The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 11, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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    I ' ... JKrW -
rvr yy-i-"- jva -fj.eWi
fart MMMMht McOirmli'li Hrv.iliiir Marhlne Company of Chlfsitrt biilli
nJ hilJ I ', eiadilnae, Hil kinJ u t'nu5 ewerf. every ylhef
i hl.varoent Amerli in lil.Hiry ranirdi In favor of Hit wall twin til Hit
farmers, buy MtjLutmU k eiathlnee mi you will get yeuf money i worth,
Tore Up a Railway Track In Sight
of MacArthur's Troops,
t Hallway Train Itun Alrno.l ta tin
Asnerleea OatMMts-Otls, Hueever,
fteperle That Hlgn at Weakening Am
Her Apparent Pieerr, lr
MimxA, Mm l. Tli Filipino ur
prised the United Htatee force at Han
Ftrnando with a darlnjr trick yester
ley. A railway train, with an engine
it each end, wa run almost to tlio
American outpost and In plain tight
ef the town, lie fore tbejr could be
reached a gang of native sprang off
the train, tore u aereral Itngtb of
the railway track, boarded f he train
again and ateainod away to quickly
that there wa no opportunity to cap
turetbe raider.
The army' gunboats, IVeguna da
Pa and Cavadonga, under command
of Captain Grant, which started up
the San Fernando rlvr for Ouagua
f aslerday to establish a bate of cup
plica for the troope engaged In the
northern campaign, returned to-day,
Major General MaoArthur having
failed to connect with the expedition.
The gunboat found rebel In
trenched at Bo moan and Quagua, on
the water front of the town. The
vessels attained past the work, alien
ing the occupant and driving them
out. Landing partle from the bant
entered both town. At Monnoan a
Bpanlsh captain wa captured in uni
form. ' lie wa ostensibly a prlaonor
in the baud of the rebel, and also a
native oflleer.
Arriving at Onagua, the town and a
mall gunboat were found to be burn
ing, and the native wore evacuating
the plaoe in consequence of the bom
bardment. ......
At Nosnoan the lauding party cap
tured Filipino flag aud arm, chiefly
boloa and bow and arrow, beside a
lot of band Instruments, which the
Americana played a they marched
back to the boat.
Captain Grant' expedition will
probably run up the Kan Fernando
river, after having toe reinforced on
recently purchased light draft Hpanlau
WAsumevroN, May 0 The War de
partment ka received from General
Otis the dispatch givlug the situation
In the Philippines, some parts of w hich
have boen omitted by the War depart
ment In making It public. The dis
patch is as follows;
"Manila, May Q. Adjutant Gen
eral, Washington! Mtuallon at fol
lows) Lawton at Masai t and lUllnag;
iooutiag parties to the north au4 east,
MsnArlluir at Kan Fernanda e
Imputation of oouetry between Manila
and northern points held by trMt
returning htue appear cheerful aud
contented, Army gunboat operating
In river, llsve cleared eunulry west
of MaeArthur uf luuigenta, e e e
Klgus ef Insurgents' weekues ure
apptrent daily, (Hi,-
rrohteiws riot (be Ht War
(N4lte Me l ei U riselle
Wasmiswius, May - lir.r Admiral
riamfsoM rrive4 In VaUtugttn t-
day and ealbd t Ibensvr drtuieat
lHin(r tl tmnretary l-.i.f and As
aiklant "emUr Allen reetiug the
future iu.itutul'l the ,Vrt!t Alls,
tie sUdroii. It ws dlled that the
ships should stsit f r.itu Ttttuek instule
ea the Ink f the reent m..att far
Ksnpwrl l U real there dmlutf
the lnMt-raiiutt f the gvtere4' if
llUo-le lJ. 1heaMsdrtt li i.i
lhiuittt i'l Juue In v king out
Iiraeticatly t Ik prwbs I be
aid dwa If h usval war eui.efa,
theareutf mkUk ii U etirely
tsitkia the waters aottk of Ike Jersey
' H lasktsg few" foe MtetmH,
aryao Iit, Vi. klsy tTke
U eM4 l'MUe Mil U Mwhiklt
Ike ue f ehemieais that me katmfal
U tu4 rdeela It Is altaed partle
Urll it Itnyei ttlts U bakttt iNiejJere,
-a r, - f -H 11
(Jeneral Miles anj Ksffan (iel the
Frlnolpal Ceniura,
Wui0To(f, May Jly direction
of the President, who approves the
