it .7 i The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. X. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY n, 1899. NO. 52, Ik sr.- mm Hews of the Week ' Th Firat Nebraska will never com back from th Phil limine. That 1 Im poselble sow. A dlepatcb from Maallla ay that thenar only 876 oituera left In tb regiment and vary day tbey are thrown into tb thickest of tb fight- lag white tb full and fresh regiment rwirulnr art carefully kept In the rear in a place of safety. Tbey will new come back. I'srbap some time nest winter a few worn and emaciated en Hated men. not enouicb to make a full company will be discharged and that will be all that le loft of more tbao 1,800 who Mailed for tbe Philippine to fJgli Hnaln. Spain long ago wa wbippe and eued for poace. Her soldier oerer killed but one of the Nebraska boy. Tbey bare been elaugbtered In a war against a people tbat tbey never eul luted to flgbt. If a Nebraska motber objecte to tbe murder of ber moo In tbls way or triee to eend blm a tidegram she le traitor and a copperhead and le eo de nounced by th Lincoln organ. The Firet Nebraska regiment will never come bock. It scarcely exist today ana in few weeks, after It baa been thrown Into tbe breach a few time more, It will be only a memory a (acred memory to be cherished by sorrowing heart all Of er tbia etate. And etill tbe weeping mothers aek: "Wbat le It all for?" ' After tbe fighting at Hantlago, Cuba, which wae mostly done by tbe regular, tbe telcgropb wire" were kept hot with request for promotion of officers of the rejjulnr army for gallantry on tbe fluid of action. The fighting In tbe Philip plnee 1ih been more bloody and fierce, but the administration get no request from the regular army officer who hold all tbe important poult lone for promo tlon for gallantry upon tbe field. Just on only so far line been made, lue feat of Colonel Funston to dazzled the world that it could not be Ignored. Dut that le the only caee. One volunteer officer after another ha led hie mnn Into tb very jaw of death with a bravery and ekill never before equalled, but there are no request for promotion from the generate of the regular army wbo are in command. If a regular regiment had performed the deed done by tbe Firat Nebraska, every officer In It would bare been recommended for promotion. One of tbe moet pitiable eight ever een In Lincoln le tbat of old General Thayer going around ehaklng hie trem bling 6ete and declaring that the blood of every eoldler killed In the Philippine rest upon the head of W. J. Bryan. Tboeewho are opposed to thle wnr imply smile and pane blm by in silence The Fourth of July ie nearly here and till there le only one number In J. Hter- ling Morton'e party. Until McKinley'e attempt to change the policy of thle nation which has been followed ever einre the days of Washing ton, tbe people of this country had little internet In the affaire of foreign nations and but lit! In attention was paid to their bickorluge and strifes with each other. Now their affairs have become of vital Importance to us. It Is taken for granted by every foreign country that tbenctlouot this administration is a notice to the world that we have aban dnned the Monroe doctrine. Home of theee nations are boldly advocating the extending of their power ove the South American continent by colonlxitlou and by force. It will be seen that McKinley ba oined a Pandora s bos. II we claim lb right toaniux territory In Aula by conquest or purchas, tbe Euro Ian nations declare that they will exer- else the eame right upon the routlseut of North and Houth America, That throve us Into every F.uroMan squabble, will be the eaue of unending ware, great taadlag armUe aad very evil that af flict the woplenf the old world and Ironi which a have kept our-wlve Ire by following tli advlwf Waehlugtou la his farewell addr. In couasHpieac t IkW, patriot! uo-a have twea watch leg with a grl deal id asxWty the tune ol Ike lorisa prvas. Oar Meign fl tloas, by this ahaadoainebt ul the to ay Mluwtdby ev-ry Aaivricaa stt Riaa asiil lUil llaaaa aad llrKieWy took rharge, may be-Miio Ike all Im. Mrtssl thing U the hit Urn atuetk or yssr. If Ike pretest l-oliey le followed tuaey atwre Nbrk4rvgiMMusil hsve ti lay do a a thir Itres la frtga UU layr itietua, klsrk llasaa has aiatU arrahgiii M MiKlkWr la isksa slg arvs4 Ue rUl dmlag the eawpaiga. The paiadieg the pri4t p asd Uaa le eosairy la the lairel i4 a hi ual Pfifia aiHl a ! di H.ime vaa U Iavstt4. 