March 30, 1899 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. Today Today this store stands aloue- wonder-to many people. It owns and band down to yon clothing, Bboea. etc., at a lew price than many stores pay for them. The things left untold, the the things we cannot pat into print the touch, the look, the seje-tbe rich coloring, the atmosphere of elegance surrounding our Javetiile clothing, make the price attractions doubly wonderful. Four itotna today stand for a store full. Boys' Vestee Suits 8 to 8 years with fancy braid trimming made op in a choice selection of plain and fancy mixtures-a perfect little beauty-and the cost J J 2q Boys' Vestee Suits- - 8 to 8 years made of strictly all wool chevlot-good assortment of mixtures neatly trimmed fanny braids improved waistband-cut with large . sailor collar-sells for 12.50 fli 7R In some stores our price ip mv ... .1 n ..... -ft.. coats-exact reproductions of those made for iiieu-HHimellv construct ed to stand the wear of the young gent, 8 to 10 years, fH.DO, Jloya' aptitig capa in endless v arleiy. JJota' utw Hatof a complete assortment. . Hoy a' vow nockweir, all that's needed In the new things for spring. Many exclusive styles and patterns for Easter. The first choice always the most satisfactory. We make tbla week- special one for hoy a clothing, people want paper money, and for mailer amounts they want silver. The other day a gold bog farmer trading In this city actually refused to accept a five dollar gold piece in change. lie said that be knew that It was the only money of Intrinsic value and was tho best money, but be did not want it because it was so easily lost. A correspondent writes: "I see a statement In an editorial in the Indepen dent saying that all the silver not used in the arts, now goes into the ourrency of the world. If that Is the case, why Is there such a fight put up to prevent free coinage? How could free coinoge in any way Increase the volume of money In circulation?" These gold standard fol lows know very well that the free coin age of silver and giving to It the same privileges by law that gold now has, would immediately result In bringing silver bullion to a parity with gold at the ratio of lOtol. The doubling of the price of silver would result In the same increase of the output that the doubling of the purchsing power of gold has resulted in In regard to that metal. That Is bow It would increase the vol ume of money In circulation. Hardy's Column. Republican City Ticket-Yelow-Not ao Small Our Fundamental Law-Race War More Prosperity-Legislators do not Comprehend. It is acknowledged by the Journal and by Bixby the poet, that the liquor and saloon interest, the bums and thngs, the gamblers and prostitutes made toe re publican city nominations by votes at the primaries and by counts afterwards. Who wants to vote such a ticket made and owned by such a gang? We are all either little Americans or bloated Americans alter thin, Our Jour nals either yellow jonrnals or McKlnley journals. It does not appear the Filiplneos are as such small potatoes after all, by the way they etand up and flgbt for their liberty. Ift wonld not require much valor on our part to whip dwarfs and cowards, and yet our boys exhibited great courag and valor in the lace of the enemy. We may think it best to makeapreeident of the man who takes Aguinaldo's sword as we did the man who took Lee's sword. The more pow erful the enemy thegreater the conquest. Our national constitution was adopt ml as the supreme law of the land. It wss iutemlm to be the guide abd limit of all sot'ittl and political art ion. It does oot meddle with religious faith but only guarantees freedutii to