The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 06, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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March 6, 189
Editor Independeat:
I have been reading of lat a number
of Article which hare appeared iu your
paper on the aiibb et of socialism.
Atflratldld not conaider It worth
while to give thin eubject niuoli consider
ation. There art bnt a low people In h
braska who pretend to b)ontf to that
element of political society. Forthla
cause I did not that the aubjwet
abould be actively discussed in our poli
lint since this I find that there are a
law In Nebraska, who seem to think that
tbsy can band's tha pen, who ara favor
Intr thia scheme of socialism, t do not
cara to snter upon a, lengthy discussion
of tha Drlnuloles of aooialiam because
these principles of socialism hnvs been
thoroughly discussed by audi able men
aa Joint Htuart Mill. Hut to begin with,
tha principles of socialism are not a new
thing. Toes principles ara old, and it
dim bo news to aoma of these follow
who are favoring these principles, to
drat inform thorn, that tha principles for
which they ara contending ara not a nw
thing, Nut what le socialism? . There
seems to ba a diversity of opinion aa to
tha deflulllon of thla word. Hociallaui
originated In Europe, If you will look
op tha history yon will find that siajlal
lain made Its Hret apis-arauoe in those
European countries when tha political
suffrage made ila ilrat appearance
among tfpt lower classes,
if we ara to entertain A thought of
changing our own Inaiitutiona to thoea
of socialism, wa muat flrat diapoaa of the
present iuatltnfione, We cannot estab
lish the principles of socialism with our
present Institutions In vogue, Tha prin
ciple on which our United Btatesara
established ara in direct opposition to
those of socialism, Tha constitution of
the United Htatcs rcognls personal
righta of clliwus, while socialism tinea
not recogulte the personal righta of the
citizen, if a mnn produces a thing from
tha aoll, or by the labor of hi bauds, or
tha manufactured article, the United
Btatee recognise that man aa the
owner of that production of I ha aoll, or
of that labor of hie hand, or that man
ufactured article. Woclaliem does not
do that,
Bociallam aaya to a man, that whatso
ever yon raise or produce from tha aoll
la not your'. It aaya that whatsoever
iron produce from the labor of your
tanas la not your'a. It aaya again, that
whatsoever you manufacture or invent la
not yours. Hut aoclalieio aaya, if you
produce from the ground, that thing
Which you produce, aiiall belong to the
community, It aaya that the bibor of
four hand ah alt belong to the commun
ty, It aaya that tha manufactured
article ehafl belong to tha community.
Thia la the common underatanding of
the principles of aocialiam. If tha render
will notice, ha will flud that tha United
States was established on thane princi
plea, "We the people , iu order
to form a more perfect union, eNtabliah
Justice, luaura domestic trauquilllp, pro
vide for the common defense, promote
tha general welfare, and securs the bless
Inga of liberty to ourselves and our pos
terity, do ordain and eetabheb thla con
titutlon for the United Ml a tea of
America." The above principles of the
constitution do not establish tb indi
vidual right, but It does recognise the
individual right; and more than that,
the eouatllution clearly protecta the In
dividual right, flret, we are established
Intoaunlou for strength. Hccond, we
ara united In strength, and muat have
trengtb aa a nation, it muat be true
that there la aoma power that la contin
ually In opposition to ua. If It were the
caae that there ia uo power in oppoaltlon
to ua, and Iu oppoaltlon to our prlnoL
plea, why are we organised Into a nation
for strength? There la good evidence
that wo are In oppoaltlon to aoiuethlug,
and Diunt be etrong enough to overcome
that averse principle, but what ia that
averse principle? The count It u tlon doea
not atop when it aaya, "iu order lo form
a mora perfect union," that we may
poeeesaatrfiiglb, itgoee on aud says'
''establish jutice." What la the cstnb
liahment ol Justice? Iain the confirma
tion of those customs which constitute
the Individual rlKbt? Moat likely thla ia
the meuniug of the constitution. Kvei y
tnan, under the constitution, bit tlie
right to sell hie property at a proltt.
