s. WHEN you BUY PAINT Lugqss Paints THE BEST ON EARTH. WE SELL: House Paints, Roof Paints, Carriage Paints. Enamel Paints, Varnish, Stairs. Also a full line of Wall Paper. W. A. BAILEY, 1546 O St Lincoln, Neb. M'KINLEY'S WAR, Imperialism imeslsterlla WU) Lea u ; la From WbUfc a Mattea Kver Metaras. Editor Independent! Am iba oldeet lettlar and ona of work an flrat and laat for tba people part, I rlaa to Inform Anglo-Bazoo C.E. Bollock that wban tba government carrie on a foreign war tba people bara a right to know wbat tba mlaaion and purpose o tba war is. Tba attack on Manila and It capture waa strictly in Una of tha da claratloa of war against tba Hpaniab na tlon and waa a right and juat thing. Bat we Had aa a matter of foct,tbat while tba navy and arm In conjunction with tba Insurgents captured tba clt of Manila, tba Islands tbemeelve war captured b Aguloaldo'a force. W declared war auaiust Hpain In tha cause of bnmauit, Wa conquered and celebrated tbe victory wltb a pcac Jubilee. Now eoinaa tba trouble l'billpplnaa b imperial christians, 1 Jesuit priosUaud frlara. Tba people of tbe Islands believed, and bad a right to believe, that wa would grant them Independence and libert fur which the bad long (won contending. Wa gara them no recogni tion and no aaauranoe wbat their condi tion would be. Wepuebed tbetn aalde, We aent mora war afiipa and reinforced our arm alter peoise waa declared. That meant war on the nativea for there waa none other to tgbt. Tha inaurgent waited long and patiently for a atato meat of McKloley' policy toward tbein, but tbe only order wer to keep tha native back beyond our Hue. This action would only b interpreted to mean aubjugatlou. An fool could aea that. Even "nlggere" aa tbe call tbem. became reatleea, passed over tha line and were ebot. , That waa McKlnley' aulfi clout eauae for war aud mowing down the nativea like gross, I recollect reading a long time ago about tha liritlsb army atuffing cannon wltb sepoy and then fired tbeio off. 1 am unable to aea bow tba American gov eminent oaa govern tba people of tba Islands much better tbaa Bpain did. Wa can talk Una, but) it la a in tbe fable: "Walk into my parlor aaa tba spider to thai!." All tba knowledge of tba Philippine lalanda cornea to ma from tbe blator written by Murat Ualatead. It seems to be full and honeat in ita statements of facta, lie baaea bla imperial viewa entirely on greed, aolflsbnee and avarice. On page Pi) occurs tba follow ing: "Wbat are tbe Philippine? Tbe are tbe richest piece of aoil and climate that have bean at bacxard In the world for tnauy yeareoue that would be salwd if it could be done without war, by an of the great natlona other than our own without hesitation. Tbe only acrnple we need entertain tha aola reuaun lor deliberation la becauee It la tba duty of tbe government when there are Imperial considerations to be weighed, that tba people abould be consulted!" Now when and how have tbe people beu consulted? Ualatead aaa that we have only to keep tha power wa have and let it work Ilka a wholesome modi clue and all tba lalanda ol tba groop. ol wbicb Manila ia the central point, Mill be oura without oonlllet. .Nut wit belauding tbla propheey the conflict la on a good sample oltbe prtiptieele and argument of tba Imper lallsU who follow llaleteadaud the fol lowing ia Ilka unto it: "With the bulk of tha North American continent bulging Into both the great oceans, it waa foreordained slue the be ginning, when Uod created the earth that we, tbe poeeeeeor ol tbla Imperial AiuertatMi halloa abould be a great AU atie power." If lialatvad la correct about this fore ordaining business, thru aureiy ''Mod tuovee la a meterioua way bia wonder to preform!" America ia not Aaglo-Katoa. Bhe la a oagloiberaliua