The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 27, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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April 27, 1899
It I not th mission of tbltt paper to
read nor attempt to read any person
oat of th democratic party, It seeks to
harmonls all Interest and retain all
member thereof; beno tb editor of tb
rapllllon Time need pot borrow any
trouble on tbli aoor. W only aeek, an
w hav lit year goo by, to get bltn to
abandon rpnbll(!an method nud proa
floe, and to permit til fellow partisans
to dwell together In peaoo, ,
Wa do not wonder any longer why
iomi rapoblinan par bar bii Invit
ing tha adltor of tba J'apllllon Times to
join thlr party, sine b ha shown a
dlKNi)tloa to talc up every report and
charge mada by republican organ
agalbst their political opponent, and
f fv tbani oredeuo by repotting tlmm In
la paper with other and stronger at'
iwk upon tba mm tba republican are
attempting to dlwredlt, Out Doiiio
crat . : . . :
Khali wa ooutlno to ilet out the
pbysk-aJly perfoot young men of tba na
tlon and nd tbenj to tba oppoalta aide
of tba earth to either meet death or oon
traot tbykl and moral disease, under
tba mistaken notion that It la our duty
to onatinna tha work of murdering an
unoffandlng paoplawbo war onr allliw In
tba lata war with Hpalo, and wboaa only
crime In that they bav incepted tba
teaublng of Washington nul tha ravo
lotlonary fathersT National , natch
In confirmation of tba fbarga that
obamloally traatad beef wa furnished
tba ftrmy, Major J, Qentral Mllee
eoaoatd befor tba court of Inquiry, read
a tattar from Armour 4 Company to tba
commlaryaiieral'a Department, from
wbiub tba following ia an as tract t
"A supplementary to and eiilana
tory of our bid toiupply dressed baaf
In Cuba, wa wlab to aay that wa bav
tba aiolualra control of tba I'owell pro
eaaa for preserving fraab maata, and that
Mil prow boa boon tested at Tampa.
Fla., tba taat having- been completed
with moat aatlafactory raaulta, Tbla
taat waa mada nndcr tba supervision of
Colonel John Wataon, of your depart
tnant, who baa advised you of tba ra
anlta, W ar advised, however, that be
rMvd four carcsaaes of baef wbicb wa
ant blm from Chicago, duly refrlgnrated
and treated according to tba i'owell
proms " , ..
Tblaoompletea tha proof agalunt the
commissary department aud Armour &
Company, It adinlta the nee of a chemi.
cnl pro, which baa all along btu
ebematly denied by Eagaa aud the
baef packer.
Tbli week only, Owing to a back
ward spring we will oflr some ipe
cUI price to ult this week.
BOO all wool caiineres and
worsted Hull, worth from AC
500 Hulte, all wool,
from fH,50 to f
100 all wool Hprlng Covert
Overcoat at.,,,.,....,
Boys & Children
BOO Hulte of Famous feck &
llrcbou nuke, worili 0C A A
$5 to fo.oo, at t)9iUU
500 of tbetxIt brattHl all wool
. (lilbfft Hulte, wtld in all
market lor fa.,,.
Our stock is complete
in every department.
The best goods at the
lowest prices.
111S mi 1117 0 Street.
Lincoln. Mctraska.
4 .4 44 V.
- . A AT tn 11 tha Vmt Vlr
glola bouaa of representative declared
In faror of electing United Bute amia.
tnr h a. dlmct vote of tba people. Tb
loAvan of popullm soem to ba working,
Tba Miaaouri legislature also declared
for tba so,me,-Houtbern Mercury,
Washing hive so long been considered
hard and dUaoreeftbl work that any
tuuuirtiftii tfi the contrary ia ant to be
met wltb an eiprealon of iacradulty,
Tboae bouMwIve who muet waab Juet
oa tlmlr grandmother did, Irmtead of
UNlng new and Improved machinery and
method, will alwaye And laundry work
bard and wtmrleoiiie, You ehould have
agrod waahiug mimblna and wringer,
for they will enable you to do your
work uiiU'kcr and eaelcr than I poealble
If all the rubbing and wringing mnt m
done by band. Kipnrlence ba ahown
that clothe are coaler to waab attr
eoaklng all night, o take advantage of
that fact nnd make it a rule to eort out
ll.. !. unA lint. tiiMRI In Wtttof til
Hl,vuimm r ........ - -
evening btfore tba waahlng I done, rub
bing aonp on tne airiy aire.