Hut if i m il my goods at a profit, ami
the man to whom 1 tell return to pny
the debt, I, under the coustitutlon, huvn
the right to forcibly rolled the debt. II
1 aeil thine; for a price and ryrvent it
to be of oertein condition or quality,
and It faila to be that, I, under tlie uou
atltution muat make (but right to the
roan to whom 1 enltL Thia ia what tha
couetitutlon termaae the establishment
of justice. It la the protection of indi
vidual ritrht, that a man may Ml and
buy, nod do It with certainty, but the
eonatiluiiun does uot atop hete, it giast
till turtber and among other tlnuae it
aye, "aud secure the bleaeintf ol htmrty
toourerlvea aed our poeitniy,M what
couaittulre our litwrl.vT la it nut w to n
we sow we shell have llierittht to r-ap?
la it not when we atiall UlHir e nliull
have tha iruil ol that labor? la It uot
wiiea aliaii IhroueU atudy 1mo
latcltiKent, welill have the reward ol
thatatudyT MiMtrertnlely that ie the
caae, All men are bora eii'iat, but we
taunt a l ear tkat thv uiat remaia
eipial, wearenpial More theUi taut all neve toe eame opMrtunii
tlor Ihe ttae man die uot have
a riett under the eonHtulio that
aaulbef aiea dtea aot have, AH aa
are t ijaallf r,e,,l ll.ire the rooit
tutitia. I have the net aa e lo
what I Iwlkcvala right. Von Mva the
HmiipHriMiily. Ihavetberaht
aelt av gMita to whom I aiey, aad va
aavelfteeeaterldht, I have tti raal
to lie! wU lie l'rtSl o aiy tiaaimee tela
t iw hm ti, wad oa have the twiwe
rlaht lhlM M4iHV W(M llie lew
II at oar liU!, aal the! wkea tie
einuiatiMi gaaraa'vMi a.
Ual what (a e'Mliua M KateMa
e)t Ihei toa wei oil your mi a4
nieinUitie lb enaieala In Ua etitueiaa
lit; f ! km eta yt ! elve wli id
litMt giuHle In the Biire.l, I
tbrb ia d'irtaiiow ta Di Utti4ii
tuell It ta tbat the thuat iuimo.ouI
tkef e aaldifilatlbiteilf o
al, II aata ttat IM aialliaat thad
m4f aa tree fvoa the eiieawiuelif aa
aav iihr tia. It 4a ot ear ihet
wtl wm alull r)i4iiaiikH
ti ibe in, kal tt eate iei ai w
bellvaaU tearl id the U-i'f
i'Malli it eaja taat h eetale aba!! git
to tha government Inatead of going to
the poaterity, Sociiiliara ia aaid to tie
eatablwh"dlnlove; that ia beoauaeall
men ahall reap equally, all aha l labor
equally, or otherwise, Iwcauee nil men
ahall reapfqriatly, oil men will be will
lug to labor equally.
Thia la tha niport of eoclnllHin, If we
are going to eetabllah tha prluclplea of
aoiiialiain, what are we going to do with
tha preeent order of society ? There la
no possible way of getting rid of the
constitution Congress cannot dispose
of it; that body baa no authority in
that matter, the court cannot do It,
and have no authority In thia direction,
and In fact when the conatltutlon waa
formed, It waa supposed that tnsre
could b no way of disposing of It,
except by the physical force of tha can
non. W cannot advocate thla kind of
a doctrine, it would be unreasonable;
and you cannot conform socialism and
the fionatltnllon. The Idea that the
constitution will protect the Individual
right, and It not being possible to oia
pose of the constitution, and socialism
(a the dissolution of Individual rights,
bow can we Introduce aoclnbsmT You
lull' 1 Hon't know: and if there la a
uieUllat that can Inform ua bow to dl
pose of the oonetHntion, we would Ilka
to know the iroccss. 11 ne nae a pro
cess, It will lead hi 111 Into revolution.
