THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. May 4, 1899. S? Nebraska Jnbepm&cn IVf WBAITH HAKMKS mmd LINCOLN INDtfMSDMtfT. fVBLIIHKO EVERY THURSDAY f twb fciijiqdtqt Publijhirjff Go. AjUMK afreet, UNOOLN. - NEBRASKA TILIPHONI lit. $1.00 per Year in Advancb. SMmm 1 ssmsaiMa to, m4 BMf UtUrt. ttW tTMW M nu ubiriMbiMT rot, oa LOMtlrlU. Ernplr or republic. Which ball It be? It 1m th eoldler from the pop states tbtit liar done most of the hard fight- log In th Philippines. Mark Hanna worn to tblnk that a lomrastbe American people will nub missive! lick revenue stamps they can counted upon to lick anything, even the baa that amftna them. A short tint ago the Filipino congress passed a voteof confidence la Aguinaldo. Dythotiuio ft got luto tbo imperialist papers It was changed to a story that be bad been deposed. Moral. If any oaa disbelieves anything printed In an imperialist pnpor, ba Is a copperhead. After we have dowuod th Mark II an a and tbe Quaye and learned the art of governing our cities without turning tbem orer to tba corporation, there may ba soma excuse for u to atart out to net up a stable goveruuiuut in tbo Island of th sea. If aoroe of those expansion tooters would enlist instead of el t ting In well appointed offloea and writing Imperial' iatlo editorlala people would bar more confidence that they were in poaaoealon of tba only true brand of patriotism In tbia country. Tba Sioux City Journal, in apeaklng of tba abeddlng of American blood In the Philippines sojs: "It give the United States an added souse of proprietorship in tba inland fertilised by American blood." History will be searched in vain for a sentence of equal brutality. It would disgrace a aavage. It ia money agalnat humanity and for tba time being money baa mankind down. But man will not alwaye play the part of tba under dog, He will get np after a while and ahake bimaelf and in thoaa daya the money klnga will flee to tba mountain of Hepaldam. How did It coma that the Aator bat lory waa transported to the rhlllppinea oaa pleasured trip and tba woatern troopa left to do the fighting? Deurlng the magic name of Aator, there waa no trouble In getting them neat back aa soon aa tbey had taken In the eight and intimated that tbey would Ilka to turn borne. re. It ia aid that the educational quell floatlona of the 83 metubera ol the Fili pino oongreaa ia higher than any legisla tive body of the eame number in the United State. Seventeen of them are graduate of European nnlveraitiea. Those are the aort of men we are going to clvillce with kega of beer and Krag Jorgenaen riflea. God in bia goodneaa baa provided enough for all bia creature. Man In bia greed baa eo divided it tbat many hun ger while other have more than they fan use. It la tba duty of every patriot and lover of mankind to atudy how thlngacaa be more equiUble dlatribu tad. To that work the populist party la dedicated. Some of the mluUtera lu th east eewin to tblnk tbat it reada this ways "Messed re those who make war, tor they aball be a world of power," but if tbeyatlll take time enough from their eermoa making to look into their blbls they Bad that it rade tbla way; MItU r the wrauikr, fur they aball be called the eon of Qml." . tpsvau gasaa -ewsa-a What due this pkraaa "a world power" aitaa anyhow? The firm Mian. ibhateat of fr got rmiuet la tie l'nt ted Stale ha had wore IsnVwe upoa the opU of Ike world tbaa all the eow qastlsg Ballon oa earth. IWmn it tuvaa that w are to go flghliaf until we toa qse the whole earth or gut blot4 oat aaaaalioa oarwlvtw? What do it BaaT lteaea do Ml aa. The euortuuu payawat of J0,(MH 000 wae asale to Mpaia att Uaagu, bultka 4ltfatM paper awttwd to taut thai It waa gu4 JnOwy to say Utah about It. We haaMavrto that eweetrr et war ea trwa will, Us toutMHMl, whka I the envois i CX03 )M ol t4t tint waa, with ttaaf tAaihakaea ol a 'UHaaatr Ctvljaa weciW, Hat the tiWt lata t k rfcs4 to pay x iU aaase, fc la hoe ray u alt. moil treason The duty of the eoldier in the Philip pinea is to obey ordure. The dnfy of the American cltisen