The old way of rubblag through two
Kii.r ttinn knilluir. aud nit and rln
I ng, boa given way to a better motbod.
i'aariiu mK inawora hiu;m
and doea not Injur the band or the
.... (nhrin. l)iMolva enouuu
In a boiler full of water to make a trong
au'le, run tne nueat wuiie ranww
through tba wringer, put tbem In the
boiler and boll twenty minute, atlrrlng
often. Take them out Into tba waeblng
k n. faiw minutJMi. Than ia
hi nuiuifwa aa " " " ' r
water that la slightly blued, atarch the
piece that need It, and bang them on
the line, ...
When the fla clothe nr taken from
the boiler, th coaraer thing may be
boiled in tba earn water and woabed
like tba first lot, Anything that I too
badly aoiled for tbi treatment should
be rubbed la the machine before puling
tbem la tba boiler. Calico and ging
ham should never b boiled, but waehed
thrnuah two warm aud. then rlneed
aad atarched. Tbl method of waeblng
doe not injur tb clothe In tb lenet,
and will aara a crat deal of bard rub
blng, K. J, V,
Tbe Wor llobbrr,
C)na can talk ba tilnn about tha
corporation robbing onr town bald
beaded. Wa don't diny they arc doing
it, bnt w think that while all tbi np
roar I going on it mlgbt be wp II to call
th people's attention to tb fitet that
the iiiiiiinfHcliiD'r and mortliunts or
this city find it oimoet itnpoeeiblc to
iniika iuony in face of preectit bank
rste of 13 per cent. Tb saving bank
and building aeeodNtion bare brought
mora inliwry to vi in the pnt Ave years
than all tin corporation tin timet
(ivur. Why not tell tbe truth? Denver
tt0Bi :
f W"
i a g
worth tf 7 C A
10, at $ I i9U
Oar DrUd rralt le 0rnBf,
The manufacturers of dried fruit in
tba United St&taa have found a good
market for their products in aom of
tbe European countries, notably Ger
many, This trade should ba fostered
and built up till it is ab e to take all
of our surplus In heavy fruit years aa
well as in years when w bav a lim
ited supply, Iiut an obstacle appears
in tb custom of many of our shippers
using sulphurous acid for tbe Improve
ment of the appearance of their fruits.
Already the German authorities have
taken tha matter up and are doing
what they can to stop tbe further Im
portation of fruit so treated, , -
Borne of the California papers ar
saying that tha sulphuric is ft food
thing, at lat a thing that does not
make the fruit detrimental to tba
health, and they claim that some phy
sicians have said so, W are in very
grave doubt on that point. Wa have
many kinds of preHervatlvos in ue,
and it Is' probable that all of them are
more or less harmful, Yet w kP'w
that it Is polb1 to get a medical
opinion In favor of anything that
briug a pood price en th market, It
u til the cap of i'mervallr. Jud
ical investigation have decided that
It I harmful to the health, especially
to the health of little children and
Invalids, Nevertheless the roa!.ers and
defenders of I'reservallne declare that
tbey have medical opinion 'to tha af
fect that It does not act Injuriously.
We cannot help feeling t .at t Is not
right to put any powerful chemical
Into foods that are to be consumed
by all classes of people, tha weak as
well as the strong. We have a great
deal of sympathy with tba foreign na
tions that bav very strict anti-adulteration
laws, and we can but wish
that our own raws against adultera
tion were stronger,
W dcslr tb foreign market for our
dried fruits, and we should therefor
see to it that only pure articles are
sent across th water, Th United
State government should take tip tb
matter, but it is doubtful if It will do
so without an initial jhov being mad
by tha shippers of fruit or other par
ties directly interested.
XoU on tbe Strawberry,
Land for strawberries must b nrotv
rly prepared, We saw a cast this
year where strawberries were set out
on virgin soil soli that hod never bad
tha plow In It, and where the ground
was so compact that even th natural
verdure on It wse thin and weak, This
land, although manured, did not do
well and should not be expected to do
well, in helping to make a s-ood straw-'
berry bed. Though the g-owlng sea
son bas been a good one, most of tha
plants In question ar now small and
stunted In appearance, Hud the year
been a dry on lUy mut at mcmultf
have withered and died. Land like th
abov lacks both the mechanical struc
ture and th plant food to permit the
strawberry plant to do its best, 1 '
Nurserymen are often blamed for
sending out strawberries that do not
com up to the expcctrlons of the
buyers. In very many cpscs th poor
results are directly trar-abl to the
manner In wrti tbe plai'i were han
dled by the pmebawrs o- o th very
unprepared condition of the ground In
which they were placed. The land for
strawberries mut be land thut ha
been growing soma thrifty crop and
that has received proper manuring and
attention. Virgin soil are not suit
able for the development of a crop that'
niUHt feed as groHly as does the straw
berry, 'Iand well-worked andwell-
man tired, and of proper meehonleal
structure will give good results when
the plants ere properly handled and
token core of. It Is our experience
that the nurseryman Is seldom to
blame, but the buyer of'rn. This Is
especially the cane when i 4 buyers org
people selling out a strawberry bed :or
the flrt time.