finding, Acting Kucretary of War
Melklejohn ha made publio the re
port arid finding of the military court
appointed to investigate the charge
made by Major General Mile, com
manding tlio army, that the beef sup
plied to the army during the war with
Mpaln wa unlit for the use of the
The most Important feature of the
report are! The finding that the gen
eralVt finding that the refrigerated
beef wa treated with chemical wa
not established; that hi allegation
concerning the canned fresh or canned
roast beef wore sustslnod a to It un
suitability for food a usod on the
transport and a a long ooutinued
Held rations censure of General Mile
for "error" In failing to promptly no
tify the secretary of war whon he
first formed the opinion that the food
wa unfit; censure of the commissary
general (then General Fugao) for the
too extensive purchase of the canned
beef as an untried ration; censure of
Colonel Maus, f General Miles' staff;
the finding that the packer were not
at fault, and that the meat supplied
to the army were of the same quality
as those supplied to the trade general
ly, nd the recommendation that do
further proceeding bo taken In the
The conclusion of the court adverse
to further proceeding bated upon the
charge I a follows:
"It bss been developed in the course
of the Inquiry, as recited In this
report, that in omo Instance some
Individuals failed to perform the full
measure of duty or to observe the pro
prieties which dignify high military
command, but the court I of the
opinion that the mere statement In
the ofllclal report of the facts devel
oped meet the end of t'.ie discipline
and that the interest of the service
will be best subserved if further pro
ceedings be not taken." )
The censure of Colonel Maus, Inspec
tor general on General Miles' stuff, is
based upon his failure to call atten
tion to charge concerning the beef at
Chlekamauga, contained in a report of
inspection made by pr, (or Major) Daly
on the 2(Hh of October last, In which
he stated hia belief that the beef wa
chemically treated.
"The silence of Colonel Maus," say
the court, ' "on so important a matter
as the chcmlcalUud beef reported by
Major Daly, and personally known to
himself, ia moat remarkable,"
The remark Is also made that Gen
oral Miles' failure to draw special at
tentioH to this report I "unei
Commenting upon Goneral Miles'
testimony that he had first formed
the opinion last August that the re
frigerated beef bad beeu processed,
the court remark! "Whatever the
date on which he formed a belief, or a
reasonable suspicion, that the health
of the troops were being Impaired by
the use of deleterious food, it was hi
bouuden duty, la tU pplaton ef ft
eottrt, Instantly to take the most
effective measure within hla con
trol to teoertstit the aotusl fact
and to correct the wrong, If auy
should be found, It would have bee a
ra'lltble tt obtain samples of the
beef then betnf supplied to the army
by eoatraetor and U have tubmitted
these sample to eheaiW! tlamlna
tion whlek would have resulted In the
detevtloe, of the preoeue or aUeuo
tf bora.'le or U'jtl o.d or any
other elteuileal a.'eu! that way have
beu used a a preservative ajeat,
Yt no u k pivulUa at that su
get,ted s taken by the luj general
MtMttisttdtuf at that time or at auy
ubvuut time, ao far a has West
lvsreei by Ik e-rl
A ehsptef tf the repurt It devoted
to Ike eMl4erali of the cause wt
tWa sUkaess t the army la the Hutt
t eM'ia, but "the court lud tl
liputUU tee4wde tkst either the
vaaeed freak. I eel t r frige fated Wet
appeared to ant arprevUU.e ttlsat m
tauee ef latesllial disease.
tinerat Miles, t ken asaed whether
he had any -.HtiHt to make upoN
Ike best teputt, tvpiin oat be bad
read It, "but I have axtklug to say,"
be addsd, "e.lUer abvet Ik epH t,
the twtk,ol et tetl atony 9 Ike mcj
eloeloa ttenlwd,
The Swindling Operations of Dr.
