Ik The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated, PART TWO, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY J J, 1899, " VOL,X,?NO. 52. OUR READERS Live Questions Discussed by State of t It If conceded that congress la the only authority lo tbs United Htates that tiM tb legal right to declare war. It la also a fact that congroaa baa not declared war agaioat tba Filipino. Tha taking of human Ufa purposely with tba litnt to forcibly taka poasea aloo, or control tba liberty of another, without lawful right, ia murder, Tba nam or official poaltlon of tba man inakaa no dlfferenc na to hi guilt Tba crima of murder la tha aam whether it be committed Jo an effort to rob a man of bla moo, or a nation of It liberty, That belog trua, tba wbolaaala alaiigbler of tba Filipinos by tba direcllon of Mo Kicley. with tba Intention and purpose of taking from tbam thalr liberties and possesion, It seem to me, ean bt noth lug less than murder. It also seems to ma that an aort of loglo or reasoning that would wbltwab that crime, which McKI oley himself baa tarmed "criminal aggretalou," would fraa aver criminal In tba world, controvert our world-famed dasluratlon of Independence aa to human itM, and render meanlcs! tba con- u, v -I ot W- lid held in boa.. : 4.j ;a on account of their ain of idolatry; ..at muat Ha think of tuoee who are o given up to and blinded by tba woralilp of tbelr political party that tbey reject ti.. 1 I . m .ml AuMarm lliat Ilia will uohold the administration whether it ba right or wrong. It ia el in ply saying that aa between tbelr parly feadern and Oud. tha will nobold tha former. 1 bare within a week beard republican who nrolae to ba Chrletlana. any that tbey believe in npboldlug the adminiatratlon whether it be right or wrong, i reao an julltnrlal In last waak'a laeue of a renub- lican paper in which it boldly proclaimed thatthaalosaaof the republican Party abonld be "our country (meaning tbe jlminlatratlnnl riirht or wronir. and nn dar all circumstance." If that la not wUlaniw ol idolatry cone crazy, what It? Aa further evidence ahowlng bow nartlaan Idolatry aaara tba conaclenoe, and affecte the Judgment by unbalancing tbe facultlee of dlecrlmlnation, wa have but to notice aoma of tbe choice namee name applied to tboae who condemn tbe whoieeale mordnr being perpetraUd upon a people becanee tuey are amna intrtholr natural rlabte ol "We, liberty, and the purault of bappinee. Copjier head, traltora. aud knlithU of tha iiold- en circle, are aome ol their pet namee for ua. There la neither argument, sens nor truth even suggested in tne application of auch trma to ua. Ltue aee. Tbe sola olilact of the confederacy" in begin nluir tba war of the rebellion waa tha nariMtuatlon of the elavery of a race, and tha work of tbe copperheode, trait ore and knlgbta of. the golden circle wa to neoursir. nnhold and aeaiat Jell Da via In bla i ffort for aneh perpetu tlnn. Tha niwwmt conflict with tba Kill- itino waa txHTun by Mr. McKlnley for tba aola object of perpetuating the alar eryoftbat race which Koala waa no longer able to maintain. Now, who are tha eooimr head, traltora. eto., at tbe . nreeaut tlmT They are thoiie who uo port McKlnley In bla war to continue the alarery inautuiaa uy npaia. me umj theory a poo which Mckinley support era can Justify thamaelve by logical reaaoulug therefrom, la that which la eontainad la the worda "tha king can do no wronir. " It lean old relio ol bar tiariam. umk! to wblUwaab tyrannical king. To