Tnn Man Weeda.A Inreo ner cent
nf thn tiroduetlva cmmrlly of Iowa
alls Is imed up In iniituring weeds.
ling weed and mayweed m tne punt tire,
rut tall nd murnlne klorle In the
corn field, wild hemp and artli hokes
on the rona snus, puriuey in me gar
dens, The bent way to "eevent them
In the ptuture is to qui' aturlng so
close and live tbe irsi a ihntue to
grow; sheep will clean t grain and
corn field;?: enforcrnt' of the law
will purify U,i ItiKh! and a mi ai
mer fallow will clean out the garden.
iloi'kfurd Hegtwler,
First tuiva 1rta in 'liforol.
Amonf th rami of previsions and
ncerl shipped by Oslialg with
the FraneUran pluiiw ho rnme to
California from Mulio I t 1769 were
olive et:. and every mUtlou hid its
Oil ardrn. The ftisl olive oil made
In California, oulvbte of th Fisnrlx-sa
iiiiinaalerle, iirtMluiee at tha Co
ntulu rabid in lTt, Its ljb the pro
dmtlun vt ellv oil had g.uaa to
OiKI alitt. IK It 4bilU ftO.WH)
ssllmti. and this yar eiUiie tuit It
at about tvw.WHi gstltxi.
TK Fsll'K f Th Ulllna ef a
Wf U l.r'thl alHtttt b it triitioa
of a I m Urr i f ugrt" tiu 41
th K'il tn lf lrtu join
tk t,Nmh f tte trm r tha ei
ihhi ti mk tM a tni k'tar fur
I a tr. Hwe bruit ht grow, a t
aiitHjf tut h 11. Tt- tallm t
ill ItuH I U-pattt tUHm b Mm
f f
Kp ! twt Itun Ua enHmi
Hi nmk m, r.ttfmdr tkt tki t
n.Bt Ih rii4 itMif
11m Krk lU4 sfviaf vtU ar
the kltikeat ft UmI'wL m
pak wi.l Imi al y iait am r)
tkf II eaata, VwJ 4m at iratt M
M mm f m ta aaaaj wit
bwt pek. Tkey wtU W ssmI fcy
r.r, el.rfa fwcl4. A)kBa4
JlUtl rSAAfcTlAJf, U. t'. A.,
(Ufs IUwIi lataasl A fa ,
Animal Odof.
A correspondent of Country Gentle
man says:
W do not bear so much now of tbe
characteristic odor of milk, to wblcb
tha term, "animal odor," waa first ap
plied, I bad long befoe studied out
the matter, which was brought to
jay attention wben I used tbe deep
setting method in my dairy. In tb
use of th deep pall I flrt noticed a
yellow, oily matter floating on tb
water In tha tank and in minute drops
on the cream. By experimenting with
this oil, gathered carefully, 1 found it
had a characteristic odor, tb sam In
every way a that of tb flesh of the
cow and of tba blood of ill kinds of
animals, and also of persons who hava
not yet discovered th valuabl uses
of a bath occasionally, by which the
accumulated perspiration of tb body,
with Its dlsr recsblo od-, 1 remov
ed. The cleanest cow, I found, had th
same kind of odor, and it could ba d
tetd in the cleanest stable if it were
not well ventilated,' iiut always tbe
cow' body smelted in th same way,
and in thinking of it I canto to th
conclusion that tbl special odor was
a natural possession of every animal,
and while not so intensely spparent to
th human senses, yet it Is specially
so to animals, whose scent Is so easily
recognlxed by dogs, and the young of
tha animal. Itself by its dam, It 1 by
this that the cow recogr es her calf,
the w know her lamb, cod tb bunt
ing dog tract tb gam L, Its footstep
fl the ground. '
I found that tbl oil was exceedingly
volatile, and a drop of it spread on
oiled paper evaporated in a few hours,
lesvlng no stain, I moreover found it
was not to be detected in milk, or tb
cream from it that had been standing
4 few hours, and wo qukly discharg
ed from milk by heating it a little 10
shallow pans by setting 'hem on a
slightly warm stove for a few minutes,
thus raising th temperature to 100
degrees. I then made conical, caps of
tin to fit over my deep pails, extending
a lliu over th edge, so that this oil
gathering, wltb the va. from tb
milk, would be carried oft and drop into
the tank, where, on account of the low
degree of temperature of th water, it
remained in small drops floating on tb
surface uneveporated. It ws a satis
factory conclusion that there was
nothing really unwholesome In this
matter, as it came from all the cows
