THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. May" 18. 0 PEACE SAYS THE JUNTA A Cablegram Purporting to Come ; from Agulnaldo. IT IS CABLED FROM HONG KONG Te Ceatlaae tbe Wef tfalll fadepea eaae la Seeered--Ie Waahlaflva It It Tbeaa M rreseal etlellee Hay Ma riaal Loiwoif, May 16, Tha Filipino junta hart Iim received tb following jribMag from Agulnaldo, cabled from Hong Kong, under date of May Ml , "The Filipino government, io ac cordance with the general feeling of the country, baa decided to contlnti tb War at ell costs until independence . secured, "Tha Filipino energetically refuse tha American peace overture, based on restricted autonomy, coupled with promises of subsequent self-government, '"Hi Filipino demand a strict ful fillment of tb articles of IheAmerl can const! tutloa end treaties eon tracted by tb A mar Icao representa tive Imploring a Filipino alliance In combatting tb Hpenierds, 'ill th Filipino generela eeppor Agulnaldo, Oanral Luna' rportd overture for peac ar untru. Our army ia near Manila, simultaneously attacking tb whole Americas Una, Tb baat and rains ar causing ttany aualtla lo th Amerioen army, All their boapltal ar crowded with sick and wounded. Four hundrad of tb Cincinnati rgln.ut bar bn irn prlaonad by ttnrl (HI for lasubor dlnatloa in refusing lo fight, "Tb rglr troop ,urlrd in Manila and ether town are quiet. Tb volunteer ar abused and ar alway at tb front with scanty ra tion "Tb discontent between tb Amer ican and European is general," WiamxaToir, May 10, A alafao tory oooolualoa i petd by tb ad ministration from th conference which will b bald by tb American Philippine commission with th com mission which Agulnaldo proposce to and to Manila, In hi dispatch to tb war depart mnt yesterday, General OtU an Bounced that Agulnaldo bad sent a messenger toblmeprlngawisb to Mild th commission "to arrange term of pM.N Tb admlnUtratloa ofUclale express th opinion that tbl ommllon will submit to President Bohurmaa and hi aanoolat tb an war of Agulnaldo to tb proposition mad by tb American couirnlslon to Colonel Arguo, Agulnaldo' anile aary, regarding tb ebaraoUr of gov ernment which would b glva to th Filipino and wbloto Arguan da olarad wa atlfaotory, It i probably apparent to tb Fil ipino that tbr 1 nothing to b gaiaca py conducting negowewone ior th purpose of obtaining a temporary MMstloa of hottiiltiea Uanaral Oti will sot grant an ermUtlo, and b bee shown that h do not propose to atop fighting, no matter bow many Mace amlasarle Agulnaldo may send . to Manila anl tby agra to uncon ditionally aurrender, Ia hla dispatch Oeneral Otl show, deeplte the feet that Agulne do atatea bla pnrpo to nd a commission to arrange peaoe, that be la making preparation to eentlnu military op ratlona. , It la erldant to the oflialal from tbia dispatch that Oeneral Otia baa found it naoaeaary to obang hi plana He haa bean making prepara tion to attack lieeolor, wbare 9,000 tocurgeate ar bllvd to be an eemaed, and It ta presumed that the mofementa reported to-day atill bar that point ae the objective, ' Oeneral Lawtoa la making escelleat progreaa ta hla northward march, and the dlapateh of Major Kobbe with i,M0 men up the Ho Oraod. aupport 4 by gunboat and eaaaoaa, la lor the purpoee of enabling Oeneral Lawtoa to eroia tb Kio uraao witnout mo leeUttoa by tb enemy. The plan apparently contemplate the rapid awlngiog of Lawtoa to the west, Oeneral MaoArthur to remain at Ban Fernando, betwaen the laaur Mate at Baeolor and those at Mealeo, and Kobbe le to take a atatloa o a to prevent them from eroaalag the Wo Oranda MacArtnar ia ateo aaeaen at bla preeent point to protect eommual eatlon with Manila, TO RELIEVE SPANISH FORCE, sacfl (Ml KseaataH t a4 Askart aaa a14tsr ta Oarvtsaa ttatmfii WaaNiaoTon, May l.