1 e rMvt ssuaiil be the preeidtmt of all the people and not tbe president of a political party. Decent men In all parties should protest against it. Hut if Mark Hanna persists in this plan and McKluloy submits blm' self to be ueed In such dirty kind of po litlcal work, then be should be treated as any ordinary partisan Is treated when be is ontr campaigning. Let bis appearances be known as republican meetings. Let no more honors be shown1 to blm than to any other republican or ator of the same ability. Let bis meet Ings be followed by as large onos by the opposition. Let blm and wbat be says be criticised with tbe same freedom as tbe words of any other politician. One of the greatest sensations of the week has been a violation of the mails by an order from McKinley, In tbe darkest davs of the r bullion, when traitors were scattered all over tbe north, many of them committing overt acts, Lincoln never Issued an ordr-r like that. These sappers and miners of re turning despotism continually make slow advancement. Tbls Is one of them. The occasion of tbls violation of tbe malls was as follows. Kdward Atkinson wrote some pamphlets against imper ialism and mailed them to certain officers aid tbe members of McKlnlcy's commission In the Philippines. Tbey were ordered taken from tbe mails at Han Francisco, and It was dons, This matter has culled the attention of tbe whole country to the telegram sent by some of the mothers of the JKubraxka boys telling them not to enlist, which was held by tbe military censor and not delivered. Tbe situation under McKIn ley deepotlsm is about as follows: Tbe sovereign people of tbe United Ktates are not allowed to know what is going on in tbe Philippines for everything sent from there has to pass through the bands of a censor. The troops In the Philippines ors not allowed to know what Is going on In the United Ktates for they lire forbidden to the use of the mails and telegraphs. Huub action on tbe part of the Itrltlsb government would cause a revolution Inside of twenty-four hours, It is doubtful if It would be endured by any nation on aartb outside of Kossla. . To this, baa Mark Ifanna and McKinley reduced this nation. TheKtandard Glass and Paint Co., have movsd from 1312 O street to 188 North 18lb street whre they will be pleased to see their old customers. TROUBLE ATRUSKIN Seventeen Members lleoome llutlnllel end Sue Oat loJunetlnneWIII Ite organize. The Independent is sorry to chronicle tbe fact that there Is very serious trouble in the socialist colony of Ituxklu, It has hoped that the colony would be a finan cial success for the members are a hard working people. While we have all the time dwlared that tbe prluulplne there advocated could not la the present con dition of uiiuklnd become universal, yet with picked men, we did believe tbut it would euccced. Itsoems however, that not enough care was exsroUed In keeping out the unworthy. In ite account of the matter the Coming Nation suye: "rtaventwu stockholder, most of whom secured theirstock without monsv aud without price, bave formed a con spiracy for thw purpone of ruining the colony nud its paper thus inflicting a great wrong upon tbe reform innvetiieut and much burden Ip upon 1100 houeet Hodallsts, who oni aek an opportunity to earn lueer tireal by the swsut ol their brow. "In October, 1897, a studied effort on the part of three or four advocates ol 'free love' and 'anarchy' to diaetuliiat their (henries, eeiwKially anionic the yoiiuif, called lorth a vigorous protsel on the part ol a vast majority ol the colonials. An utxHwii srluU on 'Pro- mlerult in Ids Hex Itelaliou' aud other licentious matter was pooled la public plaass, la the Prlutsry buddies:. laeeinucn as eouuiuons in huskiq ren der our youeg woniu abeolstely lrw Ironi Ins neweeiiy ol marrying la timer tuseeurea lllig there beieg so die. timtlou ia I ha auiuual td uiaiatenaiie paid it Is dirthmlt to