worship, preaidant, emigre- nod lb courts, were to be held in subjection. IVngrea may amplify, the courts Interpret and the !rmiilrttt H"m, Iegiltiiu by In uorttoa sm sew thought of b.v our sisiihI lorvUiber. A derUin require a majority ol the eoun but an lujuuetuni oni lake on )ii't(i and li dues am take a month li mak It. What does a doviaiun amount In aejway when the latitat 4 the hgb anuria are divid ed a part t way and iM the other, TbulotPit ought to gi up nr tlowa ir lb Yl la t true. Th hurl are l tbs pmtr aa lunar and lg arw aa4 lb ikk aa and ra h eorpovalto galas, Wb t ike matte aiili oar Myal preauteat ouT lb rmb!t 04 li b ba IWvl4 Wi lb i-iv driver Wm lb at!? a4 klKiiW ' r arc pltif4 p a ttaMIt as fWvl4 air. If a kkh at UUif abuall pall a rilm4 t4tg pis b wi4 pruUb'y Uaa ut as hi ptlfMr, i !! leg lb )tt ibi et a 4s-a tU. t4 vttira aitb IP w l aaaril, tU w4 aVmB. regtwasi tt ar4 sJipra, h i kef w m4, t II ta Mxi-itU i p.ltt lb rk. kt ftt al sMvafssMai, turn lb kr4rrMM aaaaaii 4 baiftkg S tbat aav, lb esy a4pt lb Hs. ta BMtltMl. Ttst isr gav ki llir ai4 eak iaity Uim larw ilk a w.liieiMbwa aa4 gave lbw imisIsm) be lba !( 1 1.1 gbk b tsHiN b ht'Ha ta btae aw lb wiaf lw tt mt a ulur4 4kwta4 IbeeoMiars la pn Hoys' Vestee Suits- In blue flanuMl-3 to 8 years good qual Ity large, square-cut sailor collar trimmed in fancy braids-cut in the latest stylo improved waist tf 7R band best of workmansblp....iplil V Boys' Vestee Suits Made of all wool cheviot large, square cut sailor coller nicely trimmed In fancy braid large, white pearl buttons watch pocket In vest-hip pocket In pants Improved waistband On Cfl 8 to 8 years tpfitvU tl. llltla fnllt'm elnthUitt. HoVM' tot) ttt them, Our colored people are more and more determined to have their right. Tl.o u.- star, hm mini linw in llllflt, Mll(i "v .,..,.. the time is not mr disianti wimn iur will be bloody work down south again, w.miri ItiiKmlev turn our soldiers agoinst their oppressors? No w that the colored people are leaving Little tii .r.mite a cir hv tha t Imiimind. In cluding nearly all the Inhering people the next move of the while bandit will be to forbid any colored person leaving ihiMinnli in lift in of tii'lnu !l till If III) bV the neck for an hour. Why don't ths re publicans get out an Injunction and max tne niggers uuimva. Mnra anA standard retmbllcnn pros perity bes just shown Itself In the af fairs of the Union Havings bank of Lin coin. The depositors get their money baelc but tne stock noioers lose over half the money thev tint In. Neither siwculiitlon nor stealing caused the loss, but depreciation 01 securities, rr nnn me republicans retire the greenbacks and treasury notes as McKinley recom mended In bis first meeeag. and ths sliver dollars are redeemed with gold and melted upas Gage recommended in his first report, we will see another panic and half of the present existing banks go to the wall, Property will drop In price half again. Hold will fnorease In purchasing power. Many of tbe members of our present legislature have somehow gained ths Idea that the course of study and in strnntion In our stats university is su- .,t..l I ltl,.t tsuttA nil .1 rtf ttpHtf U'ii I or useful as it should be. They have but to compare the present advantage with the collem advantage of fifty years ago to change their minds. In my college days, work shops, furnaces and gymna siums were never beard of connected with a college, No agricultural depart ment was ever beard of, where a student could learn to make bread and butler, cake and cheese, or how to care for the apiary and benery, More and more, our nursery Is educated for practical life. Country people have no reason to com