ol all the aalioae and baa a guverauteat baaed oa tha eoueeul ol tbi governed and abould awvrd to Olhr tha rlghta she claims lor herself, It lae Asset tee nation now abaadoa tbe tieeUralloa ol ladepeadeaee, tha Moarua duetnae and the eoaemutloa, and tweota a nation i( Ihievea, it a 'onh doubtful wbethor lht great wealth, 'beyd tha dreaiua ol avarwe," will leally at ia our own aanda. Ileal, we ! kill uS or drive oil tbe people ol the Mea4 ol l.nta. rWom', I e ap lie M.KiaW urine hi, pru(.e- uoa. i.vea l am not et.u to are a Use Kansas Lump Mock Salt For Stock. rttttl.t:! kit Uea, ItlfkMt 4nfa aaj Mala for iHtrtty WcrU'g lafaaMJ), fife jgjf rrt.JJfM'aafp ll'xjMMJtrw, Uaafta, If vrttTMiN noci: aur co., sr, lows, jta aJe 4gaata Ht Jfwele sTaaH MM ate) Herat $mH great Income flowing to our ahore. If we are to become robbers, it U well to count tbe cost. It will take at leant two yeara of war and cost $1,000,000,000, mora of lees, after which an enemy for ever to watch and control, Hot appropriations, bonds, taxation and damnation ere tha cardinal prin ciples of the republican party. That la evident In tbe national river and harbor bill. In may be well doubted ondor such circumstances whether Nebraska will be able to keep honest self govern ment and educate ita people. Ml.u.runntinn ulnars will UDSt fore ordlnation and even the long established order or nature Itseir, wnen .applies to tha tniilnir nl different nations, block and white. We don't want an more of There la a good reason wby Canada le free and is not afraid of tbe American boys wbo live alongside and are citizens ol a great republic, any criminal eg gressloo or benevolent assimilation on tn part of either would be stopped In abort order. The populist party most and will atand for right, Justice and freedom for otbera aa well aa for themselves. VTbla nation nannot afford to go back on ita friends and allien In tbe Hpanlab war, arbtoh waa a war for humanity, and then become Immediately Inhuman. Tbe problem of dealing with Agulualdo and tba Filipinos baa become embarraslng and difficult and will require much tact nd skill la Ita aolutlon. in united ritatea government tbrongb Ita naval commander made oaa of tbem for a mill' tary puipoee, vis., to barraa tba Hpan lab troopa, to wear tbem out in tbe . m t I.Tuib m n m umiiii. an in. iKnfl aide and to do much damage to tbe Bpanieh government prior to tba arrival of onr troopa, and for tbla purpose tba admiral allowed them to take arme and ammunition which be bad captured at Cavita.awd tbeir ships to pass In and obt of Manila bay In tbelr expeditions against other provinces, The work aaeiguea to Aguinaiao was wetland effectually done. Hut when Geo. Merrlt arrived in Manila wltb a commission In bia pocket as governor general of tbe provinces the eervioee of Agoloaldo were no longer desired. Mer rltt said: "There la only one general and I am tbe man." Here cornea In your Aoglo-Hoxoo, foreordlnatloa and des tiny. In my view tbla government got rich and great by minding ita own business, Expansion on our own continent witn tba conaent of tha governed would be luatlnbla under all circumstances and conditions, but when we go beyond such lines, following after destiny and foreordinatlon it will be going after strange gods, and will land oa in a bell from wbicb no nation ever returns. O. h. Tool), Union Mills, Neb, THEHANNA CARTOONS Ilotnur Davenport tbe great cartoonist In an article In the New York Journal after telling bow to make an effective cartoon makea tbedollowlng remarks: If a cartoonist would have drawn Hun a tor llanna with almpty big eara, and, Instead of dollar aigns on bis clothes, would have pot cheese, sandwiches and rolls, the senator would have laughed bla aldea oot, thinking