THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. April 27, 1899. "Nebraska Jn&tptnbtnt Cmu$H4mHf ff WEALTH MAKERS mU UNCOLM ISDtrMNDMMT. rVBLUHED EVERY THURSDAY i "' n tw At UM M street, UMCOLN, - NEBRASKA TILKPHONI 011. $1.00 per Year in advance. 4MCf Sj eCMCcUcttCM te, m4 aaks M flrafe BMT erseM. IViN) te rai MDirMviiiT ro, 00, I4HMI, Rot, Wbat ar called th lower classes are, io morals, religion and patriotism by far the highest olass. Hit full litis Is: "President of tbe Uolted States and Emperor of tbe Philip pine Island" and any one wbo (fulls to 0 address blm I a copperhead, A new term must be admitted to tbe accepted formulas. We have no word or term to express tbe Idea. Wbo will invent one?8hnll we call It populism? Tbe only social communism that this world will ever adopt is a communism of ideas, All hare eqaul proprietorship in them. . It us bare communism of thought. , ' Education often puts the pauper on the Intellectual throne and makes tbe king bis subject, but education Is not al obtained in the colleges and universi ties, Tbe contact with men and wltb nature sometimes produces the highest education. It seems that every time a republican administration is elected tbe people be gin to get frightened and a cry is raised for more troops. Wbat does tbe tblng 'mean anyhow? There does not seem to be a demand for troops to keep order eioept when we bar a republican pre- The imperialist organ Insist tbat Geo. Lawton'i expedition was a success in as much as he did not start oat to capture Filipinos, but to distribute proclamations. Tbejr say that be suc ceeded In distributing thousand npon thousands of them. Another attorney general ha started oat to tight tb 'trusts. This time be bail from Arkansas which state bo the most stringent anti-trust law In tbe Union. He will not get a scalp. A long as Uannn runs things at Washington, just so long will tb trust be able to down any attorney general that lire. Every age has Its orate. One It was knight errantry. Then It was moaastl oim. Then It wo aomethlng ales. Tb erase of our time Is tbe Insane craving for wealth. Intellect, character, affec tion, everything sacred is sacrificed, and tbe whole world seems to be a mad house, where all the Inmate are scroam ing for gold. For fifty yeare the scholars of tbe uni versities have been studying the science of nature. Tbey bar mud some won derful discoveries aud conquered nature la a tbousaud ways. Now let tbem turn their attention to tbe science of man and eoe if tbey can so conquer him tbat or dercanb brought out ol this social obaos. ' Tb banquet spread by nature Is audi olontforall. Tbe plutocratic arrange ment of the guests eo tbat one man can overgorge blmetilf aud alter be has dons that, prevent others from eating wbat be cannot himself eat, must be over thrown. Tbe pups espect to take a band when the new arrangement 1 wade and m to It that all may be fed, Tbe Chicago tribune Is buomlog Car tr Harrison for the democratic nomin attoa for tbe prmidcacy. 11 It keep at it. Tb More tb gold bag paper boon omeooeeleeta beat Hryaa, tbe surer flryaa I to get the aouileaUoa. Loyal dvmoerat do sot ek ahkc from tbe temy and when it la proftrr4 they do tb other thing. The repuMWaa paper ar beginning la any, ia great big letter, that the tract U the use great qacsliua before tb people ad ol lar Muire intportaaee than tbe scoaev qtwa. NvrlUc tfclrBwleJeottmittMtorkiai at AtlaaUellly prprig rtt. tablWh th folj clccJcrd, hlW ttoa of lee ha propu4 a bill to doe a the tract That k a pup loa W die oat whew tbey aay swh Ihlage, Toe IU4 retires tr tb hoc of lefMMtattvea aJw ety ya iertUa aa4 tb 44it ol the whole UraUs pre Hat what bU 44 TetU4cver lairo4w tbatpMUVy Merer laaagaraU tla woaahws tttbMatr? Hay shuc.14 h be vzi a great man? ? vulaata ol this rtr j rruiea t lf eUfcet the ,( l, TUB KKPCBMCAW VHKHH, Why any man who is interested In th public questions tbat are euroing tbe attentions of the people 01 trie torn States should want to tke a republican paper, Is beyond comprehension. If be 1. nniv lntratHil in the current news .n1 annmlnla lit the dilV )( fiotjre be will fled it there. Tlie pas of the pa Ders are filled with wH written amount of polltiottl scandals, divorce mv, horse run,, t.rln flints, ball unnn; murder trials, afo robberies, poisoning esses and all ths