Hut to lav aside all of this argument
and suDiiose that we dlsoose of the con
stitution, and take up tha principle of
aoclalixm. What will be your first
move? I suppose that the first thing
that vod will do. will ba to make a dis
tribution of tha eminent domain, that
evrv mini inn have a nine sinp 01
land. Until rou make the distribution
and every man In the United Mtates gels
a forty, bow ara you going to snow
that every man wauta land? Hupposs
aoma of your aocialiate give me a piece
of land In the distribution, and I want
to be a manufacturer, and would rather
cast my lot there, bow are you going to
force me to farm 1 1 want to miinnrao'
lure, and 1 am uolna to do It, Ohl ex
case me, If I am a socialist, and under
socialism, I will have lo go where ' 1 am
put, Hut who la the fellow wno is going
to nut me there? Ohl there will be an
officer to look after such fellows; yoiH
will take the shot gun if necessary, but
how much will I have to do? Oh, you
will have about seven hours a day in
the field. Tuat will not he very hard on
you; I do more than that now; 1 work
ten hours a day now, aud that will be
quit a reduction. How manydiiy In
the year will you have me labor? Ob,
about tire days In the week. That will
be easy, Muppose you get sick, wnar
will you do, will you get out and work?
The law aays you shall. Oh, ws will
have a doctor; what are you going to do
with him? Oh. he will tell you when
yon are sick, and will tell you when you
shall work. Hut who I going to know
that you are going to work? Oh. there
will be a fellow who shall be paid by the
community who shall watch you and
sea that you work, How many of those
fellows will It take for tlie town smp7
Aboutadoxen. How much per month?
!l'iO, Where will you sell your wheal?
on. t sell stuff In socialism; that oil
goes to the community aud you get
your equal share when tha distribution
la made. Don't do much buying and
selling then? No, only when one com
munity buys ol another; and Iu fact It
we were to sift It a little,! guess we
would not have to use money at all,
that Is il It were completely socialistic,
This Is I be mode of socialism. Trace It
yourself and see where It leads to, This
government does uot own Individual
righta, It only protect the individual
rights, butt hose rights have tha same
relation to all men, aud II there Is. a dif
ference In socialism and thia govern
ment, it ia In the individual prosrty
riaht and not In those riahta to prop
erty which yot may term uaiionnl, such
as tha government ownership ol the rail
road, if the difference In our govern
ment aud socialism Ilea In the individual
right, how can we aa.v that the uational
right ia aoclalistic? Not so, 1 he icovern
nient owuerhlp la pooulism, and not
aocialiam. The populist wauta a gov
ernment that reqmrea money; the soc
tulist WHiila a government that requires
an equal distribution of all property,
and therefore would uot require money,
Hociallsiu la an Imposslbilty, I am u
populist, but no part of a socialist. I
do not sny these thinua in any disre
ect; to the socialist, but lineaiiNe t run
es notbiiiK iu socialism. Iu conclusion,
I iiiiuhf say aa one of old has auld, "li"t
the wicked forake his wny, and the un-
r ghtous man hia thoughts." There ara
liiuuy other ameutinc nrifumaiite naalust
March 90, lHl9.
llryea'a Itefussl ti Jule In Ciehsr'a Hal
alisxar Veeal Mahaa Ilia Ouiil
llg I'rair.
It seem that Urynn by tha rxrcta of
a little coiitiiiou sense kuoi ked tho
Croker.l'erry Iteluiuut if -in a: out of tha
rliitf. Ho ooniplele sn UHMit did they (rl
that even theaold bus: rotieaiHiudettt
of the l'hli'H(i It.rord chronicles It alter
the lollosiiiK btatiliie:
"I have taiket with a e;reat many
d'HusTiita lately from dil1.rm parta d
Ihe eoimtfjr, end they nil aare that
Mr. Hryaa made a rwt hit iu r fatim
Id alUml Hie fltlillsaer olths iImiiii
prsne Hub in Nw Yiak ami In aitvpti
iit- an Isvilsti.ia In the t iLsnr lo Is
Kitse tb asms b'ah- lhv sv a'st ,
ibat Mr. Hijss'a riv in tr ttriuh
the snuih has rvaiiiml Mat to t' s leadsr I
hip ol the diNitrrtMt part v, aa I that,
Sit matter wh the iuaWk In lies'
eats and the tumae il repftmalailVas) ,
amy ilit, lrea wl be lha avil eandi
(lata lite tlie rlitelii'f, wild lha Miea
sit ri lea eia Sw will Permit-,
allr. iu titiiHrt hnw or f or la lt i
rvfuLists prtv. j
t IUsUtlta Hailna id N nih
('r elna tor Heil-, aj isst tut
wtasj wihI'I ted a eiat ol a akita ttl
taMhtf-ttmu,) tlat l lb sataai!