alike, and if th milk was drunk quit
fresh from th cow, it had no ill effect
whatever on a person drinking it, By
cooling the milk in shallow pans this
odoriferous qll quickly passes off with
out cream, and in churning tb fresh
milk is also passed aw, leaving no
trace In th tatter. For ,-e reason
I objected always to th process of
cooling tb milk by posxlag it when
fresh through pipes immersed In cold
water, but favored and practiced the
aerating of It by pouring it from a
height of a few feet from a strainer, so
aa to expos lttboroughiy to tb air
before It was set away, device
completely removed all traces of it In
th deep palls, and 'thus my conical
cap over th palls was no longer "ced
nngr la U ef I'rrHv. t
II, D. Wbif, In' the St. Paul Dairy
Reporter, dlsctmscs the use of preserva
tives, In which he says:
Of late have sprung into existence
a number of preparation claiming to
be safe' and ufflclent food preserva
tives. How far they have been or are
now employed by creameries, or pa
trons delivering milk to creameries, or
boi factories, is a question which
.-an only be answered by those selling
the stuff, yet there are goods reasons
for surmising that some of It is used,
and we positively know that some of it
Is being unciI within the state, I be
lieve It is the duty of every butter or
cheeiemaker to raise hi vole and
bsnd against the use of preservatives
of any kind to be used for the purpoe
of increasing the keeping qualities of
either milk, cieuin or butter. Let me
mint out three dangers a buttertnaker
would meet It his patron were to use
preservatives; ......
First A but termaker would have
no control over the cream, he would
bav no Idea how much had been
used; consequently would not know
bow much s rrr to iie, or how long
It would lake to ripen tbe cream,
Hetoml-If patrons should keep tb
milk weet ,, y would r to bring
tb milk to . cream every day,
end milk would lose Its One flavor,
preventing a man from making fin
Thlrd-Tbe psirona would not bav
to firrrla sanitary precautions In or
tier to keep the milk, and aom of It
would be vsrrlrd Into the (ream and
butter, ronequntly tbti would be
an Interlur article of butter mada In
Crnterlr that l'ay A rrearrfWy
itiin with a treat ilura and at a
grMt ripen and declining rapidly In
d pnMUn jr ia inn w iiiw iiuiia t
hbw glws aifkultursl In general
ad th dtry buta in particular a
tackoet, iHi net build a ireantery on
atari .1 mW. bill rlr toll" tb
ttui ptactlttit Uitr kid tbtwn by tm'
athlNlbg i4-iuir wnrr in uir
r I a I'uKUnital fiit t,f pitifll in
th pMfwit 4 th rnmy. If
aUnl U litiill t ttte titkt tim u4
Wpu lb nr.i ti. (t luast a (
u.atkrl .. (ha .ltd V tu imI 1I4 la trllt't.a
tha fttlt lC lit U'- r b'ltler altl
ani itif pv.n i a i tJm i
Ika a. a if ah tatlta lb brat Utvlbo.l
kf tita u.t if ba Hih ib rttni
a4 artttl rreiweir Jmmi ).
Lawvert and butlnesi men
ho ar particular about tht ,
appeiranci of their stationery J
should If tve their order tot
that data of Hinting at tht
lNUirKN)KNT. ifouMll r
Tko nczl r.7cnoy
For Teur Vocf,
will bejHjcurMl by lending; It to pnopla who
vnu a(Tiirrl to luild It for vmi mini unrb.
XVlwwfllfhLLw.r'lL,,,i w,l,''etha fadlltta (or bindHnr, gradlflgai
atering : It. Wlw bar atouk aoougb to attrwrt tha lrKNt buyer aad miriii7,rturer.
70 era aa lart&Bt Wool toumo ia tha Woat,
. muwmtbf m0 1B.OOO.OOO lb: at wool.
m Jn,JX$T.t'i...l K mi Mtf h
a to qiijuitity and Quality of wool ami
m7.JS tim.C-I,? 0?"lf',"?.nt h Utw rM (4 S per cent, per annum tot
ciwfrmwr with free wool ok nnd aawlng
twine W uiaii our Clroubtr Lettar in nil hn uk 1, tu .n imJZ
J ,Jil, KUaacLL ft
Wymore, Nebraska. of..
iiiii........... ......
and as the season is somewhat late we are giving our
customers a great discount on all kinds of trees
Have a sale yard corner J 4th & O Sts, LINCOLN.
