March 23, 1899 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. ' 4U f th, .11 tic RUSKIN COLONY. Th lltatameBt of tbs Independent lk Frae- tloalljr Badoried by th Colony . Managers. Some time ago the Independent pub- lisbed an article concerning Buskin A taken was that 4 VWUT f M. " BA ' w - Ruskin wu not a socialist community but waa firmly based on capitalism. V l ! 11 . I . T kind K.i t iattc ween me iomiiii of the colony replied at much length and practically acknowledge the truth i the position taken py me mpepenuein. The argument of the writer in the the - Coming Nation seem to be that with 1 aocialifin in force, there would be no in- 7 valid, no hel riles uoii-t)roducrs, no ! men pant the uge of working, no imbe .f cilevtmdno criminals. That it one of V the beautiful dream that very good men often indulge In, but there is noth ing in the nature mao or bin pant his tory upon which to buso such a conelu ion. A colony of selected families, each with 1500.00 capital, all the worker In the prime of life, bear no resetnbleuce to state socialism taking in all classes of a whole nation. Kuskln i succeeding. It would be strange If It did not, but Kuskln Isnotaaanipleofstatesoclallsm. .1... I..... V..fn A.illkl .1,11 flfftf- , cle In the Independent an "attack" on Ituxklu I pant comprehension. We 'yboughttbat we were giving that busl ' ness corporation a good free ad. The ' following i the argument on both sides: The Nebraska Independent, of Lincoln, Nehrunk., an opponent of socialistic principle, lately attacked Kusklu In the following word: Ilucklu colony I a corporation formed nu capitalistic lino. It get more free advertitiiug than any other business en terprise in I he United Htate. Every member of the corporation uiiit buy f 500 worth of stock which give the colony a nourid capltalitio basis, It ha able manager arid I conducting a paying bUHliieM. None but persons of good character and well formed indus trial habit are admitted to it mem bership. While tlieeo worker are iu the prime of lift, every one of them active producer, Hie colony even under ordi- nary management ougu vu puccwu, liutall till i not socialism by any mean. let there be thrust Into the colony it percapita share of criminal, bid, infirm, shiftless and bm, that C J would burden any nation attempting V to adopt socialism and the outlook ol the colony would be immediately changed. A long a they can pick out , the beat id the whole country and asso ciate them together under the cpifftlia ''. tic system 01 the payment of 1500 in ri advance, they have a chant to iiccd. ' The only diuVrenee between Kuskiu and any othir corporation i that all the member huienjully in the profit of the concern, rgardle of the producing , capacity or ability of the member. In other word the philosopher who edit tin Nebraska paper moan to ay that Ituskio would be a poverty-cursed as Lincoln and other town if it bad a . many trumps and pauper. No doubt this istruejiti equivolentto aymg that if Kuskin were a bud a the outside world, it wouldn't be a ay better. The fact is that we don't manufacture any t fluip or pauper or criminal in ' Itusklu. It I true that we started without a depeudeut or criminal class, but o did America. It Is not our object to provide for ail the pauper and criminal whom cornpe- tion and monopoly creates, out to prove 1 4.. . I. .., n ta ia I tl it ruin deut" editor that paupers are not nec- essury in this country. lie accouuts lor our prosperity oy saying that we have 500 a family, bin he entirely forget the .fact that the average wenlth iu the United State is 5,000 a family. 