Bp The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. XL LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1899. NO. 1. 1 ! i Hews of the Week a mmmmmmmmm Tbe effort of tbe administration to ikeep tbe po(i! In Ignorance of tie true situation io the Philippine swims now very likely to prove such a very Ineffeotl ve I boomarang that It will In the end cover all wbo bar bad a band In enforcing J tbe censorship at Manilla with lasting dlsgrso. Further tban that Jt will be !' one ol the most effective thing In driv in tbe Uaunocrat power Into permanent retirement, It ha been known for mora tban ., three month bjr leading men la the , United Stab that Dewey bad no sym pathy at all with tbe MerrlttOtis-Me- Klnley way ol dealing with tb Filipino. Now an ouceneored cabin comes tolling at that Pewey is In perfect health And that the reason that be Is coming noma that ha wUI have soothing further to with "shooting nlggere" wbo are flab tltiar for the principles laid down In tin peolarntlan of Independence. i Kvery one of Oris' campaigns have been a total failure. He basaa one ' crltloeays: "Won many brilliant skir misbes and lost every campaign." He atartcd wltb the announcement that be was going to capture the Filipino government and make prisoners of their army and be has failed, miserably failed, . ..... . I i ..mi. i Tbe JrlllPMO Congress IS SI III in seeeion and the Filloluo army, while driven bask toward the mountains and the awamps, is still Intact and maintains Its Unas. . As a sample of tbe way Otie works tbe , censored " hLgrom the following is given. 11, be sent tbe following U and It given out oy tne war Depart nenti "Situation ae follows: Succeeded in passing army gunboats to Calutnpit for use n Itfo Grand railway con tac tions wltb that point secured this week. M t faseage of gunboat through Maenbee A Pcoontry balled with oyful drmonetra- T 1 tlons by Inhabitants." ?W On tbe same day an oneensored cable- ' Cjram was seat via Hong Kong by the , ii os i reliant correayuiiwu iu m i.. nii- i. ii,. nkii. . I m j a m ai -. . aits . a ippine wnicD reaa as iohows; -jveporis indicate that lb Insurgents in tbe prov ; ifjcaofCavltaar preparing to make a , atrong resistance against any attempt bv th Americans to eeoure control of that Wrltory. Tbe Filipinos have se cured and landed ten macblna guns at Caoai. oatba island of I'anay, It Is i preeomedttat these guns were captured , . from tbe Hoaalsh aunboata while tbe t i' 1n. ........ in 7....V.n.n..n If the correspondents In Manila had ' X tint fining mini uiir ,if iTHttlair Arnnnd --- - Otis' censor, tbe people of tble country who pay bis salary and furnish their beet yonng men to die In the trencbee under tropical suns to win glory for blm, would he In total Ignoranue of what be Is doing. liuf tbe reader must always bear in mind that any editor who writes such things about Otl is a bead" and be on tbelr guard. 'copper- General Otis nemi have no (ears that tba rsople of Nebraska will ever forget blm. Tbe Inhuman way In which be has treated tbe First Nebraska will never b orgotten. They will tell to their chil dren bow for months be kept them at the front lying in trencbee, assaulting earthworks, makisg charges over open 1 .11 .... 1 .11 I A. C -wr lounginir iu their barracks vuiit. ma i hie niru Hi-i u i reuiiiinuia nin ths rnr. The line of the first Ne- vf.aska grew shorter and shorter their dead, tin Ir wounded aud their elek wer t aeut to th rear but every man who was I still able to stand oil bisect wakept at the (runt fighting day and night while the petted r-gnlar were well M, I well elothed and kept lu eohtty, Yea f w will earefutly cherish the memory td General Oiie, The iu pNtbetia thing that ever arre.1 la isv wsr was when ths weak aad sUggertsg line, all that was left f t ths first Nubraeka, humbly KtiUunsxJ thlesald tleueralOila tbat they niight have a few day rest, Thy willing ti kerp w tgltisg, but they had laid la thaawampa (r tau months aad bad authad a ehaage i4'uthiai. When a ul Huh (lea, ti euMlaal gsard daty hal kt