plain, for our university Is full of country boys and girls, while our prisons and reform schools are tilled from be cities. We have said, and say it airaln, bettor scrimp every other stute Institution than the university. We must employ the best medical skill for our curable insane, so we ehnuld provide the best educa tional ekill for our boys and girls who are not Insane. The txt pay will bring the beet talent. There is nothing that grinds our state pride so ranch as to have other states fieh out our best teachers. A hook butted with a few hundred dollars more will do It. Nothing would pleas us more than to be able to flan for the beat b-uohera In Other slates. Vice and crime flourish beat In Ignorant communities. There are many places where money could and should be es,ved with no Injury or discomfort to any ons but to deal out an Inferior l neat Ion would leave a looting scar, Weetern people have a sparkle and pneh that can not be found In the enat, Nebraaka has had two senators and two eongreesmen who were more than even matches for th tat talent la WaehiDgtou. News of the Week The situation la tbs Philippines, Cuba aa4 Porto Uiro as darrlb4 in ! weeks Isdrprnjaat ass not only not Improved, but ha ehanga-l tor lbs war, Thar ha bea a fearful battle juat oatalde of Manila tatting for avrl days, A writer la the Philadelphia Iml&t says la rgr4 la Ikeaaas east ti Ibu eoestrjt "The iiflktal dtepairbe glvisf ariHiata wl so-lt ballW die lb let tkl tstntgb the eaawy has Uaa hule4 Ua great Km (lute aa4 eg i, be appear as lrn a svaf Ueaetl dv, a4 U quite tfua lb aMilt This ftreaaiUe aluse et sarUvbal lu aak Ike epUlua that tb eveaur has aul al4 th abut Ualb In be 14 1, Aiialett I tvi4al ly siritagwf lhaa have sshh4 It In Uaa4 Imm bU sppliaa be tat at may U at4 la swsiiaa bU bb baektag tarts' h atttalks, bat bni ), l'sprt44 AtMrss aiU fwsaaatUt Ikat tif au' earW4 aa aslssllsr ggll Msigkt yriaial sitweg 44a, a4 f U lha 4 sae tba ibat aa faadat a4 lua4v kt ii.Wat ul tsr kip, Tht was a. ! batliasMtbttiil 4b aa4 Ike ryUM.a Ut Vttif af tbe American volunteer was sustained by tbe most gallant fighting, but it is very evident that the object of the move ment which was to penetrate the enemy's lines and take him la reverse, was not accomulisbed. In this day's fighting alone, there were of our brave boys, 45 killed and 143 wounded. The loss lu the Fleet Nubruska was: KILLKII. Reargnant Walter Poor, oompany A. WOUNDED. Harry Simmon, company A, jaw, severe. , Roscoe C. Oxman, company C, forearm, mederate. Ward 0. Roberts, oompany 0, bend, slight. C. K. Young, company C, bend, severe. Captain Lee Forby, company 0, abdo men, severe, Ottis Font, company K, elbow, slight. William J. Koopman, oompany L, el bow, moderate. David 0, Darnell, company L, thigh, moderate. Edward A, Pegnn, company L, fore arm, moderate. Clarence A. Fay, Company L, .forearm and thigh, severe, Ward C. Crawford, oompany L, blp( severe, Robert 13, Fletcher, company L, band, slight. - Captain Wallace C. Taylor, company L, forearm, moderate, John K. Robinson, company M, band, slight. Weldon, It. Robblns, aged nineteen, oomtany A, thigh, moderate; relative John Robblns, Thayer, Joseph A. H torch, aged twenty- four, Company C, arm, slight; rela tive, Mrs. Joseph A, Htorcli, Fuller ton, Harry E. Fltchie, geJ twenty-four, company I), hand, moderately; relative 8, 1). Flt4!hle, University Place. Fredrick R. Wagner, age4 twenty- seven ,company I), chest; severe; relative W, S. Wagner, Flrtb. Walter L. Hmedley, aged twenty-five, oompany I, thigh, moderate; relative, Delia Ryrne, Lang try, Texas. William J. Fluke, aged twenty-one, company I, thigh, severe; relative, II. Fink, lien not, f J.t4t t AiM 1 (I flnmriH ft W k l ft AA nr fiwiif ug(f vi smt s i"-f slight; relative, Robert Huott, York, Ne- brneka. William T. Rymsr. age 21, company u. arm; severe; relative, CI, L. Ryrner, Nor mal, Nebraska. . W, Hcriven, company P, knee; severe; not on muster rolls, f sti. 1 .l fa it O fl Mtmnan Tt scalp; severe; relative, J. (Jretxer, Coun cil Uluns, lowa. Frank A. Peterson, age iv, company F, knee; severe; relative, Henry Peter son, Rattle Creek, Nebraska. 