'i'ne average wealth iu Runaiu is ou'y one-tenth an much a theaverage wealth outside, jet iu Huitkio there are no pau iters, tramp, criminals nor unemployed. This proves that it is not wealtn alou wuicn uringa prosjtwriiy un'i uuppiuwa to a country, but rather a just and or derly system of production aud distribu tion. A to Kunkla being composed of "iileketi" H-ople, that is a fact, but that of Itwlf do not aoeouut for it sueeens. This cituiiiieut was aleoaettM by picked ieoplc; tlia early pioneer were the iuott y ' eutnrprl-lug aud fre-pirited peopU , whom Kuroie ooutained. V. Hut they titd a wrong system ofbusi- neaa, ttud ao all the svua of today aroae. If Itu.klu with 50t a family cm abut V. ish poverty anil crime, en rely thl great Yftt'o with ajier eapua wealth ten j limea as gn'at, eau do the same. There U no obataele to prosperity in AimrifM fitepi iKuurane. W have enough luml lor Heaven on earth. Ail the ettplu In the woyld t-uuld stand Mi te tat of Ti ia, and then ibart would only b nine to lb sera, W have eiioiigti Ubor- r lu tnaehin ry l"f ilia tuilletiimii. We have ruough wtaid and atoiia to build a muio lor every family. Ws have euougd wl very IhiHti but etiittiiiun aenow. And leeely pra ri M a larga diets ol ' tba Utter ariMjl tr tiatitor of It f adtwwtettt" aitlhal altef taking h may real lae mom ion f lUkiu au I WiaduNt ( liioalo tlr4U(l k (Tha ,iittgwue" o( tk editor of the UdnV W su ureal that k eaaai I aay lae eUemea that the lrl aiw I trant ! IKia fnaatry wre lbs UmmI ilerprwiag aad lrrpr lUd p'a aa t:iU tMitlual, I awl tlaawlaat i4 Mtiiia U iifml. la lhair lal eltivuteale tasf id4 l'lljt lbs rHfrHt til lUakia. .Stvr IbsImm l! btW, vrlwiaal, th Wr vim" aHt tetiM lt ier, Taaif aofkeva (r old, al.W luUsta liaull Kt la ad ka la i .nd K' K luaaf f aara, UKir IIn Uea 'fialMia, Thai at dl lw li.i. lvaHa kit U bUrataia i( U ( aUaa ff f fiMisf kit tt ljitkt (J k r !, mm a iHM.)a at Im lar UtKiaWit , BYLO LAND. When out of the west lomr sha- ws rreoD. And the stars pe ;p out a shii..nK ' 'd uur d;id.v, weary or run and play. Goes out thro' tho gaU to By lo Laud. : O, which la the road to Bylo Land? By tho way of grandpa's eay chair, Or hotter, by moihor's loving arms, With kisses pressed on tho sh'ning halrf Sho nestles down, with a weary atgh. While the lushes touch tho rounded cheek, With her unns uluspod close 'round moth er's noi k, Who kisses the love she cannot speak. A wonderful luud is Bylo Land, To Judgo by tho smiles on '"by's face, i'he unguis must surely woa . j her droiims, And lond to hor of thuir wlnsomo graue. O bnby, wa envy thy sunny lot, ' For wo that are older seldom soe The flowery pathway to Bylo Luud, Or moot thu ungolsthat talk with thea. Florence A. Jouos, in N. Y. Observer. BIDDY'S SONNET. i Kiddy wa wnshlng the parlor win dows. As the cay grocer' boy drove by ho pava hardly a glance at hor, although he hud a reputation in tho neighborhood as a connosour of til rod help, und Middy was agent in her way. I'oor Middy! In the 61 years of hor mortal career no man had ever looked at her twice, for from its very begin ning sho had boon the bomliost and most awkward and leant Interesting of being. Hor hair wa bright rud and bcreyos wore dull blue. Iloronly Journey had boon from ono situation to another. Sho knew no tragedies escopt the souring of her bread or the breuking of a teacup, fcho never took a Thursdsy out and never bad a visitor, lier mortal sin was the miss ing of a mass, for she was a devoted Moman Catholic, banding one half her wegos to tho priest and tilling hor rosnry over and over un' i the boads were worn smooth from cotitrn t with hor knotty finger They christonod hor Midelia over In Ireland half a cen tury bade but bocauso sho was so plain, Mid '... sho became and Kiddy sho rcrnuf i ;d to tho ond of tho lotlor. On bright Tuesday afternoon she took it into hor head to wash tho pur. lor windows. They looked right through tho protty lit tle drawing-room to the study beyond, arid there soated on the sofa where only thu blindest of eyes could have fulled to percolvo thorn were two young pooplo in an ecstasy of bliss. Ono