i THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. March 30, 1899 f-A GREAT. PJIOBLEM. MOST STUPENDOUS REVOLUTION IN INDUSTRIAL GROWTH A Calm View of tha Traat Iriarlp1ea oad Morals laared Sarlae th Feepl Do Mot GatThlage to Do Determined. The following dispassionate yet force ful treatment of the inbject of trusts appeared aa tbe leading editorial is a recent issue of the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, tbe oldest journal of ita cluss lu tbe country and the recognized organ of tbe ' Dullness interests, particularly whole- aale and jobbing, of New York From advance sheets of The Com mercial Year Book, abortly to be isiued from tbia office, we are able to present a eumniary of approximately complete atatiatica of tbe trust organizationa in tbe United States. We here una tbe term "trust" in ita broadest popular ante, aa covering not only consolidated corporations, framed for directly mo nopoliatic purposes, but also alliances of Independent organizationa acting under a common understanding for the pur pose of leaa directly regulating or de eating natural competition, tbe latter being bat a small proportion of the whole At tbe end of last month tbeae combinations numbered 803, with tbe following aggregation of capital stock and bonded debt, compared with a year previona laue km Jlnniber of organlM Hons 668 00 Common slock .14,247,618,11 3.ftN0.767,410 Preferred stock. ViO.m.m m,7M,m Total I took 15,118,404,181 S,m,m,M Howled debt TM,8Hb,U m,mm took and bonds. IS.SUS.Stt.Ma W,B,iMl,M8 Tba detail Inclndod in these totala have In some casus been difficult of procurement, and in some instance es timate have hud to be adopted. W therefore cannot in all casea claim pre cise accuracy, but from tbe care that baa been exerciaed in tbe compilation w feel justified in claiming a close ap proximation to exactness In the totala above set forth. It will bo seen that at tbe end of February these 833 combinations bad leaned a total of ft A. 1 18. 600,000 of cap ital atock and $714,881), 000 of bond ob ligations These figures show an in crease over thuae we published a year ago of 70 per cent In the number of institutions and 00 per cent in tbe com bined atock and bonded debt, which in dicates the extraordinary rapidity with which tbe movement baa spread within tbe last 13 months What proportion of tba entire uiuuufacturt-s of the United States baa punned under this now form of organization may be inferred from tha fact that the cmuus of 1890 valuea tba entire capital then employed in tbe manufacturing and mechanical indus tries at ft(l.636.000.000, which includes all the minor or retail work done by amalL individual proprietors. This means that the total capitalization of these combinations is equal to about 00 per cent of the entire manufactnring investments of 1800 About tbe only important branch of indnatry that has escaped the trust invasion is that of textiles, and if we eliminate that de partment froci tbe total for lBUOlbe present capitalization of tbe monopo listic industries will bo found to about equal the valuation of the last ceusua Tbeae fact will Indicate with approxi mate clearness how closely onr indus trial system baa approached to complete absorption nnder monopolist controL Tba process of transition has panned far beyond tbe stage of possible arrest i it ia virtually a completed accomplishment, except in a few industries which hava hitherto seemed unsusceptible of con solidated management, but which may be drawn later into tbe maelstrom. The change ia the moot stupendous revolution ever accomplished in the history of the world's induatrial growth. Ita sudden iiuks is as remarkable as Ita magnitude It has come with none of tha careful deliberation that usually at tends tha investment of great aggrega tions of capital It has been guided by no precedent experience It ia uo grad ual reanlt of it natural evolution It la an abrupt on ton rut of resistance to an unusually severe pressure of the natural