any that it ia Uwuoi to con dom a aa act which the iinwtuuut or any other man do In violation of our eon etitatioa and declaration tit lndpn daoca and ia diarexard ol tha Battled pot. IWaa nudar which dod baa a-a HI to makethla a greet nation. Indira ta an Idolatry aa da-p aaalad and blind aa that ul tha worahliwrc ol Mulm h. I Iraaly darad tha hardahli ul a atildier la the war ol tharaba!iiuathreeera,ballav!ag aad raaluiiig that It waa a war lor ha inanity oa the trt ol my ronatry, ai oil u ia kmo I ia domain Intact. AaJ IboI now eae) our Movad rottnlry loreMl Into tha bloody ehoaaol Himiabfthelehumaagraad d a now bleailoM ol a wlihout e Urlug a loyal Awara protaeU Mlt AI. AMKKKMH, BRYAN VS. 1HE JOURNAL f VtU.ad t aatlaatly HIUtl4 t IM MmiIi ! Me Maat latl, la4. The ewaaUat reilaratUit t4 rtia agf falaahoude akkb kabl prlatl aad rlala4 M Ik Ul U wk la the Viae Journal antkofilalUaiy aVaial vae bla aignature la that ppe laet fUtarday by Mr, lira. The at Ik la ta lull a aa (uliuwat 14M1IUJL X.b, May 8 -To Ik IUIilr(tMitt( Jdarweji lentil o attattpt to 4f rwt all the bilerrel tkM wk appaaf U the Jovreal wwai tfwte n tiM, bat tt have ba frf4 ao dliaa that M ut)SM la lli llaetUia t tkata. firal-A to th aawilina lk ad W i.iaar ISyaWf l um ike r. ulaiioa, wSkrb, euvar U a twla ol tkaeka lo Ik ldMS eoHtttxaaVd the AS WRITERS Live Men Throughout the Nebraska. policy of tba ndminfetration In the 1'bil Ipplnea, I deelre to any that Governor I'oyiiU-r did notdiacMea tba fjtieatlon with m prior to fbe publication of tha veto, I knew nothing of the poenge of tbe resolution until I rod the vet inaaanga In the Miiit. I at'prove of the governor'a action, however, and llliv that be did rfent in tliwartlnir a partlaan attempt to make political capital out of the oratory ol Nbrak aoidre, Tua governor a oMIclnl conduct boa euowu Lira to lie a friend of the volunteer, and in bla veto nwaaage be dw;lra bimanlf ready to approve of any tieaeure bene. flclal to the aoldlera. but be could not, WJinoucetuitimnguifrjaair, ana miere rnwjtitjg wont be oeiievee to w the &n tlnmnt ol the elate, approve rmtm- tlon which contained an lndoriwuint of a war of conriueat. Ha waa ready to commend tbe eoldiere for obeying ordere but be waa not willing fo commend tbe ordare which were iaeued to them. The republlcena bad a majority in both branebeeof the laglalalure, and might nave priraenuid a roeoiution approving tba policy of the admlnletration had they dared to rlek eucb a raaolution noon It own merit, but Jnetea1 of do Ingeo, they trUui tp take tui vantage of the univeMttf admffatlon which ia Mi ft Nabraak Alurole conduct of tne " nbera afir. at regltoent. It' tUlta You eenaof iava tor- gotten th Wireolutir;u which came o near tia aenat tiiat it r nnlfad rote of tha vice-preaident f oeieaiii. inat reaoiution reno aa ioi lowa; "I(folved, That tba (JnlUd UUm hereby dlaclalui any diioiitlou or in tention to ei erciae permanent eoverelgn ty, lurledlfitlon or control over ld el and, and tumr their oatermlnation. when atabla and indepandent govern- meni anaii nave been ertctw therein, en titled In tba judgment of tba govern ment of tbe llnlud Mtatee to recognition aa eucb, to tranafer to aald government npoa terma wnien anaii be reaaonaoia and Joat, all rlghte eeoured under tbe ceaalon of Hpalo, aad to thereupon leave the government and control of tba lal anda to their people." Tlile reaolutioa waa afterward In doreed by a caucua of tba democrat; of the boue of reprcaentativa. You