The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 20, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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April 20, 1899.
2 'tf cbntfka Jnbepcnbent
if m
tiijaijdiijt Publiihlijg So.
f 1.C3 pex Year in Advancb.
mt . at. eaM f
rsa nBUHBMT rot. M
Th inhabitant of tbi Yankee nation
are too fall of energy to ever agree to
live tbt life of tatl l4 eattl bowmr
well fed they may b, under a oolalltle
regime. Men an to mad that the
irttiMt bave something to strive for,
Take tbat away and, they will die of dry
Through tbf kindness of McKinley and
ths court the republican party
li font aatllfjir rid, of tbe old gang
of thltM who bar run tbe parti i
thltat for the last twenty ypar.
Mosher Hartley, Jlrad Slaughter, Tom
Cook, Ed Hhier and JobnC. Watson ars
gone and mora art toon to go. Will
tboat wbo will tak their places b of the
am brand? It la very probable tbat
tbey will, t
Th rls In tb price of Iron and teel I
caussda Imoet wholly by tbeenormou In
creae In tbenavle of the world. Without
that itlruulua given totba trade, Iron
and steel would be a drug on the market.
But this temporary advance only means
permaneot disaster. When the taxation
tbat must result to pay the bill tbat
the natiooi are now contracting begin
to preen jipon the worker of the world,
they will se the folly of It all. Tbe
temporary riei will pas away, and tbe
effect of the policy will be a burden
weighing down generation yet unborn.
' McKinley' commissioner In tbe
Philippine promle the Inhabitant of
that country a rnuub better government
than tbe republican party ha ever
given tbi country. They ay . to the
Filipino tbat If they will only lay down
their arm and quit talking about Inde
pendence they will give tbem an effective
civil aerv iee reform and tbat "the collec
tion and application of all taie and
other revenue will be placed , upon a
aound, ecotidmlcal bol and tba public
fuuds, raieed justly and collected honest
ly." If the Filipino are at all poeted
upon tbe condition In tbi country,
they will bave aome doubt about tbe
fulfilment of auob promise a that.
However if they doubt it, tbe thing I to
hoot them o full of lead tbat they will
doubt no more.
In tbe old day when the republican
party wa first organised their drey ora
tor Invadod every part of the north and
the bnsls of all their speeches was tbe
Declaration of Independence. Tbat was
the armor, shield and buckler. Now the
regublican orators declare that prin
ciples enunciated in tbat document are
Imply "glittering generalities," The
first president of tba republican party
fought a great war to freT 5, 000,000
blacks and expended more tnao a billion
of dollars to secure their freedom. Their
last president bought 10,000,000 brown
men and paid 120,000,000 for them.
Will It ever be poselbla to chisel into the
beads ol tbe mullet beaded Mark llanna
followers that voting the republican
ticket bow, Is voting against every
principle tbat republicans advocated
thirty year ago?
There le said to be a strike orgaulilng
among tb wage worker la tbe factory
districts ol New Kugland suck a tbf
...t.l I . t ! .1
wvim -c aaw vtiurit, ii w a strike
Against another rUa la wage. Ai
amplwoftb retee In wag which baa
been o largely admtlard la the gold
tandard papers, tb followiag Ittuatra
Uoa I given:
Tor luatanoa, tbe worker bgtfl
On rtala grail ol good were until
yaaterday paid 51 rwata w vat,' and
tb eal wa ualaflo4 to U 60 yards.
Jiww, 8? Miiti ar paid, but it I Ktaad
Iratthe Vsl baa lava kegtha4 to
IT raiJe, lor aUb, bad It aol beea ir
thara-M la was,! autkr would
hartt4 8S eealsv"
t rtal has ta taeelalat that
! bate ta raiwd vty aisey
itwis blive tkt i Utraes Tbr
k taaoidwiliMib tail.
aa ata Meit ul 19') ymt seal
a ai.W I I nut, a4 MUi4 la J
ry, )avi, by a laHfctt Mm(Km 4
I tS lreei, atkiea;a luUl Mvtk
I'vfieSt. ,NM,lbeMtMvkalia
tlwa4 ly ay ) ) is tkt bm a
Hum h tti Itt ra. ta viK
Oat M a.l) ti Irvttt tM
at it e,al til II i ea 4 ki
y ae tw VT, lrli Ikow tltll
NiM Xa lalil wt ee Umt lM ty
tta Ulut tfte rwiarlkHi.
