The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 20, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Senator Morgan' Plans to End the
Continuous Quarrel,' .
No J(Mm for Niill,nnt In Itnalliiff
With A raelllo CMe Wotthl
Leave (Utile to Interfar. With the
Cltlllalnt; l'rai
VjH(iI3of?r, s April Js Senator
John f. Morgan of Alabama, a lead
ing member of the foreign relatlous
committee, whub kS for us efprrS
iun on ilia Hatuoaa problem, said:
, "There in only one permanent olu
tion of tbe rtamoun rpmsthm. That Is
a partition of thu island by the throe
great powers, which have by common
desire Just formed a commission to
reconcile tho diirt'no between
themselves and the native Bamoana
The United Stetee, (Ireat lirltaln
and Germany, will, iu my Judgment,
sot moat wisely, if they immediately
proceed to a settlement on tbe netur
al thoory that little good will result
from a temporUIng policy toward
these warlike and bloodthirsty sav
agee. ,
"Whatever sentiment w may enter
tain for th rights of tua Samoans.the
arbitrary law of natura which pre
vents aa lucougrous assimilation of
people, will ever be an insurmountable
barrier to peace, proKrese and clvllUa
tton a long a governmental control
1 by (ha weaker claas.
"I am thoroughly Impressed with
tha Importance of partition, a I be
lieve that the immediate division of
the island will bring about the apeedy
aolution of a trouble that may termin
ate gradually with the practical e
termination of the rkmnsn race.
"The Uultod Mates should hare a
coaling station at 1'sgo I'ago. And
then with the long desired cable in
the I'soldo, reaching to Honolulu nnd
Sydney, giving communication with
the home govern intm is, tliajTo will be
little to lntrfre with the spread of
ilvlllsatioB on the Humoan islands."
A Mew f.ew ild to tfuriilali fwloa
. WIH the Troon He DamainU,
WiUHKxoTow, April The an
tiomicement of Ueneral Lawton
that 100,1)60 troop will be ieo
eaaary to aubjugitto the inaurgonls in
the 1'hillpptiia Island, la caualng thu
admlnlatratbm much of worry. Under
the army reorganization bill it wa
provided that the entire army ahould'
consist of not to esed 06,000 regulara
and SS,!'00 volunteers.
Step have been taken within the
last few dnye to muster out the vol'
untoor nowin the service, and
it is expected that this will bo itccom
pllahod and those In the Philip
pine ttartuit on their return to thie
country by , May 11, Lswton'a do
maud for additional foreee, how
ever, makes it imperative that the
President ahould immediately issue a
call for voluntoora to take the
place of those who are to oome back,
but it this U dona It will bo Imjpisl
ble without violating, the law to erid
any such number of men across
the Pacitlo aa the general demand,
There la much talk in administra
tion circle to-day of a call for an ex
tra session of Cougrena in ordrr that
mime provialon may be made to meet
the emurgoaoy which ha arlaun.
1A Tfcoata ot the l'oila' t'hnrak ear
irlM III C'nrfiitlaa.
Ciiicaoo, April 1. The Uev, Dr. II.
W. Thomua of the IVople'a church,
broke down the barrier and declared
hlmkvlf a Iwliever in aot-lellatu In hla
auriuon or louture yoaterday,
"ThU aubJiHit ha nt me mora
mental and aplrltual atruggl during
tha Uat three year than any other,
but the voice of duty, love of emiutry,
of man and thxl, ciIIm I me down," he
aatd to lit congregation in MeVleker'a
theater. "The one aolutlmi that I caa
in the future i aotne form of eo-wM)ratlun-tmi
farm of mutuatUin,
It dot, not hurt uie if you rail it an
elalUm," . .
Applaue wa the aniwer from the
galie'-U,tut there a ailenre iu the
Uxly of Ihu rhuroli aul In the bov,
Wuken wuty lu' Ure with
alight ripple of hand clapping
Ihtrieg the mayoralty eampalgai W,
Thowaa w rutupUuou oh the Audi
trtaut plalfitv mthe ngat uf Atlgwld'a
meeting, and in the tat CraUttil
mptk f he known aa earneal
nupHtrlr of the lh'C.i pUUuruv
. .... . ,
fw lowt Nli 1tt,
a emtie trui iu (! tily, tn
mbra, tdm v !! t f huti.t-v vf
lt -ri c liwift Aittru. I lr
el(!H tte nf ,
hd!V, I'. A. It M !.:, a. V I.
