The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 20, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    'April 20, 1899
Play a trump, Here's a hand full of them. Mostly
Right Bowers. If you use them you won t get left. Are
- you in the deal?
Ladles' Fine Black Shoes.
Ma da In extra quality dongola kid,
leather tip and boxing, opera or London
toe. The beet ladle' eboe Id tbo went
or the money every pair guar-tf f C A
anteed pi-UU
Ladies' Fine Lace Shoes.
Chocolate kid, resting topi, stock tip,
lace and backatay, coin toe, medium
heel, a clean out and taatyfff CA
eboe, Guaranteed all sizes... I iVv
That old-humdrum desultory way of doing the shoe
business has been completely revolutionized by "Tie Ne
braska" seems to hurt in some quarters Metaphonically
tteSfebraskd s marvelous success in this line is where the
shoe'pinches. We guarantee every pair of shoes. Send for
a shoe leajiet,
A . Insist Immediate discharge.", The can-
tor in Manila would not allow tt to bft
delivered and it wae beld up by Gen.
Otis' ordor. The Western Union com
pany Informed the sender of the me
age of it fate in the following word:
y "Your raossoge reached Manila all right
but it cannot be delivered at it I beld
by the government censor."
A great deal of Indignation bae boen
expressed by those people and even they
have begun to enquire whether thla la
anylonger a free government. Lot them
top and think a moment. Suppos
ucb a nwssnge a that bad boon ont to
fl Company Or troop during th lat war
would not every one of those pet eon
donouno It a treason? Can It be any
thing different now? If we are to carry
on thl war, such thing a that of
; course cannot be permitted. ' The only
reasonable course to pureue I to decide
first whether thl war I to be Indefinite
Jv continued. If It Is, weniant nidke up
our mind to make the necessary acrlfl.
c. Do you want ome otbor one' on
to do the fighting and your come home'
McKinloy will not liaten to that. De
cocsistimt. ': f
John T. McCutchoon I the most re
liable correspondent in the Philippine.
He baa been there from the first and bia
report have al way been accurate and
made without prejudice. In a cable
gram dated Manila, April '16,' he aayi:
"Gen, Lawton made a tatement today,
the publication of which be authorized,
lie laid that in hi opinion it would be
necessary for the United State to vend
100,000 troop to the Philippine (aland
if the native continued hostile, lie aaid
that it wa essential to garrison all the
cities captured or that are to be cap
" tared in the futjure operation if the lu
aurroctiorwasto be put down. Gen.
Lawtou'e opinion I given a great deal
of weight among the officer' here,
They aay hi wide experience with guer-
. rill warfare make him a moat capable
judge of the situation,"
The remarkable thing 'about thla ea
blogiam la that It wa aent from Manila
aud must have hud the approval of Gea.
Oti and the military censor. Hereto
fore such atatemeuta had to be seat to
Hong Kong and cablwl from there, aa
the admiuistratioa wa all the tim giv
ing out Information to tb effect that
the Filioinoe were about to tie entehwt
orcaptun-d. The permission to -Hiblinb
thl dlsnatcb la evldeuoe that the Me-
Klnley administration U about to cali
for more troop to go to the l'bllipploes)
instead ol allowing any now thr to
come bom.
April 10 tb war ofticw gave oat aa ad
ditional lUt ol k'llud, wouadl, and dUxl
of dlaM. Tbr wvr foarteew wound!,
one klried, and twaty,sit tiM ol di
ease, among th latter four (rum small
po. 1
While Ida attention ol tba psopla U
twiag absorbed by the war, lbs gold
staadard forma are silraUy Ul ativl,f
at work. Tke repabbraa Wadsraut tb
it bait aMnihM last Monday al
AllaalW Cily aad era at of k priria
earraaty bill Id b pass! at Ike it
mmh, Ik !') U la r eia
ally Mtbiia Ik a.iU ataadard a4
tsra over ! th" basks lb Ihm iI all
wwf (. Taa ta wtor dagf la
tkati!ry ul Aawrttaa rii'iss la lkt
ItttbetiUft at AtlaalM lily, tfcaa I all
II aara, ftritfa r dowtk aaab
haves miri ikl am. T sulk
skIi -I r. tUtltva say b U MiW atmat
it, fas ! la ! In mWv tad sp
wwc, a it alaaj kaa !,
Kav a iur curt,
intcrrully. IMtnt. uti
nothtnr to try Itl Dicrlrtlv
UookUt I'KliU
Men's Shoes.
In genuine Goodyear welte, patent En-
;;iisb Hockstay, black or tan vici, kid,
lussiaor box oalf, English toe, lacs
only, with or without veatlngdr) C A
top. Guaranteed....... ..iJJtt.JU
Men's Shoes.
In fine Goodyear welte eelected Russia
or box calf, black or tan, v(cl kid.' Kid
shoos with or without vesting tope.