varlou matters of that kind that ar continually happening, but of tb great moremeutsof thought and tb many problems that are pressing for m,tt iimont. and wb cu must oe mnvua. If we are to have a government aud country at all, there Is lltllo or nothing. Olauestlon like tb following, mu everywhere ar thinking, but nothing will be found ia tbe republican press con corning thorn. Ha every man a right to live? Hhould the power with which all human beings are ei-dowed bedvel ooed? Has th Individual tb right to Insist on an "opportunity" for develop merit? Is tb land (iod's gift to all or has a certain clue a right to moke monopoly of It? Ha every man a right to an opportunity to work? Has any ote a moral right to more than be needs or can uso, while others want away from want? Ha a man a right to protection io proporty that be never earned, which was procured by fraud or bribery? I labor the source of all voluo7 Ought Individual wealth to be permitted to accumulate Indefinitely, growing frorn generation to generation so a to accu mutate all wealth la a few bauds? Shall tb right continue to reoelvbyln beritance those 1 in manse fortune with out taxation 1 when passing frorn tbe dead man to tb living one? Bball the DriviloK to form trust to control tbe aoccsearle of life and make monopolies of them be con tin awl? Whil those questlonsand many other of equal importance ar pressing for solution and ar In tb thought of all intelligent men, no republican editor ha tbsoourageor ability to discuss tbem, At least tbey do not discus tbem. Wbat bjoot then can a reasonable man who I a patriot, bar In taking a republican paper? It may be tbat they bar never taken any other sort of a paper and do not know tbat thee thing ar written about any where. If some of th popu- ists would make it a point to mention to republican neighbor that the ques tion reoelr constant attention In tbe populist paper, tb circulation of popu list literature would b greatly in creased. - ' ODE CZ4K KVACVATK. It I stated in tb dispatches that Tom Reed has accepted a position In a law firm In New York and will reelgn hi seat n Congress. There will be a great big vacancy In tb bouse of representatives, for Tom Ileed "i tree foot on way, six oot toder, and . weighs tree hun dred pound." Tom, tbey say, will hereafter make 1100,000 a year. He will still keep charge of th insurants loo he bas held so long, and out 01 which he drew nearly ton time tb am ount be could make while acting a czar of the house. The candidate for tbe (Mtakersblp of the house already num ber more than a down, and tbore will be a lively time when tb bouse caucus meots to namo bis successor. 1 4 Tom Heed bos not only been tbe czar of tb house for tbe lust few years, whenever the republisans have had a majority, but be bas boeu the bruins of the great insurance companies that have a mortgage sproad out all over tbe western states. He will now be able to give more time to their Interests than ever, and the iusuraace dupes of ths west will be sheared mor closely than they ever have been la all the years, while tbe insurance corapunloe have been piling up their millions. ttlnco tbe organization of th populist party at Omaha, social theorbo bar undergone a change tbat caa hardly tie said to be ) than a revolution. Men have sclitd hold of tb rights of man, of freedom and liberty, with a tighter grip than tbey ever bad bolore. N Ideals bavs not only been formed but mu of ac-tloa are coming lortb to put tbeui la force. Thee Idea were at oral rented, tbea ridiculed, thea considered, then adopt! by many thousands bo are now or tire worker In the flU ol Moral, About the suialUet that ths soil ol Nebraska rf aoarWa I Heaator Hay ward. There waatiwetlagh14la Ck'hvyUr to ettataiemoraU tkeeurreadi oltherb4 army to Uraat oa April 11. It woe proclaim) a a patriots ea eioa aad teuitr ol all parts aealtij la gttig It p. Ilyr4 scads a spm la ahteh he attavk4 tl.ior I'uyaUftaa IwrtxWas scaaa b lag ths recoUliua that eoataia! a ea drewat ol itcklaWf'a tor, tM rucrce aay tea who het th laetioeU ol a g tfeutaa aboat hiss. wott4 neve hare doac ew a thieg, d wha tt wee lrpt that the iwcccagaetataislag th veto ekMtl4 Ur4, imJ. ahleea4 rWcceJ, Thlh wl the .