4 ikl f u k I'Utlj l.iluad tka plaiaii ilkoal ear abai. I" trat l ii. iMit lal aaat sad lo t ib rflM a .itll , ar f,wlra, V a talr4 '4 MM"" Mwra Moadaj ta Vk Jr 4 Mar, law. Uai it. Htaai. wVt NUTUK. 1 To tUrak Aaa UK aua rideal ! taalt ,ia are berebr mitifM that oa ta t nb iltf ol Jtitl, lUtf, tl JHNiit lute, plaiaill) iM-ieia, 114 bta wlithia aaaiuet i'4 In t dtairlet etHirt nl lu air uaty, Nl.raba, lhu'H' prayer li t titio ia tu uMat a lM(vJi Ihmm twt laa gfvua4 that stier y far tuarriat ' platatiQ y ba tataiMM aa btntuldrttikarl. 1IhIi9 lu r la sait uit that be way tataaaWu) Ikemr aa! euttlf tl b tuiuiif vliilil, Aaaw Marab lb, tie ui at ikiartt wltb yuu, im ar rwiulM lt aar lU Ht lUm ttt aahl (daiatiH bar. ta m U kie Xi..a I, tbe Ja. ilal ! May, IftDtt. UkttMtia Jumv) lit i. llaietifl, I'T J. t. bli'Sefteay, bte allf ay, ritrontit tht Niiuiu ' w -w -w -r r y r r v V 0660006060660666AAtV,AAAAA ooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo For this week's Selling That may interest you..... TOWELS AND TOWELING , lOdotnn Turkleh iowels, 18x1)6, regular price 8 l-llo; sale prioeff itfttteftfif tu 9 W 12 doeon Turkish towalt, JOii'J, regular 10c; sal prlocQ J .Q 10 dottin Turklsb towels, 83x40 tra heavy, cheap at f A f Oa ,6ci vtSe' A. It . t 1 M Cotton toweling, rmrutar trlo 00 J ana oo per yd, at V and....,,,,,,...,VV lilnen towling,rngnlar Rc 7eO I Ot and l"o per yd, io, OuandO 1 a?W WASH DRESS SKIRTS 45o 6()o quality, tal prlo,, 750 Sfio quality, tab prloe., tffff ItJ'lltM lingular 1,00, 11.3R, ll.AO, 11,75 and ta.OOsle prloe-BOo, fl.lil, flJiJ, 1,87, 1.7, Com put stock of straw and erasb bat in men's, boys' misses aud child's, SUN UMBRELLAS At ipecial low price lUgolar n0i, 76o, I. 1,25, l.fiO, 1.76, 2 00,2.60 aud 13, thl wenk 46o, 67a,Mlln, 1.80, 1,67, 1.80, 2.00, 2.26 aid 12,70. MACKINTOSHES. Ia lad lea', mlsw' and gt's In order to redooe our stock we will give a dl count of 20 per cent during tbl tale, OCpOoo for a una, WMia nariiij I an iet rwprii W ' In -If . an, mar it oot In money, If tan If t puraoii Miidln kiw ii ruadrr MNturixl Lii fnNMiiil Mnt luinwdlaUily. AMtrm, HOUtKHOkO JOURNAL rUi. Co., THE NEW Willi F1IC JILLS -am Kituated at Niuth and V sir! arjhtaw ready for buslne, W glv la xebaac lor goud 00 lb, wheat J pound orlaucy flour guarauttnJ, and 10 Ibtolbratu Try a welt ct "Honeit Abe" Flour . Warranted to equal the best. All first-class grocers keep it. O. SBELBY & SOn. BE COO New New rWl SUMMER CORSETS Special Sale. JBe summer eorsetr, salt prloe 2C0 fiOe summer oortett, wait prlot 48o UNDERWEAR 2S doeen gent fancy balhrlgiraa shirt ami drawers, regular &i)e;tki ft tal prloe. 20 donn men's French balbrlggani 4 shlrMaod drawers, sal priu,.ywU 6 down mn't flerwlcb drawer only, regular 40oi to clou "'49f MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS 26o men' working eh Iris, tal I p prlo, each 86t tnen't working tblrtt, alAR prkie, cb ' lUvuhtr irtUm 40o, Wo and 76o, atR A . 22o,80eand. RAPCATNS IN T ACPii In two lots. ;r Lot l.Hgular 16, 18, A A and 20c, at, yard t$t$tt$ m mm m mm r M3.lUgular26,28aad80t, Hn at, a yard..,..,...........,,,.., . 11) wjt iarutvon TAnnnln. TJnhrniTrn. iverjArm PAon: 9 tt m uiiipm Mfmnffiffa mnrjw p,i ,i, ywwmiuim wwiTfnm ml, pswi' at uia niiam uMiif ill ann ou will Mil ptmuf raprixni' iimi, t an irpu nn (Ion. Can rou iid a Wiimu'i faM (ii lit ir m.,,m .1.. nior than o ttud iwaH rvplv trill dlvbl the ana miimi ii mi u. II Mittml. ,m trill Huwlva IAA anion lie iiiallr. Ill l,laiu of lb adttrtlaliis tm-ffiprlallin (I.INMiwIII badlvbl'MlIn IvMHriflwiln valnairfal.iWii.aas.iM. o tliat aaflh on will raiwiv a priMwiil. Kvarrnn nmt tndot tteaiiU wllbaiitwer for ulrli(lmi Ui our MKan, trblub will oiMnr. , oi w no guano n rinin. An varr rill rwalra a trmn t. Wa luiw bara ian.tuta tit niilinil. Ulan illMiralliy and uoral d-tiinf. 478 Ninth trt, Phlltlhla, Ft) A chance , to save some money by dropping me a , postal card, asking lor Catalogue and Prices. Good standard new Organ $45 and up. ARTHUR BETZ, 212 So. Nth St Lincoln, Kzbraska. PIANOS i E GOOD TO Y0U3 HOME CUV A Lincoln Steel Rarje a4 pWaeayear deorwlf aad lawtily Warraated Urt Vifiat parfewl tublH kiv raade, W lb Verr Ul Id ruil4 paWat WvM att, aad lie tf y Roatrt lib MbMtu 4 !, ableb aak it lotitalbl it) la year lMtr, Tby ar baadeuia, atUMUvs, n-ttHlabtta atla tad ljl-e, lull tlebl trtaita4. win iMif aay nadj til il ui last a lit I lot, blade ta htttr. etd a tui. Tbta bi by Mil tbw tb aef na taiT, II luat tbf ateaa not baadl tbett bt) Otakra ar tviaiaha, Wrie Una aa4 wul prtttul way u i wi ta bay wo l t rMHaabbi LUickittil Bros. Mfj, CoH I.tNUU.N, NKIW UAKXi'J ltttl buaet ludlryaita ta Rbet to. W rref ;n Ui ttata Uta, It oak I aad Ktfa t'attabaa el Uaattla, 04 ttMMil al a or Maagtsv ttejtiab Watit tva tluM aa) bWiaarMtOttlia