t thsiw ap tight aad oa thtr Wl, Thy were ei.Wwly ora uat aad it thy hmK nely have lets days real th would Ight ail the betur hv ii. Thai is all th' said aUhuagh, they kasw tlkxa ware ataar IrMl rliwals la their rar wha tad avr heard tb kUttauf a balltti They did a!vy that tketr Mmm was at. f h.f di t awl MMaliua the tatt that afc they wr asksit ta HMMtliai aadettrsd a hvaaty of r00 each that they bad - refund. It Is true tbnt tbey called attention to the foot that of the nearly 1,400 men tbey started In with there war only about noo Mt and that at the laet sick call 160 of tbem responded. All they asked woe Just a few days rest that they might fuel able to carry the guns and belta of cartridge, One of the reasons that they gave in addition to their complete exhaustion was that slnae February 2d the regiment bad lost 226 In killed and wounded, beside those disabled by sick nes,,80 of ibetn in the battles that bad occurred slnot tbe capture of Mnloloe, Their petition was not granted by Oils, but by some means it was forwarded to Washington. Whether our brave and suffering boys bar been granted a rest or not we do not know. Several tlmea it bos been announced In tbe press dis patches that tbe First Nebraska bad been retired from the firing , line but nl ways afterward wben tbe news came of auotber fight, it was fonnd that tbey bad again been thrown into the dead llestpnrt of the fighting. Yes, we will remember Otis; and McKlnley too. Tbe Imperialist press has devoted col umus to tailing what tbe Tblrd Nebraska was going to do to Iiryau wben tbey came borne-how they wonld fairly spit apun him and curse blm, Well tbe Third bos com borne and Ilryaa went down to Omaha to meet tbem. Now here is .1 ii,..nu,i.j I hijvwuus ui uuw uie vjm ui iue uiru acted wben tbey met Pry an.' It is taken from tbe Hi ate journal and you can hand It to your republican neighbor with the assurance that ha will nt deny anything In It because it was printed fo a republican oapers 'Colonel Bryan ana anjurani uarry met tne train ana entered one of the coaches where tbey were warmly welcomed by tbe returning soldiers. Tbey orowdwd about their former colonel, cheering blm and strug gling lor a chance to grasp bis band. Mr, Hrvan aoimred to know a number of tli boys, calling them by name and referring to Incidents of ths day whsn tbey were eoidler together," Tbe see ond section of tbe regiment arrirvd at 2:10 a. m, over tbe Wabash and despite tbe lata hour Colonel ltryan and a crowd of perhaps 200 people were tbera to greet tbem. Many of tbe boys In this section were from Houtb Omaha and after a few momenta spent in greetings and In bidding each other good-bye, they sought their homes. Tbey were all apparently glad to see tbe colonel and In speaking of blm, one of tbe South Omaha boys fa quoted aa hairing said; "All of tbe boya of the Tblrd Nebraska bav a very, high regard for Mr. llryan. White in camp wltb us he did everything In his power to help ua. I have seen Colonel Dryan write out checks to cure from bis privata purse good food for those wbo were sick la tbe hospital." Andrew Carnegie wbo Is now In Lou don Is sending borne some lively stuff about Imperialism. Among other things he says: "The suppression of the news from Manila which our republican presi dent enforces would not be tolerated by monarchial Ilrltons. Our suppressed cable at Manila that oomes via Hong Kong today tells as tbe Nebrasra regi ment Is reduced to 800 men wltb 100 on tbe sick list"' Carnegie seem to have learned a lesson from Atkinon and baa fled to Europe. Us Is now in a position toeiercine the ritihtof fraa epeecn and ue tbe malls and telegraphs, a thing that Is denied to Amsrlcan cltfiena fe eding In this republic ' Iromall Information obtainable it seems that there is a big row , on hands In the rhllippinee between Otis aad some of th meiiilier of MeKlnley' commis sion, Freeldent Kuhurman does not in to believs In General Oils' uncon ditional surreuder business and I carry ing oit a parley with the I'bilippln oou grees, tryiug to arrive at some