; AJ a JUL The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. X. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA; THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1899. NO. 47. JUDGE MM GUILTY Ha is Declared to be an Embezzler and a Eeport Mad Demand" tag Bia Impeachment. THE GANG STANDS BT HIM ' Inireatiftatlona Turn Out Different ly From What Republican! Expected. ! . i " ' . Tli Cornell CMf, Tbe committees appointed to Invest I " gate tbe pop etate government by tbe republican legislature, onto! wuicn tuey : exoected to make much political capital tor tbe next campaign, ended Ineuddis appoint and nmcb vexation of epirlt for them. Tbe Boding of tbe committee tbat wee appointed to investigate tbe auditor' office upon tbe sensational charge of a discharged employe and uon wblcb tber wa not aelngle popu llt, made a report tbat eutaind tbe 1 position taken by tbe Independent from tb vary beginning. Tbe fusion ellrer rsoublicao. A. J. Wearer, acted with the republican members of tbe committee all tbe time, and It ie generally expected by tbos wbo bare been watching tbinge around tbe etate boutw tbat Mr, Weaver will be found working witb tbe republi can in tbe nit campaign. Tbe committee' report ie anotber Joe Johnson letter about three column in length, many statements in it being con trarr to tbe evidence and tbe publle record in tbe office of tbe tat trea. urer and auditor. Wbenitcame to tbe eummlog op of tbe report after record ing tbeir ecreed, wblcb I to be need In tbe next campaign, tbey were forced by overwhelming testimony to record cer tain facta wblcb exonerate tbe auditor. In tbi aummary tbey go even farther than tbe Independent baa ever don In detente of tbe auditor, although after tatinir tbe IndieMtable facta wblcb nn der tba eircnmtanoea tbey could not avoid, tber alwaya follow with aome mark calculated to throw discredit upon Mr. Cornell. Tbe following la a good amnio: "Your committee alo' And tbat sec tlon 83, and other provision ol our la euranoa lawa knowa a tbe reciprocal Ltmtnrm tha atifnrMtmetlt of wh'ch WOUld bring tbe etate tbouaand of dollar of revenue annually, nave never oeen en ' fnnwd he an state auditor of tbi tat. John F. Cornell Is tbe firet tate auditor that ba mad an attempt, and behae succeeded in collecting several tbouaand of dollar for tbe year 1808." , If tbe committee bad detfred to make a fair report tbey would bare added: "For tbi be abould be commended," but Jnetead of tbat tbey eaid: "Ilia attempt ba been very weak and the etate ba unquestionably Buffered by It" There waa no evidence submitted upon wblcb to baa tbia slur. Llchty eeeine to bav been a little too tougb for tbi republican committee. Of him tbey ay: "Uchty waa In tbe babit of uelng eaab out of tb cab drawer ol th Inauranoe apartasat and depoaiting therefor bl doe bttta. aad aettlipg for ucb item by ebeak with Ue etate auditor at the var ious date of eettlsmeut. Mr. Licbty toetifleetbat be bad the equivalent ol aoob amount in the back and thai the practice waa followed merely lor con veaienea." -We And that' Hnrouel Licbty waa partly reepuneibl for aome ol the groea IrregulariU already pointed out; on of tbtn we bav meilioued I the euetoin of retaining fee temporarily. It la proper to mention aeveral other. Mr. Uobty urged upon paid eouuty treasurer examiner tbe advisability ol tbr anakiag examination of Ineuraaea ompaatea, II also urd ooe ol tUe elate Jaaltor to nure the eoatract fur lawk lug booh aad revenue b'aake to be blpp4 Irom the auditor' olflca, lie weal to lb Urie Irom a desire to upplaat Palm and 1'rica. Ill attitude Iowa! tbb double employ meat waa Jualiaabt," Wba tbey earn to the jlat ol lb what matte lb eemmittx Had ia re. , gard to ( Wall a Mhiwai "Twer etauailtts, after rlslly ia veattgatiaa tb eraiiwoav la IhUea, Kt Nor 'i (IUll M'H lull U I'atJii llUb-Mr The aaly this the euaimlttese fivaeli tor le mutate la judgtweal aad pour avae ia the ) putetmeut ol hi ax Wtaate, be leg the Very (blags Ike lade eadal bMviilktMKl, Tbe latbe4t eaaaut hlppiat tag with prkle" l the eourae ll baa far ae la let mallet imea ta wrf