entavastloa td Kta ati IMliate lae,
ibtl tlitHbt ot Sis liilif.i ilr, i
Pfias, ss4 llal ka Iks Iras Ira I il tk
I a va- v tl lha d4, llf r
Wttv,Hi 4 Iksl Is KikT !
t.W ka tfiti lit Ihiw dtiaw aa.) wnfakin
Prtaa or gal tmi tt tt iltHtwrH tr
a-aeUVM. Il.iv, U'Uillaa aata Ike
antatd Taaaana, pVewtier HHta tsl
litHtrHa has ! t.iii(iu. litkiit lha
kitae li Mriaa ter lti Ike .. rakip
4 fcta psrir, Sii klatlia ir
'eia,aliv eiakiej a lie tdkW stale,
has aa l Uel, aa afW adaotw
wt kelwMtaa4 ,Nbtaaaa, aaj a
it ffocs In every state south of Mason
and Dixon's line.
'Almist every newspaper in the south
has aooroved Hrvaa's am ion in rfeclia
iior an invitation to Ibilshezisar's feast,
as they call the Cruker dinner. The
eouth'-ru democrats bate Tammany
anyhow, and understand that the dent
ocratlo club i the sociul headquarters
ofthetiscr. The very fact that (Voker
and Tammany are opposed to Hryan
makes him a tower of strength, and
when they learn that his letter rejctlijg
the Invitation was nddreseed to I'errv
Helmout, a member of the banking firm
that represents the Hothecbilds la this
country aud got up the eyridlcatet,haf
boiitrht the bonds during the Cleveland
administration, they admire him more
than ever,"
0, if, ISelinont, after the skirmish, wus
over, ran up the white flag aud wrote a
letter to the New fork Herald iu which
he said;
"Hpeaklngof myself, I am a gold man,
yet I will unhesitatingly support free
silver, Iff to 1, should it be made the
platforta seutlmentof the party in 10UO,
The American bankers' syndicate,
Heven million Ave hundred thousand
dollars of the syndicate's money,
Five million dollars of Lombard sin e,
London, money. '
The com blued power of t ha A mcrlcn n
nwspMs'r. '
The combined railroad syndicates of
the United (states.
The combined power of life luurance
The combined power of government
pNlronaue under Cleveland,
Tha coal oil syndicate,
The ant hracite coal trust with Hobart
as president.
The combined power of the lenders of
the (told democracy,
The power of Intimidation, mlsrepre
sentation and abuse,
Ths use of slander, calling names a 'id
threats of closing- ths business where
labor Is employed.
The cry ol repudiation.
WANTED-4ants to Iravia for ths
Nebraska independent,
Fruit, and Ornamental Trees, Vines and Shrubbery, Roses,
Shade Trees, Etc., will be mailed you free upon application to
Marshall Bros., Arlington, Nebraska, Proprietors of the Ar
lington Nurseries and Fruit Farm, located in one of the leading
fruit belts of the state. They
you know just what the goods will cost you, i heir truits re
ceived the gold medal at Trans-Miss. Expo, in Omaha, ,898.