Ullaey aiir thai lb aeeMb
4 a'trael agaiKel aautbrf rata
H last ti4 la wage?
Th R.-ll Ileftd hireling who writ ed
ttorlale for the Imperialistic dallle bave
hn in th habit of sneering at tue crui-
clsmsthatbav been made of the close
censorship of the dispatches that have
been sent from Mauilla. James
oiftu tbs famous war correspondent, who
.0- mnnnA.A in the Santiago campaign
while acting a tb correepondent of the
New York Journal, ha gotten a uia
nainh fhenmrh bv sending It first to
Hong Kong where tbe cable I not under
nrriara of the m lltary lorces 01
Klnlev. Mr.Creelman say: "Tbe cor
respondent are all puwled by a censor
ship, com parea to wdiuii vm"" "
tom In Havana wo perfect freedom.
The consorshlo doe not deal alone with
mllltiirv matters: It uppresse nearly
tvery thing bue auoh fact a General
ntu m,i.h,.a iha American people to
WW FT iWww '
That tat of alalr I jut what every
nooulist aaid would betb result or an
Imoerlallstio policy. It I not possible
to bave a free pre and a policy of lm-
D.rlfilim at tbe same time. Free gov
ernmont and Imperial Ism i impossible,
Tbe cannot xlt in the ame place at
the same time. Tbe question before the
Afoul now l: Hball we have an Irn.
perlal, military government or hall w
perrwt.uate (llv (re government estab-
llzt'w by our fathers.
t i f .
The truly rellglou and mow balntly
New York Tribune ba discovered tbat
Itryan Is an Infamou blaphemr wbo
arrow worse M time goo on. It ay
be began bla awful career with the crown
of thorn and cross of gold simile at tbe
Chicago convention and roacbed a cul
minating point In bla wicked career the
other day at Ulrmlngbam, Alabama,
when be culd: "Just as a good Christian
would revolt at having tbe aacremout
administered by an infidel, so a good
democrat object to having a Jefferson
Ian banquet presided over by Terry Hel
mut." '
Tbi Is truly awful. There should be a
general assembly of the religion leador
of tbe United State called Immediately
to devise some mean whereby Ilryan
can be silenced. If be I allowed to go
In this way, atheism will be enthroned
aud religion abollehed. Wbltelaw JloW
should use bis great dally to get such a
convention together and should be
made chairman of it. Bryan must be
silenced. If be is not no one can toll
what may hnppen. '
The corporation of the eastern states
are exceedingly anxious to civilice the
heathen of the Islands of tbe sea, and
ome of their minister seem to think
that It I our duty and destiny to end
our war ship to roaming over tbe earth
for tbe purpose of shooting Christianity
Into them with thirteen Inch. gun.
Meantime it seem tbat the heathen are
lucreaaing very fast right in tbe New
England states which once 'were dotted
with theological seminaries and flliod
with churches. Tbe governor of New
Hampshire, in a recent proclamation,
speaking of bis own state, says: "There
are towns where no church bell sends
forth Its solemn call from January to
January; there ure villogee where chil
dren grow to manhood uuchristened;
there are communities where tbe dead
are laid awuy without the beuizon of the
name of Christ and where marriages are
solemnised ouly by justices."
Would it not be good policy to recall
some of our troops from the l'bilippines
and end u em to New England with
their maguiine guns and automatic rifles
to shoot oio Christianity into tb
heathen there? Tba truth of the matter
is Just what I'rof. Herron said, "this
devil worship onlled chrUtkuity."