'..k' ttlltttiJ tiiiiui4(a
1Kt4.l u'iit Mr M.t4 a4
Mr t'.'Uiii t ., k Iriiiij k (t
lti f l ,iS h ( lrw
Htl(tl i. t V, !
M W ', I fi tk tvil 4) . liHt
I0,C00 Trlnl Trntmcnti
u mn r a it a.
Hw u a I i
ti.'-m V .,
tv4t, an, I
rtfontt iht Nrmst4
Huittirad Wreak Vnenee
On a
' Man frwuaUee Hslnaabaepar.
Saji Fiusrciaw,' April 18. One hun
dred United SUtea aoldler are under
arreat on the 1'realdlo' roaervatloa
They are eneampod on the open, and
are guarded , by cavalry and tha Twenty-fourth
Infantry, regular, colored,
the formi bulng In charge of Adjutant
Lieutenant, Uarrja, . ,,.;; M
The ofl'ermo of the men wa the
burning down of a aaloon mi outalde
the reaorvatlor) U n, in which 1'rivate
Charle I. King, Company (J, Twenty
third infantry, we eo brutally beaten,
that ho 1 not ox pouted to Jive,
Private Clark of Company Y, lo of
the Twenty -third regiment, ) In the
guard houao charged with the aaaault,
but the aoldler aaaurt that the aaloon
pimple are reaponwlble, and claim that
the proprietor, A, L. JUdifeld, wa the
ehlef aaaallant of the injured man,
The trouble began Maturday night,
when aeveral recruit went to the aa
loon, which I known a the I'realdlo
Club cafe, , Thcrn wereeveral women
In the place and a row aoon atarted
over one of thern, In which nearly all
the men prevent participated,
to takFindian recruits.
War !!ertrwiil tt Knllat Inmi
Able Ilodled fiedobln.
WiapmoToir, April II The war de
partment ia entered on a new de
parture in regard to enllatment, in
directing that able bodied Indian be
recruited for the regular army, Word
to thl afreet hu hen nt to the Car
Hale Indian echool and to recruiting
atatlon In the VVeat. Huveral year
ago the war department decided that
the experiment of making aoldler
out' of Indlttti wa a failure,
and the few Rompantea of red-
akin that had been formed were inua-
tered out of the aervlee. It waa
found that Indiana did not take kind
ly to the rigid discipline of military
life, and had a habit of running oil! to
loin their famille whenever they felt
o Inclined, The Intention in regard
to the new Indian reer uit I to aund
them to Cuba, I'orto Uiuo and the
Philippine, where their aupeilor
knowledge of auoullug and woodcraft
would be of eonaldurahla bounflt to
the white aoldler, They will be reg
ularly collated and required to engage
In drllla, marche and all the routine
of a aoldler' experience. There will
not be any organization eompoaud
entirely of Indian, ;
HmIIh( Rlai(ritphr Will faee Aerni
I Inn of aoiiillng i'iiUiiiiit Cumlr.
' IUanJtoa, Neh., April 18 Mia
Viola llorloiker returned to Ilaaling
yeatcrday In company with her motbr
and friend, and will face the charge
of having attempted to kill Mr, C V,
Moray by aeudlng her a box of bon
bona containing armmla The accuaud,
in company with her attoruttye, will
go before the county court to-morrow,
when the aherlff will place her under
arreat, Hhe will furnlah the neccaaary
bond for her preliminary hearing and
will then return to her homo. - The
caae will be pualud, Mlaa llorlouker
ha been In aafe handa during her ab
aence, and a clone wutvh ha been
kept over htr to prevent her commit
ting anlclile.
Analyal of the polaoned candy here
ahowa that each boubou coutalucd
four grain of araculu. The atate
chcmlat at Mncolu la alao at work on
the eluft and hla rtport la auxloualy
awaltud, Mra, Morty and Mr. Unalln,
who ate of the candy, are out of dam
Offur of amoo llunnly IU Tmptt but
1 l'f I'rnl l Ilia Vuluntetir.