plan aherwiiy tbe war can be stopped, If hall of what la said In WashiugUm h trti-, our Naolon Mev begins lo uu- drtaud that he will have to alter hU pollor or there will be no hope lor hint or hie party la the neit elevUon. Mailers la Cuba sesiu to be In a vry bad etate. All sorts id re mors have been la tlreulatloa daring tbe lat k, but how tut h trsth there ho been ia them It Is imptMNuUU to tell, Nvvtrsading I J lug has bsvoai suoh a habit ailh the turf poaJeats ul tha great dailies that the Value of I heir news eoluejaa I ahull tWtrtfd, Ihseloik grae lhal th tivmaed id tUaeral IUke thai th fa baa euMier ahuatd lera over all tbelr arm to the Called Ktatea aptta th pay tHsal la tb! t( f I.IKel.lHHI, tWo. lately roMed aad that tlnn.t ta la. el(i4 ta euwprtiaiisa. He did b ariag w aav ise arms mttmi or tMlhMMk-itJathrMUai4lbe var tuaalwaaa aadile. Tha lairtai ad tlaislraihiMi al MtKtawy ht Hshle la gel as late) troU ia t aha aad vi whera else almost any minute. It environs the go vernment with a thousand dangers ttiat never threatened os wben we were following the advice of Washington and minding our own business. The wisdom of the populist position In regard to Cuba, as voiced by Henator Allen In th United State senate, is becoming more apparent every day, What populists proposed to do was to recognlre the in' dependence of tuba and let tbem work out their own salvation, while we went on attending to our own affaire as jwi always bad done until the Napoleonic nose got into the white bouse. EDMISTEN RETIRES Wben tbe populist party made ifs first nomination in this state there were no recognixed leaders, W just came, a it were, together, put out our tickets and went borne. Very soon, we all learned that we must bav an organization committees In every county and voting precinct, Meetings bod to be arranged for and speakers provided. Funds bad to be raised. The right man had to be sent to tbe right place. Various and often conflicting iutereeta bad to bar monlce. In fact we needed a man gifted with th power of organisation. Wbo should this man be? None of as know. Hut as In all great uprising of tit people wben tbe occasion arose the man appeared, During three campaign Mr. Kdmlsten led tbe populist forces to victory. So overwhelming were tbe odds against us, wben tbs votes were counted nd It was announced (bat wa bad won tba leader of tbe republican party stood dated at tbacompleteness of tbelr defeat At first tbey denied that tbey bad been defeated, and then they began to wonder bow in tbe warld itoould have happened It wa not long before tbey began to blame it upon Kdmlsten. From that day to this tbey have filled tbelr press with attacks upon blm, , Tba republican leaders don't like Kdmlsten, and tbe more tbey have bad to do wlthblm tba less tney nave liked mm. Laet Monday at noon, after four years service as oil inspector, be retired and 3. N. Oaffln of Saunders county took bis place. All tba deputies wbo bad served four years also retired. Tbe admfnistretlonuf tba office under Mr, Kdmlsten has been above reproach. " He took tbe office wben nothing was turned over to blm but a very badly kept set ol books wblcb showed a deficiency of 1 5, 000. He turned overawed furnished office with desks, carpets, type writing machine and other furniture, all of which bad never cost tbs tax payers of the state a cent, besides having covered lotohe treasury nearly 110,000 during bis term, wblcb reduced tbe taxes of tbe state lust that much, Mr. Edmlsted baa never received a oeut of money raised by taxation. He bos not been a tax eater. Tbe cost of maintaing an office is paid by tbe Standard oil trust. In retiring from office Mr. Edmlston bad no kick to register. He Is a firm be liever In the populiet doctrine of frequent changes In office. He stands ready at tbe cull of tbe party for active work at any time.. The great rejoicing In the re publican camp over the retirement of Kdmlsten from politics is liable to be turned Into bitter lamsntatlons over tbe fact that be Is after tbem again. But whether he does or not, the fact remains that be did bis duty ond did it well. WHO IS A POPULIST? Bd I tor Independent! What is a popnlMT Is be not-one wbo advocates the prlnolplea aud cup- ports the cundldatna of the populist party? Poee the lndeaiudeut do either? If It refere to th candidates nt all, It I not siniiiljr to east a slnr uoon ihenn aud does it adViMiate ths iiriunlolis of tha iMHiples artl? Tha iadeiwmlfnt support Mr, llryan, and Mr. Hryao Is a democrat, and thluk more ol lbs dent- ocratio party than he does of tha poim i'"'!