at home U to use every Influence at hi command to nee that the right kind of ord.r are sent. What, might with some propriety be called treason In the solder who bus sworn to obey bin superior officer, lu the sovereign citizen sVeotne the high est patriotism. The tff.trt of the impor laliat organs to place the fr.e American citizen upon the same pla as the sol dier In the regular army I high treason to our form of government. It mean the establishment of military govern merit In the United States lu Its most absolute form. The cry, "I am for the government right or wrong" Is the most slavish, debasing cry ever raised by a sentient, human being, It baa been tim f.rv nf snrv too of tryanny since the world began, No honest man, no man who believes In free government, no man who has the slightest respect for the teaching of holy writ, oan lor a mo ment entertain the thought. The very Iduaof it should brluff the blush of shame to the cheek of the American olti zon. To the soldier or the sailor, that must be the cry as long a the barbar Ism of war exists. No other crylspor mlssableforblm. Hut if taken op by ths sovereign, law making citlxon, It Is high treason to all forms of free gov ernment. When the government starts on a wrong course, wbon its tendency la to establish tyranny, when its evident object la to enslave mankind, must we go forth and shout; "I am for the gov ernment right or wrong7" The men who do it are sneaks and cowards and trait or themselves. Who Is the government? I It Mark Hauna, Alger and the trusta? Must we endorse whatever tbey may do whether it is right or wrong? This gov ernment is not a military government yet, 'although it may become eo. Its clt Irons are not yet In the condition of a common soldier who must not ask the reason why. There la where those im perialists would like to place us, but we are not there yet and there will be some trouble in this land before they getue there, i tub wouns or Lincoln. At the eame time tbat the republicans pretend (we say pretend for that la the rbbt word) to follow Lincoln .they de nounce Jefferson, liut Lincoln didjnot talk that way, In bia letter to Mr. 'rluce, of Iloston, Mr Lincoln said: "The principles of Jefferson are the definitions of free society, And yet they are denied or evaded with no small show of success, One dashingly calls them glittering gen- sralites; another stylus tbem self-evident lea. , , , ""Those expressions, differing In form are Identical in object and effectthe supplanting the prlnolplea of free gov ern men t and restoring thou of classi fication, caste and legitimacy, They would delight a convocation of crowned heada plotting against the people. They are the vanguards, the sappers and min ers of returning despotism, We must repulse them or they will subjugate us. "All honor to Jefferson the man who In the concrete pressure of a struggle for natioual Independence by a single people had tbo coolness, forecast aud capacity to Introduce into a merely revolutionary document an abstract truth, applicable to all meu and all times, and so embalm It there that today and In all coming days It shall be a stumbling block to the barbingera of reappearing tyranny and oppression." When Lincoln said that these declara tions of Jeffurson would In all coming days be a stumbling block to the har bingers of reappearing tyranny, ha apoka with the force and powvr of one of the old Hebrew prophets. Today they are the chief "stumbling block" la the way of Mark Hanna and McKinloy, How the advocates of mllitarylsm while tbey seek to overthrow free government in the name of Lincoln, must cures the day that the great lover of mankind wrote tbat letter to the Iloston Jsffersoa club, As this coterie la Washington go In their "plotting against the prop!" and are "delighting the convocation of crowned heads of Kurope," all la th nam of Lincoln, this letter remain a warnlug to all lovwra of liberty, r- tu bal uir J la the word of th great eruaa clpator, whom we all love because h hived the common peopla, of whom (lod mads so many. According