Kiluatod at Ninth and V tret ar now ready for business. W give In snhanr
for good 00 lb. wheat 82 pound of fnncjr flour guaranteed, and 10 lb of bran.
Try a sack of "Honest Abe" Flour.
Warranted to equal the best. ,
All first-class grocers
keep it. J .
O. SE3BLEY & SOlir.
Fruit, and Ornamental Trees,
Shade Trees, Etc., will be mailed you free upon application to ,
Marshall Bros., Arlington, Nebraska, Proprietors of the Ar-'
lington Nurseries and Fruit Farm, located in one of the leading
fruit belts of the state. They pay the freight to your tovn, so
you know just what the goods will cost you. Their fruits re
ceived the gold medal at Trans-Miss. Expo. in'Otoiaha. J 898.
most fiertiiet
litwimuu 4.
t l..
Lit .1 . aa t i I Mh iMM wt
., J...i. tV, M a.
Ik. InuH M-" IN ' aki atlaa,
b Mm. i m - M l. .lliM mm,fwmm.
M . mmmm, tKlutlW.U a. .
I HI acwi OOaS) m "I um at a4a
JIA miZm m mm. Mm, lUwMatkH. mhm
hi mu ua U"m raMra.,a .
4tilwl mvrmvmmtm, Shmb IM (
mm i III
mm ni ndpi
(tttoJaatil. aa nklMtlkaiA f
L u.i, Li lh Ma m-i mwiwtm " I
hw mm. It -t. a KbW' 'm. . rf
th.. i4MMk
mum. In,
m-mtmm mA mmm tmmmtum.
wn,, rVaMa, I mi fmm tmm ,-
MtlMatllwaa-H MattMM,IMSlM
I. ak at immin. I i rtoa
ta a.....i tmm, mv l at f I M
m ., 4 m toW.w In. )... JW'Jt
ta M kfckl ", 14 mmm
m .mm I
Wm4 wmmmtm f4 m aMMh mm . H
.Lt a.i4 - W - '
ovS SlllM'tlt! I
rj 1 -1st t friftMui
.(aw t. l tfft "" ,.'-
: .- - mmm k-iiM U ' I Ml I
MS at l m v.ta4 alk hoH k4 .
w ( a ,. fcl trn-' hmmmm,
,....,, u
W . I.Ik. I fc II ... ' .1
I ataxl a twill 4 4Mi ai.r M W"t ,! iMfaHAlfc
M - i- 14 mm , t
If AMI, MQiauCH A 430, it, t
refMittlon with tb tr4. bfrth
n j i.-i.. u l..
and arailaa nf wtxH ma th aiMlng market cuff
dlt4ou. mm
tU.i "'rnrrS
....j..; ,.. a
A chance
- to save
somi? money
by dropping me a
postal card, '
asking lor
Catalogue and Prices,
Good standard new Organ
$45 and up.
ARTHUR BETZ, 2I2 So. Nth St.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
giving a description of all the leading
classes and varieties of nursery stock
adapted to the west, consisting of
Vines and Shrubberv. Roses.
Lincoln Steel Range
dear wife and family Warranted tba
cooking stove tnada. We ne tbe titt bmt
ua rolled patent mom .Uml, and line every llanna
rlth asbestos and ateel, wbioh tnakoa it Impoaaible to
t Or to your floor. Tbejr are handsome, attractive,
p-to-daU in pattArn and dilKn, lull nickel tritnmwl,
win ourn any aina 01 lui. win laat a III
time. Made on honor, sold on merit, Thia
la by we call tbem the "bust on buith."
If your dttnlt-r does not handle them ba
Dtakea gmat mltak. Writa to oa and1
w will provide a way for you to boy on at
o raonable prloa.
Duckstaff Bros. Mfg. Co.,
ratronlse bom Industry mad in Nebras
ka. Warvferyon toHtaU Omom. Hank a
and Eipnw Ckmpanla of Lincoln, and
tbonaand alng our rUngea. riprolal at
Wattoa given Hotel and lUataoraat OalSw
S'V",T ?
at aa4
m, afci.ll
Va-i wa
ft! Vf aai
rfa ai tV Ul W ll 1 -
44 If 4 V i ejaj
I - - ' '. t;
l i- !.. liMICAUO, IU.
1 1 . r