a4a. leg. It e aee it rva4wt thai it the Mr a la the et, hy will l4 ItwaiMfdat all iinmm, aad tby bav m leettaaey la fwijla ) iw vtilamaaM' tbe new rgr4iaaf lMg that baHi arwaad the eUi ati4, If tb tea apsMiaied a aVil. eetaMea ba ever aa4 a reptt ibe lad pendent ha never beard of It. Tbat committee wae appointed with a great flourish of trumpet, but at tbelr very flret aeeelon tbey thought it beat for tbem to retire into "inocuou desue tude," aud tbey did It. While there waa mall deficiencies in variou fundi amounting In ell to about 16,000,tbflr were larg unexpended balance in other, o (bat in fact Instead of there being a deficiency there wa a aurplue, aud tbe republican; dropped the Inreati- gatlon a though it wore a hot poker. Of tbe committee appointed to Inre tigule tho various Invtltution one of tlietn vleitfd tbe penitentiary and came buck witb a report tbat it was In x- cedent condition, tbe priaoners healthy tbe discipline good, and tho warden very efficient ofliwr. If tbey made a r port on any other Inatitution it baa not been given to tbe public, Tbey probably came to the conclusion that there woe no politic In it, It I when we come to tbe inveatlga tion of (be supreme court tbat offlcful rottenness began to appear In chunk large enough to weigh down a battle ship. Tbe way tbat the supremo court has been appointing wives, daughters sons, sons-in-law, brothers-in-law, and other relative wa known to all tbe populist wbo read this paer, but tbat one of tbe judge should be accused of being an embexxler wa a surprise, and the republican wbo were so eager to in vestlgate, began to wish ibat tbey bad never beard of tbe Investigation. Tbe crime was so grave and tbe proof wo o overwhelming that the committee could not pll on whitewash enough to bide tbe corruption from eight. Bo tbey reported a follows: "First -On December 81, 1804, Judge T. h, orval, one of tbe Judge of tb su preme court, received the warrant, no, 91,841, from tbe state auditor for bis salary for tbe fonrtb quarter of 1894, amounting to I6J.6. Oath same day tb warrant wa left witb J. S. Hartley, then state treasurer, wbo advanced to Judge Norval tbe face ol said warrant, aid Hartley stating at the time tbat tb fund to ad re need were hi own private fund and so believed by Judge Norval, and said warrant wa retained by Dart ley as security for ealrt ao vance. alter ward, on October 15, 1898. upon notic from tb state treasurers offlee tbat aid warrant bad been reached in tbe regular order for payment, tbe earn waa paid in full, tb said Hartley retaining tb amount previously advanced and Judg Norval receiving tb balance, be ing tbe interest tbereon, amounting to $84.03." Tbentb republican member of tb committee added tbat there waa no In tenlional violation of tbe law. On tble committee tber wa a minority repre entative, (on tbe Cornell committee there wae no pop to make a minority report) and be proceeded to report tb fact in tb case a follow: Dut the roost serious developments brought out by the testimony before your committee affectJudge Norval. It appears from bis own admissions as well as Irom documentary evioenoo louna in the record, that tbe state treasurer Joseph 8. Hartley, on the 8 let day of December, 1HU4, accepted from Jndge Norval bla salary warrant for the last quarter of 1 804, 1 n tbe au in of 1025, and ibat tb state treasurer paid Judge Nor val therefor the face of tbe warrant. Tbia warrant, owing to tbe condition of tba general loud, wa not payable for about tn and a balf months after tbe date of such advancement Tbe check by which tble money wa paid wa signed by "J.H. Hartley, etate treasurer, by O. M. Hart let t, deputy," and waa de livered to Judge Norval, wbo held It In bl poeeeaeloa some two daya, and then personally presented it to the First National bank of Lincoln, on wblcb it wae draws, aud it waa paid. When tbe warrant became payable some tea month after the transaction tual re tilted, the state treasurer delivered to Judge Norval a chrck for 134.03, tbia check being lr tb interna! due on tbe warrant in question, i bis cneck wa also sinueJ It