0 orgs Newboff, ags 21. company F, leg; severe; relative, C. W, Newboff, Cres ton, Nebraeka. Charles W. Jens (capt,) age 80, com (iany F, elbow; slight; relative, Mrs. Ihnrles W, Jans. Columbns, Nebraska, Harry K, Wight, age 21, company If, (oot: severe; relative, It. 12. Wight, Kl wooV, Kanaaa. Asa llolbrook, ags 21, company I, shoulder: severe; relative, Mrs. 0. M. llolbrook, Mexico, Missouri, Herman Runsel, age 18, company I, knee; relative, August Rensel, Orleans, Nebraska. Albert C. Taylor, (mus,) age 18, com- fany I, scalp; relative, Mrs, w. H. Tay or, No, 021 F street, Lincoln. Nebraska. Maynard E. Hayles, age 10, oompany L. chest; serious: relative, Arthur T, Bayles, Omaha, Nebraska. (Jeorge L. Hears, age m, company .n. hip: severe: relative, Elisa Hears, Falls City, Nebraska. I'earley n. uusio, age IV, company M. foiarm; severe; relative, W, C. Uusic, Ansley. Nbraka. Royal E. Riley, age 22, company L, thigh; severe; relative, Edward L. Riley, Alma, Nebraska. What was all tbi slaughter of brave men for? That is being Baked by all claaae of inen. Why should w carry on a war 7.000 miles from our base of eupplle? Why should web shooting down men who are fighting for home and oativ land with a bravery and an endurance that mut, In the end, com mand the commendation of all liberty loving people? Ieey aaij In on of his dispatches; "Th Filipinos arc mor capabtn ol self government lhaa lb Cuban and I know I bm both! "If our checked aad bleeding batallions r akd, there Is no doubt that they would reply; "They artphaty brave enough to suit b!m Th Fitipmus bav modern arms aad plenty of the at lluiio was Urg araeaal and the Mpaniard larn4 over to th t'di ptao ahea I hey trrvu4r4 th rlty aa eauretoa anmust nt arm and atuaaitioa. t'avlia, aha It wa surrea 4ere4 a a full ut war material, It ran aa Utt b tlubt4 lkl Agatsl4- has secr4 lb sKvbv uf aiay traced ruriaa umiere aki laow baw ta bs4Ui Htmlva arm. Tber ar lk asl (4 tk laU4 gwalWatea la l.'sroi witilag la Uks svtvba asdar asy fag, as4 stitae t4 lkta It H plala ta b etaa bat la dirwdsg lb emtio bltba stieaun earlb uk tbtr brav bwS wtr lur4 euatlaaliy t Mall, 0r bS t Might Wataly. Ikty ttr4 tbeHMolfe wtlli gUry Ttist aa 1 10 kilW4 as4 aM with tr fl la baf litwi, akat a It ail M! Hky ar tka maa, ff4ee4 ant !tt aiim4 4 ItlNM? kl guo4 M (hiw In ibi asiuta at ti ka akif by Ik aUI ? That W bat iveyiiaa hi akisg a4 a si as r- pit. la Pa aaibf at itiil ta trMt, Tk I 1,ihk, tHi ait a tlavaa li pay off tbe Cuban array is still aboard ship in Havana harbor. The eo-callod Cuban Assembly has the mueter rolls of the army and return to turn them over to Gen. Qomex. The rioting In the streets of Havaua has ceased, but no one knows when it will begin again, Heveral regiments of volunteers have been sent hume and more are to follow. Tbe poor regulars who are to be left there to flgbt the yellow fever through the sickly sea son now just coming on are to be pitied, Many are asking; Why should the regu lars be luft there? Why don't they bring them borne too? What further business have we In Cuba?" No man replies to that question either, After a tremondlous uproar in Ban- tlogo and protests and appeals from every part, Gun. iirooke bus