Hegelberg Exposed,
lie Confeeee HIineeK Pool to Think
lie Could "ileal the Haricot" -About
April SO Iait llo Oltappeareit from
tltw York anil I Mow Voder Arreet
In I-oi Aogelea
Nbw Yowf, May 0. The police of
thi city said to-day that the um to
tal involved in the ewlndling of which
Dr. Hegelberg, now under arrest in
lo Angeles, C'ul,, Is accused, will
reach KltJO.OUO. Dr. Hegelburg wa
provident of tho Investor' Guaranty
and Trust company, with odlce in
thi city, It i alleged that the com
pany did a "blind pool" business In
stocks. About April SO, last, patron
of the' company who called at It
oflk'o found the door looked and no
information wa obtainable a to the
whereabout of the member of the
concern, Krnest & May, keeper of a
restaurant, mad spool flo complaint
that be bad Invested 98, 100 with the
concern, and that he believed he bad
been swindled.
Two day before tho company' of
fice were closed soma of Hegel berg'a
customer received from him a type
written circular dated at Newark, N,
J., saying that disaster had overtaken
him. He attributed it to the panicky
market and said he had destroyed the
book aud asked or a few month In
which to make everything square, lie
confessed that he alone constituted
the whole company, The letter con
eluded: "I wa a fool to think I could
bear the market aud make a fortune
for you and mo, bnt you will hardly
be more auccessf ul. You lose only a
few dollars, while I lose my very ex
istence. "
Captain McCluskcy said that a man
named Young, . who wa a friend of
May, the restaurant beeper, bad also
been Induced to invest money la He
gelburg' concern and that May and
Young bad lust about "'10,000 between
Tbe ArebbUhop of Csoterbary 1 near
Charges Agaluel Clergrmeo,
LoMDOtf, May b.An Important etage
in the rltuallstlo controversy opened
to-day when the Uight Hon. and Most
Iter, Frederick Temple, archbishop of
Canterbury and primate of uAl Eng
land, the Ulght Hon, and Most Iter,
William Dalryinple MacLagan, arch
bishop of York, sitting a a self-constl ;
tuted tribunal, began a hearing of tbe
charge against the Eev, Henry We.t-
all, vicar of Bt. Cutbberts, Philbeacb
Gardens, of ceremonial use of inoonse
and light, and the Iter. Edward Ilam,
vicar of the church of Bt. John, Tim-'ha
berhill, Norwich, upon the charge of
ceremonial use of inceuse. Westall .
and IUrn will have the assistance in
the ecclesiastical trial of a number of I
expert, upon the question of the rlt-
ual, iacludlng the Uev. 1L Ii. Perclval, 1 Wtt-7 -''i5r f .
rector of the Church of tbe Evangel 1 W1 J""' P'f Prlot.0' of " chutes
1st In Philadelphia. The decision of an t00" ' ' Bt C'", 'Iad.
the archbishops will not be binding, ' Bd a rcPu0l mllHon'ire, died yestcr
except as to the conscience, upon any dV from th effect" ol u,n Moldent he
one. Tho chief purpose of this arch-', mok w,tn on Wednesday lust on one of
enliCOIuil inaulpv la to avoid retamnoa .
to the secular courts.
. a - .
A large assemblage of bishops and
well known olergymen were present
in the historic guard room of Lambeth
palaoe whon the archbishop of Can-
terbury opened the proceedings with
an explanation of the nature of the
heurlng. Arguments
of counsel oa
both side followed.
la tboj faee of Leslogtoa So aba
Mew Yorkers fraiae Kantueky.
I.KXisoioif, Ky., May 9 The Bel
mont are going to Peaumont to pend
afewdaya Their baggao-e was sent
out this morning in wagons. Huau-
mont la the country place where Perry
ltulmont's horses are kept. It is five
miles from town. This afternoon Mr.
and Mrs. llolroont will go to La Hello
farm where W. G Whltney'a horses
are located,
Although the Pel mont have re-
oelved no attention from the society
people here, Mr. Uelmout haa Usued
thla statement: "Mr. and Mrs. llil p.