J. K. Hartley, treasurer. and by O. M. Hart let t, bla deputy. "On ol two vooeiueion must loiiow from theea fact. Tbeea eberk ebowed uuoa tbeir lara that tbey were draw aeiuet tbe state fund oa deMMlt la Ibe Firel National bask ol UbimiIh. Is true J dge Norval aay be did not ao Ik Ibe oigaalura oa the elieeka. Tbe Milaurtlv ol your eommUts U aaable o aMpl this Btalsweat ol Judg Norval and mast roooiade thai be ba turguiiea tbatiMl. Jadge Nurvai Is a laajsf id ability, lie bae bad aiaay sare eir ettwe oa la Jiif eH'lMiriu tu b. He la aetteloMK la eiawla earNlty ngJ para plaml bKre bim, Vha tlM!h.t ke were ealv4 aiiu.se atiMl bava aulHwl bow Ihsy wr ol-wl, Nt oaly Ibai.bal lb law km tlb autk lbs ebetle ea- lalesd, a e Wara lrtm bt a opiatoa lit tbaeae id lUMWr vs. tbe MHla. la tbal , lb wsrtaal la utkia bad wrtitea anta He ! Ibe wr To ribe Ibe e,elea luad,' Thai aarraal tea la J. N. Perl. br. aot as stale trvftsar, bal la but la 4ikUl rttlr . l wa aoibisg iaiel. la u h Ibe t bswwt.1 Na tKtaat aaabt! ia,bl (sral l, Ibat PerlWy d4 aw bat (be ml utl i tieepl Ibe latal Ibal M a drata retotbure lb ebleg "l radia4 Ibal, Jds Nurvai aw tb ktMlM laaaai la biipia Ua wbkb taa4ea Is ni'tsiua il Ibe ewM '.Nof wa lb kaab aa "teaoeeal purchaser" within the meaning of that term as applied to commercial paper, in asmuch as tbe warrant disclosed on its face, the purpose and object for which it wae drawn, and the bank wo bound to know, at its peril, tbat the defendant bad no title to tb instrument.' Tbe sarao must bold true with reference to tbe present case where the check is ad mltted by Judg Norval to show on it face tbat It wa drawn against state funds, and he 'was bound to know at bis peril' that h wa receiving state funds if be chose to accept it. Following tbi line of reasoniug, the conclusion must be that Judge Norval did see tbe signature, did know thnt the check was drawn against etate funds, and knew that tbe money ho received tbereon wa state funds. If, therefore, the transaction oy which be received the check for 1025 on tbe 8 tat day ol December, 1804, I to bo treated as a loan, a he says It wa, be Is guilty of knowingly receiving a loan of state funds from tbe state treasurer for bis own use and benefit, and thus he aided and abetted in converting the sum of f 025. and under bis own decision in the cnxe of Mills vs. tbe Htate, became himself an embi zzler of state funds, "If, however, we are to trout ths tran suction wherein be received the 0025 a a payment of the warrant, then he was not entitled to receive nny interest on the warrant, and the payment to and receipt by bltn of tho check for n.oJ as Interest on the warrant were illi gal aud constituted embezzlement on bl part. "I reurret that I must coma to this con elusion, but under tb evidence and the decision of tbe supreme, court of this stat tber can b no escape. People may look with some Indulgence on viola tionsof the plain letter of tbe law by men not versed In .enrol matters and nn familiar witb the provisions of tbe stat utes, but when these violation are met witb on tb part of member of the high est court of tbe state, tbattfuct In itself is sufficient to call for speedy rebuke and impartial Justice. Judge Norval ba been chief fustic of tb eupreme court and for more than nine year a member of tbat court. HI conduct baa been In excusable and tber can bono palliation. This house should have no hesitancy in applying tb constitutional remedy. ''From tbe evidence adduced before tbe committee it appear tbat Judg Norval la guilty of felony. Hut It la not neeea ary tbat tbi bouse And bim so gulity in order to Impeach bim. Tb constitu tion provides tbat 'all civil officer of tnis srata snail be liable to impeaenmeni for any misdemeanor in office." Tbat Judge Norval baa been guilty of a mis demeanor ia clear and tba minority of your committee therefore recommend tbat tb noua entertain tb following reeointlon: - ,. " 'Resolved, Tbat article of impeach meut be prepared and presented to tbe district court judge of tbia tal,sitting a a court of.iinpeochmeot, as provided by law, lor misdemeanor to omce, agaioet T. Ij. Norval. associate justice of tb an prein court. J OHM U. DHOIK. But tb republican of tb house with one exception voted to atand by Judg Norval and thiejembezzlement. Tbat ia bow much tbat party ba reformed fnoe the daye when Joe Hartley and tbe rest of tbem were in control of tbe etate bouse. Ho Nebraska bad enongh of tbem? THE TRUTH AT LAST,' A aistomeat ef a Regular Who Has Mot Paesed Uader the Kye of a Ceasor. Fort Worth, Tex., April B.