May 4, 1899 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. Your Thumb Nail. You can write the law that governs trade here on vour thumb nail: "The power to reduce price'' For fifteen years this store has sold men's shoes, for fifteen years we liave always sold men's shoes fcr less money than any 'competitor. Now we are selling women's, misses and 4 ' children' shoes selling them .at less than anyone else selling shoes that were made for this store only. You can't find their equal anywhere. The new department grows enthusiastic in the presence of the new stock. The operations that have pushed the shoe stock way up to the front in a few short days have more tq accomplish. The magnitude of the shoe trade heading this way is quite enough to recommend the shoes to vou. Now to the many women who have written us: "why don't you carry ivomcris shoes," we can say ready, ready, with the most complete line of women's shoes ever brought to Omaha. We'd like you to try this new department for your next pair of shoes, and a postal card directed to 'Department S, Nebraska Clothing Co., will bring you by return mail a leaflet about shoes. Send for it even if you don't want shoes perhaps your neighbor wants a pair. Remember, you can write the law of this store s success on your thumb nail: "the power to reduce prices. bow many millionaire ar made by these corporation the farmer doe out make them ucli, Hut Him farmer ba to pay th tariff. No matter whether he buy forelgn-mude or bome-made goods, tb tariff I added. Tbor Is little dlff.iruo la the price of foreign and domestic (food of tb same quality, la one caw th government got tli tariff, la the otlmr tin manufac turer get It. it I always that much more than tin oode would cost tli farmer than if tbor was no tailff. The law protecting the manufacturer In high prion has at ways boon a bun of contention between the farmers and manufacturers, it bus Always been the east against the wont, and tli (Mint bargnlnedth victory. A t first it was protecting Infant Industries, but as tbe Industry grows older tbs de mand for protection (rows stronger, The farntar is tbs only loser. The pro tooted Iron man cuo trade with the pro. tooted cloth man and tb tariff helps both alike but when the farmer trades wheat for either Iron or cloth be got do benefit from tariff. The market price for wboat is always loss In tb United Htatee than It Is in England, while manufac tured good under the tariff is forty to fifty per cent higher. Justice would do oaou that tbs law should help the far mer as mucb as the manufacturer, or else not help either. The chief object of tariff on many articles is to force the Americans to pay mora for American goods than Europeans pay. The law will not let us buy American-mad goods abroad and bring them borne without paying tb tariff. Tb change of our money standard was an eastern measure. Thoy bired John Bhertnan to put It through and in doing it be did more to Increase tb 'wealth of eastern capitalists than any man who ever sat la congress. The in -crease of eastern wealth was taken from the wealth of the wat. An In--creasing dollar In purchasing power Is what they want, or In other words the shrink lug of iirojierty value. If the next congress uoe not retire tb green bocks and treasury notes and melt the silver dollars, liryau should huv the credit of debating the plan, ill speech es trouble the republican waters, Cheap money, or silvor men vs. dear money, or gold standard men,, is tbs question. We admit Uiat th Ire coin .age of silver with gold will make cheaper money; Just as much cheaper as the gold standard made It dourer. Hud ths coining of tb two metals continued as Washington lelt It, ws would have it now, that is ths dollar would not have the purchasing power. Eastern mople are more lor expausion than th west or south. They