will aea that the opponent of im perlaliatn daalre the government to ei tend to tba Filipino tha earn treatment that the praaldent ua promlaad to tbe iieople ol tuba, namuly: l-tubllh a ata- bie government and then turn tbe gov erumnt over to the people, Aa you have made tbe ame critlclaai agalnut mn, 1 am juatliiml In calling your attention to the interview glvt-n out at Kavannah, and pulilUliad In your paper on tbe 14 tb of Uacambur lot. In that interview 1 mbm-ed to the promlee made by thepraeldnutto tbe paople of Cuba, and euggMlnd that rougraaa ro alllrm thia purple in mgard to Cuba, and anrt theaame purpoae in regard to the I'hilipplnoe, In an nrtbl publlhd by tbe World Herald and tbe Lincoln Poatlu January, I gave aevwal reoaoua in aupport of a ranolutlon "dei-larlng It to be the no tlon'a purpo to etablih a atabla gov ernment In Cuba and the rtillipplu, and than give to the iuhabitanta inde iendnee undar an American protactor at which will guard tbem BKlnt mo- Imitation from without." I Uvorad tba ratlloatlonof tba traaty, not tiacau I thought tbe traaty wlwtly drawn, but bacttuae I thought ltlr to corrw t the miaUka by leglalatlon than by the mm Riiiiaiiun ui naw traaij. i ua raiia ration of the traaty endad tba war with Kla and Mt th American paool t daal with tha rhillpplne qumitlon accord Ing to their own blaaa. Tb praaiilaat In hi Hoatoa apaech, dei'larad that tha quaatloa waa In thabaadeut tka A marl ma peopled eetlluaiattt. la nnmerou apeai'hea 1 have opHiad the doctrine nl hrlltle anneiatlon, iuottug Iroia Mr, M e k ia ley 'a immmam ) I icaiu Ur, I nu T. I baiiava that if tha !Um rMilullon had la adoiitM than It wa Drat In troducml, nut a drop ol blood would hav lieea hd la tb I'hillppiMa, and that the r'lltplno would uum b our IrhHut iaatand ol our !. I Uliav the bloinUhad eaa b loptaM at but llm by pruotlaiug iudopaaitattr) to th IMipiaoa ima th aatut lrua that It la Ortar! til tha I wl'aiia. No nee fan doubt the ability l the Catlad niataa to poiiii the I'iIipIbim an4 hoia tae IB amii'tloa a t-Malaad auiuiNarad aad hJ( la aubtacuoa Ike lmk ol ladia, but eaa our aatioa adord to ay w ahotbar ra the i npi m rail aoriuei ufo wkkh our aiioartr it m at uhi law to r rart th Mlalak aka kae ba to4 Tht e.'l. graat a It K eaaaot al.rd to da ivluaiiw In aar tm hiwdMi laat or Ubia, Your truly, W,, I'M. ARE THEY ALL SHAMS? kVlltof ladepwadeaill l'rdtkl the llraal gn4 k ka kM "My paophi and I have w lu aa BdartaadlBg aklea ti ftaaaahaith. Tky an toav ukallhay plat a4 I a to du akat I pie." That ia abnat bow tkiaga are raa la Iki him a try tmUy, lmk at th Uvtlga Uia i lk wat deJ aa4 otkaf uW Uh k ! a dkatfrae lo Ikta ou Iff, naiioaal dtgrc. WUI lb coat mlita whitwab It um fa generally done with all w:U emml It ia bard to con vt thoee wealthy rogue. Tbey all lick togetbiir aa did the Hiameaa twin To u urn language of Volisttlre, "The King hoe eent a ouantity of bla dirty Um-it to wuh. " Una tbat committee web It ao cluan aa to fool tbe people? It loo iie it i iieaoifig mat way, tui member, gentbimen, tbat tba eyea of (bla nation are on you. Hut what do you mm Hoodie covere a multitude of ain. J4venttalaf' aea rebuked hie mtotfer, have you the grit to do 1U mum It will be national Joke, Amcr ijan roeet canned bf for the army and navy. Imirwll the American iwool remember It, It boat all creation bow tne ropuMicane fool the people. i;emonitiKftMon will mo Im tumnrn. tired a lonjf a tbe blowing uo of th Alnlne, 'I bat ISonarftrt waa a nueer ebeo wwn naii uoji r.ntfiani wu a nation of ehopkeepere, wb,t would be eay If b wa living uwayj that we wera a nation ot millionaire ana tramp? What with wnninmj w wmw wi trauatliaiill UUU WIIH Uj.ITIi.Lj.'