A. C. MUTZ, Sffi6fcVi&
Grower of genera) Nursery Stock Apples, Peaches, Pears,
P1 itm Qtr'i uf tewrris anrl fit lie- tmill fruit.! rf'an akin sfifi
m a s .fi ' i t wvf a a4 vkiivi ai u i t"7t asjft i wa
both 13, & M.and Mo. Pacific railroads. Write for prices or
can at nursery neauquarieri,
! mi
Cherry Trees, 1'lum Treea, ippla Trees, (Iraps Vines, Fruit Plants
of ail kmda, tttiade Trtwe, Hoaea, rJvernwna, eto., that are
il ..H a -i
Mil aeili a al-iMa
t.iii i era. ae ta ttae aa, ik.,ui
I. MIUf lto-.N WHM
tk. I'x.iM wi , .il Ht vatt ata)
iw ti a w. ta la, i i.M(kt
i ii.Mi i au mi
nrrnn un nMr rrt a m
.esT. t ,VU UV-Vwelw, 1 4 t4 X XJ
IIIUII. Mil llll IIIIWI .Mil, ItlMUI, ft ImMU-M 7, .
t"i . ktw. b 14 wn-ts ar"
)H AC Ml OgilMfat,Miwtlti4l fttMt I
fsa ;eawel aa s4si, ttm lis !, I i
Pasf ' 4ftaM Iftsssl sei m mMi9
il4k I vet a,,.
ia ' aax ttaat--!
uet 4 tmmm,, '
lewai k
ft , ssax a I- W m' afssaisi. SMswsMk
aV WsaaHaV wn),x.. ftsxa) t
. Wtajays vNaf Sw4 ! Masjie1 I ) taaaswte f
I Iosm aWfc, mm t) wa w.tMajt( ta4 I
IWuaat fV f! S (I rtt att 1
ftW, lltwll Usmi, teal eaaaa ftW 4k tts. a I
tt .. Ih -mm t,M ak l a tt km I
UiAMMhiMwiwi, tsrttttiiii. I
tt -M I It MWMlWt.t.11 tw a , ff 1
". ! W 't . t
wiiiM. W 4 t Wt ta r r
w . t4 -t . I at 4 I
tl Hi HUtt la U.i t.4 .. k...w4 V
B.,.M, mi.i tow) 4.1 !
.w aw m4 mm mmw aHtt.iiawa
- . l i H i -li. ft ht
t tiv -4 it ni t. Ik - -
tw 44 lu. .1 4 S ,t . Ift "
a S a4 . . t f --.(
I..AM..(, ,ll, .,,U, ,,Mt.
(tMasIilMiMltHiitaaiilalfi I t- v
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' w i V "M s aj1- . .1 aM Sj -m .
S wi'KtkhWtii te i'i ,. -,mm lt t,t , i.iium
a-Mo t i a. t'. , ' f tt iw aa aa, ' . -.. m M it ! k - .
i , i fc,ii -.-. i. ..... ..... at t.i i tiatat4'tstt'a, i
i ,,.-,.. ., tm , ,..uaMaj at ("
IAMS, ROIRUCK 4 t'Ot uHt, f.iwns
(lat Your Honey's Worth.
The American farmer knows where to
itet hia mouey's worth. That ia why he
buys the Vb.Coimick Invest majority
The great record of 189,700 machines
built aud sold iu 1898, waa uindii by tha
McCoritilck Harvesting Muchlue Coin
pany of Chum go. These figures utterly
transcend t.hoe of any other ngricul
lural implement factory on earth.
There is a reason for this; It arises from
the miuferly construction of ths AloCor
inlck Machines, lhey are tha most
modern of all machines upon tha farm.
Kach machine turned out of their givan
lit) woiks possesses a genius In design,
au accuracy In workmanship and a
strength of material ahicb surpasses all
rivalry, The agriculturist , who wants
to it- a happy farmer, Is attracted to
the Mccormick machines, He bus the
alieoluie certainty of bis money's worth
when he buy "The Heat In the World."
Cutting: Remarks -
are never made about our wall papers,
for the simple reason that no one, no
mailer how critical, nan find any fault
with them, They look a well or better
on t he wall of your hoiiia than they do
In the store, s') you ore never disap
pointed In them,, Ws have a large as
sort men tend can please the most fas
tidious. 1'rlces cheap
St., Lincoln, Neb.