-it la looted at the war dpartmat that Oeaeral Otla will take el pa at onre to replae the PpaaUh garrison at famboauga with Unitad Plata troopa, Ta ladlaatton are that a etunpara lively email fur will audtae, provided thai It I aupimrtaa by one et two uaboale rmbaaafa I or gral atratagle lmMirUa, balag the rapt lal of the Island at Miadtaaa, the aee ad largest ta tha t'hlUpplne group aadagwod MSiHirt It m to tbl putat that the DuaaUH for rairssl 4 from r.tttla wbaa IHal lawn wa vt4 wUhaat aallae U the A war !a Ma Tb luwa t sity 4 feaalbU with a all arttlicr U. Tb fast that lb laargati ar ta peeeeUe of Ii4 Ire gwat mahaa the aituatUa at utbae mute rl , but tl t aut bUv4 Hsre that tb bate a late ui al Vhe, am maatUoa aeary le eperate the weapon, which will euaseiueally aOl tMW USVMSI I tb4 IMTO A NIST Or INSURGENTS, e)sajt Mee ta ftemt M CKax ta AeM ItUeA UAIU.A, May tl-Tb lla s!4 await Lag eaa M aa tava donga and a launch under Captain Grant ran Into a et of insurgent concealed ia the bushes on both side of the Rio Grand river, tbre mile above Calumplt, yesterday afternoon and were received with heavy volley at abort range, A sergeant tn the Utah battery wa killed and one pri vate wa wounded, Opening with their rapid fire gun th American killed twenty of th native and wounded aaveral others. Tbey filled the jungle with a ball of shot for half an hour until the enemy fled. WE MAY ACQUIRE , A "SULTAN, Metlv of the elw Ar aTobammedeat The Meier Ma Have t Me Paid, WMijTOJr, May J8 Through un oflldel agent th governmrnt ha been quietly malting Investigation into the state of affair in tb Hulu group, just to tb south of tha Visa ye islands, with a view to determin ing whether by good management tb Inhabitant cannot be, brought into alleglauue to the United UtaU without Insurrection, The natives ar generally Mohamindan and ow allegiance to a aultsn whom th Hpan lard bar never been abl to bring Into mor than nominal submission, lie maintain a harem and live in state, and It 1 probable that an an nultv will have to be provided for him out of the revenue of th ialand after th United btatc tab possor eloa, ; GOMEZ WITHDRAWS HIS AID, Mreehe fafwrwed Thai Ibe Oeneral Will Mo VIslrlMMle Ibe ,000,00. Uatajia, May It, -Oeneral Maalm Gomes informed Oovernrr General (ro;ke to-day that ho could no loogf mi a reprawentativ of th Cuba army in tb distribution of th 3,000, 000 appropriated for tb payment or tb Cuban troop. General (ioiue said tuat u naa ar rlred at tbl decision with grat r uotano and with tim most frUndif feeling toward Ueneral Jlrooke per tonally and olllulally, but be felt h ceuld no longer represent the Cuban army because a cabal, which I com posed of many of th aubordlo at commander. ltd to oppose. and, If possible, defeat tbe plan for partitioning the money, lie ex plained that former member of th Cuban Military assembly, ld by Mayai Rodriguas, Manuel Hangullly, Juan Gaulbartta, and other maleon tents, bad organlwd a majority of th officer again! him apparently, and though Gomes might persist and carry th iymnt to a conclu sion, be wae disgusted as4 wisbad