. w.a MJt i . 1 1 . I. Wall and Lombard etreeta ear no; "ha la the men for ua." Oh I tboae boodboldcre, tbey have got an ewluetlug grip on thl nation, If Mckinley would onlv eaad aorn of the hireling mlniatry to thoae beathena that they talk ao mnb about, to tich tlHi the KQHfml of repentance for rebel ling againt blm ft would be more aooro. prlatal tbe preeent time for till eruw! war of xnanlon. It i not alwara figreable that every truth abould be told, wui ron mat nave eyea to aee cannot be Rinded to tbat mockory eallnd chria- mtf what la being don to them ,U!h la callod brotherly lovewJtow ng ubvv eunn mgedln a fwrre, L tating tboa natr-'iat ne and are aaing Vt ' e 4 the roor r-h wrr. k wear treattns tboa na aiiiiut I ha aarn and ara bmIiiot lanauaire aa did Kintr Owrae III. Or Kn gland to n. It waa "liberty or flVatii" wltbua. Wolt ia with tbern. What would Abraham Lincoln think of auch conduct of tbbj country to thoae nativee? I aak you republlcnue, who believe in liberty, are yon, all abama with no princl put In you or ara you all degenerated republican from the principle of ol Abe Lincoln or the Monroe doctrine Your leadere turn tbelr backa. I appeal to you worebiiipere of the golden calf. Ifow do you like Mckinley oroeoerlty? When you voted for tbat proeperity waa It not for yon my brother workiovmen, or wa it for tbe bond bolder? I'leaee alway boar tbat In mind. When tbey apeak of tbe people tbey do not mean you, tbey mean tbe monied men of tbia country. Do not ba foolad by them Tbe or writore are all hireling of tbe bondboldur and the taffy la all atlrred up ia Wall and Lombard etreet. awcet ened by their hired nitwit, Tbey cull tbe tirtee to fool yon, thinking you will take a good mouthful of their taffy b Ottue it ia doctored by them at ao much a tbouand. They have to do it or loe tbelr Job, Tby are juat oa unfortunate na you ara. i bone Who bava money can mak or trunk a nation in thia year of our Lord 1HUD, Tbare waa a time wbon king ruled, monied men rule today. Faiimkb Johx. You Can't Oat KatUd Ilecau Tbat Tired Fwling la not tbe result of exertion. It la due totbeun healthy condition of your blood. Tbie vital fluid abould give nourishment to every organ, nerve and muscle. Hut It cannot do thia unit it ia rich and pur. This ia what you want to cure Tbat Tlrd Feeling pure, rich blood. Hood' Harnparilla will help you "tret rested. It will give you pur, rich blood, sive you vigor ana vitality and brace you np eo tbat you may M well all through tb coming summer. If you have never trWd Hood' Haraaparilla, do ao now, and wv how It energlEMB and vltalltue your wools eyetam. ABOUT FAIRNESS, Hdilor Indapendanl: It la quit evidvnt that you and I art very well eatiafied with our owa opin ion regarding money, and further ar gument would ba a waeU ol epao and time, but I adinlr falrnea and bk to b treated fairly, Your attempt to ela wty argument wild tho t4 tb gold advocate la a poor way to bag th qttaaiuin, rwi what I Mid belorai "Munvy a yt la the hand ol Ik gov. MS mast SB'I aa Vl HBlaul, poaaiiaaial la Uall ao talua." Altar II ha v ialovln'uUtloa then It raprHt th talu tilth articl ot waalia which It lis iiurvha, To tllutlratai II you II th gotarBmaBt a bora and rwlro tkeralor a Uhi bill, that bill rpr-aata to you the v!u ol