WAaiiiNurox, April t e. The dealre
of the voluntvura to return to tlila
country la evidenced In a report which
ahowa that, of thoae who have been
offered the opportunity to re-eultat
with the ofTi-r of a bonua la travel pay
of over .V0, only abtiut 1 per cent
will auueoi The volunter, it la
atated, deeire to come home by organ
iatatiou luatead of Individually, Home
iliaehargua of Indivl Jual awldlera have
been brought about by rongreulonal
preaure, but a a rule Oenrral IH1
ha been disapproving all applicatlona
fur dldorgi, taoopt In the eaae of
the attk or wountled and diaabled
tifl et e t'Hti4 ! I aiu al
MaetM la M Its Mat4 i !,
WaaHieitroe. April R-Th I' at ted
Metea legatUm al Mlrlt la Ui m
rate. ta ait eiiib4y, and Ikiltauty
Murr, w hn lia lt aUvtl fur the
pl-- will l-e lite trt AHirU'H am
balr al the eur vl the lufnl
WU4 liupAlchva fit4 Madrid aa
kxtim lite tivtrrmtttttot l rai (Ue
fpanltb liaUM hvre la Ike htj; her
rank, Hite kt'Ar will a rk
fHl Iu tMl vt the tti'tHtatle repr
a.tU(iiv ( ir4 liiUaia, lianee
ttvttiMH and Mit, uea a fvtlt
itu) (', I iM-'-rae lte iiwjwtt
ai U rt pruuvva Kr it
t"j the Uiuut, hI H a evtttt
titwut tdU"a IU t(u(ji,
t 'l I We ta
Huaaai All ta1he raMxa-i
ke a a ttl K ta tirH
tm1 Ittlwtt e t I I'Sl'U
t!ikt4 Kf'l.ta lit tvlKne
it t Wat tMtwt4 j WaiJirta
ii4 a4 UxtiHg y-ra oM-t a
)bH tit lt im Vf Ike atta fi
!ln a4 iitiik
IK m w i V lb tiiv-i kit
'a mH b nm a 4 ) ea
! U f 4Mt K t keh
tt U .liM,l IU tl ! vat a v4 itt
Beware of Olutmeota for Catarrh that
Cooulu Hereurjr, r
aa mercury will uroly rleatroy tbe iwnna
or amell and completely dertinKe the
whole ay at em whim entering It through
tba triucoua nurlucea iwl arth;l ahould
nevrrbe uand except on preaoriptioua
from reputable pbyeiulane. om the dam
n they will do I tn fold to the good
you em poaaibly derive from them.
I full' Catarrh Cure, manufftctured ty
!', J, Cheney A Co,, Toledo. Ohio, con
tain no mercury, and i taken Internal
ly, acting directly upon thu blood and
nmnoiiN aurfaue of the ay atom. In bay
ing Hall' Catnrrb Cure be euro you Ret
flia irnnitlna. It in takiin IliK-rnflll V and
la made lit Toledo, Ohio, by V. 3. Cheney
& Co. TftHtlinoiilal (rte. Bold by drug
glata, price 75 cent per bottlo,
fartleliiateil In a l'mtpointil ,Thankglr
lug Maa In at. I'eter'e Yeaterila.
ItoMii, April 18, The thanksgiving
max at Ml. l'cter' cathedral, which
win poalponed on account of the 111
nea of hi holinoaa, from the annlver
aary of the eornatlou, wa celebrated
yeaterday in the Jlaaillua, wliUlt wai
thronged wltlt diplomat, reprcsenta
id vo of the Kuatern patriarchate aad
foreign notable.
The pope entered by an ' Interior
atalruaie oominuiilcatlng with tb
chapol , of the Holy, Hacrament
at half piut 10 o'clock. He wa pro
ceded by a proueawlon of cardinal!
and prelate, in full veatment and
wearing the triple crown, ho wa ear
rled along the great nave In the Hudlt
(icatatorla to the pontifical throne
the congregation ruining loud aaula
matlon until he took hi xrat,
Cardinal Camlllo .. Maieella, prefeol
of the oongrugallon of tlacred Kite,
oelebrated maaa, '
At It cloae the pope aolcrnly gar
hi bleaalug and wa then borne back
to hi private apartment amid re
newed acclamation. Tha uprome
pontiff looked a welt a before hi
iiluoiw. , ; - ..
una a aloi,ikiBr tut (living j Her
rather Irlnk Thai Uae.ed Death.