to wash bia band of tb wbol bulna Thrfor, be thought that if be left General Drooke free the latter would be able to act with equal effectiveness alone. General lirooke expressed sympathy with General Gomes, and aaid be regretted the position be bad taken, but, tbe American commander added, If bt dclloo wa unchangeable b would proceed to deal with tb question alone. He bae the roll of the private and non-eonlml stoned offioare who war willing to aeoapt 70 each, and this amount will be offered upon tb condition pre viously laid down. A forcible disarm ament of the Cuban troop will be tbe ultimate procedure, provided the event of th nst two or three week how that ueh action I neetceary. ONE WAR PRIZE IS LOST. Tb epveese Oearl Male la gave of a lreaeb Teasel WAtatxe-roK, Mey 16, Tbe United B La tea luprame eoart to-day deolded the prise moaey case of tbe Freaeb steamer Ollade Rodriguea, th flrat of th naval prls moay ease growing oat of tbe Spaalab war to reaeb lb aouri Tb dlloa directed that the veuel, which wa captured off ban Juan, Porto Eloo, July IT, aad bae been held elaee by Ihle government, shall be returaed to It ewaera apob Ibe ground that It wae aotprovea that the eteamer'a of ficer Intended to enter the block aded pork The eoart held incident ally that tbe blockade of lea Juan war effective. Wae ReeheietleV atoaagea TiaaTTowx, N. T.i May 11 George IX leott, for the last two yaara men arer of the Terr low a estate of Joba IX Kockefeller, eommltteed aulolde at Tarry tow a to-day, lie shot himself above the right car with a revolt aad th bullet pasted through hi bead, cowing out at tb top MvtUeb fracas Have ta I'hlaa. Hose Kose. Mar II -Tha native pppoaitloa to llrlllsb oeeupatloa Of th new territory, Kow iuwn, oppoait iloeg Koag, haa suddenly been re aewad. About m wen of the lloag Koag regiment, with machine gun, era Uattair barelo-dav. while the rob auteer bav been wsraed te be la reedlne for ay awergeaey, Th lirlilah seeoad eltst euUal Iwlft, aad Ihrea at her gunboat are proee tag o sea under closed order, The war ship have tod ate o board, VlaSeeU ta Le4a etseeSa LoaiHia, May li Quaaa Vletorte krrttad la Ieadoa I day free Wlad or, aseawpsatd by th tuh a4 ul Vetb sad bee suite, aad drove to KeaslegtttA pale, Crowd ef eatbuaiastte psep e tinea is reum ta tee paiee. d4ee ewe toeejsif Ra, CMinsaev Mai Ifc -trt e em He ta the Uarted Ciatea eJreU euart af Hs.fl War a tlUacta. tleja 4aa geroaaly lit at tbe eae t4 kU ta re U, ta Aablaad, ea HER TAX FOR EI Congress to Be Asked to Raise It to Ten Cents a Pound. PRESENT RATE IS TWO CENTS, pair mail Have eea al Work With Member an Thar Kp. the Milt feee Wltk Utile Oepnsltlea Weald Me froblMtlre. WiSiMWOToir, May ltf, A member of Congress said to-day that an effort would be mad to affect an organise tlon of members of th House repre senting agricultural district to scour legislation at th next eeasloo of Con gress which will raise th tax on oleo margarine from I oenta a pound, th present rate, to 10 cent a pound. Tb intention, lie said, was, if possible, to tax olnomargarln out of existence, Strong pressure wa brought to bear upon rural member during th last campaign by th dairy interest and th demand thus mad will be heeded when Congress meeta A soon ae th session open a bill raising th tax to 10 cent will b Introduced and it will be pressed with vigor, ' According to statistics at the Agri cultural department the census of 1190 