The goldito literary bureau netflct no
portion of their immense Interests. They
end out tbolr publication In many dif
ferent forms prepared editorials, nicely
bound book, pamphlet, plat matter
any way and anyhow so that thy au
get readers, Oueof thee cloth bound
book He before . Tb amhorlti
tuasicrof goad KnglUh but be cannot
otmcval from tb Critical reader tbat b
dura not aiavll twltov ose word of tbe
earelully prepared argument whlraead
ta tb eoHiiaUo that "tbi money que
tloa U tb at oat abaard and rUliruloas
Uaua tbat ba ever 1B prxwatrd to tb
America people. A well bopa to our
ttgr by aaaMiog tb Mkw tk-tint to
It rt a to tt I I to iin4y industrial
depmitua by liaarlal ItgWatkia,"
Tba rataedy Ka rvxwMi ia to ta latnir
avtag atavbieery oat olkatvu. To
protect tba auaairy sa Wr sw a a state
i4 aBaira lna Way teg all tbairanuda
Irvai aatutaa tbal sbtiald euatiaaa to
a ataebiaavy aa4 tbtloea euaM al
Waa atoay ba wl4 bate obib.
lory lri8.' Tb-ra la a .MiaJiita
-Mk Heaaa-fuMita wbewa tbat
tiaf tbtah a Ut Miva a uk asy ig.
raat tef. t
Mfciti ant tit aw
Tlea ba af ba prttW ka
aa itaittt4 ta Maa tKaatWal a.'t
w4 a ItataMf atUm as ai lat M. Kia'ey .
Iiy aa t4 ikaai iatiti4 tbirlr yiara
M by trt4 iat4 bate ta
ilk a slxtat wl tattlM iiaK a. The
anil rta tbat lHy bate a ta
fnava ta Wtaaaa hiaeaatry wara4
lf a tratkttag, saWvwet, atMiaMta4
ores. Aoon aa McKinley took big
seat he began to pardon bank presidents
.nH muihlara who had been aent to prison
for stealing the hard earned deposit of
tbe poor. There ia a long list of tbee,
Then there is the Carter court martial,
He wa convicted by a military court of
erohezrllng over a million dollars. Ill
case baa been In tb president' band
for month without action. Lately
there la tb Engan case, perbop the
most disgraceful , of alt. Although con
vioted and sentenced by a court martial
to dismissal from tbe service for conduct
unbecoming an officer and a gentleman
McKinlev rearranged tba sentence eo
that Kagan will draw from the govern
mont, according to the mortality tabli-
of tb Insurance com pan lea, f 78,000
and live In Idleness and ease for tbe rest
of hi life, That sentence simply mean
tbat the honest and just accumulations,
or what should be tbe accumulations of
78,000 toiler after ft life time of work,
boa been taken away from them by
McKinley and given to this acoundrel
Kagan, It moan tbe making of 78,000
laves to reward an act of treachery by
a military pot. It i McKinley much
more than Kagan wbo I tbe guilty one,
In regard to tbe return of tbe ' volun
teer now serving In the Philippine, tbe
situation seems to be, and it h) 09 use to
try to doCelVe ourselves however much
WB Want the First Nebraska sent borne,
about this: According to the terms of
enlistment, tbe First is entitled to an Im
mediate discharge, but if the volunteer
are scut home before reinforcement ar
rive, the troops toft would be la danger
of extermination, It I not to be up
posed tbat tbe administration will take
any such risk, To keep tbe boy longer
In tbe Philippine only require a con.
tructlon put upon tbe lata act of con
gress that tbat act can easily bear.
Tbero I not a particle of doubt tbat
McKinley will stand by the construction
made by tbs attorney general Jjie other
day which was to the efie'ct tbat tbe
president bad the authority to bold
them for six month more, and it I tbe
opinion of thl paper tbat tbat I what
will be done. Tbe only bop of getting
tbe boy of the First home again in tbe
near future I to stop the war on the
Filipino. If tbe friend of the First
would demand a change in this imper
ialistic policy Instead of supporting it,
a so many of them do, they would not
only relieve themsolves of constant self
contradiction, but could present an
argument tbat would have force,
A farmer In tbe northern part of the
state writes tbat be is puxzled beyond
measure at the enormous capitdllx tlon
of the new trusts that bave been or
ganised during tbe last few month. , He
says: "I can't understand it at all.
Will you try to enlighten me and other
among your reader on that subject?
In a paper tbat I take, it I stated that
tbe known trust bave ft capital of over
four billions of dollar. Where did all
tble enormoua amount of capital come
Itcomoe from nowhere. Two-third
of It I water. Trust formation I simply
a cruw that boa seized opon the people.
Every generation has been afflicted by a
like craze and tbi will result just as all
of tbem have resulted in the bankruptcy
of thousands.