understand what geud rwasoa eould I-4 aaaigaed lor I toe Irv lve eaitstioa. Put Iruui lbs (her acterotths printed Miattsr posted and lbs statenteats mads by the lilrsol Ikls 'Wat' a Ituakla, it brt-auta ellval that their rl ilnilloaul Im loe wae fr luet,' ".Nuw, with all Ikea aetliK at law: with a Sa.le r ol Ike lueosetoie ol lbs trouliht kr os the gmuatU, Mieoai- tea la Iks lira It ol ti.e hmwuiio, WOtklMg Whea I lef Ml lit It re(UIU4 tu wot a slia thy saw li, su I protrt i4 la thlr aMou lv laiuseitoeei wua other workieg oa Ik omIiU lor hih'I mm, or nm.lm tieel eiees ol Ikeir USRltiW tlteif iMWillieei leiMSISiHt krM assiwaev rkwrni o4 the Ue IK. j ere iHiesol'lH In luie. Wild r one, asl anrpreaalaliuM ag ni wad ststesuaiuwlir im- Ji. tu create (ratow! se4 aie4 rus!iea imum laoee iu ra4eJ lis itt Huek a-wiia aU ( oUu.iv l I I.e asf lu, ws taUaot In war ; friends the world over, If It is not re markable that the colony bas roo tinned togrowaud prosperl Is It not a proof of the, vitality of our principles tbat more than 100 members and their fain Hies are today more united than they have ever beior been, and mor deter mined than ever let come what will that the Ituekln colony and lbs Coming Nation shall live? Theee are facts." The Independsnt bop that Kuskln will come out of this trouble all right. There are many good men and women at Husklu honest and bard working wbo sincerely believe In the principles set forth In their paper, but tbey have been Induced to admit into their fellowship some of tbe real socialists the sort of socialist that the Independent ba been fighting, Tbe editor of the Independent, knows these people by sad experience. A socialist colony like Rusbln must be en tirely bomogenlons if It is to succeed. None but those of th very best moral character must be allowed to enter It. In tbe re-organization let the member ship be most carefully scrutinized. ICveu then there is no safety unless there I some provision made to get rid oldie satisfied member In some expedi tious way. INSPIRED BY SATAN In an Interview with General Sbafter. published lu th Washington Post of of April 10, h is reporfed as saying: "The Filipino is a suspicious fellow jut Ilk tbe Cuban. II can't th good Intention of this government aud he never will until we subjugate blm wl lb powder and ball. I have said be fore that it may lie necessary to kill half the population or the Inlands In order that trio remulnlnir half mar bo lifted from their semi-barbarity to the clvillxa- tlon we are ready to give tnem," Tbls humans sentiment will tie encour aging to the Filipinos, Tbe suggestion that the United Ktates will go five thous and miles away and kill ons-half of ten millions of people In order to relieve the other half of barbarity, eould only be tun ue py a man destitute of liumaulry and Inspired with th malice of the devil himself. It was natural for this man to swear that every pound nf meat sent to tnesoioiers was sseet and flrst-class, but It will b unnatural for any Ameri can administration to continue to up hold him and bestow honors npon him while It em ks to degrade the general of tne army. national Watchman. THE BANK OF VENICE A Demoneti-Btloa ef th Correetne of Pope lid I'rluelple Carried en for 00 Years. During th contest In congress over the repeal of th Bberman act, John Davis, a populist member of congress became known to all th other member of th bous as a kind of walking ency clopedia on the money questloa. lie was a great lover of boob and spent a large portion of his salary in collecting works that treated of politlcul economy and social sclsnce. Very often references were made to the bank of Vendee by tbe populist members, but the bunkers, of which there were a large number ia th bouse always hooted At the Idea that there ever was an Institution of the character repnmentod. Finally some gold bug profeeeor of political economy came out In one of the plutooratlo mag azine and denied tbat there ever was such an Institution. One day John Davis was bunting around in an old second band book store aud came across a volume that gave a full history of it. It was a book pub llehed In J-ondon while the batik was still In existence and