at last al. lowed the money raised by taxation In that province to be expanded there and G011, Wood will put the stsrving Cubans to work again. The Idea seems to be Ingrained In plutocracy that work must not bo furiilehed to starving people it It can be avoided. It was all right to sieud millions to send rations to the starving, but when It came to allowing the said starving people to work, theu every plutocrat in the army and of It wus against it. Nothing new has come from Porto Rico, There is however no doubt that tha Island Is In a constant ferment, Home of the oltlxens got together and organised a republican party pledged to stand by McKinley and the gold stand ard. Much they know nbout the matter. They were probably thinking that that was a good way to get ollli'os. Tbe sensation during the week in the political world lias been the Jefforsonian dinner in New York which Is to coma off April 15. In tbe first place Crokertbe Tammany chief announced a dinner at flO a plate and Imperialism was to be the question discussed, Perry Ilnlmont, who is Rolhcbilds agent in this country and a gold bug from the crown of his bead to tbe sole of bis feet, was ths one wbosentout tbe invitations. He sent one to ISryan. Ilryan replied by asking him If be was still flgbting the Chicago platform. Relmont replied that tha poli tics of the guests was not taken Into consideration. Then Rryan refused to accept and some one else started a dan lor a Jefferson lun dinner at I a plate, The Miinir took like wild Are and there were 00.000 applicants for tickets. Tbe democrats all over tbe state fled to llryan's standard and left Croker and Relmont out in tbe cold. It shows that the rank and file of the common people of New York are for Bryan and free sil ver at 16 to 1. Dick Croker and bis gold bug allies have been whipped right in tbelr own barnyard. Market report Chicago cash prices for grain March 20, No, 2 red wheat 73 6D7ft No. 8 red wheat 07 Wl No. 8 spring wheat 01 drt" No. 3 bard wheat...... MmiM No. 8 bard wheat 04 mid No. 2 cash corn M No. 8 cash corn 8-1 No. 2 yellow corn 85 No. 8 yellow corn. eeieets No. 2 cash oats 2727 No. 2 white oats 80 0:iX No. 8 white oats 2080 CATTLE. South Omaha. March 20. Reef steers f.l25to S4 20 Ktockers and feeders 8.&0 to 4 70 Htock cows and heifer 8.60 to 4.75 1JOG9. Medium to heavy f.00 to f 3 07X WHEN POPULISM DIES When tbe lion eats icrass like an ox. And tbe fiabworm swallows tbe whale; When the terrapins knit woolen souks, Aod tha bare Is out-run by the suail; When serpents walk upright Ilk men, And doodle bus travel like frog: When l be amaahopiier ,) on th ben, And feathers are found on the hogs; When Thomas cats swim in the air, Aad elephants rooat UWn tree; When inaeeta in summer ars rare, And snuff never make peep! soeese; When Hah creep over dry laud, And niu ia i n velodde ride: When luxe lay eav In the sand, And woiiiea In are labs a pride; When Dutchmen ao Iougr drink beer, And tftrU tret tuprwhitnc on time: When lb billy goat butt from th rear, Aad treHJMMt a t lngr I ernn-z When l h bumming bird hrayahk aa a And limhrr amll lib eola-; Whew (itiiw ale-are are mad out tit a'aaa, Aa4 brttl etrka ar ; W he a (true In rrpuhileaa bd, A4 wool on lb bvdrai'M rni, The lb p".IU partt'll ha illt Aad Ihtsrouatry but wurtb ad-a. M The PntJent Min Sttttth Hh House in OrJer," Your hunun tenement shiMtU be given even more CJtwful attention thin the house yit live h. S t it in orJer fo thonmhtp punfyiy your bfooJ bp tkwg AW s tt yabpsttaa v? phi i m I fcv-tfcr n ul H.l ttl tulif br w4 t)tU "l " !, II U W aMltS1, lull IMiltS l iltcOifi eSaUofHWift Swll MItM tf H iMk 4 THE SUPREME COURT Whan th Jdt are Dlahoneat