to the Liamda Journal all lbs mother of Oaiaha who gave ap their bob to fight the rlpaalard and free Cuba ua year ago, are orhal bow ead Uluag ti the Kalgata ol th UidJa Circle, The mother oOaiaka way take a aotloa on of th day to have astttetuoat. The ailrbk skask who write editorWl fur that ksvt dlil la 4Uauig th Ut oiui of lk atata. airroHtisu ma tut at. Th Sew Votk Joaraet give aa ltt. U4 list of traat, the tuti eptiii. IUmi ul wkka anttwata to aiur that eii btllUiM at Mar. The kI vl th t'aiWd ftuie are tat4 talk Uaelt id k priat good trust 60 h alt the iwtMla of that Had Ua! ik Way tawtakabhj ditt4J k tk ataf4 attfthltaae lt, TbepssjpW py th borai Ut mat a poaad land u alioa, Thsypaj the kail gowltrl Htf eeat atitt has toastt, TU lumber trust adds 82.00 a thousand let to Its profits by act of congress. The people par the sugar trust by order of congress 120,000,000 a year. Tbey pay tbo steel trust by the enforcement of the same act more than six dollars a ton on all Its products, while that trust sells Its products In all European countries at about half what It charges the people of the United States. The republican party Is lu the business of taxing the people for the benefit of the trusts and it puts on every cent that It can squecz out of them. Yet it says that It ia going to Aght the trusts. And the dupea tbat follow the party flag believe It. MAKKIf YOttt MINI). a A good many populists lu this state are Inclined, because tbey have noil feeling for any one, to give aid and com fort to the socialist party. Tbey are madlug a mistake tbat will cause them regret all their lives after, The socialist party is making propaganda in every state In this Union, and tbey seem to have plenty of funds to do it. Tbey are not populists, do not vote the populist ticket and have nothing In common with populists. Thoy declare tbat tbey are In favor of.revolutlon. They oppose every reform, Anything that would In the least have a tendency ameliorate the condition of the masses tbey look upon aa detrimental to their Interests! Tbelr candidate for governor in this state not long ago read a paper before a society of socialist her the title of which was "Involution, not Ileform." Now no populist has or can have any sympathy with a propagation of revo lutionary theories. We are for reform, for evolution, not for the overthrow ol society. There la grave danger ahead thinking men In all parts of the country are beginning to doubt whether wo can maintain order and make life safe while the reforms tbat populists demand are being inaugurated,- Socialists don't wont order they want revolution and say so, The whole doctrine Is a f srelgn importation. It ba nothing la com mon with American ideals. The Inde pendent is sorry to see good men in this state who would recoil In horror from the schemes of these revolutionists, if they only knew what they were, giving aid and comfort to tkoni. The scheme of the social labor party Is clearly defined by Marx, Moguls and Kautsky, There can be no mistaking about It. Tbey eay: "The product of labor belongs to the state or commu nity, and from which each one receives bis part, bis'shuro of the product of the ral toil." The Omaha platform says that; "Wealth belongs to blrn who creates it." The man who says that populism Is socialism or that socialism is populism might just as well say tbat night Is day. Thoracis just us much sense lu tbe one proposition as In the other, Tbe Indeiiendent pleuds with these good men who would no more ad vocate the horrors of a revolution than tbey would murder their wives and bubles to be more careful In tho future. There an very dark clouds on the soolul horlson. Let us not help to Inaugurate a tempest which brings with It death aud destruction. We have so far always been right. Let ua remain ao. The populist party and tbe eoclal labor party are two distinct organiza tions with different onds In view. To parties voting for different candidates cau't bs one party and no man oan vote both tickets. Ho It Is impossible to be a populist and a socialist