so com mercial trade and money In it They also se tb Issuauo of hundreds of mil lions mors government bonds. Tbey want some way to invest their idle nion- fc. ,t'l 1 I I L .11 A I I'fji mi innwu iiura mow iwior mail u to invest la any business or property la X this country, if they can subjugat or ik slaves of ten or Oltesn millions of topletbey will b happy for season- A good plat to bay clothe. Th H. 1 rain llotbtug Mtore, Kill ia ImI Bit lliusotsoo. May I. A large, siumber of th soa lloas al tb rlut IUy rookr la hava bee killed elaoa last VrMsy by employee of the slat board of ask aa4 gen eo emissions! It Is hoped m redaa th hard thst tksy will aa lesgsr be a lusuaea to Ik IsksrlM al tb oaal, Many IfUhlng Irtae k4 ba aomptalalaf A beeeaaa al tka Uareaalaf herd. A la H. iaaas lis Watuiaavea, May 1 Just before , bit departare fvi Kurvpa trustor Joa. taWa al tb luttwtil aalteaal euwatttt, dsstg aal4 J, U Juhssea el feabody, Kaa, wha Is a vssaiVar trass Eaasaaal tk astloaal uwrntttaa, U Ml M MrUr darUg k akaaaaa. ! Ml W fait Ttrtli, Kaa., M I Tk first ta affwv a a rU at tka law rluelf tsUfvtiK talis ar tk U$t ;k ws arar Wy Tk Wsslsra t'aioa kss fttw4 tka ef It utsssenfsr la I t awalk. tka Uf garly sal Ilk. Tki k W titta (a te yt Ika task tkal tka Maiaay kas uwt 1 yet r4aes4 tka tata A aa h Vlaf It, tk auMiay jr It ka Wa fat la oastatabla Ism flcktlat? aaataa law aaila, aa4 It mast rtrak TROOPS TO WARDNER, Aa Mho OMssr tb atst WU1 Bl th SuHlsrs Maintain Order. I Spokani, Wash., May 1. Th com.' pany of nagro rsgulars statlonod Hpokan army post roelvd order dl' reot from General Merriam to lav on tb morning train for Wardner, Idaho. Tb company at Fort Walla Walla ha reoeived similar order, j BsrtUtt blnoUir, auditor of Idaho, in an Interview at Wardnar, saldi "Ths condition hsrs ar far wors than 1 could possibly imaglna. Tb proseoutlng attornay and sheriff her hav boon shamefully remiss in their duty, I told them so to-day, They will probably be impeached. Exist Ing conditions ber must ceas. Tb stat authoritl, aided by federal troops, will ses to it." Wi 1,1,10.1, Idaho, May 8, Sine Sat urday's riot tb union men hav mod-1 ersted thslr ton greatly, but still talk defiantly, Mullan and Canyon Creek district ar unanimously union, Th law and order clement can do nothing aloe tb machinery of th county government 1 in union bands, J It is bslisved her that no mora troubl will follow until arrests ara , attsnptfld or th Dunkar QUI peopl rebuild th mill and begin work with non-union man. Th sol object Sat urday was to render that company unsbl to work, WABDHtn, Idaho, May .In th abssnoa of troops no attsmpt is mad 1 to resume work at Hunker QUI wltr non-union man, A tlpbon mssssg from Canyon Creek says several lead ar of tha dynamiters ar laaving tot Montaaa. Altfeia III rrone Dcpvcssloa, CaiOAeo, May I John P. Altgeldii better. Dr. Nicholas Sana said last night: "While th x-govrnor is not strong, thsr is no reason why b should not njoy a ooasldsrable lease of Ufa if ha will throw off tka depres sion which weighs him down and go where b may have complete rest I do not think he will b In a condition for another long campaign, howevea." IMliioU far Hophlaa Chioaoo, May 8 Ten of th four toea Republican member of Congrae from Illtnola mat In caucus her aa4 unanlsaously decided to' support Con a . a gressmaa Alosrt J, uopains 01 Aurora for speaker of tha national House of Representative T lb lUIUf ef Tmuf. St. Jon's. X. F.. Msv kTba seal ing steamer flop want into dock her today to be thoroughly and repaired, preparatory to proceed lna northward next month with aa eipedltlon for th relief of Lieutenant Veary. but aa KI1U4 Ha AMallaab Cahtok, & I)., May 1-CharleaMe Cullough, a fsrra laborer, was shot and killed by Mrs Kuule Crown, at her farm aouth of this city. The wo man elalnsa McCullough