Look at it dispassionately for a mo
ment and see how absurd It I. Accord
ing to ths census of 1890 the manufac
turing capital oltba whole United State
amounted to $0,139,877,485. During
the last six month trust have been or
ganism witbacapital of 14,185,480,700.
Take Into consideration tbat the value
of manufacturing plants baa greatly de
creaead sines 1800, ths fall of prlnea af-
lectin them as well aa all other kind of
property. Doe not tb simple state
ment ol tb tact prove tbat the forma
tion of trust hi simply a financial
scheme for the most part baring In view
the shearing of tbe lambs who invest In
tbeir sto'ks?
The reason why tb- owners ol manu
facturing plant ar so willing to sell
put to tbt trust I because their work
"vaot beaa profltabl tad beraua
there wa little or ao money to b mad
la running tbem, notwithstanding tbat
McKinley baa "opened tb wllla" and
tb-re la a great wave ol proeperlty )
Ingover tb coo a try. Iltheee mnna
lacturer bad ba wiaklag noay, they
would bav not wold out to tba trmle.
(tut a they wr eearaety holding ihalr
own or were I aing asoaey, they wra ai
kiwa to Ml oat. That being traa, what
prt"t I tier tbat after tba stork ba
(won walarwl 50 or a loo pe taat, tbat
thy are going y itviWad? la
rf r eae what a traat baa takaa ttum,
tbetrat Ulsglkal has b dose le to
Uaaa aliirk to talae haNtout ollhe
!! sal taplialuatloa.
II tbra bad go4 liawa aa4 ne
ts ra I kre auaM bat bar ta
traat. Wtr ra tn triee
4l. Ibatrwte wilt 4w (tar, With
lb4f tireueraHieUiUna they eul4
aol l atwl tloa. it a rWiag Mar
ket wit atirpttratbia r tadnMaai
wtifkiagoa ral a4 Wffimra a4tal,
A eoltoa at itt ih aa ialatad tMptlal ut
4hmh, .hiI4 aol 4a Hla al.ia
atdawl aaotkaf at! attb aeaixUl id
lot,oHbtb ba4 jaal aa gtm4aa
tbiafy a4vaM)tar aa a ah
X-W W ft I tlaat o aaUarlt J
Mayor Jonea mixes up term when he
is talking and writing in such a confus
ing way tbat there is much excuse to
call him almost anything. At one time,
If w are to judge from the term be uses,
be la a democrat, a minute afterward
he la a socialist, while he all the time in
slstson calling himself a republican.
rThe orlncloles he advocates are neither
republican nor socialistic, but are popu
lism as defined in tbe national and state
platform of tbe populist party. The
following extract from an Interview
with blm, published In the April Coming
Age, will illttrate tbe criticism.
"The acceptance of the Idea of democ
racy involve a dismissal from tbe rnlud
of any thought of cla or classes, and
this degrading notion has always hin
dered the progress of the world. Tbe
Idea that a few of us are endowsd with
the 'divine right of kings and are es
pecially fitted to govern or rule what w
have called tbe lower classes, is undemo
cratic, as well a unchristian and of
course oobrotberly, and worst of oil It
I unacientlfls. ,
"If we are a democracy we must be
lieve In the people; therein no escape
from tbat conclusion. If w believe in
the people, we must believe tbat we are
going to be saved altogether or lost al
together, and it i my belief tbat w are
making progress toward nobler Ideas of
democracy and brotherhood than we
bar ever yot dreamed of. I M tula io
the growing desire to enlarge tbe funo
tion of government in ministering to
the social want of tbe people; and we
bave long since recognized tb Import
ance of the thing tbat we call education
and have practically made that as free
a tbe air w breathe, to I believe tbat
we shall enlarge our conceptions of what
constitute education, and make such
things a bath, gymnasia, play
ground etc,, a fre to all a tbe com
mon school now Is. ' .
In that passage be uses tbe term
"democracy." In tbe very next sentence
be call tbe same thing "socialism" and
says: -
"There Is no room to doubt that fifty
per cent of tba sum now expended In so
called restraining and charitable meth
od, If expended In some reasonable way
along socialist lines, so a to enlarge tb
privilege of tbe people and to provide
opportunities for tbem, would within
twenty-five year place our almshouses,
jails, penitentiaries and prisons very
largely In tbe domain of the relic of tbe
hideous past."