Ileadley have placed the house at
lloaumout atock farm at the UUpoasl
of Mr. aud Mrs. IVrry Ilelmnnt. aud
they have made It their headauarter
during their stay In Kentucky. Prom
Ilvaumont they will make excursions .
to celebrated stovk farms In the re ,
giou if Lexliigtou, and are antlelpat
lag mat'h pleasure therefrom, Mr. aud
Mrs. jtuluiout are charmed with Ken
tucky life"
as ii I . t a a. a ...
iiea-uey nas traineu air. iioimont
horae fur several yeara
la Mtee Ywat iMtUrs,
I'uii At' t rut. Mtv The ),000,.
om mow In the tauit of the inlet and
pMitttk' buildings bore, wMett seur
the Uu ff sliver eertltkatea, will be
traitoferred t the rve-'Hti evntUtd
vauits in the new wiul site, Wg'tuaief
ti mot raw. The muey t luvU4 la
Uti - tl, "oj u t, U,
A tun m,j. hui.4 tr a Vstt
Ntaiuatr, , Mr a Mj"
iit,i., t bUed Male aruty,
retired, was killed ly fslila from a
altgUa m Hhltk be was at Wuik at
bis suittmar home bvrt t-dsy At ee
Mm be bed thar, vf ywvoraiweat
Wik la tlevelaud, It '
A has la)4 DkUs IUMs
Ami ata, kaa , May l. ttay,
yUH married Mta of tul pi tea,
wa ttnmued at luutaa yesterdsy
wklle dutk bunting o lb lake, 1h
bat veilurtte4 aad kit eusMnaalet)
44 MtUer tU ! twie),
10,000 Trial Treatments
e b It.o ftwer of the EM PILE CUBE, whicl
im urns uerq oTr V r u pcinefurall kludto
Mli Id the Kagllsb, rraMh trid Uoraun ermlM
nn foot um and r. o. iirM, dMonpiion or rou
.lliimut and o. itaiiie for return mall, fur tl tare
will be Mnt you aecunipanlMl If S oltl guar
,nt to ura or rofutid tha moaHV. AddraM ika
3lftM MIOIOAL CO. 1 K. Sd St., C'laaianU,
Mobs Role Ilnlotn.
DULUTU, Minn,, May 0. The dam
age done the rolling stock of the
street railway company by mob la
different part of the city last night
wa greater than that of all of last
week. Over 100 car window were
broken, and three person were In
jured. The danger to passenger and
the damage to property were so serious
that the company abandoned all cara
at 10 o'clock. It announces that it
will oot run car at night any more
until it can be afforded adequate poll-
I'l tta burg Kleetrlolao Will trlke.
PrrTHUUBO, Pa,, May 9. The Inside
Clectrical Worker' union, numbering
about 600 men who are employed on
many fine building In courae of erec
tion, have notified their employer
that after May 15 they must be paid
80 eent an hour and carfare, If the
demand 1 not acceded to a atrlke will
take place on the 16th, The men are
now getting (3.00 for a 10-hour day,
Want to fly American flag,
Havana, May 0, The ownora ol
the principal Cuban steamship line
have resolved to send two representa
tive to Washington with a request
that the companies be allowed to fly
the American flag, or, if that be Im
possible, to have a distinctive flag, so
as to be able to engage In trade with
the United Mtatos and other countriea
flrmanAmerloan Protest
Tomcdo, Ohio, May 9. The German
American of thi cHy hold a monster
mass meeting at Gorman la hall to
protest against the proposed llritlsh
American alliance. Bpeoches were
made by the leading German of the
city and strong resolution were
Ha Coil Flfijr-riee Kaneeot' Live.
Toi'KKA. Kan,, May 9. Just five pel
cent of the volunteers of the Twen
tieth Kansas have given up their live
for their country, Of the 1,100 boy
who left Topoka one year ago for the
Philippine, flfty-flve have died, either
la battle or by disease, -
loprestee Ite Btoek 30,000,000,
TfcENTOK, N. J. The Continental
Tobacco company filed a certificate
I l . I . art . a a ... n..f i
'"T wcreaw vi tjv, ,n
l Pa,d"uP ."P1 a ,tok' "ttkln tht
toUl 'tock U'uod W0.
nodrard Kipling an hU ix
Mostbbal, May 9 Iludyurd Kipling
been oflered and has agreed to
accent the decrree of LL 1). from
McGill University,
. ...
t'blokaiha Khakea Dp.
Cdickasha, Ind. Tor., May 9. A tor
nado struck thi place at 4:15 p. in.
yesterday, doing considerable damago,
.. .l .11.. 1 1 .,...!. ,-K. Int.,.
, fnl ,fer.on,.
DO NOT PUT OFF until tomorrow
the duty that ought to be done today.
If your blood ia impure and you feel
weak and weary, take Hood' Sar.i.
purillu at once.