was Miss Janet, Middy' Idol., and the otb ir a good looking young fellow. Wu had rung the tirahum's front door boll twice a week regularly through tho winter, not to mention a great many other visit paid unceremoniously In be tween. It' a pretty risky thing for both Of us, Janet dear," bo was vaying wistfully. "Vou know i have no pros pects lo speuk of und a doctor with out patients is as molancho y an ob. ject lu nature as I know." "You must beg n with the other sort of putlonoo, Dick, like Job's. I'm sure be turned out capitally iu the end after trial that no dime-novel bero ever went through I will wait for you cheerfully until you are a shining light in the medical firma ment; getting f0 a visit but you must promise me one thing, that you will never experiment upon tne." "With my medicines? Never!" Oh, no!" Janet laughed snucily. "With the fflU a visit plan. Now. Richard, let us talk seriously. I have an idea. I can see a dazzling future stretching out before us. You shall Invent something." . "I will invent anything In tho world to pleaao you. dearest." began the adorer, possosMlng himself of the slendor hand that lay in ..auol's mus lin lap. Their eyes met and there was a little pause before she went on with her nonsense. "You shall prepare a patent pUL It mut be something for try liver, hvety human being tin a nucrot be l'ef that something la wrong with his liver. I will ad vert ho It for you. I'll have Tiy Mrowu's t Ills' painted in largo whlto loiters on tho back of my village cart. I'll make the droits, maker embroidor lt all over my gowns. 1 11 ienu teUmonials to all the newspiipw und, U Dick!" -Janet sat up straight. -We could take the front rw of seats in every theatre and engage any number of men with bald heads painting a big black loiter on each -ono so that tho whole row rend aero would make a significant acn'enco -Ib-owii's 1'ills are Hunt' or something of that sort Now is not that an inaplration? We should roll In wealth lu no l line, " Vou forget, lu love that tho seats tnut l paid tor on the spot. A bo u'Xn di It ul aUow aart tUcw day of grace, and wbera Is I he money roiiunj from! IWr boy!" Mi looked up n hint with a aula in which there whs mora lendernes lhu fun. ' Vou ar sort of MlcHutwr-ull lali nl and toi capital Natar mind. Wa ran be pUiurt'squaly poor and study ways 'id means to.'-ih" 'Mow to tat hsppjf un llu s wk. Il di not sound at all urn to talk la this aenlliMsa'at way hut you bsva r d h4 aia la soen t itu of idiottv bius hM aiy heal I la a whirl," then ). do vara for mo jul Hula." .kd Dl'k anibm!y forth 47ia tint la on hl atirauiv 1 bay bad rc4 a i-mu wtur lr ug t r air.ctaUiia, J nl tuia tr t har alng fi toar hli dyad tttt a sudda b!aft an 4 ha-wikdf-U t( lit bMf U' a tb !Mr of a 'r deal if a Wdimdf daitia' I tub, th wauporu4 ufU ud art4il, iDtt yon ms U a,n H wholly ai4 truly I !! yea' SuiU lurf aiMi ta lb world I wt ml to iimc , a )k4 ta4 I t l (hi las aa lttar tr) day ki I Vdita. of ) e VVhf I stimM I ftlhtM sti sail as Id tr If ( tlait aillN in' A4 Du ll 14 Wl all tart iSu lbia Dud sa(4 It 4 ly. latag la at th w a4' Wbtth M sm tvrHbh.a till ihuat like a jewol in the sun, saw the uV noumont of the little love story that had been going oa all winter un der her very eyes. There was such a radiant happiness in the two young faces that the poor eld heart was strongly stirred. "Sure, Miss Janet's aftherUxln' it up with MiBther Mrown, I'm thinkln," said Middy to herself. "It's him will be shtayln' to suner tho night, an' 'tis the lasts I can do to Btir up a bit of cake for the oceashun." She shut down hor window with a bang. Janet In the dlstanee glanced up, startled at the noise, aud, seeing who hud made it, nodded at the old servant lu the effervescence of her new gludnoss. Middy took her WHy to tho kitchen. Sho gathered her pans and disbc togothor as In a dream, fooling for tho first time In all her ignorant innocent life the hungry lonj,-'ii.