regulatory fore of competition It ia a reversal of all that economist bav ac cepted aa fundamental axiom of trade. It ia an uutieltbrraled revolt against tha moat etawnttal force in the regula tion of production, distribution aud value, the nataial law of competition It amount to conipli'U disruption of tha relation between tbe iudnitrial force and t-taaav of aociely It I aa itiegetshinvat of the voluntary ex change twtwera the producing aad auetcbaatlog interval, and the creation tf Miclueiv product ug orgaBitatiua for each tadiulry la which atl other malarial later tunet yiU abjevttoa ledaatrr at Urge I c tfaaieed lata a yataia of feadatieed rorpoteltotMi each s el whWh ajy eUeulel power J wtthla HepvlIUabof prvdavtloo. walk takea la tb at, tba aytteia ' toaetttete twlf tba tutvt Had power ta the tt Tbeae iaaoatlu poa tba atd ut(l.HU el iBilttetty tbuaab f4uMkill aSevtiag tb Iteva Irvo talk apputtaBllle f ia4MUltai tele IttlW awvaat wl ba-aUlt Mi! Igatoia the taw a M ta4 a ad a II a eitly to taad4 tti et tba ree Thu be4 d fmtif baa fred U par pa ImI without fueetbdbti evr aialr with ttjratt fva4eieiu.t l.r tW . I He v ttt tb wlallea 4 feat ltttia a4 wilt Mil to ' rd M U ptW to raiWeWf bka Ue twtliia 4 t tjtleut r ta Aabw t la Jtv t tba e It m14 a t av ud ftiUe that tit awuat tsspuiMai tUes aiuwad or lietwvd al feawM4tai IWIieU NM o bv4 tele Mil 4 4114 leap lat lb Ui Tba teaeae U al tt a iMa Ve eepttttoeat Tbe praatf i Iff MMiUMl bWt baa a4 t lnduatrialifta willing to embark on this ventnre wa undoubtedly trying and threatening, ho much ho that it ned not be considered surprising if those who were nattering most should be found willing to rink tbe alternative of an nnpromiaing venture, and still more an experiment that preeented at first eight eome alluring attractions. But that the whole body of industrialize should aimultanoualy forsake known and well proved method for a re vol a tionizing reconstruction can only be re garded as an unparalleled craze of ven ture among men who have always proved signally sane. Tbe change, however, U now a fixed fact. It plucea nearly our entire indus trial ayateui upon the monopolistic baaia. Thut is a venture unparalleled in tbe biatory of material civilization, and not merely the manufacturing interest, but the atill vaater intereata thereon de pendent, can but await tbe outcome with an expectancy that must grow more intenae aa the trial progresses Home things are claimed for tha new condition which many are disposed to concede. Undoubtedly tbe great expan afon of machine production, for in stance, calls for the employment of much enlarged capitals bat it surely doe not follow that tbl principle may be logically or safely carried to tbe length of giving to each industry one aole organization und m a aingle mam- enca to having apltals. Equal- moth capital in preferen aeverul large computing capital. Equal ly it must be granted that tha conaoli dation of a number of competing capi tal into one concern should be attended with important economic in manage ment, bat It U not to be denied that uch concentration of management will be subject to countervailing offaeta from tbe atactica of tha atimulu of competition i from tba uncertainty about tbe management falling into the bent poHsible bands: from tbe discour agement to invention which alwaya at tend monopoly, and from tba possibil ity that tbe administration may be in trusted to "friend" rather than pert. Aud, above all, it cannot be as- umed that any saving from these economiea will go to consumer rather than proprietora, when a very large proportion of the common atock repre- aenta not actual capital invested, but assumed earning which will naturally be demanded by the stockholder. Among the thing to be determined by tbi experiment are the following: First. Whetber, with tha vast con stant increae in tbe national capital, it will be found possible for tbe monop olies to long protect tbemaelvea against outside competition. Second. What will be the