th hor, ad It -a wqulr that VbIim oa.lv from the Ut lktlh fvirHHtl ha alien t h Irgai tedf "powvr." lo Iklak I aw low Much lite th gold u bsUl wotd that lky dK tt u aa how your poallto aad lhalia eovra. (hi J. Hay kaJsm that moaay be talu and mul lav thai value or It I tot mo, I runt the faat that ytq r eaptHirtlag tba rdiiplKa" piBtltwut Bt l at I bw, aad your r Km lo to, lam otli im ! il lit fa Mre Hk thaw, liaapawlluliy. It, tl, araatar. Tbe editor ol the ta4daat did an atlawpt to tlaaaily rVaalor Mi' Btgumaai at all, It amply eriiH. k wflir of ta ixiH.ftki lav at. Weatlll laaiat that "talu" la wer la ttkaaga, vr, a iwselor Juk I'. Jour data) It, "butuaa eatiuiaiina plil w oa deirii oidm u quasiiiy ol whlcu la limited." There la no eucb things tool Inda of value-one cuIM elmply "value" and the ttr callwl "representative value." Anything tbat anyone t.m name either baa value or it baa no value. It fa worth eometblng or It la worth nothing. It can be exchanged for aome otbr deeiruble object or It can not. Que might na well talk of repre sentative power aa of ropreiemtotlve value, Wa would Ilk to find out aome way that wa could run a printing preaa with representative power. Tbe trouble aceme to be that oator Btewart bi mixed two terma, namely, utility and value. Toper money baa no utlllty- woeat&a. Hotb have value, but be cauae wheat ba utility and paper taon- ey baa none, Henator Htewart call one value and tba other repreeeututive value. Now tbia term "representative value," wblcb fa In fteelf unthinkable, alwaye play a prominent part in every gold atandard argument and ia tha very boeia ol the tboory upon wblcb tba bankera rely when tbey demand tbe right to laeue bonk paper aa money, Tbey say that it repreneotB value wblcb lie buck of it somewhere or aomebow. Their paper, bowover, ba value, for men will ex change wheat, labor, and otber valuable tbinga for it. If it bad ao value men would not give anything for it "Now a word about "toirneea." Take tba sen tenae: "From tba fact that you are supporting tb 'coin redomntlon' jfilalfnaj-- iJ'rn9ti rfnd VOUr I you agree with tbem." There ia no man la this stat who knows better than Keoator Htewart tbat tbe editor of tbia paper baa bnen, for more than twenty Ave year, an advocate of full legal ten der paper money, and bos never written a line in favor of coin redemption. FOB BALE 1 or 2 seated tran. Col am bus make, cost 1140, for $35; one rnb- oer tire buggy, cost fl40 for f70: both as good a new; one second bano top buggy, T,r,; 2 at $35 each; 8 at V io eacn; i at s each; a leather top pnaetone, f u each; 1 at f 50; 1 at f 00 a at f 10 each; 1 extension top cat under carriage for i0; 1 for 75; 1 extension top surrey, S7&; all three a good as new; 1 Iiuckeye Columbus Itoekaway, new, coat S350; for 1200: 1 Hud double speeding wagon, new, X ..IA A..u .... 3 , . m B I T 1 1 . I. . , , i vj, lur we vans i urrj , roaa wagon lor and a top buggy, new, tor f jo, delivered; we nave o o- oiki nand aprlng wagons, f 10, f 15, f 25, and one for 1.35; we have iut un loaded a car load of rubber tire phae ton, carrlagee, buggiee and road wagona; our stock la larger than ever 4 floors loaded with vehicle ut all de scription; tbe moet complete stock in tbe state; we are agent for tbe cele brated Wilson Molina carriages and buggiea and phaetons; all good war ranted a represented at any price irom tne nneat to tne cheapest; will trade new work for old at ' their cash vnlue; repository opan every Katurday