IIocxl' Pills cure all liver Ills. Mulled
' ,r V. y
Hood & Co., Low.
Tie Uaaal to Oo to Coogrees.
Wasiiikotos, May 9. Secretary Al
ger ha issued a formal permit for the
turning of the water of Lake Mlchl
gan Into the Chicago drainage canal
He announces that be must submit
the question to Congress, and ibat
"if at any time It becomes apparent
that the current created by auoh
drainage worka In the south aud main
branches of the l liirago river be un
reasonably obstructive ta navigation
or Injurious to property, the secretary
of war reserves the right to clone such
dlsuhsrge through said chauuel or to
modify it to suuh an extent as may be
demanded by navigation and property
laleresls along said Chicago river and
It south braueh."
MUS Iruopa Ball fu( Haute.
Ma I. hi 1 1, May t,. ll.e mlutster ol
w tr hat rHive4 a dispatch from Gen
eral tilita, rtpeut'e prlueipal military
repreaoutattie In the 1'hUipi'lm-e, an
iiuuhwiu the aaUiug from Manila M
alM of the evanish, steamer t atalif
It a, With kpauUk lrooj
Waihtnc Qolhf i
Mid4 l-Aty
ry ksieg Tla HuiirH WmIIm frt
aralum, Nt bkis ! etoikea e
aeklsg makae . aVel 4 voate
t itsxj . p.t riela4 aa4 tni
tJ, I hEK, K erdujtf
aaktaf. 1UI IT.
U. S, Ait. Liver City. Net
WawtrttUf aebMt tkia
Cardinal Gibbons Bo Characterises a
Boeeot New York Marrlag
Baltimobk, Mi, May 9. Cardinal
Gibbons, In the course of bis sermon
tt the cathedral, on the unity of the
church, characterized the recent di
vorce and marriage of a society lady
In New York a a crime against Chrisb
III eminence laid:
"Consider the pontiff In relation to
King Henry VIII, who asked for the
pope' sanction to a divorce to that be
might marry again. The pope ref used
to give it, saying:
" 'Whom God hath Joined together,
let not man put asunder'. Only a few
day ago the country was shocked at
a woman in high life who wa di
vorced at l o'clock and married again
almost before tho ink wa dry on the
divorce paper. Thi 1 a crime
against the law of Jesus Christ,
"The church 1 one In It teaching.
II 1 tbe same in France, England,
Italy, San Francisco on the Pacific,
and New York on tiie Atlantic All
proolalm the same doctrine, one faith,
one bope, one baptism and ono Lord.
God grant that you may not be con
tented to be united to the church, but
to the Bplit. God grant that all ma
be living brandies and bear fruit."
or any other ladle who wish to wore
working for u in spur time at borne
on our cloth. W offer you a good
chance to make plenty of spending
money easily, in lolsure hour, Bend
13o for cloth and full direction for
work, and commence at once. Cloth
sent anywhere. Address
Wlnooaket Co., (13 II,) BoeUa, Mas.
Mfg. Vepol,
Patronize the advertisers of
this paper.
lllk. Pboie CC5A 050. Lincoln,!Neb
We want every ! keeper
to send for onr dta
PLY CO., 103 3. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb,
Barred Plymouth Rock Em, $1 for 13
Cures without
Pain One of the best
features of the
TMZEMI!MIRigz Pile Cure.
Tbe Rlffir Tile Cure cure ail forma of
Pilot without one partlcle'ol pain. Thi
desirable point la not obtained by tbe
use of Iniurioo opiate, wblob almply
paralyse and deadeo tbe nerve ol tbe
part and make matter worse la tn
onir run. but It I done oioly by It re
markable healing and aoothing effucta,
and while it thus give Immediate relief,
at tbe same lime tbe diwase I not
merely checked bat a radical cure la rap
idly accomplished. .
Tbe point we want to make clear is
that all tbl I don without apartlol
of pain. Tbie fact la one great reason
why the Itgg Pile Cure 1 o popular.
Price &U cent per box.
Lincoln, Neb.
Under Funk eOpera House, Northwest
Cor, 12tb and 0 Bt.
It tau ar exolnir to tb old oountn
or intend to bring frieuda from thai
to this country, pleaae call oa me for
figure. In formation, etc.
a. b. ribwiu,
& T. A. Nortkweatern Lin.