at one and tbe same time. You can be oue or the other but not both. Which are you? Make up your mind and then etlck to It. COMINO TO TIIKIK SKN8KS. Kansus has some of the most bigoted aud boss ridden republicans In tbe Uni ted Stated, but even some of them seem to be coming to tbelr senses. Some years ago lbs city of Topeka had a starch factory which It hoped to see de vested Into a large aud thriving Indus try. The prospects were good for a realisation of this hope until th trusts cam along, took possession, summarily discharge! the workman and boarded up the windows. Slnee that time tbe Topeka starch factory has been given over to the bat. Th secretary of tbe Topka Coming clal Club wrot to th main oltlos ol the starch trust and asked lor the opening ofthsluea) factory. The trust replied tbat la thm daye of con centration of iudiistriea the owrtloa oaalargcalth Ideauf owning th llttl factory at Tok was entirely out ol rational euaLlwratUn, Now th rpublkau who pmiatsd ia building a financial ytw tbat mad trust Inevitable ar howlmg around thsstrrats t ttwnty aa though Itisy bad gun tr.iiJ. Thsjr rn thrta lu tMUblmk a publt Hin t factory lo I 0ul and iwrs.t by tba utiliu. It tky had lwiiu. a Iks wuidsul wara leg UwikhI by every etut la Ike world mkt or la year ags would But be la th mr t.liU trust. Let lhm juia wiia tk ittlt! aad tsstt Mian eaauan lu atwarv rtisg ptioM aud tsa aa.r raa eaiabltali lank lat'tuf y ia spit tl alt th trust la Ik BinM ant ak tuuasy by duiag It. mmmimmm The laleiUelaal tapavily a4 high thu4arthli i4 tk avsrag awUM) write ! wfia Uiiral4 by Ike lkuta ttaratt, Wk It disaareva wilk a tltsf, it Iklak it ka ana aa araa tallve MBtt by Mllsg it i'Hasat that he dua'l kau Ik alphabet or wau't 4 ia a pr I , That aa eat tslWa U that It baa woa aa iaMlwteal t wuiey ial It baaa kh aa4rwar life laughter. A DISGUSTED PUBLIC. The attempt ofthe republican party to use tbe soldiers in the First regiment for political purposes ia the most dis gusting thing that has occurred in poll tics In this state for some time. There' suit of it all is tbat every decent man in the state feels humiliated, Tbe truth aoout tne matter is tbat all tbe real as. slstance and help that soldiers have re ceived baa come from the fuslonlsts. Tbo republicans have always been will ing to send thanks and lots of tbem, but not an effort bas originated In tbe re publican party to do anything else than send thanks. The World-Herald bas ruisod thousand of dollars and sent tbe money to tbe soldiera in the field. Not a republican paper boa ever attempted to raise a cent. It is fair to say tbat as these thousands came from from tbe subscribers aud reader of a fusion pa per, that all the help the soldier boys have bad bas come from tbe populists aud democrats while republicans have stood off and yelled "thanks," Their bypocrisy had the best demon stration however when their leaders in tbe legislature framed a resolution of thanks Involving an endorsement of Imperialism Sand then tried to curry favor with tbe soldier boys byj saying wiaiino governor naa vetoed a resolution of thanks, Tbey did this bo cause they bad Just voted down and killed a bill to send tbe boy some mon ey. i be populist governor preferred to a sen n mom some money instead of an en dorsmnent of Imperialism. That , trick to get the people of tho state to endorse Imperialism was about on level with the dirty work of a ward politician who gets a nomination by currying favor with the managers of tbe bawdy bouses on the bottoms. Tbat is the extremost height that a republican politician in this state auems able to rise to, Tbe wbolo oonntry is disgusted with tbem, Wharton Darker In a letter to the editor of tbe Dalton Georgia Herald says:"I have accepted tbe leadership uot because of ambltiom but because I have thought I was equal to It.and I was con' fldent that many thousands of men here tofore republicans and democrats would vote for mo for president." Wharton thinks tbat tbe republicans love blm more than they do McKlnley and tbe democrats have more