-";! ui'H I yun IHIH lilt right tUen lor laslnnlatalu drop h awiii "tHipuliat? ' I there not a areai ditfereneii between th demoeratlc asd Huulll lilaifuriii. aad doe nl aaai thee is id liuliai In ti ileiniralio piftll'irat il 'Wil uusd Uks th tHipult! pUHoria id 'Ua? air. it tor wera yoa in tlueluaatl May IVta VI here tne i.nia il liarlv a . t.. " I v - - - itorar ixtinu renh'iuiHir lb eealliueal nl biM BUeea hMM.ifed tuea? Waall not this! Tbat aeare iHreed, thai lhr ta snoiethtng aroaa; do aui hats a fair ohae.; w enait tiaad It Ikiaaavjsaveeuuabl raiial Ihniuah tba old pat Ilea In vaia. Ibses Una imuI eeking thruuh tkeis) aay longer; ttt WiMlieg me a immI hav a lrt l inir oaa. I not thai Ike eealliueal lhal broil b I h iMNiulta) tiarly latosilal atts isat salted lhith aad lh w ia a pome j rty that uihaiiall wa lh peoi.Wa pari J I l na reiwtwt. bee wkal led la Uat aral Haeial ui k iiwipWi ik aaiuiuia, aad e-Ui.a at the imii'l Ikfottah lh katakuul il .ah aad Far AHttae raal alHiuaT aad did ! hlo aa aiaa gwd h, aid paiiy, gH4 Vf Are you proud of tbe Omaha platform, ths eeoona aeciaration ol indepeudenceY" What political party ever made the progress that we did? , Were we not In a lair way to succeed) indeed were we not marching straight for the whits bouse right In the middle of the rood, steering dear of both old parties? Then why sldalmck that movement? Do you think that the millions of voters wbo lefUbelr old parties la good faith that tbey might obtain justice, and In deed bav a "right to life, liberty, ond the pursuit of bapplnese," .- can be led Into becoming hii annex to the demo cratic party? No eir, There are hun dreds of thousands ol men without a po litical hfrtne; the peoples party that we organised is practically dead. Will the Goufentncf that Is soon to be held belp us our, h must ws go over tne ground again? lie kind enough to tell me where I make a mistake, aud Just what you minx oi ids situation anyway, C, A. I'iTnick, , f , ; iWoodvllle,Cal Tbe editor of tbe Independent was In tbe reform movement long before tbe Cincinattl convention. He fought tbe two old parties from 1875 onward. He was lu tba Alliance movement. He has stood oy tne people party in every flgbt elnce It was organized. He baa defended and today defends every plank f tbe peoples party platform, llowsvnr lis did not eater this flgbt for tbe purpose of creating a party bat to get reform. This worship of party boa brought all tbe evils from wblcb wa suffer npon us, Tbs republicaa party worshipers bav gone from tba teaching of Lincoln to tbe building up of great corporations against wblcb Lincoln warnsd them and it I. tba republican party .till. The democratic party baa turned a complete iimmereault sine 1890 and it Is tbs democratic party still. The editor still holds to tba same prlnolplea that be did wben be need to got Into tba school bouses or out on tbe street corners, rldi cule tba aubeervlency to party and da mand devotion to principle. How we need to pile it onto tbem and tell tbem that tbey wonld vote - tba ticket that tbelr daddies did until tbey died, whether there was any proapeet of relief or not, Now be is not going to backslide and stick to a party name just because It Is a party name regardleea of tba bop of relief. He Is going to keep right on Rgnting lor relief and be don't cars a continental haw or by whom it comes, o It cornea. - If b thought that the mighty corporation and conoeutrated capital could be quickest overthrown by voting tbe republican tloket, ba would