or Partl nn th Fuuudatlona of Goverouiaiit ara Dcitrojed, Editor Independent: While I have many things to talk about and many things which are of In- tereet to me and to the populist party, yet I do not care to burden tbe Indepen dent. There are many things indeed to write of, It seems to me that ths popu list party should so handle tha affairs of the party that we might carry tbe high est number of votes possible, I do not mean to infer that the party bas not been handled correctly, or In tbe beet possible manner, considering tbe amount of money that we have had to handle tbe party with. Here in Nebraska, there are a certain number of voters who cast their ballot for principle, and there are a large number who oast tboir votes for tbs man, ' This thing of casting the vote for tbe man who Is able to draw tbe admiration of the voter is one of tbe great factors in politics. If those who have given this a little consideration will notice, tbey will oertaluly see that this Is one of the great qualities of Rryan. Ta attract the ad miration ot tne masses, 'J ue man who is attractive, is tbe roan who is ueually elected to office, unices the opposing party has an overwhelming innjorlty. It seems to me that the populist perry should be governed to a great extent in this direction in nominating a man for office. Huppose that the strength of tbe popu list party in Ncbaska Is one hundred thousand, and the republican party of about the same strength. Buppoee that both parties nominate a man for ofliee; the republicans, If they nominate a man who Is not popular wltn I lie people, win lose two or three thousand votes lu tbe state. Rut if the populists nominate a man who Is in accord with t he common people, they will carry two or three thousand votes more than their streriKth, That means that tbe republi cans would full behind on tbe election about five or six thousand votes, Now when we come to conalder this in its full est sense It means much to the party that nominates the best men, We had one example of this kind, one in Ne bniMkH, When Tom Mnjors mane tbe run for governor thera were plenty of re publicans In Nebraska wbo could have curried the state, Rut you will note that Tom Mnjors was not a popular man, while iioicomb stood close to tne eople, That made one of the great Oil ereures In the vote, I realize that Rose- water did not support Majors and all of that, but If Judge Crouuse bod been nominated, Iioicomb could not have been elected. This is tbe only one proof that tbe man who stands close to the people, and wbo knows the wants of tbe people, and wbo does not do things for tbe honor of doing them, Is the man wbo will carry tbe votes. Rut I was going to talk of tbe supreme court. I do not wish to speak of the nature of th court, that Is when a law Is taken to the supreme court by appeal to test tne constitutionality of that law. Recluse every man knows that the conrt is tie lost resort for justice, except tbe mouth of tbe cannon. If you were to take a law to the supreme court to teat its val idity or constitutionality, tna real val idity of that law wonld cut no figure If tbe jodaes were not dispnaed to be hon est in Its construction. - The opinion of tbe oourt would depend on tbe honesty of tbe court. If tbe court were honest in their opinion, tbe construction wonld, In all probability, be correct. But if tbe court were not honest, the construction may not be correct. Their construction would tit tneir politics, tiut every man knows tbis. If yon wi 1 look op the Uta case of tbe Omaha mayor, you will prob ably see one of tbe constructions that was Intended to fit their politics. And every man can see this, that onr supreme