Ann Akiioii, Mich., April li), Huth
Mario Dexter, a girl 4 year of ago
and living at Milan, ha commenced a
ault, through a guardian, to reoover
damage for the death of her father,
Thouia F. Dexter, the landlord of tht
Commercial hotel, who died March 3
Uat, The defendant I a saloonkeeper
named Hchmltt, Tha plaintiff claim
that , her , father became addicted
to intoxicating liquor to audi an
extent that be became a habitual
drunkard, And that the fact wa in
the cognizance of Nchmltt, and it waa
fruqiiontly brought to hi notice, not
withstanding which ho supplied Dex
ter with Intoxicant. It I claimed
that exaclve drinking brought on
Dexter' death, and under a particular
ataluto of Michigan the caae is
brought ngulnat the aaloonkccpcr ana
81U.00O damage i naked of him, It k
understood that another suit will be
brought for a like amount agaluat an
other saloonkeeper. i '
santiago'kicking again.
rhla Tlitit II I. Over aa Order l.nqod
by (lovarnor Unnoral Ilraobo,
Santuoo his Cuba, April 18. (lov
eruor (ieiieral llrooke' order alollh
ing Import dutlee for municipal bone
fit and licciiKca will decrcuae thu
municipal revenut), it I estimated, 50
pur cent. It effect will bo the closing
of Uio nubile school and the stopping
of all publlo Improvements,"
This, at all event, U a prediction of
the local preai, which donouuuee the
order aa a "return to the Spanlah sys
tem," and which claims that tha
methods of taxation substituted by
Ueneral llrooke open the way to ey
evasion by the wealthy,
Henor Hccardi, the mayor of Santi
ago de Cuba, started for Havana to
day to protest againat the new arrange
ment, aa it la feared that there will be
a renewal of brigandage a the rrault
of atoppltig work on public improve
rertlfle Wind and Hall VIHd arl
rUw Aaroaus Texaa. April 1.
teveral tawua were vialt4 by a tr
rifle wind and hall tlurin yeaterday,
Al I.ytle the building on the "X. L
raneh waa deuMitiahed and a Meaioaa
oowboy WUUd. At Wolmvr, tlm hn
of City Marahal Inaall wa bluwtt
down and Mra Inaall and her two
ehildrea Injured,
The a!hilhuuo at Medina waa
overturned and the tvaohar, Mim Mia
to lleUUad, reived internal injur
Jurie Two pupil. Tom Mtl and
Henry Willard, wro serUe! .
l ha ewat tMuairy arourtd U.h W(hh
and (f pt t ttflatl ta tt.i.M aadetHtt
iMul?lUi wtiit hk lutaat isakal
t. WfapU win are ilawia aad
Ike Arat4 at tUra t ua
wifarily aUa totted ita train en tkta
Whlnf QotKt
, hixSi l aty
M i41ta fttewva WMkh fre
xit) aaaiMMt aw4'4, a4 4 eat
a tu'i ! HwiM a4 a l
ea-l. It-1 K, attu4k Kw WW ardteatl
Cameron Co.,
U. S. Alt., Paver City, Net
titlt4 awtm tai-a at
. mm
A Great Army Needed, Says Law
ton, to Govern the Philippines,
Could Mnrolt Through the lalantt With
.... , . '. . .... ... f
mll Faroe, Hut Troop. Maul Our-
S tlaoa : the Town Abaeiloue4 the
ianta Crua tltrlt.
'J'ti ' "
Manila, April IS, Major General
I.awton returned with hi expedition
to Manila, by order of General Otl,
after evacuating the town of I'uete,
Longos, Lumban, (Jusajan and Kan tit
Crux, from which the rebel had been
driven. ; " '
. General Law ton's troop are needed
in the movement north of Manila, and
Laguna do Hay will be left to the in
aurgent until the rainy season, when
the water will be higher, thu euabl
lng the army gunboat to get Into the
river, The launche captured . from
the inurgunt aro to be i returned to
their formor owner In Manila.