7 papgrs. )
giving: a description of all the leading
classes and varieties of nursery stock
adapted to the west, consisting of
pay the freight to your tovn, so
nuDurn, nemana uo., ixeDr,
Lincoln Steel Range
and please yoor dear wife and family Warranted the
pioet ierlect cooking stovs tnads. Ws nas ths very beat
sold rolled patent leveled ateel, and Una every Rang
with aabeatos and steel, which makes It Impossible to
set firs to yoor floor. They are handsome, attractive,
up-to-date In pattern aud design, lull nickel trimmed,
will burn any kind ol luel, will last a life
time. Made on honor, sold on merit. This
Is why ws call them the "wear on iasth."
If your dealer docs not handle them ba
makes a great mistake. Writ to ua and
ws will provids a way for yon to buy ons at
a reasrumbls price,
Buckstaff Bros. Mfg. Co.,
Patronise home induatry mads in Nebrae
ka. We refer you to 8tat Orfloere. Hanks
and Ki press Companies of Lincoln, and
thousands nsins; our ftanirae. ftpecial at
tention given Hotel and ileetanrant Outfits
If you do, writs fur oar Deeerlpt.
iva t'ataioKUa and Tries Ltal
which wa mail HlKl Addrvwa,
& CO.. Gonova. Nob.
la teas l
afet ua I
a ana mj
MlNk km A
iw J
- a ,. i , i..
lHst ) $ k Mkf-w , 1 1
. ft -4t
r-taH.M w..-
n..i r
'a. tHIUAUU, IkW
A Perfect Machine at a
H $19.50 K
1 ' '
Why Day three times as mncb in
boy some machlnss you pay 75 per eent
eltins. Ws sell you a Mewlnir Mauhiue
D (pot) I I
Jl isasal ' B
gataajnjpsgaatsj isVC C!K10 t''4)aCiaBati)aata0
ths name, If yon do hot like ths name "Independent, paint red over it and call
ths machine what you will, Ws are doing ths advertising, and It does not cost as
much, Ws buy the maehinss direct from ons of ths largest manufacturers Id ths
world at faotojiv cost, and ws offer them to our subscribers at an swept Ion all.
low pries, and all ws want in addition Is Ons Hubriber, Our "Independent"
Machine Is a thoroughly first-class Family Hewing Maubins, and is rstnlled nndsr
its orla-lnal name at 105.00, Our arrangements with ths manufacturers will
aliovr us to use their name, but Instsadws call It "Independent"
Award, th Msdal Frcmlom at ths vTorld'i Colnmblto Exposition at
Chicago In IMS.
TOBY MAOJIINE WA EE ANTED, A written warranty accompanies
ia, each Machine, All parts ars Interchangeable, and w can supply dupli
cates at any time, Kacb part of the Machine Is fitted with such stack.
Bess that no trouble can arias with any part, as new pieces san bs e
supplied with ths assurano of a perfect Ut.
Oar "Independent" is a'strlctlf high-grade Sewing Machlns, and finish
tbroughoBt In ths best possible manner. It possesses all modern improve
ments, and Its nwchanlnal construction Issoch that in It are com blued simplicity
,1th tfpaat traiio'th. thus InMiirltiir mum of runnlnir. durubilitv. aad makinar n
impossible for tha Maoh Ina to be put out of order. Itaew fast and makes a
Kirfect stitch with all kinds of thread and all olaases of material. Always ready
r use and unrivaled for sjssid, durability and quality of work.
Notlos ths following polnta of superiority.