Out of tbe propagation of tbe princi
ples contained In tbe Omaha platform
has grown a great controversy that Is
attracting tbe attention of all men the
learned and unlearned alike. The time
has come when tbe system of govern
ment there outlined should have a term
to describe it. It Is different from any
thing tba world ba ever given atten
tion before. It should be named and la
belled. It results only lu confusion to
call it one minute democracy, tbe next
socialism and tbe next something else.
Worse than that, it divide tbe believer
into hostile camps, when they should all
be in one camp. It pluces tbem in dif
ferent parties when they should be In
one party.
The eewnce of this system is as Pro
fessor Stuckeuberg has expressed it in
his article in another column of this
paper, "Whatever pertains to the pub
lic must be managed b&tbe public In tbe
intereat of the public aud whati private
must be left to private management."
That is the populist theory of manage
ment. It Is not socialism. It Is not re
publicanism. It has not beon the theory
of tbe democratic party In tb past, al
though that party is fast coming to
adopt It.
Why shonld not all persons wbo be-
lev In this theory of government agr
upon a term to describe It and then all
get together Into one party and work
together to eatabllah It in thea United
Htatea? It I tb demand of the age. It
I being partially adopted, la every
eivlliied government on earth. Every
political party haa In ft meaaura, at
lawat, to reeognlie It. Why not maka a
traigtit Uu upon It? Why not get
together? Why not?
Tb greatest, uoauuitatal, tvarlaat
lagly attek liar of tbll or any other
aga I W. t. fartli, tb goldbug Wash
lug ton rorraapoadeitl ol tb Cbfoago
Iteoord, A Ww day ago b pubilebed a
tataateat o ha vffvet tbat Japaa bad
rduc br volant of money la eireala-
llua a boat onvealf aud tb reui ol It
waa tbal r wed wagaa ol labor la
that ouatr? bad aearly doubled. Waea
sum una trot hi mi tbal tbat eould aol
beat. ta pahtkahed ft lot ttf Japaaaae
alalia! lu prove Ibat It a. He ave
tkeawmtwf t4 jaa ItaeJap dollar)
throat bmr feare egi aa4 Ibe
twa, sbueiteg tbal lhf ba4 Um a
(raatredevlloa la thetr aaatUe, Ibaa
b gava Isa turn a4 Ibnaa id
Unlay. Hbal saakf IbalW an' aiwaa
awalit, kt Hat thaaa Barwa ar wt
aViy frt! That wf lalta mm
la Japaaaaa KtWul eaMtf la, Tfcara My
to laaa a Ibaa tr a ate threw vv
Mar year a4 Ha a4 a
biabr Ibaa tba relba. It la the!
kia4 4 a Im thai U Iba wwral tl all ba,
t-we b 4)4 k l Uta la saawtl.m
Ilk ll Ibala' l thai at tb H a thai
laalial statialsaa t4 aat.taal ol lawaey
ta 4ralalka a4 Iba rata wl aag aal
liHaa wvta gltaa, Ibat Jiaa aaoa
the silver basis and tbat while' there was
a good deal of gold la tbe country there
was not a yen in circulation. Then tbe
government passed a law that every
gold yen should be worth two yen.
That act doubled the money power of
tbe gold yen and beside that, tba gold
Immediately went Into tbe circulation.
In thla way tbe volume of money in cir
culation ia Japan wa more than
doubled and price and wage Imniedi
atelyrote, Counting each gold yen an
ouly one, wbea la purchasing power It
(two, and making no mention of tb
fact tbat none were In circulation at tbe
time, a reduction la tbe number of yen
couJdbe figured out But what will
honest men think of such a writer?
The veto tbat the republican so much
dislike tbat they deuounoe It every day
In tbe week, contain these words:
Aoearaie 01 Nebraska I and bo a
just right to be proud of tbe First Ne
braska volunteer. We acknowleda-e
with gratitude and Joy tbe debt tbe
state owe tbem bv roaaon r.f
the honor conferred upon It by tbolr
valor. W pledge tbe honor of tbe state
tnat to tbe living shall bo accorded
worthy distinction and to tbe dead all
tbat can be given tbe dead, a fitting
memorial of their fame,"
Whenever the coyote tbat edit ons of
their paper "0 these word he o-oea
frantlo, Wonder why?