assaulted her and she skot la self-defens. Tb Carnal H4 talaeas. Allah auau, India. May 8. A sever epldsatle of luRueusa 1 pretalllnf at Hintla, Tha vteeroy, lVrd Crsa of Ked lesion, ws aitaeked with tha dl. ease, but I now ouvalMat. Tk vteerela, I.sdy Curson, I now suffer lug with tk saw malady. t ttl Mf We Mt Nsw Yoaa. May I -It is slaUd tkat rerlsla Uplseopal elergfiuea who ar tlKMa4 t tka ordiustloa ot tr. t'barlea Hil; prwM ki prafar ehsrg ot ksreay agatasl ktut, wkUk will pwalpaa tk r4iatl ia uatU k shall k lar4 kluustt. P Wt hivi a lurt curt. Taken tntcrnilly. P!AiAnt. Colli nolhlnr to try ttl Dcicrbtlvt Aatl-Fill Co, II:cjIb, fl:b, mm 1 An $800,000,000 Capital For th. Steel Combine, DEAL IS NEARLY FINISHED. All tbs Itlg Concern In tb Country Eipaoted to Us In It UotiU's Costl EsMirlnos la ths Jump la frleas ol Btl. Nkw Yobk, May 8. Tb rumors of an immense combination of steel in forests are practically confirmed by John W, Dates, president of th Amer ican Steel and Wlr company, who re turned from a European trip on Satur day. The combination, unless the present plans of the promoters are changed, will Include practically all the big concern of the country and will have a capitalization of between 1700, 000,000 and 1800,000,000, Th pro posed combination is yet far from oomplet in point of detail, but tha presence in this city of the representa tive of the greatest steol interests of the United States led Mr, Gates to say that in all probability tb nsxt few days will soa It whipped into tanglbl shapo, "As I hav just returned from abroad," Mr, date explained, " I can not go into detail la this matter, but it is pretty saf to say that tb com bination will go through and that its capital will b nearly 9800,000,000. About all th big companies may corns In, th principal ones of which will be th Carnegie company, th National Steel company, the American Steel and Wire company and probably the liar Steel interests as now represented by tb Ilepubllo Steel company," As an evidence of th rise In prices consequent upon th rush in business, Mr. Gates told ot an order placed here by the Kusslau government last Octo ber for 00,000 ton's of steel rail. It was agreed that the price should b 10 or 110.60, but th Uusslan govern ment tacked on certain specifications, on of which was that the stcol should not contain mora than one tenth of 1 per oent of arsenic. Tha company rejected th proposals, and after vainly trying In tha market of Europe at an advanced price, the or der was again offered to tha Amor lean concerns with th objectionable clauses eliminated, but was refused at an advance of 111. "Now th Eustlaa government," said Mr. Gates, "Is between th devil and th iron worka It want th rail for th Transslberlan road and cannot get them in Europe or Amer ica without waiting months." MRS. STEVENS CONDEMNS IT, Tbe llombardojant of Samoan Tillages tbe Moralist s Widow Call a Olsfraea. London, Mry 3. Robert Louis Ste venson's widow has written a letter to tba Westminster Gazette from Fun dial, Madeira, on tha bombardment of Samoan villages by British and Amer ican war ships. Mr. Stevenson says: "President MoKlnley allowed no firing on Cuban towns unless tbey gave active causa of offense, and Com modore Watson was ordered not to at tack undefended Spanish cities. Does the President keep his humanity for olvlllsed countries atone?" Mrs. Stevenson declares that the Samoan villages are inhabited in time of war by non-combatants, who have to choose between the shells of the warships and' "taking to the bush." Under such conditions, sha says, del teste women could hardly exist, while children die like flies. Mrs. Stevenson's letter conoludes as follows: "Chief Justice Chambers ha been reported as saying in a letter to his brothori 'I never waa happier.' Qe must be a person singularly devoid of