-of a woman's nature to love and bo loved, a dim comprehension not of that great mystery, indeed, but of its existence. She could not have put her thoughts Into words if she had trlod. She was not even conscious of having thoughts, but tho memory of those two facos clung to hor in a ten dor fushlon. It seemed to give de t ness to bor Dagoes as sho kneaded the dough lightly on tho moulding board. It turned the spoon with which she beat up her Sally Lunn Into a fairy wand. It spai klod back at her from tho silver, which sho rubbed up ogain. and blew in tho air wbon sho stopped out into tho garden to gather a few SMoet peas to put upon tho table She hunted tho vino ovor and over till sho found tho v ry biggost and rlpot strawberries hiding among them. She rejoiced to soo tho cream so thick and yellow on the pans of milk and by and uy when Mr. urahum came homo and sho beard tho low, earnest sound of talking in tho study, she realized vaguely that Miss Janet future was undor discussion, and, laying tho tablo, alio smoothed out nvery wrlnklo- in the cloth with a care which was tho expression of hor sympathy with the lovers. . At last the little feast was road v. The boll rang. In trlppod tho family, papa and mamma smiling indulgently at tho young pooplo and willing to overlook Dick's Ineligibility in the af fection which their ono daughtor felt for him beyond all question. Janet bloomed like a nowly opuHod rose, and as for Dr. Mrown. In spito of bis want of patients and practice, It would have boen dllJIcult to find a more beam'ng and sullsllcd countenance in tho runks of tho medical profession. Those two foolish creatures knew lit tle what thoy wore eating. A dinner of herbs would havo seemod like noctar and ambrosia undor the cir cumstances. J5ut Mr. Graham was not blinded by an enebantmont and be cried out in surprise, to his wife: My dear. Middy must have guessed what was in the wind. Sho has out done herself to-night. Here is a stlpper lit for the gods!" And. truth to toll the soda biscuits wero whiter than snow and ligiiter than feathers, the strawberries fairly smothered In luscious cream, the pale green lettuce was dressed to perfec tion, and, as for the cake, it melted in tho mouth, a marvel of dolicale tweotnoss. Tho tablo was a delight to the eye. with its bltr bowl of pink sweet peas la tho center Middy had selected the pink because they sug gested Miss Janot somehow, and she lost no opportunity of appearing in the room to notice every fond glance the newly betrothed interchanged. "That was tho very nicest supper you ever gave us Middy." said Mrs. Graham, when tho meal was endod at length and thoy wero rising from tho table. Yes'm," answered Middy, humbly, as she gathered up tho napkins. "And it happened to bo at a very happy time." want on her mistress. becauso Janet' engagement to Dr. Mrown has just boon settlod. You must congratulate her by und by." Mut she was out of the room before Middy's clumsy tougtio could frame a sentence. Alt. nobody guossod how much of tho elo i tints of art and poetry wore served up in the dainty little baiujuot! I'oor Middy's u devolopod soul waa dumb and helpless. Mia did not know the moaning of a soonou She bad never soon a great picture, or any statue except the painted im-igos in church at which sho ga.ol wltb p'oj awe. Mut not Milton or llaphaul or l'bidhts had felt mure purely ihj lm pule of gonlus than th buuitls creature who exproo i In her perfect biscuits and case the awakened yearnings of a human heart. That night tha inuoti ciina out above t'm aims J ho lovers sat hand in band beiieath tho trens, planning all sorts of future Joy as they should take their way together through, "that osw world libit is Ihi old ' lUbdia at her window loofad out at them wondorlnjily witli hr fndL