was written to give In struction to the writer's son in regard to trading In foreign lauds. Even after Davis produced the book, the hireling writers lor the gold bug magazine oou tinuud to deny ths rxlstenew of tbe bank. The editor ol the Ini'mudnt was there fore greatly surprised to And a full ac count of ths bank and lis manner of doing busluess printed la th April num ber nt th Chicago Danker. How that article was ever permitM toe. th light through such soqrew is pae 00110 prebeoeloo, Dut as it bas now apard In a banker' uiageiiu. prrha the plutocratic press willeeaaa to deny that lb bank of Veukw evrr exieled. Old populate will all remember how a oltm used to rrlef Id l as complete (leltiuu tfatlon of our thsuriva, The aoooust glvva id It la Ik Chicago lUxker I here reproduced, "Ths bank ol Vealoe west oa of lb moet USD) basking Institutions la Ik Wo(ld. IlWMlhs oldetMelatke aioel prulir la Ms Uttlhod of traue. aeiiag btttine-a, i wok i4tbia dale bath lathe year UTI. wWea Ihsbaak a a '(Umber id tanee. I as bssk lw . d t have U bora IroMi sMiy, The eie.r of Ikstireea .mi Ow kieg astaonid Ike lke rMl.l- ol Wwivr, ks.l e Ike 4rna .! proprriy ol all u t-w ot kk labia itouoeivM. Ihie aaeatoeea i.wettdt' Ihe i.M..e, a4 a Heet t a lis' ssne wsebito tirerte, aal the k'iw rue was HUurlle. iMiver Hp ie.iVM.aer, ak aeit lt.f Srtr ItxMre I eKKinii in lraly m latol IM ao- kaatUtattiH) kasi. la nwetqaes ut tat a4 I he vM i. weesaiusdiig brsj ee.lii kha th Romans, th Duk of Venlos, Michel 11, wo compelled to levy a forced loan on th wealthy merchant and citizen of tbia queen of tbe'Adriatio." Tbe'Cbamber of Loans' was therefor established, and the citizens Mere compelled to con I rib ote according to their ability, and with no promise or expectation of th return of th 'loan' except a very moderate in terest of four per cent on th amount ol their enforced contributions. "From tbia Inception and by gradual development and improvement, tbls unique institution became a regularly organized bank, with features as peculiar as those tbat bad distinguished the original chamber. Th bank became so popular that all Interest on deposit wo abolished and th credit of depos itor . of th book of th bank were quoted at a premium of from twenty to thirty per cent abov th cur rent noln of the country. Tbe author Dies, In order to avoid fluctuation in these credits, arbitrarily fixed th pre mium at twenty per c ut abov tbe cur rent money of tbe times, so that 80 du cat In bauk fund were accepted as qua! to 100 ducats In current money, and a depositor of 800 ducat received a bank oredit of 1,000 ducats. Tbi pre mium remained unchanged for over 000 years, and until tbe government and th bauk war overthrown by tbe Freneb troop In 1707. Tb working of thl bank by govern mental action and on what wo then considered judicial principles, were both unique and successful. It was conducted through centuries of trials andrevolu tlons, with prudeuc and wisdom. F,vrv citizen of Venice was impressed with the outy 01 supporting the government with hi purs and his influence. Hebelievsd It to be a matter of profit a well es of patriotism, aoeoruiiig to th Operations of tb bank, a depositor could surrender totb bank the entire amount of bis for. tun and still be enabled to use the whole ol It In tbe form of bnuk funds In bis bus in ess transactions. He was never able afterwards to mover the coin be had de. posited, but be experienced 00 difficulty in selling bis bank credits to other mer chants for fiior than their law value in current coin. These bank credit were made a leuol tender la all pa? merits. both of a public and private nature nua were exempt trom levy and execu tion lor debt. The .peculiar manner of conducting business consisted in lbs fact that no checks were given by mer chants upoa the bank, no receipts wers issued, and when two merchant bad been doing businees settled no their run ning accounts and figured their re pea tiv indebtedn to each other, tbe bal- a lies was struck in favor of tb heaviest creditor. For Instance, if after a settle. meat it was found tbat on merchant owed tb other 1,000 ducat. Tbe two men then repaired to th bank, where tney louna tu