recourse aongbt by tba great and wealthy dis tributing class who will find themselves at the mercy of the trust and whose services the latter will probably ulti mately seek to dispense witbt Third. Will tbi superseded class of middlemen employ tbeir large mean in resort to manufacturing in competi tion with the trusts? Fourth. Ho with tbe producer of raw material, who, so far a respect tha borne market, will hava but one custom er, for whose aingle want they will all be competitor, will they be disposed to join cause with the displaced or dominated dietributor in establishing competition against tbe monopolies T Fifth. Can the trusta fulfill tbeir promise of cheapness to consumer and yet earn dividend npon their inflated atock issues T And, if not, what will be come of those promises T Hixth. If tbe liberal working cap ital with which the trust are now prudently protecting themselves should disappear in catering to speculative operation in their stock and in satis fying the clamor of stockholders, what would be the deposition of the banks to extend loans to institutions consti tuted and expoeed to Vw dungers aa these are? Would the banks, in such case, become tbe backer of monopolies? Seventh. With the trunta pledged to low price on tbe one band and to divi dend on wateied itock on the other, what will be tha position of labor under the new system? If the trust' restraint upon production create a redundancy of labor, what will be tba t-ffect npon wage? Will the onn of monopoly la the long run fall npon tha back of tha workingman? Eighth. How will tba monopolies protect themselves sgainst competition from foreign factories where price arc not artificially regulated? IV they ex pect to hava the tariff raiaml to suit their convenience? If not, how call they eacapa tba effocta of external com petition? Moreover, if a resentment in public opinion should to shape politic a to bring about reduction in tba tariff, would not tb purpua of tha monopolies U neotrslueU and their imagined advantag b dUaipalad? Ninth I there any protabitily that attliuata reaebtiueata aiiuinif tha dla t tribaling and raw material producing cUeav tuny Indue tbvtu ta vsuMarag) ' auib a cbag la oar tariff policy I Tenia, A It I tha pfv4eo4 par po of tb luoiuipolte ta UieiuUta price a a fall profit paiag bal what will twrutu of tba Urge iacraae la vxtr eiport t-f maaafttr wtatvl b arteetj during reveal year frvM cUia r er grwwiag uriU ta fur Uer at tb tuweet palli fkaal Kievtailk W a br4 au4 fl tvutbt atiiati ta prvlevl piU rvtuimtiU wit. Bwttg aa tiBioa tf tar M Ua atarkel vMMBeatt wita vr tMelty M ptdtkta, Willi tba la ftvae la r 'ly ul laVur aa4 wlta lbs aatetatltevl gala la tb aimmat af MitUl seekiag eiui'tortueal? Twelflb -Ar tb Aelta f4vew el 4ul at labuf bW 4 Uiag belt la teatlaiHI I t lb uafiea' vt ! eviMtH4lKa Tbea I tutUaM bUb tb MW t;lIM wf iUlltlWM baa rvf ly Ha44 a4 M a Mi4itl peii4 Iber wat tPt apy tb aait-a j ailati tl U Auiwtkaa pi la U , raa valy bvp lb tUr tewtf wl4 kvsiBiaia It akiwi;iy btvab ' twKit tfllttg Mdeai EATING THE HEAIiT. eVANT OF SUFFICIENT CURRENCY DE STROYING SOUTHERN FARMERS. Tha Hetulees and IMtlfal Coadltloa or Cottoa Urovrere "Confldeace" Proved a Drokva Stick Hammoad ad tha Hoform Clob. Our readers have no doubt heard of the Reform drib, which baa its head quarters on William street, next door to Wall, and many of them donbtlen have seen the "sound currency" pom phlet which it ha been fanning since the beginning of tbe campaign in 1896 The pnrpoae of the Reform club in establiahing its department of pamphlet was to defend the single gold itandard and oppose the reatoration of bimetal liain, and during the campaign of 1800 and afterward its publication were all directed to proving that the supply of currency wu ample; that prosperity existed everywhere In the country, and that low pricea of product were mitl gated or offset by tbe increased pur cbaalng power of tbe dollat Tbe writ er employed by tbe Reform club were Instructed to