gave tbe production of butter dn tbe United mate at about 1,206,000,000 pound annually. Tbe census of J MO made tbe total only 147,000,000 pounda, It Is pointed out that if tb Increase during the present decade has been ae groat relatively as It wae during the preceding one, the next census will how the production to be about , ,(00,000,009 pound a year. The pro duction of oleomargarine, a showa vj avaviBviua a vu interna revenue bureau, wa M,m,m pound during th fiscal year ending June HO, M. an inereaae of 13,O0,0O3 over th year preceding, Xh production for th nice month of tb current Usual year wa 03,000,000, pound which lodl -cat a total production for th year ending June 30 next of 19,000,000 pound. Tne contention or the dairy butter men le that tb substitute butUr which, tbey assert, costs less than tbe current market price of lard, i in competition wltk their product and bring tbe price of genuine butter down to an unremuneratlve figure. They insist that th oleomargarine trad should be destroyed, but if Ihle can not be accomplished a tax which will make the competition more even should be Imposed. A not be. Import ant feature of the situation from the standpoint of tbe dairymen ia tbe effeet th oleomargarine I baring on th foreign trade, It le assarted that eonditlone have become such that the substitute butter threaten to monop olise th foreign trade, Commissioner Wilson of th inter nalrvnue bureau aaid to-day that tbe government revenue from oleo margarine during tha present fiscal year would aggregate II, 000, Ooa With tbe tax at ten cent a pound and th production where It I now, th rev enue from thi aourc would foot up 11,000,000 a year, Mr. Wilson said Kansas City, Chicago, Omaha, St, Loul aad Cincinnati would pay IV par oral of tbl tea, MADE LOUBET )LL Tbe first Deelfc Warrants Safer tb Crease fresltfeee i Pabis, May Id, President 'Lou bet ?ae called on for th first tlm Satur day to alga a dsath warrant. Two war preeented lo him. As they were placed on bla desk be turned to the minister of justice, asklagi "Are there no mitigating oiroumstanoeey Caa I not, in justice, oommut the enteneee?" Be wae told that there wae bo art- deaee of any attenuating character. Tear earn to hi ys, and he tremb llngly took up bl pea and beeitated, than roe and walked away from the desk. A few minutes after be returned and signed ble name to the fatal doe amenta, ue seemed to be utterly overoome with emotion and eaid repeatedly that be felt almost as though be himself were a murderer. A few mo menu later be complained of a aevere bead ache and retired without la any eon etderabla meaaure recovering ble uanaJ iplrlta, Tba Bwladle Ms-Slav, WisumeToe, May 11 Thousand wf agroe la tbl country are induced to believe that they are to be pea lonad by the United Stale govera meal upon showing that they were formerly klavea Th promoter of tbia scheme have beta al work for tvral yara and It I estimated that more Ibaa liso.ooota small sums baa beea collected by them. Ma Street la ta Wteklta WiiHiTA. Kan.. Mae llaa&jnrd nee with a decision rendered by Judge Data Saturday, adjudgiag tbe klrMk ajvra IdUs nublla aulaaaaa. tha ear qatl ruualag thbt aiuratag. Tb isase oi tne prsseat mutpaay espirea Sue tint agK but they aoallaeed I ran despite the elly'a pnttetl. II te tpete4 that a aew lla will be bull! tuMa. A MaM MUt a fe llvv MiMa, Ksa, May 14 Thuiaa Saberleoa, a ftrwier and tlk lataer near this pi, wa trampled