book keeper arranged In alphabetic order, Approaching the two clerks for tbe books of tb bank were kept In duplicate tbey requested tbat 1,000 duont b transferred Irom th ac count of on merchant to tb other, and this is don. Tbat Is all ther I to tb transaction th debt I paid, tbe bal- anca bas been adjnated, and nothing but the entries on the book of the bank are in evidence of the fact. The records of tbe bank were all the voucher thut were needed, and theee books were at all times oMu to the insfsictlou of the part ies interested. No coiu wus ever paid out when once deposited. The govern ment used it ia prosucutlng It Ion Inn wur. i nis gavs th government a loan without interest, and attheenmn time gave the people credit money, which was regarded as better than gold or silver. more convenient man currency ami which was free from seizur bv the sheriff and not subject to the lucutuberanc by mortgago. It lea remarkable fact tbat under the operation ol this unique baukiug system in Venice, for over 000 years not a panic or a fluuiiciul disturbance occurred. Tbe bank uepoeits Increaeed with Iheirrowth of ths public and with tbe increase of wealth and buxinees. Hunk credits wers ths medium ol ext-hanice In limine; de posits onos me de eould never bw with drawn and thus contraction was averted aud punlc rendered impoible, Alter a time, however, the bunk opened a "cosh office'' in which coin and bullion wers received and paid out upon cheiks, as is now dons under ths modern eyeteui of bunk in- but this "cash ofW' was not so lavorable, aud on two ocrnssious It was o Mined to sueimnd cash pay ments, but Hie malu branch leut to ths "caeli ottlcs" its Inllueiiea and credit, aud bueiuees was not seriously Inter krrd with, Tb bank af Venice had Ha M-cullar rule o book k ping, wha n received the closest atlotiou. It bad regular days lor closing and poet lug book, whM B waa geueraily every r'riday tu ths week In wuU'b no legal holiday (ut eurred, aleocloeed ur twenty dsye lu each quarter ol ths year, but theee e'oeiutf in o wle iuteiltrrN with ths traneaotions o tiueiue, Merchaats eoutmued tbeir traueaotioue, and only meMiied tbe paymeat ol halatie ustil I he bank stiuald Nope r bueiae, lbs bank allowed su days gracs oa time paper, aiol II this paper lull ilu durleg lag tits vloeel eMtie. p4Vtial was imply pte 1 fitted aatd Iks day ol psa lug witkoat delriaieat or Iwi'reawd e ue tu any owe. It le a reuirrkabl (act that this ualqus bask ol Yeas, la wkkili ai .ia wae .r Mild wul, or sva pfomiw. tu b. pMid oal, l'aiiie ei p-ipuUr. as I lis H-etkiMle ei sal telai lory, Iksl Yaa a am prat'tttw ly tlwi etear ns! koaes ol ttsftimateral aotld, and ad II tet leg atetvbwki aud biNkes aa I prta wr asiums to a wit HKielvea ol II piuiivaes aud sdl gasrd aa-l beoiM Its deutitor. Tkadwpaly fiat Kepanslea.Wat was res4 sweeiUeg oat hie oftUw w tklsk Iketa kkuukl ke eiuui ill u) Ika akito tu li tkis wik. Tea stele tttn.eta are 01-uu I ol tk umm r si l aud atek th kepi Ww. THE PR, ABBOTT CASE Oav. Hvloomb Defends la tb lltrlrt Cwart the Ceavs at A adltar Cornell, Bom time since Dr, Abbott presented a claim to th auditor for $1,000 addi tional salary, II ba drawn at tb rat of 2,000 a year, but sine a new super In ten dent ho been appointed, ba baa brought In a claim for $500 additional. Tb auditor reforrod tb claim to tb attorney general, wbo held tbat In aa eordano with a recent decision of tb sursme court th claim must b paid, Not withstanding thl opplulon of tb attorney general, th auditor tlil re fused to pay th claim, and Dr, Abbott ba brought suit In th district court, Tb attorney general doe not bold tbat th claim I just, but tbat according to th decision of th auprsm court it must b paid. Th appeal from th decision of Audi tor Cornell In rejecting a claim lor 1,000 mad by Dr. J, L, Abbott for additional salary during bis last term ol offlo a superintendent at th Lin coln hospital for thslnsan was brought before Judge Holme yesterday In th district court. Argument were mail by W. U. I'm and ei-0ovsrnor Hoi comb for tb auditor and by Kd V, Hmltb and Judge Tibbeta for tb claim ant. Tb rejection of th claim I based on th fact tbat th enrolled bill a