tha man who drew It tbe greatest homoriat. barring Alger, of bia time, and would likely bave Invited him wltb tbe President to take a reatatbla aumraer borne In Georgia. Dot if aocb aoartoooist bud drawn wbat wa bave jost described on llanna' clothes, wbat significance would Itbave? It would'nt bave applied any more to llanna than it would to bla private eoo retary. Therefore the senator's laugh. When yon calmly consider that the man and bia money bave accomplished evry thlog that he aver tried to do, then It is that tbe dollar marks are unpleasant to him, as It betrays bis character to the stranger as well aa to bla friends. Take a man whose personality provokes blase on the street, whose face and character and past record couldn't en able bim to run for keeper of tba city dog pound in hla own home In Ohio, aud yet whose money bos bought him a pres ident, the best meal cooked, and a seat In tba senate, and whose money will con tinue to buy aa long as thlnas are for sale what other pattern of cloth could be wear? llanna and his relative (Tom Plntt) do not suffr b cause they are drawn too coarse look Intr, neither do they care par ticularly about tbesixeol his ears or how small his eyes are drawn down, bat to put the dollar pinrk on hia clothes buroa like so many branding irons, and when the blackenake Is In bjs hand.onre leeely fulling over the heSd of a skull marked "libor," llanna and tba r Ident and mn who know him from child hood draw long breatba and take a drive lu the open air. Ke)ially do these cartoons hurt when tha same pa lers that contain his cartoon you read that memorable telegram be aent to the president when he was elected to the sea ate, "Uod regius and the republican parly alill Uvea," It's tha truth that hurls; no one be llevea Ilea nowadays. For Instance, while la friendly conversation one wttu Keaatoe llanna he eomuliuieated me br say leg, that he didn't believe the ear- toons of Mr, dry aa made aa much of thetroi(Mirl unity aaleoutd have done had I ben oa tha other aide.' Wll, disrobe llanna and put bla elotheaoa llryaa. W ul owd the dollar marks mean uuhwa to reailad Mr. Uraa ol hie (Hiverly or to stand lor tha money the troeta would give alia to quit, SENSIBLE OPPORTUNITY Utkeeprleg, ka the enow la thaw ing la tha moualalae and aorta re atatea, and the rivers and trwka are ewelM be tee eorla rale, the law tftOUND KOCH iAl? 11 ron ifCCa. UM Rati tall Nidea, fltklea. Keata, lea Crtajt, lea Kaklaf, ftrtmilea, ii.i. ISiaet lad Warki, lyta waj Haatyaltt, lit, THE NEBRASKA Nebraska ; Conservatory of Music. The best and cheapest school of music in the state, having the largest number of pupils during the past year. Hend for Illustrated souvenir catalogue. A. ALTON HADLEY, President. - CJ.KMENSMOVIUH, Director. 1 , , 13th ami L Streets, LINCOLN, - NEB. rlvera rise, often get oot of tbelr banks, and Booil much irood farm land; When a person stops and tbinka about tha amount of money appropriated by con gresa to keep tbe rlvera In tbelr banka and save tha lands of A few farmers, we may think that congress ia trying to help the farmer, bat when w think of tbe amount of deserted land in tba west ern states wbicb, if tbe farmer bad aome of tbla water there, would be tb beat of all landa In tbe United rJtatee, for rais ing of farm products, w think that eon grew should appropriate money to keep some of tbla water back until It 1 needed, If they would build a large reservoir wbicb wooid bold a part of tbia surplus of water and then build a few Irrigation ditches, tba could Improve and aave much more land aid the expense would be comparatively small. Then tbey would aave the money which tbey bave been bulldinor od levees wltb. and (be farme alone tbe rl vers would be much eafer, lor tbe water wbicb baa been drowning tbem woold be many miles away, not doing aome on else barm but waiting to be of aome benefit when tb dry season comes. Market report Chicago cash price for wall Aorll 20,18110. No. 3 red wheat ,.7B dm ' No. 8 red wheat.,.. ....78 OLli No. 8 spring wheat, no. y bard wbeat..... nn No. 8 bard wheat........ ,M mi No. 3 cash corn...,......'14 tiHi No. 8 cash corn,...., , ,. No. 3 yellow corn no, it yellow corn... Jl No. 3 cosb oata...... ......., 27 No. 2 white oata 80 O'iMi'Z No. 8 white oafa ,..20 ffliQ CATTI.H. Houtb Omaha. Aorll 27. Beef steers ........ti.'JO to tf!1 ft Mtockera and feeders.... 8.00 to 5 00 Stock cows and beifors.,.., 2,70 to 4,20 HOGS, Medium to heavy ,..,,...,.$.1,05 to $3 70 There bus boon a afreet car strike in Wheeling, West Virginia lasting several days of wbicb tbe plutocratic press baa said nothlfiff. Jadire Jackson, who is famous for hla sympathy for capitalists, oas n isiamg injunctions by tbe wlirilernle aunlnst every body and every tbtiiir. NEBRASKA MORTGAGE RECORD Official fig ores from all Con o ties In tba SUM Eseept Baaaer, j Tba mortgage record for tb etate, aa compiled by tha labor bureau, from all the countiae aave Banner, ahowa ; that durin'g th laat six months of 1801 there wer 0,411 farm mortgagea riled, ' tha total amount being 97,003,266.40. There wer 1,791 aatlsfled, amounting to 9,197,147.M. The town and city mortgagee filed amounted to 11,008,' , 843,60, while th releasee amounted to 3,643,290.64, or almost double the fil ing, Th report on chattel mort gage waa of course incomplete forth reason that a larga proportion of the mortgagea of this clast filed with th county clerk are sever released. Tha compilation ahowa 38,839 filed, amount Ing to 131,618,31)8, and 20,558 released, amounting to f 0,019.359. A comparative table of th real es- estate mortgage figures for the post seven yeara would be aa follows: Piled. Ueleascd. 1803...., 138,847,033 $31,013,307 1003............. 84,001,318 20,178,743 1804 81,000,034 90.438.OUO 1H05 23,753,304 23,048,917 . lilOO 10,474.0(10 18,3,3S3 1807 13,0.10,731 23.213.7A9 1808 21,303,833 27,408,070 Accidentally Kilts Ills friend. At Omaha Fred Smith, a bartender, accidentally shot and fatally wounded hla friend, A. J, Robertson. RutltU had taken th cartridge out of a 88-t'aliber and handed It to another man wbo wauled to look at It After dolog an, tha fellow replaited th cartrldgea lit the gua and handed It bak Jo Huilth, who bad not observed that th man had reloaded th gua. dual at tills tiuie llobtnton. elrped up to th bar and Hmlih, thinking tha gua empty, pointed It at Huliluaoa ami told bint to throw Mp hla bands, at Ilia earn lima pulling the trigger, Tha ball struck Hobla I the atHloinen, and b died shortly afterward. Niulta mad no attempt to e-ape, and la ahaoat proa treud over th result of hla p'ay at holdup. Reblasoa aud MmttU have al ways been friend, It U generally thought the htlng waa entirely videatal. TV Ur4 of duiloal Un it 4 tuniU ha eloei fcr.tltumi for III, worth of 4 per teat refusing Knta, laud by Valley eounty, tbe lid U'U wet held by New Voth dvatert, but the tUte will get th aew bo.U at par. 1 bla la tha gtet pr rka by the tmard t eoualy UhoI la a ! His o h. tiv4 t-elaf vary are ia th NaihW C, Ppm br, wba hmk Mb4- Itof of th mbuj let IjHilt, baa ti at r dated deputy oil lwp. fof tba) bird HreAloaal dutrleV Patfunii e the itlvtrtUrrt ol (hit yYft INDEPENDENT. WHAT THE LATE WAR SHOWED, Kkw York, April 27. Captain Cogh Ian of the cruiser Italulglt has an article In th Independent on "Eng. Halt Good WIH," in which be says the war showed all European nation ex cept, England were unfriendly to America. II declare that th Oer mans did not "mean fight," Captain Coghlao