vote that ticket from top to bottom. It ia tba ouertbrow of tba extortlone of concentrated capital that ba wants and not tba building op of any political party. At present be feels pretty sure that tbe beet way to do tbat, . especially in this state, Is to get all tba forces that ars opposed to republican trutt and the extortions of the, money power to vote one titket. If we ineiet more upon a name under which we vote, tbao upon electing men who will aeelst in giving as good govsrnment and righting tbs wrongs tbat ex let, It eesms to blm tbat ws throw away tbe substance for tbe shadow, i ' , ' He however Ineleta tbat tbe organiza tion of tbe peoples party shall be kept lu. tact and in Ogbtlng trim so tbat when ever any of these newborn convert who are not yet dry behind the ears begin to show weakness or a louging for tbs gar lic and fleshpotsof Kgvpt, th peoples party will be armed and equipped and ready to take ths field. If they are will ing o fight on our elde, we will eay to tbem: "Fall in and shoulder your gun." a that way the populUt party aad its principle can become the contrelllng power In th land. If we Insist on nom inating straight tnlddle-oft he-road tickets, wo can Influence nobody and se. cure no reform. As to Mr, Iiryau, the editor of the In dependent eupporta klin btrauen be knows him aad has known him pretty Intimately fur a number of yra. II believe Mr. Iiryau to be aa earnest a re former aa ean be found In th rank of th populist party. Finally w shoald say In answsr to th HiaUoti "Wbo populiat?' that bs is a man who works with all his energy to overthrow the rlgn of the money Hir In the beet aud qeh-keat way thai it eaa h dose. The ladepeadeal baa so far supMirled every candidate ever nom inated by the popuilst parly. Th date at wbit h lour saWr'ptitia eii irea la marked. H Hm ' ue id ynr paper, Tate ante aad d y ar a arrwai ;t thuald eale a pameet at oaea A CHEAP FARM A goad quarter axetioa Ut lakvl ValWy enaty, Ntra. Sabieet hoNAMivsid. Far pwrlkalara write NikMLearetd N.Na.ka Ude.U, Maewla, .. 1 4ta tmi-artaloiUk hba lk tillaia. MILITARY CENSORSHIP, , . . What tbe Sappers aad Miners ef Bet oro- lag Ueapotlim If ate Already Aoompllbd. Tbe MeKlnley administration bos per formed more arbitrary acta of despotism than ail tba administrations since the first shot of freedom were Ored at Bun ker Hill. These acts are beginning to excite protests, not only outside of the republican party, but within it. The people of this country are sufforlag from the same system In regard to tbe press, that has so long been enforced by tbe car In Ilussla. This is not a wild and meaningless charge but tba actual, simple truth. It at pressnt only applies to part of tba empire over wblc MeKln ley rnlee, but ere long if something is not dons to check the tendency It will be come universal. Tbe violation or tne mails and tba military censorship estab lished la tbe Philippine islands is In strict accord with the system aa practiced iu Rulltt, The St, Louie Republic makes tbe fallowing remark on tbe subject: ' "When the facts of the military cen sorship of news dlepatnbes from the rmuppinss comes to iignt as ttiey win following the close of tbe war the peo ple of tbe United States will receive a startling objset lesson of tha military despotism inssparable from a policy of foreign conquest. Tbe ileouplienoe already been privately notified by staff correspondents on lbs scan of action of tbe arbitrary work lags of tba system of press censorship inaugurated by General Otis, It la not ZXUGSM&tZ dom of the press Is not favored by any autocrats, who bav tbelr own ends and (.liule own frlundd ta aurva. tlt.ia' avatoai. it Is stated, "is exactly tbs one Way lev enforced In Cuba, against wblcb Ameri cans made each an on tcry." It lean everyday occurrence foroorre apondents to be compelled to atrlk out tne name of men ar regliuente wbo de serve mention, and to be compelled to aend tbe names ol those who nave done nothing "We don't propose to have the newspapers make any beross Here, the army press censor