night, power elevator. Corner Oth and O atreeta Humphrey Iiroa. Hard ware Co, FIELD SEED. ROO bushel German millet; 500 bush ela cane, aeed, timothy, red clover, Kentucky blue grass. Humphrey roa., ior. via ana u street. FARMERS' CLUB," Tb Lancaster County Farmer' Club mat, April 20, with Mr. and Mr. Mann. Thar wa a fair gathering, moelly com- pod of women. This wa th first meeting they have bad In their new bom a two-story building with many rooms. On entering the wall flulsbed ball and paaelng through th parlor a gtimp waa ni oi tne iinmeua dining room in bU h th club later oa took dinner at one slttiug with room to spar. It was thought lo b th largaat la tb county. Though two days ahead ot tloi,Ar Imr aad Hint day war duly obaarvad. w awKitt raaxi a biography ul Abraham Lincoln. TheLitl! 1 1 all Wora Mhii." aaraadbv Mkw llsau. Ura. Waokla raad H Tb la-UrgrouaJ t haiiBal." Than I bare war maey rtdig oa arUr and MN, la whteh slaasra. Drain, llotWa tMsi.aBd other totii iMirt, Whaa II raiua to tha rloig id . "H ixxlwaa, rP,m t aat ir, iiawutaoi. mtmur- la and lurnl th heart ol lh koirl tWaalJaal, J. N. Ijwtaard, ho timk aliugly ul kw birth t'taea. II aald nbta flatting I Kara ae imn aso h as th old Ira o his thiKlhiMiJ date. mkk'k atlll Iker tuearleai wr Ihaa in Mit ia the air lawiJe a tliff ol lU mum bight, II eould at halo but HieU lkt Iran aal iuia doa oa I ha bask aad lhar Ml art uakUiiiJ how whhh Wliil lalarll aad Ihoa ut hi aigl.Hir-aitua atlll Inle, othara gone to th great bejoad. If naa wuuld MMUr lhal Ira by Would pmbBhly Had we tool of arowth lor f r tan ul hw bk Mr, Milord eould wot aMaad tha ataat. at, buieaat gnwliaga la vat. III sa liirtawaal ea kw last ulrt huiHm, aud w way raiwct ral pxatrj a!. 1 h enajwiiiaa In revbw rrvailuai Ikt oi lh euuaiy talr baa r ported. a roiuiiiia oi eadtfto th daalk id our aalaewwd as w bat, Mr, l.'twtr llotitk. wa pMaxad, Mr. J. I. Ifnta aai Mrs, C IMtrk Bar BalMitnad a new mtnhf, A vol ul thaske im ghta Mr, and Mr. Mann for their hospitality. Tin next neetiog will be held with Mr. L 1'ierc, two inllee west and half a mil north of Woodlawn. Mav 13th. I'rogrnm for next mHctlng, Music, ee loct reading by Mrs. Tbatubur; recitation by Mrs. Kd, I'u water; select reeling b,v Mise Haiti Deltcb; music; discussion "ikist Urasees for the Farmsr "I Nsbras ka to Orow." opsnnd by L. K. Mahan assisted by Mr. Koontx and A. L, (Jod frey-S. N. Leonard, I'realdent; K, L, Jiowmao, ecy. CAN COUNT ON HIM Editor Independents Tbe Independent bos come into my borne for one year, flret sent by a friend in Lincoln. I like tbe style of your paper and your shoulder bits on the trusts, monopolies, expansionist and cusaed none generally, ws need wore paper like it to call tbem down. As long a your paper bears tbe name of Indepen dent and you continue to uphold right and luetic aa you bava done in th post you con count on me. I am opposed to io wnoieeaie outcnery now going oo in iua ininnoinea ana nave ureas sym pathy for our brave aoldiera who volim unteered to fltfbt Hnain and fast Cuba and were afterwarda dranrured awav to eacrlflce tbelr lives to take tbe freedom away from another people. I think our country will soon have to atop singing that grand old aong "Our country 'tie of thee, a weet land of liberty etc." i I'm' you two dollar, please renew m y eipAssriptlon for one year and send In'toC J'ient to my brother, It. W. King, f i avw ana ouiifc, WiiK, , CTHE OTHER SIDE EdlUfif Independent Will you allow me a email apace