deny every contention tnade by tha promoter and defender of limetallism, and to thi they devoted Ibcmaelve with great energy and in "er dustry They insisted that tbe national bank ayatem waa tbe most perfect that bad ever been devised; thut tbe enr- rency system wonid be perfect when tb gold standard wa established I that people who bud nothing to aell conld not expect to nave money ; that no mat tor how much currency the govern oient might issue or bow uiocb ailver might be coined, those who were with' out money would continue to suffer for tbe lack of It. and that the talk of bard timea and enrrency famines wa aimply part of tbe scheme of the "crazy ailver itea" to depreciate the currency and "rob labor of it juttt reward. " Nauseating us wa tbi iteration and reiteration, tbe stream of It continued to flow from tbe Reform club. Those who read these publication were told that nothing whatever wa necessary to the restoration of prosperity if pros perity was indeed lucking but tbe res toration of eoiiflduiite. That wu the one thing necesmiry to do ilow waa it to be doueT liy defeating tb Demo crats, ty supporting the "sound mon ey" candidates Do that, said tb Re form clnb, and confidence will be at one restored. That I all that i neces sary w nave bud prosperity nnder our present system, and we will have it again as soon as the business interests of tbe country are assured that a depre ciated currency will not take tb place of "sound money" nnder tbe gold stand ard. We thranh over this old straw merely to call attention to the fact that a change aoema to have come over tbe Re form club in the mutter of currency re form One of ita recent publications is from the pen of Mr. M U Hammond, who takea for bis subject "Tbe Southern Farmer and Banking Reform," and deals with it in a way that showa ha is entirely familiar with tha nnbappy con dition of affairs that exists in the south. Though "banking reform" is a part of tbe title of his subject, be deuls with enrrency reform, and it would have given a clearer conception of his pur pose if he bud employed that term. But the point to which we call at tention is that the Reform club, through the medium of Mr Hammond, admits. so far as tbe south is concerned, every contention of those who favor bimetal- ism aa the means of increasing tb J money supply Ueretofore, when The Constitution, as a part of its argument, has been compelled to describe the ap palling condition of the southern farm ers, due to a lack of a medium of ex change, it boa been denounced by the Reform club coterie aa a croaker, a prophet of evil and the condition of tha unfortunate cotton growera ascribed to tbriftlesNneH or to idiotic method in the management of their bnaineea, and then figures would be given showing that there hud been a steady increase in the volume of money in circulation, followed by the stereotyped declaration that nothing was neceaaary but the res toration of confidence Our reader no donbt have a very lively remembrance of thee things, for It has not been so many months sgo when tb gold news paper were full of them. But the publication of Mr Ham mond' article by tb Reform club how that ther tunet ta lingering of th gold wombiper Th article is lu lh tutor of a demand for a credit currvticy In not form adapt4 to tb &! of agricnltaral coiutunnttlm Now, Th Constitntion. while la favor of th reatoratloa of blmetalliaiii. ba for year advocated lb rrpvalof tb ID par cent tal ta atat banks and th re toratloa to th pevpl of th right ta Uo lu'tr on their crodil this ta b guarded by JadU'lou UI b'gUl tUa Tbea. whea tbesoalbera bankers toawatioa met ta Allaai and adopted reaulUttoa ta fVo ol allowing bank to lata axle va their a !. Th tVa tllaltoa) tvute. that plaa, bat prwlut ed that ua a ItiHbotl Wuttld bit. I ua tour ia la eye tf Mlera baaset. who, t kaowlag tb aitaaltoa la tb agrWaliafal tefio da aot teaiit tb t itreut aewt of aota a tueaetit k4 r U,t Carteswy aie Mr Hamilton I pfiat vv ar taae4 aiy tr aaitl