la dlh by a bull last elf hi Th aattaal ba4 beea dehorned shm tlta age a ent of ble tleieasaesa A l4taa Mttl fee mmtK laifsaoa Cur, M. May 14 -Tbe Ilte passed Ike litre bill this ttwttwg ia make Ibe puilea f CI J eaph state aSWera It U lla with U Ksasae Ulf aad M, Usl paltat blU. REV, DR. BRIGGS OROAINED. reasene Freeeaer Mew a ' fries! la the Mplevopel Charon, New Yobx, May la In tbe pro-cathedral on Htantoo street, Bev. Vf. Chart A. Hrlgge, who was suspended for heresy by th Presbyterian as sernbly, wa ordained a priest In tb Episcopal church. II waa ordained together with llev, Mr. Charle A. 8ndekr, and th ordination cere monies were conducted by liisbop Potter, Tbe little church wa crowd ed with people, and the ceremonlee were notable for tbe quletneae that prevailed Those who expected, from the great outcry of tbe past thror four week, some Mutational featnre were dlaap pointed. There was no scene, so ex citement, and no protest wa flUd at the beginning, during or at tbe clot of th ordination. Thar wa nothing notabl in th sermon preached by Bev, Dr. Gsorge William Douglass.' The ceremonies were very long, com mnciqg at 10; 3D o'clock and continu ing until lat in the afternoon, If any thing, the services were hurried a little, and tbe general communion which followed tbe communion of tbe postulants or candidates tended to ex tend th time, There was a large crowd in th lit tie pro-eatbedral church early ae 1:30 o'clock, Thi increased a the time for tbe ordination ceremonlee approached, iev, Vr, Drlgg wae eeen after the ceremony. Ue aaid he had nothing to aay concerning the criticism raised by hi ordination. U eaid be was going to take a rest. A close friend of Vr, lirigg said that be would go to Eu rope, and in the fall would labor in the Pro-Cathedral church, llev, Dr. Paddock said that it seemed strange that a man of Dr. Drigg' learning should take so much pleasure in labor log among the poor of the Kast aide, but thie wae hie wish, He aaid that Iter, Vr, lirigg would not give up bis position as professor in Union Theo logical seminary, but would labor lr tonneotloa with bl Uarhluge, Ton will And th date at which vonr w - subsrrlfttlon , evnlred mnrbad na fku week's fu of your paper. Tax notice of It and if you ar in arrears yon should make a payment at one. Oleaster ea Ibe Superior, Saot.T Stb, Ma mix, Mich,. May 16,- Tb schooner Neleon, deeply laden with a cargo of coal, foundered ia Lake Superior off Grand Marale last venlng and carried down all hand. So far a known here, only one man, Captain Haghney, escaped from tbia, tbe first disaster of the season, Tb Mw consisted of nine men. tie A Mebraska Heme Cfceav, This can be don alone: the Hue of the Eikborn ( North weetwn) line, In Nebras ka or Wromintr. Homeeeekere esuur tloos will be run May J aad 16. lUte one fare plus 'i for round trip. Minim um fare (MJ0, limit 31 daye, Bfopover on going trip allowed. Vor further in formation apply fo A. 8. Fielding, City Ticket Agent, 117 So. 10th street Certificate of Publication. i 1 . $ orrwt or Auditor of Public Accounts. Stite of Nibraiki. Lincoln, ttbnur t, I UN, IT IS HKBKBY CKKTIMED, That tb United States Life Insurance Company, of New York, in the State ot New York, basaosiplUd wlihtbe Issereaoe Law of tbl ats eed to aatborlstd te trassset tba bealstes of Life Isssrasss la tbls Bute for tse eerresl iter, Wltscs sir basd ea tb ssal of tbe 4 editor nf FsblU Aasossts tbs daf aad