General hawtou said in 'an Inter
flOWi '
"With the force I have there 1 no
doubt I could go through tho whole
ialandj but if a government is to be
established it will be necessary to
garrison all the towns, It would take
100,000 men to paoify the islands,
"I regret the necessity of abandon
ing tho captured territory."
Major General Law ton 'a expedition
left the Luguna de Hay ' dlstrlft
last night and reached Manila this
morning, bringing all the men and
the captured insurgent boat.
It objects, namely, tho capture of
tho inaurgents' boats and the distribu
tion of the proclamation, emphasized
by a lesson of American power,
throughout the lake region, have been
attained, General Law ton immedi
ately began preparation for an Im
portant expedition on land. There
has been no fighting on the lake foi
three days. . .-
During the absence of Lawton'a ex
pedition the insurgents have been con
centrating at tho northern end of the
lake, near i'uslg, and ''the American
sooutt report that several thousand
are already there.
Two hundred and fifty Chinamen
from (Santa Cnu have arrived hero.
They left tho town owing to their fear
that tho rebels, on re-entering the
town, would wnatc vengeance upon
them for favoring tho (American.
Wasuiskitos, April 17. When a dis
patch, announcing the recall of Gen
eral Lawton, was shown to ilrlgadler
i Gbterul Hchwuu, acting adjutant gen
eral, ho said It waln accordance with
the understanding of the War depart
merit a to the purpose of General
Lawton' campaign,
i f' General Otis sunt this expedition
! to Southern Luzon." ho continued,
for tho purposo of destroying any in
surgent forces that might be found
there, so makea careful rvconnolsance
of tho territory and to spread broad
cast tho recent proclamation of tho
Philippine commUslon, setting forth
the purposes of this government with
respect to the Islands,
"I understand that he wilt release
all the prisoners he has taken and
they will be sunt to their homes. My
this action It is hoped that he will
prove to the Filipinos that the Amer
icans are not us barbarout as tho in
su,rgents pretend we are and that we
propone to treat the Filipinos hu
manely,' "Why Is General Lawtou needed at
"General Otis not communi
cated his plans to the department,
tho mattur being left entirely to bis
discretion, The insurgent leader ha
establiahed his headquarters at San
Ferauando, to tho northwest
of Maloos, and I suppose
General Gila voulemplatea a move
ment against that eity. General
Lawton had ouly I, Boo men under
his command, and it was of course im
posalbte for him to divide hi force by
stationing detachment iu every vil
lage captured. His command will be
useful, however, In ataiatlng In the
advance on Maloltm, or in rlnforrlng
the line about the city of Ma.tiia. It
la puMihle that wheu tho lake rie
Ueneral (Hi will resume the campaign
in the eoutbern pari of the Island. N
. clevengeT "is "recaptured.
nr (iy iMtt Aft. in i4it
e. .Hm,Ij Mf4..
LiaaaiY, Ma, Aprtt , MterllT
J oh a king rreeived a lelrgram Ihi
worning from the eonatabie al ViU
bard, Uf iHtaaly, that be bad ap
tared fcral tiitj(er, wao of the
awea a bruke jait aereoa tha high!
tf April 1 with three other sue, few
1 iff King left al ottv to bring Utv
t e-r M The ewuatM wtU gat
lew artt of tusik
Hvttv la aaJer tedlfluaeet ff
klliiMg tHrwrg Abvat Uuring rellf
tuua Mtiig ta a hiau
M iitft tity, twitttt a, te
aiM al-l tWUa t ),, wim ia
stilt lit Im To wl the m4 wka e
tapJt t IH bl, Hiiawaaa t Mik
wa, are atill al lug.
ftt att tnt Ht wt a
ta t'u, f t -I H, It,
kwlf, rvt y(i. i.w.t pr,
lk sm iAttk c f Aa, ita ri4
ti(ibi w t., h ., A ll U
msiw tat Ike itt vMiu-M s.iva
f k, K a u a Hil
atasH lit.f.'ii be Wtw af
fM tlltj l.it4.
Ska Waa Hit l ta . tsei
Atr.tia M I , Ati I V
isk, mh 4 t aflat. va t'tk,
aha euMttMStt J t t!it Uhi4
I' ws. vl'l kt )tlHiltl
tHiue titw a Um4 i,,
foor Bona wr Re.nlt la tit Injury of
' " terea I'pron.