passed by tb leglsfatur two ysars ago contained an Appropriation ol $!f,600 per annum while th journals of tb pro cdlngs of both bouses, It I claimed, do not show the bill to bar been passed In this manner. . Attorney General Hmyth was to have appeared In th ease on behalf of the auditor, but as tbe attorney general In an opinion rendered to the auditor took th position tbat th claim was legal the auditor selected othwr counsel. J thl opinion tb attorney general held that th journals merely showed tbe passage of tb bill which wo originally drawn with a compensation of $2,000 per annum. The engrossed bill showed tbe sum to be $2,000 but In th scrolling room th bill wa changed to $2,500, The holding of th attorney general wo that tbe bill a Identified by tb files among the stats records must be taken, tbat being tb decision ol th court In several states, Auditor Cornell's attorney based their contention on th fact that th enitrossed bill contains thesurnol $2,000 and on th fact tbat Mr. Abbott draw hi salary In quarterly Instalments at tbat rata, It Is contended tbat tb leg islature Intended to fix tb salary at $2,000 a year. THREE POP REGIMENTS, Their Msa and Offleers tUsdered aad Xfallgnsd by Rsnabllesa WiitarsCoss. tnand ths Admlratloa af lb World, It Is worthy of notlis tbat those reg iments whiub have made tb nam of American volunteers famous flll'rouiid tbe world are all from populist atata and wore organized by populist gover nor. The Houth Dakota regiment ba tb warmest spot ia the heart of tb peo ple of this state and receives the unqual ified praise of all correspondents from other state. It is unnecessary to recall tb abuse of th republican copperhead press at tb time Goverr-or Lee madu hi" appointment lor thl regiment. This abues and ralsreprewintatlon con tinued until hostilities broke out at Manila. The Aberdeen News even refused to publish a letter from Major Howard defending himself from a charge of forg ery which th News bad made. Th let ter was published in ths Iturallst. Now alter the regiment and Howard have won lmS'rlehalile renown, these critic ar tumbling over each other to get on the right side. The Kitlliint regiment from Kausns was orKsnised by Governor Iedy, It Is llkewles uneeessiiry to lecsll the lies told about this regiment and about Governor lwdy at ths time ollts organ isation. It was charged that It was placed In charge of iueuuiiMteut, while capable republicans were displaced, and eeiittoths front rsgged, slioelee and untrained What is th seouelT No reg Imeut In th world ever did better sr vlo. Whet we ever a more gallaat ait than that id Colonel Fun Ion with 125 mea who erowee.1 the Km Grande river and stormed aud captured, lbs bomb proof IntrearbuiealaT Th NVbraeka regiaienl is notoae whit hebiud. I he gallant ebargs id lbs rtfl steal oa Huaday, Aril 2 Intnibs buraeekiMj la I real' k meat whea Colonel Nluisealterg Ml shot througa I he heart U aol brkled the arkkfrneala id Others, Tbeaa three) refiuieata kavs bora In braal ol lb Bahlisg aa hsvw set tb (ace, I'berw werwoihsts preewat, "I'kerw wers rVKimeat Irosi repablieaa states and htiutare, but buus ol tbin are the lwrs ol thee tkrea, Wby aol! Tk reejioieat ibat ' beareet kt Irow Tiaaeesee not a rpuhliaa rvu.M, It ta not aovoleat thai has broaaht lbM feMMMMilt to Ik Iroat. It M beail thj wvr oraasit4 lor servuw, Thi outers wr aol hms ol poliH.l putt, aor sows id iMdnk ises. Gov. j4irasrdlv.Mllie.a howl ssd olam Coiiael t roel at Ibe h I ol tbe iola lUhoia ?. tkoitisa k had In d'daM a pvoaonent deaokral iHttilWiaa lu dii this, Mkiate,v toads ihla deaovtal a btigadter gral at Iks rvoMtof Kile, hat auowaaua qweetloe Ik wUloes ol IW avIMa. ttav, edf dtstfrdd repabiwaa howl when be mad tb lltll populist Funston, colonel of th Kansas volun teers, but Funston ba proven a gallant leader of a gallant regiment. republican bowls when he mad Mtotsen- . . a. ... 