( ia Mllgeat state U to kaiaa b4sg reprw sM la the t nticl Htai at by aeghoralhaU Tb hie ol tre4u were h4 staadiog i th wrM culj.rt. gar It bee Hegel ay rb A an reirardod bimtelf as free, a native Roman citizen was free by birth. But tbat man as maa I free, according to bis very natut and tbat he is born free, was known neither to Plato nor Aris totle, noither by Cicero nor the Roman jurists, although this idea Is tbe only source of law. Not until tb principle of Christianity wa introduced did tbe Idea that tbe Individual, personal spirit I Infinite, absolute worth rcwelv recog nition." Tb effort to establish wag lavery by tbe enforcement of the gold standard la this age, Is an effort to re establish th principle that ruled In tb world before the coming of Christ. In fact the condition would be 0 much worse as f Industrial slavery Is worse than chattel slavery, t , Tbe manufacturers ar still shipping good to all part of the world where they undersell the "pauper-made" goods of Kurops, Tbe only e'foct that a thrift can bav under tuob circumstances Is to make tb American consumer pay from 40 to 100 per cent mor for bis goods than the same good ar sold to tbe "paupers" ol Europe, Tbe reason why American manufactures can undersell the English, German and French manufac tures was long ago stated by Muuball who, after an investigation lasting for some years, declared that "ten Amerl can ar equal to twenty Germans; twon ty-slx Austrian; 'forty Hpanlards; sixty Italian or sixty-eight Portuguese," Th Dakota Iturallst still devote con Iderabls spae to left banded compli ments of the editor of tbe Independent. t Insists tbat this ' editor don't know enough to enter tbe primer class and I still studying tb alphabet, That I be cause be cannot understand bow' tb "culmination ol the competitive syem" nds In th destruction of competition. trust is organized to destroy compe tition. When It 1 formed and oompetl tionls destroyed tbat is, according to tbe Iturallst, "tb culmination of com petition." It will tak something mors than tbe study of a primer to enable on to understand such a bodge podge of datbat. This editor is Inclined to tb belief tbat it is one of those things tbat no pop caa find out, or tbat It be- ongstotLat class of tblng tbat Her bert Bpenoer called tb "unknowable," Reform mast com from within. It i first an Idea evolved from tb - loner consciousness, All th thinking, bow. ever, accomplishes nothing until th man of action com. This man of . 00 tion Is an entirely different creature from tb man of thought, but b I just as necessary, Jntb populist party just now, w need mor tb man of action than anything els. Let blm etep forth and organlr and put tb thought that w bar baa thinking for tb last eight years into a living fore In aotdoh r form, " ' In tb municipal fight In Toledo every minister In tb city wa against Jones icept one, but be was an earthquake aud tornado In on. Ill name I Iter. Oeorge Candeen. When will tb other ministers of tbat city take time enough to read their bibles and filnd out that tbe Qoldcn Rule Is better than th rule of money and aftorwards go out among tbe common people leara tbat a very urge majority of thm so beliove. Tb socialist voM In 1881, 2,008; 800, 13,031; 1892, 21,157; 1804, 33,- 183; 1800, about 40,000. Ia Germany It bad grown from 703,128 in 1887 to ,780,758 in 1803 and there bn been some gains since then although ths ex act figures are not attainable In this eouutry, There are 48 socialist mem bers of tbe Gorman parliament. One of tbe companies of tbe First when they received their Christmas boxes tort some old cotton stuffed mattress and scattered tbe cotton wool over th ground to make It look like snow. Then tbey broke open the boxes, took out their present and tried to Imagine tbat they were bank la Nebraska eating a Christmas dinner, Whatever ws may say about the mat ter, the fact Nmalne that clacs distine- tlouc are becoming a deflaltely dctlaed la the Tutted Hiatus as la any mon archy of tbe old world, Ths abaoe ol tltWcduM not alter the Uet, The dietlniw tluae exist. Mpala lrl4 lor three huadrcd yr to elvlliM the Philippine arehlpeligo and th sold out the job to th Tailed Hut lor SJu.lKkMMHt That U th oaty guod batgata that Hpala ha mads tahadrd icar. John tro' cit.1 tMstoptM! marrh lag os. rhtMtUg ht-grc U ao rU h by tU prwfcadMltiafMlJoha iWuca la the saute elaca ol eporlaac coolie rahUta. Aay a h de tut ag r- to It