THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. March 23 1899 Nebraska Inbepettitnt TUB WEALTH MAKERS mm4 UNCOIM INDEPENDENT, tVBUIHID ' EVERY THURSDAY r m fciipsidsijt PublUbiqg Go, At 1110 M Itreet, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. TIUEPHONf B8t. $1.00 fer Year in Advance, AMnm ai NBiidMtltu to, m wk sit jafta, Itif ttttrt. (U., U TBI IMDKf XMbKNT PCB. 00, LnooLS, Mm, Th populist prima without a single ex ception I commending Gov. Poynter lor vetoing the court commissioners bill. All men admire a manirtth backbone, The republican have descended to tbe point that tbey deify Mark Haima real ly make god out of him. At any rate they are all the tltne saying that "God directs Mclvlnley." The great protection dallies do not seem to be firmly convince! that "tlio foreigner piiyi tlto tuz" all the time. They am inclined to trinke an ezeepliou la regard to the white mnr, If there ever mud Micawber president that man I Murk Hanna McKlnlcy. He baa no policy, but sits around waiting for something to turn up. Tho mult will be t hut he will b turned down at the next election, ' If the World-Herald had wanted to maintain a purity In it editorial, when the bouse voted to Investigate the su preme judges it would bare bad a double loudf d, double column editorial tbe nest day demanding that they all roeiga forthwith, Hut It didn't. The Omaha platform declare that "wealth belongs to blm wbo create It' and to that this writer ! going to stick until tbe laet shot U fired. And all tbe dreamers may go on talking and declar ing that wealth should belong to tbe community If they get any satisfaction out of that sort of thing, but here is one that will stick to tbe Omaba platform. There Is no doubt at all of tbe fact that if you pick out your men, asoclalls- , tie colony can do wonders while they remain in tbe prime of life. When they get old and cannot work and the youoger generation bas not yet arrived at the age of full discretion or full productive power, there will not be eucb good times. These colonies generally last through one generation, seldom through two generations. Some of ths ball baked populist that bare been talking middle-of-the-road half of tbe time and the other half de nouncing fusion and attempting to organise a new party, have now come to the conclusion that they are willing to fuse if a new name Is adopted, with tbe democrats or any body elee. The (union under a new name would be all right but under the old name it will be all wrong. Before they write any more they had better go and lie In tbt sun until they are dry behind the ears, Tbe State Journal had a very amus ing article on tbe exposure of the nepo tism of tbe supreme Judges. It says that it Is a long established custom. It did not think so when it claimed that Judge Greene had committed an awful offense because he had appointed his son In-law lis private secretary, or when it came down on Cornell fur ap pointing nephew to an unimportant olDoe, Hut seriously, didu't commis sioner It j an a little overdo the custom when be appointed a nephew, (C, W. Winters) a brother-in-law, (J. W, IV- Wrrsr) and son offiea? Rome of the papers are talking about the great stBMtlo nueartbed by ths World-llrratd la rgar4 to the dist-li area printed ia it euaeeralsg tbe supreme eonrl. All that w wall known to ths iHipaltala gt lb slate, II having bn trial! la ths Utile political kaJ Uuk seat oat by ths poptt'lel alatseom Willi two yr as, elM Ntrs n- l-aJ. wha a wmurrle pair ohms ob tu the popuM etaudpolat tsumn a'tevaar l. It Ural aa Ilwa 1 4wral nut 4at, bat sol ssa- of He f ih aha r tke I he (Hipaitsl ww-klwe. llerpsr we Us ihm h.artW, pi. Itwtalw pabitahsag ho im tlm I'siisJ ats isl Aswra-, i:a in llt pirJt Ir nWirtta"-f wkal thy rts sUy r ewettaaaity Ikraaiisg kf s'Ur Vw sa l si k tattsf tr4tt thsfuwMttia Faulk ia ww 4 Ike Ul ul ! -4m1 amk'y, lhy lt !, tk thfi 4 iIm -rJh ta r ywalh'al i-mJbf atiasl m'.) t'gsl4 tabus by smIisI ssaa eh lrik ait a tat ta asm wv U-t lktt wee l ap.Ntf ta V a titi 4 Ik ritkUfl. Tfcta way i4 - atisg JatMrf b lie vtVst 4 alt was. MO "HOLD Vr." , Brother Eboeeou of the St Paul Phon ograph has the following kindly criticism nf t.ha Indenendent: The Independent is a paper loyal and faithful fn h nonulist party and its IUHUIUI iw f f officers. In this spirit it defends Mr. Cornell, and thinks it performs a party tntbv so doing. It finds that Mr. Cornell has taken no money belonging to the state, thot while it may be true ' ... ts that bis