year above writ. ta, J.f.COHMELI,, (Sael.) Aadltor f, A. Certificate of Publication. owes or Auditor of Public Accounts. SUt of riibniks. Llaeols, Tthrtf I, ISM. IT IS IHRRBT CkSTiriXD, Tbat tba Bankers Life Association, of DesMoines. in the btate of Iowa, baa teweHtd wltk Ike laasraaei U ct Ul aula aad is etiberltad te traat tbs kaalaMS .1 ta UM Siala tut tseserrsai aiiaMSair kaadaadlk miol tb Aadltor 4 fswis AaMteste Ike d aad ae wn ... I, r.ruMKLU SMii Asdue r, e. Certificate of Publication. ovrsa or Auditor of Ptttlic Accounts. State of Mtreike. .iaia, rttee.f t, iset, IT i Miaiif cranriBB, net ia Hinkers Life AwocUtlon, of Ht. Taut, in the State of Minnesota, fctftU4 atib Ike leeetaeas laeel tbs asd m sibeti4 le ttt tM basiaatt f Ul ! ia Ibis stata M ta ! fiw. WiiaH) e assc aadtbsbMl afUtdH at ra twassis ta dar aad res abavs en. J.p.iMBSBUl, Ml ladite f, A a tOO, OOO Hlalay ParefaM. G ALEX A. Kan.. Mar ia.ColW A Co., bankers of Itoston, Mass., have purchased of th Illinois Lead and Zlno company, the following proper ties: The liloomlngton tract, 70 acres, adjoining tha city 40 acrea joining tb North Emeir around, and tha old Stanley mines, southwest of th city, ana several piante and lease, th prlo being 1200,000. Adlal E. Stev enson, ex-vice president, waa a promi nent stockholder of tb Illinois Lee and Zinc company, Te Sea ibe MaebvUle. St. Louis, Mo., May la Tb gun boat Nashville wae not open for In apeotlon by the general public yester day. At least 60,000 atrangsre were la town for tbe purpose of getting a look at the Naabvllle, which will start on her return trip to New Or wans to-qay. V7EGIVEADYLADY or man, who will take order for our Leghorn Hen food, in tLclr own town, A SOLID GOLD I'ATCH, FREE W miik this offer for a short time, In order io g'l our Food into more general uc, It incretws yield ot rggi, tnd keep finvl in good health, Sena us 50c. for a n-eular !i,oo tlx box, and begin to tsk order at once, I'.miiMnt. wlib mnn Informilloa llmut fuina. Mnlnn rt'i4 ul Mll4iddrtMd, Htmpii nyu, AfldrtM Ughorn Food Co.( 183 13, ) Boston, Ms. m mm . nrintMi. A I rla tli at will tliikla to, aiin rrirli4'Hiara a( viwn, ihmii 1. fc. nuhtv ir llsrrow, US lis r new, w ... ,i.rrr Urfow.lWJOP, I In.S, n. j'wiw. sea JOHN ns oiiitar,. tiew. wr, IlarniM, Puffins M ihlri and m "' srliuieS Un-! fuihlnu an MMI HI Iter at uiia-usil i-:i.r' utiMt, catausiue rrae Haaaaae Mew tlm., Mas 4 Altea, lib T. A. CAROTHERS Delivered te any part of 1 tb UUf, TIOLIOPIIONIO 7rl,HH, rDR. O.C. REYNOLDS, SURGEON. ;r'ir;Taiccoin,x:s BEE KEEPER'S SUPPLIES. I Lw went vry be keeper Li to send ior our inw tata - wnuwxvM HHP. I'LY CO., 108 i 11th Bt, Lincoln, Neb, Birred Plymouth Rock lw, SI for 1 1 Cures without rain omd th features of the ' itXZ Pile Core Tb Burn File) Oar cart all form of Pllas without oiepartlol of pale. This desirabl point I not obUlo4 by tbe etc of Injurlon opiate, wblob simply oaralrce and deadeo tbe orvo el the part aad make natters worse la tbe oag ran, bat It Is doae solely by its re markable beallog aad aootbiag efleeta, aad wblt It tba e!ts Immediate relief, at tbe sam tlm tb disease Is act merely eaeeked bat a radical ear is rap idlr aosoraDliebed. The point we waal to make clear is that all this Is doae wlthoat a partial ofpala. Tblslaetla oa great reaeos why the Ii'gga File Oar Is so popular. Prio 60enUpr boi i-v-o r-: a nil A fT ff riTARBiAV. VrV Lljicoln Neb. Coder Feoke Opera Hon, Wort weal Cor.iatbaadOSU. 