la a tppth4, Hj I has th lmMttaHt hcvuiae, I hey sail ptlicg ta th tiwUtUo ol Udt 4 the eoacMUtlow, appcalisi 14 ths worst sjsvtiva l Us pcMpt. ! who do It at ealUt a pa triotic, trcacoatbie eviiha-i, Ws boibt tiVOOO.000 kiggcr at dollar ih4 ac4 th oat 8,tH0 troutci lvMK) ia(W t4 shoal lhc. U vlt la thai tracco tKia I 4 Smc thlaga that io ff toa led oat. "TBEASON Gen. X) tie denounces that telegram from Omaha to a company in tbe First as "treason." The Independent said about tbe same thing about It last week. Tbe thing to do is to decide whether the United States Is to prosecute tbie war against the Filipino. If It Is, then we must all support th government wheth er we like it or not. It will not do to advocate the prosecution of McKlnley's war and at tb sain time send cable grams to the soldier to com borne. That I treason, Fo populist bad any tblng to do wltb the cablegram which Otis denounces, Tbey have more sens than tbat. It wa the work of McKin ley' supporter. There bas been much discussion about wbat is the right nam with which to designate tbe Filipinos wbo ar fighting our troop ia tb Pilippluos. Tb Impor lalist call tbem rubols, other call tbem insurgents, but neither name is tech nlcally correct. Now these nigger wer bought by McKloloy for about $2 a head. Then tbey got up an insurrection or rather what would bav been called a few year ago In tb south, a Slavs mutiny. As "contumacious" moan iwrsevuring disobedience to orders, why not call these nigger chattel "contu macians?" :i riey nave been Having some ex per. louce with telephone companies in Chi cago lately that will bare a tendanoy to educate tbe people in populist prin clplcs, Tbe outrageou charge made by th Iloll company created a general outcry and another company was formed. Tb council gave it a charter under tbe promise tbat rates would be greatly reduced. Now It Is said tbat a soon a tb franchise wa granted, th owner of It sold out to tbe Hell com pany for 1200,000, There I only on tblng to do wltb telephone companies and tbat I to let th public own tbem, Tb Chicago Danker, a financial mag' azine, la an article In last month' issue bore valuable testimony to tbe assertion tbat populist bav constantly made, tbat tb bank controlled every Interest in this oountry. In speaking of tb great fall in all industrial securities lost week In New York, It said; '.'The moment tbat tb bank began to discriminate against industrials, a forced liquidation began." Tbat toll tb whole atory, Lotth bank begin to discriminate against any business and a liquidation will begin. 14 Wbv about 6,000 gentlemen in this country who live In luxury on tb nterest of wbat tbey owe, Tbey owe their not bolder and depositor bil Ion of dollar, tbey get interest on all of It and generally manage to compound it every sixty or ninety days. Tb re mainder of tb Inhabitant toll oeaaless- ly to pay th Interest and go about de claring tbat It I tb beat ayatem tb world ever saw, And Bhakespear's little god Pock, winks bis left eye and says: "Wbat fool these mortals be!" Rev. Bam Jone was hired by tb cor poration to go to Toledo . and fight Mayor Jone. Bam exhausted bis whole supply of slang la denouncing tbe man wbo wa running for mayor wltb the Golden Rule a a platform. Tb corpor ations lost every cent tbat tbey paid to blm aud tbey will invest no mor money n tbat kind of oratory. The friends of Thurston can still claim that John is a sixteen to oner. Tbey say tbat lie bas made sixteen gold peeebfs to one tbat he ever made for free silver. Now John slugs: "I am bappy and blest to lie on your breast" to Mark Hanna and tb . corporations, and Mark replies: "All right Johnny, Bnuggle up close." Ths Chicago Ranker says: "Contrac tion is a proposition difficult to defend before an aud tones," It Is to be com mended lor Its frankaess. It Is ouly in bank parlor where tbat proposition Is received with cheers. There caa never Ik a gold standard permanently estab lished la this country until a tremendous contraction takes place. Nearly every fudon pr la tbe state iecrlllcUing the new ballot law. The gciirral opinion l that tbe old law was the Uct and slaipWcl lorni of ballot that ths slat evr hd aad the editors can't sw why It was alloaet lobe changed, The ledepalii! don't like the new law any better than the ivt ol them. Wra ...'s-.'i.a.3stj-;s:?iia