examiners have "neia up in surance companies, these examlnere were democrats, and tbe companies were tblood-sucking concerns in the east who can pay their officers a bundrea inou sand dollars a year and then have bun dreds of thousands to contribute to a fund to down Bryan." Now if a sinirlo insurancecompony had ever ben "held up" that crlticiem would be just. But there never was a company held up. The companies all deny that they were and tbe committee of repub'l- cans if they could have by any means found or manufactured any evidence to sustain such a charge would not nave fulled to do so. The trouble with Cor- null's democratic examiners, onide from their silly Kb tti promising to make the auditor a present and then saying that they could not do it, was that they did not have sense enough to charge the regular fees, They chargwd; less than one half the amount that any qualim d accountant would charge. If Cornell bud "hold up" any insurance companies, as much as they deserve to be scalped, the Independent would have been the first to denounco blm. But he never 'held up" a company and not one of his examiners ever "held up" one. If tbe Independent bad denounced Cornell it would have committed n crime against good morals and common deceucy. INMURANCK HOLD DPS. Borne people In Nebraska have boon weeping over the hold upa of tbe insur once compunles until their eyes are nd and they can't sleep nights any more, but they have never given a thought to the manner in which the insurance com panics have been holding up whole United States year after year. They have no tears to shed over tbe woes of an over taxed people. But the poor insurance companies! Old that is awful. When an insurance company starts out on tbe bold up budness they make it tell. All tbey have to do is to call on tbe judges to resign. When tbe news came that the courts bad enjoined the state of Texas from collecting tbe taxes on for eign insurance companies there were no tears shed and tbe democratic papers did not demand tbe resignation of any body. Tbe insurance companies had held up tbe state of Texas. But that was all right. One insuranoe company bus beld up tbe people of Lincoln until It owns a large slice of the town. That Is all right too, Nobody weeps over that. Tbey don't appoint any Invest! gating committees to look into it. Havn't a few people In this state been .flaking everlasting fools of themselves? Fancy how the insurance magnates get into a oorner and laugh until their sides ache. AHARUJOB. The demand made by tbe republican leaders upon their members who were upon the committee to inveetigate whether any of the state oiltcers rode on posses and then charged milage to the state, required em amount of cheek tbat none but a machine republican evr possessed. Tbe two gentlemen upon whom the duty fell almost failed at tbe lost moment. To write a report and say that not a fusion state officer had been proved guilty and then argue tbat because llolcomb and Kdmlsten had refused to answer ques tions which tbey bad no authority ak, was evideuce that tbey "might" have been gnilty was a pretty bard duty. Rut when they came to reflect that tbe vouchers for their milage at ten cents a mile each way had been presented and mid and were on Ola In the auditor's office, and whilsthey knew that every man la the bnUlature believed that they stu b bad ridden to Lincoln and back on paaaea theniselvea aud tbat it eould be proven beyond contradiction tbat they were just Irom the eara where they bad ridden on posses and charged all ths milaga that the law would allow, ws aliiust too murk va lor them, Bui they Dually came up to I lis ralfc and did II. "Mala a rbukig aiaN ws on vrv man's tongue, and they knw it. It r4Qtrw aa afut atnonut of cheek bal l Key iaat(ei ta g ihnMigh with ll alter a fashion. Su woaiUr thai Ihstr rptl Ml fat. Ttwr vowM not Hmi bly l aar other lata fur il, 11 waol "rUlaw, rvbeklttal aia." ll waa tUtse ataU'loaaiy mat galea" hwt 4 MfckUtV tUtfttt NR. If at id lanw ptre witU aiady Ikvlr t-'hWa a Mil lt4 of eptndtsg (hir ti la Na liag Ih Maadaf neaa- iaifi lhv tmMhsj airl Wal wf IHaa lh) d A plaltwratMJ tr won that waa raril ia Ntw Vtik last MeaJsy If a I I'M" )' .rkf elii, that ka ta a kakltag of Ik aaiMla lralkaariatJby Jaa. Thai Hakvf tkiaka lkrU ni t.t- tUt.!a Im biadiKat aU I eia-a .l t k-iy la aa tnibrhMd, that a part id !) Iir va UHUa ltlf akd thai ln tlMM It In ha an. Thai pta?ktr tuM tar rl h tai ikat saj; aa vl a Hrlh li hlH, and no man dietb to