confidence In blm than they have In Bryan. Who else be sides blm tblnk so? Tbe Interest In Aryan's speech was so great In Uuffalo, among republicans as well as among democrats, tbat tbe Uuffalo Express, a republican paper, was forced to print It in full to satisfy the demands of its aubcribers. Tbla is the first time that any republican paper ever printed ouo of Bryan's speeches, here may be some truth In tbe state ment tbat all tbe old Abe Lincoln repub leans la northern New York have gone over to Dryan In a solid body, ' A farmer who bas had much sickness In his family writes to tbe Independent not to discontinue bis paper, because bis time Is up but to send it on until he can got the money and says: "Wbon I con sider tbe truths you advocate every week In your columns, which I love to read aud meditate upon, I fuel as though would be lost without It. I only wish that more of our papers would dare to comment on the present state of affairs and our boasted Christianity as is done lu your columns." A populist governor appointed' S tot- son berg, a populist governor promoted bim to the command of tbe regiment, against ths protest of the whole republi can press. A republican legislature cen sured 8 tot mm berg and asked for bis re moval. Now tbe eastern gold bug papers say tbat be was ereouted from tbe beginning by tbe populists and that tbey are responsible for bis death. Tbat is only another specimen of the infinite amount of lying that tbe republican tress Is all the time engaged la. Southern nowspapors have often re ferred to th fact that during the war tbe pegroe were left In sole charge of the women of the confederacy while their masters went to war, yet there were no attacks npon women such as we hear ol in tbes latter day. There I earcly a patter lu th south that ba not often rvterrwd to thla fact and notad how ab. solutsly sale th women vr whea In sol charg of th black. It la (HMMibl that th Instinct of the black race kav atlrely changed dunug the last thirty yars? The Worhl-llsrald cotUteJ In three or b'ur day J.4;1U M and raid! It to Major Snydxr surgwta of the 1'irstN brka to be us4 ia takleg ear uf th uk aad wuuudd, Wkea th Slat Journal or lbr republic ppf d ut thing k that It will tw lime Id talk about !klr trit ky rvaululioa aad get ap sow asure "Ikanks" to t4 la tk boy, Wkil tk republltw have be bloa tag about tkir love fur Ik M 84g aaj vuliag "ikask," lk Vrrats aa4 ppulkla have bswa gulag 4ob lata Ikeir putkst lor ntoaey Ikattkeskk akl woeaM Kttfkt o4 all tk tare aad attoedaae that it waa lMMibW to gtv Ikesa. 11 tk rvpalatse pat aas?kt bp. tas tiaatu taiaf, ' try 0a tk grat w York kaakera hsratlag a trt tt take la all tk Bkulatrw uf vtasgar aaj jvaet cakes. He advertises that there is over 81,000,000 a year profit to be made ou of the buslnees. Clews himself Is only selling stock In tbe concern, woll knowing that It is likely to turn out a sour bust ness. i cere are a good many womon still left In this country, fnotwithstaud ing tbe growth of the culture clubs, who know bow to make vinegar and dried yeast. When tbs trust begins to raise prices so as to pay Interest on watered stock, the women will go to work an make their own vinegar and yeast, It will take a bigger trust than that to get ahead of the women,. That there Is nothlngfin the Chicago Record s movement for the municipal ownership of tbo street our lines In tbat city, Is evident to every one now. The Yerkes stocks have been on the rise ever since Carter Harrison was elected and reached tbe highest point ever attained last Monday, Altgeld knew what be was talking about when he said tbat there was no Intention on the part of those running that campaign to Intro duce municipal ownership, Since the nomination of Dryan by th populist national convention In St Louis, the leaven of populism bas been working In every democratic camp all over tbe United States. Today there are hundreds of strictly democratic papors that are not only denouncing "coin redemption" but are advocating evory plank in tbe populist platform Some of them, as