tells correspond elite, "If any heroes are to be made, this department makes tbem." There fore tbe censor "kills all praise and al most all mention of certain regimente and officers not liked at headquarters, and Insists on flattery of those officer and troops tbat ar in favor, tbe gen eral trend being to discriminate against volunteers and lor regulars," . In many other ways tba correspond ente' legitimate freedom of expression la hampered and tba I'blliopln aews aerv lo interfered with. The development la new la America History It seems to be a consistent phase ol Imperlalletn and mllltaryism. ot wars of aiucreesloa and conquest wagsd in distant lands. Tbe Iron band of tba proleional soldier is felt In a way tbat Is full of menace to the best interests of a great and pence lovina-reoubllo. "Iwantioo to under- etand," said tbe American censor In tbe I'blllpplnee, "that tble Is a military des potism, we do not recognise that any nn mMn, tha I Iia pm hmm in. luli " Wben the oeoole of the United State learn th full facts of army autocracy In tbe Philippines the sentiment against Imperialism will orystollse Into sudden and most material substanoe. Tbs peril of military dominance bos been swift to show Iteell la the far eaat. It will be promptly recognised by the people. iney win see to it tbat tbe neoeaearv correction is administered. Under a re publican form of government there are many other Intereete besides "the army" wblcb have rights that must beresoected. The public nreee. always the aafeguard and the Informant of the "peoDle. Ta ons oi in intereats. A FIGHT AHEAD There has not yet been a more pun gent and patriotlo reply made to tbe cappere aad mlaers of returnlug despot ism than that by Dr, Pretorious in hia answsr to aa assault mads upon the pa triotism of ths Gsriuaa A merioaos by a New York Imi'wrlallat, While tha epirlt of 70 has been bartered away by aame native born Amerleans for gold aud for glory, it seeais to have settled back upon the hearts of the tier man-Ameri cana aud burne there with the aame fore aad power ae It did la the bearte of Washington and th ragged patriot ul Valley rorge aud Yorktoan, Th following word ar so full of real Amr JfaaUttt that tha reading ol them t up a glow la lbs heart ol every maa wbo telle? la the declaration of ladepea deaee, !r, I'rvtorloua said: "There U aolutf M be a heed break Inif gal Ufiir lha reiMihlie WiuhloMtoa iwitSM tor ani Mttoia uei lor ta laread ovr to Kagliak eoatrol. Dermaa-er. Ma bead way be biokea ta It. but may win aoi a the amy aaea, e aav a iaeiiiy ol elt aillie Auiriaa vwlea agalaal a pro- t.alib ptdwy , mliall Imp tat liirtatttu aav dv th ioeia la uai h aawrieaa ioil, tirwa Aatar leaee ar ready hr the ieut Ul , doaatv th word ta Waahlagiuafor Ike Hill tail ta beia. "what Aaterema la there aha eaa thiah without iad'gaalioa tit Ilia atru rma euaaflro agaiaal lh HlMrlka id ittrk aad Ike pxiitl Ike wtwld, w ho, ratatiaiag a vtiaa ol reward tot Ike AoterMMk id H aahlaata aad JrOe. . I . ...i. aa ...... a k. a ous orders to America can set oar armies to catting the throats of our lata allies on their own soli In order to give En gland a better base of operation against China, while as tbe reeult of tbe same enoundrellsm for It la nothing less F.sglisb money Is used to Involve A mar lea with Germany In Samoa not that there is the slightest antagonism of In tereet between Germany aud America, but becauss It suits Kaglaud's policy lu Africa and In China to use America as a buffer. "Tbey will nsver succeed neverl ' Tba sentiment i1 tbs German-American pre I a true n (lex of tbe American oeople. German-American newspapers are not controlled from London. Tbey do not depend upon London for permission to live. Tbey are not Involved with thoee Interests once American wblcb have been recognised by English capital. They arc Independent, Tbey are intelligent. They are American, Tbey are standing bf t he flag of the United States and all It be meant In forcing progress for tba world. They never will back on Inch under the villainous attacks