himself." Further more that preacher eould not think, or when be sat down to eat after that great intellectual effort and took up a piece of bread, be would bave seen In ihat niece of bread a refutation of bis whole sermon. He would bave reflected upon the long colaboratlon of all kinds of men whose efforts at production were reoresented in that piece of bread. The baker, the railroad, tbe ailler, the rail road again, the farmer, and still back of the farmer the tool maker, tbe miner, tbe rolling mill, the forge, and an indefi nite number of other classes of society all bound together as It were in tbat piece of bread. A plutocratic preacher is about as raeasley a creature as God ever permitted to live. TAX1NU MOBTOAOKS. The logic of the plutocrats and the de fenders of tbe extortioners it often ex ceedingly amusing. It is a sort of cheat. Ing in itself, for it Is not worth the money paid for It. The money lender ought to get something better for the price be pays than what Is us ially put out In bis defence. There was an ex ample of tbat kind of writing the other day In the Btate Journal, It undertook to assault the taxing of mortgages aiid this I the way it did it. "Ho tbe mortagagor Is the man most njured. First, in the killing of the com petition of outside money louuers wbo have retired from the biddlnor, giving the local capitalists a monopoly of the business, Thus the local capitalist are able to nut their actual interist up to from 10 to 12 pr cent. To this actual interest they add the taxes, raising it according to the annual assessments to 13 per cent or higher and compel the borrower to renew the mortgage annu ally so as to meet every assersmcnt with a corresponding rise In the rate of inter est." According to that logic the local money loaners are the biggest lot of fools to be found in the state. Every one knows that every one of tbem not only fight the taxing of mortgages but are always bandy with a lobby to defeat any such legislation. Those money lending fools actually spent time and money to de feat legislation tbat would Increase their rates of Interest hum six to seven per cent I Could a bigger lot of fools be found any where? Tbe truth is tbat they are not that sort of Idiots. They know that In working for the defeat of a law to tax mortgages they are workirg to escape their share of taxation. The State Journal logic would not fool an In tellgent kitten. DIRECT TAXATION, If some man will organize a society to press the doctrine of direct toxation, be will do an equal or greater bem fit to tbe people of this country than those wbo have been agitating for direct legislation. Indirect taxation is wholesale robbery, and tbe awful drain would never be sub. mitted to if the same amount of money was demanded from each tax payer and hs waa forced to pay It over as ha does some of the taxes which be now pays, Even a small raise in direct taxation always produces a protest and tbe law makers never attempt to except when a dire neceaslty exists. But when they raise money by indirect taxation they will pile it on, million upon million with' out hesitation. If tbe 11,500,000 of money appropri ated by tbe last congress was to have been raised by direct taxation no snch suturnalia of extravagance would have been indulged. Dr. Lyman Abbott ban figured cut that each family will bave to contribute on tbe average $180.00 to pay that amount. But when it is con sidered that thousands of families are exempted by law bond holders, owners of franchises and many others it will be seen tbat tbe average to tbe family of those wbo do pay is very much greater. It simply grinds tbs life out of tbe pro duolng classes, none of whom can escape the heavy burden. Under our constitution direct taxation can never be enforced. Tbe first thing to be done is to agitate for an amend ment of that Instrument and li ought to be begun at once. A plank on tbat subject should b added to tbs national platform of the populist party. Birect legislation is sound In principle audhasiu It tboae(uiidrrlylug truths upon which our govvrumeul la founded But the adoption of it will not brli g nay revolution la society, akot h it but it will ant bring rlif from tt ilia that hava athln the peoplp there ia a sudden way. The money poaer will still grind and at Ihsmd of each jrarine irmer win n.tve (ogive up hmmI td Ike wrwlik thai taa rreateii Iti the uaan-r, the let nalherr, I ha rail Mad rtMrporaaUiae aul Ilia truata, ll will U just a It wa t frv. ll la rvlale-t thai a Mk d tie pr