324 South 12th, Lincoln. JoTobers
VV UlU 111
To profit by thcte cheap MAW
rAtci you ihouli go . . . IAU fit
Orceon and
Washington Points.
Ta Vri!d, TatHtm. HwltK
aad taleridUI pulaU) eeia4
ela fal tHK TMortai eWft.
n aad Taarvlay
rea JetS 14 rWltl M
ciiriuifi imui
UfMf lOllaii Oil.
May ii.
Headache, Biliousness,
Indigestion, Dizziness,x
Indicate that your liver
I out of order. The
best medicine to rouse
tbe liver and cure all
these ills, 1 found in
Mood's Pillo
85 cent. Sold by all medicine dealers.
Kfun m nil- m ilihit. th'
... a m mm miA
this ad, aad .1U
... lees ruuwa hfc-ane asssaroia toil- MB eooe
cuwa aiw.a, vj imiw
Kiaiaina n at
.,ur (ralglit
3rput and If
uund (mrfUDi
X aatlaf antorr
aat Uw analaat
Uti yes
or haani
usiit m
van I.
IrM Urn ti-00.
nui wn or-
TOVa vaTAkOwvs,
fAIUl I rtnlsllw WllaWROW a tlSSl PV-rva ear araaiw t
StfUill,loelaiiJl made trim bent ilg Iran, aitra
larva fliiae, Sa yiam, bajr llnlmtf and srataa,
Uriraoanabair,barr Un-lliuMl oen itior , luMuUuma
nkikal nlalad ornaniantatloM and trlmnilnKi, eitra
Un "V, SMiulna Staaabk awwlala ttmrnt rnttr, band
aiiiiia larva nrnamantwl haaa. i taal aaraar , ana
wa furiil.h ta an aitra wood grata, maklne It a Vr
fMtaaSkarar. W ISSDB S WItS
vary at"e and Buarantaa aafadellTarftoraorrall;
riiaifiitatlon. Your lnual lalr would obanra yu
lor ui'li a atofa, tba fralvlit la onlr about II W tut
awih sue nillaa, a. M faa at latat SIO-OO. Sdrtraea,
' (Starn, aa-aaaaSCa, aft UawaaSI; raUaafcv SQKar.)
Headauarrers for Good Lumber
at low prices.
7th & O St., LIOCOLN, NEB.
Cii)mem'ln(f January 16th tb Great
Bock Jaliarul'a "Colorado Flyer," leew
ing Iinooln at 8:20 p. m. dally, will
make connictloiut at Colorodo typrlnga
with new fast trainsi to Salt Iake City
and Portland, Omfron, arriving at
north wcat Pad flo Cxtrnt point thlr.
teem (13) hour quicker and earlier
thttro ever be for. Only evemty hour
to Portland, Oregon, from Lincoln
now. Think of lu
To enable Interested people to in
vest) fate opportunities to get fcod
farm -land cheap, the Elkora line will
on February 21 and , Martin
7 and 21, sell ticket to points in north
ern and western Nebraska and parta
of Wyoming at one fare, plus $2.00, for
round trip; minimum fare $9.00, Far
particular call on A. S. Fielding, C. T.
A., 117 South Tenth street, or depot,
corner Ninth and B street.
I vievueii vvuwhvw vtaaavutf
Accompany these Excursion and HAVE
MONEY, for tbe lowest rat ticket art
available in those
Popular Pullman Tourist Oars.
For lull description of thi service and
tbe benefit given it patron, also date
ol excursion and rates, e vour local
ticket agent or addreee John Hbtttlan,
U. P. A., Chicago; or E. W. Thompson,
A. 0. I'., Torwlta, Kan.
Frank II. IUmne. G P. A T, A.,
U .oolo, Nebraska.
Ta laa fraatiaiHt, fla Jcs Im
AaseUi, Ka I've is 1'wl.ia, 1-..
Ian, t Mlilofal aad
tutalH Bnd tUM Ii At. luf
UtsWpts, etr tv.ff kariKlay,
IJeetJ U lom isgaUta lUO u
a dabt barta.
Bif1?Agtoi Dtiaf,
iii $tt.. iitttiri(i.
TtiftfceM as.
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mi J eawm vinv,
ta. M
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iimdld rn
Din uu.
mmmi .