la, a4 tbea tatBlest Srut 44 li M tb ta bow it e ft-W ta H4l tb e.U 4 Id BfiUalluul U Tb teelt U tbal fitly tb ielk Iuwm Jbb4 IUea e tb taKI tf ttakktag (m till lea whil lb fertuer ImIwM ta w al I Utr ptvtlt lata lb banks 4 tht Uy ai ktl aa la lb vtt Ml lUtSilwxud teiy f4fetly ttail tb 4ettM4j M "at"! a.ny tafcub tteeej la ta jrtalll lew.ua a e U ai l tbll babbete, a tall i tb Mdiaary tali atwoMl ff ttwdit ll U Ikte taU U4 aa wt4mf i of tkia.ib Jtiy llrtttueu wf vi4it SkUb tb aaalKMa UtbUal M it mand for a depreciated currency. These magnates would have had much more repose than they have enjoyed during the past quarter of a century if they bad translated the demand for "more money" into what it really and truly means Mr. Hammond puts bi finger on the sore epot in tbe south. After emancipa tion bad awept away tbe available c&d- ital of the south and when local and in terior bnyer hud taken the place of the factor at the aeuports on whom tha an tebellum planter bad depended fox fund tbe mall farmer who took tfas place of the old planters "were compell ed to resort to indirect means for ob taining credit. " They had no commer cial standing and could not borrow cash, eo they were compelled to mort gage their cotton crop for tbe food and upplie neceaeary to ran them until the crop were gathered, Thi wa the beginning, and necessity ha brought about it continuance. The farmer, owing to their own lock of credit and to the lack of credit notes, have been compelled to make cotton tbeir medium of exchange. A currency ystern well enough in ita war for dweller in citie but infamous in ita " vviv vua iniaiUUUO IU AM affect on the agrieuitnrai ciasaea ha reduced them to the necessity of re- wm MiuvMwwv KKH O ft V llUjJJ A U1U cus, but from which there can be no ea- cape, except in Individual instance, nn- til onr currencv .vstem h. hn 1 in our enrrency system Ma been sn thnrnnirhi. rntr.mA !. .11 .u ajae- ivtwuMUU VMU Ht VRU BIJUA fj ita benefita. From tbe very neceasitica ui iuo case peouie must nave some rue-. alum of exchange. In old time it wa tobacco, Indigo and the pelts of wild animals i In tbe south today it is cot- fifl anil tnat la awl, m... ...il...... to increase in spite of th fact that each Increase carries disaster in ita wake. All tbia bu been going on for vear. and avery demand of tbe former for w - - mora money" for an equal chance in tb matter of currency has been met in th money centers by denunciation and by loss of sleep on the part of tba gold worshipers. Tb Constitution has described tha situation in th south aa pitiful and it has been criticised for it by those who ar either willfully ignorant or selfishly blind. Mr Hammond, who seems to know all tbe conditions, justifies every statement The Constitution has ever made. II says that tba situation was so serious and so disheartening tba pres ent season that the tenant farmers in many suctions deserted their own crops In tha field in order to ears a little money by picking cotton for other Could anything more clearly ahow t results of a scarcity of money? Mr. Hammond also agrees with The Constitution In saying that tba contin uance of the all cotton system is not due to the obstinacy of the growers They would be glud to diversify their crops if they could get out of "tbe clutches of the present credit system. ' Leases and crop liens do not contain any contract for diversification They call for so many dollar' worth of cot ton, and tbe lower tbe price falls the more cotton does the unfortunate debtor bav to pay Mr Hammond admits that th 10 per cent tax on tbe circula tion of state banka haa practically "sealed op tha sources from wbicb tha southern cotton growers could hope to secure loans, " and be adda that tbe de mand for "more money which has come from the south and west" in tbe last 20 years has been due to a real need and haa not been based so much on ignor ance aa som of our city financiers bav supposed As a remedy for this credit system, which is slowly eating out the