-l)r. Chartee Ilarrle, of the medical department of tba Uoited Ktaiee army, who passed through here enroute to Washington from tbe Philippine, told a remarkable tory of tb condition ol th soldier of tb Philippines. II said tbat many of tbe soldier are disheartened over tbelr pbysicial condition, tbat they deliber ately make targets ol thsmselvea for th enemy 's guns. Harris asserted tbat tbe report of th ueellent health of th troop were false. AGAINST PLUTOCRACY aaatber MlaUter Jelaa Wtta Merraa aad Lavrlaterla nbta Ibe Side ml ba twmt, A U1WI waa eipTMeed. la tbe last leeu ottbeladopradsat Ibat Ibeeburvb would throw off lbs loemnbu ol Imperialtem aad theaervlea uf pltiWw-raey aad tbal would rle oul of Ibe rank to lead lh people to a higher aad teller Id tbaa lb worship ol tb golds call T be arlkle t hardly la prlal before oa aftM where Waal expert!, a pro. Immu la eoetoWj la It kMU-r'e Chi ago aalversity sa l burM a hilipi agtiiel tbe wtrbipper of maatmua bal ritle oasof ibe J , o IUrrita aid Wtad-ll 'blllpMi, Tb atnat ea- ralug Ibisg abwvl ll Ibal II aa delivered, la aa aeahy td u,i- lelere, Ibe IUt k lli rwebrreae ol tb Mlbvil ebereb, aa4 a reeeivsd tlb) twd ol applause. The tkr wa lUv, .V. W, all, K 0, Mor wl bU41 la k Ibkagti aaiwreity, Tbe addreea wa la pari aa kitluaet Tbeeavll eislsiw la wbhb lite aad ue aad hear M leeu bad imhI eaa ll tbe laatty, la Ibks aa id e-iNilWd stsnwnti' wearegsiiiiw m lb Ibialt il Iba ms tvielUMit lees of ma"t oirby Ibal btUif ba Iba tar rud4. Tbal eaiiial Ira st abab mui ol e dtrettiy or iwdu rectly get our bread and butter la be come the most undemocratic, Inhuman and atheistic of all the heathen divini ties. It breeds children but to devour tbe bodies of some, tbe soul of others aud to put out tbe spiritual eyesight of tbe rret. Tbe socialistic Indictments of our civilization are essentially sound. Mind, I do not say the remedies are sou nil, but tbe Indictments are true." Following this professor Hmnll out lined the science of sociology and com mented on its power for good, while holding that it I yet In It infancy, a a science, though of world-long, age In practice; then he continued: "There are clouds on tho social hori zon already bigger than a man's band, foretelling chances of which no one Is wise enough to predict tb end. If pres ent tendencies continue It will not bo long before the men whoso business Is to communicate Ideas will be gagged by those who publish ideas, and the pub lishers will be shackled by the mikere of of paper, and the pnper manufacturer will be held up by the transportatlpa lines, and tho transportation corpora tion! by the producer of steel, and tho Industries by the coal oerators, and the caul miners by the oil producers, and the oil magnates by the stove mak ers, and the cook-stove men by thesuuar trust, and the sugar Interests by Wall street, and the stock brokers by the labor unions, and they by the farmers, and the farmers, lod help them, by everybody. "1 am not throwing tbe dust of my library In your faces, but ' if you heed the symptoms from bank and office, factory and railroad headquarters ana daily press you have discovered that the very men wbo made these combina tions are beginning to be frightened at their shadows. These very business men wbo claim a monopoly of practical 'horse sense' have involved themselves and all of u In a grim tragedy. Tbey are asking in a quiet way bow it Is all going to end. "Whether tbey realize ir or not, out vision of freedom I passing into tb eclipse of universal corporate compul sion iu tb Interest of capital. Tbe march of human progress is getting re duced to marking time in the lock step of capital'e