The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 06, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    April 6, 1899
The act of receiving an alien into the condition and inventing him with
the right! and priveleges of a natural born subject or citizen. Tbeoon-
etitution of the United States vents In congress the exclusive power to
establish a uniform rule of naturalization, portions of age (old maids,
excluded) may be naturalized with their resident minor children; upon
taking an oath to support the constitution of the United States.;" "1
The Nebraska doesn't draw the line quite so close. Vou are welcome
to our store at any time regardless your looks, age, nationality, color
or religious belief, democrat, republican, pop or otherwise you are ulj
wolcome to The Nebraska and invest your money la clothing. We pay
the highest Interest on money invested in our iloe, Ifyou'r not satis-
fled with your Investment, you get your money back. If you find It
inconvenient to visit Omaha send for one of our catalogues jyou'll e t
just as good service as if you were here lo person. Our line of Sitting
clothing it beyond a doubt the most complete of any house In the whs
our prices are beyond a doubt the lowest. Hunt service to the public
alMMHo presumption, no concoit, simply your store, a store with
broad gogue notions and an upward tend, a good store for you cud
lot Nebraska.
During the last hours of.ltho session
( the legislature the repub
licans onvolved a scheme to got that
body to endorse McKlnley's policy of
"criminal aggression" Injthe Philippines,
iut the quick eye of the governor caught
the phrase, bidden away in a resolution
of thanks to the brave Nebraska boys
who are laying down tbelr lives under
the order of McKluley on the steaming
plains and in the tropic jungles around
Manilla. The tanner governor could
not be fooled that way. lie sent a veto
, message approving all of the resolution
except the words "defending the prlnel.
pies of our government in the far-off
f&Wlth iti usual tread nory to ievery in
terest of the brave inenwuo enlisted to
fight in a war of humanity and who
have since boon forced to fight in a war
of aggression, the State Journal fseta
forth the matter la an editorial as
"The unionists In the two houses fool
Isbly assisted the governor to put bis
party on reoord as sympathising with
the treacherous leaders of the banditti
who undertook to march Into Manilla
to loot and destroy it over the dead
bodies of the Nebraska boys on the 4th
day of February last. If they long for
that issue they are welcome to it."
That sort of thing will please the ig
norant dolts that make up tbs mass of
the republican voters, bat Intelligent
men will only b dhgosted with such ly
ing rottenness. The veto is a public
document open to the Inspection of any
citizen. The universal disgust with
which tbe people look upon the lastbours
of this republican legislature will only be
increased by such foulness as Is exhibited
in the above extract, while all the de.
cent men in tbelr party who mourn for tbe
rottenness of their legislature, when they
eee that sort of stuff in their party pa-'
per, will start immediately tor a drug
etrore to get something to settle tbelr
The truth about the matter "is that
nine out of ten of tbe decent republicans
in the state are as much opposee to this
war of criminal aggression In tbe Phil
ippines as are the populists. There is
an universal demand among them that
the First Nebraska sball be sent home.
The offloes at Washington are filled with
petitions to that effect. Tbe only Idea
of the Journal Id publishing such stuff Ms
that it can get up a furor among tTe
bums and human beasts that vote the
republican ticket. It eertsJnly can not
havsany hops of Influencing men who
have any sense.
The report of the deputy couiraistloner
of labor shows that there has bea filed
In Nebraska sinoe Dmwiulter .'U.lHOl,
the enormous bum W of 1.10,078 farm
mortgagee, for 1 12H,'J93,7()11(I. Tne
farmers paid in Intoroot, eoinmisions
eUs. on th mortgages not less than
tea per tnt per annum. If N'ehreoka
It iid nut Ihwh th mi mt produriive jtl
on tbs face of the earth, thy eoutd never
have bare up nndvr this snoruious trib
ute that thy were fonvd to pay to tho
twooe poeer,
.Hardy's Column.
?irt Oar l.gUUturo AH Thiov.