1. . ucra; coionei una in repuunoan copper, headslu tb legislature vented their eollji lie weHliii the .minimi he .! ol tb legislature, which wa afterward expunged from tb record by tb popu list aided by a few repnbllcan wbo wer ashamed of tb cowardly act, narprouoof tunaniy men irom the populist state of Houth Dakota, Nebraska and Kausns. Tbey ar doing their dutv. . but while titer eiaul all others, they ar almost to a man op. postra 10 in uuuoiy war in wnicn iuy ar engaged. Tbey ar oleying order a soldi must, but they protawt naver thsless against tb McKinley war of con quest, Dakota Iturallst. A SCIENTIFIC BASIS. 1 Tb Movement la Knoaamle aad Felltlral eleneeWIII be Attained Tbrob gittuflarsblv, The reader of the Independent will re call th article by Prof, Htuoknbrg of Cambridge, Mas,, which appealed not long sine. In acknowledging tb r oeipt of Prof. Htuckenberg' communica tion tb editor wrot blni something of tb movement In tb west and tb prln clple w advocated, with a farther re quest that be would con tin u hi ar ticle, In reply tb following lettot baa ' been received.' "Mr, T. If, Tibbies, Lincoln, Neb, Pear Hlr; I wo much Intereeted In your letter of th Ulth nit., and if 1 had received It before I tit my article 1 could bav adapted tbe content bettor to tb western situation. Tb movement yon descriU Is of great Importaue and I bop it will lei better understood In tb east. There I a scientific basis forth movement In economics and political science, and I trust it will be shown tbat such a basis exists, Tb result you bav attained Dractlcollr have, in arm part, been gained by Europe n scholar thronab sclentifta Investigations. In case 1 visit Lincoln I should Ilk to dls oues with you th point men Gonad la your letter, with care and wisdom tna unjust competition of which you com plain which In reality I not competition can lei overthrown, (t ought to ba don at th next presidential carouaign. Tb east feel that much in tb exletlna condition I Intolerable,' But tb way out? I want to writ much, bit cannot now. On Haturday, May 0, 1 lav for K u rop Uf Sseay-grea t oeloi7giai r'oblem In lierlin, Paris, and Ixndon. may b absent four month. Your paper, except tb number with my art Icl ba not reached m. I bav used ' oiioUtlons from your fetter, without your nam, of course, for tb llomlletlc iUvhtw. Tb ty may not appear till fall, but when tbe do a copy will be sent to you, lours laitnruny, i. II. W. Htuckbnmkru, ROOT Of SOCIALISM Wbat la Socialism? Ther I mor than on kind of social ism. Amongst tb socialist ar men ol many minds. There ar parsons, athe ists, laborers, employers, men of peso and men of force. These men differ on many points; but tbey all agree on on point. Thi point on which men of different view agree Is called a principle, Here in plain word 1 ths principle or root idea on which all socialist aicrse: That the country and everything la th country shall belong to the whol people (tbe nation) and shall ba used by I he people and for I he people. That "principle," tho root Idea of so cialism means two things; 1. That the land and all th ma chines, tools and building used In mak ing needful things, together with all th canals, rivers, rouds. railways, shlpa and !raln!used lu moving and distribnl Ing needful thing, aad all ths markets, on lee and weight ued In distributing needful things shall belong )o th wbola people (tbe astion.) 2. Tbat th (ami, tools, maoblnea, trains, rivers, sbo, scales aad all lb other thills' beloiiuinc to th immioI hall ba worked, managed, dlstrlbut! aad need by lbs whole people la such way a ths greater number ol lbs whol peopl shall deem beet, Coating Nation, THE SAME OLD WAY Everywhere Imperialism adopt Iks siu method. Anierleahas no longer any r'gtit tocrltMaa ltuseluppeeealug fr sarb aad a trw press, A Filipino. editor rerrally phllh aiatlef wbka did aot quite suit 0'Srrsl IX is, ahr. wponbawas arrested oa th ehargwof tlrvalalliig "seditious" matter, ID prisllsal pUst waa eoarovated aad sold, asd ha klw-Hl I-Nsi m aaieket Iront "taw-rieaa terriuuft" Ikaeral Oil said " lUe tiolila.'f ao.fmukl eie,V belied here Wilt ttvie lb aeiieaMr Hif ii probwl M-wll aHiiisl liMbia asd seditious pabUatlxas 4eie. la arwsis rbarartrf aad weakea u astkoriiv." Asd hw is m a "rv. W id I rew .tat', Nj wonder w rausot a-avriala th Uela ea.ireisf lb war lib lbs l iiipiaoa, ty lbs tia aw lairvolaie lkroMMb saeh a ixtad IHa (4 Itraaav assitet at kisailla Ibsirwla wat Ws largely sttmiaalsd totl4 Nstioa.