Urasa, nickel or plain eyelete. You can't
duplicate it anywhere forlessflJQ A A
than 11.00. Our price I?0-UU
The latest new from Manila Indicate
that a change of policy toward the
Filipinos ha been Inaugerated. The
dlpatcbe ay that a body of native
bav met and propose negotiation with
Agulnaldo, No aucb meeting could have
been beld without the pormlsnlon of Goti,
Otis for martial law I in force in Manila
and no body of native would have dared
to get together without hi authority.
It i probable that tb thing was don
by tbe direct order of Gen. Otis. Tbi
Is a complete change of front, for tbe
administration would not heretofore
permit any recognition at all of tb In
surgents. Perbap McKlnloy Is coming
to bis one at lat.
A dispatch from Dewey state! that tbe
Filipino captured on Llou tenant and
fourteen noncommissioned officer and
seamen belonging to tbe Yorktown.
They were making an attempt to reacue
eighty BpaniHb soldier, three officer
and two priests, who were surrounded
by 400 insurgent. One of the seamun
waa from Lincoln. Ilia name Is Cbarloa
Albert Morrlaey. He waa born at
Columbu, N4. His mother, Mrs. J. C.
Morrldsey residue in Lincoln.
Market report
Chicago cash price for graii April
No. 2 rod Tvbaat .. ......7078
No. 8 red wheat T2 0475
No. B spring wheat OH ?73
No. 2 bard wheat (19 r70
No. a hard wheat..... 07Xrft
No. 3 cash corn RT
No. 8 cash corn 83
No. 2 yellow corn 85
No. 8 yellow corn .3.1,1,1
No.3casboate 27 4im
No. 2 white oats 80 ("M
No. 8 white oats 29U0X
South Omaba, April 20.
Baef steers............ to 85.40
Stockera and feeders...,;.... 8.00 to 5.10
Stock cows and heifers,.... 2.00 to 4.25
Medium to heavy $3.05 to 13,70
Mr, Mckinley, tbs evidence against
your clerks and agents in the comtuut of
the war ia of tbe most damnlug char
acter. You rewarded Kagan lor calling
Miles a liar. It now turna out that
Miles waa not a liar, but a brave soldier
seaklng to protect tha health and lives
of tbe army, and that tha war depart
meat waa so Indifferent to ths fata of the
soldiers; that it etippreMad tha report of
uowrnor lioosevelt and paid no heed to
Ibagnueral of the army, bat kept on
poisoaiag in somiers, mat toe tMi
trust might ba sariobtsl ia consideration
ol Pt ami future favors.
Mr. Mt'Klnl y yoq can't bring bark to
HI tha dead solder who bavs Uxu
iKiiwtaod and atarvml. Kut duty de.
aiaad thai yon diaiulM In dirao
four mtreant aorvaats, Indict and pun-
the tel trust, aud invesiiaat rWna
Uw llaaaa'a euaduet. aad If il b fouaj
that he bad a band ia IImmmi t-wf etia
trarta evasur him alw. NatiooaJ
Hmm II Uf lata Ul litf4 UMMrll I
riiliiH, Wot It will
fkstt. Agala.
About ta days alls tha aJjoaratnsat
of (VsCkirso eavtatia tditotol
Ika ladpeaWt wa lttlirat4 by a ga
lWaa kwm wordewatl aol ba daablaU
aad aakWf sall enalJxaea, that 1st
ur4a "r4-iabl la aula" ta
ill ia Ulallia aiiioul lkksi' .
it o easa u ttHMHilt, '
Ikrta ar Va ks ti kcti
bat lie frail baa la r , t
b la aaitv war. Tha ' .
Valby aa.Uy """"W
la a 4iMai m ' ,
HI, l4.ia a. I a "
tiiliua 1
s mt tt M.i ut' - " "
UiK44aitgtk m ' " T
isalaaJvuus tllyti aa Lie lib
11 UiUr ' H m !"'
Hii'Mil a'a aa
i .1 IK Iswrf litH wl lh IIU
tkwi (t puifcff-M, mi i aa at
b,s4 ul a-Mirtr alt tbe If vU alwai
that matter. It eeema to tbe Indepen
dent that tbe time haa come to release
the men who know tbe truth about that
affair from the pledge of secreay. Every
one oan see that after tbe platform had
been printed in all tbe papors with those
words added to it, that any attempt
during the campaign to rectify tbe
matter would have been disastrous.
The cose is very difforentnow. The artl
cle in tbe Journal and Democrat is a
Tbe original draft of the Chicago plat
form did not contain the redemption
clause. That clause waa Inserted to
please an influential member of tbe com
mittee after tbe platform was submitted.