KUthia Mo? Ta WortliU
and lV4th,
IUrm'M ei an worth ! thr
" as a N i HrN U ti nl I to
t-vlir. ttf hm. Oil M kitM
loirif km.t tvhN tho ,t.ui
At UUm Um I linf t int,ih , t'VS
naiUd u k rruM4ng, i o,nhr evil.
RIM iw Ut h-A. Ml U MM sit
diwUr. t'tm ltv to a kun lr.
! e, ft a4 . i.
iit.( ti in.U . rf u
1"k up tkt !' l um vim
l lltMt, ISO (4 MUM l kMtltl
ttw j)t ltaltiHt.
Wdololitr a IJotirMj ait I ft
wtil tkr aa Mot iu wwit i4 tk .tt f
W Ike rMl i IU tt Mtdta, .lnwl'o
aM krwt ko f I m I tfc
As lh ki.toi ii iIm WiUoj
Umi MdtMMlksU! mk itl Ike
a follaii).
. .
sion. Hut more and more do we believe
it is bust for the tux payer that the
leirlslatursbeof onenurty aud the state
olllisers of the other. They both lined
watching. yVe would like to give our
bonest opinion of the whole thing but
don't think It will answer,
kicking against wrong.
Wo riihiv
" ' "I"
We once knew a little boy who stole
tbe bull of a neighboring boy, His
mother Jfound it out and told him to
take the ball and carry It buck, lu or
der to be sure that he did It slieJollowed
along a.fow steps behind with a good
hickory switch in her hand. When he
came to the bouse he threw the ball in
saying "there, take your old ball and
you are all thieves and liars but mother
and I," Ho when we read the report of
the Investigating committee at tbe state
house we are Inclined to think they are
all thloves and liars but Joe Hartley and
' II II 0
Election fund, boodle fund, and cm-
ninr.lnn fund r All avnonvmoiia term
Th rai.tla of nln tnonv to rarrr
electbns Is dangerous and threatening I wilding and deficiency clalma pro
M...iik... n... nnr.u .? vided for tbe total appropriation will
and know what tbev want without
hiring a man to go and tell tbem, and to
pay them money for voting Is the black-!
est crime. A republican member of OOP
present legislature told me he was heart-
Ilyslck of polities, the way tbey were
conducted and be would never be a can-
didate again onless things changed.
lis said h was called noon to. no iVnlr
work in bis owo district but tbe district
committee called upon him him for moo
ey, tbe state committee also called for
money, then here in Lincoln he was
called upon to chip In and help pay Ily
ward's expenses, add then be kicked.
The more money used in election, the
more stealing will follow.
Jl'fl 1
"wish my nusoana was nappy in
heaven, then I would be happier here,
negate orunr, quarrels and lights all
the time." 8o we begin to think that if
McKlnley and all who want the Filipinos
subjugated were in heaven It would be
better for earth. When we let looee on
tbe Spaniards In Cuba we did not bar
gain for a dosen wars.
we cannot sane-
tion tbe present war now raging la the
v nuippines. we nave no right to sanc
tion the wrongs our leaders do even In
times of war. Tne president can do
wrong as well as the king. We hope the
Filipinos will be able to establish th ir
independence if they have to tight seven
years to gain It, as did our forefathers.
We shall (eel like rejoicing if Samuel is
whipped as King Oeorge was. The best
men of America would stop this war.
We are told tbe Filipinos can never
maintain a government of ttwir own,
that tbey would flirbt each other. Well,
have we not fought each other. We
have had a Shay Insurrection, a whiskey
rebellion, a nullification uprising, and
Jeff Davis war. Can't we let them do
the thinxs we have done? They expect
ed their liberty for helping to drive oat
the Hpaniards, but in the place of a fhh
they get a scorpion. McKlnley makes
me think of lavo Hutler's calf: he pulled
the calf's ears off to get him up to drink
and then palled his tail off to get him
away. It was bard work to get McKln
ley to do anything for Cuba, and now it
is harder still to get him stopped.