heart of the south and destroying its most nec essary income, Mr. Hammond nrges that a bank be authorized to issue notes against its general commercial assets to the extent of 40 per cent of its capital at once, and ultimately to the extent of 80 per cent of ita capital, and. sec ond, the establiHhmentof branch banka The article of Mr. Hammond, inter eating in itself, takes on new interest aa coming from so strange a source as th Reform club. Atlanta Constitution Dr. llnU'a Cough Hyrnp will give lm medial relief to a child euffocatiug with th dreadful croup. Mothers, keep I his reliable iuikIIcIb alwaya handy and It will save yon many unaay hour. It cost but US eta. HOW IT COMPARES. Oerloi;, Neb., Feb., 1, 1M9. Nebraska Independent, IJnoola,Nb. Pear Sirt I purchased from you or through your paper, teat Bptmbr, ooe of tbe machine yoa reootnmod4 In your paper called tha I ntler od ea t, 1 nvr received the tea year warranty with it a tb pa par ateUd. t wuuM ok tor yoa to that hey mak Ul all right or i plain wbi they waut, a 1 ae they bat seat tb warraaty Ui other. I like tb niachlee Bpitadlif, It daw good work, if 1 bad tb warranty they rtoomHtead tb machine, 1 think tbr U at leatt two ' of aty self ktu that wotiki punrbaa a Ria.'Mn of o a they trtet th tUager and (bought it l wort. tb May they aakad fur It. Hap M bear truMt 4 Ma ia regard to Ul. I ramaiis Truly A!P4 U, (Hit A HWIITIKr HAdMI VJKKt AHW tf yv wottU travel tapMly a4 wit rMtft,rt aad eaae, pleea ot that the Ntrihiera Uue and He elUa rvlde Ue faaleat eervW to ftalra title a, aad saaay buor tb faaieet to pttikle MMd loViw. To l(tt fk it brai New Vik, 41 koar tVoHt. 411 IHr'W, t Halt lake l Kaa l iaaeie 1 Hrtlaad, so, Wbf im e yrartt erv bur af te ltn by fellie Ue tl Ike S.b weaierat A, k tneMtMg, l T. A, tit tkiulb lealb Mew . ' m in. m .ii mm e WAHTttt-tu t Iraval M tba KetHoaa ta4pa4aat. TWO WEEKS' MEDICINE AND TREATMENT FREE! Dr. Shecard and associates, of the famous Shetarl Medical Institute, New York Life Building, Omaha, specialists in all chronic diseases. To te who cut tbia out and muii to ir. Sbepard aud aaeociateH, they will send tbeir home treatment two week free of charge. Diseases of Head and Throat. "lathe vole bank; f" "Do roa eplt ap sllmer "Do yon sehe ell overr "Do yoa more at olghtr "Is ;or aoie stopped Dpf "Does roar bom dluhargiif ' "Does roar bom bleed eaulWf" "Is tble woree toward nlehtT" "Doee the noee Itch and fanpnt" "Is there pain la front of beadf" ''ether pala aorone tbe ejee?" le there tlrkllDK la tbe throat?" "Do roa blow out erabe at olhtf" "le yoer eae of mell ItIdk?" "Do roe hawk to elwar tb throatT" "Ia the Ibroat drjr le the mornlnuT" "Are yon loelns roar eenee of lutif "Do yoo eleep with roor month opBf" "Doee roar Bote stop Bp toward ulbtT" to SHEPARD MEDICAL Catalogue 3 M . J eav - p mm ' W " O rruit, ana Ornamental Trees, Vines and Shrubbery, Roses, Shade Trees, Etc., will be mailed vou free noon arjollcatlon to . . ' - J . V "W - bT ' we.-w ae e Ixngton Nurseries and Fruit Farm, located in One of the leadin? fruit belts of the state Tfiv a v Um (ftaUt t Iru" DC" m iney pay the treiRht to VOUr tOVn, SO I i .i 4 you Know lusi wnai lilt POOO& I . - - fj 4 Tm f Wm ' - -a. e. ween a. w CelveO the eold medal at Trans-Miss. Extao. In Omaha. 1898. , A. C. M Uf Z, nWrmTs 5rowcr of Ztneru Nursery Stock Apples, Peaches, Pears, Plums. Strawberries and Other small fruits. Can shin nn hnth R Rr M an1 KTa Vr.& awrww sker mbi aiai uiiu traui al buiiili call at Nursery Headquarters, Auburn, Nemaha Co., Nebr. MERCHANT'S DINING HALl J042 P STREET, Opp. Capital Hotel, Lincoln, Neb. FIRST-CLASS MEALS 10 CTS. WAR REUS MONEY . . . CHART. Read Some of Its Indorse- flientS tb whole financial question is treated ia a thorough. logical manner, and we recommend it to onr people aa the most complete work on th subject ever writ ten. Nothing better can befoand for tbe educational work of tbe campaign now opening for 1900 4ifi!ik CRETE NURSERIES' Established 1872 We offer full line of Nursery Stock, Fruit Tree and Plants, Ornamental Tree, Shrubs, and Rosea. Evergreens all siss 8 Inches to 8 feet. Refer to thousands of customers and bearing orchards. That our Fruit Trees are productive ia showa by tb crop of Fruit we have grown. 