; St. Louie, Mo,, April 18. Fonr run
away accldenta in which seven people
wore Injured, s one , probably fatally,
occurred to-day within llvo minutes of
oueh other in three funeral corteges at
Calvary cemetery. ,
Tha following person were injured: j
Mile J. Drudley, cabman, internally
and probably" fatally Mrs7 Meagher
and young son,,; Miss Nellie Conway,
Mrs. Ellen O'Shea," Mamie and Ualph
O'Shoa, ' ;.; z -; - - . -y.
Mra Meagher wa badly cut and
rendered unconscious for some time.
Her son's arm was broken and he wa
badly bruised. , Tho other ( receivod
cut and bruises. 'V i
Tho harries of llradley ' team broko
and his horses ran wild. ' Other teams
were frightened i.nd tho general run
away ensued. " f i:
or man, who will take orders for our
Leghorn Hen Food. In their own town;
We make this offer, for a abort time, n
order to get our Food into more general
mi. It increaaes yield of egga, and keeps
(owl in good health, . Send u 50c. for a
regular fi.oo size box, and begin to take
order at once.
l'iiiniiltlel, wlih mora Information about htm, tent on
wiii nl oll-Asbirosswtl, tiutiocd (nvelopi, AddrtM
Leghorn Food Co.(lB3 fi,)Boton.Maiav
Lawyers and business men
ho are particular about the
appearance of their stationery
snould leave their order for
that class of printing at the
Independent. Doubt it, trw
25 Cents Free
Osr PtferlpUve
Cstnloaat and do
bill for 81 11 Mir
to an; addr.
we far rrlht
Wt oat a eijuiiimu) t.ji k
of eholon Kra t. KtiU hiiiJ
OrnruDtl TrM, Vla(
Mhrubi, lr All uto.'t (ibiiI
iliy. wll rnol'.d win to
'MP i'UtfioM tro tauain.
sni four name oe a ponia!
card. 'lflrw.
Kairbarr. Nb.
We want every b keepei
to wnd for nnr 1H99 Cata
loirue. TBEHTEK BUP-
l'LY CU., 103 H. lllh St., Lincoln, Neb.
Cures without
Pain . One of , the best
v features of the ...s
.rasrsgg Pile Cure...
The RiRRS Pile Cure cures all forma of
Pile without one particle of pain. This
desirablo point ia not obtain by tbe
une of injurious opiates, which simply
paralyse and deaden the norvos of tbe
parts and make matters worse In the
ontf run, bat it ia done solely by ita re
markable healing and soothing effect
and while it thus gives immediate relief,
at the same time the disease is not
merely checked but a radical cure ia rap
idly accomplished.
The point wo want to make clear Is
that all this Is done without a particle
of puin. This fact ia one great reason
any the Il'gip) Pile Cure is so popular.
Price 60 cento per boi.
Lincoln, Neb. '
Under Funk Oprra Ilouee, Northwest
Cor. lath and O St.
Jm nt.f, nro Han. Wa, A, Wlaaat,
R. W. farm., K libera Conn, immim a,
tt laanl, na A. C Cri, o-rUoi ul Km
hrah , yoe 4 Mrh oJ .too elll ! oo,
that ta pr ! Ittdalliii'et aa yoar ah
wrplota IB rittt iS l Ihvl'a-bioA
Uh N It. to. ul HtU ,! alau tllim Irnm
cS ul joe oa ild iiwt da f IM oa ta wfe
e til J)'v, !', r,iil '' t"
mur ISaa 0 ! l, ta cm Mqolml,
al w nil unnl, at f l
ilnti o.ikia aiajia ' tk Wl tt.l,,
lii.a ot Ihta ol., ( Mid at." S. ! all IS
1 a". ' ii.ii ia,..aad W vim 4
k lnr l"iMi-.,
rai A liaia a N rva. at Na,
1 Utw. MaftU (;,
(Mtl K 4. W (UtlSMS, frtait.
I )) a) )as)s)a)
To prolit by these cheap WAW
rates you ihouli go . a I w I f t
Ore-ton and
VYashlntton Nnts.