chain gang. It would mak infinitely mors for human weal if every dollar of wealth wa cleaned of tb earth. If we could have fnetead, industry ana homes and Justice and love and faith, than to be led much farther Into tb devil's dance of capitalism." Tb condition of affairs so vividly de scribed by FrofcMor Small i jut what every economist In tbe wbole world aald would occur, whn thy united In pro testteg against tbe John Sberfflaa and bank of England scheme to demonetize eilver. Not a thing ba happened tbat tbey did not foretell. Every one of them inaieted tbat tba result would be to ao ooooentrat capital In tba hand of tb bw tbat the vary foundation of eocioty would be shaken. Tbey all pointed to tbe effect that the sam policy bad pro dnoedlo Eogland when tbat country went to tba gold atandard. Tbey, re ferred to tbe record of It in Sir Archi bald Allison's standard history. Hut tbeir warnings were not heeded. Tb republican party went on in Ite devilish work. Tb leader nbaided tb press, tbe nnlversities and tb church. Tbe In evitlble bos come, and in exactly tb way tb economists said It would. HONEST MONEY MEN The desire of tbe gold ring which have robbed the people of tbeir prosperity and weighted the republio witb a moo strous bonded debt to label themselves honest-money men" reminds oos of tb pbarisees of old, wbo for a pretenc made long prayers in public and en lanred tbelr pbtlacteriea while they do voored widows bouses, and the terrible deouociatlon of thoea brooch tec by th great Galilean wa not more applicable tnan la th;ame to tbe men wbo seek to Increase ibe misery of tb luduetrlal mil lions, continue stagnation of business, and add to th wretrbedne the wealtb-oreatora by playing into tbe bands of tb world' octopus, aad who to divert attention from their criminal' Ity label themselves honeat money men. WHAT A TRUST DID. Tbe following from a La wrenee, Kan- a, paper shows tbal tba people of that Iowa bava beea brought face In face wilb IS or liege ol a trust aad ba also ba ehoen how loly tbelr eoa greaaataa, Howereucb, waa la loaeb a lib tba trust latareste, Tb article aye: Tb big ablet h ol Ik roaaolidated Parh Wire anil! l,k M tb last Urn al 4 uVI.h h U aabt, Ibe a 11 shut do al mtdaigM, lb baads were Uld off, Ibe lflMi id tilet dkMMtattau!, aad Ibe mill wae r etivt etna!, Tbi le lb rl ul lb trust pu-he td Ibe Sil t ut uwh aju, aud areul that baa U Isansd by et;tu atae Ibe taMxa ifi aad Wlr eotiuay k earn tb . p lb t-lutiag of Iba big tdaal ataf baad are lbria oat euiMy , aad a auiUr will aUtmaiWi b-ai lb em, Ibossb esaay b at a lived hfss aad will ru habit try la 4 swawlblsg eltw la da la stiati Ibie aa lb buss. Tb a bav Ml Ihst wae , aa I Iba abut doaa al Ike atiU dwa at tale tb) by earprbss, aa baada bate ba Uk dt every ab b Ira I ba bad eberg oj Ibe Will, 'iMgieew.aa W,asub aa4 I a th mill and while be would not join the trust he did something which wae equiv alent when he sold bis plant to tbe com bination. 11 Ie men have lost their jobs, but Howersock ba got cash value tor tb plant and baa a seat in congres where b can help protect th million aire who are throtllng the whole coun try by tbelr organised greed." There are a lot of folio if in Lawrence who still keep voting the republican ticket because Jim, Laue and. Old John Hrown helped to lick the border ruffians, Tbat is tho reason that tbey voted for Howersock and got oue of tbeir Indus tries destroyed. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. There b a been a general mlssappre beuson of tbe importance of tbe agricul tural college attached to tb university. It bo been thought even by some mem bers of tbe legislature that It wa a ort of a uselosM attachment without atten dance and a waste of approbations. All this bos come about for want of In formation. The enrollment of student In the Industrial college today Is a little larger than for all deparments of t he whole University In tb year 1880-90, tbat Is, lust eight years ago, when there wore 474 students all told. If we ex amine the figure showing tb enroll ment of student In th freshman, sopb- omoie, junior, and