13000 BUSHELS .Apples In on season. 17 to 24 bushels of apple on single tree; 700 bushel ol Cherries In on season 35, bushels on a single trees; 670 bunches of grapes on a siogl vine. Extreme car to bav all carefully packed and true to name. We help oa all loaaea Bend for printed illustrated Cataloa-ns to mSSSHSr- E. F. STEPHENS, Mgr., Gete, Neb. B New too ACKts in mjwstHY DO YOU WANT TO PLANT fbertf Tvee ms Traaa, lp4e 01 an BWa, e.eui iim, A mm NEBRASKA GROWN? SStS? YOUNGERS & CO., Gonova, Nob, mwaitir Tutsrr m tt nori Hl.lv-.rr.tWalllP TH'KaTtlt b turn Kt Xt'l otUl If yoo ar seg to tbo U eooatn tiiWetd to bHao frieuit fro tbafe to Ul etHtatry. pteoa eai eat a f gwroa, UKnaiktt, w a. tx ritu IMO, IV T. A. NMtbwoars 14ms, Offer to expire May 1. Diseases of Bronchial Tubes. "Dare rB a eowrhf" "Are yon li'ilna flenhf" "Do you eoHKh at Biahtf" "Hereyon a pain In eldi-f "Do yon take cold enellvT" "le your appetite variable "Hare you it'tonee In elder" "Do yon euuKh antll yoa Ka?" "Do yoa ralee frothy Biab-rlalf "Do yoa euueb on noag to bedf" "Do yoa eouKb In tbe mornloKf" "AreyoB low eplrlted at timber" "Do yon spit Bp .reilow natter?" "le year oounh I bort and barklnaf "Do yon eplt op little che.r lumper' "Hae you a dleguetf'ir fatty foodef "le there a tlckllna behind the palab-f" "Do t ou feel yoa are growlo weaker!" "le ibere a bnrnioa pnln In tbe throat?" "Hereyon a pain behind tbe bread bone?" "Do yoB cough worse sixht and morning? INSTITUTE. WKVf TORK Lira) ML DO,, OMAHA, NKH, vine: a description of all the leading: classes and varieties of nursery stock adaoted to the west, consistinc of : r " i-fw. : "' will cost vou. 1 help tffilt re. mMAm t isiiiiiaus. atwaaaa b b iis-w sr The "Money Chart" la tbe most complete work oa th money question published. Wewill mall a copy of tbia book fre to aoy peron sending oa new subscriber, or npon receipt of 16c. iMDEriCNDENT Pel. Co., Lincoln, Nebraska. "Warren Money Chart" Is tbe moat profound, forcible, and convincing work that tbia great reform movement baa produced. It la amacing to aee tbe number of unanswerable facts that tbe author haa succeeded in crowding into so small a com pa. To tb advanced atndent of political reform it ia indla pensible; wbil it aim pie form and style make It equally valuable to th beginner. L. C. Dateman, Anburn, Maine, Nat'l Educational Committeeman. Lincoln. Neb.. Sent. 15. 1808. In "Monev Chart' J. M. Thompson, Bee'y Neb. State Cen. Com, Tbe teacbinga of "Money Chart," if followed oat, will bleaa tbe nation and destroy tbe power ol traitor oi our country, ani lultiate tbe brotherhood of i IS. W. Uhisbach, Carroll, 111. E GOOD TO YOUR HOME BUY A Lincoln Steel Range and ploaa your dearwlf and family Warranted tb Bioel perfect cooking atov mad. Wa aa th very beat old rolled patent leveled steel, and tin every Rang with aabastoe and steel, which make It Impoaaibl to set fir to yonr floor. Tbey ar bandaoma, attractive, p-to-dat la pattern and delgn, lull a irk trimmed. win barn any kind ol luL will hut a life time. Mad on honor, sold oa axrit. Tbia la why w eall them the "Btrr oa i4BTa.M If your dealer do not haadl thee a snake a great nletake. Writ to a aa w will provide a way lor yoa to bay oae at reasonable price, Budatiff Broe. Mfr. Co., LINCOLN, WEU. MAKERS ratroals boaie ladatryad Nebras ka. rWryoa toVtato Omeare, lUaka aad Eipreaa CuW of UboU, aa4 tboaaaad ae aC oar Itaagwa. HiawiaJ al ee tw a ire tlotai a 4 kbastaaraat Uutlia 10.000 TRIIS IN OUCFUHD 0, Treao. (Iraro Tl, fralt haaia rttoe, rrergreeaa, ntM ( TVfgraeaa, ., at ar lawyer im) builneti mea ho ire particular .taut tht wf artnee o( their itttiortfry houKI Ime their order ht thit cUt o( rriniina at tha JUDtriMiKNT. Dowttlt, try K