now converts are prone to be, are more radical than some of the long established populist papers that have been in tbe fight from tbe begin' Bill. tsss -S-C3 Tbe educational force tbat the popu list party has set In motion cannot be stated In any formula, but It is every where manifest. It Is felt alike in the highest and tbe lowest grades of society, The professor poring over his books, the minister in bis visitations among bis flock, the lawyer In bis office, the wage earner in bis shop or bis society, all are more or loss Influenced by the doctrines first enunciated In the Omaha platform. In fact, what may be called "populism," Is tbe uplifting force affecting the thought of tbe people today. Those wbo were instrumental In setting this force In motion may well feel proud of tbe work tbey have done, , Tbe object and aim of education should be to put an end to crime, pov erty, social corrnptlon, Insanity and all tbe Ills from which we sufflur. To fill a boys boad with languages, mathemati cal problems or even tbe technique of tbe modern sciences Is not or at least should not be tbe object of education, Tbe aim should be bigbor than tbat, A student may know most of the things taught in tbe common schools and uni versities and yet boa cypher In tbe forces that tend toward tbe uplifting of the baman race. All the time and all tbe money spent in education that does not train the student to become an active factor In tbe upblldlng of mankind la for the most part wasted. There are two political partloe in this oountry which are antagonistic. One Is the people's purty and the other is the eoclal labor party, the membere of which call themselves socialists. Notwith standing this state of aflalrs, the Saun ders County Journal says: "Tbe Saun ders County Journal 'calls Itself and is a 'populist newspaper,' and yet it is an advocate of socialism." Then it adds: "Brother Tibbies simply triea to juggle with terms. If the government owner- ship of public utilities is not socialism also populism tbsn we don't know tbe meaning and Intent of tbe terms." ' The government ownership of public utilities, where tbe employes are paid salaries, which beooms private property, is not socialism, that Is If Carl Marx or Proud boo knew what socialism was. In tbe socialistic colonies of Itnskln and Equality, the workers bare a common lnt rest In all the property, but no sal aries are paid, which tne worker can use for their own personal benefit, If ths editor can etraddle as wide apart aa from pole to pole, he maybe a socialist aud a populist at one and the eame time, otherwise not De one thing or tbe other, brother. You can't be both. i PKHRt HRLMONT. Just to show th unlimited rapacity of a gold bug banker la tbe art ol lying, the following Iroiu I'rrry iWlmout o lat ter Is given as the latt aampie: "loniieucaof poputwui over the demo rralk parly Is to be eoademned, beraua the piipulist promote repudiation of debts by ad voeallug th Uu of govern Hieat aalimited, uai-wuMMuahl full Isgal leader mMr dollars. Populism aasatl not only wealth orgaalsed la th baud ol eorporatioa, ayadieet a4 IrurU, whkh wka eo k4d U loo oftoa Baarrup aloua, corrupt aa4 uppreaalv, bat populism go tarlhsfi it aalla whk ia tk kaatl ol ladivMuaU koaorably amvirH BB4isWMi,Balark'aa4 watf," No owe kaow better ikaa IVrry Hl. asuat tkat vr ou ia tkoa sutuatt U a It wad out ol wkot viola ll raa Bl Had a dvataad la aay popu!U pial for w lor tk kutitMlud Imu ol pr iwoaey or lor aay uae of Ike utksf tklug tkat kkarg agalast Ike populists, A tkat Batat evk intimltod ly la, must Ua baj aa Ia44, N oatfef tkat I'ryee rW t ait 4uwe at tke aaa table with auek a man as tkat. X SNATCH EVERYTHING. President Jordan of Stanford univer sity made a speech In San Francisco the otber day againrt imperialism and C. P. Huntington replied. Huntington said: "Oentlemon, I believe that expansion Is a good thing for the commercial Inter ests of this country. I believe In snatch ing everything Insight. That bas been my motto for a number of years and I find that It pays better than conserva tism." Tbat is the time that Huntington told the truth. He not only believes In snatohlng everything in sight, but be fans been doing It without let up for the last thirty years. Tli0( whole gang with which Huntington works bus been en gngedln the same kind of business, Mark Hanna bas snatched everything In sight. 