mads on their patriotism by the resident agents of London capitalists. Instead tbay will go forward In tha front line of tba advance, A merlon n wbo believe in Americanism are already making on tba word of British Imperialism." OLD SOLDIERS REBEL It seems that tba republicaa party bas lost its bold on tba old soldiers of Kansas. In this stats tbeO. A, R. posts ar in many oases simply tools of g, o. p. politicians of tbs very worst type, Not because tb republicans have a ma joriry, but elmply because those wbo are self-rsspeotlng refuse to sssks a stand against tb echemers. Tb followlajf press dispatch relates' bow tba old, eslf respecting Igbters sat dowa on tbe g, o. scbsmers lo Kansas: ' "All tba sebemere of tba reoublloaa politicians to "run" tbestst eneamp- ment oi tne urand army ot tns Hepublld failed utterly. Resolution were adopted demanding a congressional Inquiry Into tbe official oppression of 1'eneioo Com nleeloner, If, Clay Kvaas, Tb republl ean worksrs trisd to bead off tbe desun. elation, bat tbe veteraae were In no mood to eompromlee. Ibe republicaa managers were beaten again on a reso lution tbat tbey wanted adopted Indors ing Governor Stanley for bis "courteous treatment" of tbe old soldiers. Sack a resolution was Introduced bat was beaten, for tba reason that Governor Stanley baa not treated the old soldiers courteously, but even bad bsdone so ba would have pariormsd only bis duty. Tha idea of having tbe Grand Army made a republican elds show waa not reliehed by tba veterans and the reseated th pretence of Cy Leland, Lit Crum, Pbll Kelly and Governor Stanley by ac complishing everything they opposed and defeating everything tba bosses wasted. Leland wanted to bead tba Kansas delegation to tba national aav campment next summer, Hswastarnad down, (.eland, ritanley and trnm aad tba other republican workera wera against Coulter for commander and Coulter was elected, Tb push waa against Topeka and it woe deeded to bold tbe next reunion at Topeka. All things considered, ths republicaa ma chine baa no reason to bs proud of ita achievements here, " "' Mo Insignificant waa tbs opposition to ths resolution denouncing McKlnley's peneion bureau that practioully no votes were ooes agamas it. , , A DASTARDLY SCHEME A more dastardly attempt to break up a great Institution of learning was never known tbaa tbat now being prosecuted by republican politicians in Kansaa When tba populUt regents ' came Into power tbey found tb agricultural oof lege running alouglu tba old grooves, wltb a fair attendance, but with llttl push and vigor. Professor , Wills) waa mads president, and among tbe live men added to the faculty were Professors K in Is and Farsons, Tbeae three man are daring and original thinkers. Tbey put new life and energy Into the Institu tion, aud ths attendance and luteraet luoreased with leape and bounda. Tha boob store and boarding club, by reduc ing the two chief 1 1 ecu of college expense , in nelmU MM, eiiaMed luauy yuiiag people to avail themaelvea of the ad vantage of the college who had pre. viously beea unable to do so. 'out thee feature cut off private pro fire, and re publican politician who may alwaye b railed upon la oppose anything ahleh really tent the maaaea-ralead tba cry of ' WUIiain" a aooa aa they got , lata the eaddle again. We da nut ba. Ile lh pMiile ol Kaunas will submit lo the dioialion of the eeltWb coueplra lore and allow tbelr eolbg to b reduced In k medltMMre imaitlou It lornterlv or rupled. Kaeaaa la not la ihahaltitof wtaklag pngra boikward like a era an nh, GOLD BUG CUNNING The raealag ol the goiditr Wpoat adiagoat, Th great baakieg h.iaaea of Uiadoa aad New York aovt ia my. Il' jeata lh ixHitila ta defraud. tWreei aad aVeeptloa are pqlr4 ta tiMs-U lrat uUm ike iMaHa of Ik roeepireiure, Ike Kaed wi ae vast ul aold aoatnK. ia lha hoe ol reprceeatativa tha hat Wa eaweaalaf kiriKiuie tlwiaal AHaalleeilf areeasaJtt eaalkma nh Ike H maWetra ta bothaithMiotth Atlaalatahaaitaeyaa aithfall, sev-aitwaal Wauhawta. . ( . '.. " 1 " i i " - - t ' s. . i ; j j :