Ona would euipo4 that, with the
thoueandt of luoiWs inaehiu In om,
enabling one man to do the work of t-a
or twenty, the population of citiea would
begin to seat tor, but they don't; for on
thonther hnd they are ponstantly la
ereaslng inueh fater than in the rouo
try, llti-h people go to the eitr to spend
their money and the Mor imople vi
etontr l d i tbir drudgery. There ho
Iob but two thing tliot have rhrkl
Ihsgroolh of ptiiea, and tbv only lor
short time. t'onts(lotia, d'll
auch a rholer and yollow favor
do the eork, r amine mt-o blprd lo
ot-ettef, but no re o,i maa
gwrtxige barrolo stetidins; m the Vy
lor that to do asr 'I. I'ootiia w ti
rethef atarvo ia Id vity thee ,i w U
o to tairr as 1 ev p'eeiv. ksool
tla ol Muiurf e tit .tiM Hi, tUn't
kM eard utt iu ' aoi-h m bU k
plaa-Mo id 1. in toe tiMira m v VVtih ail
! 4Utta tho l.i'irtlilf if riliM,
dotiMo wsal il t in IHaa mnl'V a r I
14 lwiil til tt!, bt an i,t
dots Kir iivll osNiaty to roi I
awai pir trM td $t tf (n a, ri
Ha HiMee Bl tt liv tu, a i IVn
ifl'4" U-mlw lrim la aU
OH'I le.l vttIH tt koMK OH lO h"H
lllttial tiitiav a I eitkoal tri., l a
ttm foe ita li)ro oa I g U. nf m
thai oay, It laoHfUlo, ti t- i u. iaa
i.l i, t,aiilM bHUa, lUiuialtta u
loot M fo lntort ea I laUat.
porata Utotiat kali Idair di, dmst
SS !' e Paora, a Vw)
M.e whe kav ,l i t ,) tit ai.
o, Iron Ik if id l,i.iJ, Ui4 Mm
IKotr IIimo, duttaal Iko Ul yo-tr. Hiill
lao rK4 4 I ma a-t wootna
ara U'nog tela U oaikiag duao.
tUM'ty grot,
Closing noun Mark.d by Good Fllnf
Continuous Measlon Cauiad by Dl'
agreement Ovev Appropriation end
The 1890 lcimiatuw came to an
end Sunday evening, April 9, at
o'clock, when tbe last bills had been
signed by the prodding officers, and
tbe gavols fell for the last time. Its
last hours were spent in trying to
agree on tho appropriation bills and
miscellaneous claims bilL It was some
time before the houses could agree on
the allowance of claims of dally papers
fur publishing constitutional amend
ments. ,.A conference committee ap
pointed to grapple with the question
recommended appropriating 11,200 for
the Journal and lice, and $000 eoeh for
the Beatrice Express. Nebraska City
Press, Plattsmouth News, Norfolk
News, and Editor Geddes of Grand Inl
and, The recommendation was agreed
to. ' '
Mossy for Mew Uulldlngi.
The session lust closed appropriated
more money for new buildings than
former sessions, but it is the belief of
tutimbers that buildings were necessa-
: ry and that there will be something to
how for the expenditures In after
A lie louowing are tne appropriation
for new bu ldlnirs:
Mnroln anylum, wfiitf. 140,000
i Jliln ylum, wlnjf
Hiiliool tor blind, bullitlnif,
j' 'wine miiwiwi, biiiunutf.. .......... ......
Iftutf snd dumb, Winn,
Jwmf and Climb, bollnr houa....
Jlti'lK Mjlum, boiler bullae... ........
Wmldniio tor auvernor....... ............
Normal .0)1001. nutidplpe... ....... ......
Unlvarofljr bulldlni..,
Hokllom bom, Urutl Inland, hospital...
IMirebaasUMJlorillwiu.. ...... ........ I8.U0
rtuiaiera' Born.. Minora, noipitki
Total .........1311,700
f Met Consideration Olvsa,
Never before in the history of Ne
braska legislatures have appropriation
bills received such stunt consideration.
Noma IiIIIm hud to be neased unon In
i the senate without consideration or
I even without reading. This was be-
canse tlie time for final adjournment
ad been agreed to before tbe legishv
I ture WU fully prepared to BOjOUrB.