senior classes In tb Industrial college, we And again tbat there are today more in these classes than there were In tbe earn classes for tbs wbole University aix years ago, in 1U01.fl, uh , k nftlvu.al , m Mtn mni man , showed bpt 307 against 295 today lor the Industrial college. I Hess figure in dlcate aulte clearly thtrong growth of this college and show tbat during tb period in wblcb th University baa been making such remarkable atride, th Industrial college baa not lagged behind. WHO ARE ANARCHISTS? Editor lodapaadantt I wlb soma good republican would tell me wbo are tb aaarobleta. W pop ulist have been called anarch lt and other pet name becau w do not bav very much respect for our courts. Now If our sneering friend will tall ua why w abould respect our court, aad ucb reason prov good and valid, tbaa I, for one, will bow tba knee to th gnat mogul wbo Interpret th law to pleas those wbo give tbm tba largest rafca-off. If yon fleet a ditbonest attorney to tb uprem oonrt will it make bim honastT If a oprm court judg I guilty of a erim tbat would nd m to tba peni tentiary if I committed it, abould w but our ya and aay nothing abont bia bonor(?) for fear of contempt? I It not more contemptible for u to ay nothing than for ue to class him among bis kind aa a rascal. Governor Poynter did a grand, good thing when b vetoed tb bill continuing tb supreme court commission. Our governor, although a small man physic ally, seems to Oil tb executive chair a well as any governor we ever bad. If be could knock out tbe entire court, and put ia a little honesty alongside Judge Sullivan, then we could get a littl jus tice. I may be an anarchist, and in soms respects I am, for from personal observation 1 know that th majority of our court judges are disbobeet, and unreliable. If a man ia poor b cannot set fair treatment troni a court wben hi opponent ia a rich maa. I am only a farmer, but sometimes wonder how, if those commissioner were earning tbelr salt, and tbelr opinion were ol any value, did two judges deciJo a case not long since adversely to tba three com mlasioner and on jostle. If tboee commissioners were doing inch won derful tblog and war of eo much help to tbe court, why did two of tb judges turn tbem down? In most things ia lite ll la supposed tbat fonr men have more braina than two, Oue commissioner say Ibat t could earn seven or eight thousand dollars a year ia bis praetkw If bs was aot a member of tb court. Now, be waaappninted for all years, and eatil (iirov I'ujete forgot to sign a eerlsia bill, our aortby eooimteeioeer wa willing to sit aad play second fiddle al a salary ol $J,SO0 per year aad sever Bad aay la 1 1, II our larmer goveraor should appoint wa to som ottkwaad I could sera tbr IJma lb salary of lb otttee bre oa my farm, woald you ao all me a loot for avpilg lb appoiat meat. A littl cbap aoturtaty woa'i III aa amply stomach. W will try next tall to put anotber boaeelmaawa lb supreme beach aad have eon work don aad eborter vaea 1Mb lor I ho bard-wurblag attoraty. M. M. II til lit, Uatrall'ity, Nb. BUG EATERS IN CHICAGO, Uaaeailur UatUaa Wli, Mareb Hlsl, luf tbteago, wbsr b will atlsadlb aaaaal .teg of Iba Nwrtbassiwa A eeialHa tl I'tdWgr aad rWoadary Hvboid, Al Ibia Iim Iber aiii aUa b a wewtlf (4 lb gradaal a4 aiatWat id Iba I eltiy id Nbrala rdig la fbtMigo, btd al Iba laiofia, bolst, al a hi lae a tlsMma Awt- tiaa aiil lrMd, A rptfc will labeWa lUla.day eaieg. AwH I. itkai b 4 '. I baawlW U I , ;t baariivf eaa. id, t. IUgl ilsary I). l-iaii,rb,aa4 'rolss riMi I ua4 a III b mti, l b p.llsla vtisspMeed id Jaiae J, jr, tleatf H. lUba, aad Mary A, lUe IT HAS GLIMMERED OUT The 26th Seulon Nebraska Legisla ture Enda Iti Daya la Disor der and Diaruption. BEOOBD OF BROKEN PLEDGES Big Appropriation Steala-Tradei and Jobi-Diaaantlona-Ez-s"' poiura of Party Linen. A Plctur of ltActlons, Tb closing hours of tb 20th toeslon of tb Nebraska legislature were marked witb more cureless and recklossnes. In attention, extra vagence and booty, ball considered action than any previous sea-, sion for a dozen years, if not longer. No review of the session would