t rd !, till Ih rotary, flipping through hr Oiitfara Ml cluttering gently on lb Boor, lliwlii (-ra4. OrvaltM lha tllli. In th radt of a lo-DUti or la th watvr In which vegetUis have U en ufu'l lh law refo diovs aimsU oil iu tu nuUt that tM of tiisnt would toot tth t la aln, ybt MM Urd a4 And. tr. U may HtH - U ol lues la-iaiui rrl ir iip Ut waa i?tt impiu bt er at am bu of itk a Hal er ta tthai lb g ft'ai ! of sutuirba rla ben 4 l'ripd Htta 1 h ! . es Um atiari h Imr th a tnarMt tn(HU a hvl Uh'it th WtMl fw Uatas Ibe l luarall kuH- fl O'M Bt Ml lal r Water, l har ar t i 1 1 J ri-U. w.U of la alaaly aai tHU a !! trttgst tar lh ltusj aro ( land, tU-tvo ttli's f watar fva flow freaa s'atf! a I ARMY AND NAVY. It la said that when the sentimen tal naming of the Yale and the Har vard was reported to Admiral Dewey be was asked If he would not give a collegiate christening to some of the sunken Spanish cruisers when they were raised. "Certaiiily," said Dewey. "I will call one tho Massachusetts In stitute of Technology and another the Vermont Normal College for WoTien." Admiral Makaroff of the Russian navy, who has been a firm believer for years In the efficacy of Ice-breaking machines, Is confident that a practica ble ice breaker wolghlng 20,000 ton may bo built on his model. He says that with such a machine he could break hla way to the north pole and that the attempt will be made Just a soon as he has proved the efficiency of his machine for less gigantic achievements. The following Is a summary of the enlistments for the Hue of the army during the month of December, 1898: Enlistments for general recruiting service, 4,279; enlistments for special recruiting service, 1,085; total, 5,364 Enlistments in cities, 4,477; enlist ments at mi::tary posts, 887; total, 6,304. In enlistments at city station Philadelphia leads, with 530 enlisted and 1,507 rejected. New York Is sec ond, with 305 men enlisted and 1,410 rejected. The greatest number of en listments at posts was 129 at Col urn bus barracks. Gen. Greely, chief of the United States signal service, is preparing a cipher code for uso in the army, which is calculated to save the government between $50,000 und $ 00,000 annually in the cost of Us cable service with the Philippines, Porto Ulco and Cuba, say the Army and Navy Journal. These messages are frequently quite long, and as dlsputches to Manila cost over (2 a word, cable communication i very expensive. To reduce tho cost Gen. Grrely is preparing a list of 2,000 words which will represent as many phrase and sentences In general use In military communication. This codo Is to be used to supplement the com merclal cipher now In use by the do partment. It will bo completed befpre next week and copies sent to the com m'nndlng ofllcers In all the colonial possessions of the United Slates. NOTABLE MEN AND WOMEN. Mr. CollinH P. Huntington of New York has given $10,000 for a new girl dormitory at the Tuskegee normal and industrial Institute, Tuskegce, Ala, Rev. E. S. Ufford, author of "Throw Out the Life Lino," and other well known hymns, Is on his sixth year as pastor of the Maptlst church at Wll llamsett, Mass. Evangelist D. L. Moody was assisted In his second series of meetings In Colorado Springs and Denver during the holidays by his son, Paul Dwlght, a sophomore In Yale college. It may not be generally known that the still youthful Czar of all the Rus slas possesses a very fine and admir ably trained tenor voice. . It is not of great volume, but of sweet and melo dious timbre. In the hard time of hi early career Zola lived for three day on three ap pies. Fire even on the coldest nights was an unknown luxury. Now money Is a secondary matter, his ambition being to become a member of the Academy. Queen Wllhelmlna of Holland is a firm believer In and a stout supporter of the Salvation army. She and her mother regularly send generous checks to the organization to further the work In Holland and In Its colonies. Pope Leo XIII., although over 80, bas written a libretto for an oratorio on the subject of "The Maptlsm ot Clovls." The oratorio waa performed in the v:s.'