Owing to th large number, of new
probably be large. It is expected that
"will exceed .iwlM3, appropmteo
w,f y 4 ?cr!nLeT?
ibill went into the bands of the
J n,e.r,0 JSaIZL' m .!c
w 11,101,000, ni the salarjblU ap-
proprlated over 1848,000.
nionntlng to lua.000 never got plae
ln M? b u but th- .WS SfOT
iniinuioturero. iiuuuhuuk w i,wvi
was placed in the miscellaneous claims
bill. An item of 145,000 for unpaid
claims for bounty on wild animals ana
110,000 for future claim of tbe same
nature was allowed.
Serious trouble occurred between
4 Via tarn litiiaAa ih a nnlvAralfcv aa.l
arv anoronriation. A comnromise wa
effected and tne senate reeeaea from
its amendment and the amount waa
i reduced from I243,ooo to fzso,ooo.
Currant Kxpaoja
The amounts carried by the) current
expenee bill as tt passed are as follows,
tho flaruree of 1807 being given for the
sake of comparison:
I 1.100
Oo Terror
Oomralaalonar of labor
ft, oss
1, 660
Bear tar of Stat....
Kioto aupaiiDtondout ...
UmW UUlUliHlWUN.,,....,.,,!
Supremo oourt.....
Stote library ......
Banklnc devartmont.
Home for the friendleH... 20.MX)
Board of iraoaDortellon SW
Normal aohool S.MS
Mnooln hoapital HO.boO
Haallnc aaylum. t 14s. I7tv
Norfolk aaTlum M.H70
Board ot Irrttrallon t,4(i0
btat unlTeraity M
K earner Induatrlal aohool 07,714
Genera Industrial anbool. ...... S.v,e
laatltuto deaf and dumb II.AtO
Inatllut fur feeble minded..... u,m
IoaUtuto for blind............... K,A7
Klab oummlMloo. T.7A0
Induatrlal bom. Mllford I4.70
fioldlara' home, Uraud lalaud... SH.TA0
Hohllara' boma, Mllford I3.1M4
Hoard of publl landa butldtf IH.MiO
Pealtoatlery M.IOU
Nebraska national auard. ...... SI.WW
Plat board of health lie
Board of oduoatloual lands. .... 4 0
htata liltiorloal aocloljr I.sno
Mlonllaniua ltJ0
ttoard yufabaae and tuypUea , . , u0
tTKtl ti.lOI.M
A Heaolatloti aad a Vale.
The following resolutions were passed
tv the at'iiate and house, Wing origin
ally Intrtxliufd in t lie senate by Talbot
of IuiuU i ;
That the thank of the state he
hereby tnlid to the officers and
men of tie l irt Nebrsaka rogintent
United ''tati'a volunteer, for their gal
lant wi 'u t tut tbe Held of battle, their
courage t the invM'tice of danrr, aud
their t.trtltud tit th hartUhlpeof vamp
and ,ki'!ii.
Krm. ,!, 1 hal w a'knowdg with
fratllu.le and )V, the debt th attic
wtt llirm by i' of the honor hm
frml uixin it lv tt valor while de
f.a.ui S, fr t.!t l'liUipinva, the
rliiti! ( our otrrttmeHt and edl
Inf lo w '..rv t't our rtf . We pi !,
the ht tt-r i-( ih t that to the living
hall t- . til..l tttthy dttuvtioit
and to the tlted, all that ran be ltn
th a tiU'iijf itH tui'tUt uf Uir
fa mi,
(iotf rur I'm lit, f i tiirn. d th !