court should be composed ol nonest and upright men. If our supreme court is corrupt, tbe fundamental principles of tne constitution are endangered, out what are we going to do that wa may be sure of electing a man to tbe supreme court this fall? Wa roust nominate the man wbo can carry tbe most votes. am not electioneering for any man, but if Hiloa A. iioicomb were nominated wa would be sura of electing the man. WitTkit Johnson. AN HONEST DOLLAR Editor Independent! I bav juet read tbe article ia the In dependent entitled "Th Gold Rug Giv It Up," aud concluded to write yon a few lines on lb ''bouaat dollar" part, prtweat and future. In tbs past when government bonds wer taeuad both guid and ailver wer full legal teuder at lb ratio of 10 lot, but beua of lb mere ia th yield ot gold and eilver It wus thought nrrraaary to limit th coin g ol ailrer a4 rvlir th governmeat aii. At lb preawat it k though! Ut lu retir all lb aotr aa4 laau tbr per oral bond redtwuiabl la gi ld b u tf th Ittsrwaae ta th output tt that au-tai. la th fulur It will be Ibuuuht nMry to limit btneg ul gold tl lb leer a buul4 niatian la urr tu kv aa ' boaeat 4ulle,M Tbal I il a tttiiww lb prc4el nt lb paat aad prvval. Ilvat uf ataiaUiaisg Iblnaa4 aUMitil eiiul ga.i and ellvvf at lb rlo l 14 to I a4 giving lb pa-nil lb Uslt 4 lb ia ta4 yMtl id th vxiaaa, ta aiy si4 a hue! 4)llr U um lbt als rva lia lb isnm awMttrf il gra vi gu4 a trflfvt, a lb way bw, lb mm 14 b a tH m1 l4f fiv all 4M pUi a4 pit at eualrl4 batbaf pal, vraat t fatata, i F.CMIS, tbair, U SINFUL OPPRESSION blifctr l4fa4ati AH lb vle as 4 eta ikat Make lit a vat aai t4 atiaefy as I tt h4 aae are an pwltl al results tba that at upt'fiaaUa. la Ik ll l tw-Mxatio, 1 1 mi a4 .tM It ta peirvl la ail It ital akaattt. w nb in Ivmi baa t aia th tbnwl 4 lb fWtt wr kig , sW.alt bat ari rubWeat , lb tbt I outstretched toward our Chief Magis trates Oiled with golden bribes and ac companied by a prayer for greater strength end their darkened lives with more celerity. 80 completely bas it encircled onr higheet law making bodies in its venom folds that tbe slightest twist will bring forth the required legislation in Its favor, resistance meaning to be crashed. Our highest courts of justice are its safest refuge in all times of impending danger where it is sheltered under ao outrtretcbed wing soon to emerge com pletely covered by an armor of protec tion furnished b.v and bearing tbe brand 01 tne court. With lying etatementa and boneved words has the Angel of Peace been wooed and won: so that ia violation of tbe fundamental principles of our government a kingdom Inset up in lar mi islands ol tbe sea and beneath tbe very folds of that sacred emblem ot freedom the American fleg tribute is demanded at the price of blood shed and tne word humanity used as a shield or covering. People were placed on earth by a de- vine power and by that power should live. Rut God's purpose bas been thwarted aud his people compelled to crouch and cower at the feet of giant oppreesor. Rat bed in tears with skele ton hands outrtretched tbey beg for a mere pittance with which to keep alive wltblu their famishing bodies tbe feeble spark of exietano. Hut this giant that has been fed and nourished at the breast of republicanism grins with delight at the living picture of poverty greed bas made; but retribu tion comes sooner or later to all and strong will be tbe arm to wield the keen word of vengeance egninet tbe monster who has terrorized bueband and father and quaffed the life blood of mother and child. J. N. UoiiKiiTS, FOR SALE, Five full leather top second hand phae tons from $20 to 05; 2 leather 1-4 tops, 920 and 15 each; 4 second band roud