Tbe following Is tbe pnrngrapb relating
to tbi subject, showing how It stood as
originally written, and after tbe addi
tion of the objectionable clause:
Congress alone ban the power to boln
and issue money, and President Jackson
declared that this power could not be
delegated to corporations or Individ
uals. We, therefore, denounce tbe issu
ance of notes intended to circulate aa
money by national banks a in deroga
tion of the constitution, and we demand
that ail paper which is made a le?al ten
der for public and private debts, or
which I receivable for due to the United
State, shall be issued by the govern
ment of tb United State (and shall be
redeemable In coin.) !
Tbe words eucloaed In parenthesis are
tbe one that 'were inserted. The ab
surdity of such a declaration is appar
ent when it iejremembered that all money
issued by the government is sovereign
and stand on precisely tb same basis,
regardless of tbe material of which it I
composed. A preceding clause expressed
this principal in the following language:
We are opposed to th policy an(j prafl-!
ties of surrendering to the holders of tb
obligation of tbe United States the op
tion reserved by law to tbe government
of redeeming such obligations In either
silver coin or gold coin.
That Is to say, no public creditor shall
have tbe right, by private contract, cus
tom, or In any other way, to destroy
the value of any kind of money or obli
gation authorized and issued by the gov
ernment. 1 ; ,
Th force and effect of redeeming one
kind of money with another kind even
admitting that such an absurdity could
come within the domain of common
sense was not clearly undertsood
by all the people at the time of
adoption of the Cliloago platform. If tt
had bn, th redemption clause would
have been rcjiictcd by a unanimous" vote
of the convention. This, redemption
trick Is an old scheme of the goldbug
party, invented and banded down to
tbem by their master, tbe Ilotbsubild.
It intention I, and always has been, to
make gold the money of final redemp
tion, and tfana constitute gold tbe only
actual money In the world. For, money
that ha to be "redeemed" in some other
kind of money la not money at all, but
a credit token.
Wethorefore repeat bat wo have
heretofore declared, that 110 Ufib Shy
lock trick, no such solecism, no such
Idiotic noiiHense, will ever again appear
in a democratic platform. If the re
demption eluuse bad not been interjected
into the Chicago platform we would
have elected Mr. liryan In 180ft, in spite
of Mark Hanua's corrupting millions
and wholesale coercion by the banks and
dependent commercial and manufactur .
log Influences,
Dr. Bail' Congli Sjcnp , nre over
night the most stubta tfold as well as
all it oomplioAtUn"-lckllng in the
throat, bnsky voice aifid violent cough
Ing, It is tbe most wonderful medicine
science baa prodttOtd.
Every true American feela a thrill pf
prldo when contemplating tbe patriot
ism Bod valor of tbe American soldier
am sailor. The defenders of our flag
have demonstrated that on every bat
tlefield they are heroes, on every sea tbe
bravest of tha brave.
That they are now made to bring
shame on their country la no fault of
theirs. The war they enlisted to fight Is
over, ana na oeen lor monms. ins
work they undertook waa performed in
a inanuer that won for tbem imperish
able renown. Tbe purpose of their en
listment being acbioved, tbey should
have been returned to their homes and
friends. Denever Republican.
There are nameroua Instance llluitat
log th adoption and putting Into prac
tice of nearly all tb principle advocat
ed by populism, and for a young party
It may truthfully ba aaid to bav dona
a graat educational work. Hut I her b
ou of the d'M'trlasa that haa made, no
progresa so lar aa practical reu'4tk ars
iHiutwrned, and that ia tb luonsy yisnk,
dwiuanding Iba Inerto of th toluma
ol .irnncT. UsmIuImII t,a agita
tion aud s-lnrMt Ion along t'jigllneths
wialraelioaiau kan guaa or
iry lu another aad baa'rfrilt fwB
tk-loldlaadar oa li',,,.,,
Hoaa ia right wb. h,M ...
vvr aq ia uutaev c u .mi k.
msisj hmus ani nr M. i, i. -1-h
a 1 ,'iranm saw avav
1.1 ia the i.rt-. "",:;:." :": " .
(MIMHa aad V
fKlabj' war -aicy.-
"W.tinh of Ease
But Work On."
Ifyvjr blooJ U Input you
pu MtiHv4 on" fat you
cannot ( n tUlnh of tist.
The btocJi the pfAttst sus-
Ulntr of the boJv JtnJ when
V0U rule it pure by tiklnj
AW j jrjjpjfiu you hu e
the perfed htillh in ohkh
nen ruNwor pecomn rue,
-; 'J
1 1
I, H-I i,f'f(
M. S P.
0 & 13th
Vfdch nracc ,rom now tDfl
WAall Ul COO the departments
olaoes in our atom.
a crock consists of the
able materials, thecbolnost styles
aud the best values to be found. We mention below
some of tbe things that are good seller.