rU' - a la lite I. aUtttt without
his spil. att jj.y tt(f the seuie
With lt. fuiUntiit Mag
'l th M. .t.U tf the lg Ultur
ittllrt h t t't kiii to yiotr btMaofabU
Vudy le n No, ; wUWut my
aii tl. I i. that a iiii
.! ol what ( the faete ta th
rtiwttMt ftui'Oi ue ti uke this
k MjUf refard fW the
Vrey I iialtaati r of tmt ereve aid-
dter u tu lr v t'ttU lie thee
. N'u wttotuita that e Ue .ate
tw hem Wvut4 v.l the eikd ef
rpnl f. 1 k stale ot iUrahe U j
tad k a jot ilnt l U rvwd of the
First Nebraska volunteers. MWe
acknowledge with gratitude and joy
the debt the state owes them by reason
of the honor conferred upon it by their
valor." We pledge the honor of the
state that to the living shall be ac
corded worthy distinction and to the
dead all that can be given the dead
a fitting memorial of their fame, but
we must regret that circumstance have
compelled them to give their services
and sacrifice their lives in a conflict at
utter variance to the very fundamental
principles of our government and con
trary to the established policy of tho
notion for more than a ccnturv. En
listing in a war for humanity, and in
the cause of human liberty, compiles.,
tloos have arisen which hus compelled
them to engage in a conflict against a
people Who have been battling against
the oppression of another nation for
nearly four hundred years. ,8uch a
conflict Is not "defending the principles
of our government ana adding new
glory to our flag," which has been ever
stood as tbe glorious emblem of free
dom. I cannot stultify myself and the calm
Judgment of the thinking people, of
this commonwealth by giving official
approval to the statement that the war
of conrjucst now carried on in the far
away l'hillpplnes is in defense of the
principles of our government and is
adding new glory to our flag.
W. A. rovMTBR,
The legislative committee appointed
to investigate the insurance depart
ment of the auditor's otliue, submitted
its report to the legislature. The re
port was accompanied), by 1,847 pages
of testimony. The investigation cost
in the neighborhood of 8,ouo.
The report details findings findings
of fact, censures both Cornell and Lltcly
and concludes as follows:
Your committee, after oamfull nveitlatln
the Iflnttmoiiy lii ilin itKno. ti) not flwl ifrouiul
for impenolimtmt, unrtcljnml In tins only nreue
dentin thin state, the, IIhmUhkh aa. Viiilm
the law a enunciated liy Hutmiel Maxwell, la
bin dlentliif opinion In thutcitMi, an Impeaau
Dnintiif John F, Cornell would be JuMAl, and
w tielleva we wimld Ira iiiiilnl. Under th
law a emirifllated by th majority of tlie oonre
in ii waejiio opinion, jdiiu r. vinieu wonia
not b eouvlotod U Inipettobed by Ut logUla
turn. With this eonditlon of the law and tb uncer
tainty and utter Imurutmblllty of oonrliitlon by
tu kuprom court, Inulvln a It would an ouu
Uyof aarerul thouMt'id dullura erntiii totb
tto, your oommltUM h. without rouomuiend.
at Ion, plaluly aet out th fuiia, a dlMitoked by
th rldne, end aaln ohalleim your atten
tion to th sroM Irrnyularltliia piiuitluod by tbs
Stat auditor and hi mihordlnaui.
'J'habov flnilliiKKof fattt fnrm a plain, eon.
e and unpreludloed utatrment of tfie'evlilmn
taken by tu ronunltMe and ure ripeetfully
ubmlttod for the ouiiiillrUou of tlx lenULa
tur of the atale of Nebraaka and Ihrotwh It ta
Mi oltlaaimhlp In the atute, whien nbould at all
tlniee know the oouduet of their public Mrvanu.
, Both houses ordered the report spread
upon tbe records.
In regard to the supreme court, two
reports were presented. The minority
report, signed by UepresentativeBhore,
democrat, recommended impeachment
of Justice Norval for having accepted
payment of interest on a salary war
rant, to which be waa not entitled.
The majority report signed by Messrs.
Lane and Detweller, republicans, found
there bad been no intentional violation
of law in Justice Nerval's action nor on
tbe part of the other Justice.
The majority report waa adopted by
tbe bouse, and both reports were op
dered spread on the record,
Keaeares Vpea Whloh the Leglslatefe
aad doveraev Have Passed.
Some of the more Important bills
which have or will become laws arei
llouse roll 851, by Zellers, appropri
ating 11,600 for an emergency fund to
be used by the state board of health la
the suppression of epedemioa and the
Prevention of diseases with the pro vie
in that the appropriation shall be
available for expenses already in
curred In this manner.