.' of Reims in December by an orchestra of 120 pieces and a chorus of 200 voices. VARIOUS FACTS. It is an unexplained fact that glow worms are .oiu h more orilllant Just before an approaching torm than at any other time. The rlchrat gold mine In the world Is In Victoria, Australia, under the thriving town of Hultarat, and In 50 year hss yielded $lf.0,000.000. 1 he word "spread." us a alaug word. CrWInated at Cambridge university. It did :'' Imply a profit feast, howavsr, but a poor oti. sprtud over tha table to niak a show. The Inventor of lh propeller wheel studied m motion of a tub's lad when swimming. Th volutin of lh pm-pellt-r'a b!(id-4 ar txari. tk lh mo tions of lh fixh'a I til. llrliiold, a mixture of gfUtlu with (otniK!ihyUe, Mil u4 (or uu brvakablo ikk to proted h of wofknira hjm4 to ft) lad parti. U-4 of iluiie, met ai or woo4 PCX N TIP PARAGRAPH. Chawing fiini was rvbhlv IsvrataJ ) a wotaa h4 ao oaa to uik to. Vn a to a allmit la dfttt I. J itl I Itlu tu U World tri. kittt. It tak as tlMiui la War ltu a era mt wa ! ril4 s l AU'I IH tlto a ' tr b4tti tt old tantiil to 4f thlBii ttt kia aii la sea iiuT 1.1. 1 1 rtn ol wi!..!!! h4 lilit tauktt if luasa lka wM(aU of t ttr-d l"l l la A ItsitWr tMMttliai tt u s at Iraka tlwkn) )aN going ay( bat ! a fall Itt l ftU ti ltm4 My r lo rr. last t aotalai su at B ftHt s4 le vf Ntft, TWO CHICAGO SENATORS Tell a Straight Story About Catarrh and Pe-ru-na. Chronlo eatarrh often make Its ap proach in disguise. Before a poraon know it ho may booomo a victim of chronlo catarrh. Ita onsot may bo grad nal, lta development Insidious, and at last tbo victim flnda himsolf in the clutches of a tenaeiousdisoaso. A slight cold, a tendency to snooze, a pufflnoss in the nose and head, fullnoH or crackling in the ears, stringy mucus in the throat, slight cough or whoozlnewi, snoring dur lug sloop any one of theso symptoms should ho rogarded a a warning. What can be cured in the beginning in a week or two, by using Po-ru-na,l al lowed to tiocomo chronic, may roquiro month of faithful treatment. You had lietter take Pe-ru-na now, for by and by you may bo obliged to tako it a long timo in order to get well. Pe-ru-na i tbo romody for catarrh j almost every body know that by hearsay, and thous ands know it by blessed experience, Two Senator from the groat metrop olis Chicago, bave something to say in regard to Po-ru-nai Catarrh SeTen Tears. . nON, EDWAItl) DWYEIL (SenaUr 17th District, Chicago, 111.) Hon. Edward Dwycr, Stato Senator, Seventeenth Menatorial lJlwtrfct, Chi cago, 111, writes i " Po-ru-na euro when all other remedied fail. I can heartily recommend Pe-ru-na us a catarrh rem edy. It ha been two years since I was cured, and I consider my euro perma nent. I took tho remod v for two months and am now entirely cured. I learned oi tno remedy, i'c-ru-na, through friend. I applied to eeveral doctor but thoy woro not able to cure mo. I tried many remedies without avail. "My catarrh wa located chlofly in ';bo hood. I was aflllcted with catarrh 'or seven years. I desire to express for the benefit of tho publio my experience with the famous catarrh remedy, Po-ru-na." -'V ..JfiU ana k . i k 'fl Ili Ml, 4 rv CRETE NURSERIES Established 1872......... We offer full line of Nnrsory Block, Frolt Tree and Plant, Ornamental Tree, Kb rubs, and Rose, EverKrsens all vises 8 luehes to 8 feet. Refer to thousand of customers and bearing orchard. That our Fruit Tree ar productive i thown by the crop of Fruit we have grown. 13000 BUSHELS .Apples in one season. 