t'avl Kri got rk h by attending to hi oca baciacM, bat he will he mighty pour tier he gel through atteadisg la the httciacaaoltheahule aorld. Thtrty lr thus cud ccC4c chtMM eflclre he has tchcN la heel docs I lUmo, r rocl leg him haaJrcds ol Ihuccacd. Th Hpalict party scads lb Irei al. ever snadeto pa trow. tetlM'Ue ol ot horibt euttal i'litWo to a fort bit otsl rcttcf. It abaadaacd e-iio a 4 Wca soslrtka. It did awl ptiMM rrtttio or th rr throw ol tty, bat return. Thee, arc a thuie ll ol srtachcr who wm la Utah Hal te It tl4e lUle I he rW ol gv44. Mas day a other far K riw and ddr Ihest Slot 114' clplc with a whlfi ! sacJI eordo. corporation gone to seed. The Independent never joined ia tbe assault on Col. Btotsenberg. It ha nothing to regret and nothing to take back. A farmer in writing to this paper says; "I saw a railroad agent soli a ticket I for 1 10 aad be did not pat any revenue stamp on it, and be said tbat be didn't have to. I gave my note for f 10 and 0: course I bad to stamp It, I am an old man sixty years of age. It seem to roe tbat it is about time tbat tbs reforms of which I bav dreamedjsbould happen. am lor worm ana It you look back on your ilsts you will find tbe name of J. W. Jone." If tb women' culture olubswant to do something reallr patriotic and useful, let tbem take to introducing tbe teach ing of tbe English language in tbe corn- mou school and colleges of this coun try, From the correspondence tbat hn passod through tb bands of this editor during tbe last two decades, he I forced to tbe conclusion that English Is not taught In our schools at all. Perhaps out of three hundred letter for publica tion written by graduates, men In the professions and people generally, there will be one that can be banded to tbe printer without corrections. uocfuu or sofiiHTBr, Many of tb writer on tbecgold stan oara parier ar highly educated men. m U . . . m . m Tbey bav been tbrougb tbe universities and obtained tb regulur degrees, Tbey bav studied logic aud rhetoric but tbey apply their knowledge and all tbe skill mey nav tnu acquired to conceal or distort tb truth. Tbe man wbo write most of th editorials for tb State Journal ba evidently tudled logic He seem to bav mad a special study of tbat part of tb science tbat treat of ophistrlcs; not tbat he may avoid tbem in bis writing, but to mak the utmost use of tbem for tb purpose of docelviag tb unlearned wbo are unable to detect them, h doubtless well knowing tbat It 1 from tb ignorant and vicious that most of tb republican vote com. One of tbe sophistries pointed out In tb text book i to assume a proposi tion a true and a accepted a true by all, wbicb I falsa, and than draw a con clusion from tb premise thus assumed. n tbe edition of April 22, tb Journal mad us of this fallacy lx time. Tb following paragraph alone contains throe such fallacies: , ..' "Tb peeslmlstio pop wbo bav been figuring a prophet of evil ever since their iriend Aguinaldo nodertook to break tbrougb our thin line at nigbt to loot Manila and murder tb foreigner there, ar much taken bock by tb later, advice from tb Philippines. . Their pre diction tbat tb Tagals would carry on a guerilla warfare in tb mountain for a generation wer founded oa quicksand." Her it 1 assumed tbat th pop ar pessluiistie, tbat they ar peculiarly rlendsof Aguinaldo, - and they expect that tbe Filipino will carry oa a guer Ilia warfare for tbirty-tbree years. Tb writer of tbat paragraph doe not expect tbat any Intelligent man will ac cept those assumption as true. He know that anyone who ba the slight est knowledge of logic will instantly point out the fallacies that lie so plainly upon tbe surface. It is simply an appeal to Ignorance and party prejudice. Tbat is always tbe last hope of a dying cause. It Is said tbat the principal writer of editorials oa the Journal bas a colloire dogree. Its abrevlatlon should be I. 8. Tbat I Doctor of Sophistry. Col, Col to a sent a cablegram to Gov. Poynter Wednesday, declining the ap pointment to th command of tb First and tbe Governor Immediately pro moted Major Mulford to be Coronal. Llout. Col. Cotton has been detached from tbe regiment nearly ever slnoe he ha been ia Manila by ordor of the war department at Washington. W .lf jt-m -. a. 1 I. Tbe trust is the FRANK T HUH' HOMKIIIOWattheOraaha trpocHk. had AM. TIU ri:OI'l.J.! rlairist.fcHite wad alt-4iX TIIK lll -lo sea the largest MfciMi ol hrj oa tMiaad. MultK MUCh. HTAt.UU.Nit ISaa all aihihlluri hit UK II.ihmH.U,, t.ROtMb. twoyear-oMc; autre Ulc price win ara, t.ia!iUia wtaaww at Wlia 111 , I . Nhr, as 4 at, Uct lir c4 tbe large I stalltoa as 4 mar la U.i.tWMalhtft.tH.0t UfJS RECEIVEDSI.320 Sft& UVir "HO TUT aad "JxQfl OU I R.