House roll 171. bv Clark, m-ovldlne a
one-mill levy for the nee of the state
llouse roll AO. 18, ty Mann, to males
plowing on the public highway a mis
demeanor. llouse roll 113 by Jansen. repeallu
chapter 83, compiled statutes, relating
to aestruciion ox grasanoppers.
uouse rolLAS by I'rlnce, to amend
section 10, chapter 44, , compiled stat
utes, reducing Interest on state war
rants from 6 to 4 per cent.
uouse roil N by weaver, an act eon-
eerning the compensation of reoelven
providing that they may be paid by
salary or on a percentage on cash re
ceived and properly accounted for bj
House roll 803, by Weaver to locate
tbe state fair permanently at Lincoln.
House roll on, by lieverly, to limit
and regulate the employment of child
ren in manufacturing, mechanical and
mercantile establishments, Bxlng the
age limit at ten years and at fourteen
years under certain condition.
lng and llmltlnr the hours of undue-
ment of females In manufacturing, tu
chanlcal, Industrial aud mercantile ee-
Uouae roll S03. bv Weaver, re-enact-
. ...
Ing lite insuraai-e laws.
jioiijms roil by coiuntlttee on eoL
diem home, appropriating II J, too foi
tite purchoMi uf ttte kite vf the st4tuenr
home at Mllford.
House roll 133, by ThomtieuB of Mr
rhik at requaat of rorernor, snproprt-
sting IJ.uki as an rutergeney fund fuf
the uae ot tli member of the First
ref lmat at Manila.
hntste file IV?, by Talbot, an amead-
ni ut ta the l.lmoln t Uarier suthurts
lug ravltif , rt tatiiig to aid alls eusy
tr t aud rulrtig I ra.ipsjrs t
lav eettr-Wariiig ir "I " rails.
rx-itele file lui, by M.le, permitting
Mitint y ett4ruey to MUiw vuusty aas
lutuothey otiuali mm ehatige tf veeue.
rcut til m, by llUmH, authur-
Iflng mutual iiitiiraiive tniiilee lain
sue nmcttry vhiuvUva, rMttag aud
Hi' IlilltW i
A Urge wmaWr of 'Vuratlie ata
arvrw lm-tl.
II, I. 411, by J ii rreetlu- a fat!
rmitrxlitii atid ! Ming rtfulU
fVr twaituraviut an I t tf aad
l'lrtUtiMg v ewMuauy.
II. II. lis. l y Minw. i ivtoMur IMI
fire eHMi alt ll lo U4 v liiU-t
Isi fmr r uett it! ta heigbt.
tl im h r ih4 f.,r im4
l 'n. a t i ly, t.ui Iiuli4 llete
eed aifiMtcet bul,tiM
II. U 4 it. aftsfiiMg fual rw
t4TiuMa 'f !rta of tt (51j
aad hads tit alaU tutitwl
a r. I'l, ty laiU.t, -orltlli re
sud ti ta tide lie mi
trvet retlmsy io.
All bills Si'pHu-ttatktif 4
vadCiaga at s'ate i tkV.M.
News of the Week
There has been another week of almost
continuous slaughter and fighting lu
the Philippines. The discipline, the
courage and the flgbtiug ability of the
volunteers continues at the highest
mark and Is attracting thj attention of
the whole world. Hut stiil the question
is: What is it all lor?
As during tbe previous week tbe ob
ject of the campaign was not attained.
Malalos was taken, but the insurgent
army was neither taken prisoners or
d'telroyed. Aguiualdo retreated a little
further Into tbe interior, Is throwing up
new lines of entrenchments and Is pre
paring for further reelstonce, The end
of the war Is no more In sight than It
was at the beginning of the fighting.
There Is no present prospect of there
turn of tbs voluof fact It has been
ofHclally announced at Washington that
they cannot be spared. Bo far tbey
have been called npou to do the prin
cipal part of the fighting.
The Cuban Assembly has at last dis
solved and will turn over tbe rolls of
the Cuban army to General Ilrooke.