1 7 to 24 bushel of apple on ningle trees; 700 bushel of Cherriea in one season 3 bnshels on a aingl tree; 670 bunches of grapea on a single vine. Extreme core to bave all carefully packed and truo to name. We help oa all losses Send for printed ill ustra ted Catalogue to HKNTIOIf THR MRU. TJ T? CTCOUCMC Hff - KT.L IMllKfKMUKNT, 1 il B E GOOD New with asbtwto 100 ACHfS IN NURSERY DO YOU WANT TO PLANT GBavKai'iBaTBK& -I i ul n,l ' U j' , ftwrtr Tr, plum Tr Ajp Traa. Orp Tia, Trait rtaaU I ait ka.U, bhaJ Tr Ito, tviary , ata., Uat ar NEBRASKA GROWN? YOUNGERS ftwinmr nun no mtr An wijir. If Jw wuaM I ratal rnklt a4 viU rMtifurt aad pica ot b th i rihaiaatara tin a4 IU vhuavlUi pn tHt tb fMtt wnW h Mtn fill, a. BMtay Mtr 1 ril to tm fnUata am.t bakiw, T lUf- tU Jl '" rt 3 Vmi, tt bri Mttatua- S tknlML. Ill Hlt I 1, t'rawaias Jj VrtS,l. aO. Wlf jrttf waaif buar f lrv Uaf by altiaf Hwkata tt t N tth. at A, . rtaMisf, i T, A. Uf mtia t ata tmW . t Catarrh Nine Tears.. HON. sons jr. motirikon. Htttt gonator, Joth Dittrlet, Chicago, 111. Hon. John J. Morrison, jsa Ilcaper Iilock, Chicago, 111, State Senator from tbo Fifteenth Senatorial Die trie t (city of Chicago), writosi "I can strongly recommend Pe-ru-na I took tbo nieul oino for Ave month and am now totally ourod. I learned of Po-ru-na through your advertisement. It has been two year slnco I wa curod and X consider my cure durable. It euro when all othnr remedies fall. "I bog loavo to oxpros for tho good of tbo publio my proof with tho illustrious catarrh remedy, i'o-ru-na. I wa dis tressed with catarrh for nine years. I trlod many remedies without any bene fit. My catarrh wa located mainly in tbo head, I applied to several doctor but they wero not ablo to euro mo." Po-ru-na is not a curo-all. Nothing of tho ort is claimed for it f indoed, there 1 no such medicine. Pe-ru-na cures ca tarrh wherever located in tbo body by it spool do action on tho vaso-rnotor sys tem of nerve. Theso nerves control ovory blood vessel of tho body, regulat ing exactly the amount of blood which Is allowed to flow through them. It la claimed for Po-ru-na only that it restore tho ofllciont action of tbo vaso motor system of norves. This 1 all it will do. Thl i all that wa claim it will do. Ilut wo insist that if it is taken per sis tontly and according to directions that it will do this. Hut in doing this what a vast multitude of disorders la mitt gated, not bocauso Po-ru-na 1 a oura-all, but because so many maladies depend upon a slnglo cause. Pe-ru-na to single la it effect Dr. Uartman' lecture on "Winter Catarrh " sent free. Address The Para na Drag Manufacturing Company, Co in m bas, Ohio. 1 11 HU'liJ, XVXt.. Vi&lK, lltW. TQ YOUR HOME BUY A Lincoln Steel Range and pleas your dear wife and family Warranted th moat perfect cooking tov mad. W ns the very bast Cold rolled na.tont IpthImI aul ami Una bun. and steel, which make it impoaaible to aeturam jvur niior. innyar nanasom, attracuvs, op-to-daU in pattern and dealgn, lull nk-kid trimmed. win uuru auj aiuu III lUt'I, Will iaS a III time. Mad on honor, sold on merit. This la why w call them th "best on kartsj." If your dealer doe not handl them b maseaa great nuatak. Writ ton and will prvid a way lor yon to boy on at a rvaaonabl prfo. Buckstafl Bros. Mff. Co LINCOLN, NEU, MAKERS Patron ii bom Industry-msd la Nebras ka. W rfr yoa to Htat Otlloara. Hank and Eiprtta Compaulr ol Uuooia, aad tboaaand aaiug our Kaagaa, riprataj at tutioa gtrta Uotal aad JUitaoraal Uataia 20.000 TREES IN ORCHARD If jv 4s arlto br as Prrfk. Iv ialaiMiH im Ijat wawkwcsaad l UtX. iJdrvaa. & CO., Gonova. Nob. gt'U Krirf HUB KVrH MML tiMtMMltf Jaauarr ia tirat tU a laiaMr t' 1yv,w k In, Uu.4a at ta u m. 0iv, M suts mtMwirt. um m (i'Hik tH-tfi wnb nsw fat trwlw V fatl lak City amt ISxtaMwt, , arrilma7 ait miftwai (Via tt4 i tatr m (lt War t. Wt at tKaw r Km. iMy bail M ar!Ml, larafoaa, a44 1Jn5 ait 1taa t U fjitronUe iht Nnt4m iNMrnMniNt'i attvcrtUcnu