One source of the very great increas
in tb circulation of tbe money of Japan
which wa not enumerated In the article
on that subject lu another column, I tb
use of credit money, Formerly Japan
bad none at all, but the financier were
quick to avail themselves of it after
a law was passed permitting tbem to do
0, credit money is used In that coun
try now to the same extent it is here,
The Increase in tbe volume of money io
Japan, taking into account tb coming
Into circulation of gold, the doubling of
the value of gold by law, the use of credit
money, the facilities of handling money
through bank aud in other way ba
been enormous. Tito result bn been, a
ft great advance in wage and price.
It I probabl;that if a goldbug Washing
ton correspondent should announce
that tb law of gravitation bad been re
versed In Japan, and that every loose
thing was flying upwards, tbe whole re
publican press would declare that It wa
so and denounce every man wbo d.mled
it as a copperhead.
It should always be held la mind that
when republicans talk about "reform"
they inteud to make thing worse. When
they say that they are going to "reform
thecurrency" they mean that they will
give u worse and more of it than w
bay ever had before.
Hardy's Column.
Tarlff-Weat or East wbicb-Wa It a
Good Bargain-New Party-Th tri
al in Ohio.
By the way r tee! and Iron are going to
curvue, Airica ana Asia u wnoie world
will hava to pas a high protective
tarln to enable tbeir owa Iron men to
iret a burner nrlca tor their mM.niihuttnMt
product than Americans sell (or.
Writers persist in saying that tbe
Manila war is in the east. tbv Imni.l
sav in the west. It is mor than twice
a far from ua measuring east a It I
triAnaiirlnar mmk. Hun Krnnoliuvt l ..i...
of New York, but we ay west because it
is mucn nearer meuaurlng tbat wav.
Yankea txtoDla are arraat fop oilnr
A vanr airoour waafc waa nil nunH ha n
w can go west again.
It araa a itnnA hanraln nnl a I
ovsr two dollars a bead that we paid for
a.1 ta.111. l . All I 9 - . .
ma rnipinoa. ine negro slaves or tbs
south In 1800 ware counted worth f'iOO.
each. To start with they cost ten time
as rauoh aa the Filipinos, but tbat kits
did uot bavs a tan year war tail, as tbi
ons haa. A hundred thouaanil mnra
volunteers will ba gathered tb next
UM8' IIOIUtRillOWat IbaOaiaba Etr -
a . . ..u atukt
a - - - - - -
f a- LaTu-j r1
' . .... , 1
1 v . v
7. .' f ,"- ' ',
i , s ,.
Haiaflal'aaS al ailll 1 nr. mm iaa iarna, aiaioii i auraa
oa ..! MtiHt. ULU'K I t A 1.1 H -a ibaa all ai-.t-iu., klOltK I.ihhk Lit,
IHUt.llJt, I ROO itt, ya4ai tauraatata fia wtaaara. t:iMtitiHi alaaafa-a
al bmdtag lit . la , N-av, as 4 It. Ua Iatra-aa4 Iba largaal atalitoa aa4 taaiw ta
U.l, w4abi,lHM) Urn.
UUr ItO.X TtKM aa4 "Jkyt'l nHlt'K." larval aa4 a.t atad lalitMi la
V M , rat ira wlaa al M.a.-K la, ,N. bra-la aaj i, ..a-j hiira.
Wl!RK KOf HIIUWM kw ftaUHi at .iNaiiiia. Iaa alaay ba a Vara lull 4
rMa grat-h. ...
Ilia ba U aaWataaa la auaatry, altl atxU taUUt4 ta aiMil aal
ttMKa, ftavaball lbaaeay by dtraal Um' Varaa and bav
aiaaaa. I..l,iaju,a tti ahuw tua wtura atajiMaa Ibaa ataaf lattara ta X
- - m
ttM4 gaaraalaM a4 laat
aariSMa, ritlla iattil.