T tottlaa4, rWMK
a4 latftiiiij Hiiot. erMfl
aiaaa wit lit mi T"t a'
ea kVH THUf aad tfcee.J
If (.liSiiii 4 rtttl, fl kal t
dweb'e l,'t
City luut uffut
rrtf lOlaasi Oftt
1ttrit 111,
Id dten a warning that the liver Is
torpid or Inactive. , More serious
troubles may follow. For a prompt,
efficient cure of Headache and all
Uver troubles, take
Hood'G Pillo
While they frouso the liver, restore
full, regular action of the bowels,
they do not gripe or pam, do not
Irritate or inflame the internal organs,
but have a positive tonle effect. 25c
at all druggists or by mall of
C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
. taaa niun aia-tna aaasaveia w,
coos areva, by IrllitO.O.O, aubjwit to
and tnli ad, aad v will
Minn jroa wiia if i.w.
von. Ao niwe
uur irviync
niKit and II
uund iwrfert-
ly aaOafaatory
M T.
Niot. HIS.
is yos
v iww
or bnard th
IM Ul n oo
nt with or-
andrraliht ohawni Tbl ttnr la ala Mo. 1, orn I
taiLaaii, aQDiaaauN., maw, inim pant
larir Suva, tun covra, henry llnlna and erat,
lariroabir, Da.y tin-llncd oen diwr, baodr'ina
Sloknl platcO orniun.nUtlona and trlmmlnim, tra
iiy amp, ttenuln. etaaaba aa,lila ItawO nwnalr, hand
am larv ornamented baaa. Ba aaal rar aia, and
w rasa an aitra wood irrata. ni.klna it a ir
(wit m Saraar. VB tm A BISeiaeeOaSAirTSS with
vary ato.a and (ruaranlea car dellvary to your rail-
rnao acauon. 1 our ,'ioai onaiar wouki onantv yuu .mi.w
(nr auvli a ato.a, th (raiKbl I only at.out for
canh MJOmllna, awMaraaalhaat Arfilraaa,
Oan, lb4Hk Ca. r Ikatwraiy ralbib-dllr.)'
Headauarters for Good Lumber
at low prices.
CainraeniciDig January 16th tftua- Great
Rock Lelund' "Cvkiraao Flyer," leavr
ing Iineoln at 8:20 p. m. daily, will
make conmoctiona at Colorado Hprinata
with new fWt train to Salt Lake Otty
ami Portlamid, Orogoni, arriving1 at
north vwt Padflo Coneit point tfctr.
teen (13) hours quicker and earlier
than ever before, Only seventy houra
to Portland, Oregon, Iron Lincoln
now. Think o h
To enable interested people to in
vestigate opportunities to get food
farm land cheap, tho Elkorn line will
on February 21 and March
7 and 21, sell tickets to point In north
ern and western Nebraska and part
of Wyoming at one fare, plus I2,0o, for
round trip; minimum fare $9.00. For
particulars call on A. S. Fielding:, C. T.
A., 117 South Tenth street, or depot,
corner Ninth and 8 streets.
If you are going to tha old cwstrv
or Intend to bring friends from there
to this, country, please call on me for
figures, information, etc.
C T. A. Nortawentern Line.
Personally Conducted Tourist
Accompnuy theae Excursions and HAVE
MONEY, tor the lowest rate tickets are
available in thee
Popular Pullman Tonrlst Cart.
For full ikacriptton of tide service and
tbe beaeflia given Its patrtios, alao date
ol esmifoaa and rat, e voar Um1
ticket agvet or avldreaa John Hrbnailuo,
ti. I, A , blcflgo; or K. W, Thompson,
A, U. Toiwaa, Kana.
kk It. lUaKa, a I. A T. A ,
U eidu. Nebraaita.
Tvt tUa yta-W Haa Jsat
.aW, Maa it-o, I t.a. H-t.
lea, t'aUlwraia aad tuital)
frMtata; tawi I riya I'll K l
M aU ao; eavta tt 1Ut,
I ila t !. Aftwe, f-VWi b
a 4el tta. 1 -
Ittftilftat ClNt.
It lilt. MlatllUQ.
Tlflii II,
"aa. j tv4 V7 I
4i . 1 Dion
if IMiD
- I