MIS 1IKAU swings on patent sot-urn niiiK"a. bu'i is iirmij nam uuwn
by a thumb screw. It ia strong, substantial, neat aud handsome In
design, and beautifully ornamented ia gold, Ths bed plate baa
rounded Burners and ia Inlaid or countersunk, making it flush with
tha top of the table. IIiuiiesT A km The space under the arm la 6 if
Inches high and tf Inches long. Thia will admit tha largest akirta,
even quilts. It ia Htar-THHKAPlNn Titers are absolutely no holee
to put the thread through eicept the eye of the um-ille, Tim fcilUT
IX is cylinder, open on the end, entirely self-threading, easy to put
in or take out; bobbin holds a large amount ol thread. Tub Htittb
ltr.oui.AToa Is on the bed of the Machine, eneath tlie bobbin wludsr,
and has a scale showing ths number of slitrhea to the inch, can be
changed from 8 to ill stitches to ths inch. Tub Fkko la double and
extends on both sides of the needle; never falls to taks ths goods
through; never stois at seams; movement Is positive; no springs to
break and get out of order; can m raised and lowered at will.
Automatic tlonnia Wisdkb An arrangement for filling ths bobbin
automatically and perfectly smooth without holding ths thread.
The Machine do- not run while winding tha bobbin. I.ioht Hue
wxo The Machine lseay to run, does not mtigue the orator,
nuikesliitte noise and sews rapidly. TliM Hri'ifM la a double-lock
st I toh, the same ou both sides, will not ravel, and can b changed
without stopping the Machine. Tim Tkxhos la a fla aprlng tension
nod will admit thread from to IfiO spool cotton wilhoutehanifing,
Never gets out of order. 'Inn Ntu-i.a is a elralght. self-settlng
needle, flat on oit" side, and eaunot tie put in wrong. Nkichi.b Kab
le rouud, made ol rnae-hardi-ned steel, with oil rup at bottom to
prevent oil Irom getting on the koos. Apji srASLB ItsASiNoa All
tw-arlnge ararae hardi ned ateel and can let eaaily adjnaied with a
screwdriver, Ail lost motion can bs taken up, and tha Machine will
laet a Ilia time. ATTAt'iiMsaTa Kaoh Machine le furnlbel with ths
following stol beeleieel attsehmente rass: One r'oot llatntuar
Keller, one IVkaue of Needles, sli llobblns, one Wreneh, ons Hcrew
Jirlver, one HhttttleHersw lriver, on I'reeser Kol, one lisit aad
Hook, on Oil t ea Ailed with oil, one Uauge, one Uauga rWrew, ou
Quiller, and one Instruction tk.
a. oun.oo maoxxxivxi voxx
fr'Uiar-Owr ledpaaiitefti" weeriwg Mai hia SS awav 4r4
sail Nthraaha ladea wtl'Wt tma yeas flt lltBUV
KtHmi.Onf xUilaitana'ai Mewlsf Mattsla fvea M a ff
ttt'Mttt tittlMtel rtwetifiaaiiritf a t'lahef ftO abaarirs
si ft Mieaffe.
Tllllttl-iiae s..pel'l' taawlag Mat tslaa fot U(Hl alt
aat a t tatlt ef lit ftabavtttter si tU sat )
mrianr rAlllntaeltlaathlpl4 dt Irtoa fesiorv at (1tte. rMht
ksiea i .a.a . tu af Mit la im l ait-! aiaiaa ua a tatlasr, iaai I
ii.klels V.aaMat.ta,leitttwa, Navw la, ltrg a , t'..Uol i, Saw Usismi,
Meitit, 'uk, al.iss. Arumw as-t U1,ii.g, la whwa tt wa will ra
alt rk tUm t-.e 1 1 tat Id leat,
frMtiie wrdaiiaa- Ua.iM till pla iaU ,siatf lha puiat In what Ike Uafhias
I la I a not, a w.ll aa ite lha ar la U U lo. tbv ekia
pea p.ea aa wall at Hsutt.a) ad tivaa, taj UU Maeltib aad MM l4 U
(ttiMtpily seal,
nrAeeska Al b Unssm p Avrtt loa tsrokttita.B ft
Lincoln, Nobr.nkn.
Popular Price.
order to secure a Donular nam? When vsa
for ths nam and V5 per cent (or ths ma-
that will sew, and charge you nothing- for