1tsi i&4 hli Uomn an Ifucoti U TwopU Wnd Do Iluln.i WUh Him
m BklKM Tilr Utche4 CuAch Tiaoi, ivipotitien Wlnisert,
On U.P.and 11 tz M.Ry. ST PAUL, NEB.
xtv dava and that will nnt ha ilia Uat?
It must not be forgotten that there are
three times aa many people to conquer
in tbe Philippine Islands as there were in
tbe country when England thoughiit
would be en easy job to conquer our
forefathers. The expansionist' claimed
tbat Dewey bad men enough to clear np
tbe Job but now he want a hundred
thousand more, It now look a though
tbe ong of '08, "W are coming father
Abraham" will not be sung a it wan,
then. ' ;, ; ...
, ' "I
After comparing the three platform
a tbey now exist an honest man can
see but tittle difference except in tbe
handle. If tbey were all put In one and
given one name an artist could not tall
where they were welded together. Tba
doctrines of each are actually hold by
all. Then tbe east end gold bug demo
crat will b forced to sink out of bight
into tb gold bug republican party, As
oon a tb cheep are gathered together
tbe goat will have no where el to go
We can't agre with lilxby.of tbe Soar-
Hal, that the trullt of Mm. (lnrua and
Haxton wa about qual. It Is true "he
paid tbe penalty" but it I not true that
"It I her torn now" to pay tba same
penalty, Jle waa tbe tempter, not she,
and tbe tempter in a joint crime I far
the greatest criminal. If I was on the
ury my verdict would be Justifiable bom
cide, On top of tbat I would pay her a-,
bounty ten time larger tbanwastver
paid for killing a wolf. The briber i tb
dungerou man and not the one bribed.
The cormorants, In human form, wbo
bang upon society and feed upon virtue
and honor should be treated us wild
beasts of prey, Ho the political brlbor
who bangs around congress, state Icgt
lature court and tbe ballot box to
thwart ilistlce. With mnna. rfaanrvaa n
Imllar dose,
News of the Week
Tb war in the I'blllDnlne and tho re.
fturn of tbe Fitst Nebraska haa been tbtr
fcoplo of conversation of almost tba
whole citizenship of tbe state for tb lasf
few day. There ba been continual'
skirmishing going on there1 all the time
ana on Monday Meiklejobn ent h fol
lowing list of additional killed and
wounded: First Nebraska, wounded
March 20, company If, Private Deed
Forsberg, abdomen, slight; March 128,
company F, Private Orra Boss, side,
light; March 29. com nan C. Private-
Jesie Balrd, band, slight; company E,
townra Mathews, wrist, slight, and
company K, William L, Gilbert, side.
slight; March 81, company L, Hergeant
William h. Baebr, shoulder, slight, coon.
pany B, Private Herbert ItMsmussen..
thigh, Jsevere; company E, Frank A..
Oraham, leg, slight.
It. BILEV, fever,
The foot about th , situation (a tiW
Philippines, and It doe not rqulr much
military knowledge to e It. I that our
troop ar stretched out in a thin line
many mile long, with scarcely enough
men to bold It, The consequence is that
constant and excessively hard service I
demanded of every regfmeut and troop
now on the islands. If any part of that
line I woukeued, It would portend disas
ter to those wbo remained. Under these
circumstances It will hardly be possible
for McKinley to send any troop borne
until otlwr arrive to take their place.
The only way to get the First home,
while any of them are vet alive, is to-
stop this war or make a draft and send
others to do tbe fighting.
1 s
Tbeattompt to back uo McKinlev'-
war and at the same time demund tb
return of the volunteers will not work
together. Several petition that hav
been sent to Washington on tbat subject
will probably rocelve tba auawar: "If
you believe in tbe prosecution of tbi
war as you say In your oetitlon. how
can you demand the return of the troopa
neoueaary 10 prosecute 117 "
Home of tboe wbo hav bean moat
pronounced In their advocacy of I
alism were brought up with a rouud
turn by the military autborltk-a. Th
sent th following meaaHiia to th cum.
pany from Omaha: "Boy don't enlist.
t AA
I '"r)l,0i
I U V Bhlrra-Oiydes
and Coavbert
a'tlwba4 Al.l TH K I KOPIH-Ja
iiiiu . iL I.. . a . k. . k 1 . . a. ..
ajt irgi u-a Kra ia raa-.aawa '
... . . . a . .