Percales of excellent quality and
82 Inches wide ce yd.
Percale of tbe very best quality in a large assort
ment of the choicest stvles aud colors ever nroduood la
such goods 12o a yd. -
ToillduNord srlnarbams. the irnnulns
double fold, the best quality and the best
tne market at so popular a a price, 10c a
uaiaiea worn. 1 til is a beavy cotton material made
for bard service; color absolutely fast; choice neat pat
terns: used for little boy' sulU, children' dresses and
adles' skirts, 15c a yd,
Zephyr ginghams are again popular
large assortment and choice pattern
25o a yd.
Printed Lawns, both In plain weaves and corded, light
medium and dark colors 0, b 10 and 12!o a yd.
Printed Dimities of fin quality and boautiful pattern,
good immltation of th finest Imported goods 10 ana
12!) a yd.
Heavy cotton suitings including covert, fancy mix
tures, ducks etc., in medium and dark colors, 10, 12
and 15c a yard,
Crash Suiting of pur linen and cotton and llnon
mixed; they will again bo popular for ladles, gun tlemea
and children's suits, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25 and 80s a yd.
Plain Block Sateens of the very best make, absolute! r
fast colors, all good valued. 8, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 25o
a yd.
For wash dress goods of any description we nrg you
to corns to our stors, confident that you will find wbat
you want at the right price.
Four Carloads of Uuggies Just Received Direct from the Factory. Eor
fifteen days we will make prices that were never before heard of to keep them
Lamest assortment In the state; prices cut to fit the times.
In KaaatkaWaatw ! a
iu la l-aaM a a taa'dr
iMtdssawiHtM. Nf
ih.U . U ''! U'lly dxtiai Is
lksi.ks.lM Iks rtalara Ua t
.11. u t ! ay -talfal Illy
Tb kW Uia4 fJaylaar aa.U art
tb aUeksal 4 baa4lW l
Mtb will W at by watl ra-Hwi
1.I i vaaia. My t ' ta
M ala mt tsim la U.aa U
I.Hir t.ka. Ilsy at b
usa, efcar-foa WfH A4,lfs,
' juiti ituvrTi'u.y, o. r. a,
i.UMs JUa taail t,
flr" of July
selling wash
1)9 IU0 OUSJl
Aa usual our
most deslr-
beautiful pattern,
roods, nut ur
pattern on
a yard.
and we have a
at IS, 20 and
2024-6 South 11th
1 n micccn
Wymore, Nebraska.
an J M thl uai U nnniwht Uti wt r tlvinj our
cuitomin rrAt dliccnint on nil kind ol trtii J
ffl. & P.
0 & 13th
Wfli-J-A fifAC C T,)ere nothing new to offer in
TflUlv HI v55 white cotton dresa good but it
now seem settled beyond a doubt
Pa Arte that this will be the greatest sea-
UUUU5 " " eon for whit dresa good which
w have known for many year.
Practically tha same styles will be worn that have been
used for years with a tendency towards perfectly plain
weaves, such a India linen, lawn etc. W bav at pres
ent a complete assortment but as all leading manufac
turer are rushed wa know that those who buy early
will bay to th beat advantage.
India Linen 80 to 82 Incbo wide, 6, 6 H. 10, 12,
IB, 20 aad 25c a yd.
Victoria Lawn, 7, 10, 12, 15 and 20c a yd,
Checked and striped lawn, 5, 6 7, 8, 10 and 12
a yd.
Plain Duck, 10, 12, 15 and 20c a yd.
Marsaellea, peques, organdlta, Persian lawns, Scotch
lawns, dimities, nainsooks, awlsses, oambrlos, long olotb
at., in all qualities from cheap to vary fins,
Tit iaWam Lutwaek wssald aometblog
DltlCK LOIIOu fiuout black cotton boas for
women and children and w
Hams' Avar have such confidence that the
llOSlCl V " " " values wa offer ar nnanr-
passed that wa want to talk a
llttla on that subject again,
Our ladle seamless boaa at A pair for'.25o, 10a a pair
and 2 palre for 5o ars certaluly excellent valuta, Tb
quality Bold at 2 pair for 25o Is mad of fin combs
vara and bos double sole and beela. Wa think it tfaa
beat w bav ever known for tbe orlce,
Ws bav seamless, fast blark, cotton hose for cblldrsn
of all ages at 10, 12! and lfio a pair. Tha 10a quality
is of good weight and bas doubl beel and toes: tne
12!o quality Is on of extra weight, very elastic and baa
doubl knees, beols and toes. '
For hosier and onde'rweaf of any 4oscrlptloji for men.
woman and children, w In vita yon to call. W goarao
tea to bow yon good mrchandia t low prices. ,
St. Lincoln, fl
P. rn i WihAvclari
Wl hivt a larff
1 4th It O Sts. LINCOLN J