imagination if he never pictured to himself the scenes being enacted In the bombardment of those vll lagesi the exodus of panic stricken people, rushing hither and thither shells bursting everywhere; the cries of bedridden and helpleoa wounded people burning alive in their biasing houses; mangled children orawllng upon the aands, the sea before them and the bush behind them. And we read that tbe woods also wore shelled. Who is to be held accountable for these deed that dis vsocg both England and America?" OUR DEMAND ON NICARAGUA. Oosaral Torros MfUl Ha Raar4 fas Ills UoaraMlua l AraartaaM Nsw Yoaa. May & A dispatch to the New York Herald from Washing ton sayst As a result of Ueneral Tor res' oppressive oouduot towards Awerloaa merchant trading at Hlue fields, Nicaragua, this guverniueul kas determined to require th Nicars guaa government to relieve blut from duty at tkat polal It I the aaderslandlag tit th ofti elala tkat a detuaud has already been submitted for th punishweat of Gen eral Torres, sad ao duubt ealtt that the Xelaye government, W ekuw tl frbndthlp fur tk United Male, will lake pr-ipar action. It I proposed by th authorities ta kep tk I troll si UluelUlds lo eafore respeel eud l provide proteeltoa ta Aumleaae uattl Ik eoulrmry ka bee esttted. M, raat4t ! rta Nsw Yoaa, May a Tka truateaaol fAduniMe ual vrtly kave elected ISnau Van Aarlag asltaf prMal durluf Ma. taw aUuB at Ik II ague as post ! B.llai, Ike rastguatloa t Ma, Usher libtartaa, was aett4 yesterday, aa4 l Jsmas lialate Cs8l4 was aui 14 sutwaad, W, tsatald I araaldeal et b Uatveraity vf Oktu, aa4 ka been suptata4t at akoats al I V Joak, ktUk. ru.v vf hUtuf l-iisk ltleraltr aad eito la Iks t'niflly t Kaaa a4 ekaaeellor t tk Valtaratty at Nebraska. THE WORKING MAN Editor Independent Enclosed please find postal order for 12.00 to pay what I owe and possibly some in advance. I like to read the In dependent for the same reason that that republican lawyer likes to road it. De cauHeitlsfullof good, sound logic and 1 fetd that what I read 1 ran depend up on every time as facta. Another reason thatl fil deeply interested In your paper Is that no other paper that I road gives the laboring man a chance to help edit tb paper or in other words speak bis opinion as tbe Independent does. This, Mr. editor in my opinion Is tend ing toward the initiative and ruferen M. & P. 0 & 13th Streets. Bargains taS$ tb umbrellas ' an umbrella. buy an umbrella than to spoil vour clothes pour clothe neu,ing wee. neatly male, iignt weight, ... .. .r brellas were never before so cheap as now, tlon a lew excellent values: Cotton gloria with natural wood bandies.. Twilled serge with natural wood bandies Gloria silk with silver trmimed natural wood bandies , , Bilk serge with silver trimmed natural bandies Union silk with Congo handles,....,,.. Taffeta silk with congo bundles.,,.,. Extra quality silk serge, natural wood Ladies Leather: W bav Belts with buckle of gilt, nickel, block or leather covered. In lot No. 1 are many belt worth liOo each. You can take your choice for 10c. Of lot No 3 from 39 to 05c, your choice for loo. In lot No. A none are worth less than 4 Oc, many worth much more. Your choice for 2Go. Ladies OlllrW bav ladle Nllll at 15o, 25e, kVllllnair but it Is M ei we wish to sfteak of iiurtiau fil IIS ,arl-r Ty are tb Mt w ITllsVsJ have ever sold for tbe price- good weight, fin finish and elastic W bav them in regular sise and extra sites, Ladies cream colored silk mita 2fio, QSo and ROo a pair, 9 Ladies black ilerlin gloves, fastened with three patent ulasps, 2fia a pair. Ladie black,taffetajillk glove 2So apalr. 