ia IWt cttuaty alaea, inw lUttead to I ha Mea ta a raa whra a ruaa aas axi'SMNl 4 alsallsg a hog. Tk sitifr-na, gK. a4 traaeura thai I key Ike ruaa twl tka ktitf, Tbatousg Uaise paia tkasrasd i ilia ku atue putal Mask that lky Ull ul aw tka toa lal the hog, The iM-ed !ar? that tka UM tf i..a.e wa on tk Ma ul Ike arv4 ae4 dUekarm) Mm. mw a ura kal tk dita' 9 kiat tl aad naly tbsv Ikal tkry J l J, TkatUtkewe, kal the l. k'a Us ap re nl IkastM -- i Ike rultva Ktl taqairy., fcrny man thai lky al Im aaer kal hi M a'l s Ik rt k a. . .i. a t m t ti in siaa i, t ikisw kt ar Ikal lkt dlj ara ak r.i attttal ol akaun-r. DISINTER K3TED ADVICE. If Bryan would only stay at home and carefully read every morning the editor ials in the State Journal be would learn just how be could so manage tbe next campaign so as to completely down Mark Hanna and tbe republican party. Ths Journal out of tbe kindness of its heart is all the time giving blm good advice upon tbat subject. Tbe trouble is tbat Bryan is away so much be don't get to see it. The Journal bos been very much troubled over that telegram tbat Bryan sent to Perry Belmont asking bim If be had come back into the democratic party. It thinks that was a very unwise thing lor Bryan to do and tbat it will injure bis project of throwing the repub lican party out of power for which the Journal is very sorry indeed. The Jour nal thinks that Bryan i ruining bis chances to defeat the republicans because be will not fraternize with the gold bug democrats. ;It advises Bryan to so manage things as to keep the gold bug democrats In the party and not dive them away. It thinks tbat if Bryan will only do tbat, he will surely down the party to which the state Journal belongs. Now it Is very unfortunate that Bryan is away and does not see this good ad vice this disinterested solicitude of the Journal and Is thereby losing bis chance to.'destroy tbe republican party, Mark Hanna and the whole outfit. A HTIUSOK IUKA. In several of the populist papers dur ing the lust week there bas appeared this sentence; "Vve ore not defending the state officers," If you ere not what tire you publishing a populist paper for A populist officer is constantly assaulted day in and day out the whole year through by the plutocratic press, and in our ignorance of the duty of a populist newspaper man, we bave always thought tbat one of the duties of a populist pa per was to stand up aud defend the men that we have selected as office bolders, No set of men have been so lied about, maligned and defamed as have these men wbo have given tbe state of Nebras ka tbe purest, best aud most economical state government that It ever bad. It is a strange Idea Indeed that it is not tbe duty of a populist paper to defend the populist state officers. If some of these editors really believe that It Is not their duty which is very much to be doubtod, tbey having written without due consid eration of tbe effect of their words tbey bad better sell out to some one wbo bas different ideas on thai subject. TUB SILVER DOLLAR, Sometimes a fellow is very badly mis taken wben be feels sure be Is right. Tbat is what happened to this writer once. lie used to argue with the econo mists wbo assembled at Washington In 193 to tbe effect tbat if tbe Sherman act was repealed and silver fell to 50 or 60 cents an ounce, that tbe disparity between tbe market value of tbe silver dollar and its legal tender value wouid be such a demonstration to every . roan that all the value money bad was a law made value, tbat it would be a great assistance in educating tbe people. When tbe people saw that a silver dollar was always worth just as many cents as a gold dollar, although tbe value of the silver in it was only 40 or 50 cents, it would be such a"convincer" tbat tbe whole people would begin to see tbe truth. The economists all said "no," whereat be waa prone to upbraid th m. But tbey were right. Any number Of mullet headed republicans still go around claiming tbat tbe silver dollar Is at par because it is redeemable In gold. TAKE IN TURSWAU When a national bank breaks, then tbe Washington cormorants swoopdown upon It followed by a host of lawyers and toe result Is if there Is anything left or tbs stock holders ara worth anything, they bave a rich thing of It. Not long since the national bank of Illinois shut It doors and a receiver was appointed. The receiver got $ 10,000 a year and his assistant $1,000. That waa the Wash lugton part of the swag. One firm of lawyera were paid $T:J,((0 