to re ply to Brother 0. L. Todd's letter of April 27. In the first place we did not seek this trouble with tbe Filipinos. We know from onr boye and others tbat tbe natives changed tbelr demeanor toward ns when tbey were forbidden to enter tbe city of Manilla in an armed condition for tb purpose of plunder, murder and out rage and were most inaobmt and con temptible. This was poor recompenos for freeing tbem from Bpaln but then tbey were Ignorant dupes who were being led by the nose by Agulnaldo, a sort of small dictator whose power only ex tended over tbe Island of Luzon, one of tbe 150 Island In the Philippine group, no that we could not enter into a treaty with such a pereon. J am aware we are a nation of different races but it become to to stand together in war aad be loyal ua the glorious star and atrlpea. Those few Germans who bare been alrintr tbelr eloquence lately roust know that by this time the fatherland woe only play ing a bluff in acting in tbe way tbey did at Manilla a they are too shrewd not to be aware tbat France 1 waiting with bated breath to aee tbem embroiled lo aome squabble in order to regain poane- aion of Alsace and Loraine and again raise their beloved tri color over It. No Mr. Editor we believe it ia the mission of the great English speaking people of this nation and of tbe world to spread civilization, law and libertr to oil tbe dark place of tbe earth. Look at tbe dark continent of Africa, 1100 bow tbe curse of slavery and canfbulism bo been eliminated mainly by Great Kntain, bow the building ot railroads, thriving town and school of learning are takinir the place of mandating orgies. Do you not know tbat Cue immense dam tbey are building acros th Nils to Irrigats the Nile valley will be a greater blessing to humanity and a greaUir tribute to pro grass tnan tnos greatapbinxe and pyr amids which tha ancient pbaroahe built feeing wa could not get out of tba rhil Ipplne let u teach them bow to govern thamattlvaa, adopt the motto of the Kn. gue, "Liu up, uw up." and cWntiflo proarreM andinva tion Introduced ther will show tbem w atw Biovisg oa Impelled by a higher lours lor humanity and progr, a C. K, Itl l-Ms s, HoatBlok, Nab. Urotber Todd I perfectly abl to de fad bla poaltlon, but tba editor of th adepeadeal cannot rlt tb tampta. tioaof aaying tbat tb I'alud Mtat baa, foe many year ba by tb great as world power oa tb glob, V bar taught lb other astiou "how to guv art thUMlva,M not by trying to about lf government la to tbem withdailla guu and luagaila rid, but by an i ampW tbat baa ekoa Ilk a pillar id loud by day aad a pillar of Or by night. Matifti ha aa it, Jap baa aea It, tbaHout AartM rapublk kait av it, Australia, Caa4a and Nw Iwlaad ktr It aad All lb world baa bee hHuwmv4 by It. Now it U irupu4 to alHiBdo lb sour that ba resulted la Ik upldtiag ul Ik wkul Morldaad adopt h piilWaa wkW Wert thrv overboard aha Jtffarto vruf j Ik uVw laratbt 0 ladapaadaaan. Haw wsah Aifwal i I'm4 Jtrrik Tit r, Ma, Mar -TV eaala today mm! wight's beuaa bit! t) arvMWt voluaUry alawBt at baas It rtt haakl I 4aa fr vt faiilaf I at iaiuBil4 ilb tb elry J iUU, wh la Vak oqiB.iMiuar. EAST AND WEST. Ksafarn Paopl llnv Daan Trealefl a Mllle 'l oo Well In Colorado, Every sow and then we bear some easterner talking about hi "losses in tbe went" and that "the west bus do6 np the east," and ell that sort of thing,, It ninkc us lose onr patience every time we bear any one of these fellows croelc Let ns abalyze this qnentlon a little, In tbe