aays: - "No far as action cn b taken as a criterion of thought and feelings, the English during th war with Spain wer with u heart and soul. "When w got word to lear Dong Kong and attack tb enemy, the new apread about through tb varlou club and xclted direr en tlrnenta It wa supposed th defenses off Manila wer very formidable) that th channel wa heavily mined the fort manned by an active and intelli gent garrison, furnished with all tb Implement, for detecting th pre nc of an nmy and making blm r grt bla Intrusion. "Th Bpanisb flet on paper ap peared to b aa strong a our own, and, altogether, th attack on Manila looked Ilk an exceedingly bard prop osition, 0o much wa tbla tb can that I'rlnc Henry of Prueala felt aor- ry for us, II 414 not exactly aay o, but you could a it in bis manner and hi look whn beard tbat w bad to go. "Wban I walked down tb wbarf In Hong Kong to atep aboard tb BaUigb and go to aea, I wa In civilian dress, but aom Engliab ofiioeri, whom I did not know, roognlsd me, aaluted and aaldi " 'Uj Jovel Youfellowaar tobav tb flrat chance, after all "They were envious, xpotlng every moment to get an order to fight Hue- ala. They wer vary friendly and thought w wer going on particularly hazardous service. Tbey wer full of eonfidenco, however, in our ability to take car of ourselve and eald, laugh ingly. 'If you don't clean them up, don't come back her. ' 'After th battl of Manila and all throughout th operation there, th action of th English fleet ahowed that they wer heartily with ua And th English residents of Manila, w found, wer nor ntbuia tlcally our friend than vn their compatriots In llong Kong. This at tltud seemed all th mora pronounced by contrast with th attitude of soma of th other nations, ;., "I do not know whether Admiral Chichester told Admiral von Dieder Ichs that no on but Dewey knew what th Iiritlsh fleet would do in case Manila wo bombarded. Tbat wo th runor, at any rate, "liut th Germans certainly did give us some anxiety, whit the attitude of th English certainly saved us from much trouble. I do not, however, be lleve that th German meant fight, Th French ships wer polite enough, but th French paper in Asia simply frothed at th mouth when they spoke of ua They did nothing but black guard u after th battl of Manila, calling u bullies, out-tbroate, rob bers. Previous to th battl of Ma nila w bad bean coward and men without discipline, wbo would b very easily put to rout by th Spaniards, Th Japanese seemed to b very friendly." , ' Of th homeward trip of tb Ra leigh, Captain Coghlan wrltea tbat th American sailors were vrywbr received and treated with th greatest kindness, especially by British officer Describing tb reception of hi ves sels at Bermuda, Captain Coghlan aaysj ,. "At Bermuda it waa tha aam story, th Euglish wer mora than kind. Vice Admiral Fisher placed everything in the lelaude at our disposal. lie said that If we would Ilk to dock our vessel, th dock wa oura. II aald that ho wa about to dock one of the English vessels, but if we only said the word ha would order her held bock and glv u preference. We, however, though very much gratified, were obliged to decline th offer, a wa desired to proceed Immediately to New Vork. "The Host la big with tha coming of great events, I believe that China will soon be going to pieces, and that It la our duty to ouraelve to b on tb spot- and protect our own lutereate, Ve must atand aheulder to ahoulder with England Wa understand eaoh other, we speak a common Uoguags, wa have common Interest, and wa know that nowher else In th world can w find such a etaueh ally. Our poMetalon of tha l'hlllpplnee and our iuUrest In t'hlua mak u on of th great figure of th situation, and, I heller that w mutt prepare to meet our reponibllttlea Combined with Ureal llrllala end probably with Japan w en tranquilly await th bursting of th tempest, tcVtet at Ibe Mv le t ? llihMUuiuu, Kugland, April IT, 1 be eworMMtoa rise la th prle of eop per ia playlug bevo with tb leading titduttrte la th midland. At Ky h h betvhe of huudrelt 4. 