for one yenr'a service and have In a bill for Ity.ono mora. Mill lctklea' brother, who ua Cleveland's comptroller, bad his hand In lor a nice slii of th boodle and there waa aot money enough Ml to settle up. Then the Washington end took hold again aud IsvWd an mmwsiuii on th um khol-lera of of loo r tent on their stork, That order will prtkluea 1.100,001) mora of swag, Obf ye. Title la (ha In si banking system tka wor'4 rr saw, Another aw parly U lu b wuanl!, ll hoa l'iarwr ta dowaia Hoatoa. Tble party wlvt-ats th taking all lace ttf ul Uul. Tkay say Ikal aa la ad la sol rrwatad by hbor thai ll la aul ta any walth a4 shual-l ar l tt4, Tky dw-Ur thai laia n lall wImosI kltrly apoa lal. Thai oa est uf laip?f altar aauthsf bfl lhif tairawaiilatl! hy all rl npou Uuvl. Tkty larlksf thai U I U U nan all wvalib by th ai4lMa uf labor aa4 lal li li lat4wlr Ier4 the thlatiia 4 altk. Ike la d.!! ats Ikat tk afcap nil with, Ik ltr iUra- sm aa III P a pMy, Ikat wa bat pe la Ik false, Wk U'MI waa laa'aa v jmaiia loer i4 Kaasa, wvpl4 Ik raialtua la Ik t's fnspaW KftMtfct Alito lirasil 44 la Nebraska. McNoll went after the insur ance companies with a red hot poker from the day hs took office. lie instruc ted bis examiners to charge those cor morants $25 a -day, railroad fare and hotel bills from the time tbey left home until they got back. lie shut some of tbem out of Kansas altogether and made others pay op losses tbat they bad refused to pay and in fact made It awful ly hot for them. Now there Is a univer sal demand from both the democratic and populist parties that Web. McNall shall be the next fusion candidate for governor. Those Kansas democrats and pops seem to bave some snap In tbem. Tbey don't lay down and wblne whenever one of their discharged em ployeesand they bave bad several of them begins to bowl, and tbey don't re echo every charge that the repnbilcao press makes against one of tbolr .offlc holders. Utah aud Beleware both failed to elect senators and will have to get along with one each for the next two years. As far as the party Is concerned It Is a stand off. California and Pennsylvania are still balloting away without result and they may fail to elect, Nebraska lias two railroad attorneys to represent her, neither of whom could come within 10,000 of an election If t he people had the deciding of It. It makes one tired to even think of the way the United States senate is gotten together. When popu lism gets In power tho whoto thing will be changed pretty quick. , Since ths above was written (he Cali fornia iegMaturs bas adjurwed without electing. There Is a fellow up In Chicago organ izing a party to establish what he colls 'self executory laws" whatever that may be; there Is another set who are or ganizing a party in Indiana called the farmers party, there ors the men wbo want party to take evil taxation of! land; there are the Wharton Barker toll coders trying to steal the populist name aud a score of others all dissatisfied with this Mark Hanna McKlnley administra tion, every one of them for organizing a new party. All that is to Mai k'llan na's liking. Anything will suit him tbat will keep the dissatisfied and poverty stricken from voting tbe populist ticket. A DIRTY TRICK, Speaker Clark held the resolution to investigate the supreme court four days before he obeyed the order of ths house to appoint a committee and when he did appoint it be violated every rule of par liamentary law and common decency by leaving tbe mover of tbe motion, Mr. Hturgis, off tbe committee altogether. dud iue neignt oi impropriety was r a a a t t i m . reached when Speaker Clark appointed two lawyers who practice before the judges wbo are to be Investigated, and wbo were opposed to making any In vestigation at an. un the word of a discharged employee, tbe whole republl- can party reared up on end and demand ed tbe investigation of tbe auditor's office, but when It comes to investigat ing the republican wing of tbe state gov ernment they don't want any of it. Such a set of hypocrites never disgraced this world before. THE JENSEN HILL. If that Jensen bill passes tbe people will wish tbat tbey had never bad a leg islature at all. There Is more poesibill tu of hood's In It than was ever con talned in one act since legislation waa first invented. Conservative estimates of tbs amount of money tbat can be taken out of ths people by Its provis ions place It at not loss than a million dollars. As a protsctor of trusts it would maka old Ilockllnr smile. As an inquisitional proceeding It would give pointers to ths Czar's chief of polios. As a hold-up process it would beat ths old Jesse James gang two to one, Whatever the legislature may do It Is safa to say that such a law will never ha able to pass the present governor's scrutiny. FRANK IAMS v UUH' linnKilii ai th-OuiaM rUili'a ka.l AM. TIIK I'flOI'I.K-Ja ig- ruiHBl-.l.