- Ur-t aad w..t iM ioUloa ...V J "M'T'ee wicr al liHaiua, lata, Nbroha a4 . lai tdrc. WRRI hur HiiUwN Ksr tihbwa al Kipueitivcv lass aJaoj ha a hv UU wt rihbtia grat'lMNre 4 MM ha alcassaala oiry, lHst lahokcj stalUno l mapui al hva prtca. Iiava salt thai sawoay by gicg direct to larca'harw om4 bar wlarccr---b4iarcr V thaw toa scare tuits Ibaa all atace MHrr ta Nx bracha, K4 kmoIwc oa4 lasca vj frdahv Uv4 Wee la rpMCili (aria, NialUua aictkaofoA, ci kit nn) iff tiuccU ta ror4t VU Do Butloocs With Ilia IX)!l BALE -Iln Mr l!itch4 Coach Twa. KipoiltioQ T?lnoen. On UP.tivJ a 6 MRy. QT. PAUL, NED. Dr. LYMAN ABBOTT. Dr, Lyman Abbott bos an article ia Outlook advocating imperialism. In reading it one cannot fail to .lose hope for a government by reason. When a man with an intellect and education like Dr, Abbott, through religion prejudice or tbe association in every day life by which be is surrounded, will calmly sit and argue from two premises which are self contradictory and claim tbat tbey both support bis contention, wbat can we hope from the ordinary toiler who bas not bad tb advantages of an edu-' cation? In advocacy of the prosecution of tb war in tb Philippines and tbe conquest of tb people of thos island Dr. Abbott says: , 'There are some communities mad up of barbarians with whom you can not reason W must compel obedience by force, that tbe foundation may be laid for the operation of reason and conscience." , His conclusion wbicb be arrive at after going over tbe whole matter Is: "If we have faith in God, th Father of tbe human race, revealed to u tbrougb bis son Jesus Christ; 11 w bav faith in love a th law of Ufo, If Chris tlaulty moan to live and to love; if it means to do justly aud lov Ujercyaod to walk bumbly with God-woe to u Christian men and women if In this hour when th world Is opening to us, when tb gates are fluug apart and law is be Ing established where law was never known before; when commerce whit winged, is going where commerce never went before wo to us if we bav no mossuge, or no courage to send our message!" "To walk humbly before bis God" an American must carry a Krag-Jorgouson on bis shoulder, 200 rounds 00 bis belt and be backed up wltb automatic, rapid firing gun. Thea according to Dr. Abbott be I "walking bumbly befor bis God." Could a greater fraversfty on human reason be found ven In tb unruly ward of an Insane assylurn? Then cast a glanc at tb assumption ' in tbat paragraph, statement tbat he assumes a true and not to be denied. "Th gate ar flung apart." Tbey ar not In th Philippines for th native peo pi ar piling them high even with their dead bodle to keep u out. "Wber aw never wa befor." Wber I tber ucb a place on all this wide earth? It may not be our law, but th most bar barous tribe bav law wbicb the obey. Wber ever man Is found, there will la w oeiouca, "when . commerce I going wber commerce never went befor."' Will Dr. Abbott point out th spot on ' tb face of tb earth wber thecommerc of tb nation bo not gone? "Wo to us If w send no message!" Wbat mes sage shall w send? I ft tb hissing of bullet and tb shrieking of shell? or ball it b tbroctiool teacher or tb mis sionary preaching peace on earth and good will to man? Then Dr. Abbott after making tbl tatement ask a M to ponder it." Well, we have, and tb conclusion is tbat tb doctor I losing bis mind. 1 QNow Is a good time to subscribe. "ST". "To Err is Human." "But to err, all ihe time is criminal or idiotic Don't continue the mistake of neglecting your blood. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now. It will make pure, live blood, and put you in good health. All Cone-" Had no upix'tlteor strength, could not slcrp or K"t rested, was com plctely run down. Two bottles Hood's 8sr saparllla eurci! Urn tired fnrlliiR end I do my own work." M u. A. Dw a, Mlllvllle, N.J. HmhTi flllicur llr lilt 1 Oic niHt Irritating md IAMS AND, 100 Porchorons, Dolglana, Uhlrca-Olyiloa and Ooachoni IMPORTER I