b com plot without a picture of the closing scene and tb cause that advanced them. It ia tb purpose oi thl sketch to first present this plojture and then tbe story of tbe session. Adjournment bad been set for noon on Friday, March 81st'. When this data waa fixed, every experienced legislator knew that it was a physical Impossibil ity to each an adjournent at tbat tins. Every careful man In both bousss kn tbat It wa impossible to consider tba appropriation bills, let aloe tb numer ous other Important bills, without at least a week more of work. Tot tb res olution for adjournment waa adopted by a larg majority in both bousss. Tber were reason for tbi. In th Crab , place the republican leader bad ot tbeir leadership, and, disgusted with CI rations In tbir own rank, wer only anxious to get away from tb Mean of tbelr disappointment and fallara. Tt populist and fusion mmber thotxt ' the chance of gatting good legtiaCss through too remote to atay aad f "it for In a legislature organised agsiub than, and knw that tbey vera asa chargeable with th defcy is eonskfarb-j appropriation bill, kri tby wst ready to adjourn. Aad, f nil.'y, fomrr ful aorporatioa later t, Li tY ilr 'j yard and iaaaraaa aocpaxta a aasiona to ai jours ao aa to preveat 1'J.m tney wr opposaa to irom ever aoosr to a vot. So th adioaramnt prvaik- ' ed at a time whoa ta nau waa fc7 two wasks behind la It aieawary moix and th acfivomiation bla were ic ed upon that body without coaat&r tion in oommiite, ana arzzo urosa . In a baphaaard haata that uttrly pre vented InUlllgrat action. Tb greater part of th last three daya the bouse waa either an nneontrollabla mob or a room full of empty seat. Old member, both republican and populist, declared tbat tbey bad never aeon a body posseeasd of such reckless IndiSer erence a tbi on. It was impossible for th speaker or tb chairman of tb committee of tba whole to keep even tb semblance of order. Half tb member deserted tbeir sent and either smoked clgara ia tb cloak rooms or talked aloud to each other in th aisles with utter indiffer ence to th Important business being transacted. Th boos "appropriation eombia" : wae not Idle at tbia time. Hill after bill voting great aum of public money went through In tbe mldat of all tbi uproar. Hcaroely one failed to pass by good ma jor! tiea in tbe house. Tb way tbi waa accomplished I a good Illustration ol what follows scattering a larg number of stats instltntions over a stats. Oa of tbem, perhaps, need a new building. It can get it by combining Ita vote with tboa of a doaea other. Tb oonv blnatloa I mad and Inatead of oaa building; th state la taxed to build halt adosenmore. Tber baa never beea a Nebraeka legislature whom "trad" baa beea such aa open practice upon tba door as ths one luat adjonraad. Tber baa aot lacked a larga number ol eoa seieatlous, careful mea oa both sides ol tb tons wbo riuMt to make mercaaa die ol tbeir judgmeat, but that duM awl damag tb truth ol tb aseertloa Ibal trading ba beea tba opea aad aolor hjus practice apoa lb loor aa wU aa la lb lobby al tbw assaioa. rair wad aad basael tbrowiag a Wglalatlv dlvereioa tbal aaaaily mark tba laat lew boar ol a sswatoa wbaa all lb balaa baa beea iios of aad Iber m aolblag to do bal wall tor tba e roll tag elerba wp etair to ruapieU Ibstr wirb tw-aa la lb bouea a early aa Taewlay. t root tbat tint oa. lb await a bo arowi ia addra lb ebatr. rteked bl bead a aU a bla vote. Ha aaagrvM alia drW illa el "mad Ml luudsi!" as4 VulWj id well aianed Mpr wade wita aa ocvaHaai wata baakel o boaad buuk aai4 throega tba air la bia d.rwiHa. Maay lio bsa latMaUal bM was htr tb boas lb ruout wuaJ4 b I'M wtta tigar sMiba, lu-l ol lilag pap, keiid,,tui.-il K.a.Utt" ab.U ia lb wtdst ol ll a t lb tbairaiaa waa 14 pwa4 asiagly with b vl aa beard In tb aimwr, aa4 WoaM bs Iba atewtlmta la kp orbe. 'iri lbs U dwordetiy da ansa latraiig dte r at ribtiaa asrrel Wad tsa lb guas. lb Wiise bMrting bira tb rpb.aa lae lHa bb Uoa (a a 4aa aaty atr mm, la oaa ol ibtsa 4m Paraa. r.utdteaa wMbe Irwa Laaeaaler, dWtr4 la rpu ta ebar-w v4 bnb rjr ibal lb aiy atiewvy w n UmtiaiioalthiSct