-i aal all TIIK lll'N in U lant"l Mit i4 kor Multll IU. U k M 1 Al.l.luSrt lhaa all eikihttwr llOHK If tNtttUt, llMltMl M, Mini i Iwn jaMMj Ftoriat pri wuir, Mm.. aiuaf- al ka4 lit , la , N-tc, a4 HI- Uuia fair as 4 Ik targ sialiloa and Hi ara (a t'.H, wwkl S.issiil. UnSRECEIVEOSI.320 rU.W&h. UU' "Hoy TnM" a4 "J tyl'M nnni,H Uri aa.l ! aoi-l tailua ia I M , ari ' ai.i at h.h, luaa, .Nhala aa t Hi, .o,a Imr. Vi:HK Sitt miuihN M vibtHtasal kipuaiiiua. laius ataat ka a Vara Mi J nl l-i rsltw, UM1 ka ilakNiaala eoaalry, a!1! lak-ih slaHios l (mmt-am at kr ia. Hat kail Ikta aoai lv gotstf U.rvri u lawa'baia ai t tm (- k-Hiltiuar wr lo ko low aiora auiiHiaa lhaa all eik .iii.rte in H. Mka. U.l garaaiaM.a4 lata p trigkv Usm Msse lu rpaitU partsa, MalOoa itkakg4. tmi $n4 nil hmt irt Mucotito We Pi Busiitcii With Ilia 1011 BALE- lin UiiM Uwch Taiu, Kipniiiou Wintiert, On U. P. ani a & M. R ST, PAUL. NEB. TAILEXDEKM. . If the republicans can succeed in their plans tbey will keep tbe United State forever trailing at the tail end of civili zation. There is not a civilized nation on earth today that does not own in wbolo or in partite railroads, telegraphs, its telephones or provide for savings banks where tbe poor can deposit tbelr little accumulations. Tlie republican party, fifty years behind tbe timet in everything that affects the public good under the new modern conditions that have arisen, fights every one of these things with the same bitterness that bas distinguished mossbacks ever since his tory began, Tbe other day tbe English parliament appropriated $10,000,000 to establish a system of telephones for the benefit of the British people. This they did, although the charge lor tele phone In London is only $H5.00 a year, while In New York it Is $240,00, Parti san prejudice and not common sens seems to be ths distinguished uhiiracter Istla of republican leaders as well as of the motley hoard of Ignorance that makes up the majority of their voting force. They all seem to be satisfied to be tho (alhmdors of clvlllzntion, MeftALL ALL IIICillT, The Kiica News, one of the leadlnir populist papers of Kansas, since the re. publwnn governor coma In stands no t'tr Web. McNall after the following fwb. Ion; Webb McNall has been removed tt give place to a hungry Incompetent. MCiiuii was one 01 trie best ofjlcers Kan sus ever had. and was a niouev unvi r t.n wry man who carries fiisuriines. War den Laadls of tb penitentiary is also on wienst lor dismissal, Jn total disre gard of fairness or Justice, Governor Stanley acts as judge Jury and execu tioner. News.of the Week f The foreign war that McKlnley Is car rying on resulted in a long list of killed and woundsd-averaglng about twenty each day. In the Philippines It is con tinual fighting all tbe time. The result appears to be, after ths most gallant cooduct by our brave boys, tbat tbe Filipinos bave been driven back soma twenty miles, suffering much heavier losses than tbey were able to inflict up -on our troops. Private letters begin to arrive describing tbs first fight which occurred mors than a month ago ia ' which th First Nebraska and it gal lant colonel bore such a conspicuous part. Th regiment covered itself with glory that day, Th colonel wo in th front all tbetlms and personally directed very movement. Everything bad been prepaied before hand and every man and officer knew bis place and took it on th first sound of tbe bugle, Ths medi cal department was at th firing lin and prepared to attend Immediately to tbe wounded. There was no Santiago business about tbat fight Great disturbances bav broken out in Cuba In and around Havana. There has been something that resembled very much a pitched battle In the street of "He That is Warm ' Thinks All So." Thousands are cold ' ' in that they do not understand the glow of health Thisim plies disordered kidneys, liver, bowels, blood or brain, Hood's Sarsaparilla makes warm" because it gives all who take it perfect health. Moods SaUapaiil HiaMt't fllll'iim llvaf IIUl lh eon Irrllatlnf n4 only rll.iOr la (tk UirjlH4'tSiMwilll IMPORTER AND BREEDER 100 Pcrehorona, UelKians. Shltrs-Olydes nml Coaonera