first place, we ere willing to grant that emm exint where indi vidual buve got the worst of their wcntern investments, but u a whole the east ia ahead of tbe west by a large and very decided toaJiVlty. Take Colo rado, for instance. During tbe pant ten year we have mined about (300,000, 000 wortii of gold and silver. Who bns that gold snd silver T la it in Colorado? Not inucb I It is all buck cant. We have sent over $200,000,000 back east in the thape of other natural resources and $500,000,000 won't cover the interest, w have paid to the east io tbe shape of Insurance and loans. Lunt year in Gilpin conuty 12,800,000 worth of gold and silver waa mined, and, strange to say, only f200,000 in dividend wa declared upon all tbe mining properties of tbat county, snd those dividends, most of tbem, fonnd their way oot of the state. Here is something to think about. If Colorado wann't thetlcbcst state on en rib in natural resources, it wouldn't be on tbe mnp today. Colora do people prosper in spite of tbe bleed ing visited npon tbem tbronitb trusts. railway corporations, monopolies, in- JttJEStt to. Ho far as tbe east, as a whole, Is concerned, it baa no kick " -''-L ,-"'Imi j,outJ(l,1ur bomea and railways, under foreciosuta ofniortgagfta. Colorado people are not wWifljtrHtaVt-'tbey bate to be dabbed "robber and thieves." If every part of the world did aa well by the nou pro ducing classes as Colorado, then there would be no occasion for any kicking. George's Weekly (Denver). Soma Traat Smaatars, Despite til fact tbat s;m of tbe Re publican organs are claiming in a vagn way tbat their party will arnasb trust by and by, it ia no secret tbat all th G. O. P. leaders, witb hardly ao excep tion, bold atock in trusta and corpora tion, lint it appears that tbe Democ racy ia pretty well tarred by tbe same tick. All tb eastern leaders, inch aa Croker, Flower, Gorman and Hill, are identified witb trusts, and now it torn ont tbat National Chairman Jones, who always bad a warm aide for tbe money lords, and in 1895 introduced a bill to retire tbe greenbacka (and make room for bank notea, ia one of tbe largest atockboldere of tbe Cotton Com proas truHt. Harrison, Stone, Clark, Daniel and otber western and southern leaders are also reported aa having some of tbelr spare coin invested in trout certificates. , Ob, yes, there will be a fine old ahau battle when these magnatea proceed to amaib the trnsta and destroy the iroose that laya the golden cl How tbey will laugh aa they watch the chomp votera fight each other at the polls, only to nave tne bosses and magnate and their stool pigeone come out cn top a usual I Cleveland Citizen. What Trnsls llav Done. Tba demand for effective state and national legislation against trusta Is already ao strong tbat no great party in tbe coming ptesidentlal contest will dar to retitt it Trust in America bava nearly run tbelr con ra. They hav given impetn to tha movement for municipal ownership of Monopolise, j and either throogb these or the opera-1 tion of effective laws they will b ren dered powerbm Chicago Inter Ocean. ! n:W 10XTH akarai't lb 'JULIA M4llloWMstyUdill.rlrom OlUrHhtti Tlir.Yfltllkaalov. Jill t aavar piaih th loot, 1 1ll. V Bra ba,uUlu I d'igB, i lllbV II b Or low lualeii. TiJ v-T WI. twivry miiou id lUkioi. TlllsV atinlorNI la Vital biuala l. ita hap III lh ' fi.i, a4 nj kraaahig Ik bwl ll Ike haiuj im th kim Trr a Hair. TllbYar aur to pta , Htid oa) by- Wobst'or&Ooeors wa. n at "fll 10 BUMaiaM Jn-" Mag tail O Si.