This seems to settle the difficulty about
the pay mini t of tho Cuban army aud tbe
f'l.OOO.OOO tbot has been lying on a
transport for some time in tbe Havana
harbor will now be distributed.
The latest advices from Porto lllco
Indicate that affairs there have quieted
down. 0n Henry Is still proving to be
tho right man la the right place,
City elections have been held In several
states during tbe week but their politi
cal significance Is slight. Tbe most Im
portant woe la Chicago, where there
wore three candidates in the Held, Carter
Harrison being tbe regular democratic
nominee, Governor Altgeld running as
Independent on tbe Chicago platform
and for municlple ownership aud Carter,
tbe regular republican candidate. Har
rison woe elected. Altgeld polled about
45,000 rotes. This was tbe only con
test that bad a bearing on national pol
itlcs. No one doubU that Harrison Is
in tbe ring with Croker, Gorman and
other gold democrat to down Bryan,
and ft was feared that if be was elected
be would be able to control tbe Illinois
delegation In tbe next national conven
tion and vote It against Bryan. Harri
son will be able to control tbe Chicago
delegation, but that doea not control
tbe Bryan democrats of tbe state of
Mayor Jones of Toledo, Ohio waa
elected on a municlple ownership plat
form against tbe regular republican
The Fanner's Exchange,
231 Hortli Tenth St.
Will sell Red River Ohio Potatoes for seed.
Early Ohios, per bushel , .... 80 to 90c.
Evergreen Sugar Corn for seed; Garden Seeds, Etc.
1 1 lbs. Coffee for. $1.00
2 lbs. Fine Santas lor..... 25c
A Java for ......, 15c
(Usually sold at 25c)
Fine Mocha and Java....,,., '. 25c
Flour, 50, 75, 80, and 90c a sack. In sack, nothing better on
J. W. HARTLEY, lilG'R.
' to
af5!- ..V
nu.m ai.i.sti;i;i..
Call ami re our uirtlfti implement ami get a Catalogue.
council will be
a majority of
The anti-Manna republican candidate
for mayor of Cleveland was defeated and
a democrat elected. That was because
Hanoa wanted him downed. The result
will give IJanna tbe republican delega
tion from that county In the next state
convention. Populist will look noon
this reult with satisfaction. The mnre
of Hanoa and IJanna methods there Is
In the republican party management of
Ohio, the easier it will be to down the
republican party In that state.
Tbe election la Lincoln resulted in
about tbe usual republican majority,
the only exception being that tbe luslon
1st elected one exciseman on account of
arnmpus that occurred at the republi
can primaries. Populism will never be
overwhelmingly successful in the cltles
any more than the republican party
woe when It, la the first days of Its or
ganisation, depended upon the in tell,
genu of the voters, Tbe republicans
now control tbe votes of tbe alums, tbe
Ignorant and tbe vicious, which added
to tbe "business men" who dare not
ay that tlmlr souls are tbelr own for
fear of the power of the trusts and the
banks, makes them pretty safe in tbe
cities. Out among the still free Ameri
can fur mem, where tbe saloon and the
brandy bouse Is scarcely known, tbe
thing Is different.
John Klmrman In that famous report
that he made to the United Htatee sen
ate just 80 years ago said: "Tbe United
Mlatcs Is the great gold producing coun
try of the world. Oold with us Is like
cotton raw material, Every obstruc
tion to its tree use diminishes Its value
and that loss falls upon the United
Mtatea." Why does that argument sot
apply equally to silver? That is an
other 'thing that no pop can find out.
" He Laughs Best
Who Laughs Last"
A hearty hugh indicates a,
degree of good health obtain
able through pure blood, As
but one person in ten has
pure blood, the other nine
should purify the blood viih
Hood's, Sarsaparilta, Then
they can laugh first, last and
all the time, for perfect hap
piness comes with good health
m't Hill wtt Hirer lilt) th "M ""'-
pjily eSSErS lo takiTwlih i' - jJ Z
' -. . .
nominee, but the city
against him as that has
republicans. '