3 For good values In ready-to-wear articles of any description for ladies or children we invite you to our store. BICYCLES. That Is what wo sell and nothing olso. But wo do jwll Jtho lllncst Kooda in the stato in thoso linos, and mako prices that no othors can compoto with. Don't fail to look our linos ovor boforo purchasing. Got our prices and bo convinced. Wo carry tho largest assort ment of goods in tho stato to solect from. All goods guaranteed as represented, and all goods represent ed correctly. Nothing misrepresented. BlLLlilEYER & SADLER. 2024-6 South 11th St. Lincoln. wtiSV-JI dum, as fast as any plan that could be proposed. Now Mr. Editor, for a little of this copperhead's, (if so the Imperinllttt wish to call me) opinion of Wui. Napoleon's (excuse me) McKlnley'a unholy war. I will cut short by saying that Urothsr II. Whltmorelnyour issue of April llith. spoke my sentiments exactly and 1 fool that our constitution and time-honored and beloved principles are being tramp clod in tbe muck, mire fof mammon and greed. I hope that that Napoleonic nose will some day sooner or later run up against a Waterloo if It is no other than the ballot box la 1900, Yours for tb cause of fraternity, fidel ity and Justice, Wm. D. Howahd, Albion, Nub. P. R. I wish to speak a word especially of Ilrotbor Hardy's column, Like tbe season of tbe year Bargains Hosiery is never sate t veil from shelter without It Is cheaper to or take colli or take cold hv . good wearing urn Jlelow we inon- 50c .750 950 ,. wood AC l)1.6i) $1.50 81.75 bandies.,,. $2.00 T msISam I lllrN awllwlVU Summer three large lot Underwear S of ladies leather twits to close out at very low Iirleee, la each lot w ava black and all tbe moat desirable colors White black silk mits flfto and bOoa the U5o oualltv Dress For good wool, cotton to our store. MILLER & CARRIAGES. reetofthe Independent it I a climax every time, .loading the Independent Is like sucking .honey out of a rag, the dHepnr down you go tbe sweeter is tbe honey, Tataraa Hang llimnalf. SaniUA, Mo., May 8. Jerora Tsok, agd 6 years, a veteran of tb elvll war, who lived fiv mile west of Sedalia, committed suicide jester day by hanging. II used a heavy wire, on and of which h tied to a rafter and th other" around his neck, having completed arrangement, lumped from the window in which he hod been standing. Tbe fall brok bl neck and cnt bis throat from ear to ear, l'eok wo demon ted. lie had a wlf and four children. MP. 0 & 13th Streets. 1M W are determined to mak 1 II our hosiery department on of tbe busiest places In onr store and to this end ar offering some special drive in popular priced goods. Last week we sold a lot of ladles and children fast block cotton hose at 7o a palp and w bav decided to sell more at th same price The ladies hose ars light weight, seam lss with narrowed ankles and double thread heels and too. Tbe nhildrens bos are in all sizes from 6 to 9, ar medium weight and have thro thread heel and too. Any l or any quality at 7o a pair while tbey last, Our ladle fast black aeamles hoe at 3 pair (or 25o are of excellent quality nud a bargain, W bav bad much f3 say about our line of ladle jersnv ribbed summer underwear but ftA.ub- tect that merit Attention. W iav ladle tersey ribbed rest at 60 each and at Hn each. We sell as good as is frequently 2Ko. Our 12Ho auality ieruod w Invit yon to compare thm with good sold in many store at 20 and 25 cent. Cotton: No dubt exist that thl will be a great whit dress I good season and w bav prepared for a larg basl uses, Wt ar confident that we show tb best values In Goods India linen, plain lawn, checked and striped lawns, Swisses, pique to., to be found anywhere. W bav xeeptlonat value lu India linen at 6, 6, 1, 8, 10c and l2!fJ, a yd. Ws ask you to see thorn and compare in fineness and fin ish with goods sold elsewhere at from 1 to 0o a yard higher. Just now w bav a large lot of abort length ( 1 to 8 yard) in plain lawn, check and atripe at very low prlc values in dress jobbrles of silk or linen we invite you to come 1 PAINE