80 ba J. P. Morgan. They tave snatched the last crust of bread from thousands of women and children. Tbey have snatched tbe wagos from workers and I hey will keep on snatching as long a the republican purty Is In power, JCV1CK ONWAKU. Science ever marches onward. After all the wonderful disooverlrs of tbe last two decades, there seems to be more Just coming lu sight, but not yet developed, than all tbat has been discovered since tbe inductive method was Invented and men started to find out what was In na ture. The recent discoveries of Houx' and Noeurd prove beyond a doubt that that there are organisms endowed with Ifo tbat are Infinitely smaller than the already known infinitely small bacteria. It is now claimed that the germ of yet ow fever, as well aa tho of mn.llnnx measles, and hydrophobia, will be found among the hitherto unseen animals. While the bacteriologists have done won derful work for mankind In tbe last few years, there is prospect of greater ser vice in the years to como, WHAT WILL IT COST, It took a hundred years for the United States to conquer tbe Indian tribes of this country, There are official report on file at Washington that prove tbat It cost tbe government 11,000,000 for every Indian warlorft killed in battle. not counting women and children. Tbe ''iliplno are more numerous, bettor armed and just as brave a tbe Indians were. How much per bead will It cost to kill tbem? In tbel last flirbt wltb the ndlans we lost 82 men killed and wounded. That Is a somewhat arreator oss than in tbe last fight with tbe Fil ipinos. It la reasonable to suppose tbat it will cost more per head to kill tbe Filipinos than it did tbe Indiana because we must go 7,000 miles away from our shores before we can get a chance to shoot at tbem. Hardy's Column. City Matters-Prosperlty-Not Farmers' Questions-State Fair-Tariff Against Farmers Change of Money Standard Expansion an Eastern Interest. The friends of decency resldlnir in ths Ity of Lincoln are expecting- a ehanira for the better lu tbe administration of city affairs. They expect the new may or, backed by tbe excise board and a majority of ths council, Is going to in struct the policemen to enforce all the laws and ordinances to the last letter. seems the good people have had enough of the wide-open policy to last several years. It now looks as though O street would be paved with brick on top of a concrete bass. Such paving will cost only about seventy-five dollars a lot and it will last four times as longaa asphalt without repairs. Much credit is due Norris Humphrey for the flirht be out uo ugalogst asphalt boodlers. Prosperity has come to tbe farmers over the left. As an evldenoe we alve one instance. There le a farm of U20 acres, almost in eight of Lincoln, within two mile of ths first railroad station out, that can b bought for $7,600, hall down, Thl same farm was sold ten years ago for f 16,000, since f 5,000 baa neonaptiutin improvements. That la tbs gold standard prosperity dlsbsd up 10 ius larmer. Ths Stab Agricultural society has de cided to bold the atata fair on the mid way between thaaalooa and the bawdy ou, la Omaha this fall. Wonder if they will pay a premium oa drunkenness, lobaucnary, ami naatlneM. Mutter let It Up over auothsr ar. A uowder mill I not a ' place for atorlnit matches. Tehirraphe. tvlinihonea. and aa are ol llttls account to th larmer, ilia eor r)OBdpuo la by letter aad hi strwt conveyance 1 by waicon. No matter "He Thit is Warm Thinks Alt So." Thousands jrt tfcoU" in thit they do not vnJersUnJ the gtow ofhtilth. This iVn fiVj JUorJertJ kUntp Uvr bowtUt blood or bnfa. Hoof 4 SjrSipjrilU nukes "ojrm" btciuse it yhs til who tike it ptrftct htatth. '3 tlwl f UK I Ik M H,.,MT4 J'-!''" M WlMk v