8TBAMS3TP TICIETi TO mon WUMrTBUsan' tiuuttb rxoii vjtxjru tow. If mi m Mabsar t tha abl ewemlri or lataad ta Maw trimim fraaa abate to tbia oemtty, aataa eall est nw far Bguree, vmtmmim, A. u, Titauvuw, C T, A. Wertmwewtani lAtae. ihiiiii.i.ii.u MMmiNIMIMIlt iumiiii llliliM: MaeaaMajMajBBBBWesrMejejaMP To profit p rjniv rates you should co s M V TT $25.00 Orcxcn ar.J Vfishlsitca Nats. To I'ortlsei, Taroma, SeaHK aad later wdlt amiatat eaeoad Mae aaly 11 S 0U, Toartet etsap rry Teeeday aad Tbaredrj tn Maeela to Beet., fl fee a doable ber ta, cttvtkkti unti TlliUttllJI. Boose r the tor I pld liver, and core billoasness, tick I headache, Jaundios, uaaaca, lndlgesf tlon, etc. Tbey are In valuable to prevent a cold or break up a fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy yoor confidence. Purely vegetable, they can be taken by children or delicate women. Price, Vs. at all medicine dealer or by mall of C t Hooo A Co Lowell, Mas, ceea avera, uj into vai.u aaimw-w si sis. IS imliS SalS r II I 1 ' ttrramt 1 UT rmu, rsMj, ps.. 13X3 lM OiaMM ar IHW and fnriNht si Tblj tun I. Mat Me. . eves Is UUtUi iitfi aMda Iron ela Iroa, afire am. rent, mn immir. ana n nlnkltil4S aMunaMiwii ana.wiainuiia., mm Uf mp, aaaMtna .. jajwlria ll.iftyr-nba MMI irK. nrnunMS iHMii, St mtl 9tm mtt, M. m rnriiin wMeka rr awva aad eaarwitM safa i!r s r . rrtaue. T eriM ar wa w wr''J" )., au.b . Ho. Uii7ralMbt la aala UmiuI SI A) lat Headouartirs for Good Luir.tcr ' at low prices. . 7thtScOSt.,LIOCOLN,NEB. 4 QUICKEST TIME EVEB MAD3S. Command ng January loth iha Oraat Book lalsuud'a ''Oolonudo Flyer," leaw tog liaowla at B:20 p. m. daily, wii nmk conoiettona at Colorado prlnce with new feet train to Salt Lake City and Portland, Orqm, arriving at iwrtbweftt I'adflo Ooeurfe point tftlr. teen (13) bours quloker andi earlier tlisvn aver before, Ouly seventy boors to Portland, Oregon, Ikhb Ldnooln now. Tblnb of iu CIIlfiAF LANDtt CHEAP UOU1I t j sawn To enable In tare ted people to la- veetigate opportunities to gat goM-' 1 A 1 II.. TJlt.. J on February SI and MareL T and 21, sell ticket to point la north x. arn and western Aenraaka ana pan) ' of Wyoming at on fare, plus 12.00, for round trips minimum fare 19.10. Fsr particulars eall on A. S. Fielding, C, T. A., 117 Booth Tenth street or depot, corner Winth and 8 street. AKK YOU GOING TO Chicago or the East? Tbe Through Ezprees From COLORADO KANSASNEBRASKA , . Via Omaha 7 4 v A YD THI Chicago Express from Kans. City la addition to Pullman Flaepere, Free Chair Cars, and tbe Beet Dining Car Ser vice la tbe World, are equipped with DUFFET LIBRARY SMOKINO CARS furnlabed lo elub etyle and eopplled with latest periodical, lllaatrated paper and a select library el recent Action. ARE YOU 0OINOTO Colorado or the West? TRY TI1K COLORADO FLYER, Fast, earrlea dining care and Pullman deepen. Leave Omaha 8:40 p.m.: Kansas City 0:80 p. m.; St Joeepb 4:60 p. mM and arrive at Denver and Colorado Borings nxr morning. Jno, Biciutui, E. W. Thoupson O.T.AT. A., Chicago. Ad l'.iT.A,, , Topeka, Kans. FRANK II. UABKKS, U I , ft T. A., Lincoln, Nebraska. Patronize the advertisers this paper. miiii $32.50 Cillfcrnli Points. To Baa FraaUeo, Baa Josm, lm A , Baa tnfS Cotna, Ra4 lag, Cailforal aad later wxltta aulatai ateoad iaee 1 J Ait. Toar lat eicwplat ear every Ttsradey, Uteiilate) !e Aegeeaa, I4.W Kw deabaj aetia, CtfSiriS ItitttttmirH. a a a. 1 sq 7" rr fl 1 ;