wagons, $10, $16, $20, $23:6 second band top buggies, 2 at $15 each. l at 920, 920, 94H, 900, good us new; 1 rubber tire too buggy, in uea 2 months $75; 1 extension top cut under carriage in good repulr.lOO: 1 canoo.v ton surrey $75: 1 2 seated trap, cost $140. for $00, good as new; 8 spring wagona, $10, $15, f i:; 'j second band farm wagous, made baker, $85, $40; we have just unloaded carloads Wilson-Molina carriages. phaetons, buggiee, road wagons, spring wagons; tbe Perry road wagon, $25; top buggies, $85 delivered; we have a car-load of Wlleon-Molin Springfield rubber tire of all binds, latest styles: 4 floor; power elevator; no troub'e to sbow goods. Cane seed and millet, wholeeaie and retail. We will trade new work for old at their cash value. Hum phrey Bros. Hardware Co., cor. O. and 01b at. CARE OF PEACH TREES, Riding on tbe train with Ex-flovrraor Furnas yesterday, be remarked that be had just visited tbe machine shops of tha Dempster Manufacturing Company of Beatrice, and saw there a great quantity of filings and shavings ot iron, and ha waa reminded that many years ago when tbey bad moeblne sbopa in Brown villa bs uaed tbe shavings from turning lathes and filings and iron waste about bis pear trees also with other fruit tree; that be bad lound it very valuable in deed to incorporate in tba soil about fruit treea and especially lor pear trees. He thought it bad a remarkable infla me in guarding against blight and in improving tbs quality of tbe fruit, ut remarked that tne venerable Mr, wilder, president of tbe American Fomolgicai Society, bad stated to bim rery many years ago that one thing we needed out here for tbe best sucoessTn tbe growing of tbe pear waa more iron in tbe soil; that in New England they bad a con siderable amount of Iron in tbe soil in many places all tbey needed. Where not as much aa was needed it waa ad vantageous and profitable to apply It. Mr. Furnaa remarked that it bad been bis habit to aeenre a quantity of tin cans, any Iron scrap waste and dig It into tbe aoil about bis treea, that ha lound it a remarkable benefit. To tbla treatment and to tbe spraying ot the trees themselves with Bordeaux mixture he bad attributed his freedom from pear blight la an orchard of 700 pear treea leat season be found bur one small branch that showed tbe slightest trace of blight. , II also need red vsrmillion and a lit tie bolkd oil to coat th trunks of hie pear tree. He thinks there i some thing ia that. He also thoroughly be lieves ia spraying to guard agamst fun gas dieeaae, codling moth, and other inaect enemie. Doubt Was Iron tbe parts ot tbe great amount of farm machinery that Is lying waat on aluioat any farm in th eoua try tsoald be utilit-d to better atlvaatag la burying its pieces under fruit tree lhaa to at0 It la lb Junk man lur $1.00 per ton. K. V. Htktusm. Arrwatatf to HrlHarjK DtiVia, IWL, Msreh i-Mrk U Davis, L'aloa Republican rprat tivaia th garl aamt4y, wa ar reataJ yalrdv chargad with bav lag offered a brlb la ltepraltlva Prtaelt U. Lalteniat, fwgalsr lUpttb Re a, ta ur th Ultee Vtt lur i. I4mv4 Addiek far failed UIa saaatur. Th warrant was twoea a by mate lwtilt MVy, lvla wl4 a hrtaf a4 wa rtat4 ll.ouo bit laaf t bv ta nir A4tv Wtttisata, tra AUhwf i loe4 ewaaUwvttua al lb leg latatMt f I'wagr sstgbl t salluielM lb lrl4aat t sppwiat aa a4jlrl ut tbe ay la a44.tua W Altrt lwf. It U m14 at tbe aavy 4pf v al that thsf U a iaaila f at 4ula( a it Is prrity lr that ties Mir (Marnu wa si a. ply ta ftt tl4 K lb tftMtet el A4wmi at Dw t ib frl. Aaittaa, lea., Marb tt.-4adg Momt gave a 41mi Ut kgbW rw faif t tliMMtve tbe attbaiat agtt tbe ut Un, U Uk Uilltt bi4 t pfwt el a aM glvta lf b bba4 laaraax