1 iua 4 tea dteharge4 alne the rise la , .4 prle of toelel Uga, aad bow In stead of 4,0i- utea onlf 1,0oo re at wutb there, The goverumsal baa d. vuie-i it-it a ttv auv autre vrdre for MrUhlge itIU wkti th preeeat rle prevail, aud tmlara bave Iwea Uue4 tttpi4Mf alt tb work poeit,le 1 be eUutrWel tfttiaf Arm are l4 j.ieg l-tlit the tt,s r' w. on, tea aai PIOIAiltv WW M4 V4l jii-a ea. MM ItaftrWil aAeVa.US Tumi fflOlY V : GOES A LONG WAY AT THIS STORE. Being: lrg consumeri we are naturally large buyers arid being lar?e buvers we are able to nroetir ori fae ffnnih wholesale orfees tisuallv mid jp -V 1 m j ph w always get the benefit of this offer all merchandise at prices margin of profit. . MISTSSUITS, SITS, ETC. REMARKABLE PRICE CUTTING. Ladies' all wool Covert Suits, were $J5,now Ladies' Crash Suitsextra fine ' at ' Crash Suits, would be good values at $2, our price $1.47. ruie uovert, u-asn or rique exceueni values in Lraih Skirts at 7 cr Gash or Duck Skirts, assorted each et et j$ j 9 7c Best Pique Skirt,, trimmed with insertion and em broidery, each J4 Jt j, CA Beautiful line of Novelty Skirts, from' $2.00 to 7.50 Taffeta Silk Waists, assorted colors, light and dark, plain and striped, each jn $4.95 Tucked Percale Shirt Waists at j j .at AQr Shirt Waists in Fine Percales, A t-namoray. etc., etc. made with insertion or tucked, all colors, carh ' j ' ' .i .a Shirt Waist Noveltiesrom Misses' Waists, tucked Fine Percale Short Waists with All Children's Jackets, sizes 6 to fiu? 10 d?.uu, on saie now at a aiscount 01 z) Urr rV All Silk Capes in Colors and Black, trimmed with CO 07 W duk Kjotd and lace, 5i.UU values at UJ I Bring this advertisement to the store come, writ to our mall order dept. mcloaiug Ibis ad and mentioning this paper in your letter and we promise perfect aatisfortion In every respect. sow Grass Seed. It I not too VAI ID ls"' l'ntltin. You will TUUn nt . onnA rntnnA fhla spring. Tbe soil ia well loosened after so much freeslog. SWEET ' Are in. Tbey POTATOES... ..laat long. Yellow Nansemond ( $ ) ,25 Per Bu., Yellow jeraey. ( $3 Per Barrel. Red Jeraey ( 1 1 en D.. Ited Bermuda o i' iowa Queen ( $4 Per Barrel. Call and see our garden implements and get a Catalogue. GRISWOLD SEED CO. TENTH AND N STS.. LINCOLN. NEB. The Farmer's Exchange, 231 North Tenth St. Will put on a!e llm day maple nyrt'p of an e ccllrnt quality, worth double the money, 4 cans for niiuiiiiiiiiiiMitiiiiHiiitiiiiiiiii 3 jc 3 3II1 cam (oiiutors for,.,. 15c 4 cant ito.tr rorn............ ......,35c 4 cantbfit l-I.K klrn if....,. .............. jc 1 k'-l N. V. applet........... ,30c 1 u'll prtlnl prdlhr jt,c 3 lbt of raUin .,,,150 Idlbi N. O. (1 uW'4r,...., $i.ik iS lrt suar.......... 4. $1,011 5 cam gooU pear for,,.,,,,,, ,.,l5c our idle continuri J. W. HARTLEY, MR April 27, 1899 bv mner Unvr rw afne w j irirss Bar war J ajrA aa bw gfm vr VeMI purchasing power for when sell- that represent a very small i CJIA PlV , and heavy, CO 7C r JH ailAtD Skirts, cut ilaring, each $1.41 colors, all braid trimmed. Lawn, Cambric, Ginghams, $1.25 to 3.75 J j - 49c insertion 89C 12 vears, prices ranging from In nersoo if tiossible. but If von rnu't Lincoln, Neb. We have a fin POTATOES SSjtfJJK north rn gro o rotatoea. Wby not BUY tbem wher you know tbey are right? Acme t3$l.'50 per bushel 6 Weeks $1.50 per bushel Early Oblo$l.20 per bushel h ese are all extra early, all Red River Potatoes. We have some nice later ones; also. lS V r m Y I